The Tarkov Weapon Builder You NEED To Try | Evo Ergo Tutorial

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what if I told you there was a way to build tof weapons with the best parts for your level an easy way to seat the best combinations of stocks and suppressors and allowed you to avoid overswing on your builds all without opening the game today we are looking at a concept called Evo Ergo which will change the way that you think about ergonomics as well as a tool DB for takarov's gun modding site which effectively replicates the in-game weapon Builder this has some extremely neat quality of life features but it's easier for me to just show you than simply talk about it the project today is a weapon build for the quest test drive this is where you have to kill 5 pmc's over 60 M away using an M1A with the hybrid 46 suppressor and a schmitten bender 128 scope and It's tricky because the M18 is a heavy beast and it's hard to mod properly so this is going to be our testing ground to Showcase how this website works so if you go to DB forar gun and then you get this Choice here caliber class or gun I usually just search here so we go M1A and the weapon will pop up as the base configuration this takes you into the weapon modding screen which is very much like it is an EFT from here you can see all the usual stuff ergonomics accuracy vertical recoil horizontal recoil and velocity and we've also got a couple of extra new things here overswing no or yes which kind of does what it says on the tin whether the weapon will have overswing or not because this calculator has the overswing calculator built into it so you don't need to use it anymore with the chart there's also this concept here of Evo Ergo Delta and this tells you how far away you are from that line so if you've seen my videos previously on overswing and trying to get guns under the overswing threshold this is now just an easy numeric way of figuring this out without having to use that website you can go into the settings in the top right corner and you can set your Trader levels here as well as your strength and this then determines your arm stamina because that was calculated using the in-game as well and the 80% headshot accuracy this basically uses the size of the average pmc's head and the accuracy statistic that you see up here to determine what the distance is that you will 80% likely get a headshot if you're aiming at the middle of somebody's head which is quite cool so in order to mod our gun you can see that we've got all the usual Parts here with magazines and rounds and whatever but this shows you some extra interesting stuff so within the actual muzzle breaks and the different attachments you can see that the recoil component comes up here minus 4 and minus1 for ergonomics and that's the same for every individual part on the gun itself you have this particular metric here which shows you the weight of the weapon when it's unloaded and when it is loaded if I remove an attachment so you right click on this then this goes away and this is the same because now it can't be unloaded or or loaded ignoring this one individual round so the goal here then is we're going to build the best weapon that we can for test drive without having overswing because that's usually the big problem with the M1A you have this horrible over swing ads effect when you're trying to use it and aiming at people is extremely irritating now if you try to use the different barrels this 22in Barrel basically makes it really really hard so we'll we'll show you first just to make sure that we can't do it this way and then we'll swap back to the 16 in so if we stick on the 22in barrel and we look at the muzzles here this is one of the really nice Parts about this particular website there's two different different tabs here the first one is just muzzle on its own so you can in theory click on one of these so if it's just a regular compensator it just adds it but if it's a two-part like the qdc you could click that and then another attachment piece appears here where you can add the muzzle there the alternative though is you can press combo and in combo this shows you the multi parts so this is like the blast mitigation device which has three pieces any suppressor that goes onto a compensator or flash hider first and what you can do here is you can order them by recoil by ergonomics and you can see which are the best overall for those particular categories which is very very nice so now that we're here in this menu I'm going to bring this right back to what I said at the beginning about this concept called Evo Ergo well what actually is Evo Ergo so the problem that you have with ergonomics is that not all ergonomics is made equal different amounts of ergonomics on different attachments will give you different effects because they weigh different amounts this is especially true with things like suppressors and stocks and Evo Ergo is trying to unify both of these things together what makes this complicated though is if anybody did go and study the shape of the curve for overswing depending on where you are in the ergonomics and weight combination actually depends how much weight is the equivalent to ergonomics this it changes as you move up and down the curve what Evo Ergo is trying to do is say that at any point on the curve if you go and add a particular attachment here how much weight does that also add as well and how much impact is that on your ergonomics this means that Evo Ergo is more comparable for things like ads speed and weapon overswing and that kind of thing rather than just looking at ergonomics on its own and allows us to as I said unify this particular concept which is very very cool so what we're going to do is we're going to in combo we will actually sort this by Evo Ergo and then you can see what the difference is obviously the Evo Ergo is best for things that are very very light like just single compensators so you do have to scroll down to try to find the first one that is a suppressor so we'll find the first multiart now as we can see here the Ultra 5 actually ends up coming above the hybrid 46 and that's because the Ultra 5 is so much lighter even though the Ergo is 24 versus 17 for the hybrid 46 it ends up being slightly better in Evo Ergo terms we have to use the hybrid 46 because that is what the quest requires and once you've done this there's another column here which is the Evo Ergo 2 recoil and when you switch this around this shows you things that are potentially better than what you have on at the moment so we passed up the Ultra 5 before we're getting a lot of recall points based on every amount of Evo Ergo that we give up which is the reason why the ratio looks crazy the double pluses here is in respect to the ordering up here so Evo Ergo and recoil a plus means that we're gaining Evo go and we're also gaining recoil as well so this thing is a straight upgrade obviously we have to use it for the quest so we're not going to be able to put that on here now the other part of this that we need is we need the Schmid and Bender scope so what we're going to do first is we're actually going to go and add the combo for the stocks we've got the SAS the empty Crosshair and the PRS gen 3 this is best for recoil but if we switch over to Evo Ergo then we actually want the SAS stock and the PDW Viper pistol grips wise again we'll just look up Evo Ergo this is pretty much what you'd expect because all the pistol grips weigh basically the same amount so we'll stick that on and then in terms of for grips you might also not be surprised to find that the strike Industries Cobra is the top one there so a lot of this like we kind of already know especially if you're used to weapon modding but this just makes it a little bit easy to compare and especially it' be very useful if any of these weapon rebalances happen from BSG if you click into the scope and look in this menu here we have to find the first set of ring mounts which is this one the GU Le super Precision which as you're probably aware I've used in a couple of my videos now which are the best for ergonomics even though they're a bit more expensive and we'll use the top ring cap and inside the scope itself we're just going to pick one we have to use the pm1 to8 scope so we'll put that in like this now the problem here is that we need to add a magazine if we look at these mags we could be use a 10 rounder in theory that does actually increase our Evo Ergo but makes it very very small you can do this and you can end up with the recoil that we've got here vertical recoil of 90 and that does actually have a positive Evo Delta and no overswing so when you aim this gun you won't get an overswing which is quite good we could also stick on a front sight as well put the chist Defiance on there too but whether you actually want to use 10 rounds is really another question the problem is as soon as you jump up from the 10 round mag to the 20 round mag you can actually see the difference here now there's a few important points right we've got plus4 Ergo from the 10 rounder and minus three from the 20 rounder the magazines are one of these important categories where ammo going in there changes the weight a lot it's like one of the biggest differences between fully loaded and unloaded and the ergonomic change effect due to this Evo Ergo statistic if you look at like the 50 round drum for example going from ergo of plus4 to -7 seems pretty bad but when you look at the weight this thing goes from 160 G to 700 g but that's empty we've now got full ammo weight which includes the magazine by the way so this goes from 400 G now which is all of the ammo added into this and it is based on this particular round down here so this is for M8 this is now 400 G for the 10 rounder and 1.9 kg for the 50 round drum so the change in Evo Ergo for full ammo which is Fae goes from 1.6 to minus 56.9 if we add this you see we're like well into the overswing territory and it's crazy this is the same for the 20 rounder too we actually dip below this Evo Ergo Delta into the negative which brings our overswing to yes which means that when you aim the gun you will start getting overswing it's quite a harsh effect from having a small positive you don't get any overswing at all even going down to something like minus 4us 5 you start getting this overswing mechanic which is really annoying so if you do want to use a lower recoil version of this particular gun then you probably have to use the 10 round mag if you're using the long barrel if you are happy using a smaller magazine you can probably tweak this Evo erer Delta a little bit closer to zero and get some better recoil without introducing the overswing effect this is pretty much more relevant for dmrs that are really heavy like the M1A and the assas is probably another good Contender cuz you're not really so obsessed with ads speed per se but you just don't want to have that overswing effect present now there is one small issue with the M18 in this Builder which is on the combo if you change to one of these then it actually removes whatever for grip you had on there because it's part of the SAS chassis which is a small shame I'm sure that could probably get fixed relatively easily but what we're going to do is use the combo charts to at least just look at what's best and then we can slowly move down so if we look at the M7 A1 PDW we can swap to that and just going move back to stocks here and then do it that way so we'll just stick that on that takes our Evo Ergo to 7.8 we get slightly better recoil the next one after that is the A and the GL core so if I go and add that manually the A and then onto this we'll add the GL core butt stock these are all at the top anyway cuz the Evo ego is so high that's actually you know already getting better without necessarily affecting our Evo ero overswing now if we don't want to do like this and if we want to use the 16-in barrel instead I'm going to stick on the combo again for the hybrid 46 because we have to use this there are other ways of going about this to make it what we want so if we go back to our combo of stocks we go to Evo Ergo again we stick on the Viper I'll put the vertical for grrip back on now we can actually get away with a 20 round magazine cuz this puts us to an EVO Ergo of zero this is right on the threshold of having an overswing and I went to go and test these and it does in fact not have any overswing at all which is quite good so now we've got 20 rounder rather than the 10 which for me personally using a DMR style weapon is just much more appealing but if we go to the 30 rounder then the evogo is just nowhere near good enough because the extra 10 Rounds weigh too much and so you end up in the overswing territory there so you can't use them so you have to use the 20 so this is really the way to use this particular calculator there another couple of little features in here which is sort of interesting as we said before you can set your Trader level on this if you put your traders to whatever they are at the moment and do confirm there's actually a button up here which says only trade a level so this then shows you as you move around the different menus it shows you the parts that you can buy at that particular Trader level and it's only the Traders it doesn't include the flea market which is pretty cool and you can see the trader level just here next to it as well it's got like the price and it's also got the trader with the trader level that you need to be to be able to access that stuff so if I just get rid of that you can see in the list again if we go back to like the stocks for example you can see that you know there's level two level two level three so this could just help a lot with building stuff that's actually appropriate for your particular level that's basically it it's got an estimate of the prices down here as well I mean there's barters and stuff that it probably doesn't take into account so you know make of that what you will but I do think that this is a useful tool for just kind of test Bing stuff and stops you from having to use the chart for the overswing this is very useful for just plugging a build in and seeing what the overswing is going to look like that's probably the best part about this in my opinion but the combos are really good as well just for looking at what's good and what's not giving you a handy resource where you don't need to you have a spreadsheet or use my sheet I'll probably still use some of my spreadsheets because you know it's got every single possible combination in all its gory detail but if you want a reference guide then this is a pretty good one to look at so as usual a big shout out to all my patrons and as always have fun in your raids
Channel: Gigabeef
Views: 34,571
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Id: U2qBxsJeB5g
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Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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