INTERVIEW with NIKITA - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is pestian welcome to another skate from Taco video today I have something very special for you I had a couple hour conversation with Nikita talking about all the stuff you guys have wanted to talk about all the stuff from the development what's coming on in the future the cheating issues the sound bugs all that stuff I went to Twitter and my YouTube Community post and I made posts you guys sent thousands of comments even someone commented on Reddit and so I read all those ones too and I try to give everyone a voice no matter you know if you were someone who never heard of before or big content creators I Tred to give everyone a voice to give as much uh you know opportunity for them people to be heard and that was really the whole point of the conversation it's not really an interview it's more of a conversation so some parts of the interview it's literally just Nikita writing notes and you'll see him write a lot of notes and uh we had a little bit of a discussion after the recordings just to go over like was it worthwhile and all that and he said there was a lot of great points brought up and they took lots of notes which you'll see it's broken up into two parts it was getting quite late on the first night so we decided to take a break and then finish the second half that's why it's recorded in two different parts and so uh you know there's literally two different recordings and I'll put some of my thoughts at the end if you guys are interested or not so without further Ado let's crack straight into it so I uh I wrote out on Twitter and YouTube and then also um people came out on Reddit talking about this this chat so I literally read thousands of comments um there was I want to emphasize right now that um there were a lot of comments that were saying that they really love the game and make sure you know that and a lot of these comments just coming out of like you know things that have pissed people off or upset people over the time or or just like the the questions about like they want to know what's going on and stuff so there there there was a lot and I've tried my best to streamline it all as much as possible I think what we've seen in the past is we've had um every time that escap for taco is like going through highs and lows and all that battle State Games kind of well all of a sudden like they'll they'll start off with really great communication and and you guys like you will start off really great communication then I think what happens is you end up getting really busy with work and you're so focused on making the game that people kind of forget or they they feel like you guys forget about the community and in the past we've had you know you guys would just send out like hey we're working on this right now and all that kind of stuff I think um I guess one of the questions is do you guys have more room to give more transparency moving forward on um you know what you guys are working on like monthly updates or even fortnite like every two weeks just send out a Twitter post or an in-game message um with information releases to uh make it more available for us to know what's actually going on behind the scenes um because I feel like one of the biggest uh grievances I think is people feel like you guys just take the community for granted and that there's not enough communication coming out of battle State games uh of course we're not taking it like this because literally it's all about so everything single thing that we try to do and we plan to do it everything revolves around the community what they want the quality of life things the additional I think for example we plan to release starting to release the big uh like tutorials about the game like they done really great for those who are still struggling for the newcomers and everything and uh a lot of things we do and a lot of things while we do it we think about the community but I understand that sometimes it's not enough transparency sometime we just we don't have any like information about what's going on and yes seems like at some points we are sharing the plans we're sharing the road maps and everything but I believe we just can't make it stay in the plan of the like for example Community Management plan or something I don't know why I literally right after this interview will ask people like what's going on how we can how we can make it more transparent and give more information about uh development process all I can say that we are not we we doing it not on purpose we are doing it like just literally as you said we got overwhelmed with work and uh sometimes I believe it's just not not enough information for you guys so yeah that's that's the point the other thing is I think people feel like it goes both ways so people want to get dare information to you guys but they don't feel like they're heard sometimes and I'm asking the question right now is what do you deem the best way for the community either as an individual or as a whole to be able to say hey this is upsetting us or this is something we're excited about hear us when it comes to some problems in the game or some imp infections or some like broken stuff usually it's pretty fast so the the signals go pretty fast so literally we we know about like something is uh really bad pretty quick uh because literally there's a lot of people in the community there's a lot of chats there is a lot of places where people can say about like what's going on and also the support so some information is getting through like The crucial information about some broken stuff like 907 7% of the information goes through and uh it seems okay so I'm not sure how we could make a thing so literally all of the community have an option to speak it out loud and like send the information with a 100% chance that it will be received I don't know how we we could do it because literally the community is millions of people yeah so I I've got a few points to bring up that might help and but also reiterate stuff you've said in the past so um you've said that when people do like detailed Reddit posts and stuff like that um you guys read it so you know like say someone writes a big Reddit post on an issue within the game if it's well written and detailed you guys hear it and you read it is that something that you like obviously still use and and and stuff like that or YouTube videos and stuff like that so doesn't so people that are don't have a voice normally like they're can't they're not a content creator but they use Reddit is that still something you guys pay attention to of course like we pay attention to R we pay attention to YouTube and uh we we try to to to react pretty Hasty is literally uh again we are not doing it on purpose like we are sitting there and just like doing stuff of course we trying to fix as fast as possible but sometimes we got overloaded and sometimes I mean constantly actually we constantly get overloaded and sometimes is just like unbearable amount of work and uh when it comes uh to some kind of big problem that got through got like away from us but it kind of popped in the community uh of course uh we instantly trying to recalibrate our priorities and everything so yeah like still like the the voices can be heard on the like popular platforms we like we see it instantly like the links going through and uh we use that for sure yeah do you know the game RuneScape yes I've never played it um which is a shocking thing to a lot of people but uh inside that game they actually have a polling system for the active player base and I I always thought uh it's it's a very interesting thing that if you guys could put some sort of polling system from within the game you would be out to hear the voice of um the people that actually playing the game not someone hasn't played the game in 3 years who's like pissed off about the game or whatever or they you know they don't don't have the game installed anymore you could literally ask like are you happy with the boss born percentages are you happy with like in very simple questions and people can just do it on the main menu and it's just a yes or no you don't have to keep them really if if that was in the game I feel like people would actually just even if not saying don't I'm not saying to do this but even if it did nothing I feel like people would feel like they're being hurt a bit more we planned we we planed as this actually we have this in plan we even have a designs for that so I believe someday it will be in the game so more stuff to get the info to get the stats from players so it's plan we plan the polls in the launcher we plan the polls in the game So eventually for the release we will increase the amount of tools which will allow you to share your information easily with us and our information easily with you too so yeah it's planned like just mention still what's going on right now we are working on the release and it means that we are polishing the game we're adding stuff we polishing stuff it will not be something that the game changing stuff and everything it's more like about the actual completing the game making it like stable solid and uh this is it and that's why some of the tools are still not in the game so we will need push it through uh this year so yeah um and and the reason one discussing this in such details there was a lot of questions about communication uh and so that's why like I'm not trying to be like annoying and be like N I talk to us more but if I don't bring up this stuff I feel like this is the the backbone of like probably a lot of people's uh either you know just thought processes when it comes to escaping taret it's like oh we don't even know what's happening so I don't know if it's possible but if you could organize a way to even just have like a monthly breakdown of what's been going on or a um even just you just do like a t of TV but less formal you know just jump on a Twitter um like there's like those Twitter things where you can talk and no one else can talk uh and and you can just talk about what's been going on I think that would probably go a long way with just helping people feel like they're being heard or at least know what's going on because they this is this community is one of the most passionate communities of video games I've ever heard heard of it they're they're they love it but it it yeah they're very passionate let's use that yeah they love it and they hate it and it's like one step forward one step back at first you love the game then you HTE it then you love it again I totally get it I 10 years already in that so I can feel that this is how it works this is how it it was done and of course not everybody will be happy but hopefully hopefully we'll we will decrease the number of unhappy people but adding stuff what you need fixing stuff what what what what is needed and everything so yeah as always will try to do it cuz literally the release is one of the not one of the important thing it's the most important thing actually and that's why we need to force a lot of things in really like a lot of stuff we need to it need to be done and uh it's yeah it must be good it must be good cuz we need to we need to point the exclamation mark after the escape from tar not like the com or something like like it must be done like really good yeah moving on road map so what does 2024 look like and when's the wipes this this is a big question I've got a lot of points for this so uh the WIP will be in summer and the next one will be in the end of the the year so this year is more about the inner stuff so literally we do a lot of stuff for the release for example uh the storyline quests and all the functionality will be in release version as I said before it will not be released before the release so that's why pretty big part of team working on uh storyline quests like the the biggest the first the first one which will allow you to escape from tarov and also we we making the prestige system and many many stuff related for the vibe season kind of uh thing and uh yeah so big part of work is related to that also the graphics rework Graphics rework will be released earlier just to test it other than that there's a lot of features and polishing but not as much as it was in in the last year the year before uh so mostly it's about polishing I guess fixing and adding something to the game I know like disclose uh everything right now because literally I plan to do it on the T TV T of TV yeah but something like that so we are focusing on the release and there's a lot of stuff purely for the release only so that's why you don't you to yeah so um will we get another road map could we get another road map for uh for what this year looks like yeah it we definitely bring in the new road map for sure uh what new features and game mechanics uh are meant to be released with or before 1.0 again you will see you will see that I will show you okay okay okay um I can disclose lit it's not too much but still I canot disclose them so uh okay I'm going to keep pushing you on everything so um a lot of people are asking what the finished product would look like um so so one of the big questions is will the maps be connected and or will it be open world uh yeah they will be connected uh for sure open world is not the thing for the release for sure it's uh too much yeah so they will be connected because literally the first connection we're like actually doing it for the for the last location for the terminal location yeah and just just say everyone at home knows there's a little bit of a delay I'm in Australia Nikita is in Russia so if we over talk each other it's not because I'm trying to be rude it's just it feels like there's meant to be a pause and yeah so I just don't wanted to be very clear about that so you did touch on it before there will be WS when 1.0 comes out uh is it going to be like a seasonal like there's the standard Prof there will be several profiles there will be main account without vipes and the seasonal account with Prestige system so the prestige system is pretty big thing actually pretty big it will give you not only like the the count of uh number like you escape from T if you you completed the vipes but also it will give you a lot of unique stuff and that's why we're forcing it also for the release so the prestige system will be pretty big thing um yeah and uh there will be wipes there will be wipes and uh we will like wipe for us uh like it all will be connected with the prestige system how exactly it will be connected we are still thinking about it but I think you will need to escape from T of every single vipe if you you are escaping completed the whole mission the quest and you like you got one of the several Endings by the way and uh you will receive uh like the point you will receive the Prestige Point and you will receive a lot of bonuses a lot of cool stuff that will keep with you during wipes so it's pretty interesting stuff are there going to be more traitors within the game like like prepper will we see him in the game okay least we plan to add one more Trader and this Trader will be linked to Arena so another pretty big thing is going is linkage EFT and Arena and all the functionality actually like a lot of work is going in Arena like a lot of stuff we are redesigning like on the go and one of the main features that we want to add pretty soon is the linkage for the EFT and the ability to pair stuff between accounts so it's also pretty big thing and we will add special for that so we'll need to earn special items special like credit thing yeah something like that and you'll able to spend it in EFT uh so it will be another source of income with the unique Trader um I'm also I should have said this at the very beginning I i' I've forgot another discussion going on with Arena and about and battle games and escap and and niker and that so I'm going to keep this focused on escap from tarov because otherwise we will spend the rest of Liv talking um but no but it's good to bring it up it's good to bring it up I'm not I'm not saying not talk about it but if there was a lot of questions about Arena as well and I've got that separate for another conversation at another point in time um so yeah the map terminal what can you tell us about that no it's just the it's just like it's ending location it's not like the raid location it will be kind of single player mission that we need to complete and that's it Prett unique functionality will also will be there so we are trying to make it like Dynamic and stuff uh again to add something new to the EFT to have such kind of mission again every every single thing that we do in the game we plan to reuse like to add something like that in the future for example we will add BTR for the woods and it will be pretty soon yeah cool now some of the other things I'm bringing up as stuff for you've brought up over the last few years and just seeing if that's still coming you don't have to go into too much detail if it is or not it's up to you but Clans alliances corporations I know in the road map of 2018 you said it was coming soon but then you said later on it would be coming out after 1.0 is that still on the most likely yeah it will it will come after 1.0 as a DLC and uh yeah like like again the big functionality for that because it's not like T Clan te or something it's like a lot of things in there and that's why we wanted to pick it up uh like a DLC I'm conscious State and the use of a defib in game still like at the state of R&D like a lot of stuff like animations like additional kind of stuff Advanced animations they would being done constantly but I don't know when exactly we should actually implement it because it's a game Cher and it will bring a lot of testing a lot of bucks and everything so I think we'll edit someday I guess but we will see so right now we are not like forced but yeah kind forced to cut things out really because otherwise it will go out for another year another year another yeah yeah so that's why we need to just push it and just cut it out and uh move forward so some features will be packed later for the DLC some features will be totally cancelled so yeah it's it's it's a usual thing lock picking again like we have all the animations we have all of the designs everything but it's not that priority to add that but again uh it will be pretty easily implemented want we want to implement CU there will be new boss and this boss will come I really want it to come with the functionality of booby traps and M fields and placing mins and everything so that's why like it draws additional like area of work related to the mindes and mind diffusing yeah say we meant to diffuse the minds and that yeah PMC Kaa right now I kind of thinking about that it will be added uh not straightforward it will be some concealed uh characteristic of of your player you will not know at at the first time how exactly you should lower it or make it higher of course the data miners will data mine the [ __ ] of the game and they will know how to do it so there's a lot of stress about PMC karma is is it going to be in a way that it'll only affect you in a minor way or is it going to be like if you don't play the game how you're meant to with the PMC Karma side of things it's going to stop you from progressing so what I mean by that is is it going to be in a way that you might just not be able to buy a couple of things or maybe if you're a bad man you'll get like access to certain type of clothing whereas like if you're a good person you'll get like I don't know the the really nice clothing or something is it going to be down that path or is it going to be like actually gam stopping so right now the first thing that you want to implement related to the um car is that we will add new boss and uh he will be a bounty hunter and we will actually hunt hunt players with the Bad Karma and that's it for now okay so he will he will hunt you down if you have a low Karma like for example uh if you will sit in the bushes too long at the extraction it will count the negative Karma and we will have different things like that to lower it or get it higher so yeah okay we will test it out but it will not be shown yet because we will test it we will see how it will go and then we will implement it fully um that's all I've got for the road map side of things I want to move on to uh the unity update um what will it bring uh and when are we going to expect it this year for sure we're still shifting it because we don't have time like big chunks of work and big amount of testing related to that so we still planned for this year I don't know the exact date but it's planned for this year for sure I'm not a game developer and I've never the most I've ever coded is is a game called Tic Tac Toe what exactly does a Unity update bring like different new tools so inside tools for like for actual game development like corrected pipelines Senor pipelines of like graphic pipelines and everything which will allow us to add more stuff and change more stuff related to Graphics uh I believe there is something related to the new networking and overall like a lot of buck fixes a lot of optimizations within the engine so it definitely will bring some optimizations for that and generally speaking it's just a new like software and with with the fixes and a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed because literally because we are making the most expensive and complicated game in terms of the actual production for the unity it's always a struggle for us to keep all of the all of the scenes together loaded to work with it in in the in the engine and the new version like eventually and logically they fix stuff they optimize stuff within the engine within the editor and it will run faster and it allow us to build faster work faster and generally speaking is just like an updated tool for that in general like I said I'm not in development and I don't understand a lot about it but I have an idea I guess if it brings a lot of optimization like there there is people out there at the moment that still can't play Streets for example why and and I'm not trying to be rude but why isn't getting to the latest version of unity like the thing that you should try and get done first no it will not it will not give like the huge impact it will not give us like the huge performance boost for the streets because streets still getting optimized with our own hands with our own tool that we buil and it's just about it so it's just a really complicated really big location that needs to be additionally optimized like manually and uh the new version of unity will not give some like the big amount of optimization for that like I think it will be something like like noticeable but not too much because literally we still need to do a lot of stuff by ourself to optimize it okay like I said I I I I'm probably not the best person to be asking the questions but it's probably also a good reason why I'm asking the questions cuz I don't know like I don't understand how easy it is to just change to the next engine um so that's not easy yeah I wouldn't deem it be easy but at least need to ask about it so I'll move on to the next topic cuz I have a lot of things to talk about so I'm just we can't talk about stuff forever microtransactions so I'll start with this question and we'll move on from there but what can we expect to see with microtransactions more clothing more clothing for sure we will add some new stuff in April some uh like like not like 100% unique but something new for that and uh that's it for now so we are not planning adding anything or so we will add more clothing and we will keep it for that moment so we will not anything like as I said before many many times like boosters equipment packages currency packages and so on we will not add it so it will be only about closing and what we have in the game right now so it's a stash expansion and like Cooperative mode yeah ability play there is a question about a few people asking because they missed out on buying Edge of Darkness will you Edge of Darkness ever return turn or will it be sold in bits so for example would they be able to buy the gamma container at any point there will be new version of the game pretty soon okay and they'll be able to get the gamma container there yeah there will be gamma container there and also like other pretty cool stuff is it going to be better than Edge of Darkness yes okay now this one is a bit to this question so just hear me out a lot of us by usam mean creators by multiple accounts is it possible that you could make it that you could have more than one character on the same account and you could even sell those extra character slots on the One account so then I could have my main USC PMC but then I want to play a hardcore playthrough and I could buy that say for $10 I could have another character and I I have to pay $40 to buy a whole new account I could have it all on the One account is that something that You' be open to in the future or or maybe just out a Goodwill give us a second character and then we could buy the third and fourth there will there will definitely just something about that for sure cuz I know that it's way too easier to have all the characters in one account not switching off and everything and it it it can be done pretty easily so yeah most likely there will be additional characters like for example a Darkness Edition will receive one character for free I don't know like something like that there we are it's it's not that we are doing right now but we planning for sure I know this is me just venting but every time I have to switch account cuz sometimes I'll like log into my main account to do my to do my Bitcoin farm and then I go back to my hardcore account I have to do the capture and I must be a pure [ __ ] robot because I can never get the captures done so like it's actually really agitating when I get locked out of my account because I can't do a capture all right this is the topic that everyone screams and you know what it's going to be we need to talk about cheaters there's a few things that um were very common with the the people's comments and questions so uh I'll start at the top and we'll just go from there so a lot of uh questions about client side authentification and serice side authentification and apparently like and by the way I have no [ __ ] clue about how cheats work but apparently because a lot of the actual loot is client side people can make cheats that can get loot really easily or know where the places are of loot really easily it's not that easy it's not that easy we don't have a loot on client's site everything on the server side but we have like a lot of checks on the client to optimize the networking and stuff and they finding and like imp Perfections in COD and also some like uh how do I say it abuses of the of the nature quote of unity and everything so it's not that easy it's not like we have like half of the game on on a on the client side it's also like it every single time when when we close something for the cheaters they find another way and we close it and they find another way and it's on going process and eventually it will be too hard for them because we are planning to add more stuff for the cheater for anti cheats uh like we have our inside Solution that's already working like for a long time the detection system and also the antich system where they working together so we'll add some more stuff to that pretty soon I think we'll be testing it on Arena first and then we'll add it to EFT it's not that easy it's not that easy people don't understand how it works people don't understand how exactly code works and how actually sheit works so yeah it's it's not that easy are you open to more invasive any Che uh were thinking about it and literally the only thing that bothers me a lot it will be it will draw a lot of FPS a lot of FPS and you'll like people will start struggling playing on other locations and of course somebody will say like it's okay better play without the cheaters but I I I cannot ruin player base with that pretty St decision just to to install invas F [ __ ] but still there is some kind of not like invasive invasive techniques but some technical stuff that can be done can be switched on and uh it will allow like it will not allow shats to run actually and we will see how it will go yeah but uh like the invasive anti [ __ ] like it's it's like it's it's not like it's a no goal for us but right now du due to our architecture due to Unity and overall complexity of the game it will ruin the performance a lot yeah I I need to just emphasize because and and I'm just going to stray away from the questions for a moment if there's one thing that makes people quit this game more than anything is when they feel like they've died of cheaters I I if I if I was to say there was one thing they would go I'm not playing this game anymore is if they've had multiple instances in a day where they've just gone you know what I think these guys were cheating [ __ ] this game I'm out and and I as much as like it might take an FPS hit I guess with every year that passes we get better computers and all that so hopefully people can eventually get to the point where they've got a computer good enough but I think if there was one thing drawing people away from this game more than anything is cheaters and so I've got a lot of points and questions to bring up on this cheating topic but I just needed to emphasize that right here because yeah they you can't even open up Reddit without at least five out of the [ __ ] first 10 post being about cheaters and what do you think of these stats mobile phone authentification we have this authentification for the specific uh regions and uh it it doesn't work because literally all the cheaters mostly use like the virtual SIM cards and everything so it's a pretty like easy for them to change their numbers and everything so uh yeah like again it's not that easy it literally we will would implemented it long time ago but yeah like there is like options there is options for like to have additional modification uh and uh something will be done for the release for sure like we need to add something for that and uh maybe even to start forcing players to make some changes in the system if you want to play like in the cheer free environment you need to make some changes with your PC but again it will it will hit the player basic because literally not everyone understand how exactly he should go there he should go to the BOS and change some things in in in BOS for example and uh yeah it's it's not that easy again like to to to make some kind of changes on the goal and uh it need it needs to be it's not a simple solution I understand that yeah yeah we need to look into it we need to to get the statistics and everything so um I think another thing people would really like is a way to report people besides being from Death particularly I know on uh oce servers but also around the world you'll see people in um in Factory just loading in and dying over and over again to tank their kill death and it's very obvious like they just go in there they're running around they got like a macro to make them run around in circles and all that so would it be possible for um to get something implemented into the game where we can report just literally via someone's name and it doesn't mean they're going to get banned but it just means they get looked at by actual actual human um because obviously if someone's got like 1400 raids and they got 1,200 deaths but they've got like a 40 kill stre 40 survive streak you know that like they went on a 40 Rampage and then they went to factory to tank their KD it gets pretty obvious when you see these people in Factory um so I think and and that would also incorporate people being able to report suspicious people on the flea market you know someone who's got a 40h hour account but has like 80 flea market rep and they're selling a 100 graphics cards they want people want to be able to report these people cuz they're frustrated when they see them they're like can how obvious is this person cheating and is it that this person is cheating but we can't even [ __ ] report him and that pisses people off so I think it would go a long way if we have another method in which we can report people besides just dying this is another question that um comes up and I think I understand why it's there but I think it might be time for for some action to take place but bulk account sales most people just are not buying bulk accounts because of uh they're going to buy it for all their mates I think generally speaking these bulk accounts would most likely be bought by cheaters or people were stoling credit cards to buying masses and [ __ ] and less likely that people are buying an account for their friend I i' I've B bulk myself to give away on for events and stuff but I think you know most people don't like it just even a being there I'm just being honest telling you how it is how people perceive it so Li limit the sell know this accounts how you you're like thinking about that or something no cuz when you go to buy escap from tarov you can buy four accounts for a discount yes yeah okay I get it there's a few people asking is it possible for you to sue the cheat developers um apparently Halo did it and uh was successful so can you go out and find him and sue him is that possible it's possible but it's not like the the Speedy process usually it takes up to one year or half the year or even higher to to get them into leag perspective and we are walking that direction but it's it's not easy to do again because literally it takes a lot of time if it comes to the the legal processes and everything is there any plan to implement the kill cam from Arena into the main game either post raid or or in any shape or form because I think that also would help people understand that they didn't die to cheaters they died to being outskilled or they they did die to a cheater and they weren't outskilled um so either post Raid kill cam uh when the servers finished like it runs out of the raid can they go back and watch it I think that would help also people being more accurate with reporting of cheaters uh it can be done but it will we will need a lot of time to make it right a lot of time to make it workable like to to store this replay somewhere with that amount of like the raing sessions that we are having right now uh it will be like too too hard for us if we will try to to make it like start to make it right now we will spend like several months or even more time for that and we cannot allow that to be happen because literally we have more important stuff to do and uh we will think about it we will think about something that will give like clarification additional clarification how how you how you that actually we'll think about okay and the last one I have is and I know you said no in the past but I'm going to ask again compens so when you get a successful report did someone just get like I don't know 100,000 rues it's not that much but it makes them feel like they got something for it or are you worried about people Mass reporting every single death in case they get some money back people will start Mass reporting right and another thing that we should know like if if that that particular guy were reported by several people yeah we need to find how to share it between people and give them all the same amount money okay hey I don't know how much you players SC for tacle but people blow through money very quickly so even if you were to give out 100,000 rubles to every person that died to a cheater maybe even okay hear me out this could be a little bit crazy but maybe every single person died to that cheater that got banned gets a little bit of rubles doesn't even have to be the person that reports him it's just someone who dies to a cheater when they get banned they go hey you died to a cheater here is some compensation and then people would actually feel like they actually got something for for it or something I don't know I don't know I'm just I don't know that you you you're the brains I'm just handing out the cigarettes I'm the instigator but yeah if I think people just want to feel like they're not being as punished as bad from dying to cheaters they want to feel like they can report people that they know we cheating but they see some [ __ ] will go into a raid fly around someone be like haahaha you can't report me and then they'll [ __ ] off you know like that that [ __ ] happens you know and if you double tap for people that don't know this you t double tap why and you go report VoIP it actually shows their name I'm pretty sure or it says reported their it reports them or something so um there is a way to actually still report those people but it's still it's frustrating when people can see a cheater on a flea market or or tanking their K and they can't report him um and I'm I'm sorry I'm emphasizing this cheating topic so much but it it's there was out of all the comments there was pretty much two things that were stand out which was the communication and the and the cheating so I'm just trying to really nail down the point that people want to get H that um they're frustrated and uh and they want more ways to be able to help eliminate as many cheaters as possible and also um you know if they can get compensation that'd be great but at least help just [ __ ] them off so then they don't quit the game so then the play Bas stays strong and less toxic all right that's all the questions I have for cheating let's go back to the more fun stuff there is a lot of people that are really excited about the Achievement System myself included the the track suit for killer achievement could this actual achievement be changed to once you have the achievement you can buy it from that point onwards cuz killing killer 100 times is actually very difficult and if someone goes to the effort of farming 100 killers they want to be a to buy it without having to farm them 50 times again each time um so would that be an actual option in the future instead of you know in the when you go to like services on ragman just say instead of having the quest complete could it be have the achievement of killing killer 50 times or 100 times and then that way they could buy at the start of a one and be like hey I'm one of those people that have you know killed killer 100 times I don't need to I get my uh my tracksuit or whatever you mean like it you'll be persistent through wipes correct okay uh and and I I'm an achievement fiend okay back from my World of Warcraft days I was like a fiend on them Capper achievement there is no achievement for a Capper I I feel like that should be the base achievement like there should always be that CER achievement in there cuz a lot of people that's their end goal hey I got to do the C container and that's a very big achievement for a lot of people people like me who have no life playing escap from Taco all all the day you know I can get it in a week whereas a lot of people sometimes never get it and when they finally do get it it's just nice to them to have that achievement for getting the ca container and then this has gone back to my water of Warcraft stuff but in water of Warcraft there's Feats of Strength so what that means is uh it's an achievement that's specific to an event so for example you got the kapper in patch 14.1 white you get like an achievement for that white Capper and that could also unlock stuff like a certain armband or something to say and this could work for some of like your Halloween event and all the other events you got going on having those Feats of Strength out there you could do a cool event you get an achievement for it but it's not like stopping people from getting 100% achievements it's just kind of saying that hey you did something cool in the game uh would you be a to would you be open to doing doing those in the future possible I could talk about achievement all day but I'll leave that one there matchmaking this is probably one of the things that was talked about a fair bit do you have more things in place to help improve the time to load into raid or streamline the process uh yes because again like the matchmaking in Arena it differs and we test new stuff for match maker in Arena first and uh of course if we will have something that will boost it up I believe we already have it but we need to test it on Arena so we will Implement in the EFT too so yeah it's also going well actually ask anyway so with the addition of grand zero will there be new features or more features added to help new players over the hurdles starting the game you did talk about you're in process of doing the tutorial stuff yes can you elaborate more or is that more for tacov TV it will be YouTube uh Clips YouTube movies I know seen YouTube uh videos YouTube videos yes I'm starting like to Ling it YouTube videos like describing like in a visual way with the commentary how to play the game and it will be several I think four or five big movies related for the like tutorials it I believe it will give a lot of information for the newcomers and for those who are already playing and uh I think we will integrate them somehow in the game maybe in launcher or something so will help people start playing the game p your live stuff so I got a I've got a few on this list in Arena you've got um more decimal places on sensitivities and you've also got you I think you can type the sensitivity you want is that stuff going to get switched it it's switched over to the main game as well um yes and also like stuff like showing the pen and damage of ammo in the main game is that coming the when you're loading into a raid can we I know you can't make it so you can change stuff within your stash but would you be able to make it so we can at least view our stats our teammate stats uh potentially start crafts or or have something um a game of pong against with your teammates or or Tetris I don't know just something that when you're loading into a raid that you've got something going on so it's not just a matchmaking we are we're thinking about it again for the release to add something like in this particular time to have some options to make something in the game and uh yeah yeah most likely we will add some features for that Das container locking it's also planned like it's actually even down in some branch in of the development it's done but not tested and yeah like it's planned for a long time ago I don't know why it it's still doesn't have it in the game but yeah it will be in the game one time or another would it be possible for us to understand the weather better and what I mean by that is the forecast sometimes says it's like cloudy and you get in there and it's like pissing down with rain or it's foggy um just so people I think the grievance here and the comments here were based around you would load in with a sniper r or planning to do a sniping Mission cuz there's a lot of them you get into a raid and it's really foggy and it's like well I can't even snip now you know I'm trying to get my shooter born in heaven done or my T of shooter Quest done and I've wasted my time loading into a raid getting in there and going hey I can't even do the quest I wanted to do um so people would like to request better understanding of what's going with the weather okay um and then either a way to save or or something the weapon when you make a gun being able to make sure it starts on fully automatic with lasers on or laser setups in a certain way um you know when you go into the into the firing range and you change how your gun like looks and all that kind of you know what I mean like how your presets are on your gun for example you know you want this laser on or whatever uh and and set the full auto or or the holographic say for example using a cobas site um a way to save it so that way when you go into a raid you don't have to change it every time you go into a raid to have it how exactly how you want a lot of questions about the armor system and the new and the new hit boxes and all that do you want to elaborate what your thoughts are currently with um how you see it and is this the final iteration how you no no it's not the final iteration we're changing it we will change it for the arena first so we will change the heat boxes to make it at least more predictable in fights and it's not it's not uh it's not the final condition on the armor plate yeah cuz a lot of people are feeling like it's it's I guess RNG you're shooting at someone and not knowing if it's going to be a Kill Shot or if it's like you're hitting them in the plates and all that this is probably one of the Grievances I have um but it came up as well was fragmentation it's a complete it will be REM it will be removed will be removed perfect I've literally got it here as I wish it was removed so it's good um I'll move on recoil uh modifications like so four groups and stuff at the moment it gives a base percentage is it possible are you going to change it so instead it goes a percentage to horizontal recoil and vertical recoil or is it going to be a flat percentage base moving forward we plan to separate it now um particularly in Arena I know this annoys a lot of people I've got big improvements this work with recoil but the following is still annoying in both main game and Arena and don't add to immersion just frustration and that's um head recoil and blurry vision so when you're getting shot it's like you your head's like going like oh sorry when you're shooting your head's going like this while you're shooting but like guns in your shoulder it's not moving your head but your head's you shoot like lots as well um the the head recall when shooting is is annoying and also blurry vision so when you're shooting and you're getting shot at it makes it you people go oh I hit him in the head when they really they didn't but they couldn't tell because it was blurry and also aim punch has always been a topic that everyone hates it feels like there's always way too much aim punch can we get reduction in both of in all three of these really head recoil blurry vision and aim punch I think that would make people feel a lot more like I don't want to use the word competitive shooter but at least like somewhat realistic need to think about it cuz it's too low already but if you'll remove it totally it will look not okay so if you will remove totally like the the head recoil will be look bad I don't like it how it looks actually because literally it's only guns rotates and that's it it's not cool buta we'll think about it what about inertia um it still feels very boaty at level one I know last about a year ago um I think Trey and veritas put a put a lot of effort into explaining how the game was getting to the point where it felt way too bod and all that we get a slot reduction in the inertia particularly at the lower levels so that way people don't get seasickness we need to check we need to check I will take it all right this is top three on people's uh people's comments which was sound um occlusion zones are still a massive issue particularly staircases and I I just need to emphasize that do you have an ETA on the audio Pop um being fixed um it's where when people get within a certain distance of you say they're like 100 m away and they get within sound distance of you there's like a very loud audible like crack or a pop um and you just know that there's someone nearby without even like it's like without even meaning to know that they're there and the easy Fast Fix of this is actually just disabling across the game um binal audio yes it's a binural bug or something but yeah this is a lot of people would argue this is gamebreaking and it's very much um it's breaking the immersion of the game so when they hear that they're like oh playing nearby well guess I'm going to have to shoot this guy like like you literally watch a streamer that when they hear it they're like oh there's someone here like it's it's not even like funny anymore it it really needs to be fixed like it's it's to the point where it's I don't know how to word it but let's say it it it's it's annoying a lot of people uh how close to the final iteration of oculus audio are we I don't know actually because I I I don't believe that everything is going with the Oculus right now I need to check it I need to check it if you like gave me the question before the interview I will like get the info because right now I I don't remember actually what exactly is being done in terms of os audio uh so I need I it needs to be checked yeah and and I should actually bring that up a lot of people not a lot there was some comments being like P is only allowed to ask certain questions um and they vest his questions before he gets into the interview and he's not allowed to ask um about certain things Nikita and I have haven't spoken in like a while and I've just been like hey you want to have a chat and he's like uh [ __ ] okay so um we we don't vet the questions or anything I ask him whatever I want and he tells me to [ __ ] off or not that's on him so what the headset why did you change headsets to have different hearing ranges why yeah cuz they're different we need to change it somehow to make it more obvious I I I feel like it's brought a lot of issues in all seriousness it's brought a lot of issues across the game so for example contact 4S you can hear 140 M away someone running at you and and then like you know other contacts they just that you can barely hear anything and it just makes everything loud and annoying MH and there's I think ever since you changed the the ranges on the headsets I think a lot of issues started to to I don't have the best words sorry a lot of people have had issues with the fact that headsets have caused the game to become more a lot of people are under the assumption the gamees came more ratty after the fact that headsets had their ranges increased and changed because people can sit still and be like there's someone coming from 140 M away and they there's no way to like avoid that now it's it's actually it's not about the the distances of hearing it's about the the compression effect audio compression effect which brings up the The Quiet Sounds more and it feels like you you hear you hear sounds from the bigger distance but it's more about the compression level we can we can balance it I think I've defin I've definitely tested it and I can hear people from further away with certain headphones and that like i' I've used the ing game Rangefinder and and we and we took in all the head headsets and that so at least have a look at it if you could because it's it's a a thing of contention between people and the Crouch walk no audio bug that one's driving people inside it's still there like I thought it it was fixed long time ago okay um and I think could we adjust some of the volumes not us personally could be you adjust some of the volumes of certain actions like aiming down a sight I know there's an audio for it but like you've shot a lot in real life if you want to it should be fairly quiet if not silent like I know you the reason why you've got it in there but it's like it's you can hear someone at the end of the hallway aiming down their side and it's really annoying when you like you've got to jump on someone but you can't aim down your site because you have to make it audio Q to do that so aiming down sight should be a shitload quieter and uh and sometimes looting is Extremely Loud as well um you'll be opening a fing cabinet it' be like like you know or a box and it's like making all that really loud noises so the bosses so first one is packet loss exploit do you know about this uh yes yes I know it will be fixed yeah this this is actually ruining the game and and the reason for that is there's people that are on killing boss quests and when they are they see the packet loss and like I'm getting out and so what happens is you have all these braids starting where people just run straight to the extract and there's no one even like in the raid because what happens is like they just don't want to be in there cuz they can't kill their boss for their Quest or their achievement or whatever they're doing and it's been around for about two three wives and it it's it really needs to be fixed like it's killing the game it will be fixed yeah it will be fixed in in in the next PCH guess and I know that um you and I had heated discussions about the boss spawn rates um particularly early WI um it caused a very large bottleneck this wipe um having the boss spawn rates that low at the very start of a wipe I know you've got different opinions on this and I'm not trying to tell you how to to make your game but it needs to be much higher earlier on because it what happens is everyone does all the other quests then all of a sudden everyone is now on the boss killing Quest and then if you either on your first Quest where I need to kill rashala and get a golden TT and then there someone else farming rashala for 15 kills and then someone else is trying to do their snowball Quest all of a sudden you have like 40 people not that's exaggeration you have like five people in a raid trying to kill the boss even if the boss spawn rate is like 20 or 30% with five people running at it even if you're the first person there like you you still got a one in five chance to be the first person to kill the boss and it can become very frustrating for people trying to kill bosses so I just want to emphasize the fact that boss born rates being low early white really do cause a lot of bottlenecks and frustration for players all right moving on to scavs and player scavs player scavs spawn in way too early particularly on the map streets and Lighthouse uh and like I literally saw someone tweeting so not on Reddit saying um someone's upgraded their computer so they could play streets and then they were like I I scabbed on streets for the first time and uh it was amazing and then people were like welcome welcome to our map like streets is more scav players than there are like pmc's most of the time cuz they just overwhelmed the map so can we can can they just like a base like make it so the first 15 minutes there's no players scavs or just very small amount cuz even Lighthouse you're trying to kill the water treatment plant like you spawn into line housee you finally get over to the water treatment plant after killing a couple of players you start clearing the water treatment plant and then all of a sudden you've got five players scavs like charging up on you and they can run straight up to the Rogues tap the Rogue in the back of the head take the rogue's gun run over to you and they've got a a pretty decent load out and it gets very very frustrating when you're trying to do a quest on Lighthouse and then you've got like like five player scavs ruining your day so the uh the the player scavs on those maps are really painful I've also got here that uh people complaining as always about scab seeing through bushes um being being being I don't know that would that' be not an easy thing to code I could imagine cuz like how many pixels can can a scav see no no it's not about the pixels uh we have approximate uh colliders for that the coll The View collider they approximate is something like spheres like cones boxes and that's why we cannot make it precisely correct in terms of leaves and everything because if it will make the actual like colliders based on the model of uh the vegetation it will ruin the performance s performance so that's why it needs to be approximated somehow interpolated uh so that's why somehow they still able to shoot through bushes but we can check that maybe we'll increase cuz we can if we will try to increase the colliders they're invisible but they visible for AI they could be too big and you will start complaining that but AI is too stupid he like he he can't see me like in the front because literally he can't hear he can't see because there's a collider in front of him but check with the um the map Ground Zero beautiful map I love it it's it's a lot of fun what are your plans moving forward with ground zero uh I know you spoke earlier or when you first came out about how you want it to be available to higher level play players as well um what are your current separate matchmaking two separate matchmaking for that so we will add more additional Matchmaker to play on this location if you are higher than the particular level so yeah is is there any plans in into adjust how the fog Works in escap from tacov because feel like sometimes you're in a map and you're trying to snipe and after like 100 meters it just always seems foggy or like you're trying to kill Sturman on Woods and like you can't see through the fog even though it's like a clear day cuz like we we have like the minium amount of fog it will be there 100% cuz literally if you will remove it the the picture will be bad but uh cuz we are remaking the whole visuals of the game it will be a to totally different fog system so most likely it will be fixed with the new visuals lighting particularly inside buildings interchange dorms Resort in the bunker of Reserve if you look at old changed to new I think most recent wipe it was actually a big Improvement but it it really I guess the best way to explain it Nikita is daytime interchange looks pretty much exactly the same as nighttime interchange it doesn't really feel like there's too much different in the darkness even though there's you know like it's so bright outside um there's a really cool I've forgotten his name a guy on YouTube that like he he makes the most insane YouTube videos and he did like if tarov had bra tracing it looks so good it's some of the maps are just particularly during the daytime was way too dark and I I feel like it a lot of these things are coming into frustration where people are like no one ever moves anymore and it's all like people just hiding in corners and uh if it was a lot brighter it would be a lot harder for people to to hide in Corners than that so I think this is where a lot of the frustration comes from and inside buildings is it feels very dark and I I know there's like the part of scap from tle that's meant to be a you know it's like a almost a horror game you know if you make feel scared but at the same time people want to still be able to see what they you know their enemy yeah I see I see due to limitation of the graphical engine we cannot do the global elimination stuff like the rate racing and everything it's too much uh and uh it could be done different with different techniques so I believe we need to add another pass of the lightning in The Interchange mhm all right so Labs some people asked could you put a level lock on there or a quest lock is it something that you'd be interested in doing so you know like instead of it just being get to level 15 you get a lab's key card from the flea market you can jump in there but maybe around the same time you get the samples Quest where you've got to get the stems um so at least that way I guess what people don't want is they don't want that level 15 account that's a cheater to jump into labs and ruin the game for them they want people that are actually going into labs to be legitimate players and so therefore if they have to do some questing first then it's less likely there's a cheater in Labs I think that's where the frustration or this question comes from less than they want labs to be harder cuz I think primarily they want everyone in Labs cuz that's where the PVP happens but at the same time they want to reduce the chance of a cheated being in there I'll put that I'll put that into the universe do what you want with it the map Lighthouse hasn't had any hasn't really had much touched on it since it was released it's probably one of those maps that caus a lot of frustration for people because of how linear it is um do you have any plans to do any rework of Lighthouse or is it on its uh it's pretty much where it's at well we didn't plan to add anything to that still but I don't know maybe in the future this was like 3,000 comments messages I read and I tried I tried to just focus on the ones that made people that stood out the most um and so they they just want to be heard Nikita it's the main thing I'm trying to emphasize here is like the the if if I was to put everyone in a room and you know how you have someone stand up and put their hand up and say hey Nikita you know favorite breakfast cereal like this is kind of like I went through all that [ __ ] just to find the questions and so I I it might be getting a bit dry and I do apologize for that but people just wanted to be heard and and that so it's up to you we can have a we can pull it here and we can go through the second half next week if you want we can we can do it we can do it this week uh I don't know have to be a couple of days Thursday maybe Thursday yeah the favorite day of the week all right guys so we wrapped up the first half of the recording 2 or 3 days later the next part of the recording begins also the patch I think 14.5 came out at during the middle of this break and then the BTR was obviously put out into woods and some of the changes had already been added to the game so let's get into the second half of the conversation let's go um so the next thing that people brought up was sights some of the eye reliefs are actually still really bad and some of the magnifications just like pretty much unusable you know like the night for site it's like a 12x 50x or something and it sits somewhere around the 25x it's literally no opportunity to ever use that because you there's no you the way you've done it is you've got like either like say 1X or 4X you know what I mean uh with CU you don't have it so you can like you used SS before like you can variable in between the the one and the eight and you could go anywhere in between M if if you could look at doing just uh some of the eye reliefs in particular and then also and if you need me to find a list I could probably get people to give me a list but of the sites um that have bad eye relief and then also some of the magnifications are just unusable um so at least it' be cool to have one of those big sniper SS and actually be able to use it or at least have a variation in there so it's might be 25x but then it's also like 7x you know what I mean a lot of people want to know more about the hot out are there many more areas to be added uh and what will it finally look like when it's complete we will add more stuff like several new areas like even the special areas and also The Hideout will be used as the place uh for adding like new stuff uh new areas uh linked only for a DLC for example the clan DLC will add additional room only for clan uh areas Clan zones Clan units and everything so uh yeah it will be used as like this kind of big big head out for everything uh related to the DLC future DLC and the game itself people have been asking about the Hout cat is that is that soon tuned or soon um it's like not soon but soon yes okay um what about like a dog or a pizza oven I know I think Jesse Kazam wants a pizza oven uh and are you open up to the idea of microtransactions for decorations in your hideout we'll see actually because uh uh we we didn't plan to expand The Hideout for adding like really unrelated stuff I don't know massage M Power this is actually uh an actually kind of and I think it's kind of a cool one is can you increase the wall of fame so it holds pretty much all the items needed for collector cuz like the clo Dr Dr disrespects armor or like the plague mask or um the food like uh General Sam's soft drink or can whatever it is um just cuz a lot of people when they're collecting all the items for collector the the F you know for the CER task they'd like to be able to just keep putting them in there so then that way they don't accidentally use them now for spawns and X fills adjust some spawns on some maps on on maps so there's no cleaner line of sight clear line of sight Reserve has a lot of issues with this probably one of the big ones reserve's got a lot of issues with you pretty much can take like two steps and you can see someone and I thought potentially an idea just to put that forward is you know how on streets of tarov you've got some spawns like literally inside a building so then that way you've like it's kind of like a a divot away so then that way it's you're not sure if someone's in there or not and there's so many different things like that I know reserves the tricky map um for that but people kind of need a it's very predictable to know where people are on reserve when they spawn in um and there's a lot of frustration I know um just to bring Jesse Kazam back up again I know he was showing some clips recently there's nothing more frustrating than waiting 3 or 4 minutes to get into a raid and you literally take 4 seconds to move and you're dead um they at least want to feel like they have a chance to fight back Reserve has a lot of issues with that another idea a lot of people were putting forward is about reducing the the player count on some maps um so then that way it's not as predictable there so many people to be at all the spawns when you spawn in but I'll put that in the universe use that information how you want to see fit this has kind of changed a little bit because of what you've just done on Woods um but drastically increasing the xfill areas on some maps and increasing the amount of uh extracts so for example with this one I'm talking about Amicon extract on interchange instead of it being right at that truck having it like behind the tents and a little bit further out so then if people are extract camping obviously realistically you would have to go up to the truck to extract but the reason why people can get away with extract camping so well is because they know they have to go to a very finite section of the map and if they've already traversed through the whole map looted the entire map what difference does it really make if they're within that say 30 square MERS compared to being like 50 square m and they've gone over to that area and it just makes it a little bit more difficult for people to extract Camp specifically and like a good example is like outskirts on woods so that extract is quite wide like that you don't have to be right at that truck there's actually a fair bit of room left and right of that you can actually extract so and then Woods extracts that if you spawn on one side of the map you have like five extracts if you spawn on the other side of the map you really only have outskirts all the car extract so potentially just opening up the idea of if there's more extracts there's less chance of people extract camping and this is what it's coming down to is people don't want to die go to all the work of going through all the map getting all the loot battling out other players and scaves and then dying right on that exit line um so there's either more options to extract from a map or bigger areas in the extracts that are available it just takes away that it takes away some of the power of someone camping an extract reduces the chances of them being able to extract camp and then for interchange as well there's that one corner of the map that has nothing in it that could perfectly be an extract of a new proportion or type one of the ideas that was thrown about a long time ago was you have to have a founding rag dog tag to extract from that corner or something cool like that so then that way at least you still have to do something in the map to extract but then you know you know the one that's along the road it's between like you've got the the power station corner with the car you've got emicon and Railway extracts it's the other corner just another extract in there just to help reduce people camping either Amicon or Railway just to give people more options I preach that people should try and use the safe room extract at the bottom but you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink that's some ideas and a lot of uh frustration with people about extracts and extract campers um so use that how you want a lot of questions about the Rusted key um for streets you made that room that had the really awesome key spawns in there uh and now that no one can seem to find the key it's very very very rare and then when you get in the room there's nothing in there now so or it's nearly nothing in there um people questioning what happened to the The Rusted key people saying that streets is such an amazing map for loot that the other maps have kind of lost their charm when it comes to to loot and it' be nice if some of the other Maps just got a bit of a buff to loot and a good example is how Shoreline new area is actually very valuable um and people have realized how good that is and so like that kind of made Shoreline so it wasn't just Resort that was good or the Village area you had another section um but having extra like loot uh more valuable areas on on all the maps or at least more valuable loot spawning on all the maps would make it so streets wasn't the money making making map or the main money-making map Hideout crafts so you've made it that you have to complete a considerable amount of Light Keeper quest to unlock the ladex craft the vertex craft and stuff like that by the time you get these crafts there is literally nothing in the game you need those lad xes or vertexes for so it kind of makes that hole like why even why does it even matter to unlock those crafts and that when the ladex craft was um available earlier you would actually be able to craft aex for your therapist task private Clinic um so there needs to be or it would be we'd like it if there was more reason to either make these crafts so either there needs to be a reason to have lexes later on or and vertexes Etc or these crafts need to be available earlier um so there's actually a point to have the craft Global Trader limits people hate them they really [ __ ] hate them um it's very frustrating so you've got 2 hours to play for a day you log in something's sold out and it's 3 hours to reset and you can can't even get it or if when something does reset it sells out instantly and they never had a chance to do it because there was only 100 available or something like that a quick fix would be doubling or increasing some of the stuff that buy out the amount available or I think the thing that everyone really would like is personal limits over global Trader limits or something along the lines of that the blue folder like the blue intelligence folder for the Light Keeper task um that's skyrocketed in value because it's got such a low spawn rate I think it's at like 30 something million each and you need two of them either are more ways to to acquire this item or um just increasing the spawn rate uh ability to add items to a wish list for the flea market and it would give an item inray to shown it it's needed so you've already got in the current way the game works is you can right click any item in the game and say add to wish list and people would like it if you did that then when you go into a raid it would have that item when you find that item would have like a little icon to say this is on your wish list so then people that are trying to find items in the game say they're doing like they're trying to find an item for their Hideout or for Quest coming up that they can actually Mark certain items that they want whilst they're running around and looting and stuff did you ever play any games like Fallout yes yeah there's like options in like Fallout that are very similar to that I think it was like markers needed I think in Fallout keba and ultr medical seem to be very crappy loot now they used to be amazing people want to have the excitement of ultra medical and keber again they would love more clothing option on ragman I'll just you you can do what you want with that but that's the plan this was actually a really cool idea um do what you want with it uh potentially reworking how you get colored key cards for labs like you could still have it there's a chance to get one off a boss in a pocket or whatever but they really like the idea of um colleagues part three where you actually get that option to get a black key card if you want or you can you know do the other like by killing sanitar and maybe having some more quests in the game where hey if I do this option I could get a green key card or if I do this option I might get a violet key card and then that way it kind of gives you get the option of what path you want to go down to it's like Choose Your Own Adventure but you'll you'll miss out on something but you get something else instead they actually um there was someone brought that up saying it was a a really cool idea uh that's everything I got for looting and loot you want a list of new guns that people want to see you like guns don't you I don't know like there's a lot of guns already and still a lot of things uh people want to know what guns are coming but I'll I'll give you this actually I'll let go first if you want to announce any guns or say any guns coming to Yes uh people would love to see an M249 a 5.56 like belt fed cuz I think we got the RPD and that already M M82 barrett uh your sniper obviously all the British people would love to see an sa80 uh the Bison PP bis I'm hoping to hear a planned one that's all the people said some some middle tier nvgs um I actually really like those blue ones you've got in the game but just some more variations in nvg G's and there was a lot of people asking to smoke cigarettes like surprising amount of comments smoking cigarettes and Vapes if you want to go down that that's it for I've got four guns and and stuff do you do you want to say that if there's any guns coming up in the next patch or W or whatever I'll save that for taco TV um something is coming I'm not sure what is coming uh most likely I will show what in t to so I don't don't have any information what's going on but I think something some belt foot will be in their new one but I'm not sure which exactly I'll leave that for the people to guess servers someone was asking for an Alaskan server or a server for Alaska um and then um some people from South America are having issues with getting pink kicked and they live in South America I think the server is located in Brazil and I don't know where they are located in South America but they're getting kicked from that server I don't know if you open to the idea potentially like maybe increasing just the the pink kick on that server alone just so then that way it can handle the whole continent without issue so at least they can play the game private servers and game modes are you open to the idea of PE the people paying for or organizing an event with you guys for private private server events U I know PA of xol does a lot of this stuff where towards the end of a wi they'll host like special leagues called gauntlets and stuff like that and then you know like they might be able to invite like a certain amount of people to be a part of the event maybe something that we can bring up with uh or or someone in in relation to hosting events um we're definitely not interested in earning money from it cuz literally it's nothing uh it it's just uh needs to be managed from our side so um that's the reason we are like it's a good idea maybe we should Implement something in the future for the release to like to have some uh indicated uh guy who will work on these tasks especially and yeah it could be done but it's it's not about the actual earning money or something like it and it's not that simple like okay and you go ahead no we need like to build kind of infrastructure tools and everything for that so but it's not done and as you can understand it's not important like right now I am in discussion with Demetri about trying to host a hardcore event um because a lot of interest in it at the moment so hopefully we can we can work something out that will give some infrastructure there like the single cases uh uh are totally okay like if if you need to do something customized for the single event or something it's it's good but to have like kind of open uh thing for not everyone but at least for wi audience some kind of tools some kind of like servers ready to go that that means that it needs to be done in many terms we need to actually do that all right so moving on to events um how do your in-game events come to existence do you have someone who plans and organizes them all like a games master that goes all right they're going to do these events over the WIP and it's going to tell this story or um people just want to know more information on how you decide on running an event so basically basically it's the same thing like every single uh season we just select a a really big like amount of different events like like a big list then we iterate them remove what's like hard to do or just stupid and we kind of loog this in and that's it starting to work covered is like there like big events like the events just was just before and uh events which are kind of repetitive every single year that's uh the Halloween and everything and that's it we kind of because it's not like we are inventing those events on the go it's more like they are established already at the start of the Year even and just it because literally we like select them we pick the dates and we need to actually develop them so that's it and when it's ready we release it and when we and we increase the amount of events towards the end of wife because literally in the end of white people are like going AB board and need to do something so we run the like more uh intense ones the gamebreaking ones game breaking ones yeah we've seen Global events in the past for people to take part in could we get some events that are like USC versus bear style like a race to doing a certain thing or killing a certain amount of the other faction or just something to put a bit of competitive between the Bears and the USC I think people would find that very fun and maybe like having a reward for the winner maybe like I know bonus 5% XP or something or 10% XP for a week or you know like something just a bragging rights or whatever you know and then I think people really like the cultist but they don't ever get to see them in general um so more events that actually involve the cultist would actually be kind of cool as well that's on my list of what people have asked for um the last six questions I've got are all just general questions um and you can explain as much as you like or as little to up to indicator what is the biggest technical limitations uh the game is facing and and plans to overcome the first it's like visual graphical limitations and uh different kind of stuff related for to optimizing the game so basically it's because the game is too big too complicated and so we we started it uh without knowing some really specific stuff that we actually uh understood later and uh that's why it's always a really really hard struggle to actually change something in and go when everything is kind of established and so like the first one is the constant war with our own code Old code and everything so it's it's it's a struggle the second one is um like the engine limitation and uh lack of tools lack of like inner techn technological stuff within the engine which which already like kind of a standard in the game industry but still in unity it's it's not even there the third one like really big amount of different kind of testing before the release before the patch release and everything because literally there's so many Sy systems functions subsystems and everything that needs to be checked they're all linked together and every single time uh when it comes to actual like final testing of the releases of the patches it we need to to do more and more testing every single time and it's uh like it's okay it's like understandable but still it's like kind a big thing that will draw a lot of time but it's not like limitation actually because yeah it's not like limitation you can get past it it's not it doesn't stop yeah get past it and how we plan to overcome this like tool limitation like by upgrading Unity version and uh like reiterate record stuff maybe refactoring the code a little to speed up the process it's not it's not like a we don't have a final solution like okay we should do that we should like close the game for half a year and make everything great no it's not working that way unfortunately that it is what it is you cannot rebuild like the big ship which which is like already floating already yeah we will just overcome it with a more work more tools more like meth meth methods or of working and everything so just will be some Working Solutions some Management Solutions what are your intentions for 2 five and 10 years from now for battle State Games and escape from Taco release the game uh make the release plan for for DLCs release the DLCs and start making new game any hints on what that new game is something with candies little dogs yeah yeah and you get to crush mobile games maybe mobile yeah um you made a Twitter post a while ago talking about um potentially releasing an API for escap for takov is there still any plans for that yeah I need to remind I need to remind this because they they told me the guys told me okay that's totally okay we will do that and something like left forgotten so I just need to check H goes into my next question so I'm sure you can answer this at the same time is there an app um still planned or in development or you is that once the API is released you'll let other people just do it it's still planned you we actually we actually have a working like not the Prototype like working first version but for some reason we we still holding it I need to check it too uh I believe we will do that for the release so we will release this application for what's the plan for that is that more to can you can you use your Hout in that and craft and or is it like the functionality is pretty big like the the plans for the functionality are also big we will start with something more simpler and then we'll add more stuff to do uh like at least you will see a lot of Statistics a lot a lot of ongoing like ongoing crafts and everything the statistics of your matches and so on and yeah we will add some more functionality to that I need to check like what what exactly we're done for this application Co second last question is there a benefit to to playing bear coming to T of cuz right now if you're a usack you can get away with going close to the light the water treatment there will be another faction uh like Russian Armed Forces so there will be something like Rogues for the Bears is that like division or or whatever it's called no no no no no it's like Russian military forces okay R AF cool and the last question was a random one but do you have crunchy or smooth peanut butter I don't have like I don't have any peanut butter I didn't why eat peanut but CU I don't know we we we didn't got used to it like it's it's more like ver thing really like we have we have gonka you know yeah condensed milk so we use that we have like regular condensed milk and the boiled condensed milk yeah boiled condens milk is like like brown one it's more tasty and as most of all you can c in real life isn't custard am am I am I wrong with that no cu the typical thing for like Eastern Europeans and everything and so yeah and we don't have like this like peanut butter or something it's more like we saw we saw in American movies like everyone starts to like use this on the bread like peanut butter with a with a jam or something they call it peanut butter and jelly yeah yeah and I I I I I tasted it like it's pretty good but we don't we didn't have that there so we we just used and that's it all right that's all I've got thank you so much Nikita for giving me your time and uh and everyone their time and hearing our concerns and comments and and yeah just taking the opportunity to talk to us about this stuff thank you very much thank you very much uh good questions as always you have anything final you want to say last remarks smoking is bad I must say smoking is bad okay don't smoke I don't drink I don't drink alcohol and don't play too much go outside see what the hell is going on there and instantly go back I'm joking I'm joking person all right guys so that is the end of the conversation with Nikita I honestly tried to just answer every or ask every question I could for you guys and you know I pushed on things I F felt like were you know the more important stuff and emphasized it understanding that making a game is quite difficult he even brought up those points towards the end of the whole conver ation where you know the actual game itself when they didn't have the knowledge making the game made it quite difficult them for to be able to do stuff later on and they're working on trying to fix those limitations in that so hopefully you guys found something good from this hopefully it answered a lot of your questions really tried my best to do that moving forward I'm I love a scav tangle it's my favorite game and you know to me it's always great when I get an opportunity to talk to Nik about this stuff and it makes people feel hopeful that we're going to see a great game as the finished product I do live stream on Twitch every day pretty much I'm I'm been on holidays the last few weeks I'm about to get back but if you want to give me a follow over on Twitch come and have a conversation with that with me about it I'll be back in about a day or two time and we'll be a to go over any of the questions you have and then also uh you know I've got a lot of fun things planned so if you want to check us a sub on the YouTube channel do appreciate it thanks so much for watching such a long video but hopefully you guys found a lot of enjoyment out of it and uh a hopeful for the game as I am anyway much love lastly guys I'll see you next time [Music] m
Channel: Pestily
Views: 278,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eft, escape from tarkov, escape, from, tarkov, pestily, streets, of, new, guns, 10000, hours, 10k, lighthouse, customs, factory, labs, woods, reserve, shoreline, raid, live, stream, playthrough, gameplay, loot, looting, tips, tricks, guide, big, insane, maps, guides, tip, trick, highlight, streamer, how, to, pro, chad, 0.14, .14, patch 14, patch .14, patch .14.1, 14.1, .14.1, microtransactions, stash, space, upgrade, mtx, micro-transactions, arena, roadmap, reaction, lets, talk, about, patch notes, update, patch, interview, nikita, 1.0, release
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 37sec (5077 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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