DELETE recoil with these 3 upgrades

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what's going on guys in this video I'm going to show you three simple upgrades that you can do to any rifle to make them shoot like this I do read the comments and you guys are always asking me how I keep my rifle so flat so I'm going to show you but before we get started I got to thank today's sponsor biggest sponsor of this channel is SDI sorin desert Institute if any of you guys watching this are interested in becoming a gunsmith go to to get started this world needs better gunsmiths the link will be down in the description below also vanish holsters these guys make holsters for everybody that doesn't like to wear jeans and a belt this is a perfect setup if you're going to the gym or want to wear sweatpants all day these guys are also giving you the opportunity to win a Jeep Gladiator and $25,000 worth of gold and if you use the code in my description it'll save you 40% and give you an extra 120,000 bonus entry so if you want one of these go to the description down below to get entered in that giveaway I'm going to start off by making a wild accusation and telling you that your rifle really does not matter it doesn't matter what you spend on it and I'm going to show you why this right here is a full Aro Precision build this thing allog together optic and included in all is maybe $2,000 and I would rather run this than something like this $6,000 radiant mod one with a night for scope on it now I know obviously something like that is going to last a lot longer maybe it's more accurate but this is faster and flatter let me show you why starting with the lower the trigger is the most important part if you want to run fast and I think this trigger right here is the best at doing that this is the sd3g by gley and the reason I think it's the best trigger on the market is because of how positive the reset is for those of you that don't know what I mean by positive reset I mean the push forward that means I don't have to relieve a lot of pressure on my finger for that to really push my finger forward now when compared to something like the radian mod one trigger well it is a super good trigger it's got a really nice break though reset is not there I got to completely release it with my finger to get that to reset it doesn't push me forward at all so I can't run that as fast I would rather have a 3B trigger pull in a nice positive reset to make me pull the trigger a little bit quicker than having like a 1 and2 lb trigger that has no reset the clown has no penis so I think as of right now this gu Lee is the best trigger you could possibly get to be able to run fast in my opinion you might be able to run a single stage one pound trigger a lot quicker than I can run this but for me this is the best trigger and in the back here we got a JP silent buffer now I don't know why the hell it makes this thing run so fast and flat but it does it's just science how exactly does a posit track rear in on the playmouth work it just does when you're running like an H3 buffer with a big old clunky spring you can really hear that and you can really feel that this not so much it feels like it's under gas almost it's hard to explain but these things are magical and they will cut your recoil right in half I don't have any affiliation with these guys at all but I can save you 10% if you guys want to get one of these if you go to brown house and use code pew vi10 at checkout it'll save you a little bit of money now the last part probably the least important is the muzzle break at the end of the day these are just a 23 they don't have that much recoil but if you want to minimize and completely get rid of that recoil good muzzle Brak will do that so right here is a silencer Co muzzle brake these are my personal favorite the Surefire muzzle brake and I'm going to show you the difference on being able to control your group running as fast as possible with a good muzzle breake and then with something like the three prong flash hiders which are great if you're running a suppressor something like this is a good happy medium because it is kind of a muzzle break and a three-prong flash hider and a chemo adapter for a suppressor and I'm going to give you comparisons on all three on target starting with a watchtower type 15 I'm going to shoot three rounds as fast as I can on that little Infinity Target and see how close they are together because of the muzzle break ready yep these two were already here these are my three shots this also has the JP and the geisy I like and then we got the happy medium muzzle break good yep four three same thing somewhere around in there still a Zone still pretty close well I got the gun in my hand this right here is arin's new 1 to8 this thing is incredibly well built it is Japanese glass it's got a killbox reticle a solid throw anything you can look for in a good 1 to eight but it's only $300 if you use code Pew viw 25 at checkout and that goes for anything on arin's website it can save you 25% using that code these guys are making super good prod products they are raising their price a little bit in the next few days so if you want to get your hands on something now is the best time to do it don't take my word for it try these things out for yourself all right this has just got the three prong flash hider a trigger that I am not super fast with and no JP but this thing is $6,000 my first shot sent me high right just to be clear I love this rifle it is a fantastic setup and it will surely Outlast any of the other ones but it's not as fast and I can't keep it as flat now could I just slap a JP a geisle and a new muzzle brake on it yeah sure but uh it's so sick I just don't want to change it I'm going to try to redo that and squeeze the rifle a little bit tighter see if I can get all three in that azone nope still Rising high right slowed down a little bit and I kept them all in the a Zone but they're still pretty sloppy I'm going to go high a Zone and just uh get rid of the rest of this mag or low a Zone whatever I forgot that I sided this EOTech in for 350 yards so while I'm aiming right here my rounds are hitting here yeah that's why I like the three upgrades in a rifle because I can shoot it that fast and keep it on target that well well I'm on the topic of giving away all my secrets I might as well give you guys a stance all right so if I'm sitting sloppy I don't have this thing dug into my shoulder I'm not pushing it Forward I don't have my elbow dropped or my left arm extended I'm going to show you the muzzle rise and then compare it to the way I hold it there's a normal got a little bit of a muzzle climb but this setup is super good even me not holding on to it it's still pretty damn flat now if I push my shoulder forward into the rifle act as a little bit of a recoil spring and then tuck my elbow and straighten out my left arm this gun will not move all right that is all we got for you guys today hopefully you learned something I am by no means a professional take this information with a grain of salt this is just what works for me and how I use stuff thank you for watching
Channel: PewView
Views: 1,535,559
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Id: zG8-P9R01Js
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Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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