Gigantic Magnets Pull more Big SAFES out of the Canal! What Happened?

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in last week's video we went magnet fishing and found a huge dump of stolen safes in the water the crazy part is that some of those stolen safes had jewelry inside including Rings watches and even a handful of loose pearls things got so crazy that at one point the three of us each had a safe on our magnet at the same time if you want to get my gold Bondi magnet and find some Treasures your own there's a link in the description below so check out part one if you missed it but for now let's get straight back to the action of pulling safe out of the water and maybe we can even find some treasure inside find the treasure Hunters magnets away maget I've got something it's coming okay what have I got can you see it oh my god I've got an enormous safe I knew it was big here we are back for part two wibro magnet away all right you're on him Wim brro let's go one two 3 oh yes one two three let him drain there we go don't lose any diamonds or watches this is exciting just waiting to see what's inside 1 two three one two three one two three one two three one two three come on no no no no no no wiro put it back put it back down oh that's good that's good all right one two three one two three okay let's just have a break okay we're going to get the other magnet one y can you put your hand on the red one yeah okay go yeah yep oh my gosh this is exciting whims magnet just come unstuck and got onto my one so we got to put the other magnet on there otherwise we could lose it it's stuck on all the other stuff over there the other [Music] magnet I can't stop laughing I can't hold the safe hurry up with bro oh my gosh quick R bro I'm standing on this one you're standing on the red one oh gosh my hands lost all my power okay's just taking his time oh my gosh okay we ready one two three one two three one two three one two three one two okay I'm going to come over that side Yi can we swap positions you come over this side bro yeah I'm going to go under you yep okay there we go okay make sure you get a hold of this this one this one's the main one I'll do the red one okay yeah one two no no no no Hang on we're stuck we're stuck let's give it a break we need we need to think this out because he's caught under under a lip we really need to push that under it or something we can push rope around it here okay Loop him over okay yep that's perfect I'm going to get the two red ones okay one two one two three okay careful two it's coming it's heavy huh it's heavy okay wind BR can you reach over and grab it from behind it I've got the Rope I've got the Rope yep got him it doesn't come okay take any rope from here okay three okay yes this one is a really heavy one so this is full okay let's lower him down softly watch okay okay okay everyone all right all the sa safe we've saved a safe let's try and get some magnets off then good Lu with that okay all right let's get this mag as far away as we can welcome back to part two of magnet fishing we're about to crack open a safe in part one we found more safe with jewelry inside check that out if you haven't seen this one but we've got loads more to find okay we ready to crack it open okay he's firm locked no yep yeah com he was coming I'm glad we found this thing okay another one yeah we might need two if I leverage this side then I must get the other one you see anything in there with the camera this is exciting huh I love it okay ready rimbo two crowbars oh that's the door y yeah a he got him in his face again I'm loving today I'm loving today f you got covered in mud twice I love it no I got to give somebody a shower no no you you get it you know you deserve it okay come on all right we ready stuff inside let's go it's full of water I'm not feeling anything but let's tip it open and find out maybe get a little bit further put your hands and my hand in yeah oh hang on now oh my gosh absolutely nothing not feeling anything okay should we drag it down that way and tip it out yeah could be taking the safe for a walk okay empty in the safe come on what's this thing oh that's part of the door lock better wish oh my gosh what a day magnet fishing I think it's empty let's let that dry out and see but I think I'm not feeling anything big at least okay still we got him out yeah we got him out yeah that was a hard one but there's more down there we can't stop yet let's keep going all right magnets away here we go again oh we just got something big out there now yep you can see the bubbles I'm wiggling it in the mud there's going to be loads of bubbles coming up okay look at it [Music] coming and guess what it is another safe oh hey yopi oh my gosh would you mind helping me for a second yopi I've got another safe bro I think what we should do is just split the treasure today every safe divided by three cuz y's found the one with all the jewelry in there I think that's a good idea I C the watches the watch cut the watches in thirds actually we're going to find more Watchers here we go safe number what number safe is this 1 2 3 4 5 six seven safe number seven here I got the one in pieces yeah you got one in pieces yeah so that's eight safes it's a heavy one let's lift him up there we go let's let him drain a bit it's a little one yeah it's a little one it's like a microwave safe the door is closed the door is closed we love that safe number eight here we go another magnet fishing Adventure gone crazy what a day today I think we're going to break all records in terms of safes we might have to divide this into separate videos cuz if there's stuff inside these saes it takes a while wibo are you going to throw your magnet on there do you want to earn 30% of this treasure here or no I don't know if we can get it out on our own okay no it's too heavy man it's the doors closed it could be either full of treasure or full of mud gold bars gold bars is what it's full of I hope so you said you split them yeah yeah everything but the gold bars no I will split it with you there we go I set it on video if I find gold bars I'll split it with you 99 1% for the it's a nice safe it's a beautiful safe one of the best there's only one thing that can make it better yopi and that's if there's treasure inside all right magnets away when bro you have to come around this side pull it from that side and then I think we'll have it straight up there from the back side got him okay on three one two three yeah one two three one two three he's a heavy little bugger come unbel aable that's what happens in the games of safes sometimes one comes off they all come off that is just real really really annoying but it happens part of the service isn't it win bro let's go again straight back down I think that was the spot wasn't it yep and I have there we go we got it okay there we go we got ourselves us safe oh love jubly okay we should be good now are we ready one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two little bit little bit one two three all the way oh we got it yes if you want to get one of my magnets there's a link in the description below Bondi magnets they're gold and they find safes they love them there we go okay we need the safe cracker okay here we go she's open okay are you ready oh it is full of something oh gosh that is some delicious mud we're going to have to empty him out but I'm not feeling anything in there so far and I'm not seeing anything maybe to the bottom we're going to have to tip him out yeah okay let's lift him over there okay got him okay here looks like a perfect spot to dump a safe all right wiim bro put your hand in there and see if there's any any treasure oh there is what's that oh that's just the the bottom oh again safe number eight let's see if yopi and Wim brro get 30% of a gold bar or not oh still not at the bottom wi Bros is loving this have a look at that class a mud that I should bottle it and sell it for Cosmetics good for the skin up safe mud yep it's definitely safe mud it's actually full of mud I'm not feeling anything in there again all the way to the bottom let's lift him up have a look in there Nikki she's an empty safe unfortunately nothing left inside for us all that work but it is a pleasure because you never know if it's going to be treasure or not here watch this it'll be like 2 seconds before I find a safe just going to throw him out there oh could it be more Dusty okay I'm just going to pull my rope now if I'm not on a safe already yep I'm I didn't even pull the Rope it landed on a safe that's how many safes are down here I didn't even pull the rope and I'm on a safe now unfortunately this one's a big one oh my hands are just burning it's coming now there it is it's looking like a safe here it is is it a safe yes another one another chance for yopi and wimbo to get 30% of a gold bar providing their muscles and support safe number 10 this is safe number 10 in a video series if you haven't seen the first half go back and check that out where we find the other half because this is crazy and we had jewelry inside it as well gold watches pearls Rings everything think it was been amazing and so with every safe we've got another chance of doing it again you hope he's gone down yep I can see your magnet oh good throw all right we're ready to go let's pull this sucker in one 2 three four it's catching on the Moss two three one two three one two three all right come on come on come on come on come on safe number 10 yes all right okay I'm going to pull my magnet off let's lower it down okay that's awesome let's use your fork you found before here we go where's that Tool uh down by the front tie there wimb brro was getting a specialist you were yeah a specialist safe cracker come on is there something inside oh I can see something oh okay yeah you oh that's just the the the the plate yeah don't know if he's going to come out oh we're going to have to take him over he's too muddy let's take him back over into the sun let's go see if there's anything in the safe okay let's open it up again oops Yeah got him okay all right it's a muddy one let's get some muddy jewelry I wonder how long these have been down there you know what I mean think a long time I think a long time too have we seen anything in there just the drawer I can't seem to get that out I want to come out another muddy safe I'm not seeing anything at all yeah a no it's just a muddy safe an empty one just an empty save okay let's go again you ready fellas all right 3 2 1 magnets away oh it's massive it's massive I can see it now look at it what in is that go wiim bro I'll help you bro oh my God goes all the way down there what is it a bed we have to get it out because we can't magnet fish with that in there it's we get this okay are you on him bro okay one two three two three one two three that's big H there a bag on side yeah there's a bag on the side down there it seems to be caught I don't know what it is it's enormous though I got to pull it this way right if we don't pull it out we'll never be able to fish here again okay what is it okay we've got him [Music] loose all let's got to have a break after this pull okay let's have a break oh my gosh still no closer to knowing what it is but it is heavy it's got loads of rags and plastic bags attached to it we didn't need this did we no we're uh exhausted the last thing we needed was something big and heavy like this but we can't get the safes out unless we get this out I can't get the grappling hook maybe on it or not let's get the grappling hook just to be safe oh that was beautiful you can be Batman Orin okay let's go one two three okay if yop grabs it there and I grab it here in the middle and you grab on that one okay one two oh slippery I just Trot in them the safe mud watch out wiim you're about to go in the safe mud no we know what it is okay watch out behind you what is it oh it's a street sign blocker old one a very old one someone didn't want to uh be stopped nice one Rim brro that is crazy well now we can keep magnet fishing with that in there we couldn't so we had to get it out unfortunately but yep it's all part of the service of us uh Canal cleaners what you got Ro I got a m a magazine oh my gosh okay so it's down here I was wondering if there was going to be some like guns as well you know with all these safes and you know and it's here there we go magazine it's an old one well we got some bullets we've got the magazine there's going to be a gun down here for sure yeah for sure we might find it too for sure yopi has a cash register down here here all right I'm going to lower my magnet straight down there all right come over from this side oh gosh I think there's going to be stuff inside this one it feels really heavy I can see something in the bag I can see something in the bag there man look at that there like a card or an ID in there maybe even a passport let's bring it over okay okay let's have a look there something in this bag that was attached to it somehow yep yep have a look what is it it's a personal identity card we'll see the expiry date is it's an old one oh it's from the 5ifth of the 6 1990 to the fifth of the 6 2000 that's well expired so it gives us an idea of how long these safes have been down here there's money there oh M and that was just in the bag you know and and some Tic Tacs an empty Tic Tac container how random is that bro okay is there anything and what is this thing then is it a cash register it is a cash register let's have to bring around that way and smash it open with this the Crowbar okay perfect and there's the crowbar a this is going to be difficult oh there you go not for yopi he's done this [Music] before okay come on crack him open bro yes all right oh it is a cash register for sure there's the there's the things it's an old one it's an old one massive I see coin one coin so generous these thieves are so generous here we go what do we got we giv us an idea at least of how old it is is it Euros or pre- Euros or what country it is oh my gosh what country is this whim Frank yep it's French one Frank and let's see if we can get a date on there 1996 okay there we go 1996 so it's about the same time that the passport was taken as well so I think they were probably in there together of the ID card anything left in there yopi yopi is determined to find something good in there you never know yeah I like it I like the passion no just rusty crusty bits but the good news is wi BR has also got a save so from a cash register to a safe let's do it bro yeah going to get him we're going to help him all right wiim bro this magnet's got your name on it here we go get the go boys let's do this straight over here I can get it between the door would be lovely just in there all right we ready one two three come on safy let's have something good inside you here comes a big lip here okay y you got him okay nice okay safe number usually I'm much more excited this when I found a safe but I'm exhausted now we found so many safes I've exhausted this is crazy safe number 10 or 11 I don't know let's open her up whim you do the honors bro come on let's have a look one more safe o I see some stuff inside there spin it around that way okay yeah there we go have a look I can see a pair of keys floating on the top there what what is that one that's a from a bike lock I think AXA oh AXA a that's there you go that's that's from a bike lock so that's not that exciting no lot of sand lot of sand that's why it's so heavy yeah okay yeah lots of sand there dig it out there wimbo find the treasure in the sand oh it's not looking too good wiim bro let me reach in deep it's dried that's been that that long not feeling anything in there but it's another safe for the records all right that was an awesome awesome awesome magnet fishing Adventure check out everything we found we've got got a safe another safe another safe another safe a big safe Watchers jewelry another safe y got a cash register here we've got another safe with Jewelry pearls Rings you name it's in there another safe and one more safe what do you reckon about that fellas it was a good day it was a good day really good day all right if you enjoyed this adventure subscribe we'll see you from the next one from us sweaty muddy Canal magnet fishes we'll see you later woo
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 105,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magnet Fishing, Fishing, Bondi Treasure Hunter, Magnet Fishing Amsterdam, River Treasure, Bondi Magnet Fishing, Best Magnet Fishing Finds, Metal Detecting, Treasure Hunting, Treasure, Strongest Magnet, Magnet Fishing USA, Magnet Fishing Paris, Unbelievable, Crazy, Found Treasure, Metal Detector, travel, mudlarking, magnet, gold prospecting, treasure hunter, magnet fishing police, dallmyd, Treasure Hunters, Fishing Videos, gold, Magnet Fishing Police, Jewelry, magnet fisher finds body
Id: tzR-Q-0phl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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