GUN GAME (Robot) - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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should've recorded that section when I went into here and activated the gun game but I didn't so now people will just have to figure out via whatever means to know that we were playing the gun game today oh guy bout all three wife nineteen months in a row what's up welcome back welcome back I kind of missed turbo mode I feel like I'm moving slow-mo right now and oh my god why is this con game was that is that the gun game was that not the gun game there it is okay it's happening it's happening now it's uh you start with your starting weapon apparently it doesn't change until you're out of you're out of bullets when you reload right no this one just said it's gonna stick with me shotguns like now Nobby I got you oh girl I got you girl she regular shotguns fantastic what's positives about this well we don't worry about ammo ever it's random it randomized to guns I was gonna say every time that reloaded but I don't think that's true either and some of the guns like really blow though so that's the big problem here is that you know sometimes you're just gonna get some big poopoo guns sometimes you just have to use your body a little bit my mind is telling me no but my body he we're gonna get some pupal guns like in the middle of a boss battle that's the big thing there is that you can't really choose the weapons that you're gonna take into the boss battles and you know that's that's problematic but but anis this is a good gun so we kind of want to find the boss battles as soon as we can I guess as soon as we like switch to a good gun we're gonna want to like go to that boss battle and use that up there like this would have been a good one take him to the boss this one's a good one bundle wants chicken chicken time how are you gonna fight the right I'm not sure I'm gonna fight the rad can you guys hear in the music I want Bob aDNA you gotta get junk in I can't just guarantee stuff fell that's the problem here Oh ah really good to see is the robot like really good stuff chat what's up tell me something tell me stuff chat true failure at life two months in a row rat fight or no balls law I mean yeah you managed to like Risa bond a prime thing so like that's one thing you got going for you I wouldn't say complete failure sup Gina up chicken that saves me a lot of time to turn these slides into a chicken cramp cramp ramp I just I love getting healthy guys it's like the best feeling in the world liam prime sub payout to defeated the dragon the first time today uh congratulations rat no rats spend money tips for new players get good scrubs um it's Tuesday question marks the stance indeed Oh bait launcher get him tiger haha the thing didn't even explode he ate the grenade he ate it all dick prime sub black hole gun won't you come and wash away the rain black hole gun won't you come no synergies this game why are we playing the gun game synergies are what makes the world go round have fun have fun but it must be like / kill or something I don't know Tony Tiger I love this pokey man's music Hut's for smash ultimate why so many good gonna they're saving the bad guns for the boss fight I've guarantee it princess Saffy eight months I recently learned that two of my favorite streamers ie the only two I watched had the same first name anyway a month's hype they put the same person Papapa 20 months for em dad hi 20 months it's a lot too many stop it who you know I like the way to the skunk feels I really like the way this gun feels and they switched me out already I switch dumped me out already already already it's not even base for kill star crossbow star-crossed lovers bow shotgun shell that shoots shotguns that shoots shotgun shells right more beneficial to shoot the wall I think like that I'm a genius can you prime sub on your phone I think you can I think you can do everything your phone now how do you do a donate up some bits get the bits and then type the words magical words gun Zang don't mind this at all time to get guns and bullet or a book the boss hunter bits hots I love what we're doing today less of an objective than normal just like my life uh yeah I just will I'm probably think I might just go ahead and do that disarming personality for a curse so first of all some like health upgrades which like would give me one shield not good at all cheaper shop prices for a curse if I can just like pull off one key boss fight might have a key then we could just junk the chests by disarming personality and possibly the the crown I had the passive stay with you I don't think the passives go away guns aim for the boss a it's already it's already here oh no nevermind striking fire which is really good let him on fire and shock them in my water nice I'll light them on fire in my water plagg pistol not very uh not very good I like this gun you shoot a little baby who gets on your team get on my side bro [Music] check me out whoo suck you son eight months in a row welcome back welcome back welcome back welcome back no keys and like no money I don't even think we have enough Oh every time you pick up a new gun by the way it just randomizes it we don't have enough money to buy the crown I don't think we do have enough money to buy the crown by the key to the second secret or a first secret floor you think if we buy the key we can't buy the crown if we don't buy the crown we're not gonna get more money hell Enya's are two months in a row double double but been looking for over a year but now I can afford a sub hell yeah welcome back key dad cape crown dad crown here's the thing what if I buy a key though and the only upgrades we get from here on out our guns and not passive upgrades and this is the only passive upgrade that we would have that would have helped me out to buy more passive upgrades in the shop that we won't be able to afford I Ronald Reagan 14 months in a row welcome back glad you guys could join me today fine crown like I just really think that the right move here is to go with the key see you see what I do though I take what you want me to do call in the opposite direction until you're convinced that not I'm on to that and then POW that's when I hit you move and then I junk everything like an idiot no we've been beaned I got you so good that read health whoo worth it oh yeah oh it's not like the robot gets a benefit from having more junk or anything no no no no good good though happy but yeah pleased charmed hey huts Skylar wrecked 500 bits that's a lot of bits I've been playing gunship like two weeks now and I can make it past the third floor boss anyway here's 500 bit boys I'll just watch how it's done so watch how it's done I'm gonna over here to find the secret um by the way I'm gonna do it as a bullet all right you just go ahead and sit back watch how real thing person does it disarming personality oh can I afford it Oh forgot about that do I want to spend all of my money though here Chris here's what I'm thinking if we're gonna try to do the rat I have to I have to stop myself like to stop myself maybe we should just not do the rat yeah that'll be the deciding factor there what we just have costed me been 38 it's really not that big of a deal duality phase Tier one sub welcome friend for the first time and slow zombie guys the question do you get any bonuses for junk and while playing robot I don't think you do I know I don't think Junkin counts as a bonus guy seven months four chill frozen it's up chill frozen fits right it would shield right out I just think that like if rats gonna end up like ending the run early that's kind of a waste 20 months enrolled for a tie welcome back and beningoso in three months welcome back fingers son what's up everybody what's up what's up what's up I'm glad that you're resolving it makes me so happy it makes me so happy you know charge shots not the worst thing of a rad neither is this this guy's pretty okay how do you know it's a guy this is the rubra anodyne something something something something something pistol you breathe in maintenance that was a lot of fun did you guys have fun today alright where's my table tech rockets what happened to that find some bouncing bouncing zippy zap gun to stupid doge mallet oft sup guys pretty good with table tanks stun remember table tech rockets on the table would just go like one would sail off and explode I haven't seen that in years I sort of got a I get the same 50 guns and upgrades and every single time I play the goddamn game this gun would be just like wow I actually wouldn't be that good with slang [ __ ] dude it wouldn't be that good with my normal active ability because you know why all of my bullets will ZipZap the water cam do pee dupe it's up cam 14 months 14 that's like a number it's the balloon gun so we're flying technically I don't feel like I should fly over okay I like how you're like remakes a balloon animal I don't think I should fly over any gaps in case this thing goes away on me directional d-pad down right is the freeze beam love being a freak six hundred bits hey AHA its have some bits bit battle already shade was thrown that day whoo oh no no no stop what does this gun peashooter supreme Gunjan ants start spraying your water lighter up baby let them up up up light em up pumping your one turn yeah so one day part oh it seems like it's more affected to light them on fire first and then fire the goop's at them and then shoot some poopy shoots look at that not too bad you got the cat claw - it's pretty good huts you can Hadouken with the d-pad how run the d-pad out of ammo yeah I don't think that would happen know what happened to gun switch out too fast in this game poopy shoots what it's the needler from halo banal I got a synergy cuz I've got the trash junk I mean trash cannon is pretty trash on its own right though not you can you can run out of ammo what happens if I running out of ammo pots what is your auto aim on controller seven billion percent I want to say it's like a third I remember I've seen it like seven years so I didn't forget it all the auto aim enough that I still miss constantly Polaris well that's gonna suck on on the first phase is it shooting like really slow about a shout faster than that hey key drop on you know game arcade twenty three months in a row glad to see your bathroom coming together hope the rest of the house is coming together as well yeah some families coming to help me move more the bathroom stuff in I got a toilet just sitting there in my garage all garage toilet and vanities in there I've got the second bathroom vanity and second bathroom toilet just sitting in my garage it's all ready to go boxing-glove not too pleased about that mass spectrometer some of these guns just switched out way too fast brickbreaker break Bricker and I like the guns that like bounce around but man doesn't mess with your brain when you're dodging stuff aqua-blue prime sub what's up aqua blue grains from Germany what's with the pizza on the ground no this is the the sewer system so you've never flushed a pizza before everyone's doing it boxing-glove on dragon sounds banging I like this gun it's very strong not as strong as this gun okay so this is the gun that like has to charge up by doing damage right it automatically charges itself that's really good they would they would they know that you'd be screwed because you can't switch your gun out smart gunjan is smart [ __ ] did not sure where I was supposed to go there Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mate dude this is like the hardest trap from that's ever existed this one specifically I will take damage if I go through there I'll just take one less chest then guess I'll die Christel gun Bupa buh buh buh buh buh-buh-buh give me a gun that gives me flight again that balloon gun then I'll cross that trap room oh yeah moon scrape shot bow trap room or no balls gonna play some more we happy few I'm thinking about doing a YouTube stream for we have you feel now I looked up my twitch thing and I think they they took exclusivity out of the contract now there's still exclusivity clause Gunter but it's more so if I stream something on Twitch I can't also stream it on YouTube at the same time so I think I might just do like a really long youtube strand just try that out for we happy for you because I'd like to play more of it it's just man that would be daunting that to make episodes of it help help ah thanks mate perfectly times just to [ __ ] me over love it there's just sometimes it's something you can't touch for everything else there's MasterCard take my cactus I was dodging sweet no no that's fine yeah we're dead as a robot if we've taken this much damage already [ __ ] 100% so just get rid of that for that big old owl that's fine as long as we know it's coming use your blanks I don't need to use my blanks if I'm not going to take damage only the only reason I actually took damage is cuz the game decided cheat [ __ ] you take my wooden rod [ __ ] you've got blanks ah chat shut up play the game play the game and then give me [ __ ] what take the control out of my hands right now sensei yeah I am Jesus it is correct can I find the securing with the wooden stick let's say fine see groans right you take a litte I don't know if I can junk a chest with this damn thing I'm gonna be done with this thing can you take this from me blue chess green chests green chess then we got the the one shot the BFG or whatever it is still can't find Seeger owns with it I can't even junk that other chest of this I'm thinking that we just buy a key we open the chest we hope for the best passive upgrades for the love of God that's pretty good it gives me the ability to have an increased accuracy by the armor piece nah I had the if with if I have any less than 55 cents I won't be able to go to the rat that's a guarantee I can't find Seeger rooms with this I could I get popped my three blanks I guess it's guess could have taken three blanks to the next floor as well nice to me for that isn't it [Applause] sweeten get the crest crusty Christ krusty-krab Peter yeah it's the PTO if you and me what a hundred out of good do you think you are at Gunjan four thousand the best no one's been better comes the guarantee to those beam-weapons last for like half a beam half a second of beam [ __ ] give me a prototype railgun I'm shooting these little tiny shits Oh right good good use to them oh good good good good good good good good use your blanks I swear to god Chet swear to god chat oh now it changes it yeah that's good that's good though get back you fiend this is fun all right the Buddha did a bit about the BOP about lightsaber thing I haven't had this one in a long long time throat chat into space I dare you thoughts you need to chill you know what [ __ ] you kindly we're getting a chill so chill sign up I mean we lost requests lost our crests Balor's is perfectly orchestrated I'm not even mad they just they win they won that round you guys got it point-blank just destroying his entire vagina the whole thing and the guys is like mm fine still just delicious that's good that's good news why don't I just junk everything why don't I just junk everything why would I even try to find guns [ __ ] you you junkie Neil helpful really good though it's way it's better you know it's better than upgrades that was this game like this is like it finds just ways you never even thought possible to [ __ ] someone over and they pull it off and they do it it's it's almost amazing at this point I'm almost not upset about it big ass shotgun still it rip so like that come get somebody boy boom she's got a nice Mansur Junkin hype 3000 IQ plays ring on boy cricket could you just shoot him though thanks bud you know I can't shoot him but where's the fun for me okay up how is he not playing death scan that right now what's deaths gambit was that the new roguelike or something else coming out I heard about it from them fellers and Texas gosh is this table tech blank I'm not gonna be able to afford it let's just get to the rat and die peacefully huh thought I'm gonna react to that that's why no cursor as I'm using a controller this is a really bad gun to go into the boss with and it's really good most confidence and myself to pull it off let me just spread my water on the water yo dawg i heard you like water more pool is good has a chance to be a super gun super bullet I don't want to shoot the black hole gun now haha there be a bail mistake black hole Sun won't you come and wash away the ring the PAC's cannon she just got smooshed dude pixel dot seven months oh man getting closed that Bob baby also love that guns you content keep it up huts thank you fix thought remote bullets lot i [ __ ] this is gonna be luke D loop 360 no bullet sweet dude I'm sorry to fight the rat why do your guns keep changing it's called the gun game was one of the mods want to say gun game as the title you're [ __ ] what about my [ __ ] Glasgow old yes title I just say gun game short and sweet all right one sniper good I type or I shoot you turn into a chicken oh no no no no no turn into a [ __ ] chicken shotgun full of love oh wow okay shotgun full love is so good I need a sniper rifle also pretty good yes is very not Hutt's trying to send him up any questions as video well I'm not seeing one now I need one more key for that oh hey whoa surprise the star Peele how does he know the name of every single gun I don't I get the same guns all the time curb those bullets is dag Fighter three months welcome back stomp you away I know lawns again I set up any question suit to his Karen oh I'm not seeing any penny questions besides one that was 24 minutes ago and I'm not seeing anything [ __ ] dude make me go into that curse barrel or take a heads wait a second it was already in the shop how is that sold out if I'm oh I think all guns are just temporarily sold out I sent want to test this is lobby this is the test penny question hello David Daru CEO says graveyard keeper is releasing tomorrow will you play it Jesus Christ I've got too many things to play I want to but when but when David I don't know a queue 47 hello dammit and there's no bear there's no chest in sight what a freaking joke [Music] just to open it did not just buy a key no I didn't have enough money to buy a key I do now though let's not forget to do that right because that would be stupid walk over it and it will open Oh what you said I could have opened it with the ak-47 free with the a key just walk over it want Jesus Christ you guys a second too late a second too late that's tight oh that's tight Jesus all oh oh oh oh snowy I thought you blanked me Oh alien alien engine good yep yep yep yep yep that's the one that's the good stuff you had to come over here on my side or I'm not fighting you have fun I can find you dude [Music] so I still got you still have your key okay right it didn't actually spend the key I did the things I was still holding the a key my Achy Breaky Heart would you come over here I'm not going across the thing what happens when I'm on a platform when I use my alien sidearm are my alien engine ah oh ah I can't I can't get him [ __ ] [ __ ] game you're the worst you were the worst [ __ ] game you so mean to me got him if I just use up my ammo that was easy man there's simple stuff star of day six months Wow six months already it's been a while since I've been able to catch a stream but I always try to watch you on YouTube Elise welcome back starved day and zip Leno says a Fonzie dy oh no oh no oh yeah diri diri diri didi dadi go see sabe something something something a bunch of other stuff that I'm not gonna read cuz it's probably not good or it's desperate bill you got then it just steal my mahogany before I used it boss rooms your automatic have to change your weapon oh yeah the camera oh yeah I take pictures that tank that'll do them dirty Oh dirty down holder do check off my [Music] what the [ __ ] hey yeah you can't just [ __ ] shoot me point-blank you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you thanks for eating today's his Thai hot slaw I couldn't have thought of a better way to celebrate my birthday happy birthday mates the gun night stuffs amazing for me currently right now as it stands happy birthday mate use your blanks loser I did use my blanks I need to save two of my blanks to my [ __ ] rad dude on their ass easy stuff man I just wish this game would get a little harder big boy stop star if I can afford it [Music] lightning whitening mm ster prime sub its up lightning welcome to the show also Tim own 18 for months and her I almost missed that one I'm sorry about that welcome back friend owes you either die or you live long enough to suck that's not the same you [ __ ] stole my key [ __ ] why don't you just wait Blake lose your blanks I waited a full five milliseconds before I decided to open that alright [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] you guys that was the biggest bullsh ah that was the biggest [ __ ] that I've ever seen one health rad boss let's go baby bring it on I'm [ __ ] toasty right I'm ready I'm so [ __ ] ready Oh perfect them on a table money oh thanks thanks game it's like a nice warm hug when you give me the appropriate amount of money to save myself it's just nice you know it just feels good it just feels really good inside it feels really good right in here they in the dragon for months and Earl what's up welcome to my [ __ ] pain and suffering I don't want to have this I don't want to have to have my own child see me die you know what I mean that's gonna scar Junkin it's not even worth to have him it's gonna scar him for life and I don't appreciate what you just did for me he's not even old enough to help me out right now he won't understand my dad died don't go to the rag question mark uh right look I'm just not gonna go to the rat world of wolf thanks to the prime sub friend life is sad ask a question are you having fun so much fun pain in the shin welcome back where's the secret realm you think also do you have any tips we're trying to beat robots Pass I've been trying for weeks now and I've been dying half way through also junk and hype I don't remember what is that the one we had to fight Sarah Connor I don't know I think I just did it once and I don't remember honestly just memorizing attack patterns is just the biggest thing in this game can you drop Junkin to make Junkin a big boy drop junk to make junk and a big boy what does that even mean how it dropping junk uh help me reach that goal you'll be hit all the rats by the way in that room yeah we kill them all there's like one penny would have done it though you know one penny anyone Bueller [Music] siga room was that at the cursed shop i checked though those walls stop the rats for pennies yeah I know where this that's not a crack nor is that nor is that those are bullet shells same with that you lie to me mate check the shop the stay on at the right shaped shop for there to be a secret room you guys aren't helping the boss snow you got junk in the worst possible circumstances save junk in vain the shed 5,000 beds welcome back pain 5,000 bits you know nothing's gonna be easier than fighting this rat on low health on the gun game with shades on it's just gonna be like really simple and easy you know that's all I ask is that everything in my life is really simple and easy what if I just dropped off right there and just you know enter it early coming in this early by I got two hits in me if we can even make it to the rat boom-boom-boom watch me get a money right here yep 31 cents thanks game 1,000 bits kill the rat and I climb up the hole again [Music] do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do let's didn't last as long as I thought it would oh yeah really really slow firing weapon Oh crossbow to the sling perfect bop boo bah don't mind me just trying to slain those guys right out she's the best Oh Oh stop son wait wait wait wait wait just really fair just like simple easy and five easy steps make your way to the rad fight whoa yeah buddy nice
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 46,871
Rating: 4.8755302 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: 9FLQ43jdeGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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