GUN found in PRISONER'S storage unit! I bet he'll be mad about this...

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wacky squirrel Witching Hour oh geez this is getting way better oh yes 25 centers look at that Vault of evil that's a nice really nice jacket some mobile uh stereo there's another signed uh Toy here Eric Kinski oh look at this guys 10 gem mint oh what's this guys what the heck so much good stuff wow ah oh look at this oh guys oh 1973 this is great vintage stuff large talking and dancing homework that's dope guys and actually the box is not bad at all Emmett Smith oh there's an ammo box this is way better this looks like it's in good condition [Music] yeah this is Black Panther what a funny looking uh proportions on in there 2018 Hasbro ckport oh there's some good shoes yeah those are actually uh decent quality right here is there two there's two oh like the second pair of matching shoes we found in the whole Locker a little tutu oh this is good she's gosh oh dropped on the ground dorbs Spider-Man homecoming Fox is thrashed once again boxes thrash but still a good find put that in our keeper box you know what else is in here charger cable okay got another smashed up tablet Hisense on this one okay and then another single shoe that could match oh look at this guys getting better we're getting better at this game the matching game this is decent I think alloy frame backpack dbx 10 5. they cut the cord on that it's usually not a good sign put back here and stuff to go to the flea market a little cooler empty but clean the Highland Mint minted memories oh that's neat oh it's only 2.99 oh a Goodwill but look at that San Francisco Giants fan photo it's got a couple coins in there that's that's a little bit neat a little bit neat I'll put that aside even though it's not much Goodwill it doesn't mean it wasn't worth more we'll look it up we'll get you guys a comp I don't know if we can find a comp on that we'll see we'll see yeah lucky we we've got lucky so far on this Locker all right what the heck I just pulled the one thing out oh that looks like a jewelry box right there and look at this piece of luggage right here it's got Mickey ears on it I pulled that I did not even okay yeah come on down we're having a party just keep anybody else bring your friends sheesh Toyotas sold here miss Natalie all right let's see well I'll get these clothes out I'll let you know if there's anything good in here I can tell you right now there's not another thing broke here looks like probably a popcorn maker or something oh that's cool look at this I mean it's not really but that's all uh Priority Mail flat rate envelopes I use these all the time they're free from the post office so it's not like a big deal but I think they're discontinuing these I heard a rumor about that they might be discontinuing these types of envelopes if that is true then I am stocked up for quite a while I don't even have to order them but it's not like I want to pay for a locker to get that stuff but better than garbage all right it's gonna be a lot more clothes here guys I'm gonna go through it I'll show you anything that's good look at that stained up it was It was kind of cool I think it's kids though nisso jeans that was cool it's just stained dang that was actually kind of cool all right I'll go through this I'll let you know if there's anything you know noteworthy yeah there's not one good thing in there seriously not all the clothes just go in the market it's not nothing nothing worth talking about it's a cell phone case there's an old Legos that's a vintage Lego right there boy that that's a throwback for me as a kid um yeah look at that 1975 no joke I could have had this one I may have I was five years old guitar I bring that to the market maybe maybe there's a collector out there that wants it mango pineapple Locker drink challenge anyone I don't think so oh Pelican wait that's gun stuff no okay it's uh this one's for photography I think probably can make some nice gun cases Maybe I'm Wrong that's actually really cool right here it's all foam see but the foam's all like split up so you can like pull sections out to fit your stuff Pelican 1300 case I need to get that off but that might be worth selling I don't know it's a little dirty but dang I think that's expensive though I'll put aside I need a little more time killercraft bradsby company made in the USA Bay all right guys Moment of Truth is there comics in here oh there sure is that is full how many Comics are in a long box I'm thinking it's like 400 comics that's what I think CSI okay let me get this out here I can't really see him oh oh what's that oh what's that okay we got one two three more comic boxes oh that's a short comment box that's a comment box what's back there cards in the in cardboard uh trays oh my goodness guys oh we're gonna end this one very nicely very very nicely oh this is beyond what I hoped this would be way more comics okay there's a older Justice League 75 cents yeah these are all mixed up though I mean there's like upside down they're backwards come on you guys should have a little pride in ownership there's X-Men curse of the mutants huh number four Wolverine I'm not seeing the stuff I really was hoping to see and that would have been like older stuff or like I don't know I like I love finding X-Men but stuff not feeling this I'm not feeling it I don't know if we're gonna have big money books in here all right but we still have a lot of books we got money in quantity if not quality but I wanted to find a better quality okay next one oh geez big old freaking cockroach right there son of a biscuit that's unfortunate dang it there's poop all over it too ah yeah yeah you little buggers there's two of them in there ah now what wacky squirrel Witching Hour 25 cent book those are interesting best book yet I mean best box yet and we got freaking roaches in there the max nice oh guys this could be better now okay this could be better is that werewolf by night where monsters dwell 25 cents number 36. oh geez this is getting way better Planet of the Apes tomb of Dracula this is getting way better this is exactly what I was saying I was hoping I would find the older stuff just like this just like this jeez 20 wait that's a 20 centers now 20 centers oh yes 25 centers look at that Vault of evil it's more modern more modern huh okay there's a little bit older stuff in the front and they got more modern really quick just Donald Duck stuff I'm not gonna bore you guys with too much of this but I am going to get these out so I get those roaches out of here this is a dead one if I find something like truly amazing in here guys I'm gonna update you after the video you know look at that so disgusting huge old cockroach right next to a Pokemon card that's an older one too isn't it hmm this is cool ghostly tails that looks old it's 25 cent another Witching Hour 25 cent this is really good I think it's 2016 on that Pokemon not too old not too old okay now what I'm gonna do with this oh man I hope those other ones don't have roaches in them too it's too bad those Rooks put a little Sondra mood on that oh that Zeppelin oh okay that's actually not too bad huh I'm surprised the record's not in worse condition actually it's not perfect but it's not too bad that's a good Led Zeppelin is that their uh Premiere album I think I'm not sure I think it is it's just sitting there okay this oh what do we got here guys what do we got Crossman Aragon ten dollars as is now that's probably means it doesn't work yeah it's not holding any compression so still cool still good a couple bucks at the flea market not bad I don't know what those are dark guns or something toys toys oh it's another one another uh BB gun this is a daisy though that's a Red Rider oh that's a Red Rider this is way better okay this looks like it's in good condition that felt good too yeah that felt good that's a good BB gun right there put that in the car oh let's put that in the car that's cool that's going home with Daddy another DVD player it's getting crazy with those DVD players oh okay what's this all right it looked like a jewelry boxing it's not a jingle jingle empty empty bummer I didn't think there would be anything there but again you never know garbage okay this thing is interesting too what is this that is bizarre right there I thought maybe it's a rain stick and now I just think it's a just a polished piece of wood that they painted on and it's actually pretty dang nice yeah that's actually kind of neat it's Hollow all the way through it's Hollow I don't know what the purpose of that is but I'd say that's probably at the garage sale maybe 20 bucks and take care of that that's a that's different we love the stuff that's different we love the stuff that's unique we love the quirky empty oh I didn't notice that before yard sale and that was his address okay so he probably had a yard sale at some point that's why we've seen the stickers the price stickers on the stuff I tried to sell stuff Lawrence Livermore lab some kind of work poster there that can get dumped there's no value on that that's a nice print right there it's signed a Craftsman's three or something okay that's a nice piece oh note on original graphic artworks in the Karen frame me Park West gallery yeah krasnansky Venice yellow Sunset 2003 serial lithograph in color on paper signed in the plate I don't think it means it was really signed I think it means that this print this signature is printed on there so but that's still kind of neat I don't know I'll bring it to the garage sale periodic table of the elements it's a nice one that's where it was all right luggage looks decent it's from the Disney parks it's really dirty on the outside but that's a decent little bag Kingdom Come I don't know what that was for Bucket Boss brand stream gear almost looks like a holster but it's not that's got to go to the garage now oh this is neat it was somebody ripped a big chunk it off Popeye the Sailor Man old toy about 2001 not too old but it is vintage that's it uh that's neat that's vintage Calico head-to-head electronic baseball it's kind of neat Harry Potter DVD this is a comic book sports cars come out here spring sprinkler wire look at this Magic Johnson plate 1.99 at uh Walmart is from 1992 made in Hong Kong a few sports cards and that's about it okay swing arm lamp Okay this is the link forever to get this thing off finally we're there what a terrible way to put your bike even the cord is through the wheel that's nuts boy guys we're we're getting some good progress here but we have a lot more to do luckily she told me I'd come back tomorrow finish up all right that was such a obstacle to work around but now we can get in here and some sheets in my bag that's a nice uh hook right there I think that's for a bicycle or or no maybe it's for like a ladder I'm sorry I've had a rake and broom and stuff but I think these things right here they clip into those walls those garage systems get like slots and they clip in I think it's something special let's you need those slots though there's not a lot of Croft right there okay shop back there we go she's got her gun also very dirty in there these little princesses in here little toys and stuff it's little Crayolas it looks like a mini Brand's almost that one but yeah I'm gonna let that go okay that looked like something good but it's not it's just a it's just a purse okay that's a that's a mess right there all right some kind of little joystick keychain alarm remote I don't know some track slot car track it looks like there's a little camera 14 megapixel what the heck Kodak Easy Share if that works that's a really good little camera and then right here we got some fitbits I think or a Fitbit bracelets no Fitbit I can't use that tub again oh that one's in bad shape right here a new day well you know what someone might just use it at the market just to go shopping with you know like a shopping bag the holder stuff all right empty okay that'll probably sell at the market or not okay it will there we go she cleans up nicely yep mark it air mattress looks kind of cleanish kind of cleanish oh man look at those cashews right there it's like come on rats come in this this Locker it'll be fun come hang out plenty for everybody that's so stupid that's like seriously like rats are so attracted to the smells and that was a lot of nuts right there hey Locker nuts just thought of that there's a wheel and I see another one right there a couple bike wheels so I've got those that's good news this looks like a nice jacket Orvis oh my goodness yeah that's nice yes that's nice Orvis makes some really nice golf uh I'm sorry fishing stuff right really high-end fishing stuff that is a beautiful jacket wow okay that guys I think it's leather thinsulate insulation in it yeah outside body is 100 genuine leather whoa that's a nice really nice jacket it's gonna need to be spot cleaned a little bit but surprisingly you know um the manager said that the guy hadn't even been here that long which I mean that's kind of surprising right that would that was not going to go the market that jacket right there is probably 50 to 100 bucks right there that's what I'm thinking 50 to 100. starting lineup Ken Griffey Jr and Ken Griffey sneak peace oh let's skip right over this Nike double XL what's that you what's that what's that stand for you oh University of Miami nice that's okay things are definitely getting a little better oh there's an ammo box and look at all those cards right there guys I'm standing here talking to you guys I didn't even notice all that you're probably looking in the video going what Jack look right there turn around stop talking Dodgers little kids jersey Merrick number seven soccer jersey oh what's this Fruit of the Loom that is a single stitch shirt here guys that is vintage what does it say oh 1992 Junction Bulldog I don't know what that means but this is in super bad shape yeah look at this night oh 1982. ah it says 92 there but this is copyright 19 oh that's 92 span America Seattle that's that's it I'm gonna have to put it aside even though it's in funky Condition it's still a little better it's more jeans action West jeans son of a nutcracker oh man that's gonna make me laugh and I'm gonna cough because I'm not feeling so good that is uh really funny really funny I'm gonna put that aside you don't scare me I ride a mare that's got a kind of a vintage look it's got bleach stains down here is not a single stitch but it still has got a vintage look to it it's a women's shirt I'm gonna put it aside um what's this more bleach stains really bad ones Las Vegas Harley Davidson shirt dang it biker built um yeah the stains are really unfortunate but I'm gonna put aside the other vintage shirt right here guys this is good stuff this isn't really the kind of stuff we're looking for I'm not sure what that is Hillywood oh my goodness that did look like Freddy Krueger tags cut out Hillywood look at this 1997 new line Productions huh that's that's got some potential right there that's a good shirt I mean I I would never wear it but nothing with the word hell on it with something that's going to go in my closet but we're on my back Robert Lewis New York 75 silk that seems like a decent shirt oh look at the armpits they're all blown out do you see that these this was too tight for him okay what's this uh this one's all tore up Honda dang it that was cool was it past tense you know I'm gonna put it aside anyways uh I mean I'll bring it to Stockton see if anyone can use it out there pillowcases all right that's it look at this rhino model kits glued together model kits uh sounds loose in there that's not a good sign hmm there's part of him it's not been painted it's cool okay that might have a little value but I doubt it in that condition I doubt it all right what's this I don't know what that is some mobile uh stereo compact disc player looks like it had a strap it's broken off Stockton will probably want it yeah [Music] brake pads right there and a little dolly oh look at this a pair of choose Kumba k-h-o-m-b-u Comba oh brand new waterproof combo boots size 12. we might put those aside those might go into our auction I don't know is Comba a good brand I'm not sure seems like it could be kind of decent that looks like Michael Keaton no is that or Val Kilmer is it Val Kilmer Batman 3.99 the rookie Norman Rockwell Saturday evening post they pulled it out of oh that's neat really too bad they uh crinkled that up like that it's got a signature right there it's Campbell's at Scott Campbell 2015. oh my rooski let's get this out it's got some good stuff in it so far Oakland Athletics huh oh look at this John Stockton Magic Johnson right here John Stockton some more John Stockton Randy Johnson Randy Johnson they're sticking we'll put that aside oh some more rocks we already haven't found some I think they might be in there there's somewhere oh look at this there's another signed uh Toy here ericinski that one signed I think the other one was Eric hinsky too that we found yesterday good really good really good really good I don't know if I need that or not oh whoa that is a shirt that is a really cool shirt size extra large Warner Brothers Superman shirt that is really cool okay that's going to our auctions for sure commemorative stance of the USA where's the stamps I don't want the book about the stamps I want the stamps yo best love books let's call it Pimpernel Tom Sawyer Robin man looks like some more brake pads right there I'm gonna let those go Mandarin from Finland a little teacup oh look at this guys that's a graded card very very bonds 10 gem mint Barry Bonds from Arizona state is college card from 1990. oh please let's try to get a um comp on that hopefully that's got some value I haven't found a graded card in a very long time in any Locker it's a little Superman plus just get Pretty Dirty Justice League toy Works San Antonio Texas he's got a dirty Band-Aid stuck to him we'll let him go to the market the Chappelle show oh that's awesome oh it's not there that's a bummer that's so funny Dave Chappelle's hilarious okay there's more matching pieces there from Oh I thought I said Finland said England it was just wore off a couple more pieces Sandman stories to read and tell us oh and unfortunately he put it in where it got bent Merrell Publishing Company beautiful books for children it says all right get that protected and put away nice look at this little purse yeah it's cool we sold one at our garage sale just over last weekend a week ago today actually and that one's in a little bit rougher shape you see the loose threads and stuff huh let that go to Stockton this uh pretty good sized shop vac right here this is oh that's a DeWalt that's definitely gonna sell that'll sell dewalt's great brand and uh I'm assuming it works but I'd be surprised if it didn't I almost feel like I should upgrade mine cards oh what's this guys a little lock box and that was short-lived it's for Keys it's cool wires in here tubing good flea market stuff oh look at this oh it's another cast iron uh Popeye wow this one's not a bank but what does he do looks like he sits on something such cool pieces really neat stuff I like that oh there's the brake pad box probably for the brake pads we found you know what before we get too much further back here let's get this let's see what's in here okay oh this is this is interesting okay I'm seeing all kinds of neat stuff in here guys look at this whatever this guy is this clay statue he's a little bit damaged though he's really interesting though some pottery some more um figurines for baseball some kind of light box here some vinyl records some Electronics dog training dog collar trainer you know whatever here's a Nikita battery charger Polaroid camera this is really interesting right here more Electronics oh yeah yeah you know what guys we might have to actually go through some of this somewhere else so this is taking me a long time something like this takes quite a while to get through I might I might just have to pack this up and go through it somewhere else I'm running that time and the rain's coming and I gotta get this stuff moved too hmm all right let me get this down oh man that's so good I didn't know it was gonna be all oh they're all look at they're in there bacon bits huh some cards what the heck so much good stuff look at this Alman from uh Watchman right Watchmen where is it I'm not sure I think it's Watchman there's She-Hulk Edo Tokyo Ghoul I don't know that one there's Colossus the X-Men wow there's some uh what do you call it baseball cards at the bottom oh look at this Carnage Hot Topic exclusive that one's in a plastic the plastic is kind of gnarly but I think he's gonna be okay okay guys we're gonna transfer these let's look at what we got and hopefully we can pull comps up as we go I'll show you what these are worth Ken kaniki oh the Tokyo Ghoul I think I've had this one before Tokyo Ghoul it does sound kind of familiar but I'm not familiar with it I'm not familiar with the the program but I'm the sound the name sounds familiar running Stimpy nice there's Ren oh he's like a Dalmatian wren Arrow Felicity smoke almost looks a little faded though a little bit faded there's hot girl DC Bombshells there's power girl one punch man satama found quite a few of those already I love that video oh what is this my hero Academia all might weakened weekend all night oh that's so cool huh that one's in good shape too all right there's dorbs Squirrel Girl and dorbs there's the Flash Batman no back that's Batgirl right it says Batman but I think it's Batgirl She-Hulk yeah look at this Batgirl that's like the Animated Series yeah the new Batman Adventures the Animated Series that's really cool looking I like that little Power Rangers don't really care I don't think that's anything really Tokyo Ghoul another Tokyo Ghoul ah oh oh guys oh we just found it we found it finally we found something I think really good okay this I hope this is coming out because of glare Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it's issue 75 but look at this I um Eastman right there right isn't that the uh that's Easton Eastman's signature on the book with a little sketch of the turtle Eastman one of the two uh original creators of this book that's why it's in this thick plastic oh that's so good and I don't know what that is ink and brush but uh this is a good book also 134 hellfire club ah this is a I mean I have I have this book from when I was a kid um there's a good book and it looks like it's in decent condition but this this right here with the signature makes that very a very special book oh I got really excited there for a sec I'm still excited but you know what I mean oh okay what's this Lincoln sense ah empty empty book nickels okay by the price tags I know these are empty we found a book just like that earlier beautiful books empty though it'd be way more beautiful therefore that's for sure oh there's an old Kaleidoscope right here hmm that's neat that's neat the brass ones oh let's go Dad will go home with us what a great box okay let's get some here now here's change nope no keys nice OtterBox phone case baseball no football cards okay football yeah oh man look at all those keys that's funny I do I have a key collection guys I have to admit it I have to admit I do have a key collection at home it's not really a collection it's more just a little box I put all my keys in oh look at this David Moore that's signed there's some gems in here there's some gems in here trying to set these in as carefully as I can I know it looks terrible the way I'm setting them in there but it's a step up from being in a plastic bag all right what's this more rocks maybe some gemstones in there too cool yeah that's not full yet we'll add a little more chicken Decker Bullseye it's a laser level and stud finder that's interesting right there a little bit tools it's good tools decent tours all right that one looks a little more expensive though we'll let it goes to the market good bag there for clothes once we fill the other one up oh man this stuff looks good I really feel like it's getting better the deeper we get in here there's still a lot of stuff in here what a great unit guys 400 bucks let me just remind you 400 bucks that's what I spent on this The Flash 1971 glass right there and actually the graphic is very bright not faded out like it's been washed a million times this actually looks good Targus Ryobi uh battery I think we found a real B drill not too long ago down there sneaker balls deodorizers there's a new shoe I don't have a I haven't seen that one yet oh look at this Sega Game Gear that's like a Game Boy for Sega right we haven't found one of those in a while Adam's family is the game these often don't work I think uh test it but yeah those are stuck there's an old Sports Illustrated 1972 1973 time 1974 Sports Illustrated in 1980. Ah that's the Olympics I think right that's cool though that's my actual value 1976. no magazine 1975 1973 this is great vintage stuff there's an old um Magic card 2012 not that old it's been up another toy Superman bicycle or motorcycle the spider right here you mean you might want to get out of here just telling you you might want to find a new residence Taz power seal power screwdriver hmm that's cool Mark Collins harmonica oh look at this whole bag of Mark magic cards okay that's cool again I'm gonna have fun going through that yes I will see if there's any black lotus in there Hume Lake high adventure wow that's neat hmm it's a little fender I wish I had the battery cover a little Fender amp right there sneak I wonder if that really works plug your guitar into that a couple action figures there's He-Man huh a bunch of Jack figures from Jack In The Box a bunch of push pins jungle Hollow rough shape on these magic cards that are just loose in here I don't think I haven't seen anything that was like our shame though there's Carnival sealed pack of cards this is interesting I think it's just resin it's just a neat little pizza [Music] what is this rolls razor I feel like it's probably for sharpening a razor or something to me in England maybe it's just a hold your razor that's different a lot of money in here really dirty all right guys I think that's it I'm gonna um I'm gonna try to get everything out throw the garbage away maybe I'll take the change home and clean it up I don't know I don't have that much time to work on that kind of stuff season four and stuff I see mostly pennies but let me definitely get these cards out though or mismatched shoes at some point we're going to be able to match some of those up it's a little pin back-to-back Champion Super Bowl 23-24 San Francisco 49ers that's cool is what this was Sense and Sensibility that's sealed that's probably not something people really care about I don't know bring it to the market it's a little Mario oh that's close to being something good that's a Sony Walkman right there it's missing the face plate right here but that was uh this was probably hundreds of dollars if that was in good condition no joke guys still might be worth something damn look at this Street Fighter 2010 Capcom that's a NES game that could be good Happy Meal toy okay this cookie jar Westland number 25550 that could have been good but we need the lid or else is not worth really anything look at that that is I don't know what that is some kind of Mr Potato Head or something Darth Vader it's missing the face huh Hasbro 2002 20 years old interesting oh there's another game RBI really funky but oh okay yes look it that might be worth something we're gonna have to look that up another phone Samsung it's a little heater that is uh that'll be good in Stockton 50 years Charlie Brown Christmas all right that's that Hmm this is too much really I move one thing and like everything comes crashing now I'm a thing on top too it's not even like I grabbed the bottom okay a little hot wheel there got a whole bunch of slot car track here but we're gonna let that go but I don't want to let any slot cars go Aurora that's not one that's yeah that's PS that PlayStation something Bombay I think there's a supposed to be a clock right there oh let that go no that's just hot wheels too no slot cars just uh track all right that's cool to take it out to the market I think there's a little value there oh that this guy that's the tray for the toolbox that's in there but it's it's buried we'll get that put back in we're just looking for Levi's and vintage shirts mostly that's pretty much what I'm looking for nope this is a vintage shirt maybe Sublime oh my goodness yes it is a vintage shirt size medium it's a double Stitch but still that's super cool Sublime is uh I would imagine that's collectible the lead singer died right a long time ago drug overdose that's a neat shirt good one good one that's why we do this that's why we go through this without passing it straight to the flea market because the guys at the flea market would be snapping that up like in a heartbeat that's what those guys go to the market for that's why they're getting up early in the morning going they're hoping to find Sublime shirts for example all right that was it that whole bag one shirt that's all it took guys that's all it took so it is starting to get a little dark and I'm too and I'm kind of feeling like I need to start speeding this up a little bit so it says Vape box right there just stuff for a vaporizer or cartridges and stuff right here wait not empty a little Monopoly figure in here oh my goodness it's a little Monopoly game except with the character that's funny another single shoe it's Corvette uh cards here on a frame picture but it's all Toro card box is empty tour of pure water filters brand new all right look at this Simpsons that's Homer Simpson it's a big guy a little ripped on the box right there but it's got posable opposable arms oh never go to England large talking and dancing Homer oh Rapper's Delight oh my goodness this is hilarious I love it 2002 on that let's try to get a comp on that that might be worth a little bit oh I'm so happy that wasn't an empty box so happy okay another one single shoe and that looks like a pretty decent boot right there it's me in Canada yeah that probably is decent hope I find the other one of that there's antio not a good sign in the locker and unfortunately a little glass piece we like finding glassware but the ear is broken off oh this is heavy and it says metals on it Metals Die Cast oh what is this DC comics Bombshell Supergirl and a 1956 Ford F-100 pickup that's dope guys and actually the box is not bad at all it's a little little crush right there but not bad at all for this Locker not bad at all all right let's try to get a comp on that because that is neat it's Hollywood rides huh I don't see a model number hopefully you can find a comp that's neat really neat all this stuff has like a layer of dirt on it that's funny I have those exact same uh plastic trays at home that's fun oh whoa there's a whole bunch of die-cast cars in here we're gonna have to take a closer look at that okay Rockport another good shoe right there a good brand but alas only one only one look at that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Eastman 19 it says 2019 or 2017. could that be a real drawing yeah yeah for it it's really cool though well Fair okay another inflatable mattress Intex good brand and this one's got the pump built uh built into it so that's kind of good yeah well probably all or most of the weight was off on this right here bubble gum machine not a cheap one I thought I said Japan on it but um yeah this it's not super duper heavy but actually I think that was might be plastic but it's definitely metal oh oh that's another wow it's different it's another Kaleidoscope I think you just turn it it's different I don't know if I like it that much it's kind of neat there's a football looks like it's signed but I don't think it is I think it's printed on the ball Emmett Smith huh wait where I'm totally off camera guys sorry uh Emmett Smith right there but I don't think that's a real signature I think it's printed on but I'm gonna put aside so I can look at that later it's getting a little bit dead in here I totally had I thought the camera was pointed differently shoe Nordstrom Rack 50 bucks again I think we only have one Funko Pop another Tokyo Ghoul this is Rise oh this is head oh this is heavy okay this is why it's so heavy look at that whole bunch of die-cast cars even some yatra what that's so weird there's this uh there's a watch looks decent is this a Speed Racer got a bunch of die casts I wonder if we have any red lines in here there's some older stuff too hmm I'm not seeing any red lines but what a weird mix of stuff in there okay good box oh look at another scorpion in resin I like it we found uh one of those already in this Locker more sheet metal toolbox but no no tools a couple brackets and brackets those will sell another nice uh hanger right there for your garage okay what's up it's getting dark all of a sudden here guys like really really quick light piece here tools oh I should save mostly changed oh never mind hello I'll have to find it later oh wait this right here it's getting dark super fast 21 cents yeah yeah it's getting a bunch of random Comics here really rough ruff ruff ruff ruff I might actually just let these go to the flea market Believe It or Not rough shape I want more cards yeah I don't know a little bit more rocks in here hmm it's random rocks some bike scene right here I don't know if you guys can even see that it's starting to get super dark did I mention that I don't mean to be repetitive but it is getting very dark I got lots to do still Marvel Comics presents Wolverine in the Hulk the condition is not great but I think that might be a decent book value-wise I don't know if I can let those go to the market I don't know if I could do that I might just have to put these with the other Comics all right guys hopefully you can even see me I don't know it's getting dark quick fast and efficiently the dark is coming and it's doing its job I don't want to unbox in the dark there's no light in here so I think we might have to come back tomorrow so I'm going to take this right now there's a chance I might come back and grab some of this good stuff and just bring it to my locker and we can go there and unbox it afterwards so anyways but anyways guys that's it for today uh as far as this video goes if I come back I probably won't film it I'm just going to grab and go and move it so um yes thanks for watching I hope you had fun I sure did we found some amazing stuff my favorite though is definitely the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book signed by Eastman that is really cool uh really uh kind of unexpected but what I was hoping whenever I see Comics I hope there's something special I think that is a special book I don't know if it's pricey or not but it's special it's now special I don't even think I'm gonna sell that one and there's all these comics and there's all these cards and there's all these boxes there's a lot more uh potential in this locker but already I am blown away this is going to be one to remember because this one took us from the gamut of what is going on in there to oh this is great this is good this is so many wonderful exciting things and it almost reminds me of the one if you watch my Dusty hoarder Locker where it was like electronics and just so much dust this one had that feel of it where it's just like I I mean chaos going on in your stuff lumped on top of other stuff it had that same feel I haven't really tackled one like that since that that one had not very many Treasures in it had just a little tiny bit of good stuff a lot of garbage this one had a lot of good stuff and it's not even that big so I'm having a great time if you can't tell from my voice I'm really enjoying this and I hope you are too we're gonna be back probably be back here but if not we'll be back in my locker to go through this uh but we'll be back going through this stuff in the next episode until then good luck to you God bless you and we'll see you next time here on laga nuts good night oh there's a PSA graded now that's to five not super highs had a 50 price thing on it Sid Gordon from 1953. I haven't found graded cards in Forever what the heck that's Mickey Mantle and on that side so Michael Jordan [Music]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 76,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, trains, train collector, model train, Lionel, German trains, Marklin, Faller, Roco, Athearn, Overland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 45sec (2805 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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