Opening Incredible Garage-Found Gun Safes After 8 Years | What Will We Find Inside?!

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hey guys I'm really excited about this summer because we have great GI stories to tell you we've got some really interesting guns to show you but out of the blue we got a call from a family of a collector who's about an hour away who said we have two safes in our garage that have not been opened in eight years would you like to come over and assess what's inside and I got a great idea why don't you come with me so again I know it was the family of The Collector and I've sold guns to the the this person many many years ago and I know he liked um nice stuff he collected nice stuff but still when somebody says I have two safes they're in the garage and that's not usually um a great environment for safes uh and said that the safes have not been opened in eight years you kind of wonder what am I going to find it reminds me and if you're as old as I am you'll remember this geralda Rivera he did a special I think it was on CNN where he had Al Capone's safe and they they hyped it up for months and finally the night was on a Sunday night and everybody was supposed to watch and and it was an hour-long show where they just built up this big Crescendo in the end they opened the safe and yes it was completely empty well I'm sure that's not what we're going to find but I'm a little bit worried about the condition of the guns out after all these years it's been so long that they didn't even know the combination to the safe but they were able to have a locksmith come over and open them up so we're going to drive over there now I don't know what we're going to find but I'm really excited and I'm really glad that you can come with us now if you have a heart condition I you need to not watch this I do take medication for my heart just to keep the arteries all going well so I have to take it easy I'm going to get a little bit excited but if you think you can stand it come along with me because I can't wait all right we have arrived at our destination just like Geraldo we do have a bunch of empty boxes here these are all empty just so you guys are getting excited about oh there's a lot of guns here the guns are in the safes there's are the the two safes that I mentioned so we're going to dig our way back in there now a a Rocksmith a locksmith was here before we got here and these have been opened up so we just have to open them and see what's inside so this is exciting guys stay tuned thank you [Music] foreign oh look at that holy crap yeah we'll just go ahead and load up the car and talk to you later a black witty there's a black witty we got ourselves this should be a CZ no oh look at that there's a black widow HSC that's not something you see every day and there's a quick PPK this one is Doral I can tell by the finish it's a Doral and there's something in here up that's just the right size box for a PPK wouldn't you say one of my favorites oh this is a special one uh 1920 range so that puts it in the party leader block okay I'm gonna move this out of the way because we haven't gotten to the safe yet that's the big big reveal okay we're ready to open the safes uh Kurt's not miked so I'll do the talking but we we have not looked in here probably been 10 years so you get that one I get that one I I hear we crank it there it goes aha I said there won't be any rifles but that is pretty exciting my heart's pounding just imagine you're here right now I will say there's there's a lot of room here I'm a little disappointed I'm joking of course but there is a lot of room here so we're gonna what we're going to do is take everything out we're gonna lay it on a table over to my right and at least you'll get an overview of what we found in these two safes and then the next step is to take it all back the Legacy it's all got to be logged in and figure out a way to best sell these items this was not in the safe but off to the side it's very heavy I could do my curls with it but this is a practice round for an M1 Abrams depleted uranium something or other and it's from Fort Knox says right here so that's just a random thing and somebody out there is going to say oh I'd like that so now Kurt and I are going to lay the guns out we're just getting started here but this one stood out I opened it up and it's obviously Army Surplus but from April of 58 and it's got an Ithaca slide I see a Springfield Armory proof and it is an X serial number so put together after the war but a pretty pretty rare item we'll set this over here and there's a whole lot more you see we found an M1 this environment is a little bit humid but we'll be cleaning these guns up later yeah nobody's going to want this you see the do light finish and Union switch and Signal just absolutely gorgeous gun uh this is incredible uh pardon me of my handshake a little bit here we have a 1940 excellent condition and it looks like it has one matching magazine I'll set this over here let's keep the Germans away from the America you know these guys they get mad at each other he's going to start shooting him so we try to keep them keep them separated okay so I'm just going to take some stuff over there we got some box guns try to keep up this is like an adrenaline rush really whoa look at that I I can barely I I just have to take some time off here but let's keep going working up a sweat Randy where's the young guys so far this has been way beyond my expectations so o m g sorry guys this one's gonna have to stay with me [Music] foreign we have gotten through the first safe actually this is uh there's even more than this just from the first safe so what I see here is a neglectic uh collector because we have H and K Pistols several then we have these Colts These Are the officers model we do have some 1911s I already showed you this one with a Beretta here another H and K some of this has gotten a little bit moldy but if you watch my videos you know how to clean that up really well and uh maybe he was a Neo-Nazi no I'm joking of course but there is a copy of mineconf and there are people who really appreciate having one these were often given to couples when they got married and this one is signed and I don't know the person but it does not say Adolf Hitler so copy of mineconf was in the safe not something that I want but somebody out there is going to want to grab that right away then we have this is interesting because it is in part marked it's in a post-war box you see the uh here's the top you see the top of the box here and that's a post post-war box but this is a wartime waffen-proofed PP it has the reddish grips which is kind of cool it's excellent condition and then import marks so it came in after the end of the war sometime actually after 1986. let's see I mentioned this one I believe yeah this is a nine millimeter more in the gloves because it really helps to wipe these down that's a very nice nine millimeter see the frosting comes back because it's a little bit humid here and here's another red grip PP this one is not Waffen proofed and back here I have a very early gun I can tell this is the X grip because they're a little short you see how it doesn't come all the way up to the top 90 degree a large Ring extended barrel uh reversed serial number or upside down serial number so this is a very early gun this was an empty box so we'll have to see if we can find the gun but it goes to it's a very late PPK and speaking of late uh this box is late War and that's a late War manual and it comes with a PPK with a great grip police Eagles C this you saw me carry out it is a late War box to a P-38 often these will be commercial guns or very very late meaning the gi's picked it up in the factory they got the box they got the accessories and let's see if this is a GI pickup no it's all matching in the C block so actually it could have been in the factory but it was made in April that was when the factory was taken over April of 1945 so this is one of the last ones made and has the original box kind of cool now we go to a cult you cult collectors will like this one high polished finish it has the CSR inspector there's some wear on the front strap but these are getting really hard to find you do see the wooden grips which is correct for this variation I already showed you the Luger with the matching mag that was in 1940. uh yeah you know this looks like a baby dagoon I don't know these very well and they never come in any kind of condition so this is oopsie you ever get a wedgie well these wedges are supposed to stay in and I'll figure that out later we'll keep moving along oh this is a Springfield Armory should have a big eagle on this side there it is big eagle U.S army post-war P-38 I'll have to go through that oh you know what it's light so that's going to be Doral here's a post-war Walther huh that wasn't what I expected that's a P5 so that's unusual a little more modern this box got a little smashed but there we have I think this is the no not a nine millimeter this is a 7.65 beautiful finish uh in a matching box 1903 Colt right here and then everybody loves the Black Widow and this would be what I call a black widow HSC I just made that up speaking of hsc's here's the HSC with the kriggs Marine marking excellent look at the finish on that this is a beautiful find but notice how shiny and delicious that looks this nobody really cares uh sorry to Greg who collects these Greg you know your last name I won't say it uh at Allentown he collects uh these uh flare guns and I don't um 22 caliber has to be late War because this was never finished and sure enough it's in the uh of 430 so that's the 430 000 range that was the very end of the war actually 1944 so I should say this is the very end of production uh same as these two this these are both Darrell lightweight you can feel it but this one is a police Eagle F and this one is commercial both in very good condition remember the last one was 4 30 430 000 range this is 429 and 428 so this is right at the end this is going to be a nine millimeter and I can tell right away because you can tell because it has the bottom release this is a luftwaffe holster uh and that has a liftoff of proof right here can't really see it very well but this nine millimeter with the Waffen stamps was a luftwaffe contract it does not come with a matching bag but it is a luftwaffe gun brought home at the end of the war this is also Doral I can tell by the finish and has the wrong grips this is uh for 417 000 should have a black grip on it and that's an easy fix these are later replicas of the 1911 and the Single Action Army and this is an empty holster but I'm sure there's a gun to go with it [Music] [Music] okay on the table now we have most of the remaining guns although whether I had a lot of duplicates on things like single action armies and so we just put those away but I tried to get a nice assortment of this collection as I mentioned before very eclectic you remember this this was the round from the M1 Abrams that's the biggest caliber we have and here's the smallest one um I don't know if this is the correct box it could be if it is it was pretty I don't see a welder Banner on it but this is a model 9 welder it's got kind of a plum finish but let's uh go over from left to right uh right off the bat we see these U.S Marine Corps some of you are familiar with these we have I think we have on our site right now consecutive numbers but these were Surplus they went to the U.S Marines for uh Iraq the war in Iraq and then the U.S Marines they sold them off to the public and when they did they crossed out the U.S Marine Corps but everybody can see that it was issued to the U.S Marine Corps and this is the sand Motif to go with the uh the war in the desert this is a 1940 kragoff there you see krigov 1940. absolutely beautiful gun look at the shine on that there's the serial number oh and this comes with a black widow magazine which it would have come with a kriegoff magazine that would be numbered to the gun but I want you to see that that's a 1940 kragoff absolutely beautiful speaking of krigovs here is another 1940 oh you know what this is important um this look at the serial number ends in 57. and this serial number ends in 58. these are consecutive numbers and this one does have a kriegoff magazine close but not numbered to the gun so two consecutive numbered kragoffs came with this group here is another Luger a 4142 that's a uh very oh that's a KU k-u which is a rare gun a lot of you are looking for that look at the the nice scripts grip straps and then it also has an L2 proof uh one probably went to the luftwaffe then we have three liberators there are 45 caliber single shot here's a Single Action Army some of them are us marked this one is not but that's a nice Colt Single Action Army now we see these two flintlocks this one is actually us and this one is British and we could do a dual hold them up like that take 10 paces and turn and fire so two original Flint locks now speaking of krigov they had a post-war most of you know that after the war was over the gis wanted souvenirs in 1945 so we have a couple of this one it doesn't say kriegoff it's blank but I can tell from the numbering it's called a px gun I've done a video on these before so that large number there you can see the kragoff stamps so it's a late war gun but it was put together post-war and sold to the gis as a souvenir this is the same thing not marked here not even proof marks but that's an end of War there was a serial number here it is right here it says number 14 that's a post-war kragoff GI souvenir and I think there was one right here yeah look how big that font is number 45 again a post-war krigov put together this one does have the logo post-war Craig off this one has a star which means it was a commercial gun but these are again just put together from Parts those are all krigovs this is a cutaway so it's a Luger and for training purposes the factory would do these cutaways and show the internal workings and this has uh it looks like a number one but I believe this is Persian and that is a Persian Mark but you can see this cutaway pretty rare and the magazine nope that's that's got a way there but that they all are but it gives you an idea the inner workings now speaking of krigov here's an S code look how nice that finish is front strap back strap it does have a kriegoff magazine but not matching um now he also has some nice Colts and as we look around the table you'll see some Colt 45s this one is got a light parkerized finish needs a magazine but it's a pretty standard call from World War II and then a 1905 which is a popular pistol look at the serial number 381. so that's a very early 1905. here's another cold this one's a revolver but it's a 1917. let me get the lanyard out of the way there you go model 1917 and look how beautiful that one is does have the stallion and this one was U.S army issued probably for World War one but they also use them in World War II there's an inspector proof there for cromp PP beautiful gun and here's a box PPK in the original box as I remember this is a late War gun it's Doral and there's the box number to the gun here's a Single Action Army it's going to be us marked I think it's in our artillery model it is and here's another one both of them us March so these were military Mark they will have a Cartouche on the grips but they almost always are worn off so you can't really see those we're going to keep moving along uh here's a Japanese gun I also have a type 14 this is a type 94. these are all uh considered suicide guns because they go off by themselves I've done a video about that I won't go into it but it does give the date the 19 would mean that it was from 1944 let's see if it has a matching magazine this serial number is right here and you see it ends with 279 and this is looks like 279 so that's how you can tell if it has a matching magazine two beautiful PPKs this one is Doral this one is commercial yeah those are both late those are both late 1944. uh here's a box sour 1913 sour I already showed you an early uh 1911 this one is early I think it's from about 1912 or 13. it has the early logo Half Moon rear sight it's got the lanyard on the bottom so uh just an early not probably again probably 1913 1911. here's a box sour 38h kind of hard to find original in the box and it would be commercial because the commercials gun would come the commercial guns would come in an original box whereas the military ones were issued generally in crates this is a U.S Firearms which is basically a replica of a 1911. good thing I have my gloves I'll wipe off all the schmutzies but you see the fire blue they're just beautifully made guns they used to be fairly cheap because they're replicas but the prices are going up the packaging is beautiful and the Finish is absolutely beautiful if I can reach across the table I'll show you a beautiful broom handle this is a 1920 contract actually I like these grips on here it's kind of a baker light and there's the stock I believe the stock matches the gun but if you look at the finish on the gun absolutely beautiful with some fire blue right here let's try not to bang this around too much but we got to keep moving uh let's see speaking of well I wasn't speaking of but here's an HSC or or again the black black grips a late HSC late were HSC aha party leader party leader holster marked PPK with a party leader grip and this does have some cracking on it but this one probably will not be offered because I already have somebody in mind for this gun who is on a waiting list so a very nice party leader in this collection also a chromed this is aluminum frame Chrome 1944 and that is original there you go it's hard to photograph because it's so shiny this I don't know what it is if you know comment I think it might be a star well it has a star on it but it might be a a star or Astra I'm not sure what model somebody can comment and let us know there's an odd looking pistol again very eclectic we did all those I've got some M1 carbines you can see they have the later sites these two have the bayonets this probably is original configuration these other two were reworked probably for the Korean War era then I have there's another Mauser HSC up this one is Navy it's very early because it's 701 oh low grip screw I was going to say 701 that should be a little gripsco how about that that's a little that's a little low grip screw and that's a Navy so that makes it extremely valuable and you can see how nice the Finish is so I actually missed that when I took it out of the safe and all it is instead of where's another one instead of the screw being here it's down here and that's only the first about a thousand uh and that's the correct serial number for that range there's one here that was this is another this is a phosphate HSC with the black grip that's pretty rare it's a PP holster but there is a PP here that's I think experimental [ __ ] oh yeah not sure what the purpose of that is but that's an experimental late War PP if you know why they did that write to me and let me know in the comments okay some p-38s dual tones this is not police this is a uh actually it only has one military proof so it's probably made in 19 yeah svw 45 I was going to say probably made in 45 looks like an all phosphate all phosphate P-38 here's another one it looks like an all phosphate P-38 svw45 this one is post-war 46 and that's the French that's a aluminum grips but it's made for the French at the end of the war they took over that factory and made some guns for their own police force this is a beautiful 1916 Navy however the Finish looks too good to be true so I'm going to say this one has been refinished but it is a beautiful Navy from 1916. here is the type 14 nambu I mentioned briefly type 14 nambu notice the grips they're smooth that means this is probably from about 1945 and there it is January of 1945. looks like a Black Widow byf-41 it is a black widow this one look how beautiful the Finish is on this let's focus on that for a minute this is a 1936 Mauser you can see this side how beautiful it is it does not have a matching mag front strap back strap beautiful grips look how beautiful that is this collector had very good taste this looks like my last gun on the table and that is a Doral PPK from about 1941 with a beautiful Aqua holster spare magazine you can see the aqua logo here and that's the last one on the table okay this is the day after because to be honest with you we were there to from 11 in the morning till about 4 30 in the afternoon I was completely exhausted it was about 85 degrees outside 80 percent humidity um so we were exhausted at the end of the day but my overall Impressions first of all phenomenal find much better than I expected I kind of tamped down my expectations but what's amazing about this collection is the quality of the items we've found now we only found one refinished gun that I can remember and that was this Navy this Navy is absolutely beautiful 1916 Navy it is it's hard to tell but this has been refinished very very well done that was the only refinished gun we found in the whole collection and quite honestly when I go through anybody's collection I always find a good number of guns that have either been tampered with or renumbered we didn't see any of that now we did get some replica guns but that's different because you're buying a replica here's a replica of a 1911. you can see the the who it was made by there's no intention to deceive because they put right on there that it's the USFA United States firearms company they put the name right on there but this is just a beautiful replica and he had he had um a good number there was some single action armies uh and there was some Colts there was also I think a 1905 called so these were replicas but most of it most of what we got were just really high quality guns the kinds of guns that I like now some of them will go in my safe others we will be offering on the site this is something you almost never see because this is very late War it's just a plain box if you watch my channel you know that the boxes usually look like this there you go there's a box nine millimeter but this box is late War there's the serial number and it matches the gun inside when we open it up you can see it's very flimsy but there is a plum colored PP with the red grips and I know there's 122 of you who want it right away and please send it I'm going to have a hard time parting with this one and the other one again there was there was a lot of really cool guns I did show you a party leader this is a PPK kind of a standard box million serial number uh those of you who know wartime and pre-war PPKs know that that's a rare variation million serial serial number and look at the quality of this gun now this is resting on the cleaning Rod so I'll have to change that out right away because if it's resting on metal it'll it'll rub and there is the I can promise you one thing this is not going to be offered for sale just absolutely incredible find hey thanks for watching I hope you were as thrilled as I was and I hope your hearts are safe but we want to thank you for coming along with us and thank the family for opening up their home and allowing us to examine and evaluate these Treasures
Channel: Legacy Collectibles
Views: 1,678,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww2, ww2 history, gun collection, opening up an old safe, what's inside this old gun safe, treasure hunting, incredible garage find, mauser luger, walther pp, walther ppk, ww2 pistols, m1 carbine, m1 garand, colt 1911, antique gun pickers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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