I Tested The Most Satisfying Products on Tik Tok

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today we're testing the most satisfying products from Tik Tok starting with this Bubble Shooter woo Z this is cool this is the coolest thing I have ever seen I've never seen so many bubbles giving it a thumbs up sad what do you think thumbs up oh yeah sometimes I forget my sourdough starter is literally alive sourdough starter oh it's to make bread oh that's creepy thinking that your bread is alive that's just disturbing but sad that's fine they popped the balloon with string that must have taken a while that's satisfying oh my gosh wait we need to play that one in Reverse now it's a dirty key going in water oh this is going to be satisfying I already see how clean it is that's cool ooh Z for zamfam that says Z for samf fam which means you guys have to subscribe right now so subscribe oh man a chicken this is so weird I mean it's kind of satisfying but honestly disturbing Pebbles if I getting this one I'm testing this with my daughter he zie this is Play-Doh duck can you say that Play-Doh duck all right now this is a satisfying one watch what you do you put the Play-Doh inside oh mom hasn't played with Play-Doh in a while thank you oh you need help okay Zade and I are going to construct this see if it's as satisfying as we saw you got to pack it down because then you're going to see Play-Doh duck watch wo wo you know that's a chicken right Rebecca it's called Play-Doh duck I'm not sure why I don't know it looks like a chicken to me okay but it is satisfying to watch zie do you think it's satisfying okay I think this is supposed to make a little egg but it's a little disturbing but let's try it on the head look I'm going to mix the Play-Doh together and then watch this wo it's a rooster now Play-Doh duck do you like this do you want a thumbs up or thumbs down the thumbs up is from Z I'm kind of giving this one a thumbs down also it's clearly a chicken okay I love seeing things get washed like this is my dream look how messy it is and then how clean like who would have known that chair was under that this is what they do at Fields like baseball fields oh I didn't know they did this is this like Mochi oh my gosh this is ice cream I've never had ice cream like that Z comment below if you had oh my gosh I'm hungry now oh this is giving me winter Vibes Z just had Frozen birthday party that's what that reminds me of this looks like calligraphy I was never able to master this ever but I appreciate people that can do it like look at the patience you have I definitely do not have patience for that do you guys see that that looks like a face okay that makes me nervous I feel like you're about to get your fingers cut off no no no this doesn't satisfy me that just gives me anxiety ew can you imagine laying on a pillow like that like you really needed to wash that pillow that is I I feel like bed bugs itching my skin right now looking at that pillow I mean I'm glad it's clean but how could you let it go that far these are my favorite these are so satisfying I love sequin things that have like codes or something it's so pretty I love it oh look at that yes okay I think zadee would love one of these these are like sensory overloads I am so obsessed with that stuff look I even have a pillow I love this stuff I am so excited about this one I think zade's going to be excited too oh this is satisfying because look if you go this way it's a whole design of a lake zie I see a monkey this is satisfying but also it'll entertain your 2-year-old for all you parents out there do you like this okay yes sometimes I don't know what she says I just agree with her do you like it yes or no yes yes okay then I guess we are giving this a a thumbs up what no no okay Z I think you're confused right now she's in what people might say the terrible to is were everything is a no even if it means yes oh okay oh my gosh that happens to me when you're trying to have your shirt lay flat what is she doing oh she just Staples it on is that like a needle I feel like I get hurt trying to use that ooh look at her nails I love her nails what is that oh that is like slime that hasn't been fully mixed or is that jelly or something what is that Dam fam honestly I was just obsessed with her nails I thought that was the satisfying part but now oh my gosh it's slime it's slime of some sort kind of looks edible though right do you think you can eat that oh we love a good thing of dominoes oh wow this is cool I I mean think of how long it takes to make this and now we're seeing a tree it's like a Christmas tree it keeps going this the dedication to this these are all Dominoes how do you do it up up you went uphill does that even work I thought gravity would not make that happen but it somehow worked oh okay this is satisfying you can't look away like We cannot stop which means you have to subscribe before this finishes because the grand finale looks like it's about to come but who knows this thing just never stops okay if you subscribed then you have good luck as soon as this finishes looks like you're going to have good luck it just might take a while oh this is pretty whose brain like Works to make this happen I can't even even think of all those things at once that is a multitasker for sure okay what are we making here oh I left the pink is that soap you guys that's like unicorn or rainbow soap this is the prettiest thing I've ever seen how do I get this for my bathroom I need that I need that okay Zam fam if you find out where this is please send me the link pet filament from bottle PL it rips it and shreds it what are you supposed to do with that we're making string but I don't know why wow this person is making an entire invention all from a plastic bottle okay I kind of want to get one of these I don't think I'll be able to do that but wow that looks so cool I don't know what it's for but it's satisfying so here it is Matt has an ey don't trust myself I want to see if Matt can do it first I don't know how this supposed to work it's supposed to make a string okay let's just try to string it up here it was satisfying in the video like a little string that it's supposed to do what's that face I have no idea what it's supposed to be doing right now that's because you didn't watch the video did it look awesome yeah I mean it made it a string you're pranking me right now I know it Matt it does work you just have to use Force I'm just going to go strong no no no I don't think that's the point it's supposed to be satisfying no you have to use strength it's supposed to be satisfying back here we go why would anybody call this satisfying Z bam if any of you have used this comment below tell us what we're doing wrong how are we not doing it right oh wow this guy is goals and knowing that some kid is just going to come and jump on it so so fast I bet he got a sunburn making this cuz this had to have taken hours hopefully he has a good sunscreen the detail on this is f fast oh my gosh okay no kid is allowed to jump on that including Zade snow oh wow a 48h hour blizzard time lapse this reminds me of Big Bear when we go to Big Bear I'll like look out and it'll be like oh it's beautiful and then all of a sudden the snow will come and it turns into that you can't see anything and I kind of love it watermelon does that work toothpick and a watermelon and it'll break it okay and then is this crunchy slime or is this edible kind of looks edible but I'm pretty sure you can't eat it oh this is satisfying whenever they paint lines on the street I always wonder how they get it so straight this is how makes sense now I thought someone just like did it by freehand but no that's a weird looking Arrow anyone maybe it's just our angle oh little Gadget have some watermelon juice that looks good but how do you do it oh you scoop it out you know what I have been wanting to try this this summer is just around the corner and I got to be ready so after you cut out the watermelon it looks like you add whatever you want to it blend it up oh and boil this is a lot of work this is satisfying let's see if it actually works so here is the product I went and got a watermelon scooped out the stuff then put it inside and now we're going to see if it'll actually make a refreshing watermelon drink okay this is weird I hope this tastes as satisfying as it looked oh maybe I didn't dilute the juice enough it looks so good on Tik Tok oh my gosh my hand is so cold why can other people do things and not me this is supposed to be satisfying instead my hands just in a bunch of watermelon goop okay let's see I want to taste this it looks good let me try it tastes like watermelon oh zie wants some if I go like this this works for some people maybe not for me I'm going to let Z taste a little bit of this watermelon juice see if she likes it can have a little okay oh do you want more she's like no I want my nuggets that thing looks super cool but maybe I shouldn't have done that DIY scraping off paint that looks like strawberry shortcake paint to me yum is this a coconut ooh oh how do you just take off the outer layer I don't think I've done that I mean I've cracked a coconut but it didn't do it like that that's so pretty wait it's chocolate that makes sense look at that ice going that's a DIY snowplow what's happening oh the device on the left is cutting through ice you can make ice sculptures with that is it from your hands like how does it cut through ice I've never seen this I don't actually think this is going to work but I am going to try it if I can do this I could carve Zade a whole Frozen themed I don't know ice sculpture it's supposed to use body temperature oh my gosh it is cutting through okay that was kind of satisfying let me just try it again okay definitely doesn't move as as fast as the Tik Tok but like it's cutting through well maybe you have cold hands I don't know I feel the bubbles though I feel it going through wao Becca maybe you have culled hands you need somebody with some hotter hands no okay fine Matt this thing's already heating up Matt you should do a satisfying ASMR video start a Tik Tok channel for no I'm not going to do that wow like we know who has the hotter hand here okay thumbs up or thumbs down hold on I got to do one more got to do one more Super saine W that is incredible how does it do that okay I have more things to test m that was awesome thumbs up the straws melting I've never tried this but this actually looks good except isn't plastic kind of toxic like I don't know if this is a good idea cuz those are definitely plastic straws don't breathe that in okay Zam famam oh but it is satisfying to watch melt oh wow this is the craziest thing ever I like can't stop watching this the amount of cereal boxes it took everyone from the entire school had to have brought something I don't even know how it ends it just keeps going and going this is enough boxes of cereal to feed an entire school for a year it's just crazy and just when you think it ends it like goes again all the students have participated in this wow okay now we're going to have to fast forward they're in a gym and it's like zigzagging and they're still a minute left how big is this school I didn't go to a school this big wow impressive if you go to that school you are one of the coolest kids ever I want to go to that school ooh look at that ice skater you'll never catch me doing that because I'm a horrible ice skater what okay my question is like what are they doing with those holes on the ice do they want to fall in or maybe they're ice fishing I don't know I have questions but still pretty satisfying to watch this wo how does it do it so fast okay I have never cut anything that smooth but it is satisfying I love how they're like perfectly apart in distance okay so I have the exact things that we saw in the Tik Tok we're going to see how satisfying it is in real life oh oh that is kind of s satisfying do you like this I love that okay I don't know why I would do this but you know it is satisfying are you guys satisfied you got to stop at some point Rebecca you're taking us too far hey Rebecca so satisfying I can't help it wow I just made a mess how to make something satisfying completely unsatisfying look what I have baby she's inside the ball small and big you're okay think she wants to take control of it she's like that's mine ladye likes to be the boss but she's a baby oh and then she goes in it exactly what off it's off is this a ball except it doesn't quite bounce oh this is satisfying that's a water bone you don't have to leave your bed when you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night and it's an alarm claw oh these things are so satisfying I've seen giant ones where I put my whole body in them our testing one was 80 look I put my hand in it's it shakes too the sound can put you to sleep it's ASMR she's not quite getting it flip it over oh you did it she finally did it see she pretends not to know but she clearly is listening to me whatever you do don't shake it this is a quick reminder for you guys to subscribe and turn on notification what is this it's like a holder for your phone it's a keypad I need one of these Tik Tok made me buy it that is so nice because sometimes especially with nails it's hard to like type on your phone and I just had a keypad I'd be like what is this it's a toilet oh it changes lights because when you wake up in the middle of the night and you have to go to the bathroom you just don't want any toilet you want a party I feel like that would do really well in like a college dorm finger paint oh no I do not want Zade having finger paint she w't make a mess it doesn't get anywhere if this actually works this is parents dream come true this is a coloring book so look what you do put your finger in and then you go it works turny on the table I'm trying it nothing Blues meres now watch what oh try it oh yeah you just try to eat that nothing comes on the table oh yeah let's go you guys this is amazing you get nothing on your counters your tables anywhere she's back she's back oh I think she wants to keep it cracking an egg into a cup what's satisfying about this oh you pour it in what's going on how is that supposed to be satisfying I guess you can just pour it all at once oh I've had one of these Apple Cutters so satisfying and so easy because I am not good with using kniv I had one growing up why don't I have one now oh this is cool it's a train that makes dominoes you guys know in another video we tested this that thing is so awesome and it actually works oh this is cool rainbow you can do like all these different things and they keep looking good it's like you can't mess up the art something that is perfect for someone like me red stain ooh oh it just stains your lip oh my gosh that looks so natural oh he has a shirt and he puts his hand on it and it changes colors is that actually work well I'm about to test it zie this shirt that I just bought is purple but watch Mom watch this it's pink it's supposed to turn colors is it turning wo it kind of works kind of not though it's kind of tie dye Z you're not impressed your shoulders must be really hot right now I wonder what makes it change colors is it sweat new shirt new shirt okay s's not into this shirt but it is kind of satisfying I wonder though if it just shows where you're like I don't know I'm not sweating on my shoulder all right this one's okay it's not as satisfying as I thought it would be but oh zie watch out my teacher hates me for this pen what's wrong with the pen oh it's a magnet it functions in two ways why would your teacher hate you for that I think it's genius this orb is so cool oh my gosh this would be perfect for Halloween wo if you touch it it like moves to your hand and stuff how creepy and cool at the same time puke balls is the at okay it sucks up oh it sucks up puke do you like make a mess and it cleans it up or is there a mess that comes with those I am confused it is a little satisfying to watch cuz they just like cleaned it up in one big Gul those are just so cool like I don't even know how they build them it's so simple yet so satisfying just found a new way to cut a hot dog oh no no that's just disturbing oh my goodness that's not satisfying at oh it's disturbing and then what pops out at the end that's what I want to know what just popped out is that edible or I don't want to know amazing product it's a coffee maker I'm sorry if you're getting something from someone's nose you should not be drinking it but it does look cool I don't know I don't think I could drink coffee from my nose ooh this is cool oh I used to have these it's like oil and it fills this is satisfying these are awesome my mom collected these I'm not sure why but it is satisfying I have the best product I've ever seen oh stop it shuffles cards so you know what if you're cheating when you shuffle cards you cannot with this machine this is a car dealer Z we just got this we got to turn it on oh wao okay you got to scoot back a little he's getting way too many cards Go Fish Z this is the coolest thing Matt what do you think of this I it's doing a good job except for Z it's giving way too many cards too oh my gosh you guys if you play cards this is the way to go especially so someone can't cheat I have no idea what she's talking about where you going zie she doesn't trust the Machin Z they go here Z is like when you have the same personality as your daughter should we be all done she knows now which one to push oh yeah we got it so satisfying to play with it's a bubble maker oh a bubble bouncing maker I have tried these before they actually work but how did he make his bubble looks so cool wo and then it just disappeared oh it's like a squishy ball I love that kind of stuff you know when you're like in class or you have to listen to something you can just do that it relaxes you anyone else am I the only one I got this for Ziti and we're going to see if she likes it when you're mad you go like this try it yeah when your mom makes you go to bed see it's helping her it's helping her get out her anger and her FR she might be pooping a little bit no say I'm mad at you Dad a I think this thing will help her so whenever she's like complaining or whiny we're going to give you this okay zadee what does the bear sound like zie look at these cats they're trying to get it in the hole wait the cat actually kind of did it oh I get it and then it it flips over that's genius I bet that's endless entertainment for cats and probably for a dog or a little baby named Zade okay what are these oh my gosh I have seen an use these before these are reusable water balloons and they are amazing you know how you usually throw water balloons they Mak some mess you have to clean it up well no with this you can just keep going and keep attacking someone if you're having a water balloon fight these are reusable water balloons from Tik Tok let's see if they actually work hey M are you kidding me they definitely work and they refill hey seriously oh it's like Dr popper you know people like seeing stuff come out honestly uh it's kind of satisfying like I don't want to watch but I keep watching also what's inside of that like do they clean it out I have a lot of questions this is the Play-Doh let's see if Zade likes it oh wow the texture is actually so satisfying Play-Doh why don't you play with your own you take Mom's I'm going to build something and we're going to see if Z destroys it this is so cool look I'm going to make a big mountain oh oh look at that she's going to make her a mountain and she made her a mountain bigger she destroyed your stuff she does that to me all the time is that a hat here I'll give you a hat oh looks good on you I think Play-Doh is your color where'd it go I'm going to have to wash your hair tonight all right I'm giving this product a thumbs up it is satisfying what is this they're washing their hands that is awesome I'm trying that I have to try that I mean I have some markers watch this oo put your foot in it no no okay you don't have to I think this kind of works but when you're a mom you can't really wash your hands when your daughter's you know just sitting on a counter high five I think she liked it oh oh oh satisfying Pig we've dropped the pig before and that was very satisfying Zam don't leave yet click and watch this video right here and let me know you came from this one
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo Shorts
Views: 556,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EN4Ak7jD6xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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