Gulfstream introduces the G700 as the new flagship of its business jet family – AIN

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Adding it to the list of things I'll never afford

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this AI end video is brought to you by SATCOM direct Gulfstream has a new addition to its family of large long-range business jets with the introduction of the G 700 model on the eve of the 2019 NBA a show in Las Vegas the u.s. manufacturer believes its new flagship model will give it an edge over close rivals when an enter service from 2022 the G 700 will be able to fly eight passengers up to 7,500 nautical miles connecting New York with cities such as Dubai Tokyo and Beijing the aircraft goes head-to-head with Bombardier latest global 7500 which can actually fly 200 nautical miles further this will be the largest airplane we've ever built the widest airplane the tallest cabin the longest cabin in the industry truly unique cockpit reminiscent of the development work we've done on G 500 and 600 so we'll be adding ActiveX control side sticks touch screens throughout the the cockpit of the airplane we're adding data concentration it'll have an all new rolls-royce engine and again a very unique cabin that incorporates an ultra galley that really turns the galley into a living space adds an aft stateroom with an area that's very functional very flexible beds demands seats whatever you want in the aft section of the airplane we focus significant attention on the the cabin itself but the technology in the cabinet will be the quietest airplane we've ever built able to be the most connected airplane we have ever built it's certainly the biggest and largest we've ever built but we thought through the user experience and how to maintain and keep those cabin components reliable so it will truly be a unique experience over anything we've built before externally the G 700 is set apart from its predecessors by its new winglets which will boost aerodynamic performance the design features 20 of the same large windows seen on the existing g650 model bringing plenty of natural light into the cabin which is just over 10 feet longer as part of major aerospace and defense group General Dynamics Gulfstream has been able to tap engineering expertise from other fields cross pollinating solutions developed for other products to improve its latest aircraft one of the ideas as we were looking to quiet down aircraft was also to look at how submarines kept noise out in several of the engineers that worked on future submarines or actually helped us as well on on airplanes and reducing that noise and these cabins that we will build for g700 will be the quietest we've ever built in the quietest in the industry Gulfstream has focused energy not only on making the g7 hundreds of five zone cabin look better than what's come before but also on making every aspect of how the aircraft is used by passengers and crew function better the new data concentration network is the key to these improvements the data concentration network is really an advanced network for all the airplane systems to talk to each other traditionally we've used just basically single wire we run singles signals through the data concentration network is really a internet-based type approach where on one wire you can have multiple signals at the same time and that allows us to reduce the wire weight in the airplane and increase our range in fuel efficiency but it also allows us to make the airplane very flexible with a network designed in this way the network can adapt to new systems if you want when the time comes for upgrade but it can also you can program functions into the network that do things that like make the customer the cabin attendant and even the pilots jobs easier by automating steps for them that normally they would have to do themselves improved performance will also be driven by the new Perl 700 engines that rolls-royce has developed for the G 700 it's all new engine for this airplane it's very fuel efficient as 8% more thrust than the br7 225 that's on the G 650 it's three to five percent more fuel efficient than the 725 it meets KT six nitrous oxide emission standards and stage 5 noise is a great engine and it's gonna be a blast to fly and in the g700 cockpit pilots will find the symmetry flight deck featuring the active control side sticks introduced on the smaller G 500-600 aircraft also new in the cockpit is Gulfstream's predictive landing performance system which improves safety on approach and landing by continuously showing pilots the aircraft stopping point based on the g7 hundreds calculated aircraft performance the system provides both aural and visual alerts to recommend actions to pilots for managing aircraft energy during these critical phases of flight the cemetery flight deck is a pilot stream the 500-600 here at Gulfstream the chief designer that the chief test pilot Scott Martin and the assistant chief test pilot Scott Evans and said design a cockpit by pilots for pilots you can do whatever you like and they design the cemetry flight deck our design philosophy is to make the cockpit simple intuitive air resistant and fault tolerant so in doing that for example all the switches to start the airplane are placed in the order that you need to actually then to start the airplane we have phase of flight menus on the touch screens that actually organize the tasks and the order you need to do them to accomplish the checklist the checklist itself is connected to the data concentration Network and it knows when chocolate steps are completed because it knows the state of the airplane so a pilot has simply to accomplish the checklist items and then look at the checklist on the display to see if they're checked off building on its sustained investment in research and development over the past decade Gulfstream is able to accelerate the certification process for the g700 using ground test simulation equipment engineering teams have been able to get a jumpstart and developing the cockpit and cabin even before the first flight of the new model which is anticipated in the first half of 2020 I think it's gonna stand alone certainly has the biggest cabin it is certainly the most advanced we really listen to our customers so it's not just a bigger airplane in terms of the fourth living area its bigger all throughout the airplane you get a fourth living area you get a larger lavatory you get large Akali get a larger crew rest area so you get that space everywhere wasn't just adding a fourth living zone it was really changing the airplane to be the 700 if you've enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up share it and subscribe to our channel also visit AI n and check out our e-newsletters for all the latest on the aviation industry
Channel: Aviation International News
Views: 1,088,267
Rating: 4.9303932 out of 5
Keywords: #bombardier, #business jet, #g700, #global 7500, #gulfstream, #pearl engines, #rolls-royce, #symmetry flight deck, #cabin
Id: _O4jusKtW-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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