Gulfstream G700 vs Global 7500

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we'll the gulfstream g700 beat out the global 7500 in this video we will see stay tuned welcome back to indeed ace aviation in this video we are going to talk about the two new powerhouses in aviation the new Gulfstream g700 versus the Bombardier global 7500 these two aircraft companies have been two homerun hitters in the aviation industry for many years and going into the new decade they are both looking to make a statement show and they will be around for many years to come let's get into the video Gulfstream has been what seems to be a household name for many even for some that know nothing about aviation due in part to how many times the G series of their aircraft have been mentioned in songs throughout the 2000s most notably the g5 mini music artist uses g5 s name and music to imply their wealth or status the term g5 quickly became a name that many people across the country became acquainted with will the new G 700 become another reference in pop culture well we will have to wait and see but we know one thing it is already hugely popular around the world and Gulfstream is not set to make their first deliveries of this beauty until 2022 Gulfstream's large cabin jets continue to account for the majority of deliveries in the third quarter of 2019 at 29 so it does not seem their business is slowing down at all in fact they are up in cells as a 4th quarter of 2019 the G 700 boasts an impressive 7,500 nautical mile range Rolls Royce Perl 700 powered behemoth engines with the specifications aligning closely to the Bombardier global 7500 the G 700 is Gulfstream's longest jet and able to carry up to 19 passengers comfortably or 10 sleeping passengers Colin Miller of Gulfstream says the G 700 will have the longest tallest widest cabin in the traditional business jet industry the aircraft will achieve its maximum range at Mach 0.85 at Mach point 9 the G 700 will have a range of 6,400 nautical miles which mark burns with Gulfstream says it's more than 1,000 nautical miles more than competing aircraft at speed the g700 will have a mock point nine to five operate in Sweden the new G 700 will also feature five cabin areas including a crew rest area main cabin area with LCD TV Ford Gallery dining area with six person table and a master suite cabin will be four thousand eight hundred and fifty foot at its maximum cruise altitude of 51,000 feet in addition to a maximum takeoff weight of a whopping one hundred and seven thousand six hundred pounds one of the most important aspects many times for buyers in this market is the take-off and landing distance the G 700 will have the ability to takeoff from six thousand two hundred and fifty feet of runway and land in just twenty five hundred feet at an unspecified typical landing weight the new Gulfstream g700 is something very exciting for the aviation industry that is for sure now let's take a look at this biggest competitor the Bombardier global 7500 Bombardier on the other hand has been an industry leader in aviation for many years in its own right for many a VA ssin and thighstr pilots is hard to mention a Gulfstream aircraft without at least thinking about whatever competing global is out there at that time global has done well with competing with Gulfstream and some would say the global 7500 may actually have some key advantages over the Gulfstream 700 with the new 7500 Bombardier changed a name the global 7000 ultra long-range aircraft to the 7500 due to performance improvements that continue to surpass expectations the Bombardier 7500 has been in service since December of 2018 Vista jet charter and net Jets have a combined order total for the 7,500 of 50 aircraft thrust using the combined 459 gallons per hour the 7500 has a range of 7700 nautical miles operating under MBA a IFR eight passengers with available fuel one thing that certainly stands out about the global 7,500 is a cutting-edge feat of engineering in the wing design offering up one up if not the smoothest rides in private aviation the cabin volume is two thousand seven hundred and eighty six cubic feet seating up to nineteen passengers with four crew seats the maximum cruise speed is 476 knots with a long-range speed of 459 knots the aircraft can take off with just 5,800 foot of runway with a landing distance of two thousand eight hundred and fifty feet for such a large aircraft that is an incredibly short landing distance opening up more options for accessibility the global 7500 has a maximum operating altitude of 51,000 feet so in conclusion who wins the Battle of the Goliath and aviation let's compare a little side-by-side for a minute the minbari a global with a range of 7700 nautical miles slightly edges the G 700 in range of just 200 nautical miles both aircraft hold up to 19 passengers the cabin of the global 7,500 is slightly larger by volume although the G 700 has slightly larger dimensions and cabin length that beats the global by 2.5 feet both aircraft have stayed the our avionics systems with all the latest and greatest technology so no clear winner in this category both engines are impressive with the GE passport engines designed specifically for the global 7,500 cruising speeds are both about the same the price tag on the Gulfstream g700 is about two million dollars more 75 million than global 7,500 at 73 million who's counting anyway the global 7,500 take-off distance is better by about 450 feet requiring 5,800 feet of runway in comparison to the G 700 need in six thousand two hundred and fifty feet the Gulfstream g700 has a land in distance of 2,500 feet at an unspecified typical landing weight with the global 7,500 need in 2008 her and 50 feet of landing distance not sure who won in this category as we do not know what the unspecified typical landing weight is for the Gulfstream either way they are both impressive short distances my final thoughts on this are simple I don't think either of these companies have enough of an advantage to win this battle both aircraft companies are world renowned for their aircraft designs and many happy customers around the world if you are spending that kind of money on either of these aircraft I believe what would set a specific brand apart from the other is how they treat their customers and the relationship they have with their customer base either way we are looking forward to seeing both of these in the sky for the foreseeable future but that'll do it for this video if you like this video please consider subscribing or giving this video a like we will have many more videos like this one to come comment below which aircraft would you buy if you had the money of course until next time happy flying [Music] [Music]
Channel: Elite Ace Aviation
Views: 405,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gulfstream g700, gulfstream g650, global 7500, global 7500 business jet, global 7500 takeoff, global 7500 interior, global 7500 landing, global 7500 cockpit, gulfstream g700 takeoff, gulfstream g700 landing, gulfstream g700 cockpit, gulfstream g700 interior, gulfstream g700 cost, gulfstream g700 tour, aviation news today, elite ace aviation, global express, private jet, business aviation, bombardier global 7500, bombardier global 8000
Id: IKvfwFZm-zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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