Why This Guy Is Rock’s Scariest Guitarist

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last week i went out to a gig the band was the aristocrats now i had met brian the bass player brian beller probably about six months ago or so and then i saw him at the namm show but the drummer marco miniman and the guitarist guthrie govind i had never met well i went out to lunch with marco and brian i had a great time chatting with them and then i got a chance to see guthrie play at the gig now back in 2007 my brother john sent me this video of guthrie this is guthrie playing on a jam track video i didn't know what this was there's a guy playing over a larry carlton style track he said you've got to hear this guy [Music] uh this is live here [Music] he's improvising obviously and the way you can tell that is because it's like speaking there's breaks in it he's developing idea after idea this was unbelievable the flow of ideas i didn't think i had any ever seen anyone do anything like that but it wasn't just that then i start searching then my brother says check out the albert king [Music] pretty one sound [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crazy gets this distortion pedal there improvised oh yeah breaks [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] so i called my brother john i was like do you hear the albert king thing he's like yeah never heard anything like it unbelievable he's like do you hear the robin ford one i was like no so immediately we get off the phone i go and i put on the robin ford one [Music] beautiful jesus right here [Music] then [Applause] okay these are all done on the same day he's doing one after another just improvising what's the backing track i've never heard a rock guitar player improvise like that never improvise not shred play idea after idea like that the only person that i can really that plays like that is pat metheny that can connect idea after idea after idea improvised ideas just this incredible flow vinnie call you to said when i interviewed him thought is the enemy of flow there's no thinking going on here he's just listening and he's just channeling those ideas one idea after the next this idea is keeps getting developed and developed and developed so a few months go by i exhaust listing those and then another thing comes out this is one of his original tunes it's called fives [Music] beautiful melody [Music] it was so interesting to hear his own [Music] his own tune the fusion beautiful so tight then [Music] [Music] [Music] okay first of all guthrie can play anything it's funny i was talking all my friends back then and i said does he sweep it i don't even know technique is not even anything you think about technique is just secondary yeah he can play anything he's got the chops play anything i don't know if he alternate picks every note i mean he's slurring stuff but i didn't even think about that i just think of the ideas the melodies the feel it's just incredible my son dylan was born a few months later and i used to play guthrie's videos for him as a matter of fact i have a video right here of dylan and one of my best friends tom wadsworth who was visiting listening to guthrie play over the albert king [Music] [Applause] [Music] dylan's totally injured he's like yeah [Music] i'm feeding him [Music] dylan's about 10 months old there he's hearing it [Music] little did i know how good dylan's ear was going to be maybe this had something to do with it over the years i followed guthrie's career but guthrie doesn't really do a lot on social media and hasn't for years and years and years when they came to town last week i was like i'm definitely gonna go i don't like going out to shows i just don't i work all the time and i like to spend the time with my family at night but i was not gonna miss this went to this club it was down a little five points probably about 25 minutes away my assistant billy went there i got to meet guthrie for a second before the show and then i went up there i'm going to just show you a little snippet that billy took and it's just of the melody of one of the songs so you get to kind of get a feel now guthrie has white hair now we're going from 2007 these videos were done this is 2022 15 years later because my son dylan's about to be 15. that's just a little snippet of the aristocrats guthrie plays things that no one plays he makes sounds that i've never heard before he was doing these slide things it reminded me of jeff beck but it didn't sound anything like jeff beck jeff beck does these things where you you're like what is he playing guthrie i'm standing there watching him i was standing right next to where billy was filming he was doing these insane things and it was beautiful and it was improvised and that's what was amazing about it it was improvised idea just flow one idea after another developed to the fullest it was like wes montgomery like allen holdsworth like pat metheny so i went backstage and hung out after the concert i was talking to guthrie and i told him exactly what i'm saying on camera here there's no rock guitar player that can flow like you none none that i've ever heard you're the greatest i've ever heard i've heard a lot i wish he would do more posts on social media he does no posts on social media i wish he would post himself playing more so that people can really kind of know where he's at now it's kind of you know too bad that there's not more things between 2007 and now to listen to guthrie and his here his genius so guthrie it was great meeting you please keep doing what you're doing guthrie's gonna be 51 coming up he's a young guy but he is absolutely brilliant and i just want to come on and make this video thanks so much for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 1,589,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, beato, music, music theory, music production, guthrie govan, guthrie govan solo, guthrie govan live, the aristocrats, blues guitar, jtc guitar, steve vai, larry carlton, fives guthrie govan, guitar improvisation, guitar solo, guitar technique, guitar hero, Steven Wilson, Eric Johnson, Jeff Beck, Pat Metheny, Fusion, Allan Holdsworth, joe satriani, Virtuoso, Instrumentalist, Charvel, Charvel Guitars, Bryan Beller, marco minnemann, Rock Fusion
Id: k6ucIShHW7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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