The Power of Gratitude - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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OMG they uploaded a khutba after forever

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/UntitledTales 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
yahoooo mahadeva Delphic a topical cream banana who audhu billahi min ash-shaitani rajeem kulu manali - voyage Horeb because you generally when I come from BAE Anna Europe become Asuka driven yes a new human personality well are called IO men who efficient fabbi ie Anna yellow bakumaru has given rubbish shock recently recently Emily was non-accessible attorney of Kali ma la maza busines in the La Ceiba la ilaha illallah Muhammad al-amin alladhina amanu aminu folly has whatever so will have whatever so this one I mean you're a banana mean mama bond today's forum is dedicated to a few ayahs that belong to salute or Amman one of the most famous orders of the Quran so many parts of the Muslim world we take a select few sewers that the Muslims have a special affiliation towards because of some narrations that are famous about those sewers and so trash man is certainly one of them many cultures around the world especially in Southeast Asia the recitation of socialist man is very very common at the same time what is also tragic is a lot of people most people who recite and love the sewer and have heard it so many times don't know what it says don't know what allows that is saying and so let's take advantage of that love that we have for the surah and actually try to learn something about it as well the solar uniquely Allah as origin repeats the same phrase multiple times an unusual frequency of time so the AEI the Yoruba Komatsu conceived on it keeps every few ayats Allah keeps uttering the same thing over and over again and that statement roughly translates and this is actually if you don't understand the statement you will miss the point of the entire solar allah azzawajal is in a very emphatic way declaring what favours what wonders what incredible things that your master has done are you going to be in denial of that's a very rough translation but essentially Allah keeps asking how much in how much more in denial can you be how much more stuff can you ignore how much more how much more can Allah do for you all around you and you pretend that it's not a lot who's the doing it how blind can you be and he keeps asking that question over and over and over again now you know fellas grapple with the problem why does a lot repeat himself like that why does he keep repeating that question time and time again and it's also baffling because in the beginning a lot talks about what he created in the world and then asked that question later on he's going to start describing Judgment Day and he'll ask that question again then a few I asked about jahannam hell-fire then he'll ask that question again then every few I asked about jemna he lost that question again so it's not like it's the same subject there are literally five different subjects in the surah and he still asked the same exact question over and over and over again and so it begs you know it really makes one curious and you would have to understand that Quran is venison in a lobby in ravine alliances illa billah' konnikova him messengers came in the language of the people and the Arabic of the Quran is very clear in other words you don't have to come up with some exhaustive technical complicated philosophical explanation it's actually very natural when someone is angry with you they repeat themselves and especially if they're asking a question but sometimes to scold somebody for example a teacher is yelling at the students because most of them failed a test didn't we go over this didn't we review this ten times did I not teach you did I not do my job in other words when a teacher repeats those questions it's an expression of I did everything I could why didn't you do your part and the more you repeat that question is an expression of how angry he is and how upset he is with people who take an advantage like in the case of the example I gave you of a teacher who did everything you good for every single student is there any question I'll stay after class I'll help you however I can and you still do this and you still feel the exam and you still miss the most obvious you know a lot as I wasn't as angry as he is in the surah is so amazing that he began with one of his name's al rahman al Rahman because if he wasn't a Rahan than anybody else who made a Lada Sangre there wouldn't exist anymore they would have been in a less punishment already so the point of the surah is that you and I or humanity rather has a la extremely upset Allah was extremely disappointed with humanity and the only reason Allah is not executing what he what they deserve is because he's all Rahman more particularly actually not all of humanity but particularly the first audience of rasulullah sallallahu aleyhi wa salem so let's first understand the example even though these are not the IATA i want to share with you today but i do want to set the stage for the ayat that i did want to discuss with you allah as I was talking to a quotation many argue this is almost almost a decade of Quran has already come down ten years or so Allah for Salam is reciting the Quran to the people of Makkah and then comes south or a smile so it's a long time into the period the Macan era that this surah is revealed I want you to appreciate what happened ma ma arsalnaka illa rahmatan Delilah mean Allah did not send his messenger except as a loving an act of loving care and mercy for all nations and all people but the special favor was done who in the devatha colombian allah foodon among the unlettered among these arabs who had no civilization they had no massive buildings they had no great armies they had no great accomplishment they had nothing there were the nobody of the world and the ledge decides to send his greatest messenger to them they had no reason and by the way these are not just maybe they're maybe they're not great in the worldly sense maybe then they're great in the spiritual sense maybe these are people that worshipped allah or had proven themselves in high bada know these were people of Chagall so so in the worldly sense they were the most backward and in the spiritual sense they were also the most backward and forget being the most backwards you know in India or in China or in other places you will find you know Buddhist temples and Hindu temples and things like that here you found the house of Allah built by ibrahim alayhis salaam turned into a temple as far worse a crime than any other pagan place any other place they built it to worship idols to begin with but they've actually taken a place that was pure and corrupted that place so they are in the spiritual sense the most backward they are in the worldly sense the most backwards relegated useless even the Roman Empire doesn't want to conquered and they're not interested because what are they going to get out of the desert they care the Persians don't want to conquer them they're left alone to their devices you know hurting and you know being veterans in the desert and that's it they're left alone and those people Allah chose to give the best of all messengers from Allah who are the use of them the most incredible of the one that was kind as a model to all of humanity and then he gave the greatest revelation to put on to those people and then he decided he won't just give them the whole thing at once he will give it to them in their language first of all from a person who they already respect so they're inclined to listen and on top of that he will give it to them Allah mocks in little by little by little at the right occasion so that it's easy for them to learn you seem in good education you need a good teacher you need a good curriculum right and you need a you need lessons that the teacher can relate to your situation all of that is perfect when it came to French you couldn't find a better teacher in the bridge to my limit I was sent as a teacher all teachers after him will be inspired by his teachings you couldn't get a better curriculum than a la zone word it couldn't be more designed to meet your needs because he's the one who made you and then he sent you these instructions Alya a woman cut up so they should have been the most grateful of all people in the world that they received this Quran they received this gift and over the course of these ten years what have they done they've made fun of this prophet they've even attempted to torture and beat him they ignore the Quran ignored these key lessons that Allah gave and by the way when when they did this with Allah messenger and when they did this with Allah's book Allah has a right to punish and it's not like he hasn't done it before he's taking care of Nations before but he doesn't do that to them and then they say oh why you keep telling us that new was no nation was flooded and loots nation was rained on with fire from the sky or this nation had winds come and hit them and this nation had an earthquake where's the why don't you just punish us then what I mean we've been listening to you talk about this stuff for years we've heard the stories over and over again you know just bring it let's have it yesterday Luna Kappa Dada they literally same Quran mentioned it they're trying to tell ah hurry up bring it bring the punishment already let's hurry this up let's expedite this process and in response to that allah ar-rahman you've been be plenty angry you deserve it but I'm going to be able to come on to you and I'll speak to you differently this is the mercy of Allah this is this is why this is the final revelation the Muslims need to understand allah azza wajal when previous nations defied him he would annihilate them they would not be left on the face of this earth but Allah did a mercy like he never did before in the history of all the prophets by sending rasullullah sallallahu alehiwassallaam of his Quran today people argue that so far on is barbaric or its violent or its extreme you know and even that so many Muslims so many Muslim children when you ask them what do you think of the Quran they say it's got a lot of punishments a lot very angry most things are Haram this is the thoughts in their head these are the thoughts that we've put in our own kid's head this Quran came as a greater mercy than any other revolution before it but I wanted to set that stage what is sort of Rahman doing how is it changing the perspective of these these people couldn't be further from Allah that's the point the surah came the audience of it or people who are not religious they're not interested in religion they're not interested in the messenger on top of that they make fun of the religion and they couldn't be further from God these these are the people that Allah talked to in this surah and I wanted to particularly mention this because if it covers them it covers anybody less than them in other words if it if it's talking to the worst of the worst then it's definitely including less than that myself yourself somebody in this audience that says well I at least I come to pray the Friday prayer I don't do any I don't do much else and don't ask me what I'm going to do New Year's Eve let's not talk about that right now but you know but at least I'm here so there are people even among us who slipped who get away from Allah who go far and I'm not talking to all like you could think you know Allah Quran only talks to good people or it's really harsh to bad people it's not that way allows it would give some very profound loving wake-up calls and that's one of the week of calls Allah gives is what I wanted to share with you yes a Lulu mine actually before that kulu manali have fun everyone on this earth shall cease to exist everyone on this earth whoever is here is going to be fan fan in in arabic from ana anat means not just that you'll die that actually means nobody will remember who you are maybe a time will come then people don't even know that there was a grave and underneath it is you where we're sitting right now we don't know who was here a thousand years ago we don't know we don't know who was here two thousand years ago and we don't know how deep under the ground they are and what of them remain you know because i live now my son fulfilled albumen home we know what the earth takes away from them we Allah knows we don't know so Allah says the one reality that needs to settle in your mind is you're not here permanently you know what happens in our lives day to day we get so caught up in what's going on today what we need to finish now what's going to happen on the weekend you know when are we going to do this in the next month or two months people think people think long term they think oh camon to make my two month calendar three month calendar I'm going to make a year calendar students are thinking about what courses are going to sign up next semester our idea of long term is a few days a few months some really well planned people maybe one year two years in advance that's how we think long term but a lot of the ways it makes us internalize your long term strategy needs to incorporate one thing death is on your calendar that's it with an asterisk it could strike at any time it's undetermined but it needs to be like a conscious part of your mind in my mind no matter whether you believe or don't believe you're serious or not serious you pray or you don't pray one reality you can't you could try to escape it you can pretend it's not there but it's coming and no matter how far you run so in the home without equal it's going to come and hit you you're not going to exist good luminal a have fun way of a college Horeb become however the state which is an expression in the Quran for glory expect dignity the face of your master will remain whatever college illusion Ali will you come what an amazing me amazing games of Allah the one who possesses glory and the one who possesses all dignity now in Arabic calm is dignity economics when you dignify it not idly when you dignify someone so if for example I walked in and somebody treated me with respect that's a calm somebody treated me somebody gave me respect that's a crime somebody praised me that's a crime you know or I honored my parents or but you know my mother and father a teacher somebody of I did a column of them in other words the calm is not when you're sitting by yourself somebody has to come and do your column of you you understand you can't have it like your buyers you live on your own on top of mountain you say I have a lot of Ekron no no cool who's honoring you like the birds come in honor waters you somebody has to do it for you the same thing with glory Jalan when something has glory it means somebody glorifies them but look at what alleges did he said everyone is going to die which means no one's left is to honor Allah and no one left to glorify Allah and Allah still owns it Allah still alone you know there are people who become when they become far from Allah they say why does he need my prayers why does he need me to thank him why does why does God want us to praise him all the time I've even met some people who say wise docile miles Allah they speak about a line they says why do not need me to praise him all the time you know anybody else that wants to be praised all the time we consider them arrogant follow themselves needy why does God do that and Alliance is our question listen you're all going to die and I'm still going to have what you think I need I already own all dignity all nobility all honor all glory and I don't need a less telling as he doesn't need creation to glorify Him he already possesses it he already owns it so he he told us something so profound here death is on the horizon and whatever you do you're not doing it for Allah because you cannot add a lot to unless treasure you can only do whatever you do for yourself in a frontal system the unfussy come even if you're going to do very best you could possibly do that very best you did not actually do for Allah you did it for yourself boron-10 roman jaha defying them are you yeah I do enough see whoever makes whatever struggles they're only doing it for themselves this is an investment into yourself when Allah is making you come back to him people confuse it and think I'm being dragged into an obedience of someone else I'm being dragged to serve someone else I'm being dragged to do what I don't want to do and a liar telling you actually all I'm inviting you to do you want to do it go ahead you want to walk away go ahead some encouragement woman sharpen your foot whoever wants they can believe whoever wants they're welcome to disbelief Quran says openly you're free to walk away but if you're going to come towards Allah then it's only going to be you're the only beneficiary you can't benefit Allah just like you can't harm Allah you can't benefit a lot and so he says well College hold up because of Jalali what the Quran his dignity will remain it's this is a problem for you you know and then he asked the question for the ayah Allah Allah become a success even he doesn't even need you and he keeps you around he doesn't need you and he feeds you provides for you takes care of you gives you beauty in your life he didn't just give you survival anybody people can survive inside a prison cell he gave you a home he didn't just give you like you know skin alone is enough to survive he gave you wonderful clothes air conditioning he gave you the stuff but he didn't need to give you anything - he doesn't need anything from you how how much in denial can you be happy ier that you won't be Komatsu could be bad little powerful way to make this argument to her to remind me and to remind you our place before Allah we can never do enough for Allah and we can never say Allah owes us anything you and I can't say Allah tells us anything people say the silliest things I mean so much to our Allah didn't answer like a lot all you eat making dua to Allah is not placing an order on Amazon it's been three days it's a three day delivery it didn't come yet I'll forget it I don't pray anymore because I kept making go on I still fail exam you failed your exam because you don't study you failed your example you didn't get a tutor you didn't fill your examples you made dua Allah didn't deliver his on your order who are you - please demands on Allah well our attitude towards our lives become like a customer we think of a lot like someone who owes us something happy ie Allah Arabic o masuka's even how even our doors become arrogant you realize that even though we ask allah to become arrogant and allah is reminding us how much more in denial can you be how much more delusional can you be the word allah in the arabic language is so profound they translated us how many favors of your Lord would you deny favours is named Shaba in follows these are now these are favors but the word Allah actually comes from Allah a dot system be something that gets your attention Allah says I have done so many amazing things around you all of them are begging for your attention all of them are screaming look at what Allah did for you and you don't pay attention you're just oblivious you don't even open your eyes and see what he's done you know every time we get in our cars and we just turned the ignition who starts the car every time you put your foot on the brake when there's traffic up ahead who makes the brakes work it's not zmw it's not so the brake pads that you just got changed it's a loss of the car you said o alaikum hahaha he sent Guardians on you to just constantly secure you there's a security detail around each of us of angels that a lot of find that's what he did for us Allah happy ie Allah ello become a token dear friend of mine was on a road trip from here to New Orleans and two or three of the bolts of his wheel popped off while he was on the highway doing 80 so the tire can come off at any time three or four are gone and he doesn't know this and he's just cruising at 80 and he gets there and when he parks the car the wheel falls off his wheel just falls off now when that happens in hell Allah saved me but you know what who kept who keeps them on for us now we think that's amazing cuz they fell off what keeping the one you know this is how far lately become from how actively Allah is involved and that's why a large division says the following now you'll appreciate what Lazarus and this was the hood but this was the ayah that I really wanted to share with you yes a new whole manifest a melody without Kaleo mental official everyone in the skies and the earth is asking him everyone in the skies and the earth is asking him let's first understand that so either in the Arabic language asking is too kind and before I tell you what that means let me tell you the confusion about this ayah Allah says everybody's asking him the angels are asking him the animals are asking him we're asking him but somebody comes and says I know an atheist friend he doesn't ask Allah I know friend who's not religious he never asks Allah I my philosophy present a professor never asks Allah what do you mean everything is asking that's when you need to understand there are two meanings of the word asking in the Arabic language one is conch consciously asking the other is needing so al is also needing so for example Amasa illa fell attend hub the one who asks don't shrug them also means the one who needs don't shrug them there are people that come with it they're needy but they don't beg you need to know that they need and before they get to ask you should still give them the meaning of the ayah is everyone in the skies and everyone on the earth is in need and they keep leading from him there's a disbeliever there's a rebellious Muslim there's someone who knows they're doing something wrong and they shouldn't be doing it they do it and defy Allah anyway Allah gives them and gives them and give them to know the one who prays among you five times a day and the one who doesn't pray at all and the one who's here for the first time this year all of you Allah give like it's not many of you Allah doesn't give all of our lungs our love fills with air all of our hearts Allah keeps beating and that hot might the heart of mine that is beating inside every next beat before his beeps it sends a door out to Allah Allah can I beat again and he gives this permission this heart every vein in my body needs it needs from Allah and without the permission of Allah Allah will mean what a pain not a leaf will fall until he gives permission not a leaf will fall off a tree not a cell in my body will move without his permission I can rebel Allah Allah gave my advise my soul the opportunity to forget about Allah do whatever I want talk how I want or money how I want whatever have whatever relationships I want spend my Friday night however I want you know Friday daytime I'm going to know you did you did what is due to Allah Friday night now give to shape on right for a lot of people make the weekend complete balance the equation out but Allah doesn't strike you with lightning Allah doesn't you know drag you back into the mush route he could if you wanted to he sets mission straight before he doesn't do that to you and me when the hands feel it doesn't become paralyzed when a person does dinner they don't get a heart attack when somebody eats Haram they don't get like stomach cancer he doesn't do that they keep eating and they keep smiling every one of them means yes a little manifest somehow as he went out and then he says to you and me equally omen who efficient every single moment every single day Yom here is actually a yacht local Ashley Jimmie Ellicott like it's all times all hours every single day all the time he is involved in something that only he can do and this is actually not a warning in the flora it's actually a beautiful thing that I wanted to conclude yes a new human system i what he went up could lie all men who efficient you see me and the capacity of a teacher when I'm teaching let's say fifty students one of them asked me in question one of them needs some extra help one of them says they have a problem one of them says they have a confusion I give one of them five minutes I give another one five minutes I give another one five minutes if I give all of them five minutes as 250 minutes I'm almost dead I can't address all of their concern and even if I did even if I give each of them five minutes all of them will complain I only got five minutes isn't that the case I can't keep track of all of their requests I can't even answer all of your questions some of the questions are beyond me some of the requests or needs I cannot fulfill somebody will come and say to me I need about three hours of your time I'll say I'm sorry I don't have two hours of my time you give you I wish I did I have other obligation you know when people are demanding from you you'll know what it means when too many people are asking you too many things you know what happens to a person they crack and they say I need a break I'm just going to take a vacation I can't handle this anymore like the manager of a store after like Christmas sale like I just want to do a deal with anybody people snap when you keep making requests of them and asking them and asking them and at the head of a household can lose it often because their demands are coming at them all the time from every direction they're being pressured all the time and in that position you know some people will be heard and some people will not be heard and the people that are more important or priority will be heard people that are less important will not be heard look at allah azza wajal is good lie only everybody's asking him the believers asking him the disbelievers asking him the most rebellious of the Muslims forget the non-muslims for a second what are the most rebellious of the Muslims the ones who openly proudly do Haram who utter vile things from their mouths who do wrong things towards one another we do all of that openly but even their heart begged for the next beat and Allah gave you know even they Allah sends angels and guards their car as they drive to the club on Friday night even they a larger Widow protection gives all of them and he says I give what Allah provides only he can provide this is Shannon Shannon is an Ummah Yas will be ahead it can only be done by a person okay you know like you know some of you that run businesses there are some things only you can do if you hire somebody else to do it don't mess it up and you've tried it before you left them at the cash register something I messed up so only you can do it let's call Shan there are things that Allah does that only Allah can do nobody else can do it nobody else can do it and when you realize that is what Allah is doing for you all the time you will forget one silly question that Chevonne brings into your heart and bring him to mind where was where was it love when I needed him where was I when I was having this problem why didn't he help me anticipate people ask this question don't say the question even comes in your head sometime where was a lot and a lot of answers I've always been there and I'm taking care of your tongue as you get to say that how do you think the voice comes out of your voice box how does the air come out of your mouth to your question Allah he gives you the strength to do that this is goodbye omen who have Fisher and does he ask the question again so BAE Allah Arabic Allah to conceive on what favors what amazing things of Allah that that the Arab has done for you are both of you going to deny the last thing I want to share with you my time is up is that in the school as well allows that a lot of people are curious about that a lot of dresses both human beings engine kuma the dual pronoun refers to both human beings and gym so why are human beings engine being mentioned it's really interesting it's actually really interesting because the four-h the people remember we started with that audience these people were in they became the enemies of the Prophet Elisha Bassam they didn't just not accept Islam they in a sense befriended the champagne they became friends of the shayateen so the people who opposed a las being on the outside you see human beings and what you don't see around them hovering and was doing what saw such a time are who the jinn the shayateen Allah sees all of them Allah sees that the ungrateful is not just the human being that you and I see all also knows that the one doing which posited them all the time is also among the jinn so he questions what you can see any questions what you cannot see and in this incredible surah when you and I walk away from Allah when you and I've distance ourselves and rebel against the line become the worst crime of all become ungrateful to Allah who's what was how do we follow we follow when I said you to lock Sarah home chuck it in chef thiam's promise was I will guarantee you you will most of them you will find that they're not grateful his job is to make us ungrateful his job is to make us not conscious of what Allah just for you and me that's what he does constantly with what Rosa which is why Allah addresses both recognize that you're not alone there's somebody there being around you whose constant job is to make you forget which means you're going to constantly have to fight that spiritual war that invisible war and you and I are going to have to remember because there's forces that are that want us to forget that one is to ignore you know huama Antony who is leche flan and ask Laura I didn't forget except chaton was capable of making me forget ship I was not given any power over us one power he was given he can make you forget he can make you forget you know just like you forget your key you don't know where the keys are just as it's time to get the juma on time you never lose your keys until is much the time let's get on right there you see me Alonso which will protect us from the worst loss of shayateen allows that will make us truly truly grateful I know for a lot of young people because New Year's is around the corner it's a time of great temptation a lot of friends are gonna call you and say hey man let's go to the party and you get to nah bro I just heard a football and I don't think I could do it and they're going to say you're no fun come on man just live a live a little and you're going to hear it from your friends and that's that's the time you're going to have to just look around you and see who you following at the end of the day and who will benefit you who's going to benefit you is the way of allah gonna benefit you or the way of these friends that are asking you to just just forget for a little while I know you heard it I know it's in your heart somewhere just forget it just just put it put your conscience to sleep and just have a little fun and then you can wake it up later again what's a flume in black the his quality you can become good people later on right now it's time to party fight if you can fight that and conquer that urge will allow beam you've conquered one of the greatest battles ever you've conquered yourself Milazzo that make us capable of conquering our new foods and really submitting them to his pleasure barakallahu li walakum so for Alan Hakeem when a finally we are from it is illogical sake move up as much as you can muhammad aleyhi wa casado salat wa salam wa ala aalihi latinas pasa pasa nada of bottom bottom in the being Muhammad Amin WA he was lucky he is very cool Allah Azza WA JAL see Keith Urban cream vada and a food the window human origin in allaha wa barakatahu faloona Indonesian a homonym Honda Odyssey vitiligo sistema allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad comma Felicia and I were him deliver him at Halloween in the car muhammad allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad came aboard r-rahim ibrahim al Halloween in Nakajima imagine Allah rahimullah eat tabouleh inna llaha ya'muru bil-adli wa l-'ihsani wa ita'i del papa when Hannah structure evil monk of volos equal logic was vulajin aluminum at Masada enough erotic an adult mini Nikita bono puta
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 488,805
Rating: 4.8848085 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: abwbpLrRxHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2017
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