Guided Meditation Vacation for Anxiety, Worries and Relaxation into Sleep: Jesus Calms The Storm

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find rest as you listen to this peaceful bedtime story for more Bible stories that bring you refreshing sleep download the abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store welcome to this time on abide meditation to guide you into a relaxing night of sleep this soothing story from Holy Scripture will help you softly fall asleep and the caring arms of God who loves you and watches over you as you rest as you begin shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present - even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens in sleep and now may your Holy Spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name Amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi in the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continue to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again yet even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me Jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up in the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing into the boat you scoop it out with a bail and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down oh you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you're all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples Marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god has prayed softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams that may pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one Oh God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart Oh God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name Amen shift your minds slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens in sleep and now may your Holy Spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continue to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again yet even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me she'sa said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up in the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing into the boat you scoop it out with a bail and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down o you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples marvel together as you land a boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god is prayed softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father being merciful to this one oh God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart oh God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you began to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens and sleep and now may your holy spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continued to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red-orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again it even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet to remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me Jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up and the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the Son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment Bree then trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing into the boat you scoop it out with a bale and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down o you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples Marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the Word of God is praised softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear God's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit died your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart O God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep sound Leslie and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens in sleep and now may your Holy Spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you and Jesus name amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continued to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red-orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again yet even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world in throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me Jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lay at night the wind seems to be picking up and the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like you're a warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing it in the boat you scoop it out with a bail and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping and peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down o you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god is prayed softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father being merciful to this one Oh God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart Oh God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation god grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name Amen shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soaked instead and God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you began to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens and sleep and now may your holy spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continue to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again yet even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world in throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me Jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you can' ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up in the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you in the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the Son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing into the boat you scoop it out with a bale and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and save but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing and water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully as rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down oh you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples Marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning Bri then God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god has prayed softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams that may pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one oh God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart O God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly sleeping with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name shift your minds slowly away from today's tasks and worries soaked instead and God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens and sleep and now may your holy spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continue to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but any one growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again it even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you can ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up in the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing it in the boat you scoop it out with a bail and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping it peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down o you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the Word of God is praised softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart O God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly sleeping with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead Jesus name Amen welcome to this time on abide meditation to guide you into a relaxing night of sleep this soothing story from Holy Scripture will help you softly fall asleep and the caring arms of God who loves you and watches over you as you rest as you begin shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present - even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens in sleep and now may your Holy Spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name Amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continue to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again it even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew we're casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up and the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the Son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing into the boat you scoop it out with a bale and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and save but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully as rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples have shaked Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down oh you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god is prayed softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart O God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you began to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens in sleep and now may your Holy Spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name Amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continue to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but any one growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again yet even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus in the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up in the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing it in the boat you scoop it out with a bail and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down oh you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples Marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god is great softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart O God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name Amen shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens and sleep and now may your holy spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you and Jesus name amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continue to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again yet even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me Jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus in the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lay at night the wind seems to be picking up and the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples we push off from shore start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steered toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing into the boat you scoop it out with a bail and more splashes in could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down o you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the see all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples marvel together as you land a boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god has prayed softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep Oh peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one Oh God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart Oh God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly sleeping with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name Amen shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead and God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens and sleep and now may your holy spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name Amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continued to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but any one growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again it even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me Jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up and the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like you're a warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing it in the boat you scoop it out with a bale and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down oh you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god has prayed softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams that may pray now for you as you fall asleep Oh peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one Oh God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart O God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soaked instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens and sleep and now may your Holy Spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name Amen now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continued to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red-orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again yet even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a veil for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me Jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you get ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up and the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing into the boat you scoop it out with a bail and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully as rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shaken Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down o you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god has prayed softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep o peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one O God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart O God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name Amen shift your mind slowly away from today's tasks and worries soak instead in God's presence and begin to get comfortable close your eyes and relax breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles if you fall asleep before the story is finished all the better I give you permission now to fall asleep and dream sweet dreams God is present too even while you dream listen to me pray for you now as you begin to sleep dear God for this cherished child of yours fill their heart and mind fresh with your presence and peace invite them to you and give them the rest for their souls let their sleep be easy as you lift their burdens in sleep and now may your Holy Spirit guide their dreams and renew their hearts as they rest in you in Jesus name now drift off to the land of dreams as the story begins it is late in the evening the cool moist breeze from the Sea of Galilee blows through the open windows of your house you sense changes in the air after eating the disciples follow Jesus outside towards the shore of the Sea of Galilee more and more people have heard of this rabbi and the miracles that he has done the needy the demanding crowds continued to grow pressing Jesus and the disciples towards the sea over the shouts of the crowd Jesus tells them to get a boat ready he wants to cross to the other side of the lake night is falling small gray clouds begin to block some of the evening sunlight but for now the red orange glow can still be seen over the mountains to the west but anyone growing up on the shore of the Sea of Galilee would be able to recognize the signs the feeling in the air a storm is approaching storms are frightening darkening skies a sudden burst of wind and the sound of distant thunder all can be signs of changes in the weather but there are other storms we face - the storms of life the disciples following Jesus saw many unexpected storms blow into their lives but none were bigger than what Jesus could handle Jesus delivered them time and time again yet even his closest followers questioned how they could get through the next storm these trials tested their faith and the testing of faith produces endurance and determination when storms come into your life unexpectedly Jesus has the power to calm anything the world can throw at you but this evening the disciples are getting restless they sense another storm approaching so settle in now as the story unfolds through the eyes of Peter you Andrew and the other disciples quickly prepare sails and oars and a bale for the wooden boat feel the small waves splash over your bare feet remember you met Jesus near here once just up the seashore you and Andrew were casting a fishing net into the sea when he called out to you come after me Jesus said and I will make you fishers of men you're still learning what that means you wonder what Jesus will ask you to do look up at Jesus and the growing darkness of night as you can' ready to board the boat and see him smile at you see his eyes as he thinks of you how does it feel to trust Jesus with your journey ahead now rest for another moment just breathe in trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and then breathe out and release your worries rest now in God's arms you finish preparing for the journey across the lake at night the wind seems to be picking up in the larger waves start to lap against the pebbles on the shore your hair begins to blow slightly around your ears and neck someone important pushes his way through the crowd he is dressed like a teacher of religious law he looks impressed at the crowds and the excitement about the healings he sees you and the other disciples preparing the boat for Jesus teacher he calls out to Jesus I'll follow you wherever you go foxes have dens to live in and birds have nests Jesus replies but the Son of man has no place to lay his head indeed tonight you don't have any place to lay your head either you're going to be on a small crowded boat it's not like your warm bed just across the village is it feel yourself let go of your tasks and worries to follow Jesus see him waving to you saying follow me Jesus takes off his sandals pulls up his robes and walks through the waves to the boat that you've been preparing he steps into the boat and you follow him along with the other disciples you push off from shore and start across the water to the other side the boat begins to rock heavily in the waves you steer toward the faint lights of a village in the distance soon Jesus is lying peacefully asleep near you how does Jesus look in the night look at his face as he sleeps in the boat the boat rolling in the growing waves rest for a moment breathe and trust from God let the Holy Spirit fill you with faith and breathe out and release your worries rest now even deeper in God's arms you Andrew and the other disciples continue working to keep the boat on course with so many people on board the side of the boat sits only a bit above the water you hope it will only take a couple of hours to get where you're going the wind pulls harder on the sails tipping the boat towards the downwind side you instinctively move towards the upwind side of the boat to balance against the wind and help keep the boat afloat the wind turns into a storm slapping the sails back and forth the boat rocks hard and water splashes against your back you need to take down the sails which means the boat will stop moving forward you will have to wait out the storm you can't even see the villages lights across the lake anymore there's just darkness and wind and water splashing into the boat you scoop it out with a bail and more splashes in it could be at home right now in your bed sleeping warm and safe but instead you're soaking wet in a tipping boat in the middle of the dark night with no way to navigate back to shore the boat is now being blown across the sea by the wind feel your feet splashing in water on the wooden boat feel your back splashed by another wave but through all of this your teacher Jesus lays sound asleep how can he sleep through this storm see his face sleeping peacefully his rain and wind and waves crash onto the boat another large gust hits you some of the men leaned the wrong way and for a moment you have the gut-wrenching feeling that the boat may tip over you and the other disciples shake Jesus and wake him up save us Lord you say we're dying Jesus wakes up why are you so afraid he says still lying down o you of little faith Jesus gets up and rebukes the wind he rebukes the sea all around you suddenly it's calm the strong winds are gone look at the waves just gently lapping against the side of the boat see the surprise and the other disciples eyes you are all safe your journey across the sea continues you and Andrew and the other disciples marvel together as you land the boat on the other side what kind of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him now as you dream feel the winds and storms in your life calm down to a gentle breeze and see Jesus right there next to you but for tonight rest safe from storms protected from darkening skies allow God's presence to muffle the sound of distant thunder close your eyes from the sudden flashes of lightning breathe in God's peace and breathe out your troubles and now with your eyes still closed softly just rest and dream as the word of god is praised softly over you in this continuing time of peaceful relaxation just breathe slowly and deeply as every few moments you hear god's word being offered to you now just breathe and imagine and dream may you be blessed by the Living God that transforms may the Holy Spirit guide your dreams let me pray now for you as you fall asleep a peaceful and loving father be merciful to this one o God because of your constant love because of your great mercy wipe away their sins tonight let them hear the sounds of joy and gladness create in them tonight a pure heart Oh God give them again the joy that comes from your salvation God grant this one peace so they can sleep soundly and awaken with a renewed spirit ready to face the day ahead in Jesus name Amen we hope this meditation brought you peace to listen to the full collection of biblical bedtime stories download the abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store
Channel: Abide - Sleep Meditations
Views: 277,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guided christian meditation, Christian meditation app, Meditation Christian, Prayer Christian meditation guided, mindfulness, guided meditation anxiety sleep, guided meditation sleep anxiety, guided meditation anxiety, guided meditation anxiety attack, guided meditation anxiety depression, guided meditation deep relaxation, guided meditation insomnia, guided meditation sleep, anxiety, deep relaxation, meditation, anxiety meditation, sleep meditation, meditation for sleep, Abide
Id: dpVKkT9pBGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 54sec (10134 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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