[Guide] Top 10 DEADLIEST Monsters in Diablo 2 Resurrected

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[Music] what's up youtube mr lam sc here and today we're going to be talking about the deadliest monsters in diablo 2. now this is just going to be kind of blanket for the general monster types not getting into the specific details with the unique mobs with all their stuff for like bosses like durial or something though honestly a lot of the bosses i wouldn't even put on the deadliest monsters list anyways um so with that being said let's jump into it we'll start with number 10 on my list which is going to be the one and only beetles and we have to go to beetle burst here just to see the beetles but beetles are uh very nice i actually like beetles because they do give a lot of experience but they can be extremely deadly and one of the deadly things about beetles is they release charged bolts every time that you hit them and and so it's just this terrible combination where you hit them and then they hit you back right or every time you're putting them in hit recovery i should say now the awful part about it and what really makes them i have to put them on the list is because of their interaction because they're already generically lightning enchanted there's some weird bugs that happen when you mix lightning enchant with um fire enchant or cold enchant and so it just ends up doing way more damage than possible and so like i said because they're already lightning enchanted anyways if any beetle boss group has that fire enchant or cold enchant on it and especially fire enchant it's just gonna do so much more damage and i'll talk about that in the next video which is the unique mob video and all that stuff so just because of that they get the number 10 like i say overall i don't think they're like the worst monster in the game or anything but they do enough damage they can be really annoying especially for people who are newer to the game early on or if you just get caught in a wave of bolts all around it can just be uh really really nasty so i guess i can shoot one here so you can at least see like you know i hit it and then it releases bolts and so you can see like this and then you're just hurting yourself and your minions and your party and your mercenary and all that stuff with the charge bolts it's super annoying so like i said for number 10 beatles gets my pick for number nine and uh this it goes true with a variety but i'm gonna focus in on this one kind of monster i'll explain it in a second but the number nine slot is going to go to archers archers are just absolutely brutal especially early in the game so archers they just won their arrows are very difficult to see especially in like dark areas i think it was actually a little bit easier to see it in the old version but in d2r it's even harder to see this also like i was saying goes with some other monsters and i would give this also two mobs like quill rats or any of the little shooter fetish guys anything like that um because just having to take up a pounding full of arrows is never fun if there's like a whole group of them or anything can be difficult to see you're trying to dodge around you're trying to fart trying to fight other monsters excuse me and uh it's just gonna be i know chad i know it's just gonna be absolutely terrible again if they spawn with a bunch of mobs of mods on them it's gonna be even worse if the archers are cold enchanted shut up if the archers are cold enchanted all of the archers are going to hit you with cold arrows which is really annoying but even just naturally they can just hit you with cold anyways um which is also super annoying so it's really just kind of like super nasty and that's in nightmare in hell see she's not even cold enchanted but i can still get hit for cold damage uh from that archer right there so that right there puts them kind of on that next list because they just they just really can end up doing a 10 damage in normal especially if you get in there and there's orchards with fanaticism and things like that you might just really run into some trouble i've had many deaths to archers before um and so you'll see not farchers guys gosh dang it so for our number nine slot we have archers for our number eight slot i'm going to take you to uh a dangerous mob that's very easy to get crushed by on the way and that is the infidels right here infidels as well can have that cold hit which can just be brutal they put you in hit recovery they do a lot of damage and uh you're not going to be able to do much to stop them they're also very fast which is one of the really nasty parts so additionally like if i come over here and there's fanaticism mitora on infidels they can just be absolutely devastating if you teleport into this group you're gonna immediately lose thousands of life um no problem whatsoever infidels are extremely scary they're in very dangerous areas when you get to act five um and it's just such an easy easy group to just really knock you down like i say the speed the the damage and then they're always the same thing like the archers their ability to get hit you with cold damage all the time is just going to be absolutely brutal infidels get the number eight slot in number seven we actually can go right back to the crystalline passage as we do have some of them and it is those harpies that you see right there succubus uh they have a few names hell witches vile witches right it kind of all depends they can curse you with weaken they can amp damage you which is awful but something that is truly truly terrible about them is that they do physical damage and this is something a lot of people don't know um they do physical damage with their balls and so it hits so much they just absolutely murder you and something that i don't like in d2r compared to d2 legacy whatever it is oh my god died of the infidels is the balls are a lot tinier now right if we go back to the old school they're a lot bigger and easier to see here they're they're pretty small and so if you don't end up dodging them you'll just get hit and can take a lot of damage from those very quickly i've died many times uh to the infant or to the harpies so definitely be careful around them and they also exist in difficult places like the world stone keep and all of the chamber and all this stuff and they can be quite annoying and do a lot of damage in uh for our number six slot we get to another one of these similar style ones that can catch you on the fly it is the terrible monsters of the dark lancers now what i really hate about dark lancers is how fast they close on you they will close in and they can stab you at this range so if you're trying to like run away from them they can still a lot of times hit you and just make your life truly miserable um and they can be just very very difficult to get away from you can see they're still able to hit they've got the massive range they have really quick attack speed as well so if you're teleporting through them they can still get that hit off on you um like you can see they're kind of doing right now they're not doing enough damage to me right now um but again you put a couple of mods on this on this boss group whatever it is extra fast extra strong curt i mean any of those things on those groups if you get stuck in the middle of a lansing group you're just going to take a ton of damage um they are absolutely brutal and what i really hate about them is they're so hard to see it feels like you'll be teleporting through the world stone keep because they'll spawn in like level one in there you'll be sitting there having a great day teleporting through and then there's just a bunch of lancers on top of you all of a sudden and you're like oh god oh god oh god um and they've already hit you before you can do anything so for that we put the lancers now once again remember a lot of these have different names uh so that's kind of an important thing to note as well right that like depending which area you see them in they'll have a different name but it's that same mob type now getting into the top five and i've put this here um some people would argue this group goes higher and for those seeing me teleport you already know what it is it is your snakes and especially your snakes down here as you can see they are bugged so the snakes in the halls of pain i was trying to get into the poison cloud and run around there the snakes in the halls of payne are bugged and that they do their physical damage instead of like in the poison clouds they do their physical damage instead of poison damage so if you run around in it you're gonna take physical damage for every single tick instead of poison damage for every single tick um which obviously is absolutely brutal and disgusting some people would put this right at the top they'd say this is my like number one or top three and i would i could agree with it additionally regular snakes are also just kind of kind of be awful to deal with in general um the reason i put it here is because i feel like overall you don't end up encountering them quite as often uh and so you know they're only bugged down in nilithak's temple there so if you're not fighting down there you're just running into regular snakes which like i say are still difficult because they're going to charge attack you and they can catch you very quickly but down in nilothex in the halls of pain there you will get absolutely murdered if you move in the poison clouds if you stand still you're good but if you run it all in the poison clouds you will take the physical damage over time and that's a great way to watch your life just drop thousands in a second it's absolutely amazing so vipers and snakes get the number five slot you could argue them up even and i would totally be okay with it in my number four slot i go to one of the most classic places in the game which is the chaos sanctuary and in the chaos sanctuary we have our oblivion knights they are absolutely tanky and disgusting they're horrible to fight and of course the biggest issue with them besides being able to like cast things to heal other mobs and things like that but the biggest issue and why everybody truly hates them is their curses and they have a variety of curses including decrepify which is generally the worst one that people are used to be the worst one um that is horrible also one of the worst cold means in the game um but decrepify which it just slows you and increases the damage taken but additionally they now cast lower resistance as well which is amazing um and just just like it's so brutal i mean to be in there is already super dangerous there's already enough damage coming from the pit lords and you know you have like fire and lightning and they're dealing cold and all this elemental on top of the physical damage and when you get lower rest as well uh you will watch your characters just pop so because of that lower resist curse this is why i moved them up to number four i would have had them maybe a little bit lower probably below the snakes without lower reds they were still obviously awful before because of their decrepify and the other curses that they will be casting um but those two curses are so brutal and lower resist is absolutely massively awful um and you could even move these up if you go way back to the old old days when iron maiden was there and any physical character could just instantly die basically as soon as they got cursed with that so that has been removed though which does move them and i think puts them right in the slot number four in our number three slot we're going to head on over here to the frigid highlands and make our way to the abbadon the game's going to crash uh in our number three slot don't you just love game crashes it's lovely now we've lost our monsters so we'll go look around for a second but i can talk about them is q death lords does escape to play offline not work i guess not uh death lords are going to be the number three and the reason for that is because they do so much damage and they frenzy how was i dead all right sure that was weird um and they will frenzy as well which just makes them even extra awful let's see if we can find a a couple of them around here there's some pike women don't see anything there pad coding is the worst monster type it's true maybe in the throne uh so death lords have the ability to frenzy on top of their uh insane damage here we go they're immune to physical so they're awful for that and as soon as they gain frenzy they hit faster and they run faster and so now not only are you having to deal with in all of this crazy damage from these massive bloodthirsty uh physical immunes here that are also quite tanky but they're chasing you even faster and it's just awful they are truly one of the worst and again if you put a couple of mods on them if you make them extra fast and things like that you won't even know it and all of a sudden they'll just all be on top of you what makes them even worse is they're bugged right now where they won't even swing sometimes they'll just stand there and just the friends you'll just grow on them and you'll just suddenly lose all of your life and be dead um it's pretty miserable so that's currently in d2r and hopefully they get that fixed but even without it they are still insane you they they kill so many times death lords number three now for our number two slot see if we can find right here we got some beetles now i had all the mobs in their places and then the game crashed it's annoying for our number two slot and i'm sure once again many of you already know where i am heading we are going to have the beautiful oh i don't like the new skin souls yes souls the horrible mob where even with max light rez you're still taking hundreds and hundreds of damage per shot and they are absolutely murdering you and again you put one mob with conviction or you or something like that or you put some enchants on them and whatever and they will one shot you they're invisible and so hard to see so you don't even know that they're there then they just pop up lightning shoots out it also is lightning which pierces so if it hits your your mercer a minion of yours it'll go through that and also hit you so nothing's blocking it um they're truly just awful and they can be resurrected by unravelers so they can be awful in the worldstone chamber as well definitely one of everybody's least favorite uh mobs in the game i would say right next to our number one and only see if we can find it not going to be on this level will they be up here they will stiggy and dolls undead now you say hey they're not that bad they just hit you and do some damage and stuff and yeah i can see if they're like cursed and extra strong and extra fast they can hit you pretty hard which is true and that's definitely one of the big things but why do they suck because when you kill them they blow up and do so much damage so i have literally lost characters where i'm teleporting through the game and i have a mercenary and then i get cursed as i'm teleporting and then i teleport to the next area and my mercenary stabs a doll and kills it the doll blows up and we die and you're like excuse me are you serious i didn't even attack him they are uh truly truly just one of the worst mobs in the game because you'll be sitting there and you might be fighting against other mod mobs or something like that let's bring them like over here and you're fighting these guys then all of a sudden the dolls show up and they start blowing up and you're like wait wait when did i lose 700 life and you lost it to the dolls so and they're so tiny they're hard to see especially like in the throne room where they're red and the floor and walls are red and there might be a wall there in front of you so you're like casting blizzard and fighting against some ghoul lords or whatever and then all of a sudden these little dolls sneak around run up to you real fast and blow up and then you're dead and your hardcore character is gone um if this character or this monster isn't the cause of like the most lost characters and deaths i'd be real surprised i mean maybe it's souls but annoyingly surprising deaths i don't know so for that we have the undead stiggy and dolls as my number one list now this is my top 10 uh right here that i would say once again i think you could move a couple of these up and down based on your personal preference um additionally i think there's definitely some like you could say hey quill rats could be right next to archers and i i mean i'm kind of with you a little bit quill rats are a nightmare they just don't end up being an as bad of places like archers are gonna be more in your like uh you know your tower and things like that with narrow dark spaces cool rats are like outside and kind of easier to see and avoid um so you could say them they need to be in there uh some of you could say that there's trying to think you know like i said some of the um just stigians and the dolls in act three in like the flare jungle and stuff some of the like little little dudes that just chase after you and shoot you and all of that you know and these guys can be pretty annoying they're like the undead dolls but at least they don't blow up when you kill them i don't know if any of those make my top ten exactly um i could definitely see people arguing for urdars and yetis because they have the stun on their hit but they are kind of big and slow and if you get stunned by them they can be bad or if you get like an extra fast on them they can be bad but otherwise you can once again kind of avoid them a little bit better regardless i'd love to hear your guys uh list down below where you would place what i placed if you have a different top 10 list any of that stuff any mobs you think i missed um i hope that this was fun and helpful be very careful when you see these kinds of monsters especially if they get some nasty nasty mods to them uh with that being said thanks for watching everybody don't forget to like and subscribe peace youtube
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 194,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 3BwBzPLaJ-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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