D2R - Top 10 Most Underrated Unique Items (+ Runner Ups)

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[Music] hello guys and gals and welcome so today we have a special episode uh this episode is the top 10 most underrated unique items in diablo 2 resurrected the list has changed a little bit from diablo 2 because obviously things have changed before we get started in the top 10 let us go over some items which i consider to be runner-ups and those are the night smoke belt and the blood fist heavy gauntlets the bloodfest heavy gauntlets are probably one of the most broken low-level items in diablo 2 resurrected boasting a massive 30 faster hit recovery at a time when there are a lot of characters which are very poor in faster hit recovery and a massive 40 life at only level 9 these honestly are just kind of insane gloves they also have 10 increased attack speed on them too if if all that wasn't good enough but honestly the characters that really want to utilize these gloves are actually the characters that don't need increased attack speed early level sorceresses early level necromancers basically all of the characters that have absolutely god awful faster hit recovery break points and you usually end up getting stuck in faster hit recovery loops these are your go-to gloves the 40 life combined with the 30 faster hit recovery will make your life so much easier as a low-level sorceress for instance which is one of the worst classes for faster hit recovery believe it or not fully upgraded blood fist heavy gloves are actually best in slot for some characters it may have changed a little bit ever since the shape-shifting druid has been uh adjusted but they are still very very nice gloves we also have the night smoke belt which uh i feel like also is a very underrated unique because of the massive 50 damage tick goes to mana there's really not a lot going on for this belt i mean it does have a decent amount of all resistances with 10. it has a little bit of mana has decent defense but really the clincher here is the 50 damage taking goes to mana um if you're a whirlwind barbarian if you're a low-level paladin who's utilizing zeal if you're any kind of character who doesn't necessarily want to have to steal mana to get that mana back but you're in there getting beat on um basically any melee character whatsoever and you want to have infinite mana the night smoke belt will literally give you infinite mana because as long as you're in there getting beat your mana will constantly be regenerating on a regular basis and it works very well for whirlwind barbarians because as you whirlwind through the monsters they are hitting you and as they are hitting you they are regenerating your mana and as you are whirlwinding you are burning the mana and you will literally never run out of mana if you're using a night smoke belt um so let's go on to the list here this list is not in any particular order so don't assume that i'm saying you know like this is the number one on the list no this is just the top ten um in no specific order and we're going to start out with a very uh interesting one which is the sword guard executioner's sword so the sword guard executioner sword is a highly defensive item it is primarily used by barbarians in fact i would pretty much say that that's probably the only class that would ever utilize this piece of equipment but when you utilize this piece of equipment you will notice that it just has massive defensive stats and if used in combination with something like the storm shield monarch shield you really will have a amazing defensive character now i don't necessarily recommend that you utilize this as your main hand weapon but what you can do is you can have your off hand weapons and then you can have a swap to which is essentially your defensive set and your defensive set would essentially be you know the um the way that you would dish out or take the damage i mean it has faster recovery it has increased chance of blocking it has 495 defense based on character level 200 defense versus melee 100 defense versus missile all resistance is 20 and then on top of that just like the night smoke belt it also has damage taken cause to mana at any point you could utilize this sword as an extreme defensive mechanic to save your life if something is going wrong it also has a massive negative 50 requirements which means that just about any barbarian can utilize this even one who is running a very low strength and very low dex build it can also be upgraded to the colossus blade to enhance its damage and you could potentially find an ethereal version um and zot it to get even more damage out of it if you actually wanted to use it to kill things but it is an excellent excellent sword for defensive purposes it is not an offensive sword um it is a swap two for defensive mechanics and um and if used properly in that context sword guard is actually an amazing weapon next on the list um is the shaft stop mesh armor now the shaft stop mesh armor is one of those uniques that uh on the surface it doesn't really seem like a whole lot i mean it doesn't have any all resistances it doesn't have any uh you know like plus maximum life but it does have a decent amount of life on it um it doesn't have any you know like like interesting mechanics like a lot of armors do like increased attack speed or faster hit recovery but what it does have in a massive quantity is physical damage reduced by uh 30 percent which is just absolutely insane and in the ethereal form the defense is massive even at level 38 putting this piece of equipment on a mercenary or a player can massively increase their survivability versus melee attacks ranged attacks that are physical based and and in general just make it so that your mercenary or yourself can survive so much easier with the addition of a socket and with the addition of upgrading the piece of equipment you can make it into something that's even more amazing for a player of course you would probably want the non-ethereal version and you would probably want to put something like an um rune in it but for a mercenary you would want to upgrade the the ethereal version and the ethereal version upgrades just so freaking well um and you can customize the piece of equipment you know to your own devising maybe you would like to put in um you know an ias jewel so that your mercenary attacks faster or put in a ruby so that it has more life or put in um you know a um a shale rune so that it has more faster hit recovery there are many many many many many options with the shaft stop armor and quite honestly it's just a beast of a piece of equipment if you ever do find an ethereal shaft stop armor you probably want to upgrade it socket it and put something nice in it and utilize it on a mercenary because they are definitely solid pieces of equipment um especially at level 38 as i said earlier when you find this piece of equipment at level 38 it's just absolutely amazing for your character uh most of the time um you're not going to have something better at level 38 than a shaft stop for a melee character moving on we also have some other interesting items here one that i've actually come across quite a few times and was surprised at how well this item works and this is the flesh ripper fang knife the flesh reaper fang knife is an extremely fast extremely nice weapon for a lot of characters i've recently utilized one in a whirlwind barbarian to great effect it can also be utilized as an offhand for a smiter the sheer number of effects that the flesh ripper fang knife has is amazing i mean it has negative 50 targets defense which makes it insanely easier to hit the targets 25 crushing blow 33 deadly strike 50 chance of open wounds prevent monster heel and even slows target by 20 all of which are just absolutely amazing to have on a weapon and um even if you're just utilizing this as an offhand on a frenzy barbarian or maybe you're utilizing this as a you know a main hand weapon on a smite paladin um you know there are a lot of different choices that you can have for this um you can find the ethereal version and you can put a zodian in it and you can utilize it for a blade fury blade shield blade uh sentinel assassin um you don't even have to put a soldering in it as long as you only stick to blade fury and um there are a couple characters actually that don't burn durability and could use the ethereal version without a zod in it and the non-ethereal version actually works really well if you put a shale root in it for a little bit of increased attack speed and uh basically what you're getting out of this is you're getting a weapon that is applying all of these beautiful effects i mean how how can you not like 25 crushing blow 33 deadly strike 50 open wounds prevent monster heel and slows target by all in one nice neat little package and it actually does a pretty decent amount of damage as well which is pretty sweet the only real downside to the flesh ripper knife is the range of the item but if you're using it as an offhand spider weapon which is what i like to do the range doesn't matter because you know you're smiling you're hitting with your shield you're not hitting with your weapon so the range of this doesn't matter the durability does however so you will eventually break this if you're using it as an offhand smiting weapon uh and that's where the uh the ethereal zoned version comes in because it's uh it's interesting um because it's a dagger it's already extremely fast so even just an additional 20 ias is more than enough um in fact i'm pretty sure that you can hit the maximum break point with the flesh over fang knife fairly easily moving on to the next item on the list is the moser's blessed circle the moser blessed circle is one of these like crazy unique items that you find and it doesn't really seem like a whole lot when you first find it but quite honestly it's probably one of like the best shields that you can just toss onto a character um and and fix like your resistances or whatever it is that you need to do because it has two sockets always two sockets it is highly customizable um you could for instance uh put two diamonds in it which is one of the easiest things that you can do and now all of a sudden you've got an all resistance 63 shield with very nice block rate moser's blessed circle also upgrades very well because the block chance goes up when you upgrade it by quite a bit and and can be utilized all the way through nightmare and hell difficulty with great effect moses blesses circle is one of those really nice items that you'll find all the time and and it's definitely nice to have one sitting around to throw on a character to help fix your resistances 63 all res is kind of hard to beat at level 31 and for most characters it's going to fix your resistances for quite some time another item on the list is the azure wrath phase blade the azure wrath phase blade has a lot of amazing effects on it and if you happen to find an azure rap it is kind of insane of an item especially if you don't have much better at that particular time um there are a couple reasons for this and i'm kind of going to go over them so the first right off the bat is the uh level requirement on this is wrong for some reason it's level 85 i don't know why it says level 54. not to check my files um it has the sanctuary aura so the sanctuary aura actually strips physical immunity from undead monsters so any undead monster that you come across will number one take insanely higher amount of physical damage and number two if they are immune is a very good chance that you will break the physical immunity of the undead monster which makes is your wrath a very amazing item to utilize in chaos sanctuary it also has a very nice speed as well because it is a phase blade it's already very fast at a negative 30 base and it has an amazing 30 increased attack speed on it as well which makes it extremely fast of a weapon you're going to need very little increased attack speed to hit the max break point with this particular item we also have a massive amount of cold and magic damage and as i talked about previously in one of my other videos magic damage is one of those amazing things that since most monsters have literally no resistances to magic damage it's like three times the rated value in in concert to something like the cold damage so if we're talking about the cold damage most monsters have cold resistances they have anywhere between 20 to like 90 percent cold resistances and not counting of course the ones that are immune and so when you are playing through the game that cold resistance is constantly being cut by half or sometimes even more than half sometimes by 75 percent and so that rated value the 500 cold damage is not anywhere near as good as the 500 magic damage which is almost always going to be applying as its full rated value there are very few monsters that actually do have a resistance to cold to magic damage and guess what they're undead so usually when you come across an undead monster who is immune to magic immune to the 500 magic damage on the item your sanctuary aura is going to basically annihilate them um the only real downside to this item in my opinion is the sanctuary auras knock back sometimes especially in a chaos sanctuary you can accidentally knock grand visor of chaos off the platform and then he doesn't drop anything uh which is kind of sad um all in all though azerath is one of those items that if you get your hands on it and you don't have like you know like a freaking last wish or a grief sword or something like that just sitting around azura wrath can very easily carry you through hell difficulty with with ease moving on to the next item uh because we have quite a few here um is the inferno stride demon hide boots um the inferno stride demon hide boots are something that before 2.4 wasn't like super duper amazing i mean they're they're okay boots but after 2.4 um now that they have the five percent chance to cast level eight blaze when struck uh blaze has been modified to give you faster run walk um in addition to the fire effect so as you level up blaze you get a very nice level of faster run walk every single level up to the um the level of level eight and uh just to show you guys real quick on the character uh we have a blaze right here which is level 15 and it has a faster run walk speed of 32 percent um the other thing to consider here though which is rather interesting is that the faster run walk that it gives you is outside of the normal faster run walk break point um it's kind of hard to give people an accurate number um because even though it says 18 percent faster run walk here as a level 8 blaze so that's that's our number it is a lot more than that um when you have faster run walk on for say for instance your boots that is a separate calculation then faster run walk that's given to you from say frenzy or blaze or vigor these things are considered like skill based faster run walk skill based faster run walk and item-based faster run walk are separate calculations so when you see the 18 increased faster run walk speed here it's actually a lot higher than just simply 18 percent it's going to make your character run around like sanic to hooch hag we also have some other interesting items here on the list one of them is the guardian angel templar code the guardian angel templar code can be found in two forms if you could find it in its ethereal form and you can also find it in its non-ethereal form the guardian angel templar code is made for paladins yes and that plus one to paladin is the one thing that does not transfer between characters but ignoring the plus one to paladin we have an armor which is extremely defensive much in the same way that the sword guard executioner sword is extremely defensive this guardian angel templar code is also extremely defensive we have 30 faster block rate 20 increased chance of blocking both of which are absolutely amazing to make your character tankier and then on top of that we've got a huge defensive number especially in the ethereal version of 1236 combined with a amazing plus 15 to all maximum resistances which means that no matter what character you put this on if you're putting it on a character that has a decent amount of resistances you're going to bring your resistances up above the cap which is absolutely amazing let me bring my character just to uh to nightmare difficulty just so i could show you because she is missing most of her equipment here i'm not really sure where i stripped all her equipment to but uh but it is gone um as you can see here my caps are all 75 percent and as soon as i put on the guardian angel templar code all my caps are now 90 and i'm capable of resisting 90 of damage from elements in the ethereal version you can utilize this on mercenaries to great effect to help protect them from pretty much everything if you take this for instance and you pair it up with a kira's guardian i believe it's the diadem or circlet or tiara or whatever it is um it has all resistances and cannot be frozen and the all resistances from kira's combined with the maximum resistances from the guardian angel templar code will make your mercenary have a amazing resistance level as you can see here in nightmare difficulty he doesn't need the kiras but he's sitting at 90 all res and this is one of the ways that you can make your mercenary incredibly tanky now of course you can also upgrade the guardian angel templar code and it upgrades amazingly and the defense is extremely nice on the ethereal version so if you ever find a very nice ethereal guardian angel templar code don't throw it away hold on to that bad boy they have some a very amazing uses especially in trav farmers uh trap farmers love guardian angel templar coats because there's so much elemental damage being slung around in a trap farm you got the hydras you've got the cold damage you've got the the lightning damage you know you've got the poison damage all of which is trying to kill your mercenary and you don't want your mercenary to die if you're trap farming and so guardian angel templar code is an amazing one for trav farming of course you can socket it with like a 15 is jewel to make him attack faster you could put an um rune in there so that he has more resistances uh there are a lot of different options for the guardian angel templar code and it's not just for mercenaries if any character really can get good use out of the guardian angel templar code because number one it's gonna increase their maximum resistances to ninety percent which is amazing and number two it also can help you with your faster blocking and your increased chance of blocking so if you do for instance want to be like a blocking sorceress or something like that it's going to allow you to get your block chance a lot higher a lot easier for instance let me go ahead and reset her because she's running 260 dexterity uh and at 260 dexterity she's at 75 block chance but um if i were to reset her and let's just give her enough strength so she can utilize her shield um and now she has a 19 block chance if i throw a guardian angel templar code on now i'm at 26 block chance uh just like that by putting on just one piece of equipment and i won't have to build my dexterity anywhere near as high to get that 75 percent because the very nice extra block chance that it's giving me means that i don't need to as you can see before i had a huge amount of dexterity but now i only have 197 to hit that 75 block chance if i take it off though i go back down to 55 block chance and uh and that's that is a huge difference between 75 and 55 just for putting on one piece of equipment so as you can imagine not only are we getting super nice extra block chance we're getting faster block rate which is going to help our block break points and then we also get our amazing plus maximum resistances which could make us extremely tanky um guardian angel templar code is definitely a very very very very amazing item next on the list we have uh to do craint vermeer uh crane vomir is an item that made it onto this list because of its kind of amazing statistics for a frenzy barbarian in fact you know what let me go to a frenzy barbarian specifically for that purpose all right so this item is the krent vomir which i believe means fear vomit yeah let that stick in your mind fear vomit the fear of vomit espendon so this weapon is kind of an amazing one because it has 20 faster run walk on it it has 50 increased attack speed which is amazing um 50 is a lot of percent we also have a pretty decent damage on this with slows target 35 percent negative 70 monster defense per hit and then on top of all that if that wasn't enough it also has a pretty massive 10 damage reduced by which if used in combination with a second one would give you a 20 damage reduction to all incoming physical damage and if you were to pair it up with something like a shaft stop for instance you would have a total of fifty percent damage reduction with just three items um you wouldn't need to wear something like a rock stopper sale um a uh a string of ears or anything like that i mean you literally have fifty percent damage reduction right here with just three items um with a relatively low level of level 42 it actually comes in pretty handy on a frenzy barbarian um unfortunately it can't be utilized on the new frenzy merc because he can only use one-handed items which is kind of sad but not like a huge big deal but the combination of all the effects on this weapon make it a very interesting weapon for either a offhand or just simply doubling up two of them um we're talking about a huge increase in the speed of your character not only the run and walk speed of your character but also the speed that you swing at including the speed that the monster runs at because now he's going to be slower so you're moving faster the monster's moving slower and they're doing less damage to you this weapon of course can be upgraded to the elite version and it can also be zotted in the ethereal version and with a pretty decent amount of damage of 225 to 423 two-handed and 99 to 252 one-handed it's actually not a bad offhand weapon for defensive purposes i mean you've got to imagine that if you're taking 10 percent less damage the monster is moving 35 percent slower and you are moving 20 percent faster all this is going to come in handy to help keep you alive on top of that you've also got negative 70 monster defense per hit which also means that you're going to be landing more blows on your targets it could also be a very interesting item to combine with other defensive pieces specifically for a very highly defensive character it really kind of works out on sonic the who jack because sonic the hijack well you know he likes to run fast that's his whole job in life he even has a burst of speed because why not and he runs frenzy where's my friend's cat why do i not have frenzy sanic to huge needs frenzy cynic the huge hag is all about running fast that's his entire goal in life he doesn't have any other goal he just wants to run fast like this sorry every time i want sanic to hoo check i can't control myself i just have to run fast it's very important i keep hitting roadblocks though it's very difficult to control sanic the hooch hack speed i mean he's it's kind of like being the flash and then just like running it straight into a wall by accident because you're so fast you can't control your speed anyway craig vomir is definitely an underrated weapon for sure um it's one of those items that just it it's a very interesting defensively and it's also very interesting offensively as well and uh utilized on a barbarian in combination with say another very nice weapon in the other offhand slot you can definitely get some very nice good use out of it it's also very pretty too i don't know if you've ever actually looked at the crane mirror but it's a it's a very pretty sword uh let me put on the non-ethereal version so you can really see it it's just it's just a really cool looking sword uh moving on though uh to the next item on the list is the head striker sword so the head striker sword is uh one that i believe gets underestimated a lot uh just simply because it has such simple statistics uh when you look at it it doesn't necessarily seem like a whole lot i mean it has max damage based on character level and especially on a lower level character um you might not necessarily realize that that max damage based on character level is pretty massive and continues to rise with you as you level up your character it also has deadly strike based on character level which will double your physical damage which is also just amazing and then the prevent monster heal of course is also nice to have one there as well because it just makes it a lot easier to kill targets that aren't regenerating but the real beauty of the head striker is when you find the ethereal version because the ethereal version can be upgraded into the conquest sword and it is honestly one of the highest damage weapons that you can possibly put on the two-handed act 5 barbarian and it also works extremely well on the new frenzy barbarian deadly strike is just massive having a 100 deadly strike means that every single attack that you make will deal double damage no matter what and um utilizing this especially on characters that do not have deadly strike is one of the best uses of the head striker sword take for instance a paladin a druid those characters are melee characters that really have absolutely no form of critical strike or deadly strike inherent to their character so having a 100 deadly strike weapon to dish out your damage even harder and even faster you know is definitely a good thing um the ethereal version doesn't even really need a zod rune because most of the time you're going to be utilizing it on a mercenary the non-ethereal version is also actually pretty good at level 39 and can carry you very well through nightmare difficulty all the way up into hell and if you upgrade it into the conquest sword it actually works pretty good in hell difficulty too the only real downside to using this in health difficulty is when you encounter physical immunes you're going to have to have another way of dishing out damage to those physical immunes uh deadly strike however does not work on things like vengeance uh because of the way that it converts damage so keep that in mind and then on top of that it has 15 extra strength on there so that you could utilize more equipment especially if you're putting this on a mercenary who needs extra strength the 15 extra strength may help them put on a piece of armor or a helmet that they need at any given time which is always nice to have um and then last i think on my list i'm a hundred percent sure let me double check my list here yep inferno shrines chaff stop sword guard moses blasted circle azir wrath guardian angel head striker crane vermeer flesh ripper um and last but not least the rock stopper sallette the rockstoppers salad salad the rock stopper salad is is one of those crazy items that just kinda gets thrown to the side for some reason that people don't really understand is actually insane um especially if you can find a rock stopper in its perfect form so the rock stopper does have some rather terrible rolls it rolls between uh you know like 20 and 40 cold and like 20 and 40 lightning and like 30 and 50 fire and so forth and so on and so sometimes when you find it it's in a really poor condition but the rock stopper has an amazing defensive capability to just like almost completely fix a character's defenses number one is the 30 faster hit recovery which will do very well to fix many characters problems um even a sorceress you could even utilize this on a sorceress to help keep your faster hit recovery in check as we talked about earlier with the blood fist heavy gauntlets 30 faster hit recovery is a lot of faster hit recovery and is going to increase your faster hit recovery break point massively we also have a very nice defense on this helmet with a rather low strength requirement which means most characters can put this helmet on with ease we also have 15 vitality on here to give you extra life which of course is going to vary depending on the character that puts this on but it's still a very nice amount of extra life then we get 40 percent cold resistance 40 lightning resistance 50 fire resistance which will actually help to offset the spirit shield and then we also have a damage reduced by of 10 percent and it can be socketed and you can add even more niceness into this you could put an um roon for even higher resistances you could put a uh an ias joule for 15 ias you could even put a shale rune in here and you could cap off the faster hit recovery to 50 percent and uh and you probably wouldn't need faster recovery from any other source you can utilize this on a mercenary to make your mercenary incredibly tanky you could also utilize this with other damage reduced by pieces of equipment to get your damage reduced by up to the 50 cap the crane vote mirror has ten percent and this is ten that's twenty if you were using two crane vote mirrors that's uh thirty percent right there or if you paired it along with a shaft stop uh you could have very easily forty percent damage reduction uh very very quickly and uh and on a mercenary for instance you know that would be an extremely nice tank option to make your mercenary a lot tankier versus those uh those evil monsters that are trying to murder them it actually has a pretty decent amount of resistances too which means that number one you've got a really nice amount of faster hit recovery to help your merc keep your merc from getting locked into those faster hit recovery stun locks and then on top of that now he's got 40 damage reduction so even when he is getting hit he's not going to get hit that hard and the extra resistances on top of all that is going to make sure that he's not getting annihilated by the elemental damage rock stopper saleh is definitely a very very nice one to uh to hang onto and that's the reason why it's made it into the top 10 most underrated uniques i think we've covered uh everything and i hope that you enjoyed this episode of uh top 10 most underrated uniques if i missed a unique um put it down in the comments i'd like to hear what you think is one of the most underrated uniques tell me what time you used one of these items uh to the utmost value you know like solo cell found playthroughs those are i think where a lot of these items really shine because if you happen to find an amazing shaft stop on a solo self-found run it can like literally change the way that your character plays um same thing for something like the the rock stopper saleh or the moses blessed circle a lot of these items will come in extremely handy on solo self-out characters as always i do appreciate you guys and gals watching my videos and keep watching [Music] you
Channel: Ginger Gaming Mentor
Views: 90,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginger gaming mentor, GGM, D2R, Diablo II, Diablo 2, Diablo II Resurrected, Diablo 2 Resurrected, Rockstopper, Guardian Angel, Crainte Vomir, Nightsmoke, Bloodfist, Headstriker, Azurewrath, fleshripper, shaftstop, swordguard, infernostride, moser's blessed Circle, D2R Rockstopper, D2R Fleshripper, D2R Shaftstop, D2R Bloodfist, D2R Crainte Vomir, D2R Infernostride, D2R Moser's Blessed Circle, D2R Swordguard, D2R Guardian Angel, Top 10 Uniques
Id: p_i3BmOTVrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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