I lost EVERYTHING! My workflow & backing up your photos/videos.

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this year drive ruined my life a little bit [Music] [Music] yeah found it here's the thing with rugged drives in my opinion anyway so they're awesome you can bring them everywhere where you go you can stick them in your camera bag in your suitcase you have them on set on location you're using them on the airplane whoa good times to be had the only issue is if this thing crashes good times not to be had you're done there's no way to get this back if you send through a data recovery center and like cross your fingers and hope that they can you know finagle some kind of some kind of miracle in their clean suits I don't know why I did this is whatever I think of a clean suit I think of some guy Walker anyway you're done there's there's no backup there's no safety this is the backup but what I see a lot of people do and what I did myself this goes from being the back up to like the main source you edit a vlog on this and the next thing you know you've got this plugged in for the next project and then you're editing off this again then you need to go downstairs so you bring this with you and then before you know it all of the files are on here and this thing just implodes on you take it from me I had that happen it sucks so bad the other thing too is you don't want to even you want to load your camera bag up with this like this is heavy when you rather substitute bees for just like one small one in case and then like fill your bag with other like goodness but with other lenses and stuff that you might actually benefit from on a shoot instead of just packing it full of hard drive media because the thing is like these are heavy the more terabytes you get the bigger the drive right this is five terabytes necklaces - this is - as well but now it's small but this is USB see this is Thunderbolt you've got different cables the problem with this is they're great but they very quickly become a bit of a headache if you have too many of them and everyone starts here and then they get this and this and then suddenly your workflow becomes like 15 of these drives and that's what you want to avoid I know I get a lot of questions of people saying can you define workflow what do you mean by workflow it essentially workflow is just like your process of finishing a project from start to finish like what is your workflow entail how do you go about backing up to five shooting the files and like organizing them and then editing them and then when you do after that that's that is workflow and when you get into having too many of these your workflow slows down to trying to find the time the label you're trying to find which one is what it was this do I go to the ice caves with this driver was it let me plug it in and find out all that stuff slows down your workflow they can get overwhelming I was deleting all the b-roll from my vlogs like I would shoot a vlog and like delete it I would save the finished file but I just didn't have enough space as cameras get bigger and cameras get better and your everything is shooting 4k and 8k and file sizes are massive different codecs you need a better solution than like 17 rugged drives so enter the rig now when I used to hear people talk about raid drives like you should back everything up on a raid I just like I don't know computer programming on it that goes over my head I don't want to talk about it no it was just something that like I wanted to avoid the longest time but then I didn't want to repeat history and have what happened to me with this thing happened again and then the next vlog would be me going guys I lost it all again I just I wanted to stay away from that so I got the Lisi six big raid now the benefit with this thing is it has six different hard drive bays now the one I have is 48 terabytes 48 that's 48 thousand gigs separated into drives that are 8 terabytes apiece so rage stands for redundant array of independent disks ok so when I take this out of the box I'm going to set it up with something called raid 6 I like raid 6 because it does this 2 of those hard drives in there remember I told you there's six different bays made up of 8 terabyte drives so right away raid 6 is going to take two of those drives so 16 terabytes and it's they're spoken for I cannot use them now so my 48 terabytes goes down to 32 gigs those two extra drives are now doing some kind of wizardry to make sure that if those this thing crashes and it just gone everything's gone those 2 drives will work together to rebuild that entire library of files and archives that I've lost now while that's going while there that archive sometimes that drive itself that you used as the backup can corrupt with a read or write file and if that corrupts when it's trying to rebuild what already corrupted you're still done the whole thing is still useless so with raid six that's why it uses two extra drives for a backup so if that first one fails trying to back everything else up that next one then picks up the slack and hopefully rebuilds the whole thing so that's raid 6 now if that extra backup drive fails and you lose everything I would recommend finding a new hobby just pick a sport and give it your all I mean at this things top speed it will write over like a gig a second which is absolutely incredible if your video editor you can edit 4k footage right from this plug into your laptop without having to use any of the hard drive space from your desktop or your laptop it's just it's an incredible piece of hardware so now not only do I benefit from having 48,000 gigs at my disposal but all of that stuff is now backed up I can edit straight from this it's so much faster there's fans inside and if anything does go wrong the chances of me getting that stuff back without even having to send it to some sort of data center are so much higher than they were before so for anybody that is getting into video editing for anybody that is getting into vlogging for anybody that is going to be shooting a ton of content be that you're a photographer or a filmmaker whatever if you're shooting a ton of content having a raid system is smart it's the smart thing to do versus just stockpiling dozens of these over time that's not that's not the long game we want to play the long game here not the short game let me show you real quick how I actually organize these files it's not very hard at all it's just a system I've been using for years and years and years now it works really really well I can find pretty much anything at a moment's notice alright so there's not much to it when it comes to archiving files and creating folder structures and that kind of thing I've been doing the same thing for like the last since geez I'm probably doing since 2008 I haven't changed my way since and it's worked pretty well for me I'm able to find pretty much any folder and you file any photo within you know minutes of being asked about something specific so here's what I do this right here is the big raid that I was showing you guys the six drive 48 terabyte rate so when you click on it and this is what I have with my organization right now the first thing I do every single year is create a new folder for that year so if 2018 just started it was January 1st this is what I would do if I was going to Iceland on January 1st I would make a folder called Iceland 2018 every day that I was there I would make a new folder for that day so January 1st is the first folder I would make if I was there again the next day I would make January 2nd then I would make January 3rd so forth and so on so let's say I was there for four days I would make four folders now for each day that I was there depending on what I was doing I make a folder for every single camera that I used that day so if I use my 1dx mark two I would make that folder if I use the c200 I would make that folder if I had a GoPro so forth and so on and the same thing for Mavic maybe if I got some phantom 4 pro footage from a friend whatever and let's just say someone was shooting with a 5d Mark 4 so this is a pretty intense file structure right now but that's what I would have for day 1 in Iceland now when I went into 1 DX mark 2 I would make another folder called photo and I'd make another photo called video inside photo I would have Roth for all my rows full size full size right there for after I edited some of the rows and then final edits and Instagram so I know that seems like a lot you're like wow like you just created literally in the last two minutes like 16 folders but this way everything's organized I'm never not going to be able to find something at any given moment same thing when I go into video I would just dump in all the video clips from that day it's fine so going all the way back we open up this hard drive double click we have 2017 2018 when I went to Iceland oh yeah I need photos from I think that was on day one I think I used my 1dx there were definitely photos and I need the raw file boom accessed instantly or same thing if I need oh that was the photos from the 1dx and I think they were final edits here oh no I need the Instagram sized post ok no worries boom Instagram post that's how I make my file structure and it's pretty much the same across the board so if I was importing phantom footage I would have raw because they come in really really high res and then I convert those files so premiere can edit them easier I've converted them into pro res so I usually make a folder called converted so I know that the raw is the original files from the drone and converted our files ready to be edited so I do that with everything and the same thing goes for one 5d Mark 4 if I only had footage from 5d mark 4 I'd make video and inside video would be all the clips from the 5d Mark 4 if you take a look at my 2017 folder and keep in mind I just created this raid archive so it's fairly new it's not very full yet but if we click on 2017 and go over to Kenya you can see I've already got Belfast Italy and Switzerland New Brunswick Vancouver missed tools and editing assets and then archive footage but if we go into Kenya you'll see I have July 2nd July 3rd July 4th July 5th everything is organized into what I did that day so if July 6 I only use the 1d I double click on that I've got my photos from July 6th and I've got my video from July 6 so I know that's all I was using that day so that is it for me guys I hope you enjoyed this video more so I hope you got some out of it don't let don't let what happened to me happen to you trust me it's the worst thing ever you feel like you want to throw up if you guys have any questions leaving below but hit that like button if you got something out of this and you liked it smash it if you so desire subscribe if you aren't already and and I'll see you guys tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 658,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: File Backup, LaCie 6 Big, RAID, LaCie Raid, Raid Setup, Backing up your files, Backup your footage, Rugged Drive, Portable Backup, How to backup your files, Backup your photos, Photo Backup, Photo Archive, Video Editing Workflow, photographer Workflow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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