Guide to Gundrak in Wrath Classic

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hey folks gun track is one of the dungeons that you'll encounter roughly halfway through your leveling in Wrath of the Lich King Classic even though the trash emboss Encounters in this dungeon are relatively simple by modern standards there's still many important mechanics that you need to know about since this guide will cover both difficulties I'll be sure to mention whenever an ability is unique to the heroic version of the dungeon finally while the footage shown here is from retail World of Warcraft all the strategies in this guide are written with wrath classic and Minds with all that being said let's get into gun drag before I discuss the strategy for this dungeon I want to quickly touch upon an element of gun track that is fairly unique unlike most other dungeons gun track actually has two different entrances since the dungeon is shaped like a ring each entrance will take you to an opposite side of said ring allowing you to clear the first three bosses in either order entering on the southern side will cause you to Zone in closer to murabi and the entrance on the Northern side will bring you close to slodron for the purposes of this guide I'll be discussing the bosses from the perspective of the northern entrance as I personally believe it's more efficient to complete the dungeon in this order after entering gun track from the northern entrance you'll find yourself at the top of a spiral staircase that leads down into a pool of water you can safely jump into the water below and climb out of it to enter the room nearby within this room you'll encounter packs of unyielding constrictors and spitting cobras these mobs will hit the tank fairly hard and apply a poison dot but otherwise they have no special abilities there are also a bunch of neutral deadly pit fibers in the center of the room but they'll usually die in one hit and don't actually do anything once you've cleared out the three trash packs of snakes you can start the first boss encounter against slodron the boss will only cast three abilities himself Venom bolt is a spell which targets a random player and Deals a moderate amount of nature damage powerful bite is a heavy hit in the tank that also reduces their armor by 35 finally poison Nova is a cast which deals High nature damage to all players close to slodron and it leaves behind a nasty dot for 10 seconds ideally your DPS and healers should move away from slodran in order to outrange this ability but if anyone gets hit you should clench the dot off of them to limit the incoming damage these abilities are incredibly impactful on their own but slotron will also summon two types of snakes and this is where the actual difficulty of the encounter lies the first ad slodron Viper doesn't do much outside of biting the tank and leaving behind a light poison dot the second ad is sludgeon constrictor and this mob will you up if you don't kill it fast enough when this constrictor attacks a Target they'll apply stacks of grip of slodron if this mob lives long enough and gets the stacks up to five the target will be stunned for 10 seconds it is possible to break out the stun player early if you kill the snake wrap mob that's surrounding them but realistically once the stun goes out the fight will begin to spiral out of control your group's top priority at all times should be to kill off any slot run constrictors that spawn in the room if you kill them quickly enough they won't be able to reach 5 stacks and your group should be safe after you've killed sludgeron the absolute first thing you need to do is to click the altar located nearby as this is required for unlocking the final boss each of the first three bosses will be situated next to an altar and all three of them need to be activated in order to complete the dungeon here my strategy will take an interesting turn as I actually recommend jumping off the nearby balcony and swimming through the water while swimming you'll be attacked by multiple drakari frenzy ads it's crucial that your tank actually makes an effort to pick these up instead of just swimming to the shore if these mobs get aggrid onto the Healer they'll tear that poor bastard to shreds so obviously you don't want that to happen once you're in the water you'll want to swim to the other side of the room and then wrap around the left wall until you hit a pile of skulls this will allow you to climb out of the water and immediately reach the second boss Jakari Colossus you don't want to just go ahead and pull them though because doing this will cause some of the nearby trash to join the fight however if you hug the left or right wall really tight it's possible to sneak past the Jakari Colossus and kill off this trash before you fight it the two mob types you'll face here are living mojos and Jakari Golems the living Wojo will shoot out a frontal cone that deals damage to anyone hit and leaves behind a light nature dot also they'll periodically throw down a patch in the ground which deals ticking damage to anyone standing inside the Jacari Golems are much scarier as they'll hit fairly hard cast Thunderclap to deal damage to melee DPS and cast Shockwave to stun the tank for 2 seconds because of this 2 second stun you'll want to prioritize killing the Golems over the living mojos overall while these mobs aren't too difficult to handle the hard part is of course killing them off while being careful to not pull the boss I'll admit this is definitely the most challenging strategy that I recommend ended in one of my guides but if you manage to pull it off it'll save your group a ton of time the alternative to this method is just clearing all the trash after slotron which while easier takes about two to three times as long to complete when you finally Engage The Jakari Colossus he'll start in phase one which is honestly a complete tank in Spain the only notable ability he has is a mortal strike effect which reduces the Tank's incoming healing by 75 for 3 seconds after reaching 50 Health the Jakari Colossus will spit out a new boss called the Jacari Elemental this mob is basically just a beefier version of the living Mojo ads from before the boss he'll turn into a wave and charge the random player dealing damage and anyone hit and leaving behind a nature dot additionally he'll throw pedals at random players throughout the fight so your tank should continue moving the boss whenever a puddle spawns after the elemental reaches 50 it'll return to the drakari Colossus causing the fight to rotate back into phase one you'll then repeat the exact same process of killing the Colossus spawning the elemental and finishing it off before Lee leaving the area don't forget to activate the altar located behind the boss from here there are two different paths which you can take but they're roughly equidistant and ends up in the same location if you walk towards the remaining living mojos and golems and then hook right you'll encounter a side passage that runs along with Cliff you'll want to jump off this cliff into the water below and then swim across to reach the far Shore alternatively you can head down the ramp into the Central Pool of the dungeon which is connected to the adjacent bodies of water by a series of underwater tunnels like I said both options will fight the exact same amount of trash that is to say zero outside of the frenzies and they take roughly the same amount of time to Traverse most groups will opt to jump off the cliff but I did want to mention the underwater tunnels because I personally think they're cool once you've reach the shore you'll want to quickly move into the next room before the patrolling Jakari earthshaker gets too close this will lead you straight into a fight against three mobs which can be any of the following enemies Jakari Medicine Man Jakari God Hunter Jacari Lancer or Jakari fireweaver the god Center is the weakest of these four options by far and still just attack the tank and cast the turns when he gets damaged predictably The Medicine Man Is A Healer and he should be your top kill priority in addition to Casting healing wave and Earth shield and friendly targets the medicine man will actually link himself to a random player causing him to cast from their Mana pool instead of his own obviously this will really suck if it targets your healer dracari fireweavers are fairly standard they'll cast single Target flame spells on the tank and they'll periodically cast blast wave hitting your group for a light amount of fire damage finally the Jacari Lancers are easily the most annoying and deadly mobs in the pack but that's only if you don't understand their abilities they'll periodically disarm the tank which on its own is annoying but it's not a huge deal the scary part about these mobs is their retaliation ability which causes them to reflect all melee attacks for 5 seconds if one of your melee DPS is just tunneling into these guys it's extremely likely that they'll end up killing themselves the moment retaliation goes out because this exists melee will need to be super careful and avoid attacking the Lancer unless they're absolutely confident the retaliation won't be back up for a few seconds the final pack before marabi contains two drakari earthshakers and one dracari Insider all these mobs really do is hit the tank so you can cleave them down and move on to the third boss encounter murabi is an extremely simple boss provided your group actually knows how to interrupt I would actually recommend setting up an interrupt Order ahead of time as that will make the fight infinitely easier for most of the encounter murabi will only cast one real ability outside of hitting the tank and dealing light a we damage to the group this is a cast called transformation and it's the entire reason why I recommended having a kick order initially this cast will take 4 seconds but murabi has a passive effect which causes his casting speed to increase proportional to the amount of damage he has taken this means that as you get closer to killing him the castle becomes so fast that it's nearly instant it's still entirely possible to get the kick off at this point and if you do manage to kill mirabi without allowing him to get a single cast off you get a fancy little achievement even if murabi does get transformation off it's not the end of the world this will just cause him to turn into a mammoth granting him 25 flat damage and an increase to the damage dealt by his generic tank and group-wide abilities honestly as long as you don't have a colossal up and allowed Robbie to like transform on the First cast this boss should be really easy once he dies don't forget to activate the altar located nearby from here I'm going to take a brief detour to discuss the heroic only boss EK the Ferocious if you're only running this dungeon on normal and aren't interested in learning about the heroic boss you can skip ahead to the timestamp labeled trash before final boss after muravi has fallen a passageway will open up at the back of his room this will take you to a secret area called The Shrine of Eck and within the first room you'll encounter a bunch of mobs called ruins dwellers these guys will cast a frontal cone AOE at the tank dealing nature damage to them and draining Mana from any Targets they hit they'll also cast spring causing them to drop aggro and leap towards a random player when this ability goes off the tank should immediately re-town the mob and face them away from the group once you've cleared out the three ruined strollers standing nearby a pool of water the heroic only boss ector ferocious will spawn his two abilities are x-spring and X bit which function exactly like the frontal cone and leap abilities from the aforementioned trash mobs his only real unique ability is an enraged that he'll cast should your group fail to kill him within 90 seconds this will increase his damage by 500 percent effectively causing you to wipe immediately if you do manage to kill off EK you can head into the pool of water behind him which is concealing another one of those underwater passages that we discussed earlier normally this tunnel is inaccessible but x-depth will cause a doorway to open up which connects it to the rest of the water alternatively you can just retrace your steps and head back to where you fought murabi now you'll once again want to hop into the Central Pool and climb out onto the pile of bones assuming you didn't forget to activate any of the altars the path to the final boss should be open and a group of three Jakari Raiders and a Jakari Rhino will be blocking your path after pulling this pack the Rhino will immediately charge at the tank dealing a massive amount of damage and knocking them back your healer needs to be ready to immediately top off this damage because the tank will then have to quickly round up the mobs and aim them at the wall this is because the chakari Raiders have a frontal cleave and you really don't want this to be hitting your group the final ability in this pack is deafening Roar cast by the Rhino and it deals damage and applies a 4 second silence to any Targets within 15 yards because of this it's incredibly important that healer stand at max range as otherwise they won't be able to keep the tank alive continuing across the bridge will lead you to three more rhinos which are accompanied by a dracari battle Rider the rhinos are identical to the ones we just discussed and the battle Riders will spend the entire time just casting throw in the tank I'd highly recommend pulling these rhinos one at a time as otherwise the damage will get out of hand very quickly once all three rhinos have fallen you're good to pull galdura the final boss of the dungeon although this boss does have a few key mechanics the most difficult part of the encounter is the strain hole applied to your tank and healer at the start of the fight your tank will want to grab galtera and put their back against the wall personally I like tank and galdura perpendicular to the altar as it allows the DPS to sit on his butt that being said it's only really important that your tank is against the wall so any area in the room will do during the first phase Galera will cast two main abilities the first of which is an AOE Whirlwind called whirling slash the moment you seem spinning rounds your tank and melee DPS should off to Africa until he stops moving this Whirlwind deals massive damage and you really don't want to put any more strain on your healer than is already necessary after the Whirlwind finishes the tank should move back into position and face him towards the wall the other phase one mechanic is Stampede which causes spectral rhinos to appear and charge at a random player dealing damage to them interrupting any spell casting and knocking them back this is one of the reasons why the tank needs to have their back facing a wall around 30 seconds into the fight Godzilla will turn into a rhino beginning phase two this is where things start to get really sketchy for starters galderah will begin absolutely dumpstering your tank with auto attacks and this is largely because the enrage effect that he applies to himself if you have a hunter or a rogue in your group they should remove this enrage effect as quickly as possible Godzilla will also periodically cast stomp dealing a heavy chunk of damage to everyone in your group and knocking them back the final ability in this phase is impaling charge and it's extremely deadly this causes galdera to charge in a random player dealing a chunk of damage to them and impaling them on his horn when this happens the target will be taking massive ticking damage for the next five seconds and your healer will have to work overtime to keep the player alive at this point there's so much damage going out that I would even recommend DPS or tank players with healing spells to throw out a few of them and give the Healer a bit of breathing room also if you have a paladin in your group they can throw blessing and protection onto the impaled player in order to negate all of the incoming damage shortly after the impale is finished galtera will revert back to phase one and the fight will just repeat until you kill him or he kills you and with that we've covered everything you need to know in order to clear normal or heroic gun track in Wrath of villagekin classic if you want to learn more about the other dungeons present in Wrath classic I'd recommend checking out my dungeon guide playlist which you can find Linked In the description below
Channel: Harldan
Views: 22,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, horde, level, leveling, 1-70, 60-70, wrath, wotlk, wrath of the lich king, classic, blood elf, paladin, 70-80, normal, heroic, dungeon, tank, boss, bosses, dungeons, guide, guides, strategy, strategies, heroic plus, heroic+, h+, norm, speedrun, speedrunning, runs, running, fast, fastest, zul drak, zuldrak, zul'drak, zul-drak, gundrak, gun drak, sladran, slad'ran, drakkari colossus, drakkari elemental, moorabi, eck the ferocious, galdarah, gal'darah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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