Guide to Forge of Souls in Wrath Classic

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hey folks now that ice K Citadel is finally being released in Wrath classic you're also able to attempt its Associated dungeons which must be completed in a specific order Forge of souls is the first dungeon in the trio and in this video I'll teach you everything that you need to know in order to easily clear it on both normal and heroic difficulty it's worth noting though that this dungeon is only available to level 80 characters and both difficulties are completely identical in terms of mechanics the heroic version obviously has Mobs with slightly more health and damage and it does drop better loot but all the abilities are exactly the same on both difficulties with all that being said let's discuss Forge Souls upon entering this dungeon for the first time you'll need to pick up the quest Echoes of tortured Souls from the nearby Quest Giver for hard players this NPC will be Sylvanas but Alliance players will instead see Jana it's very important that you don't forget to pick up this Quest as completing it is the only way to unlock access to the next dungeon pit of Saron once you've picked up the quest you can proceed down the hall way and fight the first Trash mobs a pair of Soul guard Watchmen these skeletons appear frequently throughout the instance and they'll always come in groups of two despite their appearance they're honestly pretty weak and their only notable ability is an 8-second buff which reflects the next two incoming spells if you're a Caster you can either downrank to safely clear off the stacks or just wait for melee to finish off the mobs after killing these first two skeletons you'll take a right and continue forward until you reach a four mob Trash Pack consisting of a soul guard bonus Caster Adept and two Reapers while none of these mobs are particularly scary I'd recommend focusing the bone Caster down first as it has two abilities which deal a moderate amount of group wide damage bone volley is a cast that you should interrupt whenever possible and he will also gain an absorb Shield which explodes and hits the group after it breaks the adapt is next on your kill priority as it'll cast drain life on random players and attempt to heal other mobs with Shadow men make sure you keep an eye on this mob while killing the bone Caster as it's important to interrupt any shadowman casts immediately the adaps will also cast shadowbolt at random targets but you should let these go through as it doesn't hit very hard and it means they'll cast their other two abilities less often finally the soul guard Reapers will spam Shadow Lance instantly dealing a moderate amount of damage to a random player this may put a bit of strain on your healer but there's no real way to stop the casts other than killing off the mobs the Reapers will also periodically cast Frost Nova dealing moderate AOE damage and rooting nearby ples as long as your range DPS and healers don't stand in melee range this ability should not be an issue a bit further ahead you'll encounter another group of trash wherein foraster Ms can be found channeling into a soul horror this new mob will be your top kill priority whenever it's present in a pack as it frequently drops all threat and begins attacking a random DPS or healer as for the other four mobs you'll find another adapt and Bone caster and you should still prioritize killing these two enemies after you finish off the soul horor the other two casters are a new mob type Soulard guard animator but they aren't too difficult to manage they'll sometimes begin casting Soul sickness on a random player and this can either be interrupted while it's being cast or dispelled after the debuff is applied if the debuff doesn't get dispelled after 8 seconds the affected player is stunned for 5 seconds these mobs will also frequently cast soul siphon on a random player and I'd actually recommend letting them fully Channel this ability the damage it deals is extremely low relative to Soul sickness or their spammable Shadow bolt and the only other downside is a debuff which makes the targeted player deal 10% less damage for a few seconds once you've reached the section of the dungeon with the big metal Bridges suspended in midair you'll fight a few more packs of trash that are identical to the ones we've already discussed as a quick summary always interrupt Shadow men from the adeps bone volley from the bone casters and soul sickness from the animators your kill priority is soul Horrors first then bone casters then adeps and then whatever is left over in addition to all of this trash you'll sometimes encounter spiteful apparitions which are Ghostly skulls that will suddenly appear next to your group shortly after these mobs become visible they'll begin casting spite which is a self-destruct spell that causes them to deal a large amount of damage to all nearby players if they appear while you're in combat with other mobs I would recommend swapping to them ASAP and finishing them off before the cast finishes however if one pops up while you're out of combat you can probably just run away from it and let the mob explode away from the group lastly once you begin approaching the second building suspended in midair you'll encounter another Patrol of two Soul guard Watchmen if you really want to it is technically possible to skip past these mobs when they reach the end of their patrol but usually I find it's faster and easier to just kill them off from here you can head up the nearby ramp and ignore the pack up ahead which contains a soul horor and two animators within this next room you'll encounter Bron Jam the first boss of the dungeon during Bron Jam's initial phase he'll cast two different abilities magic Spain is a whirlwind attack that Brun Jam uses frequently and it deals heavy damage to the entire group the scariest part about this ability is that it actually deals additional damage equal to half of the Caster's Mana pool up to a total of 10,000 damage as you might imagine this means that casters and healers will get absolutely demolished by this boss there really isn't anything you can do to avoid this your healer will just need to do their best to keep everyone alive that being said I recommend you don't run this dungeon with a full group of Caster DPS if possible as this mechanic will put an absurd amount of strain on your healer Bron Jam's other fa one mechanic is corrupt Soul a spell that he'll channel into a randomly selected DPS or healer if you get targeted by this ability you should run away from the boss towards the sides of the room after 4 seconds an attackable soul will appear at the affected player's location and it'll begin moving towards the boss all DPS should hard swap to the soul and kill it as quickly as possible because if it manages to reach the boss without dying he'll be healed for roughly 30% of his HP normally you should be able to easily kill these Souls before they reach him but if you're in a group with low DPS there are a few tricks you can use for starters the tank can kite the boss away from the souls as this gives the DPS a bit more time to finish them off alternatively if the person targeted by corrupt Soul has an immunity such as ice block Divine Shield or cloak of Shadows you can use that to negate the Spell entirely and avoid summoning an ad a few other abilities such as a hunter's Fain death can also be used to stop Brun Jam from casting once the boss reaches 35% Health he'll teleport to the center of the room and transition into his second phase during this phase Bram will be rooted in place and cannot be moved by the tanks so make sure to only push him to 35% once all active Souls have been killed shortly after teleporting the boss will cast soul storm which creates a large AOE Zone around the edges of the room everyone in your party will therefore need to run into melee range in order to avoid taking heavy damage for the rest of the encounter Bron Jam will spam cast Shadow bolts on random players and he'll periodically cast fear causing the targeted player to run into the soul storm while feared the affected player will be taking heavy heavy ticking damage from the storm so kers will need to watch out for this after Brun Jam has been taken down you can head out the back door of his room and take a right to begin moving towards the final boss before you get there you'll need to deal with one more pair of Soul guard Watchmen followed by a series of spectral Warden patrols these wardens are really nasty and I would highly recommend sneaking past the first one into the nearby hallway you'll quickly run into another spectral Warden which your tank should drag a bit further down the hall while the rest of the group follows behind make sure nobody in your party is standing in the entry of this hallway as pulling an extra spectral Warden could lead to a wipe the wardens cast two abilities the first of which is veil of Shadow a 75% healing reduction on the entire party this is especially spooky when combined with the other ability it spam casts whale of souls as this deals heavy damage to the entire group while you can technically decurse the healing reduction it'll be quickly reapplied by the spectral warden so realistically this mob is just a damage and healing check once you've defeated the two wardens in this hallway you can engage the final boss devour of souls unlike broad Jam which could be pretty easily zered down this boss will prove a bit tricky if you don't handle the mechanics properly for starters the boss will constantly cast Phantom blast on the tank which does a pretty hefty amount of damage thankfully this cast can be interrupted so DPS should try to help the tank out as much as possible additionally if you're playing a prop Warrior you can spell reflect the Phantom blast to deal a lot of damage back to the boss the boss will also periodically cast mirrored soul on a random DPS or healer and this is the most important mechanic of the fight by far when this debuff is active on a player in your group any damage dealt to the devour of souls will also be dealt to the affected party member if you are a DPS player you must stop doing damage when this cast goes out or you will kill one of your friends every single time I've run this dungeon the player with mirrored Soul gets completely nuked because none of the DPS hold back at all while the boss is still Tech technically killable even if you're down one player it's a bit of a dick move to blindly tunnel and kill someone off in addition to these two aformentioned mechanics the boss will sometimes leap towards a random range player and create a puddle at their feet called Well of Souls this doesn't do anything special aside from creating a damage Zone on the ground so just move out of it if you get targeted finally the boss has two stronger abilities that he'll alternate between as the fight goes on the first of these abilities will always be Unleashed Souls this causes a swarm of untargetable ghosts to appear throughout the room and fixate on random players if they get close to you they'll start whacking you with some light Auto attacks while you could kite away from the ghosts to avoid taking damage in practice they don't actually hit very hard so your group should probably just continue dpsing and heal through the incoming damage the final ability of the fight will only be cast if the encounter goes on for over a minute in all of the testing runs I've done the boss will die well before this but if your group has low damage you should be prepared to handle whaling Souls as it's a pretty nasty ability upon casting this the boss will fire a laser beam in the direction of a random player so the group should spread out ahead of time to avoid having multiple players get hit after the laser beam starts the boss will rotate around the room and deal massive damage to anyone hit as I said before though provided your DPS is good and you don't kill off people with mirrored Soul the boss should be dead before this mechanic can even be cast once the fight is over you can turn in your quest to sylvanus serjana which unlocks pit of Sauron and allows you to pick up the next quest in the chain and with that we've covered everything everything you need to know in order to clear normal or heroic Forge of souls in Wrath of the Lich King Classic if you want to learn more about the other dungeons present in Wrath classic I'd recommend checking out my dungeon guide playlist which you can find Linked In the description below additionally if you're interested in trying the new hard mode difficulties that blizzard has added to wrath classic I have a separate guide for all dungeons which can be found in the description if you found this video helpful I'd highly encourage you to toss it a like as that'll help other people find it as well
Channel: Harldan
Views: 17,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, horde, level, leveling, 1-70, 60-70, wrath, wotlk, wrath of the lich king, classic, 70-80, normal, heroic, dungeon, tank, boss, bosses, dungeons, guide, guides, strategy, strategies, heroic plus, heroic+, h+, norm, runs, running, fast, fastest, explained, comprehensive, icecrown, icc, icecrown citadel, ice crown, forge of souls, fos, bronjahm, devourer of souls, soul, power, beta, alpha, gamma, titan rune, hardmode, hard mode, lfg, finder, heroics, defiler's scourgestone, defiler, defilers, host, alliance
Id: lf5ZPc9g2VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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