One STEAK Challenge, Immediate REGRET | Guga Foods

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This is the worst thing you can put in your mouth.  It is the one chip challenge, it literally says on   the box it will destroy you and of course there's  several warnings that come along with it. And when   you open up the box this is what it has inside; It  has several things on it but mainly the scorpion   pepper and the reaper. I mean why would someone  create something like this? First let's take a   closer look at the chip. A closer looks reveals how  evil this thing is and I only wish you could smell   it. It is a straight up nightmare! And I have a very  special guest to give this a try together with me.   Max the Meat guy and we're about to do something  crazy. Are you ready? -I'm worried, I'm very scared.   -I'm shaking bro. [sniffs] Whoa! How do you describe that?  Don't do that Max are you nuts? -Wow!   Okay close call there. Very concentrated hot sauce.  That's what I'm getting. -I'm smelling straight up. That's what it smells like. I'm  just gonna test my finger first.   -Let's start with that. -Let's start  with that okay let's see with that. Oh hell no. Oh hell no, you do it by yourself!  -That's actually shocking I was not expecting it   to be that bad. -Wow. -One little, one little dab.  -We are big chickens, but I have friends they   say that this is nothing. They can do this with  an eyes closed. -I'm steve also known as Steakslyons and this chip is nothing to me. -You guys already know who I am, I'm Leo I love some steaks   and I can take some spice. This  chip does not scare me.    -I'm Angel and I hate vegetables. I don't know why the  background is green it doesn't make any sense.   This chip is vegetable, so i know it's going to  suck but I'm going to eat it anyway. This chip. -Not that bad right now. -Oh my God! -Okay. -I feel gas. -Chewing is  not that bad because the heat just stays in your   mouth but as soon as you swallow it that's when  it starts traveling down coating your whole throat. -Woah! -Arggg! -I don't like this. -I'm going out  guys I'm out. Oh it doesn't even help.   -How long has it been. -15 seconds.  -Since we swallowed the chip? -Ah this is so bad bro! -Oh my god all right I'm going for the milk bro.  -Mind over matter guys come on yeah. Mind over throw   it for that matter. -My stomach is just a pit of  magma. -Oh it's so bad. -All right you know what   I'm going for the milk. Okay this is how far  I got. I'm crying but I'm not sad. -I'm crying   from my entire head. -Yeah you really are. My heart  rate is definitely like super elevated right now.   -I'm contemplating life. This chip does not scare  me. -Breathe in and out. -I'm sweating and I feel cold   -I thought this challenge was gonna be so easy  because when I was chewing it there was no heat.   -I think it's getting worse by the by the second.   -Yeah 100%. -So the chip kind of tastes like uh gasoline if you can imagine that. -That tasted a lot better  than the bomb, I think. You guys are hottest   -Yeah don't don't chug too much of the milk. Next  time Guga um have me on for some filet mignon   or something, something, something enjoyable. -Spare  yourselves don't do it. [ __ ] don't do this! That was no joke as now it's time to make the  spiciest wagyu that ever existed. And for that I'll   be using these two beautiful steaks. Take a look.  They are two Australian wagyu marbling score 9.   And as you can see it's just not a regular New  York Strip, it is a bone in. Many people says   that bone-in steaks have more flavor. iIhave made a  full video about that, the end result is not true   and that video will be on the description down  below so you can check it out. Because the next   thing to do is to go ahead and season them. For  that I kept it real simple; a good amount of salt,   followed by freshly ground black pepper,  and garlic powder. As one steak is gonna   be the control as the next one I'm gonna  be doing this, I'll be using the one chip.   The first thing to do is to crush it all up. I'm  turning it into spices and hopefully by cooking   it it will create a nice wonderful tasting  steak, then me and Max are gonna try. So I   went ahead and added the chip right on top. As now  the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook   these beautiful steaks, for that I'll be direct  grilling both of them. Once that's done I'll be   cooking them in indirect heat until I reach an  internal temperature of 135 degrees fahrenheit.   And for that I'll be using my wireless  thermometers. As now I say it is enough   talking and it is time to grill the spiciest  wagyu steak that ever existed. So let's do it!   [rock music] All right everybody here we have the final product  Max. -Very excited about one of them, and very   unexcited about the other one. I am totally honest. -I am  100% in agreement with you. A little bit nervous.   Here's the deal everybody when I was grilling  it i kind of lost it Max. I have no idea which   one is which. I have a feeling that this  one here is the challenge steak, basically.   -How strong is that feeling as as to this being  the right one? -90%. -90? -Yeah. -I'll take 90. honestly That's not bad. That's not bad, I'm good with it. -By the way guys if you've never seen Max before  I highly recommend you go check him out as soon   as this video is over. The link will be in the  description. There's a reason why he's called   Max the Meat Guy -I appreciate it. Very excited  to be here too. -Are you ready? -Let's do it. Are you nervous? -Very. -I am too. -Okay very good. By  the way let me give props where props are due,   those guys took it like a champ. -Yeah. -Okay  enough talking. Let's give this a try yeah?   -Let's do it. -All right let me know first  of all if we obviously get the right steak   you know what I mean Max? -Cooked perfectly.  -Thank you but I'm scared! -I hope i get it   right. You ready? -Let's do it. -All right let's  find out right now. Cheers everybody.-Cheers. -Yes it's not spicy! Oh maybe is it? No it's not I'm joking. -Like the second you said that just a switch flipped in my head I was like; Is this spicy? Pretty good though.  -That's delicious. -That's an amazing steak wow. -Very tasty extremely fatty but a good amount of  fat not unlike Japanese wagyu A5 a little   bit overpowering. How would you describe this for  somebody that never had it. -To me it's somewhere   between prime so still very good and that  crazy wagyu A5. So it's super beefy like a more   traditional prime steak, but it also has incredible  richness and the texture too. -Yeah. -Amazing. -I think   we won the game here Max because this was the  one. -So far so good. -This has to be the one. Are you ready? -I don't know. -All right let's  go for it. -You going for a big piece? -Yeah but I'm cutting   half. -I might do a quarter. Let's find out right now  we're gonna be honest with you guys. Cheers. -Cheers. -Hmm. -I got a little bit on my tongue. -Yeah I get  on top of my roof. Oh yeah! -When you swallow yeah.   -Wow it's incredible. I grilled this thing and it's  still there. -It's lingering. -Yeah but it's not that   bad though. -For me the second I swallowed it it  just hit the back of my throat. -It was worse when   I licked my finger a little bit. -Oh way worse, ten times  worse. -Or maybe the wagyu just take everything   off and make it taste better. -Very possible. -Huh?  That could be possible. Anyway guys these are the   results I hope you guys enjoyed this video. If  you did enjoy make sure you give it a thumbs up.   If you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe  for future videos. Remember if you are interested   in anything I use everything is always on the  description down below. Thank you so much for   watching. Make sure you go check out Max the link  in the description see you guys on the next one.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,486,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, spicy, one chip challenge, steaks, spicy challenge, cooking, funny, comedy
Id: ZJPju9tOJ_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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