Guest Speaker: Pastor Bobby Crow - September 29, 2021

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good morning charis bible college hallelujah how's everyone doing today it's good to see your faces most of you are smiling some of you look like you'd rather be elsewhere maybe that's because of the snow on pike's peak everybody see that [Applause] so winter isn't far away hey man whether you like it or not welcome to colorado well praise the lord uh welcome to all of those who are watching us by live stream this morning i have the absolute pleasure of of introducing uh pastor bobby crow and so show of hands how many of you have heard bobby crow speak before all right so not many of you so you guys are in for a real treat so pastor bobby and lynn crow from brownsville texas they pastor a church called palabra davida in ciudad victoria and uh they've had a long relationship with andrew and had a long relationship with kerris bible college been speaking at the school just from about the beginning and so but they are missionaries to mexico and we're super thrilled to have them today and let me tell you this bobby crow has just some awesome testimonies powerful things that the lord's done in his life and i'm sure he'll share some of those with you today but guys we are going to be super blessed i just want to encourage you open your hearts and prepare amen prepare to receive you know the the seed that finds the ground that's prepared to receive the seed is the ground that brings forth the harvest and so in this short amount of time from pastor bobby walking to the stage let's prepare our hearts guys to receive and help me welcome pastor bobby crowe [Applause] yes it's on now my wife and i then stand up so everybody can see you we just celebrated 50 years of marriage the amazing thing is i do not ever remember asking her to marry me we met at a church in irving texas and within three months we were married and i still don't know how that happened but it did but anyway uh so we live in the country of mexico in a town called citadel victoria which means the city of victory isn't that a good place to live i tell you if you live there you would think you need the victory of all the things you know just a few years ago c victoria was the most dangerous city in all of mexico and and the world i mean it was a very very dangerous place to live we have an office in brownsville but we live in mexico and we've been there we've been living there for 43 years and i've been in the ministry i've been preaching for 58 years that's longer than i don't probably none of you are that old but anyway i don't want to take much time i just want to share two or three things with you my wife bless her heart she has written three books i don't know how she did it but she did and her latest one is gathering your harvest which is a very good book and then she wrote one about let it go how many ever had how many of you have things in your life that have brought discouragement in everything and you're having a hard time letting it go i'm telling you this book right here will help you let it all go and then lynn's mother was a very powerful woman of prayer and she saw many many great miracles take place in her life because of of her prayers and i believe one of the reasons that lynn and i are able to do the things that we're doing today is because she prayed for us so much she's gone on to be with the lord now but lynn wrote a book about her mother says my my mom a woman of faith and then uh years ago andrew wanted this is i don't know how many years ago a long time ago andrew uh asked me about doing a uh an interview on radio this was before television before he was on television and i said yeah i'll do that with you and he said well you need to have some type of a book or something that you could give people and i said well i don't have anything so he said well you need to write a book so i wrote a book entitled the adventures of roberto cuervo which that's my name in spanish and so that book has been out of print for quite some time we don't we don't travel and around where we sell books and everything we're there in mexico and uh just recently we were trying to get everything ready to come up here and we decided that we would revise that book and we've added to it and we've added several new stories and so this this is the book i don't know if you guys can see it very well but it's me standing there and a state policeman is strapping a bulletproof vest on me for us to go find my truck that guys tried to kidnap me and they end up stealing my truck and so this it tells the story of what happened and that this is the book the other thing is we just uh printed a magazine and this is this is the magazine and out out in the foyer there's a table there that's got all of the books it's got all of these things the magazine is free you can have this if you want it and it just got pictures of our ministry and mexico and everything and so it's out there and then several years ago well for years i would always write down different quotes and things that were that blessed me and one of them andrew says it's his quote i say it's my quote and we haven't reached an agreement on it one of the quotes is if you don't stir yourself up you'll sink to the bottom which is very true and so in this book it's nothing but just different sayings and scriptures and things that i've picked up over the past 58 years and uh so that that's all it is this is full of sayings and quotes and everything and so it's it's out there also if you're interested one of one of the the what i consider one of the most famous quotes in this book is one of mine it's entitled the the quote is i don't remember ever forgetting anything is that okay very good you have to understand these books and everything that we've that we've put together you know we live in mexico and we only have just just three or four people that work for us that speak english and their english is not all that great and so they were helping us as we were writing these books and and trying to get it to a print and everything and so it it uh there's there's some mistakes in it uh words spell wrong or first one thing no just please over overlook that the other thing is just a few years ago in one of andrew's books i think is his book or me listening to him preach he talked about how how people are always believing god for a miracle have you ever believed god for a miracle well he said you know what if you believe that god's blessings are upon your life you don't need miracles those blessings bring the miracles and so when he when i heard that i made up a confession so i have it on a card and we just they just sent the cards to it this week and i looked at it it's my daily confession it says i believe believe instead of believe i it's it's left out an e on that so please overlook that all right but this these cards are out on the table if you want one of them you can you can get one it's free also this is my daily confession are you ready lift up your right hand put it on your head you see i believe in the laying on of hands so i have a feeling that you have more confidence in your hand on your head than somebody else laying a hand on your head okay so i lay my hand on my head and i make this confession so confess this with me i believe the blessings of the lord are upon my life today i believe that prosperity is coming to me today i believe i have divine health in my body i believe i have peace in my heart i believe i have favor with god and man i believe i have the fire of the holy ghost inside of me i believe i have the victory over all the works of the devil and i believe i'm more than a conqueror in the name of jesus christ every day i confess this my church members confess this and anytime i'm preaching and in the middle of my sermon i say you know what i believe and everybody goes like this i said no we've already done the confession you know but if i say the words i believe boy they put their hands on top of their head wow well listen guys you know we love andrew and jamie we've known them for about 40 years and they used to have a their conference minister's conference used to be up on the side of a mountain somewhere i can't even remember the name of the of the place and we would go there and that's how we really got got to know andrew and jamie but they've been such a tremendous blessing to us and have helped us so much over all of these years and also charis bible college for everybody that is a part of this school listen guys you don't understand how great this school is there's there's bible schools around but i tell you they don't teach faith like you're taught faith here they don't teach you how to believe god the way you're taught here they don't teach you how to live a victorious life every day like you do here i tell you this is a tremendous school and lynn and i are so blessed to be able to be a part of this school we just come up here they only let us out of mexico just about once a year or so and that's not a lie but anyway but we don't travel we very rarely travel in the united states anymore we stay there in mexico we have a church the health department has limited us we can only have 25 occupancy in our church and in fact for uh almost eight months we could not have members in our church services on sunday morning and our midweek service they finally eased that to where right now we have about a thousand people on sunday mornings but our building holds four thousand and so they're not giving us permits to do outdoor crusades and things like that and everybody is required to still wear a mask you know you come to our church you wear a mask you go to to walmart you wear a mask you go to home depot you wear a mask you know hey this is the pits it's still but it's we're still under all of that in mexico so in some ways it's been very difficult but we're still alive and kicking one of the things i want to as a minister and if let me get my watch out here so i'll know when i got when i got a stop all right as a minister of the gospel for 58 years there's a lot of things i have had to learn the hard way there was not a charismatic bible school when i started in the ministry there was a baptist bible school which was it was all right the thing i like about the baptist they teach about salvation through jesus christ but there but you didn't learn a lot much about faith or how to live a victorious life so a lot of these things we have lynn and i have had to learn the hard way and so i look back at it all of the things that we we have our church we've had a bible school for 41 years that we train people for the ministry and i tell you we train we teach the very basics and we get them out to preach the gospel they're there we've had had students raise up churches all across mexico we've got a student that raised up a church in dallas we've got another student raised up one in uh houston we helped raise up a church in israel we have churches in in the philippines and i have a uh we have an orphanage in the philippines i would send money to to the philippines i'd have to send a cashier's check i remember one day a girl was getting a check for me and she said could i ask you a question i said well yeah what is it she said why are you sending so much money to the philippines i said well it's for my kids she said well how many kids you got i said i got 35. i'm telling you her eyes got about that big she you got 35 kids and i said yes but it's in an orphanage you know and so uh you know but we we support we have an orphanage we have an organization called word of life organization in the philippines we help uh we have missionaries in thailand uh uh an orphanage in thailand we have people in china in colombia and down through central and south america and uh a guy called me up the other day and he said hey you remember uh years ago i was moving to to our to venezuela and he said you gave me your vid your bible school that was on video i said well yeah i i don't remember it but if i if you say i did i did he said well we just graduated 135 students and so our students have raised up churches lynn was was at a ladies meeting down in a town called san luis potosi and the woman came up to her and she said remember me and lynn yeah okay she said well my husband and i went to your bible school years ago she said we've already raised up over 50 churches across mexico and in our in our city we have 14 churches in our city not only our main church but we got 14 mission churches and so we don't just goof off you understand we're continually trying to reach people all not only in mexico but all over the world and that's that's just that's our heart that's uh when lynn was 13 years old she walked down the aisle of her baptist church took the pastor by the hand and she said god called me to be a missionary wow and he said oh bless your heart and that was it he never said anything else to her about it all right let me hurry i this the what i want to share with you this morning is things that i consider to be the very most important for every one of us all right you get this number one the bible is the word of god there is no other book in all of the world like the bible it's god's word it reveals to us the will of god i remember when i first started preaching i had a brother that was a pastor and he gave me a bible and in the front of that bible he wrote in this book you'll find the answers to all of your problems and did you know i found out that those words are very very true reading and studying the bible you need to read and study it every day i love andrew womack i have read almost every one of his books at least twice some of them i've read three times or more i love his books because they are so great and full of faith and grace and mercy and challenge your faith and everything but the word of god is still number one when you face problems you can always go to the word of god and find the answer when we first moved to mexico i had a brand new suburban and i had a little homemade tent a trailer and a gospel tent and chairs in it i had it there in mexico and a missionary came up and he said hey i'm gonna get married up on the side of a mountain called santa maria and i said well praise god that's good he said well but you see there's not a building up there big enough for for our wedding could we use your tent i said well sure jim there's no problem about that and he said well you see there's a problem i only have a motorcycle he said could you carry that tent up there for me and i said well yeah okay so i loaded up the trailer and i had the big center poles on top of my truck and everything and i go down to another town and i meet jim and jim said well you know weddings in mexico after the wedding ceremony we always have a meal for everybody and so we need to take food up there would can you carry the food and i said well yeah okay so he opened up the back of my suburban and he began to stack i mean because we were going to feed almost 200 people with food you know so he was loading down my truck and then he said well look there's there's uh five other people that want to go would you let them ride with you well okay i'm telling you my truck look it was sitting down in the back and we were just traveling around and we went for for about 30 45 minutes we came to a little old village and we turned off the highway and we started up this gravel road and one of the the missionary that was with me and the older guy he said well you know it's only about uh 15-20 miles but it takes about two to three hours to get up there and i thought oh my god what have i got myself into so as we started up this road it started raining and the tires are spinning and i hear a noise and i get out and i look and the rocks had cut a tread out of the middle of my tire all the way around so i just pulled it all through it away and it still had air in it and i thought well it's raining i'll just keep going until it goes flat and so i kept driving and finally we we started up a real steep incline and all of a sudden that tire went flat i thought oh my god what am i going to do and i got out and i got the jack and i jacked it up and it fell off the jack i jacked it up again it fell off the jack i walked around to the other side of the truck and i was right on the side of the mount and i slept on down that mountain twice finally i got that truck jacked up put the spare on it started to go the tires went to spinning and that tire went flat so i'm going to back down the level ground the little trailer jack knives i can't go forward and i can't go back so i go to unload the trailer i unhook it from my from the the hitch it rares up ripping paint and chrome off of my brand new truck did i tell you i wasn't happy finally we got that thing back down to level ground and the the four girls or women was with me uh jim the missionary said well they can just start walking and i'll catch up with them in just a little bit and they walk for an hour and a half until it got so dark they couldn't see and so they stopped in the middle of the road held hands and they just began to sing until jim could catch up with them and take them on up and they had another hour to walk up to the to that village so i had to spend the night there with my truck me and this other older missionary my truck had bucket seats with a big console there in the middle how many understand it's very difficult to sleep laying across a console you know and i'm upset i am upset i confess i thought of murder i thought of these here's another thing they did not even sell the size tires that i use on my truck in all of mexico uh-huh was i upset somebody said well how far is it to the nearest place uh i said they said oh you know about an hour or so i said well what if it you know they said if you got to walk you go i said how far is it as the crow flies and carrying two flat tires you know uh i mean it was it wasn't a good time but i got up the next morning and i didn't know what i was going to do and i i picked up my bible i have a tendency or the way at that at that particular time i would read uh in in my bible i would read two chapters in the old testament two chapters in the new testament and i would read five chapters in the book of psalms and one chapter in the book of proverbs so every month i would read all of psalms and all the proverbs plus i'm reading through the old testament and new testament so i grabbed my bible and i i i looked at this other missionary and i don't want him to hear what i'm saying so i walk a little ways up the mountain and i pull out my bible and i began to read i said god i'm not in happy mood but i began to read and i for that day started with psalms 91 i was reading in the amplified bible and it came down to verse 10. it says there shall no evil befall befall you or any calamity or any uh calamity come near your tent i tell you god's got a god's got a sense of humor when he said when i read tenth i said god let me tell you something it's real close well about that time two guys showed up to help us and i looked at this tire that had gone flat and i thought there's nothing wrong with it it just needs air but you can't air up a tubeless tire with a little hand pump i thought what can i do and i looked at this little trailer it had a a spare tire on it there that spare tire had an inner tube we took that thing apart pulled out that inner tube it had seven patches on it but we put it in that tire it's not the right size but rubber stretches we put it together put it on the truck it held air we drove the rest away up the mountain to the wedding we drove at the end of the wedding we i drove that thing back to seattle victoria picked up lynn and our boys we headed to brownsville from brownsville to to uh georgia for our wedding from georgia we drove back to dallas and at dallas we were in a church and the pastor told the people what had happened and two people brought us bought us two new tires listen i could tell you thousands of other examples of when i face situations i'd go to the word of god and god always has a word for you amen i don't i don't do this saying and god i need a word and judas went and hung himself go and do thou likewise i don't do that i remember the first time i i ever made a trip overseas and my my brother and john osteen had started a had a big crusade in india and a lot of people got saved and they started a church and he left it in the hands of a missionary there and so two or three months later the missionary contacted my brother and he said look i've got to leave india you need to send somebody over here you know to preach for a while while i'm gone and when i read that or when i heard it god spoke to me and said you need to go i said now god listen i haven't even i i've i've only been out of texas one time you know india's on the other side of the world and so i remember i'd go down to the church at night just nobody there but just me and god and i'd pray and i for you know several weeks finally got uh i i really felt that i was supposed to go so on a sunday morning before church started i was i had been reading my bible i had it open and i said god i'm going to ask you one more time are you telling me to go to india and i looked down and my bible is open to mark chapter 16 where jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature god said you are asking for a call to go he said i've already given that to you if you're going to stay home you need a special call to stay home you hear what i'm telling you not only was that word for me but it's for all believers we are to go it may be just go to our neighborhood it may be to go to another city another state or another country but every one of us are to go and preach the gospel to everyone [Applause] i remember when i started off on that trip i was leaving seattle washing i flew from houston to seattle seattle i was heading across john osteen said look you're going to go travel you're going to travel completely around the world so stop off in the philippines and you know and so he made contacts for me and and i stopped off in the philippines and they began to set up meetings for churches for me to preach in churches and and uh then they took me out to a little village and uh and we're sitting on the side side on the beach and i don't know how many houses was there and they put it they built a big platform for me to get on it was two kitchen tables they put together right you know that was my platform and so there was a buy this guy that was working with he had a bible school and students got up and they began to sing and then they turned it over to me and there was about a hundred people had gathered and they're all standing there you know so i'd get up and i had asked my my brother and asked osteen and other ministers what should i preach about they said preach about jesus and so i got up and i preached about the jesus christ the son of god the savior of the world and how many of you want to receive christ and about 25 people came forward to receive christ and so i led them in a sinner's prayer and they had told me well after you pray with people to receive christ you need to pray for them uh for healing and i thought oh okay we're going to try this out so i said all right if you need healing in your body come on up here to the front and i'm standing on on this great big platform you know and i lean over first guy walking on crutches oh lord i lean over i put my hands on his head and i said father in the name of jesus christ heal this man and i looked down at him he looked at me i said you believe he healed you yes really i'm serious i said really yeah i said well you think you could walk without crutches yeah really i said well hand me your crutches he handed me his crutches i'm still on this platform and he goes to take a step and he almost failed and he grew up supported himself with the table and i thought oh god oh god don't let him fall i said these people don't know me they may think that i'm some screwball you know trying to get put something over on them let me tell you something god can give you a complete message just like that when i closed my eye and said oh god don't let him fall god said you're not the healer he said i am he said all i ever asked you to do was lay hands on people pray for people speak the word over people but he said i am the healer when i opened my eyes back up this guy is starting to walk and he starts walking and he's getting pretty fast he and all of a sudden there's about 50 little boys and girls they're following him they're so excited and everything and there's a woman standing in front of me crying i said what's wrong why are you crying she said everybody knows this man he hasn't walked without crutches for over 40 years i said go get a picture of him they had to run to catch him and other people came out of their homes and so i just preached another message and more people got saved but you see it's based upon what uh based upon the word of god people have have said well how do you know if it's god's will to heal everybody well i read a scripture in the gospel of john chapter 6 verse 38. jesus said i came to do the will of the father so if you want to know what god's will is look at the life of jesus you hear what i'm saying look at the life of jesus he never said to anyone i'm sorry i can't heal you your problem is too too great no i can't heal you because you're a sinner no i can't heal you you know he never said that there were people that he healed and said now don't sin anymore he didn't worry about their sins then they got him healed then he said now don't sin anymore so we you want to know the will of god look at the life of jesus do you understand what i'm telling you the the word of god reveals to us god's word here's another thing have you noticed that that there are people in in government that want to take out the 10 commandments out of the buildings you ever wonder why because they get under conviction you ever wonder why they want to take bibles out of out of businesses and government and everything they're afraid of the bible they have other excuses but the the true reason is they're afraid of the bible the word of god let me tell you something i'm not afraid of the word of god it is my life amen no we got to hurry number two jesus is the only way there's no other way we got to tell people there is no other way you can get into heaven except through jesus christ i don't care what anybody else says i don't care what any other preacher says i'm telling you what the word of god says jesus is the way and the only way to get into heaven number three is this jesus told his disciples in acts chapter one the bible says it wasn't a suggestion he said i command you don't leave jerusalem until you receive the promise of the father which was the baptism of the holy spirit then he said you shall receive power after that you receive the holy spirit and you shall be witnesses we go to court they have witnesses what does a witness do a witness produces evidence you understand a witness produces evidence jesus said you shall receive power and you shall be my witnesses in jerusalem judea so mary and unto the other most parts of the world we shall be witnesses i don't i pray that every one of you here today you've received the baptism of the holy spirit if you have it you better receive it before the end of the day because i'm going to check the records of every one of you where you live and what you do and if you haven't received the baptism of the holy spirit and speaking in tongues i'm going to come knocking on your door he said how would you find me listen i used to repossess cars i know how to find people i remember that lynn and i were in india and i tell you these are things that have these most of these things happen years ago because i we were in the learning process and we they took us out to a village and uh our there were no chairs everybody sat on the ground the men over here the women over here and so i got up and i began to preach about jesus and you know uh many people that especially hindus and and muslims you tell them about jesus and they'll say you tell them about jesus oh very good i will add his name to my list of other gods that i believe in you see i'm practicing next time i go back to india i can i won't have to have an interpreter so anyway i got up and i preached there were about 500 people there and so i got up and i preached to them about jesus and then i thought you know what they had i had been told by pastors and ministers before i ever left the states i said they were i told you need to prove that jesus is the son of god so i said okay before i do anything else i want to pray for everybody that's deaf bring them up here they brought seven people up to the platform and uh i'd never done this in all my life this this is all new to me and so i went down and i laid my hands on all seven of them and i prayed and asked for com for healing that they could hear after i prayed for all seven of them then i went back and i began to check and were in front of them 500 people and i began to check i'd get behind him i said hallelujah let's say hallelujah you know i had a watch that time you ever remember having a watch that you could hear it go so i put my watch up there they could hear the watch ticking you know i checked all seven of them and they were all completely healed so we rejoice hallelujah and so they went back and sat down and i said now i've proven to you that jesus christ is the son of god i'm asking you to receive him as your personal savior if you want to receive jesus christ stand up right now and about 250 people stood up i looked at my interpreter i said they don't understand you see i had never seen that many people get saved at one time it shows my ignorance i said i haven't set down they don't understand so i went over the plan of salvation again i said if you're really sure be any doubt you want to receive christ stand up more people stood the second time i said they don't understand have them sit back down i go over the plan of salvation the third time and i said if you really want to receive christ and turn away from all other gods stand up and more people stood up the third time i looked at my interpreter i said they don't understand oh no it's you you do not understand they know why they're standing they want to receive jesus pray with them so we were able to start a church there but one night as we were getting ready to leave we walked out to the car and we were getting in the car and a pastor came up to me and he brought a man up and he he it was like he was clothed with the sheet and everything and all you could see was his hands and his and his face and and this pastor said uh he wants you to pray for him i said well sure what's the problem he said he's got leprosy oh what did you say they said he's got leprosy and he wants you to lay hands on him and pray for him okay i'm not lying this is the truth understand this is the truth i reached over and i laid my finger on his forehead my wife of great faith laid hands on me and i said in the name of jesus christ be completely healed and we got in the car and we left the next night and as they're praising and worshiping god uh uh the guy in charge of the service said uh anybody here want to give a testimony and there's a guy back there in the back he starts running up to the front as he's running up to the front he starts pulling off his shirt and in mexico it's it's like this you know the cross for protection i went oh my god it's going to be one of those services you you guys probably never been in the service like that but i'm telling you i i thought oh my god what are we going to happen now and so the pastors they grabbed him and they took him over to the side and they talked to him they came up to me and they said you got to let this guy testify i said okay he got up he stood in front of everybody he took off his shirt he said look at me he said i came last night with leprosy all over my body look i'm healed [Applause] it's the power of the holy spirit ah oh my lord let me tell you this this one more story the picture that that's on my book uh this is six years ago i had taken a missionary she was leaving the country i took her to the border uh for she was leaving mexico and i'm driving back i'm driving in a pickup truck i'm driving down the highway and i just began to l i was listening to gospel music and i just began to pray and then all of a sudden i just felt an urge to just pray in tongues now listen to me i i hope and i pray that every one of you pray in tongues you should pray in tongues every day i believe you should really pray in tongues more than you pray in english or any other language anyway i just began to pray in tongues and so i'm praying in tongues for about 30 minutes and all of a sudden i top a hill and over to the left there's a pickup truck and there's four young men's young men standing out there with ak-47s and they start waving at me to stop hey i'm an old man i don't pay attention to young guys so i just sped up but as i sped up they shot the back tire of my truck as the tire began to come apart i had to slow up they had gotten in their truck they came after me they pulled up beside me telling me screaming at me to stop i take my truck and i slam into the side of their truck and i'm headed across the highway to the ditch on the other side and in the middle of it i look right here and there's two ak-47s pointed at my head so i decided i better stop so i stopped one of the guys came running over with the butt of the rifle he hit the window of my truck but it didn't break and when i put the truck in park it unlocked the doors another guy opened the door reach in unbuckled my seat belt pull me out they pulled me back to the back of my truck now let me say this when this began to happen i called my oldest son jeremy which was in victoria and i told him i said jeremy they're after me and i don't know what's going to happen and so i left the phone on in the cup holder and he hears him screaming and hollering at me and this one guy that had tried to break the window standing in front of me and he shot him to the ground and he screamed at me get in the truck and i look at him and i said no in a number that jesus christo no in the name of jesus christ i tell you he didn't say another word there were three guys standing behind me one guy came up grabbed me by the shirt like this he yanked on my shirt to try to pull me around now i always carry a pen just like this in my shirt pocket he pulled it so hard that it punched a hole in the pocket but he couldn't move me he couldn't even turn me around and so they begin to back away from me one guy got in my truck and headed one direction and they're screaming for me to get in their truck they're going to kidnap me and i said no and they know me they cristo couldn't do it they left me on the side of the road and so somebody stopped let me use their phone i called jeremy because jeremy when he heard the shot he believed they killed me so you can imagine how he felt anyhow they i called he i told him where he was where i was he and two other guys from our church came uh to meet me and the uh he called the state police at that time we had state police come into our church you know you got to be careful what you say in church if you got 20 state policemen sitting on the front row and all packing i'm telling you they were they all had pistols they had there were two or three guys standing at the back of the church all with rifles and he called them they came up there and the picture this picture on the front of my book is one of the guys putting a bulletproof vest on me to we're going to go find my truck we found it that this magazine has a picture of my truck and has the picture of him putting that vest on me and we found my truck we got it back it was in the shop for four months but we got it and that's it hallelujah amen were you guys blessed [Applause] all right so we want to receive an offering for pastor bobby and lynn this morning so if the ushers could uh begin passing the envelopes out and i want to make one quick announcement and i have permission to make this announcement that the books that are available uh pastor bobby's books are for a love offering okay so if you would like to get one of those books uh they are for a love offering they are for a donation uh so i would encourage you to head out to the table uh the adventures of roberto cuervo i recommend that one i've got a little thumb drive that pastor bobby gave to me uh last year when he was here and it has just a bunch of his stories and testimonies on it and so uh all of these stories that we're hearing are the accumulation of over 58 years in ministry praise the lord and so this is good ground to sow into guys and the magazine's free so pick up a copy of the magazine and so you know one thing that pastor bobby shared while he was preaching was that we all have a commission to go we all have a commission to go and you know you second year students will have an opportunity to go on a mission trip this year in school but first year students you know we're in school right now we may not have an opportunity right now to go but what we can do is we can send amen and how do we send we sin by sowing and so i want to read a scripture to you guys as they're they're passing these envelopes out and so you can make your checks payable to cbc or keras bible college and the envelopes are for cash giving if you need a receipt but i want to share this with you it says in proverbs 11 25 that a generous person will prosper a generous person will prosper and whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed and so you know we have an opportunity in in second corinthians chapter nine that talks about giving cheerfully and you know another way of saying that is that we can give graciously and so it's an expression of the grace of god when we sow and so i want to encourage you that bobby and lynn are good ground to sow into amen and we want to give generously amen so we can prosper we want to refresh so that we can be refreshed amen and so with that we're going to go ahead and pray for this offering and then the ushers can start circulating the buckets uh but bless you so father we just thank you lord for this opportunity to sow this morning lord we know that this is good ground and father we know that you've given us a commission to go but lord we're also commissioned to sin and the way that we do that is we sow we give generously father and there's a promise attached to that lord that we would prosper and lord as we have it set in our hearts that we want to refresh pastor bobby and pastor lynn lord that we will ourselves be refreshed father and so we give you glory praise and honor for all that you're doing in and through their ministry in and through us father in jesus mighty name amen all right i'm sure she could receive the offer bless you guys
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 1,948
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: lJBfyVhiBVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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