Charis Daily Live Bible Study: What to Do When Dealt a Bad Hand -Rick McFarland - September 23, 2021

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[Music] [Music] hello and good evening we are so glad you're tuning in tonight at our charis daily live bible study you guys this is an interactive live bible study so we want you to interact with us how can you do that well we want you to type in questions as they enter into your heart and oh yeah my name is julianne harris i may have forgotten but not for long anyways we want you to type in questions you guys and about the last 10 to 15 minutes of the program we're going to get to as many of those questions as we possibly can right now i would encourage you to go to it's all spelt out gospel truth dot tv and if you jump over there right now uh you will avoid any potential interruption that could happen and so i would just encourage you to jump over there and then once you're over there why don't you start typing in questions on the side and so then we can get to those questions towards the end of the program so in order for you to interact with us you need to know our schedule so mondays and fridays we have live bible study at 10 a.m on tuesdays and thursdays it's at 7 00 or six pm and bright and early wednesday morning is at seven a.m and that is all mountain time so please calculate that out tune in while we're live so you can interact with us also we have prayer ministers available to you 24 hours a day monday through friday they're also there on the weekend from 7 30 a.m until 6 p.m and they are so um amazing you guys they there's something that happens when it's a fervent prayer of a righteous man and you guys we need to know and have someone that can walk through things with us and maybe you don't have somebody who knows how to pray in their authority and so i would encourage you give them a call right now at 719 719-635-1111 also when you call them um or if you don't call them up for prayer i want you to consider becoming a partner of andrew womack ministries this is an amazing ministry and i know it's changed your life it's radically transformed my life yes it's the power of the word of god but it's brought to you in such a way that you can like i say i've said before you can digest it and you can implement it into your life and you can see your life radically transformed you can be a part of that happening to thousands of other people simply by becoming a partner or giving so you can give by going to give or you can give our prime ministers our team a call at 719-635-1111 so those are all my announcements remember don't forget gospel truth tv okay so now we get to get to the teaching i always try to hustle through the announcements so that we can get to the teaching and hear um amazing truths from the word of god tonight we are hearing from pastor rick mcfarland who is my pastor in colorado springs and his technical title for the ministry is dean of faculty and he is an amazing man of god and of the word uh there's so much meat in what you share um it blesses everybody who hears you so praise god bring us the word pastor all right well i'm always excited to be here tonight i believe i have a special word for those that are listening today it's gonna be a blessing so we're titling this lesson what to do when dealt a bad hand and i'm not talking about cards and so i'm going to talk about a bad day and so we're going to find a bad day in the apostle paul's life and so we're going to look at a recipe for a bad day and usually a bad day doesn't happen all at once there's some things that set up a bad day and so let's look at what set up paul's bad day and how did paul deal with it and so we see that in ephesians chapter 6 verse 13 it says that we're going to withstand the enemy in the evil day and so there's an evil day when he launches his full attack against us and we have a tendency to yield to that and say it's a bad day so here's a recipe that led up to paul's bad day look in acts 27 look at verse 1 paul had just got imprisoned in jerusalem and so he's being shipped off to italy off to rome and he's going to appeal to nero so acts 27 we're going to read some scripture here to set this up so acts 27 verse 1 says and when it was decided that we should sell to italy they delivered paul and some other prisoners to one named julius a centurion of the augustine regiment now when much time had been spent and the selling was now dangerous because the fast was already over paul advised them saying men i perceive this voyage will end with disaster and much loss not only of the cargo and the ship but also our lives nevertheless the centurion was more persuaded by the helmsman and the owner of the ship than the things spoken by paul and because the harbor was not suitable for winter the majority advised to set sail from there also if by any means they could reach phoenix a harbor of crete opening towards the southwest and northwest and winter there and when the south wind blew softly supposing they had obtained their desire putting out to sea they sailed close to crete so uh paul's in chains and they throw him on a boat and he on he just knows on the inside that this is not something they ought to be doing this is dangerous and he tells them about it but they don't listen to him and so that's that's another thing that wasn't going paul's way so now let's look at what happens because of that acts 27 14 says not long after a tempestuous headwind a rose called urocheladon so when the ship was caught and could not head into the wind we let her drive and running under the shelter of an island called clotta we secured the skiff with difficulty when they had taken it on board they used cables to undergird the ship and fearing lest they should run it aground on cirtus sands they struck cell and so were driven and because we were exceedingly tempest tossed the next day they lightened the ship on the third day we drew the ship's tackle over or through the ship's tackle overboard with their own hands now when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and no small tempest beat on us all hope that we should be saved was finally given up but after long abstinence from food then paul stood in the midst of them and said men you should not have listened to me you should have listened to me and not sell from crete and incurred this disaster and loss it says after a long abstinence for food why because they're all throwing up overboard because it was such a storm they couldn't eat and so it's they're seasick and so here it says men you should have listened to me paul said basically i told you something never said don't ever say it well paul did paul said i told you pretty much verse 22. and now i urge you to take heart for there will be no loss of life among you but only of the ship when it was day they did not recognize the land but they observed a bay with a beach onto which they planned to run the ship possible and they let go of the anchors and let them into the sea meanwhile loosing the rudder ropes they hoisted the mainsail to the wind and made for sure but striking a place where two seas met they ran the ship aground and the prowl stuck fast and remained immovable and the stern was broken up by the violence of the waves and the soldier's plan was to kill all the prisoners lest any of them should swim away and escape but the centurion wanted to say paul kept them from their purpose and commanded that those who could swim would jump overboard first and get to land and the rest came on board some on ships parts of the ship so that they all escaped safely to land so paul's in chains he gets put on a boat he tells them don't do this they do it anyway so they're on a ship for many days they're seasick and then all of a sudden the ship gets shipwrecked and he finds himself in the ocean cold ocean and now he's swimming for his life and look in acts 28 look at verse one now when they escaped they found out that the island was called malta and the native showed unusual kindness so he swam ashore to this uh island called malta and the natives showed us unusual kindness for they kindled the fire and made us all welcome say oh great now it's all over i'm on a tropical island i'm fine but you know what what does it say here it says the rain was falling and it was cold and so it's cold it's raining and so paul's going to try to help things out and he's being a good guy so he goes and collects a bunch of firewood i don't know in acts 28 3 it says and when paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire a viper came out because of the heat and fastened on his hand so when the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand they said to one another no doubt this man is a murderer whom through though escape from the sea yet justice not allowed to live this was paul's bad day have you ever had a bad day i doubt it's like paul's you're get you're in chains you get thrown onto a ship and you tell them don't do this and they go out and you get into a storm for many days get seasick the ship breaks apart you find yourself swimming for your life in the ocean you get to this island and it's cold and raining and when you're trying to help out get a bunch of sticks you put on a fire and a snake bites you yeah and you're saying really god that's it that's it i'm done [Laughter] [Music] this is what i get for serving you yeah and you could have got into bitterness and got into discouragement and got but you know what as that that serpent a serpent was pumping uh poison into his hand the serpent satan was trying to pump his poison into paul discouragement bitterness disappointment anger and all that stuff and so what did paul do well he decided i'm going to i'm going to resist that poison yeah i'm going to stand in faith of jesus and you know what on the bad day i'm going to withstand the enemy on the evil day amen and so what did he do on the question quintessential bad day well paul said i'm going to resist this this attack look at acts 28 5. but paul shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm so today i'm speaking to some people the enemy the serpent has bitten someone's hand out that's listening now someone's talked about you someone's betrayed you circumstances hasn't turned around you've been let down what you were hoping would happen you got a bad report from the doctor you have satan has come and bit your hand and he wants to pump his poison into you discouragement anger bitterness at god bitterness of people being offended at someone that's done something to you that serpent has bit your hand but you have a decision are you going to accept that poison or are you going to shake it off in the fire the fire of the holy spirit and so you can stand on the on the blood of jesus and resist that poison i want you to see something that you know julianne that that a serpent's a snake's antidote is made from venom and lamb's blood what really anti-venom of snake are made from the venom of the snake that bit you and lamb's blood lamb's blood neutralizes the poison of a snake wow and so spiritually that's the case with jesus the blood of the lamb of god will neutralize the poison of the enemy praise god and when you put your faith in the blood of jesus and his redemption i don't care if the enemy has bit your hand shake it off in the fire amen and claim the blood of jesus and redemption from what he's doing and so you're going to be delivered out of that evil day but you know what you can accept though you can accept that poison and accept discouragement and accept bitterness and unforgiveness and that poison will work in your system but you don't have to so paul shook it off and so what are you going to do shake it off and so claim claim redemption god can use a snake bitten hand i want you to see what happened because of paul paul shaking this off look at acts 28 verse 6 however they were expecting that paul would swell up or suddenly fall down dead but after they had looked for a long time and saw no harm come to him they changed their minds and said he was a god in that region there was an estate of a leading citizen of the island whose name was publius why would you call your kid publius i mean he's setting him up for trouble in school anyway this man name was publius who who received us and entertained us curtis curtissly for three days courteously for three days of our sake and it happened that the father of publius lay sick with a fever and dysentery and paul went into him and prayed and laid his hands laid his what his hands on him and healed him wow what did he do he laid that snake bitten hand yeah praise god on that man in the power of god flew flowed through a snake bitten hand and see if he wouldn't have shook that serpent off the word wouldn't have got around about paul and it says uh the devil lost someone today lost a stronghold in this man's life because paul shook off that serpent see that see you coming through your trials more just about you it's about other people praise god god wants to deliver other people through you and he wants to use a snake bitten hand he wants to use your test as a testimony amen he wants to come through and and so a lot of people instead of a testimony they just have ammoni [Laughter] so your test will become a testimony your trial become a triumph that will be seen by all and so not only that but look at this he laid his hands on him and healed him so when this was done the rest of those on the island who had diseases came and were healed paul laid that snake bitten hand on every single one of that island that was sick and the power of god healed them all praise god what does god want to do through your snake bitten hand i guarantee he wants to turn that around and he wants to bring deliverance to you but also to other people all right so let's go on and so let's look in colossians 4 because paul's going to get to rome and he's going they're going to put him in shackles in a prison cell in colossians 4 he writes the book of colossians in prison and he has a shackle on his hand and colossians 4 18 says this salutation by my own hand paul remember my chains grace be with you amen and so paul wrote the last line usually he had someone scribe the book the book for him and then or the the letter and then the last he would write with his own hand to prove this was me he says this salutation is by my own hand remember my chains they had a chain on his hand and the enemy said you know i'm going to chain paul i'm going to shut him up and put him in a prison i'm going to shut down his ministry shut down his mouth he's not going to be able to speak he's not going to be able to travel he's not going to be able to spread the gospel i'm gonna shackle i'm gonna shut him up and i'm gonna chain his hand but guess what god used with a shackled hand and that hand that still had scars of that viper wrote scripture amen praise god wrote scripture that set not only the people in his day set free but multitudes of generations afterwards god can use a snake bitten hand amen god wants i don't care what the devil's done to you and how he's bit you oh yeah you need to shake them off yes and trust god because god wants to turn it around amen and so you know i think about god as i love he's a judo master a judo master he's a judo master he's good at it so you like prophetic dance and judo master i'm a well-rounded individual so what's judo judo is a martial art where you use the force and the momentum of the enemy against them ooh and god's a master judo technique he loves to take the momentum and the attack of the enemy and use it against him to defeat him praise god and so look in philippians 1 philippians is another book he wrote while he's in rome after the shipwreck and after the viper has bit his hand in philippians 1. look at verse 12. this is the mindset of paul you know what you think well now i'm in prison and you can get down on yourself but he says no no god's at work god's turning this around so good look at philippians 1 12. but i want you to know brethren that the things which happened to me what things happened to me well i got arrested in jerusalem got thrown on a boat told them don't go out and they went out and i got in a shipwreck and found myself in the ocean then i landed up on a beach but it was raining it's cold so i got some sticks made of fire and a serpent bit me but you know what now i'm sitting in a jail cell and my chain my hands are in chains but paul said in philippians 1 12 but i want you to know brethren that the things which happened to me or have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel and so look at that word furtherance the word furtherance is a greek word which was used of an advanced troop of woodcutters when the roman army would travel instead of having to go around forests they would send a troop of woodcutters and they would cut down right through the forest and there would come really yeah that would just go right straight through a forest straight to where they were supposed to go and it was an advanced troop of woodcutters and this greek word was used of the advanced woodcutter troop that would would forge a new path that wasn't there before wow and paul says you know what because i because of what the enemy's done in my life god used it as an advanced woodcutter troop to forge a path for the gospel would have never been there praise god you know when the devil starts messing god starts blessing amen and god is able to turn around what the enemy's done to you and take and and take you on further than if you ever further than you would ever had if and he never would have done it hey praise god has a way of doing that amen and so he says you know what because of this because what happened it's become evident to the whole palace guard and to the rest that my chains are in christ paul was winning the the praetorian guard which was the most influential group of people that served right under nero and had the ear of nero and so he started winning these soldiers to the lord he was chained to them uh night and day and so the the soldiers thought well i have this guy chained and paul says i got this guy chained and he preached to him the whole time they're doing it and getting them saved yes people in nero's household was getting saved amen and he had access to the most powerful man in in household in the uh the government that he never would have had access to and but it was all a mindset what if he would have just accepted that poison of disagree you know got into unbelief got into bitterness and allowed that poison to kill him [Music] you wouldn't have been hearing about paul or even to get discouraged on the ship i love reading that story because if you kind of read between the lines right um after all this stuff and then for many days they didn't even see the sun like they didn't see moon or stars it was just it was bad yeah and then and not only does he say you should have listened to me but then he's like fear not and they all heeded his voice so there must have been something about him in the midst of that storm and of that craziness that they all perked up they did exactly what he said and then when he said no don't jump off because if you leave the ship you will die they were like okay let's stay on so they instantly listened to him and that that's salt that's light in this world that we live in right now right amen i just love uh the reading between the lines of that story because it was horrific it was terrible no no it wasn't a pleasant day but if he would have not had that security inside of him they wouldn't have listened to him who knows how would it would have played out and even to get to philippians and yeah colossians amazing praise god amen philippians 1 13 goes on to say so that has become evident to the whole palace guard and to all the rest that my chains are in christ philippians 1 14 says and most of the brethren and the lord have become confident by my chains are much more bold to speak the word without fear so not only was paul preaching the gospel but other people outside says if paul can be bold inside prison i can be bold out here amen and so other people started to be bold and more the gospel spread all because of his attitude amen that's all because he shook that viper in the fire yeah and so your attitude's affecting other people and so today god wants to turn that around and so um let's move on to uh romans 8 8 31 8 31. you know in philippians it says some indeed preach christ from envy and some from good will so some were against paul in his trial and some were for him yeah that's the way it is some will be again you and some will be foreign against you some will be for you but you know what if no one's for you there's someone for you i want you to look at acts look at romans 8 31 it says what then shall we say to these things what should you say to those things that that enemy's done in your life that that that serpent that has bit your hand the things that has happened to you that that betrayal that doctor's report that evil thing that has happened to the enemies trying to stop you what should you say to those things if god be for us who can be against us see god's for you and so if god's for you i don't care if no one's for you in the natural gods for you and he wants to turn around your situation and so here look at this it says in uh verse 18 proverbs uh i'm sorry philippians 1 18 what then only then in every way whether in pretense or in truth christ is preached and this i rejoice yes i will rejoice verse 19 for i know that this will turn out it's going to turn around god's going to turn it around he's going to judo technique the enemy and i know that this is going to turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of jesus christ look at that word supply of the spirit of jesus christ the word supply is a very unique greek word the greek word means to supply the choir [Laughter] it literally means to outfit the choir in the ancient in the ancient world there was there was greek theaters and productions that was the theater of the day they didn't have movies but they had plays wow and so they would have these greek theatrical troops that would go around and put on these plays so we have lumber troops and now we have yeah it's just all kinds of pictures here okay all right okay so you have these tr you have these theater theatrical groups that will go around but they would run out of money because it was expensive to put on right and so then they would stop and they wouldn't have the entertainment and so uh wealthy businessmen would would lavishly supply in in a sponsor okay these and basically it was sponsored by this guy you know oh sure and so they would like and they bid to see who could give the most money so that they could have their name attached to these theater and so it meant over lavish supply for the choir wow you know who god's going to supply in the midst of your trial your trial praise god the choir the ones are going to praise him in the midst of your trouble god supplies the choir yes are you going to worship god in the midst of your problem right now because there's a supply that god's going to deliver he's going to turn it around i want you to actually look again we're going to go back to that island and after he heals everybody on the island through a snake bitten hand look what happens in the next verse in acts 28 10. it says then also they honored us with many ways in many ways and when we departed they provided such things as was necessary and so not only did the paul see healing take place but he received honor and provision and all because he snuck he shook that fire god has provision for you amen god's going to provide for you richly on the other side of your trial um are you going to be in one in the choir amen because he supplies the choir and so let's look finally let's look at a few verses here romans 8 28 romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together judo technique amen judo master but we know all things work together for good well you got to keep reading a lot of people well all things work together for goodness that doesn't work for everybody no it works for those in the choir yeah praise god it works for those that shake out shake off that serpent yes look at romans 8 28 it says we know all things work together for good to those that love god and to those who are called according to his purpose here we see that things work together for those that love god but you can only love god with the love he that you receive from him first john 4 19 says we love him because he first loved us and so in the midst of the trial you know what satan's trying to get is doubt you need he's trying to get you to doubt god's love for you because if he loved you why is this stuff happening but you need to realize the worst barometer to tell how god feels about you is your circumstances the best way to know how god feels about you is the cross of jesus christ he died for you and so he loves you and so you need to receive the love of god and it says it says those things work together for those that love god but those called according to his purpose you know what satan's really after he wants to stop your purpose sometimes we get so focused on our trial and the suffering and the things but really we don't know what you focus on why is this happening because he wants to stop something amen he wants us to stop our calling he wants to stop our purpose he wants us to give up on god and give up on the call and give up on our influence and our anointing and our calling and god said don't give up on that keep your eyes on the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus that's philippians 3 14. i press towards the mark of the prize of the high calling of god in jesus christ amen and so you need to keep your eyes on god's purpose god has a purpose for you and god will fulfill that if you'll shake that viper off into the fire right now acts 20 look at acts 20 and this is the last section we'll look at acts 20. look at verse 22. this is before he gets arrested in in jerusalem this is before the shipwreck before the viper before rome this is this is this is something that paul said in his heart you think well how how could paul make it through all that without falling apart how could he be at peace on the ship how could he not fall apart and get discouraged on that ship how in the world could he get through all that stuff and that viper and not get upset get mad get up say fine this is all it i'm done paul had already set his heart to say i don't care what happens i'm going to fulfill my calling praise god he had made that decision before because these verses are before he got arrested and this whole thing started look in acts 20 look at verse 22 and now behold i go bound in the spirit unto jerusalem not knowing the things that will befall me there but save the holy ghost witnesses in every city saying that bonds and affliction abide me but none of these things say none of these things none of these none of these things move me neither can i my my life dear to myself so that i may finish my course with joy and the ministry my purpose which i've received of the lord jesus christ he had already set his heart i don't care what satan throws at me i don't care if i die following jesus i'm going to fulfill the purpose i'm going to fulfill that calling so you need to set your heart today so you know what i'm going to fulfill my purpose i'm going to shake that viper off into the fire and god's gonna flow through a snake bit in hand today let me pray for you father i thank you for those that are listening today the father the enemy may have bitten their hand but lord you're gonna turn that around and you're gonna judo the devil and you're going to use the situation against them and you're going to flow through a snake bitten hand you're going to bring healing to others deliverance to others as paul wrote scripture with a shackled hand with the scars of that viper still in his hand he wrote scripture that set people free lord you're going to use and turn this around for their good because they they're going to continue to love you in the midst of this problem knowing that receiving your love and lord they're going to continue to follow the purpose of god they're going to fulfill it father and i thank you that you are supplying the choir lavishly and we thank you for it in jesus name amen amen amen you know i had this image when you were just finishing up there it was a teaching that i had heard years ago and it was talking about how the enemy will do uh such a thing as like lighting these little fires around you and so what you're ending up doing is you're like oh i need to put this fire out so you're focusing on this and then he'll light another fire over here so now you're over here and forgetting about where you're where you're supposed to go and that's exactly what you're saying let go of those fires some of them can just burn it doesn't matter and see that's how paul was right he was having fires going everywhere and but he had his mind set rise of the high calling of god in christ yes and none of this other stuff moved him nope wow he said his heart though before yeah he had to predetermine to do it yeah before any of this happened yeah absolutely man that's good okay so connie says when paul said in acts 27 22 be of good cheer for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you did god specifically reveal this to paul or did paul simply believe it and therefore spoke it by faith causing it to come to pass well apparently an angel had appeared to him telling him this and so so be a good cheer i believe just as it was told me by the angel it will be so amen and so at first paul had a kind of an inside feeling on the inside not a foreboding he says that you know i don't think this is going to turn out well for the ship or any of our lives yeah right but then it turned out specifically no the ship was going to go under but the lies were spared amen so he kind of had a feeling but then he had specific guidance with that angel that's good i came and told him that's good so it was a specific word from god um so let's see here so samaya says uh what advice do you have for those that start to doubt the promises of god because they feel they can constantly still have unfortunate events going on in their lives like it never ceases right well well you start to doubt when you start getting your eyes on circumstances and when peter stepped out in faith jesus said come yeah he stepped out on the word come not so much the water yeah and when he came but then when he got his eyes on the circumstances on the waves and the winds and all the stuff and so that's when he began to sing yeah that's called doubt doubt means to waver back and forth actually the word doubt in the greek means to render a split decision oh wow you know you know in a heavyweight boxing match one's a champion that's coming in the other's a challenger right and so if you have a championship bout and they they make it the 15 rounds and no one knocks out the other one that goes to the judges right they have three judges yeah and so one judge says the champion one one other judge and says the challenger one and then the third judge says that it was a tie it's called a split decision yeah who is the who remain who is the champion when there's a split decision in a championship bout the champion that came in the champion right the status quo remains wow when we go back we look at the truth and look at the natural look at the truth look at the natural back and forth what will end up remaining is the what was reigning at the start your situation yeah that's really good so daniel says when someone does something that is wrong to us is there a difference between saying we forgive them ourselves or saying father forgive them like jesus and stephen said is there a difference well the god's already forgiven them exactly so the gospel truth is when jesus died on the cross he bore all of our sins and so he's made that provision and so he's actually forgiven up us you know sometimes we look at what all the bad things they've done but we don't look at the bad stuff we've done no you know we we want judgment for them but mercy for us yes give them god thank you jesus you died for my sins go get them jesus but you know what you know uh god got jesus got got it for all of us and so that means that we need to release that person from holding them personally accountable to us out of our own prison yes because the only one really in that prisons you yeah and so you need to release him release them into the hands of god and release what was done to you to the cross where jesus paid for it obviously if i if i forgive and release that then i'm saying it's okay no no no jesus took it and it was so bad that was done against you jesus had to die for it yeah and so he's forgiven you and because you've been so forgiven us so much now forgive somebody else i like thinking of it why don't do them both say you know father forgive them because they really don't know what they do and lord i release them i forgive them right and so maybe it's just a reminder thing that that god the father has already forgiven them and so now you can forgive them because they're already forgiven praise god i'm like yay so heather says when your feelings and emotions are contrary to god's word um how do you break free from depression and negativity to focus on jesus which i was thinking about that earlier like what if you've allowed all that poison you know talking about uh the serpent on his hand what if you've allowed all that poison to now infiltrate your system how can we practically get out of it yeah get it out of our system well toxic emotions comes from what you think on yeah emotions come from emotions are like attachments to emails and your and your email is the thought and the attachment is your emotion and so where you've been dwelling have you been dwelling on the hurt dwelling on what's been said dwelling on what happened to you or you get your eyes on jesus you know i have a three-step victory plan to shake off that serpent into the fire look at jesus amen keep looking at jesus keep on looking at jesus amen when you do that you can shake that that serpent off and then your emotions change because you become spiritually minded and in romans 8 6 says to be carnally minded is death yes except the poison that works in your system but it says but to be spiritually minded your eyes are on jesus and the word of god then it's life and peace that's that antidote to that poison that's really good so along those same lines just to another level so rhea says i believed god spoke exodus 12 13 and 23 to me last year when praying for god's protection over my family from covin but recently i tested positive for kovid how do i process this as i somewhat lost my confidence in the word that i believe god spoke to me do you think i missed god on this or like did i imagine god spoke it um and this evidence is that he didn't speak yeah you know the devil wants you in a minister of a trial he wants to get you focused on where you missed it where you did it but your focused on yourself and oftentimes the enemy wants you to focus on things you don't know yeah in the midst of a trial no you need to go back what do i know what do i know i know about god don't don't be trying to figure out what i don't know how how he wants to get you in the realm of i don't know and get you in in that darkest place no what do you know what do you know focus on what you do know and get your eyes off yourself and god will bring you through that and then him and if you say lord show me if i missed it show me where i missed it he may show you that if not he may say you know what just keep your eyes on me and move forward and it will be revealed one day but you know what he wants to get you to focus on yourself getting your focus on what you don't know trying to figure out stuff you don't know what do you know act on what you know right now amen and he's always saying hath god said yeah in a hiss in his like a circle that's the way i hear it like a serpent that said d.c has a great question it's kind of i know we're kind of jumping all over the place but you are a wealth of wisdom so i'm going to ask this because i know a lot of people are going through it i totally did no no expectation whatsoever tc says if i have been mandated to get the kova's vaccine by monday or be fired from my job what do you recommend i do next or how should i pray about this well you know in situations whether you get vaccinated or not vaccinated that's in your personal relationship with god well you need a word from god and so and oftentimes he's going to give you a word from the scriptures he's going to quicken that to you there's no formulas in the in the kingdom of god amen and so you need to pray in tongues pray in the spirit say lord show me what to do access the wisdom of god on the inside of you and so just say lord i don't know how to pray about this and so this is something that's come out of left field i don't know what to do about this but when you don't know how to pray the pray god you have the helper yeah you have the holy spirit so start praying in the spirit and then ask god to give you an understanding what you've been praying in the spirit he's going to give you peace about one direction or the other and so again whatever direction you take vaccine no vaccine that's a word for you but don't start judging other people and then preaching to other people you got to do that because i did that no you need to hear from the lord yourself and says whatever is not of faith is sin that's it so if you if you can't if you can't take that vaccine in faith or or uh you do have that that peace on the inside about you need to do that you need to follow that peace in your own heart and so the lord is going to show you and so father i just thank you for this person that that's facing the situation it's not an easy situation the holy spirit you live within them as a believer and i ask that you would enlighten their darkness be a lamp into their feet the light into their path and we thank you for showing and leading them into the place of peace and knowing what they're doing so they can do it with confidence and make that decision and we thank you you're quick in that you're giving them wisdom you said ask of god he'll give it to you and i thank you father for that wisdom as he prays in the spirit he'll draw up wisdom from his inner man and you're going to give an interpretation to him and understanding to him and father or her i thank you for in jesus name amen amen that's so good so good so tiffany says i often find that i fall to pieces after every attack my problem is uh that a lot of my life has been trials and attacks so every little thing feels like a huge thing how do i change the way i handle individual situations and not put everything in a my life as terrible package yeah well i think sometimes the problem is in our circumstances it's our it's we need the renewing of our mind yeah and if our if our if the way we think is wrong the way we live is wrong yeah and we can get into a pattern in our mind where how we handle things and we don't process them correctly right or we don't understand our authority or understand our identity and the enemy comes in and he he will do the same thing over and over again because he knows he can get the same result yeah and so he said well lord why why am i being why am i falling apart every single time and so well that's usually the lack of understanding identity yeah understanding your authority right and so i would encourage you to delve into andrew's materials especially spirit soul and body the believer's authority a better way to pray these verses these fundamental things that you need to get your mind renewed and and you can start winning when he starts coming because you you're filled with the word and you have your mind renewed to that word and so i just believe god has a new paradigm of understanding on the inside that's going to change the outside amen yeah that's really good and i i'm not trying to be offensive but andrew has an amazing book called self-centeredness and sometimes we value things that happen to us so much bigger than what jesus has done for us already because you know you can look at people that have gone through horrific things their entire life and it's like they're unscathed that that it's perspective it's not your problems that's the problem it's your perspective that's the problem and how you're valuing how this stuff is is affecting you or or hurting you and um yeah there's no condemnation if you no not at all to read that because julian's read it 10 times i have helped her yes thank you pastor [Laughter] shane says um what does he say and what's the most he says what's the most effective way to relax during spiritual growth and practice being patient while we wait well you know the bible in the isaiah says when you pray in the spirit this is the refreshing ah that's good and so you know uh and then just meditating the word take a spiritual spa just meditate in the in the water of the word and just let that bathe in the word of god and the more more you are bathing in the word the more you're going to be at rest amen it says he who believes has entered into that rest and so the highest form of faith is is is rest yeah and so again um just just stay in the word meditate that word and pray in the spirit because it says this is the refreshing by which i make the weary rest amen that's good and so ruthie says should one ask god for a word picture word or picture to help us um as a reminder of where we are going when we are in a battle yeah so a wood cutting troop supplying the choir and ask the holy spirit for others and he'll give it to you amen amen kim says how can i constantly keep my eyes on jesus when everything else around me seems to be falling apart yeah so uh that's through the mirror of the word and so it is staying in the word of god so uh it says in second corinthians 3 18 that says we with all we all with unveiled faith beholding the glory of the lord as in a mirror amen we are transformed the same image from glory to glory and so paul says not looking at things what you're seeing but the things which are unseen and how can you do that through the word through the word through the word and so there's some times when when you're getting attacked fiercely you need to be in the word more yeah and you need to focus on it focus on it keep your eyes on it and stay tunnel vision on the word and the holy spirit's your helper you can't do this in the natural no you can't do it with your own flesh and your willpower and that's why the helper the holy spirit's there he's the pericle helper mean is the greek word paraclete and it means one called alongside to help and so call upon him to help you and he's going to help you and empower you to keep your eyes on the word of god and that's going to keep you at peace and keep you in victory amen and when you don't you know i've always heard andrew this has been a revelation to me the last couple of months is andrew always says you know the devil can't do nothing to you without your consent and cooperation and i thought i understood it but it's really if you don't grab hold of your thoughts and if you don't continually keep your mind focus on the word when you're in a battle then you are consenting and cooperating with the enemy because that's the only place he can get you is right up here between your two ears and so i would encourage you whatever you got to do to fight you fight and then doing all the stand stand stand i like fight better wow so you guys we've come to an end we're so glad that you tuned in once again uh make sure and tune in tomorrow at our live bible study at 10 a.m mountain time we will have barry bennett sharing with us tomorrow and pastor rick thank you uh this is an amazing teaching it was right on time thank you for having me and my pleasure you guys have a great night and we'll see you tomorrow bye on october the 4th through the 8th at our facilities in charis bible college woodland park colorado we're going to have our 2021 ministers conference and i tell you this is for people that are in full-time ministry you have special needs we are going to be ministering specifically to you and it's just going to be an awesome time we've got our regular speakers myself bob nichols bob yandian carrie pickett greg moore duane sheriff and this year our guest is jesse duplantis and so i encourage you to make plans to join us it's going to be a great time at our charis facilities woodland park colorado october the 4th through the 8th our 2021 ministers conference [Music] you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 984
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Id: _uEvtr0DLAc
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Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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