Charis Daily Live Bible Study: Stuck comfortable or Reigning - Cindy Pearson - September 30, 2021

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[Music] [Music] hello and good evening i want to welcome you to karis daily live bible study i am so excited that you're tuned in this evening my name is julianne harris and i'm going to be your host tonight um and so we want you to interact with us my goodness i got like a tickle in my throat i'm like don't cough don't cough we want you to interact with us so there's a few ways that you can interact with this okay so um if whatever forum you're watching if you're on gospel you can actually type questions into the comments otherwise we want you to email your questions to us at live questions at awm i net that should be coming up on your screen so write that down email us your questions or text your questions into us we would love to receive them that way as well at [Music] so in order for you 719-212-2555 interact with us um you need to know our schedule so on mondays and fridays we have live bible study at 10 a.m on tuesdays and thursdays it's at 6 00 pm and bright and early wednesday mornings is at 7 a.m and that is all mountain time so please calculate that out and interact with us and and watch while we're live interact with us and then what happens is as you submit questions into the comments section about the last 10 to 15 minutes of the program we're going to answer as many of those questions as we possibly can so the reason we do this live is so that you can interact with us also we have prayer ministers available to you 24 hours a day monday through friday they're also there on the weekends from 7 30 a.m until 6 p.m mountain time these prayer ministers a lot of them are students or graduates or um you know i know some people in there have been alumni of charis bible college for decades and they still they want to come and they want to be on the prayer lines and pray with you so you guys there's power in in agreement so if you're going through something right now don't hesitate give them a call at 719-635-1111 [Music] also there is an abundant blessing that comes with being a partner of this ministry all this live content that comes out to you is brought to you by the partners and the gifts of andrew womack ministries so i would encourage you to become a part of it you get to reap the fruit that comes from it simply by giving from your own home so there's a few ways you can give you can go to slash give or give our prayer ministers a call at 719-635-1111 also i'm just going to mention one last time for this program gospel truth tv you know we're going to start pushing everything over to and we would encourage you to go there sooner than later so i've just always liked to say that okay so those are all my announcements now we get to get the teaching from cindy pearson who is the awm director of um awm director in hong kong and so she's joining us from the um almost the other side of the world not quite but pretty close to the other side it is morning time for her over there and so she's an amazing woman of god she's a great teacher and always has a fresh word for us so we are ready cindy go ahead and bring us bring us what you got put together welcome thanks julianne and good morning to everybody from hong kong i am excited to share today you know um the title is stuck comfortable or raining so i think i hope that everyone will be challenged by this have you ever believed something about yourself and then it really just came to pass for instance you wake up in the morning and you're you're not feeling so well you start thinking well i think i'm going to be sick i'm going to be really sick and then all of a sudden you're sick for days right or the other morning i woke up and and i had a little bit of a sore throat and i thought no hey there's nothing wrong with me i am not sick and i you know spent the morning just rejecting it refusing it guess what i didn't get sick but if i had received that thought and believed it i might have been sick for days so in the spiritual realm and the natural realm our beliefs they really influence our actions and we really have to be we have to be conscious and intentionable about what we are believing you know psychology calls it self-fulfilling prophecy even the natural world understands this and that's what you believe about yourself or about something that might happen is really going to happen because you believe it so for instance let's say you wake up and you're thinking wow i'm just going to have a terrible day for no reason and there's no reason you should have had a terrible day but all day long it's like oh it's a terrible day it's a terrible day well you will have a terrible day yeah because you're believing it you're gonna your beliefs are gonna bring it to happen you're preparing a presentation for work you always do this it's you know going well preparations are fine you're ready to go and then you get into the preparation or into the presentation and you've been saying you know it's not going to go well it's not going to go well and you stumble and you've got powerpoint problems and you're just like oh that didn't go well well you believed it wasn't going to go well and therefore your actions your beliefs were in influence your actions you know have you ever heard of the placebo effect where they take a sugar pill and they gave it to a whole group of people oh yeah and they this is treatment for pain management so the the group took this um sugar pill believing that it was new treatment for pain management a month later most of them didn't have any pain yeah just because their brain convinced them that this treatment was real but it really wasn't our brain is so powerful our brain is so powerful and that's why it tells us in romans 12 that we need to renew our mind because when we become a believer that old man that old way of thinking stays in our brain even though our spirit is completely wall-to-wall 100 new creature our brain still has that old man in it and we need to renew our mind so that we can have the new way of thinking and this is something that's talked about often right in the word of god so from this let's think about it from a spiritual perspective not just the natural perspective from a spiritual perspective if i believe that i am born again that he has come and on the cross he took all my sin all my sicknesses all my poverty all my lack he took it all on the cross then i'm going to have a different way of responding when something comes my way for instance i'm going to know when i mess up or when i sin that he's already died for me it is taken care of on the cross i'm not going to go into condemnation or guilt or depression or discouragement because he's already done it for me i don't need to and i'm just going to go repent and go back and say lord i'm sorry you know this is not who i am it's not even made me to be i'm very good i'm i'm i'm right now you know and so we need to just be thinking about what he's done for us and it will change the way that we respond let's say that you have pain or symptom come up but you know he is the healer he's the one who's taken care of it for me and so you're not allowing that pain of that symptom you reject it and you're going to have a good day it's not going to influence you it's not going to take over your being you stand in your authority and as xander says you don't let it red space in your mind amen right praise god yes maybe there's an area of lack finances in your life but you know that he is jehovah jiren he is your provider he became poor so that you might be rich therefore you don't focus on the lack you give him praise and thanksgiving for what he's giving you enough and extra you start to dream dream big because your belief is influencing your action these days many people have fear they have so much fear they have fear of kova they have fear of the crazy things happening in this world they fear some people are so fearful they don't want to travel out of their house they don't even want to leave home but you know what the bible says perfect love casts out fear the bible says nothing can separate us from the love of god romans 8 38 39 right for i am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth not anything else in all creation will be able to separate me from the love of god that is in christ jesus man when we know that we're not going to be afraid of the circumstances around us yeah we're going to be focused on his incredible love we're going to have that peace in our hearts we're going to remember that this is not our home we're just here temporarily we're not going to have any confidence in circumstances but only that perfect love of him that's in that's our beliefs that will influence then our actions we have to understand who he is we have to understand what he's done for us and who we are we understand our identity in him we understand that he died for us he he did he called it a finished work he went and sat down at the right hand of the father he calls us sons he calls us daughters we're accepted into the beloved he's made us righteous and we have rights standing before him you know it's not based on our performance it's not based on our actions it's based on jesus actions when we understand this man this gets me excited i i could start preaching but when we when we understand this then we know we know how to function in this life yes but the problem is this is a big problem amongst christians today is they know these verses but they've not let them change the way they think right they know the verse but they haven't let it really renew their mind when we let something renew our mind it changes the way that we think it changes it changes our thinking patterns you know i was thinking about that word renew and it means to renovate to completely change when i moved into this apartment um it hadn't been renovated for probably 30 years and the cupboards were falling off well not when i moved in before i moved in when i first saw it the cupboards were falling off the kitchen walls the bathroom fixtures were all pink i mean pink bathtub pink sink everything and um in the living area the walls were this bright blue and then there was little mosaic um like like tiles halfway up the wall all the way around the whole wall wow i came in and i thought okay i really have to visualize what this is going to look like when it's renovated in order to want to live here yeah but you know it's beautiful it's totally changed you wouldn't even know it's the same apartment a new kitchen new bathroom they put another wall in for another bedroom i mean it's just a totally different place this place has been renovated and that's what happens in our mind when we renew our mind it's renovated the old is completely gone and it's not just that we know the new but we have a new way of thinking we have new patterns in our mind and that's what we need to be doing you know i love ephesians 4 23-24 it says be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the new man which was created according to god in true righteousness and holiness we have to be renewed in the spirit of our mind in the niv that calls it the attitude of our mind that's where we move renewed in that thinking process it's not just the words it's not just the knowledge but it's the way we change the way we think and of course we know from this earthly focus this earthly man we have to change it to kingdom mindset kingdom so i want to talk to you today about what you're believing what are you thinking and you may not know but let me ask you some questions that might help you understand where you're at right now and that is are you stuck are you comfortable or are you raining so these can happen in a moment they can happen for a moment we can be stuck for a moment we can be stuck for weeks or months some people are stuck for years some people are comfortable for weeks months years but i believe that god wants us to reign every day all the time after all he's been he's given us everything we need for life and godliness yeah right everything is ours now at the moment we can reign right now so let's look at being stuck i think many of you have been stuck for a moment maybe some of you are stuck now you know human nature assumes i can handle it i got it i can take care of it god never intended us to operate independent of him and his supernatural ability never so we take matters i got it i can handle it into our own mind into our own hands right we're gonna get stuck because it's not going to go the way that we think it should go or we're going to even feel like god has disappointed us we didn't give him the chance to do anything but we'll feel like he disappointed us you know so we'll get stuck for a moment or we get stuck in a circumstance we get stuck in something somebody has said we're stuck in a feeling we're stuck in an emotion we're stuck in a pain a symptom we might be stuck in guilt and condemnation this just leads to discouragement it leads to depression sometimes we're stuck in blame we're blaming someone else for the problem of the issue but we're stuck in it guess what that's a lie you never have to be stuck in anybody else's issues amen never you have a choice we're going to talk about that later but you do have a choice one of the biggest problems when we're stuck is we spend all of our time analyzing it fixing it or just wallowing in it right he's stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck and you believe it and that definitely influences your actions yes we repent we need to turn our focus to him we need to just think about what is god saying to us and start praising him and thanking him you know he doesn't remember our sin why should we if he doesn't remember and why should we be remembering our sins he doesn't remember other people's sins either so why should we be remembering other people's sins so if you're stuck i just want to pray for you right now i really really do i want you to just hold your hands open and i just want you to pray with me because god doesn't want to want you stuck and he's given you out so let's pray about it right now amen that's good father i just thank you that you have given us everything we need for life and godliness and right now those who are feeling stuck father i just thank you that right now as they turn and repent and say lord i'm sorry this is not where i want to be that you just you just take them in you're holding them you're giving them a big hug and you're saying this is not where i want you to be either lord remind them of your promises thank you that they're set free from this stuckman mentality right now in jesus name and lord we thank you that you have good plans for them and that you have exciting things for them lord help them to have vision and to see with hope what you have for them in jesus name amen amen amen let's not be stuck no let's not be stuck so if you're not stuck are you comfortable this is the one i really like because many people will say i've got a good job good family great neighborhood nice house you know good ministry everything's going well i'm just wow i'm i'm just really comfortable well the sad part about being comfortable is it's based on your circumstances so when your circumstances change then what happens you're no longer comfortable do you get depressed do you get discouraged do you get stuck because you're not comfortable anymore this is especially dangerous for leaders doing well it's going great i know the word that's so dangerous you know the fact is that in this life we will have troubles we will have difficulties the bible says it in john 16 33. these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world that comfortableness may last for a moment it may last for days weeks maybe even years but something is going to come and blow it out of the water and then what are you going to do what are you going to do get stuck because that's not the place to be either so we can't be controlled by this physical realm the physical realm will always have problems but inside of us is a spiritual realm inside of us the living god lives and he he is a god of strength he's a god of authority he's a god of power he's a god of joy he's a god of peace we have to live from the inside of us we have to live from that part that is eternal and focus on that part that is eternal and then when trials and tribulation come it's not going to matter because we're not comfortable in this world and actually you know what when we're always living in our comfortable zone then we're going to become stagnant that's good no god doesn't want us to be stagnant you know god is always a god of growth it's just always there when you look at the word there's always growth he's always drawing us upward that's what he's doing i want to look at some verses and i think if you're comfortable okay you better beware because you might be uncomfortable with these verses so it's good make us uncomfortable bring it matthew 28 19 says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father the holy spirit that is a command we're to go and make disciples maybe you can't go overseas but you've got you have neighbors you have community you have people you work with go and make disciples that is not a comfortable bible verse how about romans 12 1 i beseech you therefore brother and by the mercies of god present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable which is your reasonable service whoa that's not comfortable be a living sacrifice for him that would that will get you out of your comfort zone hasn't he produced the best to be conformed to the image of him his women son [Music] you know so we have to renew our minds get these verses in us change our way of thinking and when we do we will not be comfortable in this life that's good and i you know i really just are you still if you're still comfortable then you don't want me to pray for you because i might pray for you and you might not like the results so i won't pray for those of you who are comfortable i'll pray for you so if you're not stuck and you're not comfortable then are you raining are you reigning in life are you living victoriously you know we reign because we're not focused on ourselves we're not focused on our circumstances we're focused on him and that's why we reign that word reign means to rule to have power to have authority to prevail first peter 2 9 let's read that but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of him who are called out of darkness into his marvelous light you are reigning you're a royal priesthood you're peculiar meaning you were purchased you belong to him this is who you are and why do we reign so we can glorify him we reign to glorify him how exciting is that you know in um it also talks about in galatians that we're heirs with christ that means we have we have the same benefits we have the same privileges that jesus has that's victorious living amen how about in romans 5 17 for by one man's offense death reigned through the one much more those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one jesus christ we received the abundance of grace we received the gift of righteousness so we will reign in life with him that is who you are that is who you are that's who you need to be thinking you are is the one who's reigning with jesus christ we reign over sin and sickness we reign over poverty and lack we live in abundance john 10 10 says he said that i may give you life and even life more abundantly this is who we are we have been made to have victory and we have been made to reign in life how exciting that's awesome so practically what can you do to reign yeah well you have to realize that you have a choice we always have a choice every circumstances and every opportunity is a choice our experiences they always provide us with the with the opportunity to choose we choose to become bitter or better we choose to focus on our circumstances or to focus on our abba father we choose to go by our feelings or to go by what the truth of the word says we're always choosing and so we have to choose are we going to live stuck are we going to live comfortable or are we going to reign and live a victorious life you know the other day i woke up and um i wasn't feeling so good but there's nothing wrong and so i had a meeting and there was a little piece of discouraging news but it wasn't bad so i'm walking to work and all of a sudden this thought wow you are so discouraged today i'm so discouraged today and i was like and all of a sudden it's like the lord said and why are you discouraged i thought you know in my spirit there's no reason to be discouraged i'm on fire flames are there i'm passionate and then i thought okay even in the soul realm i've had work is good um i've i'm rested i've got good relationship there's no reason for me to be discouraged and i took that thought and i thought no way i'm i'm gonna bring it under the captivity of truth that i am gonna have a great day i am i am i am joyful i am loved and i had an awesome day but had i chosen to let that thought be my dominant thought i would have been discouraged maybe for days or weeks just because i chose that thought absolutely but i didn't i made a choice to say nope this isn't this is a lie the truth is i am joyful and i'm beloved so we have a choice and i want to talk about how we choose because i think it's really important sometimes we don't realize how each the choices that we have or how we choose so first we have to take that thought captive we have to choose to believe the truth it says in second corinthians 10 5 we cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts excel against the knowledge of god bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of christ so we choose every day what we're going to think on we do and it's we that day it could have been a disaster it could have been a self-fulfilling prophecy for me but i had to choose to not think on that thought but instead turn my thoughts to jesus okay no it says in deuteronomy that he says i've given you a choice i've given you the choice of death or life and he tells us what to do he says choose life every day we need to be choosing life when we we go from the natural to the supernatural we go into that victorious living following god's way every day when we choose life i love john 14 27. peace i leave with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid do you realize that word let not is really saying choose choose to not let your heart be troubled choose to not be afraid choose to take those thoughts captive and change your heart attitude you know i remember the first time that i realized i had a choice in these areas i was listening to linda parr that's wendell parr's wife and she was teaching a long time ago uh charis and she said you have a choice on how you respond and how you react and it struck me so much i it just went into my heart it was such a revelation to me i mean i knew i had a choice but i just thought when somebody said something bad i was offended you know that's how you're supposed to choose to respond right and she told me i had a choice and and i realized at that point that i did it was it was really really a um turning point it was an altar of remembrance for me i put that stick in the ground and i remember it to this day amen so the second thing is when other people do things um to us we choose how to respond we choose if we're going to be offended or not it says in luke 17 1 the disciples said it's impossible that no offenses will come but woe to him to whom they come we have opportunity to be offended sometimes moment by moment every day we have opportunities to be offended and that's why i include this because this is what gets people stuck they get offended but no you have a choice you choose to refuse to be offended you choose to bless that person you choose to pray for that person you choose to believe the best of that person some people get offended at god because he doesn't do something their way well you take that thought captive and you choose not to be offended by god because god's doing the best for you he's got the best for you so let's choose to not be offended and thirdly i love we choose to what to think on right we do choose what we think on you know our emotions are so determined by our thoughts so if we choose to think on philippians 4 8 we're going to see some amazing things happen philippians 4 8 finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report if there's any virtue if there's any praise worthy meditate on these things you can't get stuck if you're meditating on those things which are lovely and true and good report you can't get stuck on that amen you will if you do that lastly let's choose to be spiritually minded romans 8 talks about being carnally minded and spiritually minded where we put our focus when we're carnally minded we're focused on the things of this world and that it it says that will bring death when we're spiritually minded we're focused on kingdom things we're focused on what he has for us what he's done for us we're focused on him it brings life so we can choose we can choose to just be spiritually minded in a situation all day long just choose to stay spiritually minded so choose to take your thoughts captive choose to not get offended choose to think on those things which are lovely and good report and choose distinct reminded all day and when you do these things those thoughts those choices will influence your actions and you will reign you are going to live a victorious life you know we have the manual right we have the bible we have the holy spirit inside of us to guide us we've got everything that we need so we can live this victorious life we have power we have authority it's all ours so what are you believing what are you choosing because what you believe in what you choose will influence how you live choose to reign in life he's already given you what you need the authority and the victory and the power to do it so let's reign with jesus amen wow that's awesome that is powerful and so we've got a lot of great questions so let's jump right into it praise god so kai on chat says how do i make positive beliefs influence my actions well the thing is you first have to believe them so it's not just happy thoughts you see because happy thoughts means your thinking well they can't but they they're not going to be doing it in any in an eternal perspective so it's actually getting the word we have to get the word in us and you know andrew talks about effortless change when you get the word inside of you you will change you don't have to focus on your actions but you focus on your thinking you focus on changing the way you think through the word of god and i also would encourage you you know praying tongues praying in tongues is awesome and it does amazing things for how we think and how we act and what we believe and what's happening um in the spiritual world so pray in tongues but get in the word be consistent that's the that's the key be consistently in the word every day asking the holy spirit to show you get revelation and renew your mind and that will change your actions hey man that's so good so kim had actually asked um what are practical ways to renew our minds daily so you already mentioned getting in the word every day right uh praying in the spirit yeah meditating you know it's not just reading the bible a lot of people will just read the bible through you know four chapters a day five chapters a day if you're a care student yes that's a requirement but yeah you also need to meditate you need to just take a verse maybe you read read out of those four chapters grab a verse and then write it down you know put it on your mirror put it in your car um put it someplace where you're going to see it put it by your kitchen sink when you're doing dishes and just meditate what does that mean stop at each word talk to the lord about it have a conversation with him let the holy spirit bring up things in your life and ways you can apply it meditate and then study get some good study tools as well and just study those words what's the greek meaning you know what other verses are like it those are ways to renew our mind um and you know what else just praise the lord wow spend some time in praise and worship spend some time thanking him praising him let your mind just soak in his goodness and his love for you that will also renew your mind wow that's awesome praise god um so michelle on chat says how do you know you haven't done something to prevent you from moving from unstuck for example like moses when he didn't get into the promised land you know um that's a good question yeah and the thing is is that you have the holy spirit so the holy spirit is there for you and you start talking to the lord and you just he's gonna reveal things to you if you're really willing you know that's why we're living sacrifices right we go up on the altar and then you know you've often heard it said that then we like to crawl down we're living so let's get back up in the altar hold your hands out okay lord this is what i'm thinking and i don't think it's right or i don't know if it's right or i don't know if i'm preventing so just take some time to sit be still right and know that i'm god when you're still before him and you're just listening which we all have a hard time doing sometimes when you're listening to him he'll reveal himself because he's good get in the word and he'll show himself through a certain verse and it'll jump out and you go yup yup that's it and you know what get someone to pray with you right there's there's good counsel there's wisdom in a multitude of counselors so if you have someone who mentors you a pastor a small group leader go talk to them and get their input as well um that's why we have the body we're not meant to do this alone we're just not meant to do this alone amen and i would encourage you as well that i think no born again new covenant believer can stay stuck if they don't want to stay stuck god can bring you out of any bog hole that's so country i can't believe i just said that any mud hole any anything that you feel stuck in um as a born again believer you do have the same power that dwells that ruins jesus from the dead dwells on the inside of you moses didn't have that right so there was a difference in how god could interact with moses than he does with you and i so i'm here to i'm i want to proclaim from the rooftop if you don't want to be stuck you don't have to be and but it's getting with the holy spirit like you said because he'll show you and he'll lead you praise god so michelle uh wait that was michelle mike says how do i know when i'm procrastinating and in my comfort zone or if i'm just waiting on the lord wow that's a very good question isn't it yeah well you know even when we wait on the lord we can grow waiting on the lord doesn't mean you sit back and do nothing amen waiting on the lord you might be waiting on the lord in the area of finances let's say you're waiting but you're still in the word you're still growing you're still doing you're still giving right because when we give we reap we sell we reap so you're still you're waiting on a revelation or a next step from the lord but you're still you're still um you're still you're still growing yeah because waiting is not nothing wait is not sitting on the couch or you know waiting that's not what waiting is comfortable is i don't need anything you're not really asking you're not really you just don't need anything because it's just all good but comfortable is based on circumstances waiting is based on your relationship with the lord and even in waiting you're growing because you're having to be patient so waiting is definitely growing yeah that's really good i love how you put that uh so tim on chat says how do i leave my comfort zone when god tells me to make a move yeah well again you get back up on that altar and you are you willing you know i remember when when um the first place i was in in asia and it just like came fairly suddenly like it felt like the lord said go home and go to karis bible college and i was like um you know and it was very distressing for me because i'd been there for 12 years and it was like really lord and then it felt like he said to me okay you look around you and you say what can you not live without and i i could live without everything you know and it was like giving up of the things in the in the natural like giving up of my furniture and all that and relationships okay i can still stay in contact and so he helped me through that process and so when we're comfortable and god wants us to move then we it's it it's actually a gross act of surrendering on our part we just surrender the things we're comfortable in and say lord you have something better you have something so much better think if i'd said no and i wouldn't gone to karis bible college i would not be here you know he has something so much better for us than where we're at now and so if he's calling man i'd be on the bandwagon to just i'd throw the stuff out of my house and leap on an airplane and go because um when he's calling you we want to move and then that's where that waiting comes in because sometimes there's a waiting process in there and it's a timing issue but it's all growth you see because we have to depend on him that's why we grow amen that's so good you know that's the dangerous part of being comfortable isn't it um because you you just get almost numb to your surroundings i know for me i after a couple of decades of living a life of sin and just mess and dysfunction and drama and depression it's like that was my that was what was comfortable then it was like go to bible school i was like but i'm i'm living a miserable life but i'm comfortable here right so even if it's you have a good life whether you have a good life or whether you have a miserable life comfortableness is so dangerous to keep you stuck there that is huge huge to get out of that and just do be that sacrifice like cindy says that's so good so joe on chat says what do i do when i make the wrong choice and get offended how do i rid myself of the offense yeah well you just go back to the lord yeah you just say lord i'm sorry right i made the wrong choice i'm sorry and you know the minute we turn to him i mean because when we repent means to turn right so if we're made the wrong choice we're going this way and so the minute the minute we start to turn i mean he's there already he's grabbing us he's smoking i love you i've got i've got a word for you i i've got a solution for you so the minute you turn to him and say you know i have been offended um i remember one time i got offended and it lasted a long time and i was like you know lord i don't want to live here in a fence because you do get stuck in a fence and the thing he said to me it was a person that had offended me probably several times and the thing he said to me and says you start blessing her and you start praying for her and loving her and every time you start thinking about the offense instead you speak blessing over her and you just proclaim i love you through the love of the lord you know and you just do this and as you start to bless as i started to bless her that lady actually moved in to be my next-door neighbor what and so to go and see her right just to love her i said short short periods lord i can do short periods right we became friends wow you know and and it was just like okay lord but i chose to bless instead of well on the offense and i chose to love her and i chose to pray for her and as you make those choices then the offense it'll go it'll go away i mean you've repented and so the feelings right we don't go by our feelings the feelings of the events will go away because it's taken care of the minute you repent and turn back to the lord amen praise god that's awesome so um kate and this is falls right in line kate on chat says when casting down imaginations do i have to speak to it verbally or can i just change the imagination in my thinking by thinking somewhat something else yeah you know kate i think it depends upon what it is sometimes i'll have an imagination that it's like i don't want that and i'll just i will speak sometimes i'll just go no no you know that's not true and and that's because i need to hear myself say it you know we need to i need to speak it and i need to hear it faith comes by hearing and i believe sometimes when i say no i'm proclaiming to myself i am not believing that and there's other times where you do in your thought process you're just like no i'm not going to go there and then you have but you have to replace all vain imaginations all lies with truth so if you don't replace them with the truth then your mind's going to go back to the vein imagination your mind's going to go back to the lie so replace it with the truth find a bible verse you can replace it with and then just start dwelling on that don't dwell on casting down the vein imagination casting down the vein imagination don't dwell on that dwell on the truth and sometimes you might need to just shout out no you know or shout out that bible verse because you're really being um consumed with that uh lie or vain imagination amen that's huge and so uh for the last question ray on chat says how do we lay hold of the finished work hallelujah in two minutes go that's good right but you know what i think it's it's everything we've just talked about it really is you know you have to know it before you can lay a hold of it so if you're not in the word and you're not a study it what does that word finished mean what was the work when did it happen how did it happen you know ask all those questions study it out write it down you know write in your journal how does that apply to you what does it mean he's seated at the right hand of the father you know study those things out meditate on them but then grab a hold of them again make them yours let them change your change your way of thinking you know put a poster on your wall that i am a part of the finished work the finished work is mine that is who i am right what is the finished work that he's done for you uh well obviously we know it's it's it's um that ruling reigning that victorious life that we have so i would say just grab a hold of it and and be inten i love that word be intentional yeah you have to be intentional it's not just going to happen to you um because that finished work has been around now for a long time and many people have said they know it but they've chosen not to grab a hold of it so be the one who's determined and intentional to grab a hold of it and walk by it that's cool every day amen every moment yeah i was going to say there's you know there's um uh i can't think of the word but like um they're stationary uh finish works and then there's progressive fish finish works right so like the stationary for lack of better term right would be healing that's a finished work i'm going to grab hold of that or prosperity that's a finished work that's a that's a stationary but then every day we discover new facets of what is also finished in our life right so when something comes at us we can go oh wait no there's another finished work that jesus already supplied for that 2 000 years ago and so that is huge i love how you answered that cindy man that's that is from god right there because it is so true because we think that the finished work is just one thing right it's like one big ginormous present that we grab a hold of and now we have possessed all the finished work and i just don't think it is it's is what is that to you like you say discover it in the word man that's huge walking out it's really just walking it out day by day yeah it is that's awesome so thank you so much cindy what a great message and great teacher you are and thank you everyone out there for submitting your questions and we got to as many as we possibly could make sure and tune in tomorrow at 10 a.m mountain time i believe we'll have barry bennett sharing tomorrow and so cindy you just have a wonderful rest of your day thank you yeah and i look forward to seeing you again when you come back here to share and um everybody out there have a good evening and we will see you tomorrow on kara's daily live bible study bye bye-bye on october the 4th through the 8th at our facilities in carris bible college woodland park colorado we're going to have our 2021 ministers conference and i tell you this is for people that are in full-time ministry you have special needs we are going to be ministering specifically to you and it's just going to be an awesome time we've got our regular speakers myself bob nichols bob yandy and carrie pickett greg moore dwayne sheriff and this year our guest is jesse duplantis and so i encourage you to make plans to join us it's going to be a great time at our charis facilities woodland park colorado october the 4th through the 8th our 2021 ministers conference [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 1,217
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pYUbfy2KlgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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