GUESS The SOUND vs MY FAMILY in Fortnite (100,000 VBUCKS)

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so once again we're gonna do another guess that sound in fortnite this time with my nephew and of course he's also extremely nervous so hit the like button to maybe help him not be so nervous next time also hit the subscribe button for new rounds here hope you enjoy the video alright braxton you ready yes why do you seem so nervous what's wrong because so how we're going to be doing this we're doing 10 levels of guess this time put out put on a thing here put on your thing what's wrong with you all right so how let's get over we're doing 10 levels you guys remember when i did this with my son colton he got 75 000 v bucks go watch that video we'll see if braxton can beat this each round is worth 12k v bucks are you ready yeah level one hint is pew pew are you ready i'm gonna choose three different guns this guy this gun and let's do this gun all right these three guns you ready for the first one here we go that's a drum gun is that your final answer yes are you sure about that yes all right you got the first one okay okay okay you're ready for the next one this next gun get ready if you don't know this one you're an actual bot this is level one it's only gonna get harder as we go ready that's a combat what that's a combat i already heard the when you i don't know are you sure all right now the last one for round one again if you get this one right you get 12k v bucks if you get more v bucks than colton did on his guess the challenge you get a free what i already have well you get a free one all right ready ready ready here we go here we go here's the gun i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna uh here we go pulling it up that's the sound of it aiming it and shooting that's do that again i don't get it oh it's a prop gun all right you can look come on did i throw you for a loop for that one all right there you go i was like wait a second so you got 12kv bucks reasons why we're doing 12k instead of 10k for whenever we did colton's round colton had 12 rounds braxton has 10 rounds and it all equals out to 12 our 12 uh 120 000 v bucks so uh you have 12 what are you gonna do with twelve thousand feet bucks huh you're gonna put them in yeah i don't know that's level one let's go to level two all right you can look go ahead look go ahead look go ahead look the level two hint is blank bouncy all right you got to get three of these right you covered up you can't see your little cheater all right here we go look at this okay okay you ready for the first one you're ready for the first one this one's gonna be kinda easy bouncer what is a bouncer what do you mean bounce pad you got that one oh yeah also real quick before we keep going guys listen top center team unite those are the guys that made this map go use their supported credit code right braxton tell them yeah use the supporter creator code or i'll cut your foot oh gosh how many likes how many likes you want um 12 billion what is wrong with you do it or i'll cut your foot again what's wrong all right let's use the next one you ready for this one for this one let's do this one let's do this and let's do this ready second bouncer in three two one uh that's a shockwave grenade no no no no no that's an impulse that's an impulse which one is it impulse is that your final answer yes are you sure you get one more attempt at guessing yes [Music] dang it i can't tell you yes yes final answer what uh it's impulse all right you got it you little s what is wrong with you in colton do you have lives do you ever go outside huh all right last one for bouncy are you ready for this okay here we go here we go here we go and wait that's that is okay that that's the um atv i mean that's the golf cart that's the golf cart the what the golf cart is that your final answer yes yes dang it what is wrong with you people you need to go outside okay go outside go outside go play in the dirt go build a dirt castle i already tried but i can't get co covered oh true all right i hear you all right so that was the last one do you know what i just jumped on right there yeah all right you can look dang it all right there goes 12k i don't know guys listen you're gonna have to hit the like button we need at least twenty four thousand likes or i can't feed my family tonight all right rather the next level cover your face you little cheater cover it right now young man and all right ready to look this is level three hit right here you can look go ahead and catch i don't know 12k books on the line all right here we go you alright don't look don't look don't look all right we're gonna do three this time and after this round unless it's any moat round we're gonna do four per round it's gonna progressively get harder you should have went to fortnight school boy okay first one let's do let's do that one let's do that one and yeah we'll do that one we'll do that one are you ready for the first one okay here we go this is the first one get ready oh that's a stink bomb are you sure yes i'm sure that's a stink bomb are you positive i can smell it through the screen you know there are you know there are uh smoke got big grenades too right yeah that's a stink bomb all right you yeah hacker all right next one next one if you don't get this one i cannot be your uncle anymore i have to disown you oh no this one is by far easy oh that's an air strike yeah [Music] okay now this last one this last one this one's a little bit tricky you got to listen carefully and you got to listen more gooder okay here we go no that's the golden fish the what that's the mythic fish the mythic what i can't hear you that's a mythic fish sorry i can't hear you you break i can't use your brakes hello you're a losing connection that's the mythic fish dang it how do you know that you know what you know what last one if you win this one you win another foot ready you don't know this one i'm not talking to you anymore that's the ice bomb ice grenade what is wrong with these children guys if you knew all these answers so far hit the like button mute your eyes whenever you're watching this and see if you get them right too what's wrong with you dang it there's another 12k you can look now you can't tell if they're cheating braxton what's wrong with you why don't you and my son ever go outside okay level four hint alright you can look you can look you look ready level four hint all right for the emote one we're only gonna do two since these are much more difficult right all right let's go ahead and find the first one give me a minute give me a minute give me a minute get a minute are you ready here we go default that's a defaultion i hear what you're saying but you gotta name it that's default dance [Music] yeah it's a default dance is that what it's called yes it's it's called [Laughter] go ahead and look go ahead and look look at the name underneath what why did you think it was default dance dude they changed the names no it's always been dance moves they they've never changed it from dance moves yes they had no no no all right you know what you know you know well if you get one more correct we'll give you a quarter of the v bucks for this round sound good sound good sound good all right cover your eyes come here come here guys come here let's find one more all right if you don't know this one you are not an og and i cannot talk to you anymore ready orange justice all right all right so i said you get a quarter so 12 000 divided by four you get three thousand for that round yay are you dabbing yeah you get three you get three k's alright so that's the end of the emote round i can't believe you thought it was default dance what's wrong with you i always knew it was the default dancer all right uh you can look look this is level five you're halfway there right level five hint is bang bang another gun i don't know go ahead cover up cover up go over that little face your cheater are you trying to push your can you see don't you cheat don't you cheat your little turd nugget all right so we're gonna do four this time ready let's go ahead and do let's do that one you better not trick me like you did to colton let's do that one let's do that one and that one no i did the second dang it i did two twice crap i'm an idiot let's do that one okay okay first gun you ready all right if you don't get this one we can't be friends anymore one launcher or is that good hear you quad launcher are you sure everybody's your final answer yes all right here absolutely positive all right you got it right quad launchers all right next gun are you ready hey all right next gun ready three two one [Music] oh that's a drum shotgun you sure you're you're switching it you have to be what am i switching that's that's a drum shotgun are you sure yes that's a drum shot how sure are you i'm fifty percent sure it's the jump shot fifty percent i'll you want me to shoot it again i'm going to turn instant reload on and shoot it ready i'm just going to hold down the trigger button and just shoot it okay with instant reload on oh that's the infantry rifle i'm just kidding i didn't hold down the shoe button this is what happens when you hold down the shoe button yeah you got it drum shotgun all right ready for the next one all right here we go here we go here we go let me go find out let me go find a target i want to shoot something oh that's a six shooter you sure yeah that's a six suit six shooter are you sure yeah i'm a hundred percent is that your final answer yes yeah yeah hold on i'm gonna do instant reload yeah all right you got it all right now the last gun right here if you get this one 12k v bucks if you don't you had nothing ready that that's a double barrel shotgun you sure about that yes that's a double barrel shotgun yes how positive are you i'm uh 99 sure that's the double barrel shotgun ah what is wrong with you kids go outside get a job go clean some toilets hey what about this gun yeah you didn't know that one did you huh all right well yeah there's a bolt gosh you guys need to get a wife that's another 12k let's go to the next round dang it all right ready for the next round level six hint you can look you can look go ahead look go ahead and look here we go are you sweating over there not really no all right that was six hit food then i don't know are you ready all right go ahead come back out this for another 12k all right we're gonna do four on this one as well hey you cheater i'm watching you i'm watching you mike wazowski why is your cord in your face why didn't you put the cord through the bottom of it are you ready all right here we go first one is let's do this one let's do this one here we go first one oh that's a chug jug final answer all right yeah that one's easy that one's easy all right let's do let's do this one let's do this one ready here we go all right that one's all so easy that one's all so easy all right now how about let's do this one that's a pepper the what that's the pepper all right all right all right you got it all right so final one let's do [Music] this one that must be the mushroom or the slurp mushroom the what uh that might be the slurp mushroom i don't know this one it has to be the mushroom slurp mushroom what's your final answer what's your final answer slurp mushroom what color is it like a sky blue like dang it how do you know that what happened all right what is this one huh that's the that's a hop rocks gosh i just can't i can't i can't with the you guys need to go get a life you need to go find a hobby you need to go find a you know you go get married maybe whenever you're 18 maybe not right now you're kind of young but let's go to the next round 12k all right what's this next one round level seven oh all right you can look at the hit now you see the next hint oh no all right you ready all right here we go let me find the toys let me find where's the toys at home i gotta finally get so many toys you know some people are out here all right ready here's the first toy get ready oh that's a snowball all right all right you got that one that was pretty easy that was for now we're gonna we're gonna take it up a notch here we go here we go here we go that's the basketball final answer yes that's the basketball all right you got all right two more toys here we go here we go here's the next toy get ready for this let's go ahead do this one that's the frisbee or is it like that that blue ring type frisbee thing how the heck do you know this how do you know this can you please explain to me how you know this uh i big brain you just say i have big brains all right last toy last toy here we go here we go here we go here we go good luck with this one yeah you're not getting this one ah oh that's a water balloon final answer yeah it's a water balloon let's go ahead and look you didn't get it yeah but this is the water balloon what's wrong with you huh it kind of sounds the same does it yes that kind of sounds the same i mean if you have backwards ears maybe are your ears backwards maybe all right you didn't get 12k on that one are you ready for the next one all right cover up no you did not you did not because you failed yeah a little foot level eight next one are you ready for the hint all right go ahead and look kaboom okay kaboom all right we're gonna do four this time we'll do some more this time all right so let's do this one this one this one and this one we'll do that are you ready you're ready you're ready first one it's gonna be easy the first one's a little bit on the easy side ready that's the um that pumpkin launcher yeah it's pumpkin launcher the what pump pumpkin launcher the pumpkin launcher yes final answer oh no it's the snowball launcher all right all right you got one off you got one all right ready for the next one we're going for a quarter of 12k again if you get the rest if you get three right you get a quarter all right next one here we go that's the rpg all right yeah you got that one all right for the next one let's do this one oh that's a um proximity grenade launcher yeah you got it all right all right so if you get this next one correct right if you get this next one correct you get 3k here we go here we go ready you're switching them it's the boom bow and grenade launcher that's your final answer you're switching them that's a boom bow that's the boombo all right so you get 3k for that you little sweat well yeah i mean you kind of how did you why how did you think that that one was the what's wrong with you braxton ah i taught you better than this i thought you were more of a sweat all right all right let's go to the ah not final round level nine ready for the hint go ahead look okay is it going to be room rooms is it going to be room verbs okay we'll go go go okay let's start with this one oh yeah it's going to be a good one ready here we go oh that's the baller you sure yeah that's the ball all right yeah that one's pretty easy that was pretty all right ready for the next one maybe the next one right here let's put this back over here so it's not on the way all right here we go here's the next one let's go ahead and do this one that's uh that's the four-wheeler type that's the four-wheeler type vehicle what's it called atv no yes [Laughter] i don't even know what it's called you got it is that are you sure four-wheeler type car yeah all right you got it all right so that's two of four right there ready for the next one let's do this one no i'm going to save that one for last we'll save that one fast all right this next one if you don't get this one you're a bot you're an actual bot and you never play fortnite ready here we go oh that's the brute the wha that's the brute the brute what's a brute that's the brute um the robot vehicle is that your final answer yes that's true is that your final answer ah yeah that's the mac it's the brute yeah you win it's called a mac a bot it's a mech brutus i think i don't know nothing about anything all right ready the next one all right last one for 12k v books right here guys remember hit the like button to feed my family because i'm going broke after this one here we go ready listen carefully listen carefully that kind of sounds like the kitten and uh the cannon listen carefully yeah that's the candy is that your final answer are you sure positive absolutely positive i'm mostly positive mostly positive yes dang it all right there's another 12k all right final round right here are you ready i believe for this last round yep you can take your blindfold off go ahead this is the final level level 9.5 here's your hint guess who skins go ahead take off your blindfold are you ready for this yes are you sure that's for 12k v bucks sitting sitting camera you gotta get in the camera what's wrong with you man wrong with you who invented you all right ready here we go here we go here we go here we go so you have to guess three of these correctly right and i get to choose which ones and the final one i'm gonna put right there and that's the fourth one for 12k v bucks all right first one this one i don't even i don't know the skin you don't know it i don't know the name of the skin all right here's how we'll do this here's how it says this route is kind of difficult we'll do 12 000 divided by four each one of these skins that you get right is worth three thousand v bucks okay so do you know this first one no you give up you're not even gonna take a shot i don't i don't know i you're not even gonna take a shot no you don't know it it's locked dude it's looks good you didn't know that at all all right next one next one next one i'm just reading your face seeing which ones you may or may not know [Music] this one bright bomber are you sure final answer yeah that's right you can phone a friend you ain't phoning no friend boy what's wrong you don't even know how to use a phone you're only two bri bomber you sure yes yeah all right all right you get 3k you get 3k 3k right there 3k all day all right all right ready for the next one there's a final one and then i'm gonna put one up there and you're never gonna guess it's just impossible you're not gonna guess all right let's do you could do that one but i think you already know that one we could do that one i don't think you know that one we could do this one but i think you might know that one and this one i don't even know that one we're going this one which one is it um i don't even know it i have no clue what it is i want to say moisty meyer monster i don't know is that your aunt's final answer sure i have no clue moisty merman how did you know that i had no clue i legitimately had no clue you are a sweat you need to go outside get a job and feed some animals i didn't even know all right what is this one sparkly specialist agent peely yeah and tina all right so for this next one you have to close your eyes i'm gonna find a skin and then you have to guess the skin that i put down all right this is a good one you guys can see the the name in the bottom center all right you can look oh that's um obviously it's a mech chicken you can see that on the screen huh what's the name i can't remember from season five four i can't i don't know no not even a guess two what give up yes all right look at look at look at down center center all right so you got wait what was it one you got two two of them that's 6k oh god guys listen however many v bucks are here you have to have that many likes on this video i can't feed my family okay let's do some math did you get more than 75 000 and beat colton and get another foot ready 12 plus 12 plus 12 plus 3 plus 12 plus 12 plus 3 plus 12 plus 6 84 000 i'm rich [Music] [Applause] [Music] beat that all right you win another foot you beat colton here there you go guys hit the like button so i can feed my family also hit the subscribe button click this next video to watch the next video have fun with your foot ew oh gosh i like eating foots ew
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,572,503
Rating: 4.9521952 out of 5
Id: f8i2G8-r6GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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