Top Ten Video Game Dragons (Patreon Reward)

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[Music] hail fellow travelers well met the green scorpion here happy to present another patron requested countdown so - my generous contributor charles langley jr let me just say you fool you've doomed us all [Music] that's right for our quest today we're releasing the brood and choosing the best of video games most fearsome and majestic creatures the dragons I'm really excited about this one the history of Dragon mythos is fascinating and I don't have the time to cover its sheer scope to keep it brief dragon mythology today descends from two major places Europe and Asia Western hero slays dragons stories stem from many heroes slays serpents stories from the BC years such as Indra versus vitriol Zeus vs. Typhon and Thor versus Jumanji der but by medieval times the idea of dragon morphed from giant snake - gargantuan winged lizard meanwhile Eastern dragons took a more quadrupedal serpentine form though they could usually shape-shift and could have hair and even avian wings while European dragons were animalistic threats and known to breathe fire Asian dragons were usually above human intellect often associated with water or rain storms and could be good or evil appearing in several religions and symbolizing wisdom power and longevity through years of cultural cross-pollination our most common variant of Dragon formed in works like Tolkien's The Hobbit and my favorite example Dungeons & Dragons with dungeons and treasure hordes to guard dragons most popularly breathe fire but some could wield ice electricity poison or whatever else they were a brilliant race of mere immortals and as characters could be just as morally complex as the humans and owls there's more so much more but since we're not immortal ourselves it might be better to move on and sprinkle my research over the next 10 entries suffice to say dragons take on many forms and while I have my preferences and you'll notice a theme in the second half I'll consider anything that the game wants to call a dragon what's that freedom planet lilac so dragon sure why not so put on your mithril armor and keep a cleric on standby because this Malad is the top 10 video game dragons well well it's so nice to see you again dude there wait for long I'm in the camp that says dragons have been too downgraded in some video games the first boss the first mini boss okay some of these are really good for mechanics and conveyance but it makes me thankful to games like Fire Emblem which knows to reserve dragons as a big deal but which one do I pick ninian and nils Curt Naga maybe Grima well I'll have to pick the original playable dragon Tiki sorry bond too but I'm going with Tiki on this one so for those of you unfamiliar sure she doesn't look like a dragon right now but Tiki is one of the oldest of a race known as the manic eat dragons that can take human form dragons have a long history of doing this in other media particularly in Chinese culture where some in ancient times thought the pure-blooded to be descended from dragons this is an interesting mirror to Western works there it was usually a person who became a dragon like the cursed Prince Fafnir from Norse mythology Eustace from The Chronicles of Narnia or Disney's Maleficent for the manic eats it's neither a curse nor a weapon of evil actually it's more like the Korean myth of the imoogi where the Sun God would send to earth a little girl who upon turning 17 could take its true form as a water dragon this is also why most playable mana keats are little girls I said most Bato variations of the stories say that imoogi could gain its full power by harnessing an orb called a yo a jus that fell from the heavens the mana keats are like this in Reverse long ago tikis mother naga saw that dragons were a threat to mankind so she suggested that they all store their power within personal dragon stones and only use it when needed this idea caused a rift between the earth dragon tribe and Nagas mana kids who chose to spend most of their leisure in human shape Nagas worried about the earth dragons wrath but not nearly as much as Tiki who had so much latent power that the only way to contain it was to have her sleep for half a millennium guarded by bond to 'get o Zain but eventually the evil madea's finds her and manipulates her to fight Martha the gang only with bond two's guidance Contiki be recruited to join Marth whom she promptly gains an adorable crush on Tiki is so powerful in Shadow Dragon and mystery of the emblem that it's stupid with all of her stats capping at 20 nah I was right to be concerned but that 500 year nap seems to have taken care of her destructive tendencies so we're all good there after the Archaea saga she goes to sleep for another 2000 years partly out of sorrow knowing that she'll outlive all of her new friends and then surprise she's back and Fire Emblem awakening and it's kind of poetic juxtaposed to her original bubbly quick to befriend personality this older Tiki is reserved and distant but she'll still get out of bed to fight the FL dragon Grima you'll probably end up not using her because by this point you've had no way for so long but do yourself a favor and try her out in your next playthrough she's pretty great or be like nah it's up to you she never wants to be called a goddess but Tiki is a matriarch of the fire on them series and now her power is immortalized in Fire Emblem Heroes thrice [Music] [Music] if you're looking for something a little less cute I'll direct you over to Dark Souls no cuteness here well maybe those basilisks I don't know the souls burn series has a number of dragons and if I had to pick the best boss I might go with kalameet but as you know I'm a big lore guy I wanted the dragon credited with killing all other dragons Seath the scaleless as a name suggests Seath was born without metallic scales of most dragons which also meant that he unlike other dragons was not immortal the other dragons treated him like an outcast for this because dragons are jerks Seath wanted to get back at them so he joined forces with Lord Gwyn gravelord nito and the witch of izalith to overthrow the tyrants in typical souls borne fashion not much about seif has explained outright the lore has to be compiled from various environmental details in item descriptions but doing so points to Seif being the father of all sorcery Gwyn rewarded him for his services by giving him a dukedom which he transformed into a magical archive and continued his research into the mystical arts because if he couldn't be stronger than his brothers he could at least be more magical his most valuable discovery was the primordial crystal which not only allowed Steve to finally gain that coveted immortality but also was used to develop the soul arrow spell if you play a mage you have seif to thank for this and it's probably a big part of how Steve turned the tides on his dragon brethren seats positive contributions and there however with eternity at his disposal he had no excuse to not understand every facet of the arcane arts and the pursuit drove him mad his creations the crystal golems roamed the lands collecting specimens for Steve to experiment on and the toils of his labor can be seen in the monstrous blubbering tentacle mistakes that skulk around his castle seed this needs to stop the fight with Steve is pretty memorable thief meets you in the caves not so much flying as crashing onto the battlefield if I do have one complaint I don't like how he just swivels awkwardly like a desk chair but you can probably chalk that up to the Warped state he's in much smaller than creatures like the Guardian dragon his skin shrivels around his visible ribs as he tries to encase scale as hide in crystal his body ending in more demented tentacles what is science done oh wait I just got it a smaller dragon is bullied by bigger dragons learns a bunch about magic and comes back to crush them all with knowledge this is a Revenge of the Nerds with dragons you have to destroy the primordial crystal first which can be an annoying surprise for first-time players but it's a common trope for the all mighty dragon cliche some special thing you have to do to make it vulnerable first and overall it's a neat fight frantically getting hits in before the floor burst into diamond spikes more importantly it's a lore fight a rumble with one of the four Lords of legend and that's pretty momentous and this boss has the decency not to completely suck I'm looking at you which the bed of chaos was bullcrap let's go back to something cute Kirby and more importantly land iya from Kirby's Return to Dreamland no epic story build up here this was just cool well okay maybe there's some plot I guess you know something destroyed Mangalore ship before he crash-landed here and Landy oblasts it again when you follow maggle or to the planet of Hal Kandra here we see our first case of treasure hoarding on the list a cherished dragon tradition land iya also has the unique feature of four adorable heads multi-headed dragons have also been used in a lot of myth taking inspiration from the lernaean hydra or Orochi from japanese mythology but could the Hydra do this when breathing lightning isn't enough land iya splits itself into four single headed mini dragons becoming more mobile and able to multitask I have nothing there that's just awesome though they share a single life bar so that might have been some poor planning on your part land iya as so often happens in kirby's adventures land EO was just standing in the way of a greater evil protecting the all-powerful master crown from thieves like maggle or who would misuse it seriously half the time Kirby makes things worse before he fixes anything but when it looks like mag lore has won the landing squad becomes team Kirby's super speedy mounts one for each hero well that's convenient thus proceeds a 2d shooter between the zipi dragons and the lore star cutter which is just too amazing for words there's a lot to like about land iya I don't know how they managed to make it so cute and yet so imposing and if you play an extra mode you get to see it tap into the power of the master crown which comes as a sinister recolor LAN dia appears as the main antagonist of Kirby's team clash and Kirby's team clash deluxe I mean it's like a fantasy RPG they had to bring back their token dragon though the latter is a free to play money sync by the time you get to him you'll have given him a real treasure horde to sit on but overall for the unique spin on some classic dragon ideas LAN dia earns a four-way tie with itself for the number 8 spot oh boy I knew I was gonna have to rank something from Monster Hunter at some point the whole game is about giant beasts encounter some of the best of which are the elder dragons the thing is I really don't know a ton about Monster Hunter I mean I've talked about it before so I can't hide behind my never played rule but my choices are limited to the monsters I've experienced from random times playing on friends save files as always if you have a better monster unleash the comments I understand the common favorite is the gormogon uh and it's adult form the shigera Megillah the trees apprentice actually talked about it before and he describes it better than I could've but the most exhilarating fight I bore witness to was the white fatalis Fatalis is a staple of a series appearing since the first entry and its kind is feared by all living things even other elder dragons welcome to Castle Schrade a desolate Citadel with eternally dark skies ruled by its one monstrous inhabitant people aren't sure what happened to this once prosperous Kingdom whether disaster came from within or if the key fell to invasion personally I think though fatale has just moved in and decided he was king now though dangerous enough on its own but Alice has a couple of subspecies to be on the watch for such as the Crimson Fatalis that lives deep in the volcanic craters but come back to Castle shrade in Monster Hunter 4 ultimate and you'll be treated to its pearly white cousin and damn does he make an entrance while the basic Fatalis is a creature of fire white fatalis can command a lightning storm imbue its claws will electricity and use the Thunder sack in its chest to spit devastating bursts of energy from a long distance this is how I expect the dragon to fight well more or less the monsters in this game aren't morons but they're not the geniuses of Dungeons and Dragons either it's guilty of some dragon boss design sins doing its fighting and tail attacks and giving hunters plenty of opportunity to hack away at it before it takes flight again as Spoony says dragons don't play fair I expect them to stay airborne and sweep the field with breath attacks over and over again but in fat Alice's defense it really doesn't need to it's endlessly aggressive and its tail whips are seriously deadly and it'll keep fighting on even if you smash its face it no really this thing can have both of its eyes gored out and it's still stubbornly insisting that you suffer tenfold before it leaves I can't say with certainty that the white fatalis is the best dragon at Monster Hunter I mean my personal favorite is the COO shilada but I'm not going back to castle charade anytime soon you can have it man long live the king the following dragon is impossible to rank in some ways he really deserves to be number one going into the top five we're talking about world threats the epic draconian demigods the stuff of legend but when has there ever been a more pivotal video game dragon than spiral [Music] all of the other dragons on this list even the cuter ones are ancient beings or bringers of destruction but Spyro is it in fact he was never meant to be but I kept him in the middle the top of the bottom five because he deserves the recognition and God knows he hasn't had much in a while the first Spyro game on the PlayStation 1 was kind of a parody story you're on a quest but instead of slaying the dragon you are the dragon that's a clever pitch all of the big dragons you'd expect as bosses in other games are now collectible damsels encased in stone but Spyro the youngest of the brood escaped the spell because he's just so gosh darn little you're not exactly raising the countryside but you're still doing all the things countrymen feared about dragons flying breathing fire recovering your life by eating livestock that's hilarious by the way and the best levels to me are the ones where you're running through a castle or war field burning through waves of armored band guards incinerating tents and chasing down those pesky thieves and wizards with a good headbutt and if you think about it you're storming keeps in hoarding treasure like a Smaug entraining the first two sequels are just a serviceable year of the Dragon and hero's tale got a little messy and The Legend of Spyro series is a little polarizing but I like how Spyro slowly gained all of these different elemental breath attacks and I appreciate the newer developers trying to reboot him with a story that has some weight to it love him or hate him there The Adventures of a gaming icon maybe the problem is that at its foundation Spyro just never had any weight to it like Sonic it was just a silly concept made into a good game but like many good games we started projecting significance onto it and the developers felt obliged to live up to that I mean the first game begins with a TV interview did we forget about that it's hard to make this stuff serious actually he's a lot like Sonic now that I think about it with that too cool for adults attitude that's a little tough to adapt outside of the 90s just unlike Sega who kept shoving Sonic down our throats resulting in the occasional great game amongst the failures was passed between developers like an unwanted foster child which brings us finally to Skylanders okay calm down I'm not hating Skylanders those games are actually a lot of fun just something I never really got into Spyro was used to kickstart this mega franchise and it's pretty great even if his new look is a little too DreamWorks for me but after the initial release Spyros name was dropped from the title and he just became one of the characters and you know what Spyro deserves better than that yeah I know they threw crash in there too and I appreciated that but it's kind of like if after kirby's super star and they made Kirby into the first pokemon and then kept them in the Pokedex and stop making kirby games Pokemon will be just as good but it would be much worse for Kirby so here's what I'm thinking somebody please let's make a new Spyro game or at least HD remakes like Crash gods there's a generation of young Skylander fans who'd love to learn about his platforming groups maybe hand him over to play tonic just someone please let us be dragons again you know what they say for every good battle you need a good adversary can I felt that nasty in spite of his misguided nature was a worthy opponent [Music] here we go again now here's a game that knows how to make dragons a big deal Skyrim first of all I just want to say that the lore behind the dragons in the elder scrolls is really cool and I wish I had the time to talk about it all Oh what the hell in this world it's believed that dragons are not born they just always have been and always will be there's no baby dragons no eggs and as far as we can tell there is old as all creation then there's their style of magic the true conic language is Magic incarnate so just speaking it with perfect diction bends the fabric of reality to one's liking when two dragons are seen breathing fire and ice at one another they're actually having a heated debate to them talking it out is fighting and the toughest of all Alduin is said to have destroyed the last world and made room for this one all because he just didn't like it that much the game wastes no time establishing him as the antagonist he interrupts your execution at the beginning of the game flying overhead and raining down freakin meteors and bethesda grabs you by the shoulders and says hey you see that you're gonna fight it someday that's the game so why is he showing up like this well he's always ridging against the humans we just haven't seen him in a while many years ago Mario I mean Paarthurnax shared the secrets of dragon power and a war ignited with Alduin leading the Dragons against the feeble mortals he was unstoppable so the only solution was to use the elder scroll and send him through time causing him to emerge years later just as angry as he was when he had left yeah way to go Felder just procrastinate on slaying the world leader why don't you now it's our problem it doesn't help that Alduin 'he's basically a norse god based on nidhogg the dragon that gnaws at the roots of the life tree eat Drasil Alduin has a similar penchant for eating bones as well as reviving the dead dragons to compose a new dragon army in true dragon fashion Alduin doesn't fight with honor once again she's invulnerable until you do the right thing in this case use the dragon wrench shout which was devised by dragon kind itself but until you use dragon rend Alduin won't even bother landing he's not too proud to spray and pray from above and he's not gonna lend unless you make him for a smug as he is he can be a real coward when the tables are turned which just makes me enjoy slaying him more Alda wind is going to be our benchmark here for world-threatening mega dragons he's a pain in the tail but he does the dough of proud there is a metric ton of Dragon type Pokemon I could choose from plus a few dragons that inexplicably aren't dragon type yeah I counted these but while Flygon hydrogen and Dragon Knight and Garchomp are all really interesting and poor Giratina this is the second time it's just narrowly missed a countdown I don't think anyone will be surprised to see Rayquaza in this spot Delta episode what have you done most Legendary's have a prescribed role Shaymin spreads purifying flowers mana fees the Prince of the ocean and lugia has got his elemental bird posse but Rayquaza is pulling double-duty not only does he patrol the Earth's ozone layer protecting the planet from incoming asteroids or alien threats he also has to pop back to Hoenn whenever Groudon and Kyogre are fighting so he can balance out the world's weather with its air lock ability no wonder this thing is seen as a god no really in omega ruby and alpha sapphire we find out that the Draconids built their religion around him it makes a lot of sense really like any legendary Rayquaza is a treasure trove of mythological inspiration the most often cited is Z's from Jewish texts the king of birds and the master of the sky with Groudon as behemoth and Kyogre as leviathan but design wise it has more in common with China Dragons specifically the ones ridden by the shin or enlightened ones in taos mythology brings more meaning to you writing requires into space doesn't it or that time Subspace Emissary stuck him in some random lake seriously what was that all about I guess Sakurai saw him as more of a traditional Japanese river dragon or like a Nordic sea serpent most interesting to me there's cats a codel an Aztec serpent God who defined the boundaries of land sea and sky that sounds a lot like the Emerald dragon of Maine but no amount of international worship could convey His divine rule over the tier lists Rayquaza has been eating so many space rocks that he has the power of a mega stone in his belly allowing him to mega evolve and still keep an item slot open for life or choice scarf or whatever else you want that's just Game Freak do you hate your own rules his new Delta Stream ability protects flying types from super effective hits remembers his king of birds and like all Pokemon he has a diverse move pool that gives him the most elemental range of any dragon on the list with access to moves like hyper voice Blizzard Thunder fire blast solar beam toxic earthquake shadow claw rockslide surf and did I mention Draco meteor I thought about him for arrow Mansour's but there's just too much stuff going on with him you didn't need me to tell you all this you knew rayquaza was broken but maybe you never thought about this Rayquaza s---based that total is 680 and when you mega evolve it it's 780 tied with mega Mewtwo X&Y for the highest in the game surpassing even Arceus creator of the known universe no Pokemon alone surpasses Arceus but when you and rayquaza team up you have the strength to topple a god just maybe not a fairy supposedly Alduin destroyed the world once though that's really just legend and rayquaza probably could raise some serious pandemonium but chooses to be a protector if you want to see draconian devastation firsthand then I present to you Deathwing the destroyer Deathwing is like Alduin on a larger scale and with larger scales it starts with background while Alda wins name shows up in some lore texts in previous Elder Scrolls games Deathwing has been an active part of the Wars of Azeroth since Warcraft 2 he also has the most pronounced jawline I've ever seen look his human form he looks like Baron underbite but he wasn't always so evil Deathwing was once a black worm named neltharion who helped for other proto dragons battle their evil dragon daddy galakrond the Titans rewarded these five by making them the dragon aspects each with their own flight of different colored dragons and each maintaining an important function in Azeroth one was made the guardian of magic another the keeper of time Neltharion became the earth water managing the planet that all civilization would be built upon pretty important stuff and he did a pretty good job with it but beings called the old gods had to screw it all up psychically whispering to him and driving him mad all in part of a convoluted plot to get themselves free the details aren't important the point is Neltharion became spiteful and vicious but no less cunning he tricked the other four dragon aspects into channeling some of their power into an artifact called the dragon's soul then used said dragons soul to kick their tails his power may have been second to Alexstrasza at a life binder but he managed to manipulate a tribe of dragon shamans get her imprisoned and take her dragon flight for his own he was temporarily defeated by the alliance but it wouldn't be the last time we saw him Deathwing used every trick of the trade hiding in alternate planes trading his children hiding caches of dragon eggs in Draenor and faking his own death on several occasions he took a new human form as Lord pressed her and wheeled his way in to become a trusted member of the Alliance all while fueling the fires of the Horde and contributing to some of Genn Greymane 'he's more questionable decisions when it was time for him to come back into the limelight dear God did he thus began the shattering in the Cataclysm expansion Deathwing isn't even an enemy anymore he is a storm a force of nature just him flying overhead tears the land asunder Alliance versus Ward doesn't matter anymore Deathwing won't stop until either he dies or everything else dies even new players on the overworld were in constant peril of a flyby scorching he went so far as to have the goblins so plates of Elementium into his hide the paint unimaginable but the fury so much stronger and once again only one thing could even start to bring him down the dragons soul it took the dovahkiin and a small band of Slayers to take down Alduin but it took 10 to 25 men on the frontlines to end death wait unless you're one of those obsessives our solos dungeons and that's only after thrall used the soul and tried to kill steal the entire world the party rides his spine chipping away at his corrupted editions until he pummels to the ground for the final showdown sure Deathwing has to spend more time hiding and fleeing than al do indeed but that's only because the power economy in Azeroth is a hell of a lot higher than in Tamriel and if you really want to see what would have happened the end time dungeon event gave us a good look of the world if Deathwing won all the land scorched all life eviscerated the death wings dead body impaled upon the warmest temple satisfied in debt as long as the world felt the same torment he felt every day he may not have been the most interesting villain compared to Arthas the Lich King but from my casual perspective the world of Warcraft has never been so close to total ruin number two was the biggest surprise for me not a character I normally think of as a dragon but after looking through all of the games that I could I realized that the captain of the space pirates was going to be a serious contender for the top spot so first question is Ridley eligible I honestly don't see why not claws tail wings flaming breath he might be the only character on this list not referred to as such but he is a bonafide dragon he just also happens to be an alien and a pirate an alien Dragon pirate named for director Ridley Scott this demonic pterodactyl is a famed general of a vicious space pirates they're not some small-time plunderers either the space pirates are an organized militarized galactic threat that's been tormenting the Federation for decades I'm going to assume that he runs the whole thing alongside Mother Brain if she happens to be alive that week he can fight like a monster but he's a tactical genius and a real jerk when you get to know him its lucky you usually fight him in enclosed spaces because he'll just glide around and bomb you if he has the opportunity to think that his species starts life as this adorable if rather off-putting puff ball and then this weird alligator thing look get it off of me grown-up Ridley follows his own version of the Tri conic burnin loot just instead of medieval villages its space colonies instead of being alone he's accompanied by a team of pirates and instead of gold and gems he takes the last baby Metroid he's not the world ender that I'll do in a Deathwing are but when you think about it most of the planets and Space Station's he's seen on eventually self-destruct but while he is mighty and merciless what makes him a great dragon isn't his physical qualifications even if he can comfortably survive the vacuum of space it's more his role in the series and his relationship to Samus Ridley isn't just a literal dragon he is a symbolic dragon check TV Tropes and it will define the dragon of a story to be a big bads top enforcer or a big physical threat the hero must surpass before entering the finale Ridley is this perennial II though the final boss changes per game with is almost always ready to serve as its dragon even unintentionally at times always the bridesmaid never the bride Ridley has served as number two for Mother Brain twice Metroid Prime twice the si ex and whatever you consider other m's final boss to be but more importantly Ridley is samus's dragon ever since he killed her parents and decided that she was too insignificant to bother crushing these two have been locked in an ongoing struggle with seemingly no end he gets blown apart in Metroid only to return with a cybernetic body in crime get empowered with Faison in prime 3 and somehow returned to his normal organic self before his final death and Super Metroid this is speculated to be due to an impressive healing factor where he regenerates after devouring his targets even after his death he haunts Samus and not just psychologically a clone of him shows up in other M and the X virus copies his DNA in Metroid Fusion not to mention the space pirates have a robot version of him and zero mission his constant resurrection might be outside of his control these aren't even the same ridley anymore but it's the same to Samus and somehow the clones seem to know that these fights are personal because he likes to greet her by sadistically waxing her against the wall seriously he's done this in no less than three games you thought I was dead yeah nice try did you work hard collecting those Cho's artifacts well I just blew them all up oh and by the way I went back a nature parents she may be too big for Smash Brothers but he's just right for the number two spot all this anticipation and I don't even know where to start with our number one so I'm just gonna go ahead and say it Bahamut [Music] this is my fourth time using a Final Fantasy summon as an entry and it hasn't gotten any easier the omnipresence of these Esper's through the series makes them notable but in a franchise like this their role is ever-changing yet somehow transcending continuities they absolutely must be appreciated as one singular character or maybe that's the wrong word because Bahamut isn't a character not all the time Bahamut is a theme a power so let's dive into the series and overcome this last dragon the best dragons are introduced early to build anticipation for later encounters but Bahamut isn't fightable for the entire first game he just sits beneath cardia islands you fight elementals time-traveling super wizards and the avatar of chaos in this game but in what was supposed to be a quintessential fantasy adventure the game seems to say no you wouldn't have a chance instead he lends you his power giving you the first-class promotions in the series I know these pixels don't hold up but in the 80s this felt huge summoners were first introduced in Final Fantasy 3 with all the standards like Shiva and Ifrit but Mohammed was the top summon and one of those notables that demanded a fight first to prove your worth here he first displays his signature attribute his flare abilities these massively damaging explosions have no element because who cares if you're fireproof this is gonna hurt after this point Mohammed reoccurred as a summon generally being the strongest one with some extra trial required to optionally wield him Leviathan and Final Fantasy 4 was the king of the Eidolons but Bahamut doesn't even answer to him he just waits on the moon and won't even consider aiding Rydia until every other summit is acquired I love this guy summoning him is like a contract it's always on his terms in Final Fantasy 4 interlude at one point he realizes that his summoner is an impostor area and just dismisses himself and in the after years he decimates his summoner when he decides he doesn't like what he's being used for in five he's still a big deal sealed within the earth and only freed by two realities crashing together in six he's a little more downplayed probably because there's already a big dragon side quest but seven ups the ante with new more powerful forms meet Mohammed mio and Bahamut zero this dragon just became a death star and by this point Muhammad's ongoing role has shifted to that of a weapon perhaps best explored in nine at birth he was assigned to be garnets summon like he was in the past games but gets extracted by queen brahne and used by Kuja the kingdom would have been toast if Alexander weren't the coolest castle ever again in 10 he's more of a tool and now our required collectible in the story the final Aeon needed to confront sin but damn if he isn't my favorite design so imposing he crosses his arms and we finally got some feathery wings like a Japanese dragon whoa the most recent single-player adventures see Bahamut more as a motif or an entity to draw power from Bane combines with but not in parts of the sky fortress Mohammed to gain dragon wings and megaflare attacks in his final form twin Tania draws power from a dormant Bahamut Caius transforms into chaos Mohammed and summons Mohammed back ups and while 15 is still a little too new to spoil I'll just say it continues a trend and then some and that's skipping over tons of other appearances fangs I Dolan that turns it to a jet in 13 Luna Bahamut in for advanced revenant wings where he's a dragon dragoon a doofy boss battle in Super Mario RPG his oddly talk a different dition in world of Final Fantasy or his own game Bahamut lagoon but you never heard of that one as his entry in Dissidia states with so many incarnations through the years calling Bahamut as just a dragon can't fully describe him he's a symbol he's passed on to the legends of these games the same way dragons pass into our real world mythology formless and boundless with only some shared ideas to connect them into a standard definition but maybe that's cheating maybe that's not dragon enough for this list or maybe you prefer to think of all these as different beasts of the same name that shouldn't share the top spot all right I'll humor you one singular dragon at number one what's that in the sky the ball of impending doom is it a Majora's Mask ripoff no it's primal Bahamut bursting out of his four thousand-year prison and mad as hell Alduin allegedly destroyed the world once Deathwing nearly destroyed the world but primal Bahamut he did it he destroyed the world in fact he destroyed an entire reality and it's canon and it's beautiful if I had to this alone would secure him in the top five but that's not even the end when their last hope for defense fails when all of the MacGuffins are shattered one brave wizard rallies the last of his strength and sacrifices himself to take Bahamut down with him protecting a few heroes and using the Phoenix primal to allow the realm to be reborn and the MMO to have a second chance at greatness it's the ultimate reboot so that kills primal Bahamut right not for long in Heaven's Ward you can head to the colas of Bahamut a dungeon comprised of the remains of the dragon and his prison Ragnarok and amongst the many defenses are a restored wizard and Phoenix which Bahamut has now corrupted and used to make itself stronger Mohammed died and used its debt to come back stronger like freakin doomsday if it needed to be primal Bahamut from final fantasy xiv couldn't more than fill the top spot but i say it shouldn't have to the legacy of this character is as grand and omnipresent as the franchise itself he's filled just about every role he can sage monster protector destroyer mount pet boss weapon force of nature and apocalypse and I can't think of a better way to exemplify the legend that is Dragon I'm the green scorpion thank you and good night [Music] everyone the green scorpion here thank you so much for watching this very very long video and if you did go ahead and like and subscribe if you want to I'm not gonna go through that whole should be honest I don't like doing that but this is coming out on Thanksgiving which I did not plan but then again I also didn't plan for my laptop to die I've been working on this since before that but either way I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'm gonna be going through a few changes making a few transitions still getting used to the new system from here on out hopefully establishing a schedule a little bit better than I have been but in the meantime I hope you guys continue to enjoy the green scorpion and I hope to see you guys here in the next video peace out take care
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 153,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Green Scorpion, greenscorpion64, Top Ten, Video Game, Dragons, gameplay, commentary, review, playthrough, countdown, fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons, mythology
Id: n8PAgYt9eSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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