- You better get this.
You better get this! - I'm serious!
- (laughs) - I want it on the record:
I've taken multiple film classes, and apparently,
I got too high of a grade. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) We've done
Family Guy references. We've done Rick and Morty references.
Now, Guess That Reference is back with a fan requested Simpsons episode.
- Ohh. - Oh, no.
- I've seen every episode of the first 14 seasons
and then never a second past it. - I love the Simpsons,
but it's been a while since I've watched it.
- Growing up, I wasn't really allowed to watch The Simpsons. (chuckles)
It was a little too inappropriate. - It plays a huge role in pop culture.
- Every day, it's like, "The Simpsons predicted this."
And it's like... - Right.
- ...some Simpsons thing. And I'm like, "Yeah,
well, they have a thousand episodes, so..."
- It was bound to happen. - (FBE) So, here's the rules,
we're gonna be showing you a series of clips from Simpsons
that contain a reference to a movie. Once the clip is over,
you will write your answers on your boards. Then we'll show you
a clip from the film it's referencing, and you'll be able to see if you
got it right for a point. - Okay.
- Gotcha. That makes it hard, because there's so many
seasons of The Simpsons. - Seems really fun.
- Yeah, now she's into it. - Now I'm like,
this is really, really fun. - She's like, "I can win." - (FBE) Here's your first
Simpsons clip. - (gasps)
- (criminal) As soon as Ed gets here... - (laughs)
- (criminal) As soon as Ed gets here, the party will begin.
- Ooh! (doorbell buzzes) - (chuckles)
- (criminal) There he is now. - Wait!
- (criminal) Who are you? - (Kirk) Can my son
use your bathroom? - (Milhouse) You gotta say yes! - (criminal) Okay, but be quick.
It's in back. - Do you have any clue?
- I kinda have a guess. - (groans)
- I have no idea. - I think I have a clue.
- I have it. - I know zero aspect of that.
I've seen the episode of The Simpsons. That's a different game, though.
- I might be wrong. It's just the ball gag
is kind of a thing. - (FBE) Let's check out
the movie clip it's from before we reveal our board. - No!
- Do you know what this is? - I already-- I don't think so,
but I think I already know that I got it wrong.
- Wait. Is it right? - I don't think I know
what this is. - I've never-- oh, wait!
This is Bruce Willis and... dang! - I was right.
I was right. - No. (laughs)
Nothing. - (FBE) Three, two, one.
Show me your boards. - (Shant chuckles)
- (FBE) Okay. - Yeah.
- (FBE) We've got one of the Saw movies
and 48 Hours. (buzzer)
- (both chuckle) (buzzer)
- Yeah, I don't know. I just thought--
I don't know. Hannibal Lecter. Why not?
- Wrong. - (giggling)
- I knew it wasn't Pulp Fiction, but I--
- (FBE) Guess what? It's Pulp Fiction.
- No way! - I said Pulp Fiction.
- Oh, I said The Simpsons Movie. - Oh, wow. (chuckles)
- (FBE) Well, Chelsea... is correct. - YES! Yes! Yes!
- Ah, crap! I haven't seen Pulp Fiction
in years. (ding)
- (both laugh) - I'm pretty sure I'm gonna
get schooled, so I'm just ready to take a fat-ass L right now. - (FBE) Here's our next. - (Homer) Thanks for coming
to visit me, Moe. - (Moe) I brought you
a little present. - (Homer) No! No!
- Nooo. - (Homer) Beer bring pain!
- (Barney) I can't stand to see him like this!
Ah! - (sighs) I feel like
I should know this. - (Homer) Gah! - That's not descriptive enough.
You know how many [bleep] movies people get smothered?
- This is stupid, and it's not even the right
answer, but... - Same! Now we're on the same page. - I feel like I should know this.
(laughs) - (FBE) All right. You wanna
see the movie it's from? - Yes!
- Sure. - (Bromden) You're coming with me.
- Okay, so my guess is wrong. - (both laugh) - Wait, is that... Jack Nicholson?
- That's Jack Nicholson. - (Bromden whispers) Let's go. - Oh, shoot.
- (gasps) Did I get it right? - Did you?!
- No. I don't know. - I definitely don't know
what that movie is. - Do you know this movie?
- No. - Dang. Well, we totally
screwed this one up. - I want it on the record:
I've taken multiple film classes, and apparently,
I got too high of a grade. - Oh!
- (chuckles) - The Shining. Oh, okay!
- I put the Shining. - Well, at least you got
the same actor. - Yeah! See, and that's why
I got excited. - I don't want to.
It's embarrassing. - Mine isn't wrong, technically.
(buzzer) - (laughs)
- (Alberto chuckles) - (FBE) Green Mile.
(buzzer) - Dang!
- Top Gun. - (laughs)
Million Dollar Baby. - (laughs)
It's pretty much the same thing. - Can I get an--
can I give a new guess? 'Cause I feel like I do know
what it is. - (FBE) You can.
It won't count. - Yeah. Is it
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? (ding)
DAMMIT! It was Jack Nicholson.
- What the [bleep]? - I was like...
- What movie is that? This is definitely
killing me right now. (laughs) - (FBE) Here is the next. ♪ (terrifying string music) ♪
- (Homer gasps) - Oh. That's easy.
- (Homer screams) - (Homer screams)
- The song! - (chuckles) Paint.
- (gasps) Tell me you got this one. - Okay.
- Wow. That was really good directing on the Simpsons' part.
- That's cute. - You better get this.
You better get this! I'm serious!
- (FBE) You have an answer? Are you just gonna
write The Simpsons again? - No. I won't Simpsons this time.
- (laughs) - (FBE) So, are you guys
ready to see the clip? - Oh, yeah.
- Yeah. To see the clip? Hell yeah. - (woman screams)
- Yes. This is so iconic,
the noise and everything. - Yeah, the iconic shower scene.
You know, that's actually chocolate syrup that they used. - I know that's a classic clip.
No question. - So dramatic. - Have you seen this movie?
- Yes! - This is the only thing
that I know about this movie is this scene with the knife.
- Oh my gosh! You've never seen it?! - This movie probably left people
in the theater so shook. - (FBE) Let's reveal our answers
in three, two, one. (ding) - God dang it!
She got it! - (both) Psycho.
(ding) - Good job!
- Oh, I got it right! Oh, hell yeah! Hell yeah!
Hell yeah! (ding) - How did you spell it?
- (FBE) It took you three tries. - (laughs)
- I'm feeling pretty confident about myself.
- (FBE) Okay. - You said say anything
but The Simpsons. So, you know, (clicks tongue)
you kind of asked for it. - These are hard. I wanna--
- Yeah. I think I'll get lucky with one more, but I don't know
if I'll get the next two correctly. - (FBE) Here's our next. ♪ (dramatic music) ♪
- Ah, this music already. - Dream sequence? - (Lisa screams)
- Oh! I know. - Ah, come on!
- Dammit! I don't know what movie
this is from. This is a famous scene.
- What is this movie called? I know this is bad. Hold on.
Do you know this? - No, I don't think so. No.
- Oh, okay! - I'm going to guess
the only horse movie I know. - (FBE) Okay, here's the movie. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ - Yay! I got it right
if I didn't screw up the title. - Hmm. (chuckles)
- Doesn't show much of the movie. - That doesn't look
like chocolate syrup. - So nasty.
The head looks so real, too. - Oh my-- it's a whole-ass head!
What the [bleep]!? (laughs) - (both laugh)
- (FBE) You guys both went the horse direction.
- (both laugh) (ding)
- (chuckles) - I love your guess! Oh my god!
- That's just supposed to describe how I felt.
- Sad face again?! - I know!
- Wow. - [Bleep]. My boyfriend's
gonna kill me. He loves that movie. - Okay.
- (FBE) It is The Godfather. - Yeah. Okay. - (both) The Godfather.
- Ayy. - (FBE) So, for this last reference,
we're gonna let you wager however many points you have.
If you get it right, you get that many points
added to your score. But if you get it wrong,
you will get that many points deducted from your score. - Oh my god. Okay.
- Okay. - (FBE) Okay, perfect.
- Okay. - I'm wagering one.
- I'm wagering five. Nope, it's a two.
- I'm gonna do one. That way, if I lose, we tie.
And then no one loses. - Love that! Thank you!
I'ma do one. - So, it's kinda--
at this point, it's like double or nothing.
- I mean, I only have one. - Yeah.
- So... - So, either get it
and you tie, or you lose. - Yeah.
- (FBE) Okay. - 'Cause I'm so adventurous.
- I'm not adventurous. We're doing zero.
- (FBE) Here we go. - Ahhh! - (Homer) You're here to see me, right?
- Ah, crap. - (Marge) Of course!
- (crowd claps) - Oh, shoot.
I don't know this. - All right. I'm glad I wagered one. - Yeah, this isn't
my category of films. - (coworker) Ay,
what'll I tell the boss? - (Homer) Tell him I'm going
to the backseat of my car with the woman I love,
and I won't be back for 10 minutes! - (laughs)
- (chuckles) Whoa. - I know exactly what this scene is.
I've never thought of what it's referencing, though. ♪ (triumphant rock music) ♪ - Did you guess right?
- (Lynette) Way to go, Paula! Way to go! (claps)
- (laughs) - I don't even know
the actors in it, which is weird. - Yeah, I have no idea.
I've never seen this in my life. - Oh, is that Richard Gere?
Still don't know this movie. Know who he is.
- (chuckles) - I don't recognize
any of those faces. (buzzer)
- What is Moving On? - I don't know.
- Who was in that movie? - It just kind of seemed
like he was moving on. (chuckles) - (FBE) The Notebook
and The Sailor. - (both laugh)
- Is this even a real movie?! - Footloose.
- Isn't that a dance movie? - Yeah, but I don't know.
I mean, it's better than a sad face, I guess. - So, we're both winners.
- Yay. - Don't wanna disappoint you, boss.
(chuckles) I said, "Beats me."
- I just put "Grease" for the heck of it.
- Now, it's like I was never even on the board, huh?
- I literally said Armageddon. I don't know.
- Vietnam. - (both laughs)
- It works. - Today, it makes a sentence. - (FBE) This was Officer
and a Gentleman. - Ohhh. Never would've guessed that.
- Never even heard of it. - We're sorry we did so poorly.
We will-- - Hey, don't apologize for me.
- (both laugh) - It was really, really fun.
I love this. It'd be a really good party game, too. - Not a good
confidence builder, though. - Thanks for watching
Guess That Reference - on the React Channel.
- Subscribe! - New shows every day.
Not as many as The Simpsons, though. - Bye!
- Bye, guys. - Hey, guys! Sabrina here,
React Channel producer. Don't have a cow, man!
shopfbe.com for all the street merch that you need from FBE.
See ya there. Bye, guys!
That is just sad.... although I didn't know the last one.