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- Dude, I love a good Shrek-off, this is fun. - I know! (laughs) - (girl) We can fly! - (both) Oh! - You should just have my buzzer. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) Tommy, how do you feel about Shrek? - It's love, it's life. - (laughs) Oh my God! I just got that reference. Took me back to middle school days right there. - Wow! - (FBE) So as I'm sure you know, there are dozens, if not hundreds of pop culture references in the Shrek franchise. - Right. - (FBE) Today, we'll be showing you clips from Shrek films and challenging you to guess which other movies or shows these clips are referencing. - Oh, okay. That's fun. - I feel like it's been years since I've actually seen the Shrek movies. So, hopefully movie knowledge helps me out a little bit. - (FBE) So, I'll show you a clip from a Shrek film. Whoever hits the button first will have three seconds to tell me what movie it's representing. If you don't answer within three seconds, your opponent will have the chance to steal. If you guess correctly, you get a point. If you guess incorrectly, you cannot guess again. - Okay. - Alright. This is gonna be tough. (laughs) - I know, God, I'm nervous now, 'cause I don't think I'm gonna know any of them. - (FBE) Alright guys, you ready to get into some Shrek clips? - (both) Let's do it! - Oh jinx! - (FBE) Here is your first clip. ♪ (tense music) ♪ - Oh, wait! Okay, I know what this is referencing but I don't know what it's called. (bell rings) - (FBE) Alright Jonathan, you got it first. - That was you, that was you. - Oh great. Now I'm torn between two. I think it's Charlie's Angels. - (FBE) Incorrect! - I knew it wasn't! - Is it Kill Bill? - (FBE) It is not! - No? ♪ (tense music) ♪ (bell rings) - Oh yeah, already done. - Is it Kill Bill? - (FBE) It is not Kill Bill, no! (Ary gasps) Kristine do you want to steal? - Uh, the Matrix? - (FBE) That is correct! - Yay! - Ah! (bell rings) - (FBE) Tom? - The Matrix? - (FBE) That is correct! - Woo! - Oh shoot. (bell rings) - (FBE) Yeah? - Matrix? (laughs) - (FBE) That's correct! - Oh, really? - (FBE) Here is the clip this was actually referencing. - It has to be the Matrix. - Oh, it's the Matrix, okay. - Oh my goodness. - Oh, it's so cool! - It really is. - (FBE) Alright, so here we go. - ♪ Sunlight shimmering love ♪ - This is a reference? (bell rings) - (FBE) Jonathan. - Lord of the Rings? - (FBE) That's correct! - Yay, that was a guess! - That's correct? I thought that was way too... - In the pocket. - Alright now I'm disappointed. - ♪ Sunlight shimmering love ♪ (bell rings) - Lord of the Rings? - (FBE) That's correct! - Woo! - I hesitated! I hesitated! - Was it Lord of the Rings? - (FBE) That's correct! - Yay! (bell rings) - (FBE) Yeah. - Lord of the Rings? - (FBE) That's correct! - Hey! - (FBE) Here's the clips that those were referencing. - My precious, yep. - You're so right. I gotta step this up, man. - Dude, I love a good Shrek-off. This is fun. - I know! (laughs) - What? (man yells) - Oh my God, what movie is this? (bell rings) - Dragon Tales! (buzzer rings) - (laughs) It's definitely not Dragon Tales. (bell rings) - Is it Jurassic Park? - (FBE) That's correct! - Oh! - Oh, that is so good. He does toss him in his mouth right? (bell rings) - I'm just guessing, Jurassic Park? - (FBE) That's correct! - Really? - Yes! (bell rings) - Just a guess, Jurassic Park? - (FBE) That's correct! - What!? - 'Cause I was like what other movie would someone just be like eating like that, I was like Jurassic Park! - Okay, that makes sense. (thunder crackles) - Oh Jurassic Park! - What the, what? - Yeah, throws it, eats him again. - Nope, I wouldn't have known it. - I wouldn't get that too. - Yep. - I never thought of that. - Yep. - Ugh. - Yep. So Shrek is just artistic, and we don't even know. They're paying homage to films. Shrek is deeper, it has layers. (laughs) (bell rings) - (FBE) Yeah? - Spider-Man. - (FBE) That's correct! - I got one. - Yes! - Ope. - Oh! Spider-Man! - (FBE) That's correct! - Yeah. (laughs) (bell rings) - Spider-Man! - Damn you Tom! - Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man. (bell rings) - This is Spider-Man. Easy, right? (laughs) - (FBE) Yeah, here is the clip it's referencing. ♪ (triumphant music) ♪ - And you can't, they're drooling a lot, but you can't tell because it's raining, which is really cool. - It's a really weird way to kiss. - Have you ever done an upside down kiss? It feels very awkward. It doesn't feel right. - I'm not gonna answer that. (laughs) - (FBE) Here is your fifth clip. - (Shrek) That'll do Donkey, that'll do. - Oh, I think I know what this is, but what's the title? No, I don't got it, I don't got it. - (Shrek) That'll do Donkey, that'll do. - It's, that line, give me a second, I gotta go through my film knowledge first. - (yodels) Speaking of yodeling. - (Shrek) That'll do Donkey, that'll do. - That's it? - That's just like saying "the", and then you're referencing some movie What, that's not... - Is it like Monty Python? (buzzer rings) No? - (Shrek) That'll do Donkey, that'll do. - (FBE) Kristine. - Babe! - (FBE) That is correct! - Babe, oh yeah! - That'll do, pig. - (FBE) Alright guys, I'm gonna show you the clip. - (man) That'll do pig. - Oh, Babe. - From Babe? - (man) That'll do pig. - Oh! - Charlotte's Web? - Yeah, it's Babe. - (man) That'll do. - Is it Charlotte's Web? - Was that Babe? - Babe, oh okay. (both laugh) I still didn't get it! - That's a weird reference to make in a Shrek movie. - You have to be like a hardcore Babe fan to catch that. - Are there hardcore Babe fans out there? - I don't know. - (FBE) Here's your sixth clip. (Shrek grunts) (bell rings) - (FBE) Kristine? - Alien! - (FBE) That's correct! - Oh my God! You should just have my buzzer. (bell rings) - Alien! - (FBE) That's correct. - That was so, like I didn't even, I knew the scene, but I could not think of the title that quick. (bell rings) - Damn it. - This is from Alien. - (FBE) That's correct! - There we go. - Oh crap! (bell rings) - Alien. - (FBE) That's correct. - Woo! It was Alien or Predator, and I didn't know which one. - Damn it. - (FBE) So yes, it is from Alien. I'm gonna show you guys the clip. - Here it comes. (alien screeches) - That's such a cool scene. - Is this how babies are born? (laughs) - (woman) Oh God! - This scared the crap out of me the first time I watched it. - Oh it's so cute. (cries) (Jair laughs) Like the thing that always confused me is that that thing looks like a baby Predator, and it's an alien. - (FBE) Alright, ready for your seventh clip? ♪ And go dancing in the rain ♪ (bell rings) - I'll take a shot in the dark, Dirty Dancing? (buzzer rings) I feel like I'm on the right path, but like, it's in my subconscious. ♪ And go dancing in the rain ♪ - [bleep] - (laughs) I got it! - I know, it's Dirty Dancing. (buzzer rings) [bleep] It's a dancing movie. (bell rings) - Oh my God. (bell rings) - Oh, he already did it. - Is it Million Dollar Baby? (buzzer rings) - I know what it is! Flashdance! - (FBE) That's correct! - That's it, that's it. (bell rings) - (FBE) Kristine? - (laughs) Flashdance. - (FBE) Okay, let's go to the clip. - Yes! - What is this? - (FBE) This is from the movie Flashdance. - Flashdance! - What the freak? - Yeah. - I've never even seen that movie! - Really? - That movie's super old, like I wasn't even allowed to watch it when it came out, but I still did. - Why, that was too sexy to watch? - Well, she's a stripper. - Oh. - Yeah. - (FBE) For the very last round, we're going to show you a super cut of Disney references from the Shrek movies. You'll get a point for each correct reference you list. However if you list any reference that is incorrect, you won't get any points for this round. Some things are referenced more than once, and some quips are from multiple things. Plus, not every reference is to a movie. So think about Disney parks, shorts and shows as well. - What the... - What the hell? - Come on! - I already failed. - (puppet) I'm a real boy! - (laughs) We got the same one. - (Donkey) Hey, I can fly! - (villagers) He can fly! - (Donkey) You might have seen a house fly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly! (laughs) - (Shrek) Go! - (laughs) I love this. This is gonna sound funny. - What the freak? ♪ (triumphant music) ♪ - Oh my gosh. - (lord) Mirror mirror on the wall. - Oh! - (lord) Is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all? - (mirror) Well, technically you're not a king. - Oh, I didn't even see that one! - I'm unsure about one. I can't even copy, your handwriting is like so... - Awful, like look at that! - I looked and I was like, "I don't even know what he's saying." - (FBE) So Mikaela, how many did you guess? - Five. - (FBE) And what were your references that you guessed? - Okay, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Small World, Snow White, and the Little Mermaid. - (FBE) Those are all correct! - Yes! - (FBE) Congratulations Mikaela, you get five points! - Heck yeah. - Pinocchio, Dumbo, Cinderella, It's a Small World, Snow White, Little Mermaid. - (FBE) Those are all correct too! - Dumbo, that's good! - I got two. - (FBE) And one of them was Peter Pan, and the other was Little Mermaid. - (FBE) Those are both correct. - Alright, I wrote down four at the end. So I got Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, of course, Pinocchio, and Sleeping Beauty. - (FBE) Those are all four correct! - Those are all correct, sweet. - Pinocchio, Cinderella, Maleficent, Little Mermaid. - (FBE) Unfortunately, Maleficent is incorrect. - [bleep] - I wrote Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Ariel/My Little Mermaid, I wrote Cinderella, but 'cause there's the three fairy godmothers, but I crossed it out. - (FBE) I'm sorry, did you say "My Little Mermaid?" - (slowed down) Ariel/My Little Mermaid. - (FBE) The other three of those are correct, so you get three points. - Yay, let's go, I played it safe on that one. - Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and It's A Small World, the ride? - (FBE) Those are all correct! - Okay. - Sleeping Beauty, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Small World, Beauty and the Beast, like when Beast turns into a man. Snow White, Little Mermaid, and the Three Little Pigs? (bell rings) - Oh, good job! - That's 'cause my Disney knowledge. - When is the Little Mermaid. - When, the last one that you missed. - Oh! - She came out of the ocean. - Fail. - What is that even from? - Sleeping Beauty. Yeah, that's, I couldn't... - I'm annoyed. - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. So it's just anything with a book!? - (Pinocchio) I'm a real boy! - (girl) We can fly! - (both) Oh! - I'm stupid! - (crow) Did you ever see an elephant fly? - (crow) Well I seen a horsefly. - Oh it's Dumbo. - I didn't know they were referencing that. - Me neither. - Oh, when he said, oh duh. - (announcer) Mistress Fauna, and Mistress Merriweather. - Okay, I got that one. - (Aurora) That we've met before. - Okay, a lot of these princesses are way too similar. - Yeah, they're all the same. - Gosh, I don't think I've seen a lot of the princess movies. - I couldn't remember that scene. I'm like oh my gosh, I know what it is. - Oh, what, I forgot we could do rides! Wow! - What ride is that? - That's It's A Small World, and that's what they're singing about Duloc or whatever it was. - Oh, I forgot about Beauty and the... Oh crap! - (both) Oh! - I was thinking Cinderella... - Yeah, that's what I was thinking. - the whole spinny thingy. - His feet always like stress me out, like they're just weird. - Yes. - (Maleficent) Magic mirror on the wall, who is the... - I knew it. - Mm-hmm. - ♪ Then he met me ♪ (both laugh) - (FBE) Kristine, you got 11 points! - Oh my God! - I mean, she doesn't, you can erase those points and give 'em to Kristine, 'cause she slaughtered me in this whole episode. - Good game, good game. - (laughs) The tennis clap. - I'll take it, nice job. - Yeah. - I'm waiting, I'm still waiting. - Oh, oh! - The first time I watched it as a kid, you won't get any of it. But especially as you get older, you see all these references, and a lot of like adult references too - Yes! - It just makes the movie so much better. - It does! - Thanks for watching Guess That Shrek Reference on the REACT channel. - If you're ogre-excited about this episode, hit that like button. - Alright, bye guys! Subscribe! In the mornin' I'm makin' waffles! - Hey guys, REACT producer Mary here, be sure to subscribe and hit that bell icon, so that you never miss an episode, and remember, we're in the comments for the first 30 minutes after every release! Thanks for watching, guys! Bye!
Channel: REACT
Views: 5,099,463
Rating: 4.9279866 out of 5
Keywords: GUESS THAT SHREK REFERENCE CHALLENGE, The Matrix, Jurassic Park, Spider-Man, Shrek References, guess that, staff react, fbe staff, react, reaction, fbe, employees, coworkers, co-workers, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, People Vs food, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, poker face, the 10s, gt1912
Id: 8A9lcT6ehpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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