The Death Merchant | Action, Thriller, Drama | Hollywood Action Movie Full Length English

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[Music] me's the wolf mommy dad throw me above okay go deep deeper come on dad ding the ball [Music] Jimmy Jasmine Lunch is ready I'm coming [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on it's all right honey oh forgive me seora I come to talk to you your husband we come to help you change your mind look I told you people a thousand times before a nut selling and that's [Music] final you give me no choice go Mommy Mommy you doing nobody was supposed to get hurt you kill those people shut up Kingo what you next go [Music] a today is your lucky day Gringo the Lord Jesus Christ please look down upon this Gathering and bless all who come here for this is a gathering of pain a family past friends mourning a tragic situation Lord Jesus please help surviving child [Music] [Music] all right get get get I'm going to get out go got got oh he a oh w R let out can you tell me how this could be allowed to happen Okay boys I'm in a position to offer a general amnesty boys give me Panella don't just stand there kill the bastard [Music] [Music] a any sign of Panella that's a negative minute [ __ ] [Music] I [Music] got a a [Music] [Music] [Music] get that son of a [ __ ] [Music] the cop's dead Rand somebody's going to have to take the blame this isn't [ __ ] batai you should have cleared it with wash Sam Bennett calm down damn it Sam I'm about to lower the boom on Panella and Randall here decides to play Superman all that time and planning down the crapper planning policemen are being shredded Sam I had to do what had to be done your men got killed cuz they couldn't obey orders my men got killed because you put them In Harm's Way and ordered them not to shoot is that so that's right and I suppose it's also my fault that the evidence we needed to finally indict Panella went up in smoke that's right what the hell were you doing there anyway Randle excuse me you had no business being there this is the city of Portland where the police Department remember agent Bennett will you kindly wait for me in my office I lock a word alone with Captain wasar and Sergeant Randall then you and I get the bottom of this thing fine we'll do it your way pemro but I'm telling you now I'm not letting go of this until this Reckless hot head has been adequately censured and he will be I assure you hang on Chief let's hear Jim's side of the story what's the point different day same old [ __ ] I should come down on him the first time when his hot dog Antics got Gardener plugged instead I'll listen to you and cut him slack now I got to be the one walk in the commissioner's office with egg all over my face Bennett is Dea Chief I don't want to hear it Sergeant you're off active duty panning a full review and psychological evaluation psychological evaluation come on there's nothing wrong with Me Sam says you on this hot time we found out for sure don't you think would you ask Dr Weathers to come in here please yes sir right away sir hello Captain detective doctor well if you're ready detective I suggest that we get right to it get right to what the preliminary interview uh doctor I'm going to have to ask for a rain check if you'll excuse me I've got work to do you go through that door Randall and you're done your reinstatements contingent upon your full Corporation with Dr Weathers here throughout the evaluation process is that clear yes sir good well doctor he's all yours it'll take about an hour detective shall we listen Miss well there's nothing personal but I really don't feel like wasting my time on this and I'm sure you feel the same way it's Dr weather's detective and you know what I don't have time for your [ __ ] so if you're not willing to make the effort then you do me a favor and you let me know right now well you heard PM broke I really don't have a choice do I uhhuh you want to keep your job then I suggest we get started doctor I'm not doing police work so if you don't mind I'd like to get cleaned up before we do this if that's all right that's fine I'll be in here hey everything okay fine I'm at Rudy's [Music] [Music] how you doing Rudy hi what's up for next time [ __ ] clouds are headed your way I think I need a big one Rudy yeah it's the thought to count hey Rudy you think I'm nuts you're a cop remember oh my God [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ah Dr Weathers how was your session with Sergeant ranold I think it went about as well as can be expected good chief pbrook why hasn't uh detective Randall already undergone a psychological evaluation well ask Captain wasper really oh excuse me uh you have a good day you here you too chief [Music] detective what happened to you this afternoon surprised I haven't heard from Benbrook yet I'm willing to give you a little latitude detective but I do have my limits so why are you here oh come on Doc you must understand that a psych evaluation isn't exactly you know good for my career now hypothetically if I did have a screw loose would you be able to help me tighten it up and keep my bch hypothetically yeah I think [Music] so interesting [Music] pictures my one passion as of late uh besides work that is no I really like them thank you that's flattering could I use your phone yeah yeah sure Sam yeah it's Jim what's up no [ __ ] all right look I'll get Gordon and run right over come on Sam he's my snitch all right all right I'll um I'll meet you there in 10 minutes by I got to go uh let's at least resched the preliminary interview I really got to go look I'll give you a call tomorrow and we'll set something up okay fair enough okay fair enough [Music] look I know he's your contact but if he's got things solid on penel I've got to take it to Bennett yep how did your meeting with Doc weathers go they went fine soon good Jimmy you know I've always kept my nose out of your business yeah and that's a side of you I always appreciated Sam look what happened to your family it was terrible I mean it was unfair as hell but wait wait a minute what are you getting at you can't go on like you are it's eating you up Jim I hear you yeah but are you really listening Sam I'm listening okay e you sound like my wife so where do you meet this guy he's usually hiding in some dark corner like a little rat there there he is hey scumbag holy [ __ ] Bennett's not the only one I pissed off 1 2 Go a no another way out okay ready yeah holy [ __ ] this is one big trap Jim come on reload Sam come on up the stairs okay now what ladder [ __ ] it's all right the scratch come on come on up the [Music] [Music] ladder s here we [Music] go holy [ __ ] it's the only way down oh same work hang on all right you're all right take it easy sh Jim Jim I got to talk to you before it's too late what are you saying too late for you're going to be fine Sam okay just take it easy your parents I was there I Sam you're Delirious don't try to talk okay just take it easy I'm telling you I was I was there I didn't know they were going to do it I I tried to stop them you know me Jim I mean I tried you got to forgive me Jimmy you got to believe what you what are you saying Sam who who Sam I didn't get any names or reasons I I've been trying to find out you know get some justice so maybe you you could let go of the anger what did you find out Sam H perion exports and toy Anon who hello detective Randle you know what disappoints me that I can only kill you once [Music] [Music] see they're over here is he all right what about you [Music] [Music] [Music] Jim [Music] Emma I don't know what to say to [Music] you are you okay Jim you look like you got a lot on your mind I don't know how this is going to sound Emma but I was there when you know at the end and he was he he told you didn't he oh J how long have you known well he never told me but the night of the mergers he was a mess [Music] a few months later he said he'd been mixed up in something terrible but didn't elaborate I was scared I'm afraid to know anymore so I didn't push him um then when he took you win his [Music] wing but to this day I refused to believe he actually Emma he told me he didn't know what they were going to do that he actually tried to stop them I believed [Music] him he was a good man Jim he was about to tell me who else was involved we couldn't finish Emma if there's anything anything at all that you can tell me [Music] please just that Samy had no idea that I knew [Music] [Music] [Music] real nice Sam but it wasn't much [Music] help detective Randall I am so sorry about Captain wasburn it must be very difficult for you yeah [Music] what's this officially your case is closed but if you would like to talk please feel free to call anytime for know yeah I suppose uh I mean I teach a class at one but uh I'd like to show you something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is what I wanted to show [Music] you that's where they landed [Music] [Music] I read about the killings in your file it's tragic the senselessness of it all yeah that's what I [Music] thought the last what is this let read it [Music] I don't know this is uh indescribable [Music] now I know why he was against a psych [Music] evaluation you have any experience with hypnosis yeah some why I don't know just curious come on let getting late we better get out of here [Music] Rudy how you doing a b s hand it in my shield today you k no give me that try shot [Music] glasses how you doing buddy I've been better yeah Sam gone hook would have got you sooner or later yeah I suppose what you going to do now I don't know got a li well you need anything you know where to find me you ever hear of Hyperion exports Hyperion Hyperion yeah sounds familiar listen Billy I want you to go back to the police station get on the computer find out all you can on Hyperion exports for me okay now is a good time fine hey that ain't a good idea buddy shut [Music] up okay boys drink up [Music] I buried an old and dear friend [Music] today more ways than [Music] [Music] one you're late oh love what you've done to the place real homie is that it hyperian file legit businesses paper goods but unless their sideline is luxury car stories they're either running a chop shop or a sweet little fence what the hell's this about anyway something to do with the uh yeah yeah something like that fine don't tell me hey you got a beer RIS could be better hey aren't you on a job don't you have any work to do it's my afternoon off Billy I got a lot of work here come on very nice very nice put my ass on the line for you you can't even offer me a lousy drink there what the hell is this that is beer whiskey whatever you want Billy you're welcome Randall get a drink yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] this is private property yes sure my mistake hey I thought you were going to call I was busy so what do you got you mind telling me why you're taking pictures of a major underworld kingpen I'd rather not say Billy okay you think Birch is one of the killers I don't know Christ man that was 25 years ago ch's going to be ice cold yeah okay I'm going to go hey Billy do me a favor keep this under your hat okay sure no problem thanks [Music] [Music] Mr kenning Mr fitzu Mr fitzu pleasure Mr Mayor oh no no no that's Bob nowadays take a seat can I offer you anything uh coffee water I'm F I'm fine thanks ah what exactly is it you're writing about I hope you don't mind no no of course not go ahead Sam Washburn wasburn wasn't there something in the news just last week about a Washburn yeah Sam Washburn was Captain of drugs and vice for the Portland PD and he died in the line of duty last week oh right no terrible terrible tragedy other than that you didn't know him no no uh not that I recall no what's this actually all about well I've been working on the story about you know those crazy people make false accusations about big corporations or powerful individuals like yourself well a friend of mine at The Oregonian forwarded a letter to me that was sent to him by Sam wasburn now why this is interesting to me is Sam wasburn captain of the Portland PD doesn't exactly fit the file that the rest of these crazy people tend share m i see do you remember the Randall family murders in 1974 you were an office then weren't you oh yes of course I remember H terrible thing terrible tragedy terrible terrible well you see Bob in this letter that Sam wasburn sent he claims that the partnership you formed with Hyperion and elor well he claims that you guys conspire to murder the Randall family cuz you wanted to drill oil on their farmland and of course they wouldn't sell the farm oh Preposterous of course look I can dig out the title de for you it'll take a little while not necessary got a copy right here and the paperwork indicates that the farm was sold 3 weeks before the murders happened you see hey take it easy don't get me wrong I I never believe any of this crazy talk you see I'm looking for the thing that links all these crazy people together that fits them into this little profile of mine now I understand you didn't know him yourself but maybe somebody at anchor holing did know Sam Washburn Mr fzu I am anchor holding I've made every decision here from day one well then I guess his problem is with one of the other guys from the other two companies you know Bob you could save me an awful lot of work if you could hook me up with connections over at Hyperion and El Condor here this is what I'll do uh Evelyn will you jot down some information for Mr Fitz Hue on Anthony bir of Hyperion and hervey vasus of El Condor he'll pick it up in the way out thank you that's terrific my pleasure I'll tell you what I'll contact him for you hervey bascus and Anthony Burch and tell them you'll call them and here's my card give me a call you want anything else thanks a lot Bob really appreciate it thanks for your time my pleasure hey don't forget send me that article when it's finished okay we'll do good here you go Mr fum thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] Jim hi can I come in yeah of course still I take advantage of that offer for a little talk so what did you want to talk about remember the other day I asked you about hypnosis yeah you see this guy this is Anthony bur he's kind of a famous criminal in this town I have reason to believe he was involved in murdering my family for one of the reasons is that it's eye patch you know I I kind of had nightmares about that I once read that you could hypnotize a person and they'd be able to remember things they never remembered before sometimes that is possible yes I want you to hypnotize me it can be extremely traumatic I understand I willing to go for it if you could help me remember some details from that afternoon it would make a big difference Maggie are you sure you want to do this yes okay let's give it a shot I'm going to go very slowly Jim I want you to go back to that day 25 years ago when you lost your family can you describe to me where you were on that day we're on the mountain mhm we're having a picnic his [Music] mom and daddy uh and Yas and me it's a beautiful day Dad and I are playing catch with the football dad can throw the ball so high he throws a bomb but it goes over my head so I have to find it Well I'm looking for the ball I hear voices strangers when I come back with the ball there's three men they're fighting with dead can you hear what they're arguing about j a pirate is arguing with Dad the pirate why do you call him the pirate Jem he has a a patch on his right eye he wants dad to sell but Dad says no no everyone is getting very angry this Spanish man he gets very bad at he and he shoots as Spanish man hits mom and dad gets very angry just spish man knocks that down and throws him off them over over the clar and that is God and I'm hiding [Music] [Music] okay when I count to three and when I touch your face you wake up one 2 three the hell did you do do so got to go I think we got some good stuff I'm sorry I know it's not very professional yeah I know what you mean but you're were right this was a good idea because everything thing that I could think of to ask you you answered rewind to um 136 three men they're fighting with Dad can you hear what they're arguing about you you want dead to sell when I asked you if you had any idea what the man wanted your father to sell all you could think of was the farm well they were farmers you know they didn't have anything else really and I guess that uh we have to consider that a possible motive somebody wanted your father's farm and he refused to sell so well I suppose it's a place to start so now what I got a lot to think about thanks Maggie this is going to make a big difference you're [Music] welcome a little trouble with the first guy but that's right yeah you want to wait till tomor yeah just do what I told you okay yeah here's your teeth so so how are you progressing on your um dead end at the moment I'm sorry what is it nothing nothing I guess heart's a palm something right [Music] that what is it nothing I guess maybe a lack of sleep's catching up with me let's do something about that for [Music] [Music] yeah Billy Jim look I need a ride no I don't want to use my car just get over here okay great bye [Music] [ __ ] the [ __ ] is that Jesus don't these guys know we're [Applause] C hey these guys are serious can you lose them yep then do it [Music] where' you get your license drove a cabin New York [Music] that's a trade Billy Billy there's a train got it how' you do that oh you sure lost him Billy yeah I told you see check this out who the [ __ ] are these guys I don't know they're awfully interested in Maggie weathers and me hit on you that got to go for her give me yourself Bo hello yeah Maggie it's Jim listen to me now I got to talk to you and I can't talk on a phone we have to meet in a public place do you understand how about if we meet at the main lobby near the library at the University yeah the library will be great I'm on my way [Music] bye for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is there something I can help you gentlemen with no thanks I got an appointment with Dr weers and what time would that be right now finish up here back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up what's going [Applause] on IO Dr to wers would you come with me [Music] please the magazine in this gun holds 13 Rounds you do the math [Music] [Applause] inside Charis you okay what the hell happened here oh some Maniacs shot up with security desk Dr Maggie weathers where is she um they say she was taking away in a black limo where are we going they're taking Maggie they're using her his bait Dr Weathers who is this we'll meet soon enough my dear I thought I'd call personally to make sure you're comfortable what do you want with me you're silence Dr Weathers what are you talking about Mr Randle poses a serious threat to myself and my partners and by association so do you oh this is [ __ ] I'm not hungry suit yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get out get get out move it move it oh go [Music] can you tell me what the hell is going on there's a maniac blowing up the warehouse is that him [Music] a [Music] [ __ ] I think we better move somebody's going to pay for this [Music] I bet you met my family no harm 25 years [Music] ago where's Dr Weathers I don't know she's not here I just take orders okay [ __ ] you do some talking at the police station come on come on [Music] [ __ ] you have bir here hurry my friend it's Aro everything under control there yes where's the girl the girl why' you ask about her who is this who is on the phone here Mr vquez hi Bob cany at anchor holding gave me your number yes it is oh great then you know why I'm calling that would be great thank you very much sir it seems I'm finally going to succeed where Anthony failed baby to close the book When The randel Saga the idiot is on his way here hello Mac that's right listen I'm going to be in karacus tomorrow I want you to pick me up and give me a lift don't give me any crap you owe me big time if it wasn't for me you'd be in jail wearing a dress right now now listen I'm going to need Hardware know what I mean okay tomorrow [Music] bye hey when this is all over what do you say we get together for a beer you buy yeah sounds good to [Music] me see you later huh [Music] sleeping off a hangover in this heat must be tough ma welcome to Venezuela Randall you got the hardware in the back would you mind telling me where the hell we going your name hery vquez mean anything to you Vasquez some Scuttle but a few years back about the javiz being a cover for Coke trafficking but nothing was ever wait a minute you're not telling me that you're going to take out that take out take back you are not smoking that [ __ ] in my plane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] reception committee I hope you know what the heck you're doing Randall get your butt back here because I can't fly this thing at night I hope it doesn't take that long tisu close enough we are your Transport oh nice [Music] [Music] [Music] ah what the hell's going on here TOS the B yeah sure [Music] [Music] hey oh [Music] no [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] no what [Music] ah baby please be so kind and bring Mr rer to me [Music] a it's [Music] you it is you Shor Andel impressive entrance when I was a little boy Harvey I watched you kill my family Mr randelle what is it you really want pece of Mind you'll never get away with this Gringo shut up you drive [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] where are we going hope you don't mind flying [Music] [Music] coach the it was not my idea to kill your family Rand then who pull me up when I tell you I'm waiting hary [Music] who it was Canon he's always called the shots Bob Canon the Bob Canon it's true I'm telling you it was even his idea to get into cocaine why pull me up pull me up pull me up I tell you why we need a big money and fast we got it and more so much none of us could walk away from it gunning's connections Birch's muscle and my merchandise now pull me up a dirty little empire built on the bones of my family come on come on let's [Music] go come on we got a plane to catch come on let's go let's [Music] go yeah [Music] come on let's go go where is your passenger how do you know we had a little fallen out [Music] [Music] [Music] Dr Weathers we've never actually met but we have talked on the telephone yes we have talked and I still don't understand what you're saying no what I'm saying concerns your Mr Randall [Music] [Music] now normally I wouldn't be here for something like this but after all the trouble he's caused me I've learned one very invaluable lesson never leave to others what you can do yourself you scumbag Mr kenning sir best we get out of here before this whole place caves in on us Dr Weathers if you please [Music] [Music] oh get the documents out of the safe downstair meet me at the back w Kenny wellis told the truth didn't he you're expecting an apology Randall you can forget it so you murdered my family your father's stubborness gave me no choice there's nothing personal purely a business decision murder that's a business tactic right no I prefer to look at it as a a hostile takeover that's all no more jokes canning let her go well doctor looks like you're going to be sacrificed to Vengeance this isn't about revenge oh glad I hear it I got a deal for you you lower the Gun Doctor lives and I pay you handsomely for your silence no deal just let it go wow can't say I didn't try my dear so how we going to do this H I shoot the doctor first then you shoot me that it all right let it go give your beloved parents my regards look out you all right yeah get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] [Music] ah cheap amb bro here wait five you're all right yeah [Music] [Music] is it over Tim yeah it's over R what God's name's go going on here it's all over Chief over what's over what in the hell you talking about I'm talking about peace of mind Chief peace of mind you're going to have to be a little less abstract than that [Music] son what in the hell is just listen to it [Music] we'll talk about my badge in a couple days chief chief pen bro here control give me a couple of meat wagons and a whole line of body B what do you mean you don't got no funny [Music] man what do we do now let's go to my place there's something I've been wanting to do you going to take my picture yeah that too Billy Gordon Maggie this is my partner Billy man I hold quite a few drinks to what do you say we all go to Rudy's have a few cocktails okay Rudy it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. FanTube
Views: 1,063,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: action movie, action movie english, action movie hollywood, Action, Thriller, Drama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 51sec (5691 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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