Guardian Tactical OTF - Initial Impressions...

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what is happening guys edgy outdoors comin to you with a new knife review we have the Guardian tactical recon 0 of 3/5 I don't know if I'd really call this a full-blown knife review but I'm gonna give you some of my thoughts on this guy this out the front automatic knife from Guardian tactical we have this knife in here for the last week or week or so two weeks and we've been able to carry it a little bit and it's been kind of interesting to say the least is being really one of the few times I've carried and out the front auto so without any further ado let's just kind of look at some of the very interesting specs on this guy the overall knife length is seven point seven five inches we have a blade length of three point three seven five inches we have a width of 0.75 inches and a cutting edge of three point two five so it's legal in a lot of states from that perspective the handle is fairly slim it's one inch width for the handle width the blade steel is CPM 154 which is kind of a nice steel for sharpening staying sharp it's still a good steel that you know quite a few knife makers are still using and use quite a bit it's it's a pretty common steel so I like the CPM 154 I wouldn't say it's the highest end steel but it's certainly a good steel now some comparisons we have the micro tech Lu DT so there's very similar in size to that particular guy another auto not an out the front auto but another auto nonetheless we we also have let's look here at the PM 2 or the full-size grip that kind of give you a size comparison of the Guardian tactical the price on the Guardian tactical it really can vary you know but depending on the the one you get this has happens to be the OD green with a satin stone wash not satin but stone wash blade you know they have in this a drop-point they also have you know dagger styles they have full black blades etc most of them are somewhere in that 175 to a sorry 275 to 290 dollar knives so overall a pretty good value for that type of knife for an OT F knife now just to go through some of the features on this thing we have some ceramic ball bearings in here that are really if we look at one side you'll see there's a bit of a patent pending here more like this patent pending part of that patent pending stuff revolves around the OTF mechanism it is an extremely smooth and responsive mechanism for this type of OT if you compare this to a bench made for example there's no contest Microtech does an outstanding job on there OTF knives this is certainly competitive to some of the micro tech OTF knives that I've seen the what they've done here that's a little bit different over some of the micro Tech's and bench maids is if you see that little shiny part that's shining back in your eyes that is a steel plate and underneath the switch we'll call it a switch is a ceramic ball bearing that keeps it from ever grinding into like anodized which you'll get with some of the bench maids or micro Tech's where this down in here you'll start to see you know streaks in the anodization and you don't ever get that with the Guardian tactical I've also heard some interesting things about how the way the blade is supported when it's inside and when it you know as it's being extended out it's not being supported with steel on the blade so you don't get the streaks I haven't obviously used it enough to worry about the streaks on the side of it yet but I certainly don't see any here I had a Micra Tekken and a Benchmade OTF and you'd actually see streaks from where it was going in and out as steel was rubbing on steel so this knife is not brand new came out I don't know if it was 2018 or late 2017 I believe but it's really kind of an interesting and exciting knife and I'm excited to actually have this as something that I can do any DC on I love the stone wash blade in this particular case and the drop point I think both of which in my humble opinion are you know what you would you know kind of use more for an everyday carry they tend to hide scratches and marks a little bit better than the full black blade or even a full satin blade the the way that Guardian tactical really does theirs and the value they provide compared to a micro tech I think it's a higher value in the you know in this particular guy than it is in the micro tech for example or the benchmade I think you pay for a bench made name I'd really be interesting interested anybody please down below right in leave a message as to what you think the best OTF mechanism and who makes the best OTF I'd be interested to see we'll bring one in and we'll kind of compare them here in a month or two if when I get kind of a most requested OTF down below we'll spend the money and do it easy easy peasy so anyway some of the good things I like about this obviously the blade shape I think is great on this particular guy the fit and finish on this thing is really pretty nice when you go through and you see all the rounder rounded and chamfered edges there's no sharp spots anywhere not even in the groove here you know the switch has no sharp spots even the blade I mean the blade has one sharp spot and here not what I meant but like you know top of the blade you know none of this has a super sharp spot that would create a hot spot maybe here at the lanyard hole you've got some you know it would be the most but it's still even rounded if you look closely it's rounded at the hole where the pieces come together I mean you can't even feel it you run your finger over it you can't feel it maybe barely with your fingernail this has been in my pocket with keys and other knives and a leather wallet which wouldn't do anything but you know I'm not seeing any snail trails yet I'm not seeing any damage to this knife whatsoever so the I think the finish is really second to none or as good as anybody else out there again the grinds are super even on both sides you don't really get the smile on either side of this you have a nice sharpening toil so when this thing needs to get sharpened up which it came pretty sharp from the factory you know this definitely isn't gonna be an easy to sharpen knife and a knife it's easy to keep sharp has an A+ for fidget factor the action on this thing is remarkable the bend and then break mechanism it's not so stiff that you wear your thumb out or the Jinping's not so sharp that you wear your thumbprint out after playing with the Spyderco smock for a you know a week or so moving over to this the fidget factor went way up because I didn't get the smock thumb nor smock finger with this guy he can just keep going all day long making all kinds of noise to disturb your wife or kids while they're watching TV it's a beautiful thing so the ergonomics of this particular guy I would say there's not really a whole lot of ergonomics to it it's it's a bit like any of the OT FS you know you you certainly have jimping on the button that you can use when you know you're pushing I don't know if I pull and do it you know sudden you'd slip off but you know it's very smooth all the way around so you know from a hot spot there's none but from an overall fitting like a glove in your hand I would say the squareness is felt you feel that there's squareness but again no no hot spots nothing like that its overall comfortable in your hand I've only cut up some boxes with this guy so it hasn't I haven't really needed to bear down on it I don't know that an OTF knife is one that I would do excessive abuse with but you know certainly for my everyday carry needs it was more than sufficient and it was comfortable I didn't have like in hot spots or anything where my hand was hurting afterwards so those were kind of the good things about it again I love the blade I love the blade shape and the grind the handle and the fit and finish are great the really some of the only things that I don't love about this are really going to revolve around the clip I don't like it when they put printing on the clip in this case it says Guardian tactical and not that I think people are getting close enough to my pocket to see Guardian tactical on the pocket clip but I'd rather have it be a little less assuming than having tactical written on my my clip the other thing that kind of gets me and I don't it's not really based off of any legitimate fear but if you look in there you can see the tips it and super close like almost flush with the outside of the knife when I run my finger across the tip like this I feel that tip if I were to push hard I'm almost certain especially how sharp this thing is I'm almost certain that it would cut me not deep because I'm you know it's flush or a little bit below flush but still it's just it's like this nervous thing that I wouldn't want to you know rub my hand against it on accident you know when you're pushing on it or something like that and have it actually have it cut me so that's just one of my few dislikes about it and quite frankly there is not much to dislike about this knife I think you know being able to carry an OTF knife is is something that should be allowed everywhere I think the value of this knife at two hundred and seventy-five dollars and you know putting it up two against a 250 $300 benchmade or you know Microtech I think you know it it competes hands down and and some of their knives are way more expensive than this one and not nearly as well thought out I think in some cases so again comments down below on what you liked about the micro tech and the benchmade if you have a guardian tactical I'd love to hear what you have different this is the first OTF that I have carried on a regular basis I've had some in my collection but being from California I certainly probably don't have the experience that some of you guys have in carrying an OTF knife on a regular basis I'd love to hear what you guys in your input and shared of the community that way anyway that is really pretty much it for this knife I certainly encourage you guys to click down below and click the subscribe button so you can catch all these we have several more knives that we're going to be doing we have some new spider codes that we just got in that we're going to be doing some reviews on and we have some spider codes coming that we're going to be doing some reviews on so I encourage you to hit that subscribe button down below we have a lot of testing that we're going to be doing moving forward as well that's going to be a little bit different than the standard cardboard cutting so that should be exciting especially as the weather clears and we're having warmer weather thank you again guys stay happy and stay sharp appreciate it talk to you later
Channel: EdgyOutdoors
Views: 2,991
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Id: _Ibs1hMk5vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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