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all right so I guess this is just the theme of the UFL and it's getting blocked like you've been on exclusively dairy diet for the past 6 months but this game is probably the most egregious example of it it's the DC Defenders taking on the battle Hogs and you would think these two teams were in different Leagues with a level of play we'd see between them right here punt one usually I have no problem breaking down a blocked punt and how it happens but this punt right here is like seeing your check inine like come on so you pop the hood and see that somebody threw a live grenade in there I mean yes there was a bunch of Shifty little twist happening up front but take your pick at who could have blocked this one it's so bad that from the wide shot you could have thought it was any one of them and blame the punter if you want honestly he was moving fast enough I'm not really sure that it's his fault but it's just pure unadulterated bullying of the guys blocking for him and ultimately it was this guy twisting through the B Gap that got home but any one of them could have made this play happen and if you think one block is bad apparently there was a BOGO Saturday because the last punt of the game things are already about as Bleak as they could get they're staring down the barrel of getting blown out and I swear this one should not have been blocked but Helen Keller probably would have done a better job at slowing down a Defender than number 57 here I mean I'm not sure if Paxton Brooks said something to piss him off before this play but he should have after as I've seen California M cops do better at stopping petty theft than this guy did at blocking the guy across from him as they are trying to speedrun their way back into catching up with the leak High number of punts getting blocked from going from not even in the conversation to the second most blocked punts in in a single game what an absolute nightmare I'm sorry you had to live through this pexon a block and then some on the pun and it's picked up off the recovery
Channel: Isaac Punts
Views: 6,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 40sec (100 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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