The Troubling History Of Dropping the Ball at the 1

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and it didn't look right and you just can't do that this is the dumbest play a player can make in football dropping the ball at the one yard line when you have guaranteed points is beyond just simple hubris but arguably football sacrilege and it has happened way way more than you could have ever possibly imagined ooh it's really close dropped it on the 2 yd line it's a fumble recovery Brown absolutely gets rid of the football before he scores [Music] out here oh you cannot do this it reminds me was it desun Jackson I did this now with Father's Day coming up if you don't want to Fumble your gift to Dad then you are in luck because today's video is sponsored by our friends over at if you're looking for the right tools to ensure that you cross the goal line without fumbling then pick up the handyman today it's perfectly designed to trim and tidy up even as much as a 3 days growth to keep your beard looking sharp and is your ear and nose hair tightly covered fret not because the weed 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end zone now this one is not a full-on Deshawn Jackson but it has its spirit because he raises his arms to celebrate but with the ball over his head it slips and then falls out the back of the end zone for a Touchback this one is forgivable but is going to speak to the nature of these plays which is a desire to counter chickens before they hatch leading to you dropping the entire batch of eggs eggs now these sort of gaffs are going to go quiet for a while but we're going to get our true first in heart and spirit in a 1985 match with the Cardinals taking on the Cowboys as Tilly reaches out and reels in a pass after a Cowboys Defender tips it and then trips over each other there was nobody between him and the end zone when it comes to scoring and he was about to break the pain but he reaches up and spikes the ball before getting home now a common theme for this earlier half of these is that there's not a replay system and the refs rule it a touchdown down and it ended up being inconsequential anyway because the Cowboys simply rolled over and died this game with a final score of 21 to 10 but there's no doubt this ball was spiked a little bit too early it's going to be another seven years though before the next Jackson in this time taking it down to the college level as Nebraska Corn Huskers were beating down the Colorado Buffalo Calvin Jones the Husker running back gets a huge Lane and bounces outside where there's nothing between Jones and the end zone but as he begins across the goal line he reaches for his helmet to take it off and celebrate but in doing so clearly forgets to maintain possession of the ball as this was also before the days of replay it never gets turned over and stands but we're still averaging over a decade between gaps like this and this trend would continue as we have to jump forward to 2001 before we get our next one as this little known receiver known as Chad Johnson from Oregon state would somehow become wide open a theme in his career I'm sure won't be incredibly common and then take the ball towards the end zone where he would also drop it very clearly on the one yard line but still the outside the era of replays in college we not going to officially get punished for this Gaff of hubris and the touchdown is going to stand while this one doesn't technically count I just want to point out one of the greatest pieces of real life foreshadowing I think to ever exist and that's the 2005 Army bowl a young High School star named deshun Jackson catches a pass with room to run and goes for the flashy finish as he dives into the end zone well almost into the end zone as the ball is prly placed at the one yard line clearly coming up short as he fumbles it out of bounds surely this embarrassing play will be enough to disuade a young Deshawn from ever making a mistake like this again right right well 3 years later while playing for the Eagles the next chronological play off to this point on this list no one had ever showboated their way out of a touchdown up to this point as they all had been upheld thanks to faulty review Systems but Deshawn despite being not the first to do it was about to be the first to make it popular as he catches a pass over the Middle with the Cowboys Defenders beat by multiple steps and as he's trotting into the end zone he's forever about to alter the SpaceTime Continuum not by holding it up in it slipping it wasn't an accident but an intentional Showboat like drop on the one yard line before he crosses the goal line resulting in the ball being placed on the one and this is the first time a touchdown had been overruled in this manner even though the Eagles would score on the next play but it would start a wave amongst the nation before now we were averaging 8 years between plays like this but the next one would come up just a year later as Alabama safety Mark Baron gets an interception and after a long drawn out return appears to drop it right outside the goal line just like Jackson did but still we don't see him get punished as a play isn't review but it's just surprising the next instant pops up so soon this would become a trend as in 2010 we would see another such case as Marshall wide receiver Aaron Dobson begins to celebrate early dropping the ball at the one yd line yet again still being aided by faulty replays he wasn't punished but for the first time ever we would have this happen twice in one week as the very next day on a Saturday bout between Notre Dame and Michigan wide receiver TJ Jones would do the same thing also getting away with it as we begin to see this trend really take off 2011 the honey badger returns a punt and as he's crossing the goal line he's tossing the ball to the line judge and this one is close but still people are choosing to play with fire instead of just securing the ball over the goal line no review so turnover 2012 we have two more as they're increasing at an alarming rate holiday returns a pun against the Panthers tossing the ball clearly at or before the goal line but for whatever reason plays like this are still not really getting reviewed the same year this time in the Big 12 Championship Nigel Malone perfectly undercuts a route nabs the ball and runs it back and in a controversial call drops the ball at the one yd line where Kansas is forced to run a offensive play to score instead of getting the easy points we now have our second overturn touchdown because of one of those simple Showboat style plays but this is suddenly going from a once a decade play to as frequent as twice a year or twice a weekend but it seemed like the early 2010s would be when referees start to crack down on this 2013 a play that would make National headlines once again Daniel Trevon picks off flacko and runs it towards the end zone where he would drop it at the one but by now this play was becoming so commonplace that the officials actually called it correctly right there on the field no play needed and the Ravens get to essentially restart their Drive the next week DeAndre Washington of Texas Tech infamy does the same thing against TCU dropping the ball at the one yd line with no clear recovery Texas Tech gets the ball back and goes on to score 2014 we get some big 10 action as John louder milk for I would NAB an interception over the middle and take it all the way to the end zone well almost once again as it gets dropped and overturned for the touchdown where they give the ball back to Iowa at the one yd line where they would later score so now we're getting more plays like this over turn but even if the refs are noticing one thing you may notice is that other teams aren't starting to capitalize on their opponent showboating this would change though the following year as we enter my favorite storyline of this entire history lesson let's start August 30th 2014 perhaps the worst season for this sort of Gaff up to this point and is being upheld by a single player Oregon's Brian Marshall is running into the end zone as one does and decides to drop the ball against South Dakota opponent this would be rather inconsequential as Oregon would win 62 to13 but this play was turned over and South Dakota did get the ball back after it was ruled a Touchback but many coaches would reference how dumb this decision was when it happened and it was probably the biggest talking point to come out of this game but this being on the Forefront of specifically Oregon's mind was important as they go on to play Utah who in nothing short of a perfect storm finds a receiver wide open down the middle where he has his man beat and there's nothing stopping him from scor scoring except for the theme of today's video so now in some sort of crazy crossover episode Oregon's opponent is the one dropping the ball on the goal line and in a play where no one has ever intentionally capitalized on an opponent's mistake in this way Oregon was presented with the opportunity to do it and with the mistake just made by their very own Brian Marshall just weeks earlier they would pick it up and return it for a touchdown in a 14o swing and if you think this is where the story ends I promise you it gets so much better because some lessons are just never learned let me take you to the national championship game of that year Oregon is now down by two scores at the start of the third but a great pass by Mariota to Byron Marshall is enough to get them back in it but wide open In the Heat of the Moment Marshall almost does it again crossing the goal line he begins to release the ball as if he hasn't learned his lesson now the ruling on the field stood and I think that if it was any team but Oregon or any player but Byron Marshall they never even take a second look at this but it's just crazy to think it almost happened again to him but in 2015 we'd get maybe the most egregious Jackson in as in an FCS bout a William and Mary running back finds a humongous hole against Hampton but doesn't just drop it at the one but it looks like releases it around the three or four yd line where it would bounce through the end zone for the easiest touch back call so far in this video and the worst version of this I've ever seen 2016 we would see Ray Ray McLoud pick up a punt off of bounds and take it all the way to the doorstep of the house where he leaves it there as a parting gift for the Troy Trojans who happen to snatch his shoe and potentially even his attention as he doesn't realize that he released the ball a bit early here it was pulled up by the replay and gets overturned giving the ball back to Troy who had almost turn that into points in a game that ended up being much closer than it needed to be and now it's the refs who are starting to replay this type of call almost every time it comes up it doesn't mean they get it 100% of the time as Mixon clearly drops the ball against Ohio State University the f week and it goes unnoticed by the refs but that same day another one would not be so lucky as Civ nare takes off against Texas on a huge scoring game to seal the deal but in a mistake that should have been more devastating to the Golden Bears and it ended up being he drops it at the one and although you can clearly see a Texas player get possession of it seconds later they give the ball back to the Golden Bears since it was ruled dead and they would later score and I take back what I said about 2014 being the most prominent year for this mistake because 2016 had something to say they had another close call with an orgon tight end and phell brown seeming to drop it at the one yard line even though the play was never reviewed but 2016 would end with Missouri running back ish Witter dropping the ball against Arkansas but this one was reviewed and stood as controversial as a reason as the cow one which was that a Missouri player would pick it up well after the play was done plays like this forcing refs to make decisions three times in one year seem to be enough of of the Catalyst to make coaches crack down on this as in 2017 we'd see a slight Decline and some increased awareness like when TCU DB gladney would return a pick six 95 yards but In the Heat of the Moment release it at the one this time though with the assistance of tons of fans who at this point are probably all too aware of this mistake happening they point out the ball and he goes and picks it up and then returns it for a touchdown making this the first time that a player recovered their own fumble in this way for a score there would also be another 27 fumble where AFA U quarterback in garbage time would get ahead of himself and give the ball back to North Texas for them to lose on their own terms instead of him driving the dagger into their heart himself 2018 to the best of my knowledge we only see one of these plays which is a Georgia cornerback DeAndre Baker as he drops the opening pick six at the goal line but the touchdown stands as one of his teammates picks the ball up in the end zone 2019 we get another solo event as New Mexico running back Bryson Caroll clearly drops the ball around the 2 yard line but the never to call it despite the announcing crew and the Colorado State Sidelines seeming to go crazy about it 2020 Kon but notorious gambler but at the time LSU wide receiver takes the ball into the end zone for a score but in what many now assume was an attempt to point shave drops the ball at the one yard line where his teammate later comes and Scoops it up to ensure the touchdown 2021 we get another small uptick as South Carolina Defender would pick up the ball after a series of gaffs in the wide open and commit the final Gaff as he would for the second time in this video give Troy the ball back something about Troy playing teams in South Carolina and having this happen to them huh but we'd also have a 95 yard touchdown turn Touchback in Louisville's home opener against Eastern Kentucky where the colonels were Savvy enough to watch out for this to happen as they immediately pounce on the ball in the end zone to Ure the Touchback and then 2022 for the first time in over a decade I couldn't find a single place where a player drops the ball in or at the one yd line that would be shortlived though as 2023 we would have it happen two more times with Alabama quarterback Ty Simpson dropping it at the one yd line against Chattanooga where a friend of the channel and friend of my own Clayton kry was having a heck of a game puning and then later in that year Washington would pick off Utah for the classic Jackson where a Ute would fall on it to get the ball back at the one yd line now I have almost no doubt that surely there's something that I've missed when doing all this but as you can imagine these types of plays are hard to come by but if you enjoyed this little history lesson consider subscribing but most importantly thanks for watching and peace close the evidence would lead me to believe that he did not break the plane before getting rid of the ball
Channel: Isaac Punts
Views: 93,527
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Id: JPFb311jx_c
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Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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