Craziest "Jaw Dropping" Moments in College Football

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foreign [Music] [Applause] let's just watch and enjoy goals left can't find anybody back to the right and Gable has a chance ah it's so close but yet so far away in the straight to get the ball down there oh my goodness what boys what ability remember I said it beginning of the game a big touchdown maker and McCarthy's scanning loads of time for McCarthy now he wins it downfield to the end zone Roman Wilson who's got a touchdown and that is fighting hands and distraction drill that's fighting contact and he just pins it against Gifford's helmet and doesn't lose control how did he do this [Applause] that is extraordinary ball skills that is his 7 th touchdown of the season and that is a rapport with the receiver in rly Fearless keep it on the ground this time it's Sherrod who's still going on his feet Sherrod whistle was never blown so touchdown Malik Sherrod from 72 yards out different third down and eight Daniels out of the pocket he's going to try and run for it breaking tackles out he gets popped he lost the football Asia Anthony with a big open field hit and Ole Miss has a tickle it oh holy guacamole watch this hit right here by Dave John Anthony he said get that man some milk Sherrod takes a little bit of a cut back there's the tackle and he just kind of rolls over the top of the body did the elbow go down or did he just do the hand tap drill he just had the hand down actually from the wolf pack D but let's look at it again witty pulls him over the top of him his behind is never on the ground and he just kind of scrambles those legs the Right Guard was laying there he was one of the bodies Sherrod was drives they are three touchdowns thus far they have three touchdowns as far and over loses the football [Applause] did it go out of bounds I think they'll say they kept it yeah I think that one went out of bounds right there and you could see when you got that big body Arizona state has held up well in these circumstances of late and there's priests that movement again might have been deedich yep 57 the center again Caleb Williams is down two slow to get up offense number 57 five-yard penalty here's third down it was I don't think he was ready for this snap [Applause] and he got hit in the oh by the way Parts yep second half so in fourth and 16 he'll run around as the clock ticks down and now get knocked down as he took a knee the flag comes out and that is a fitting ending to things here we go now this is about to get ugly look at this guys are throwing Fists and this is about to get ugly look at this guys are throwing Fists so only Pavia has a lot more experience in that type of situation Sauer steps up with up we're going in through officials through a big run and he's in Flames territory I mean he ran over that this is my house too he's just trucks right there in the middle of the field oh he's right back up word Sampson thrown an incompletion yet he's four for four going to the air again that passes high oh what a whoop grab by Pearsall and little ball was a little high and one jumps up there and snags it and then gets sandwiched and still finds a way to bring it in I mean looking like Air Jordan right there wearing the Jordans that was pretty we talked about the hand strength of Khalil Jackson on the last series or UTEP Jake McNamara the quarterback's Gonna Keep It Again on second and none Magnum air with a good block on the left side takes it inside the 45 for UTEP first down lost the football goes in there takes a big hit clearly the ball's on the ground there and put up a dirty play yeah the end of it a missed call look at this boom steps on his head that time and Randall yeah that's that's certainly something you don't want to see at any level of football [Applause] going to the end zone no way wow Finn Hogan you gotta see that again [Applause] the miles Brooks had him around the waist pulling him to the ground and that was just that was a phenomenal catch by Finn Hogan six five two hundred and it looks like they're gonna kneel it or not a trick play to Jordan he's got room to run and taken down inside the 35-yard line trying to put it on Boston College here yeah right there we see Jack plumber take the snap and hand it off to jawar Jordan that's not a good thing Eugene Assante hits the other way by Johnson Asante touchdown if it stands that one back Eugene Asante Johnny on the spot I told you at the beginning of the game he was gonna have to make a play to change this game right there the fumble gets forced he's Johnny on the spot because he hustled to the ball 200 number 27 in white fake to Buchanan Daly's Gonna Keep it and delivers ahead oh still on his feet but he's going to be shy of the yard marker to gain what a collision room the safety here it is wow Smurf Greenwood I'll take a little more than that dude on the Jetson what a hit [Applause] Kobe bryantality right here Kobe Bryant read this from the get-go he saw it coming all the way he saw wide receiver Parker Kensington who has been a big play maker for BYU on the wide receiver reverse and watch where he puts his shoulder boom that's his Good As It Gets but again the circumstances surrounding the future there was a little reverse field action by Boulder look at him now Silas putting on a shower well that deserves a uh uh outstanding hole for a running play that probably went about 75 yards total yeah I'd say he picked up six yards make it eight he got eight yards moving North they say run the daylight Tim that's all I'm trying to do pops I'm running the daylight man [Laughter] this is fun right here man the option again it's worked well Bean keeps it this time shows that speed and then he got rock fumbled High shot picked it up and runs it in touchdown Kansas the bounce and they've had a lot of success already with this triple option look with the blocker out in front how about the move by beam gets rocked by cattle on but yeah that's just your pitch guy it's just maybe not the pitch that you want to exit shut out Arizona State the week before open the season with a win at Purdue and they certainly look at least at this point row the lights have just gone out I don't think we can play football like this whole Pete no you know they play with the lights turn them off and on when there's touchdowns and maybe somebody just leaned on the switch there a little semi-motion like that will get you to fill a part of the game as a quarterback up the middle this way for the first down and more [Applause] listen to this one [Music]
Channel: Highlight Reel
Views: 745,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S_MzBX8noxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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