Game Theory's UNCENSORED Interview with YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how there is an actual cactus on the minecraft cactus table

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ashmaster667 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Talked a lot and said nothing, as usual. Good for Matt for keeping his cool when he caught her with the verification crap.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Super_Personality πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

While the questions asked are valid, Matpat sounds incredibly jaded in all his questions. Major props to Susan for responding extremely professionally and succinctly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MistBornDragon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

All the questions are screened prior for interviews like this. This is literally YouTube using one of its popular content creators to buy some good will via a scripted interview. Matpat is basically a shill at this point whether he intended to be or not.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EmperorDeathBunny πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
don't sound the alarms yes I'm sitting down on the couch but no this is not a mat Pat rants for the next 15-minute video I just wanted to preface what you're about to watch so earlier this year in October YouTube threw their first ever YouTube gamer summit where they brought 100 150 of the top gaming channels from around the world to Palm Springs California to talk all about different YouTube issues different products that are coming out and what it means to be a gamer on the platform and as a part of that event I actually had the honor of being one of the first if not the first gaming creator to sit down on the couch and ask Susan Wojcicki YouTube CEO interview questions basically they gave me carte blanche to ask whatever I wanted of her and so I want to take advantage of that opportunity and really ask the hard-hitting questions that not many people talk about especially when it comes to the creator community so I wanted to share that with you I got permission from them to share that footage with you and so here we are friends here's my interview with Susan Wojcicki in the hot seat YouTube CEO me putting the screws to her let me know how I did let me know how she did you know what let me know what I should ask if I'm ever given the opportunity again although I feel like after this interview they probably won't be inviting me back enjoy hey guy here first ever gaming creator summit does it yeah super exciting Susan thank you for taking time to sit down on the couch with me and all of us of course I know you're super busy you just came from Arizona yes but you know but I was very excited I think this is this was an important event and I'm glad that we have a creator summit just for gamers and I was really glad to be here and to answer your questions and so I'm you know looking forward to hearing or wait you you know what you're gonna ask me so I know that we don't have too much time to ask questions today so we'll get right to the point but first okay what's your history with gaming I'm just curious do you play games at all other children play games well all my children play games and so that is is probably the main way at this point in my life that I'm interacting with gamers I play with them sometimes and they all play with each other and they tell me about what they love about it and sometimes I'll play with them but that's you know I see like I think you know I wish I could say I have tons of time to always be playing games but I think maybe also to be focus on all the issues and and products that we're building at YouTube but I do when I spend time with my kids sometimes I play games with them and I see their love and passion and and I see how fun it is and how engaging it is and how you can spend a lot of time playing games yeah so so yeah I get it I get I get why it's meaningful well I'm glad you Segway to the big issues of YouTube right so I started off with a little softball but it's gonna get hard in a hurry since we only have half hour sure so first question I have for you is gaming as a second-class citizen here on YouTube right so gaming I did the research fifty billion watch hours last year on the platform 200 million people coming to this platform every single day specifically to watch gaming content you look at most subscribed channels on this platform and they're mostly baby song singing baby shark but after that is is gaming right gaming is the second largest vertical on the platform only to music and yet if you were to ask a lot of people sitting in this room right now I think they would probably say that they feel a second-class citizen on this platform you know YouTube is more than happy to prop up its beauty creators its vloggers its educational youtubers and yet gaming kind of feels off to the side right they're not invited to the Met Gala like the vloggers are they're not want to go into the manga who wouldn't want to go to the Met Gala honestly I mean like that's such a huge opportunity right you know Robert Kinsel and you you've both been kind of touring around doing interviews with creators this is really your first interview with the gaming creator right there's all sorts of stuff out there that feels like gaming is kind of a second thought we're relegated to our own platform with YouTube gaming our own app our own social media handle our own trending tab it feels like we're being segregated off from the rest of YouTube even though we're delivering a huge value to this platform so what are your thoughts on that is this a true feeling is there a reason why gaming kind of feels like its own entity relative to the Greater YouTube community so I think is you in hell I was I was clear just to ask whatever is on your mind and not edit it in any way I'm surprised your team let some of these questions oh I want it I want to hear what's on your mind and I mean my answer would be no I mean gaming is an incredibly important part of our ecosystem it's why I'm here it's why we're having a gaming summit we think gaming is an incredibly important part for our users and all of you as gamers are and gaming creators is a segment that we really want to be investing in and I mean I'll tell you when I first got to YouTube which I've been there for five years I immediately said this is an important area and we need to be investing and I assembled the first team that was dedicated from an engineering perspective to supporting gaming on our platform I talked to our team I want to make sure everyone that was on the team was a gamer and talked to them and said what are the most important areas for us to invest in at YouTube for the gaming community and they identified a number of areas one was live just to put in perspective we didn't have live we understood that that was an important category for us and took some investment on our side we also realized that we needed to have the product more customized for gamers so at the time they wanted to have a separate app which we now no longer have because we realized that gaming really was best served in the main app but we wanted to make sure that we have gaming pages that you actually are getting the right results when you type in any query for a game and we also wanted to see that there were a lot of other features that we thought would be relevant and useful for gamers so it was actually our gaming team that developed a lot of core features like memberships super chat super stickers so all of that functionality was actually developed first for the gaming community so you could look at it the other set way and you could have our other creator saying like how come gaming scanning all of the cool features first why did they get live why did they get all memberships and again like we really want to make sure that we are that we're doing what we can to support this important vertical for YouTube and that's again why we're here and you'll see us continue to invest and you know our teams always give coming back to us with different feedback and ways we can do more account linking is another area where we've invested I think you heard that in the last talk that we have five of the top ten games on YouTube have account linking so those are all different areas that we're investing to make sure that YouTube is a really committed and great partner to gamers yeah okay great so that's that's good to know but taking it even one step further back is YouTube still platform for creators how do how do creators factor in to kind of the larger scheme of YouTube because less than a month ago YouTube kind of threatened to remove verified check marks from thousands of channels right like that was a huge blow and a lot of these channels some of which you are probably sitting in this room right now were grinding away on the platform for years and yet a celebrity walks in and they immediately get the check mark and it's allowed even though they're kind of like a passerby on this platform right what does that I mean to the external I that feels like creators are no longer a priority on this platform or a small piece of it so where do we fit in to the YouTube ecosystem in 2019 so verification was definitely we apologize for that that we made a mistake but let me tell you it was not to prioritize traditional celebrities over endemic creators or gamers in any way the team identified that there were a number of ways we had that they want to clean up how we had done verification verification has been around for a number of years and as a result of that we had verification many different ways people got verified so in the past you could have like two subscribers and just apply and get verified and we so we didn't have a consistent way of doing verification and so the team did want to have more consistency with that going forward which is why they made the changes that that they did but we also real how like afterwards like hey I think there were some problems in execution but then be on top of that we realized how important it was for creators we heard everyone loud and clear yeah look we said you know we're gonna grandfather all existing people who are verified and going forward we will implement the new standards going forward for creators so it didn't have anything to do with like one set of creators being preferred over another set of creators it really just had to do with how we make changes and trying to make verification more fair for everyone okay and to be clear we we take extraordinary we go to extraordinary lengths to try to make sure that we are fair for everyone not just one vertical versus another not like gaming versus music or traditional celebrities that come from TV versus creators it's got started on YouTube like we're trying to think about how can we enable our overall platform and our users who come and enjoy all types of content how can we make sure that everyone is having a better experience how can we make sure that we have the right monetization for creators no matter what background they are and we also see that creators like change like that they may do a combination of different types of media and cover different types of events and so again we want to support and be fair to everybody okay fair enough speaking of other big picture things Gaming exists in this weird nexus of exciting but also very scary grey area with a lot of legislation that YouTube's having to deal with right now I always get this wrong the European Union's directive on copyright in the digital single market yes we also caught EU CD great that I mean I guess that's the easy way to say it or article 13 it then you know it's named it's now or 2:17 right it's like a shell game right yes it's always to hide it go figure but basically this is the meme killer legislation which requires platforms to have stricter policies around content uploaded onto their platform that might contain copyrighted works right you and I actually spoke briefly at Google zeitgeist a year ago about this policy the impact it would have on YouTube you were very vocal against it right but now here we are a year later it's passed and as of this June there's now a two-year ticking clock for platforms to be compliant with this legislation kind of oh sorry yes countries to be compliant okay that's I mean that's a good distinction to make so how are your feelings about what eventually did get passed as article 17 what changes is YouTube making in response to it and as gamers who a lot of our content is built on the backs of copyrighted works in the video game itself even if it is fair use or whatever where do we sit in that ecosystem yeah well so so YouTube has enjoyed tremendous success and as we've grown and as we have more users and as we have more creators there certainly has been a lot more scrutiny and that has come from regulators and policy makers and press and many other places and we want to make sure a that were transparent so we're talking to them and explaining what we're doing and explaining all the benefits that come from that and as there has been more interest in the in legislation and and passing rules for not just YouTube but all different types of digital platforms we are often engaging with those policy makers and explaining why our business is set up the way it is and there's lots of back-and-forth and most of the times we're able to work through it on our own and come up with something and in the background we adjust things or we make our system compliant and it's something that you as creators don't really need to worry about and we try to make it so that most of the time that's what's happening yeah what happened with article 13 which had been had been in discussion and had been in the works for a while is they were there multiple factors of how the European law is created and so when the Parliament passed their version of article 13 we realized that there was that that specific legislation was really going to be damaging to YouTube and it caught us by surprise because the previous versions and drafts that we had seen were not nearly that severe and because it became very close to it being passed into law that's when we asked for all of you to participate and explain because we wanted to make sure that you understood like how serious that was that if that legislation got passed the way it was that it would have really far-reaching implications for creators all over the world and so when we like thanks to all of your work thanks to everyone speaking up I also flew I went to straw Strasburg I met with a number of policy makers I wrote number of op eds we were very active in explaining like we want to do the right thing we want to work with rights holders that's why we developed content ID we want to pay content rights holders for their content but the way the law has been set up is it's not it's gonna cause a significant number of problems actually people are gonna make less money because they'll just be less of a business overall and because of that we were able to secure liability protections when we made a best effort to be able to match the content with the rights holder okay and because we were able to secure that liability protection it was we were in a much better State okay and so I really want to thank all the creators who spoke up for us it was really the first time that we saw YouTube creators coming and using their voice and using their platforms to be able to do something that was political and something that could change how our system and and laws going forward are set up and so it made a really big difference I want to thank you for it right now we're in a situation where we have about two years for those for the countries to transpose that legislation and we are working with all the different policy makers we're bringing creators in to talk to policy makers who they understand these are small businesses or in your country you need to make these are the considerations as you write your law and as you define it so each country will have a slightly different interpretation and so France is likely to be the first country and so we're working closely with them Netherlands is another country so we continue to engage with all the different countries and try to explain the point of view for creators and for YouTube because we again we want to pay the rights holders we want to make sure that if we can identify the content they're getting compensated but we just want it to be fair and we that's why we built Content ID system and we've paid out billions of dollars thanks to Content ID system to content owners okay so we will or won't be seeing a big shift on the platform in response to this well we're we're hopeful that we can work through enough of those changes that it will that it will work out for creators we may need to do more some more things on the back end on our side we haven't yet determined what those what they are because we're in the process of creating law right but as of right now we feel that we're in a much better situation is there anything else that we as creators can do to help spread the good word or is it at this point is it more interpersonal conversations kind of led by you guys with each individual country so right now I think we're in a place where the policy makers and are having productive conversation okay thirteen I think again having everyone speak up made a difference it made policymakers realize that this really mattered because if you look at all the different constituents for content you can see that you know most of them are big companies and they have different policy makers just like Google does and just like YouTube does and they were going and explaining what their interests were and so we just wanted to make sure that they had an understanding like we're representing YouTube creators we're here to represent all of these creators who are creating jobs in your country they're creating content they're exporting that content a lot of them have businesses with merchandise or other areas and if you create law and it shuts them down like that's gonna be a loss for your country speaking of things that directly affect our monetization and our businesses I see you looking at the clock hoping that this tomorrow I gotta take advantage of your question no you're great I know I appreciate it Oh giving you a hard time but a speaking of things that directly relate to our businesses and monetization and kind of how things are built right now D monetization right so the those were all kind of like big-picture questions but this is kind of more in the day-to-day and a little bit more directed by YouTube so obviously D monetization is a worry that every creator has but again gaming exists in that weird nexus great I feel like a broken record saying this over and over again but it exists in this weird gray area of what is and isn't allowed based on the system right so one thing we all know for sure as an example is like violence violence is something that's going to get a video demonetised that's fine but where does virtual violence fit into that right some of the biggest games on the platform and biggest releases of the year are things that you know that Ryan was just talking about on the stage before us the Call of Duty's of the world the the dooms of the world a doom is one of the 10 pool of IPs that's appearing on stadia later this year right Mortal Kombat was a big release earlier this year are we as gamers just expected to just play Minecraft and fortnight and fortnight which has gun violence by the way like where where does that line exist yeah yeah so first of all I want to say that I looked at the stats overall for gaming and for gamers and I say that in general and I understand the concerns and I'm gonna get into that and answer more like looking at the stats gamers are actually in a really good position okay and so YouTube as a platform we act on behalf of our advertisers and advertisers come in all different types of preference and preferences in terms of the type of content they want to be advertising on you have some advertisers you say we only want to be on the most safe type of content available and then we have other create advertisers say we'll be on like any type of content as long as the fans love it like we'll be there and so we have a broad range I don't want to say all advertisers are the same and so what we've done is we've tried to enable options for our advertisers to figure out depending upon who they are options for them to advertise with the right set of partners um I think what we see is that most of our advertisers just looking again at the stats are advertising and interested in gaming and so I looked at what our advertisers opting out of you know they opt out of issues like sensitive subjects sometimes like you know that would be an example of something that's like high up on the list Gaming is not actually high on the list I looked at the top games and looked at their monetization and I would say it was very healthy with the lowest being Mortal Kombat okay and I think that's not a surprise that that's the numbers are showing that so you know gaming is a relatively newer area for advertisers we've actually been trying to invest in advertisers understanding like why this is an important vertical for them to be in and I just recently looked at some of the work that we're doing with advertisers and we've put out papers for them to understand it we've tried to introduce them to advertisers who have done a lot of work there the other thing that we have done that has been really successful is we've enabled a bird have enabled creators to self-certify themselves which means that we give you the opportunity for you to tell us which which what's in your videos so how much profanity is in your video is there violence in your video and what we've found is that way you know again it's not like a free pass in any way but we're not gonna make any mistakes we're not gonna think you have violence when you don't really have violence because you're gonna tell us what's in that video and we're gonna trust you or at least we're gonna you know make sure that our systems say the same thing and if they you know and we have an opportunity to for creators to like when we check right if there's a difference I check can see like why is there a difference right so in general I think a lot of creators have been really pleased with that and we're planning on rolling that out to a lot more creators and I think that has actually resolved a lot of issues for creators okay because I mean I will say personally as someone who has the the self certification and goes through that a lot of times there's a question around that right where it says this contains violence well is shooting someone in fortnight violence is doing a kill in call of duty violence like I think for us as YouTube creators and this is a question that I have for later but I think in general we want to play by the rules we just need to know what those rules are and I think that's been one of the areas that YouTube has been falling down on how how do you kind of like empower us with the knowledge that we need to best help you help us yeah that makes sense yeah so that this has actually been something we've been looking into because our policy around violence we realize that simulated violence and game violence is very different of course in real violence of course and so like our policy right now are put them together and so we're actually going to be separating them in true things yes so that is I think that's good news for gamers and that's something that is going to be coming out and you should see in the next I don't know I don't want to say a couple weeks you will take longer but it's like close on the horizon Oh coming up and separating those two and that way we actually think will give a lot more clarity in terms of like when we say violence what do we mean okay great that's awesome is there a reason why if there is kind of a list of watch outs or de monetization flags that YouTube isn't public about that stuff like hey this is the amount of cursing that you're allowed are like one sensor beep is ultimately gonna get you removed from restricted mode things like that because like I said I think a lot of us in this room aren't looking to necessarily game the system but play by the rules we just don't know what the rules are and so it feels like we're operating in a black box yeah where that's where the paranoia comes and that's where the conspiracy theories comes in that's when people are like oh this video underperformed it must be because of X Y & Z and I know that YouTube in the past has said like oh we don't want the bad actors to take advantage of this system and find new loopholes that they can hop through but at the end of the day those bad actors are operating at at such a different scale than us as creators anyway can't we be empowered with tools to help us make better content and feel more comfortable and confident on the platform so so the question is why doesn't that list if it does well we've definitely we've definitely we've definitely heard that and we have been and have been opening up really policy by policy a lot more information for creators overall in terms of publishing that so for example with profanity since you brought that up we actually have been doing a creator we and we do creator inside our videos regularly as a way of addressing challenges that creators are interested in we talked about profanity there and we they identified a few areas which is that whether or not there's profanity and the title thumbnail and whether or not there's a lot of profanity especially at the beginning of a video so that was an example of giving a lot more clarity we have you know first of all we have very detailed rules that our reviewers use but you know I think videos are complicated I've learned that whenever someone's has an issue about their video getting in one state or another I'm like you know it's complicated they're like we need to see it and you need to see the context and so that is you know part of why we try to give it enough guidance that creators can figure out what's the right way to be able to handle their videos and create their content but not so much it then it winds up being confusing either that make sense and again like some advertisement will net like I have met with average who will say we will never advertise on anything where there is any profanity okay like ah so there's always gonna be a broad range some advertisers come back and they say we'll only be on certain channels like that's you know that's their choice they're an advertiser they're paying money but what we try to do for the most part is we try to say hey like we have three we basically have three settings for advertisers we have sort of like they're really edgy like oh you know more creators we kind of have the standard one and then we have a more conservative version yeah right and so like in the super conservative one we're not gonna have profanity kind of in the middle one that's usually when we talk about it that we're talking about and that's where most of our advertisers are you know and then of course advocates who are okay with anything like well you know they have self selected into something and we've warned them like that there could be more edgy content in this category yeah interesting okay switching gears a little bit because we're running out of time here this is a completely different idea so YouTube obviously is a platform at this point built on hyper trends right like what is current and relevant as of right now and as a result that's really affected kind of the gaming landscape and the content that you see gaming creators making right so in the need to stay topical in relevant over the last year and a half everyone's had to do four at night stuff and now it's minecraft as of this year but YouTube you know three four or five years ago was a place where because it wasn't as hyper trendy or it didn't feel that way you had a burgeoning kind of like retro game review scene you had a really strong indie game community but now it feels kind of shifted in the opposite direction where everyone has to play the same game at the same time is that a concern for you like do you have any thoughts on that is that is it something that YouTube is aware of that it feels almost like things are being pigeon-holed and some communities that have been really strong on the platform have kind of suffered as a result of no longer playing the the trendiness game I mean I think that we are more on the receiving end than necessarily defining what are the top games okay right so what I see is that for what for whatever reason culture is deciding these are the games that are interesting and heart right now our users want to see them or play you know creators as a result wanna use them and create videos with them and so I feel that we are part of the general overall trends we may like indirectly drive some of them but I think they're pretty independent okay I'm in terms of what games are released and what games are currently hot okay that said we do see creators playing a lot of different games not just mine minecraft but encrypted fortnight yeah I've heard you do lots of different games I - butBut I'm unfortunately I'm one of the few and to be honest I achieved scale early on when being a variety gamer or someone who covered a lot of different topics was more acceptable right and and we've curated a a brand or a show around what we do that people tune in for the show right and I think now days if you want to be a general gamer rather than a fortnight player and then a minecraft player like it's harder so that that's the reason I bring that up yeah okay well I mean I think we see other people too I mean I saw I always told you play a lot of different games I was told jelly for example has posted videos from 12 different different games in the last month yeah so I think we're seeing other people and we're seeing a variety of different games I think if you look at entertainment overall you always see there's like a few areas that lots of people are interested in and then there's a longer tail of games or a longer tail of titles I think it's like it's it's it's pretty standard but there's nothing in our system and you're gonna have an exec QA with people here who work on how our systems - yeah recommendations in other areas but like in general like we want to recommend what we think our users want to see like if our users want to see 10 different games like we're gonna recommend 10 different games you like so it's based on again what users want to see or we're seeing success with we're presenting a broad range we always want our users to be able to see a lot of different content right it's like good for us we don't want creators to comment we don't want our users to come in only see one game like if we want to show them a lot of different things right but if they keep clicking and they only will click on the fortnight videos well then like it's not good for us to keep recommending other types Turing's and we may still do that because we like oh well maybe now they're actually interested in something different so so blame the viewer more like no no I mean and I'm not saying you blame the viewer I'm just saying like our frustrations about like oh my gosh I'm so sick a fortnight or this game is so dull at this point or whatever like it's it's not the platform necessarily that's propagating it it's just viewer interest perpetuating the strength of that game yes ok I know that technically it says zero zero zero okay well ask your question no I think we covered question the the fourth question that I technically had listed even though there's been like 10 at this point III think a good one to end on though is is why YouTube at this point right so obviously there's been a lot of press lately of platforms negotiating and competing over ownership of different channels right throwing around tens of millions of dollars to get exclusive rights to x-gamer you know ninja shroud what-have-you and you know YouTube isn't appearing in any of those kind of press releases so why I don't know maybe you can that's why I'm asking you the questions honestly I know you lost Nikkei 30 like that's the the one time I've seen you show up sorry lost that one but but in all honesty like what is YouTube what is beautiful rolling out lies in a room full of gamers why why is YouTube the place that we should be gaming yeah well first of all you know we have a platform and we work incredibly hard to have the best platform we can for all of you and by best platform we want to have the largest number of views to attract you attract users to come and to watch your videos and and also the largest amount of revenue whether that comes from ad dollars or subscription dollars or new features that we're rolling out like memberships or super chat or super stickers and it's a combination of being able to have such an incredibly large audience being able to have the opportunity to generate revenue and to be able to build communities and so you know we're also doing lots of things to be able to continue to improve all of the different community features that we have live opportunity with community and different posts and shorts and so our goal is really to be the most compelling platform for you to engage with your fans to generate and build a business and we also really care I mean we care about creators we always say creators are the heart of YouTube YouTube like it's a company that is built filled with people the only thing that we're doing is trying to figure out how can we build a better product for all of you like people come to work caring about doing the right thing for creators and we go to extraordinary lengths to measure every single change we make like I understand there was a you know we made a mistake on the how we rolled out verification I want to tell you that we roll out thousands of changes every single year we rolled out almost 3,000 changes to our platform I mean I'm rounding up but like where were we are making changes all the time every single thing is measured with science behind it to make sure that what we're doing is the right long-term thing there's a reason that we have so many people coming to our platform to engage with gaming I mean I was just impressed that you actually knew all of our stats so well so oh I'm going to tell them again what the 200 million people every single day yes and how many out 50 billion watch ours 50 billion is it now 70 billion oh it's 70 it was 70 billion okay so 70 billion how many people have created channels or gaming content in the last what was it thirty nine thirty million channel 30 million people have come like like that you don't get those numbers if you don't have a product that that that doesn't work right so I mean our product works and we expect you know we expect you to be thoughtful about who you partner with but our goal is like to be the best place to be the place where you're getting at the most fuse you're gonna get the most revenue you're gonna be able to engage with your fans in the most compelling way and it's good its competitive like it's good because that means that we're all working hard and thinking about how do we build a better business and if we see someone else doing something like we're not like we don't we don't just sit back and say oh like too bad like they're doing something we're like oh what can we learn from that how can we build it into our platform and make it really great so you know we're committed we're in this real long term to be a great place for for creators a great place for gamers and that's why we have this gaming summit right now it's because we want to hear from you and we want to tell you about what we're working on and we really care so that's why you should come to YouTube that's great oh right that I mean that was good one I mean that's that's a really good place to end it and I think just again to wrap things up here I think in a lot of cases that's the stories that we're not hearing from YouTube's side if I can just kind of like have a short editorial here is you know I said earlier like we feel like second-class citizens the verification button it doesn't exist for creators but does exist for celebrities you know there's all these massive changes will exist for everybody in the same way sure okay okay great yes I mean there yeah you say if if like Billy Ellis comes onto the platform without a hundred thousand subscribers she's not gonna get a checkmark until she gets a hundred thousand subscribers yeah yeah is that true let me have to look into it but I I think I think yeah it's the same but if fairness is the thing right if Billy Ellis has a again I'm just using here as an example cuz it's one that comes about let me let me tell you like yeah like they were a set of people that let's like talk about a politician right because we have a politicians who are calm yes put mine on our platform okay an election integrity is something that we're working and incredibly hard on so you have a politician who comes on you don't want to have we have to be able to give them a checkmark because if we have someone else who comes on and does a parody of them and you actually think it could be them like that actually could be a problem yeah I'm just saying there really there are real business reasons why we may need to do that but our goal is to try to be as fair as possible with everybody who's coming on the platform okay great and I you know we're wrapping things up here but I think that's that's the thing that people just want to hear right is that you haven't forgotten about us that we are still a priority for the platform and that there is a reason to still be on YouTube I think with all the press that gets circulated around like mixer showing out all this money for all these creators over here and twitch stealing X person from YouTube it feels in a lot of cases like hey where is YouTube playing in this ecosystem why it feels like a lot of the press is always negative towards that and I don't know if there's a way that you guys are improving those sorts of communications or helping to kind of uplift those messaging point about the Creator community but I think that's something that us as creators would love to hear every now and then we'll keep working on it great thank you and thank you for the targeting on it thank you everybody [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 1,704,433
Rating: 4.9145875 out of 5
Keywords: game theory, game theorists, the game theorists, matpat, susan wojcicki, youtube ceo, youtube ceo interview, youtube ceo channel, susan wojcicki interview, matpat interview, interview, youtube 2019, youtube 2020, youtube update problem
Id: 3ap6PTQUMf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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