GTA 4: LOST AND THE DAMNED All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you do understand what probation means yes sir it means that if it continue down that same path you'll be locked up and calling some cellmate Daddy within a month yes sir if I had my way we wouldn't waste our time you be inside already mr. gray has made great progress his share on willfulness was one of the most powerful things I've ever heard I believe in this man let's hope you don't live to regret that fate god works in mysterious ways in this case seems God is down right first but I'll leave the salvation to you gentlemen you stay out of trouble yes Daddy excuse me yes sir remember it's a disease I know Chad I know it's a disease meetings every day call you if I feel the need to use pray I pray in fact I'm praying right now you're very willful was very willful Chad was very willful I've changed and you know what Chad you changed me gentlemen shall we get the [ __ ] out of here hey stay in touch yo here you go about home sweet home back to the source boys that bar it better be stock Billy Graham would get taken down on the distribution beef and end up in a country club how are things in there you know john-boy it was kind of hard butter than you think I don't know what I'd rather go back to Stenson the hall or share cluster bucks in that place okay whether it's train gangs in the showers and throne men crying and hugging in rehab there's definitely an undeniable twinge of homosexuality in this mine country's correctional system no wonder you keep getting cop damn Billy you can't stay away from it now let's be clear Thank You King clock because [ __ ] like you ain't watching out for y'all question me sometimes you gotta look out for yourself Billy okay I'll save my questions until I see the chapter and you better have looked after my baby I bet you're happy to see this place man yes Johnny what's going on not much bill use your stuff we missed you bill so take it for a [ __ ] drink it imma get the home and just poor Willie wet boys so Johnny boy [Applause] where's my bike nor it is let me rephrase the question where the [ __ ] is my bike and where the [ __ ] haven't you got it back for me because you know where it is are you deaf give me that whiskey are you [ __ ] deaf No then answer the goddamn question why the [ __ ] haven't you got it back for me friend brother one word business like I told you when you were in there but you're so busy playing holier-than-thou you started believing your own [ __ ] forgive me you know I've gotta complicate a few weeks you know coming off heroines kind of hard I think I acquired this touch of amnesia what business is more important mister 1980s yuppie bigshot and your best friend's bike when he's supposed to get a 15 year stretch the business that pays his lawyers fees the business that puts food on all of our tables the business that we are all in while you're out pretending to be saved get my bike what am I your [ __ ] dog I told you tonight you told me you told me you don't tell me [ __ ] you little [ __ ] listen Billy they were pissed and they had a reason your bike chopped that girl's leg off you put Joe John's nephew in a coma the deadbeats kept the bike we needed the money needed some balls some [ __ ] heart something I can't believe I'm hearing this [ __ ] and I can't believe I'm hearing this after everything we did for you paid your rehab paid your lawyers fees paid your rent paid everything [ __ ] we set stuff up for you we do well man but it's time to be smart you're right you're right no you're right I know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna run right out and buy a condo get a mortgage 401k and then fold that over into an IRA and a CD what the [ __ ] man be smart you be smart you [ __ ] chump you're ridiculous have you got a health care plan come on Johnny let's just get his bike come on well on your head be it it always is it's called leadership [ __ ] meaning something yeah and your [ __ ] means a lot man come on Johnny yeah wait come in listen man little pinup right now you saw that [ __ ] I had to go through right it was really frustrating [ __ ] up [ __ ] craziness right okay so I'm a little pissed off not better better prickly come on you and Angus built that bike for me that's kind of stand for something yeah you're right brother I'm gonna go get it and you know what peace and prosperity be dead peace and prosperity be damned my brother you are my brother Johnny always let's go all done I think you could use the guiding hand of your president on this noble quest scooch up Johnny boy I'm riding [ __ ] where the fight is managed to avoid prison and I'm still a speck of it dude yeah well ain't you happy about it neither man you want to turn around and go back to the clubhouse I'm happy about it alright john-boy walk after that therapy [ __ ] the drink at the Rhode Island I need good to know you've been missing me all that time I spent shell tearing and rehab let's get your bike and save the emotions for later you know what Johnny you can do with some of the trust exercises they got man I'm gonna blindfold you when we get back all you got to do is fall over and trust me your brother's butt gonna catch it can you do that you guys be cute drugs catch B D let alone 230 pounds of rapidly approaching middle age technically you are 230 pounds of Jewish biker john-boy your faith has got to come religion Billy religion I gave up with faith Johnny the Jew Clements they he good to be here man cut the [ __ ] beer what's your problem not I'm the leader of the chapter again Johnny and you're just another brother can you handle it long as you run the chapter right we can all handle I'll run it the way it needs to be front same as the pre-cast for me did same as I'm doing now really feels kind of different before all we cared about was having fun brothers get shit-faced screw you you get in our way you gotta get your teeth kicked in thank you for caring and now what's it feel like do you Jonathan feels like knocking heads is a full-time job maybe if we stop doing it for a minute if we look around realise fun ended long time ago yeah well I signed up to be a brother for life you're grateful [ __ ] if you're in the law for the good times only Fairweather Wiggins in the care ways then you ain't in the law you get me chill out man I just hope we decide to take a break slow down it's pretty boy hey where's the bike oh it's good to see you too tough guys what [ __ ] talking about exactly you know what we're talking about Billy's bike bill his bike Jesus man it's been a long time I thought he was dead what's he wanted for two self a crack right hey shut up listen you know how it is things passed hands Art's been changed up hard to say if that choppers even around anymore sorry boys will be my friend you will be hey good to see you bill man I thought you was dead to him start up the bike the angels of death took it to that place in North thank you you didn't have to do that he told you who had the bike you really got South tapping you Johnny you know you the stretch in the joint might hug you up whatever what about an eye for an eye on all that [ __ ] you should have been the one making that guy pay for old man enough that [ __ ] we got more things to worry about the respected stupid kid stuff we gotta keep business afloat or we're [ __ ] you just don't get it do you this is what it's about this not that money [ __ ] we're in it this [ __ ] all those yuppies and hippies and mother [ __ ] dead foods give me a sniff grapes of entre the road my chapter that's all I need maybe I can do better the whole wouldn't be a man that didn't need that now would I how's Ashley by the way she's single what about your brothers man and you waited for the lost everything I do is about the Lord I don't exist without my brothers without you if you don't get that then you'll get nothing john-boy said state of affairs love you're showing them come on let's get your [ __ ] bike [Music] lead the way mr. president [ __ ] that's the president's job ain't a clay saying with the motorcycle club name which ass you're gonna do now that Lily's back [ __ ] me Terry that's her call it's a free country I don't know where you've been living pal the only people I see Jason I haven't seen you around much man it gives you trouble start worrying about the whole chapter telling that they will see how psycho is hey Billy how's it feel to be on the old bagman like when your wife is screwed okay bill got your bike take what you got to take drink what you got a drink [ __ ] what you got a [ __ ] I don't care kill who you got to kill get it out of your system hmm and what do you do give me a call and we'll get back to business you're not my P oh brother remember who the head of this chapter is I do man trust me tell me you still have Ashley's phone number why don't you give her a call for me tell her I'm inside getting all sorts of [ __ ] up and that I would really like I mean we meaning all of us loves old [Music] you [Music] [Music] can you pick me up a micro SMG sure Johnny I'll leave you one at the clubhouse hey what's up same old [ __ ] Johnny can you come and meet me on Aspen over an actor all right brother I'll be there little dorky gas station antenna boy goes hey man are you all right neg oh yeah dude how's my bike hey I'm fun over there absolutely and if I get tested I have a bag of twelve-year-old piss right here I am real nice [ __ ] you Johnny you don't judge me come down man have another drink or something but calm the [ __ ] down really lol guys guys Billy Johnny we got a couple of [ __ ] deadbeats outside I'm out of rehab three minutes and they think they can crash my party come on gentlemen gentlemen why the long faces might I tempt you in a swift libation my most trusted and honored guest I thought we had a truce going did you funny thing I wasn't aware but let me tell you it's a strange kind of truce that makes you think that it's okay to gatecrash my party deadbeat mother [ __ ] I'm sorry you enjoy your little party I take it - good times the room no problem old man screw you you deadbeat Frick yeah come to my party and get crushed come on yeah come on [Music] okay [ __ ] we gotta get this chunk where the turtle rest of the chapter your night buddy sorry about that for blank Johnny man you let those dipping to tell their buddies the wars on no I stopped him we don't need more brothers died over this reputable Johnny cake come mean is over us brother oh brother disaster averted brother yeah coming back I'd love to ma'am but I'm seeing this hot Russian bride over on Firefly Island gonna drink a daddies expensive vodka [ __ ] under the pier oh you love the modern world yeah that's beautiful these deadbeats won't be screwing around with us anymore let the good times roll what's going on Jim hey Johnny boy you know the deal today one load of [ __ ] it's a goddamn mother tell me about it coming close to really losing my [ __ ] here well you ain't gonna like what I'm about to do in the next few hours what we got to go steal some bikes from the Angels of Death anyway a little too old for stealing bikes and clubhouse flags and crap like that it don't help nothing yeah I hear you man but these bikes are the real deal now I got a guy who pays me for them then he ships them over to Japan apparently they're gonna go crazy for these bikes in particular now business is business the Angels that angels so do it for the memories okay it's been a little while since you and me been on a prank like this together - right - right knows might be fun keep the shiny side up and stick behind me brother you've been seeing much a Tyrian play not really at least not since Billy got back shits been too crazy call the man [Music] it would take a real dumb civilian to screw with our backs on club turf these bikes are over by the deadbeat hangout in Tudor where'd you get the van Jim you ain't turned into some kind of trailer Queen have you very funny [ __ ] this [ __ ] belongs to my contact I wanted to take a bike of mine somewhere I Drive it myself yeah having an old lady and kid hasn't made you scared of getting dirty I was riding bikes before your mama rode your daddy Jonathan Jackie and the baby yeah it's nice and all and [ __ ] I mean I love them and stuff but I'm still a brother lost MC man forever so it really asked you to do something that fit you wouldn't be able to look after them for some time or maybe not ever yeah Johnny I take your point I'd have to think long and hard on it okay but I think long and hard about what I'm gonna order at Burger shot as well I guess I'm the thinking type of maniac it's time to stick it to him Johnny let's do this get him on the trailer Johnny [ __ ] yeah we taking this truck back to your contact [ __ ] deadbeats don't know what'll be good enough below you you want a real 5 [ __ ] we should unload a couple of these bikes a prospect can handle the truck already that amigo I always get a kick out of sticking it to them pills to baptize run always this easy oh [ __ ] be cool man to me like a couple of mopes with some stolen bikes these bikes are ours officer nobody's gonna be reporting these bikes stolen so it was a break looks like these folks about smarter it's dawning on believe he's in bred bike a rednecks get smarter every year parents must have been [ __ ] brilliant siblings yeah funny think you're smart a smart you're gonna feel we dragged your old lady downtown turning cameras off an interrogator real hard and I bet you love hair to be begging us for another [ __ ] interrogation and no [ __ ] time oh that's right we saw the whole thing you [ __ ] jerk-offs case closed decide you're gonna [ __ ] pass just like your daddy paid your mama for sex skank [ __ ] wouldn't even give her own brother a freebie yeah and think of a number [ __ ] and it better be a big one while you're at it we're gonna be watched you better behave yourselves boys [ __ ] watch this [ __ ] pricks like those would maybe join the lost first place go back to the clubhouse see who's around late a man later hey Jim Chrissie man what's the trouble take a guess bro might have something to do with those cops that pulled one over on us I figured the way I see it we got two choices I think we buy a big tub of grease and prepare to take it from these fat pigs the rest of our lives or or we head over to the clubhouse close to where I happen to know they got themselves set up and we show them that we're not quite the [ __ ] that they think we are well well tempted as I am by your first option I'm gonna have to go with the second I figured you'd say that lead on James like a feel of a fully automatic pistol in your head you son of a [ __ ] how bout we race over to those [ __ ] dirty cops old man think you could handle it [ __ ] Jim you should think about retiring with moves like that wait here a minute hey officers how you doing the Cornish verbs poreless present how I forgot how stupid looking this guy was Matthews if you think he's smart enough to realize that you got expensive tastes what do you got for a smoke exactly what you asked you still got it old man let's drop the [ __ ] hammer on this run to those [ __ ] how do I look from behind man you like looking at my patch wait here a minute hey officer how you doing hey microrna she's fat Ferb's brought us a present how I forgot how stupid looking this guy was Matthews do you think he's smart enough to realize that we got expensive tastes what do you got for us mole exactly what you asked for make tracks to Trinity Road read me a speeding ticket so I said but that shuttle turned out to be a sociology professor at this beauty university in the war veg no but thank God [ __ ] [ __ ] pig I'm catching out Jim those the size of mangoes you know what I can't wait to get down to the precinct so we can really stop on those funds controlling a holding a little pack a minute and break that [ __ ] potatoes for us poor [ __ ] don't know what they're in for show your [ __ ] faces [Music] you know who I am we got lucky there Johnny boy I thought we'd be shoveling [ __ ] for those dudes so God knows when now you know we ain't going out like that Jim I'll see you soon [Music] there is going down thought you might be interested race to [ __ ] right mmm I'll be there as soon as I can tell good brother what's a man that meets a racist [ __ ] they was mad but see there was only two of them were mad Dave word up was you should know that no you'd have been okay because you because I am a lawyer yes and during the week you cover up those nice Murli tattoos with a gray flannel suit and make a nice steady income oh man table stubs would love hanging out with you boys he may be a politician he may be a politician but he ain't no Squared smoking oh hell yes I put some mescaline in with the weed day so I'd be very careful if I were you you couldn't be tripping for days handling oh yeah I can love you man Oh Jonathan look at this guy this is Dave Dave Grossman by day top lawyer at shysters by night a night of the road battling the very corporate forces he represents hey Dave are you a bisexual very funny I didn't think so I guess to just like [ __ ] Jonathan bunky nah hey Dave forgive me man would you [ __ ] off for a second I gotta talk to Billy please Dave update thank you you look serious what's next man documentary team in here you gonna write your autobiography or something it's cool he's a lawyer you can help us with [ __ ] it looks like an [ __ ] right now I think you stupid his face off whatever look dude you and me [ __ ] seems kind of tense lately doesn't it it's kind of lame have I offended you in some way No then what do you say we put all this [ __ ] behind us and have some fun here cuz life is pain brother and through this life through this Brotherhood we can give the pain the finger yeah yeah are you [ __ ] kidding me what we're all right all you let's go let's go see Johnny I told you this true Smith nothing you're the one who what on the church to start with [Music] [Music] [Music] ten weeks on the funeral pyre get on you choppers ill prison denty bill then come back then there comes no matter watching him in a fight yeah I need to do some learning mind if I practice on to Brian we don't wanna hurt you I don't hit women take it like a man your party your majesty brothers brothers come on it gather round hey show up Brothers I just got word that Jason's been killed up and broken he was banging some Russian broad and her a heavy-duty father didn't much like it can hide a [ __ ] [ __ ] to do it I think he was a Serb Ryan [ __ ] laughs come back all the fuss to [ __ ] up brothers we will find the way to get payback against this Polish Russian Serb I don't really give a [ __ ] in the meantime let's take a moment to remember Jason and all the other men who have given the finger to this shitty little thing that we call conformity a man who got that right now Jason was it's just a kid but he hit the throttle harder than most of us huh it's a lawbreaker troublemaker beer drinker and Hellraiser he didn't suffer fools got any piece of holy water oh is that time for a brother in need and he was scared of precisely jack [ __ ] right in short the kind of man I'd want to be Jason Michaels lost but not forgotten amen to that Jason okay boys the time for [ __ ] licking and ass kissing is over we are brothers for life lost forever in these perilous times is more important than ever that you follow your leader and that is me remember yeah see you boys back to the clubhouse so where did you get them from oh you know from a little contact I haven't really want you to cut me out of the loop kind of [ __ ] is out there Billy oh he got those grab it and that makes you what a [ __ ] grabber grabber Wow now see I like how you did that it was very good very clever almost like a joke you know it wasn't funny Johnny you met ray hey ray Bo Tino hey my brother Johnny Johnny the jewel Johnny the Jew how the hell are you do me a favor help keep this degenerate out of jail all right it's until he's paid me I'll do my best yeah later what's he selling you toys my boy toys no come on let's go man what we're going bill pay somebody a visit Billy man please don't be a dick Johnny you seem a little tense lately have you considered some analysis maybe a day spa high colonic door on this rug boys [Music] don't you ever get tired of following Billy without knowing what's going on that's what you do with Athena dumbass you said that what smiling yuta I'd be nothing but it Barris to have you kissing my ass all day Brian Brian man you ever done time losing time it's not luck Brian come find you no matter how smart you think you are still have been wait really yes giraffe now we drop the hammer on this rug Billy make [ __ ] interesting the VP takes [ __ ] yeah if I got a toy for you yeah whatever bill what do you want what is this what what the [ __ ] is wrong with you man what are you talking about these deadbeats are the ones who killed Jason in broker thought it was a pole or a serve or something we got some bad information brother these are the guys they killed that kid and look at you you're acting like you don't even give a [ __ ] you sick or something man these deadbeats killed Jason yes they did now take one of these grenades and put it through their window the almighty forgives Johnny the Lost don't ya amen Johnny boy shook it all all these deadbeats [ __ ] that's gotta hurt [Music] [Music] get in here I hope your [ __ ] leg [Music] bring it here bring it here mother and hold [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] die [Music] hello [Music] you ever heard of Jason Michaels he was a brother of mine deadbeats have got themselves for a shitload of heroin back it up Johnny wait I don't understand what I thought this was payback for Jason man what the [ __ ] is this two million in knife Candy's gonna pay back as I can think up come on brother hold your [ __ ] horses man now we're gonna steal their smack slow down slow down hold up wait physics lesson [ __ ] ball do you know how motorcycles work do you Johnny you about to get schooled centrifugal inertia meaning the quicker your wheels go the more stable you are the faster we go the harder we hit it the Morris brothers pull together that's why we do what we do that's how we do it we do why how they're the same [ __ ] thing we go faster long and harder that's how we stay together Brian shut up what the [ __ ] are you talking about you got a stuff reading them shitty internet sites man start thinking about what you're doing to us lift this [ __ ] right now and every deadbeat on the East Coast it's gonna come after our chapter well that's something your leader will have to worry about not you soldier Bryan grab the [ __ ] [Music] they've come the cherry tops [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Johnny the big bad biker man Liz Taurus the meanest [ __ ] and Bo hey sweetie [ __ ] I'd let you kiss me but I'm afraid you stick a knife in my back well I was doing it it wouldn't be the first man I tried that chick on sweetie yeah I heard the stories listen I also heard you got somebody for that Brown maybe there's an apartment on Cassidy Street in schüttler you go upstairs and talk to Charlie on the third floor dirty Heat what isn't there I got a new guy going along with two E's for me so you up somewheres if the heat coming from Charlie use the Slavic [ __ ] to help but if he's in you know what you gotta do well either way it ain't coming back to you Liz hey you know Playboy he's going along to a Playboy yo chill for a second show nah not really don't you want to dance no I'll just sit right here and wait for your boy give me that [ __ ] man we got a buyer I don't know why Billy got you to handle this not me what's up with that huh I guess your Semites are good at sniffing out a job in there eight tiny I didn't get you because Liz Taurus and any other two-bit hustler on the street would take you for the little [ __ ] that you are robbed you blind I'll give me that [ __ ] see you around big guy [Music] Peyer some asian dude called charlie like in vietnam just like the movies money yo amen hey you ready sure let's do this nothing like selling some dope to let you know you're alive let's go yeah let's do this alright come on hey what's going on guys what's going on not much let's do this you got the heroin right right come on let's do this quickly but you got the heroin correct you you carrying correct I mean it's a simple question let's roll with you you're being [ __ ] weird how weird man I just want to know if you carry this stuff right you ate right Fred let's get out of here LCPD freeze [ __ ] I said freeze part companies you head up it all go down you're mine [Music] [Applause] will and testament [ __ ] time to [ __ ] die [Music] enjoy yourself Oh Johnny are we Ricky no Billy we are is under observation by some kind of [Music] cows politicians and lawyers what are we becoming man next thing you're gonna tell me we're doing some [ __ ] kicking for the LCPD she's just upset the little Tony go pay him a visit if you're still thinking about your brothers and not just your own ego that is hello yeah who's this you tried to offload some smack to a colleague of mine called Charlie cost the [ __ ] is this agent Jones and fight me we'd like you to come in for a talk things might be easier for you you can give us some information on your motorcycle club [ __ ] you bet this conversation so if you got any evidence on me get a warrant Liz Taurus the only problem was your friend you see he nearly blew my ass off [Laughter] how's your fans here in friend working out him in the last MC brothers type do you have an appointment uh no I thought I'd inquire about a membership excuse me yeah under this ravaged drug-addled exterior lies the heart of a reactionary prick so I thought I'd fit right in here I think you should leave sir before I call the police I think you should leave before I dude it is the 21st century let me tell you something you've got a job wiping rich pricks asses and for some reason you seem a little pleased with yourself will you really even trust me man nothing would please me more but I'm supposed to see Tom Stubbs well he said to meet him here Oh mr. Stubbs sir okay you had to say so sir follow me will you mr. Stubbs is in the day spa receiving some backward right you are mr. Stubbs a gentleman for you huh thank you leave us and thank you so you're David Grossman's friend oh yeah we're all old buddies love the old boy network yeah I can imagine so what is it that you want could you excuse us sugar okay sure and thank you best massage I ever had that didn't involve a happy ending or a poignant sense of guilt afterwards tom stops how do you do well now that you've mentioned it I'm starting to feel a little queasy don't be pathetic and no secrets here pal now listen I'm in a bit of a bother sport well I think they could fix that with surgery these days you know can we stop with the jokes Grossman tells me you're reliable Grossman that guy's an [ __ ] look I'm not gonna insult your intelligence by pretending to be a good guy I'm a politician I'm a cynic I'm very needy I need people to like me I need people to like me so that they elect me I need people to elect me so that I feel marginally less bad about myself when I stare into the mirror that being said I try to do a good deed here and there democracy is a beautiful thing personally I prefer a benign dictatorship without the pretense of choice but let's leave the political discussion shall we yes let's unfortunately an awful man has ensured that my chance of being reelected is pretty much zero why black male not exactly I need his money and he hasn't died what you want me to kill your father no that's disgusting how could you suggest such a thing my father died years ago thank God no my uncle that sanctimonious do-gooders rolls the family trust whoa that's heavy man yes so is being arrested for drug running and spending the next 30 years in prison you and your little gang I mean I see you make a wonderful politician I know now you've got to get the old goat today make it spectacular make it appear as though it's a terrorist act that'll do wonders for my campaign in all sorts of ways leave us we'll give you a package on the way out right lost damn [ __ ] sheep you [ __ ] ready for this okay clever give me the good news I'm just about happy with the eulogy by researchers draft it up sadly stubs I'm not gonna be able to disappoint you your uncle is no longer with us for my consciousness sake I hope your lack of humanity is a genetic quality I ain't got a handout for you - where are you baby I'll try [Applause] [ __ ] yourself [Music] you sure know how to get yourself into trouble don't you baby you sure know how to get me out Johnny come here what's wrong I don't want to hang out here can we go I don't want to hang here neither then again I'm not the one messing up my head on a week-long ice binge I remember when you used to mess around in my place don't happen anymore [Music] [Music] how long you been up two days three who's counting it ain't good for you you know that sure sure you expect me to stay clean when you're not there to look after me maybe if you answered your calls [ __ ] whatever okay I'm bad baby I'm bad I know it teach me a lesson hit me or something teach me I'm wrong enough of that leads me baby the only way I'll learn makes me hurt you're making yourself heard already you [ __ ] idiot hit me give me a break sweetheart I used to [ __ ] love you she's sweet for words Johnny you think I'm sweet to you ain't good for me sugar it's all I know hmm nice place you got here sugar not now honey I ain't feeling so good I thought you said you stopped smoking that stuff I did Johnny boy I did I promise I never lied to you come on baby that's crap you know it I never lied to you in our silver well my whole last phone - [ __ ] sweetheart I guess it was dumb of me to think this would be any different I'm sorry I know I much but I'm all yours you do know that baby don't you you say so I love you Johnny thanks for saving me again yeah yeah hey you know what better than this weekend weekend my better than this yeah well let's hope so say the word honey take that bike we'll ride off into the sunset you and me you me and that little habit of yours you're my habit Johnny and you're ridiculous ah mr. Stubbs is expecting you yeah are you doing man yes sir hello sir I'm fine good hey let me ask you something do you really enjoy life I didn't really know what you mean sir I mean just serving all these rich morons you know smell the money and all that stuff you know does that make you happy yes sir something like that and tell me sir are you happy I mean has given the man the finger really satisfied some inner urge with the user well I think what I've learned is that there's always a man dude he just wears a different uniform as you say sir mr. Stubbs is in the steam room right this way Clemence how are you doing sport hey I'm fully clothed in a steam room with the murdering politician well my whole life Falls to [ __ ] all around me [ __ ] it I'm alright miss your uncle oh I've doubled up on the therapy change your therapist no but I've been seeing dr. white since I was 7 man's genius okay what can I do for you man I'm not really dressed for this and you said it was urgent yes well hmm there's been a clerical error down in the deepest recesses of the Civic Citadel a group of outstanding civilians voters have mistakenly been taken into LC PD custody well there's something you can do about that yourself man pull some strings or something no I'm afraid not sport way too far down the line for that too much red tape yada-yada-yada no all you need to know is that these gentlemen are in a prison transport bus and you my friend need to liberate sure I got it other buses at the left would police station get them out of there and we will make it worth your while okay I got it don't sweat it Club its is that every service going to show those coveralls Chaffin you or you must be used to wearing her CEO suits and [ __ ] look it was a victimless crime my taxes pay your salary long way from the exchange now aren't you you yuppie bricks still think you're better than guys like me huh you should be put down I saw what you did to that orderly man's organs ain't meant to look like that come on please sir we cannot have civilians approaching the station [Music] whoo whoa you're the best tasting thing I've had since I got rock yeah that's intense all right since we've all eaten we got a new destination people [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I can't get arrested again [Applause] if the cops get us who wants to be my selfie ain't never gonna understand politics [ __ ] I'm probably gonna end up doing child you boys this ring shutting yuppies I'm trying to think there's a boat waiting behind the globe oil plants an actor industrial well you folks info for these fellas it's white-collar Hannigan's talk with their hand in the cookie jar my greed was a more corporeal nature I'm gonna take that as meeting you rid of some sick [ __ ] let's not just go as you wish dear boy I'm guessing it wasn't you I got paid to bail out anyway I doubt those who remember me thinking a great idea that I am about to be roaming free again thank you sir my fellow prisoners and I are most grateful we've got a boat to catch oh I do like to be beside the seaside oh I do like to be beside the sea oh would you like to walk along the problems from home where the brass band plays and your friends are out to see mr. Stubbs good luck to them I think they'll need it oh don't worry those boys don't eat luck he's gonna seen them in 73 but if any those boys are all trainers by blood great games I was thinking the problem by the live with one of the other passengers on their little cruise later on mr. congressman hello there James how you doing get throw it brother just the bow listen that guy we stole those angel of death fights for you got a whole shopping list of black sheep are you interested in procuring them for as long as they gonna get us in this [ __ ] with any more dirty cops damn cops ain't around no more bigots on the wild when you're ready to roll he's got the details so long brother I'm here what can I do you for congressman I'm going to make the amount of help I need from a man with your skills as tripled in volume and that's a conservative estimate if you're interested in helping me out with this you can call me and I'll tell you what I need the pain will be more than adequate once you go down the dark path and just keep going doughnuts tubs I'll call if I feel the need to keep you in the lifestyle to which you're accustomed really I just don't see how we have a choice I have a choice I'm free I'm not a slave I have a choice Jim I love you man but since you've hit middle age you really lost something yeah and since you [ __ ] [ __ ] strung out on this [ __ ] you've lost something your [ __ ] mind over the [ __ ] to speak it too huh hey what's up I'm just trying to explain to our friend here that possession is nine-tenths of the law we should make the slopes pay us back pay us back for what look we have a business opportunity to here Johnny you think a guy like you should be pleased yeah but jim says there's some problem there is that H we stole it belong to the Chinese the deadbeats told him we got it and they want it back so [ __ ] them finally Billy jabs on the phone about the meeting look normally I'd be down for that but these aren't the type of dude you just say [ __ ] them - there's some heavily armed pissed-off [ __ ] who killed a couple of angels when they found out this [ __ ] was gone now I'm thinking maybe you could strike up okay okay you know won't you just suck them off while you're at it and Joe Chatham Silver's can be over here I just think that given this war we're back into with the Angels of Death and given the fact that one or possibly two government agencies are looking into our [ __ ] that offloading the heroin would be a good idea all right and looking for a fight is the wrong thing to do right now given the fact that we can't even stop fighting amongst ourselves yeah you're right which is probably all getting a circle hold hands pray sing Kumbaya whoo yeah yeah whatever this ain't no joking matter Billy will either end up dead in the ground or back in the lock-up with you ain't going back there I'd rather be dead yesterday well you don't have to do either man I just think to get rid of that stuff now is the right thing to do okay poking around bill we should chill out I never talked to a pig but there's a lesson to be learned all right I'm surprised Willie agreed as the first Swampy's mate since getting out of rehab yeah baby start to calm down breathe into his arm then you Billy says we're doing it so get dude I'm not the one with an authority problem Johnny how'd you find out that age belong to the Triads [ __ ] Jim you're just a fount of information are you ever had a girlfriend Brian I couldn't waste my time that crap I got no brother - right man yeah I like you should waste time with all that [ __ ] [Music] you waste blamin mega double worryin you do let you hit the weights later as big as those Easter William miles might not be just ask Ashley [ __ ] Billy how about you beat us brothers in a race just to prove it it was a pleasure beating you gentlemen all right Jim Johnny since you two were both so buckle in your support of this deal you two are gonna be the ones to hand over the brown to the slopes what are you and your boy you're gonna be doing we are gonna watch your backs because unlike this fat man here I just don't trust those little yellow bastards good luck hey they don't need luck we're looking at but this better be cool man so Johnny this is mm okay we're gonna be cool and do this thing so let me get this straight you are here to sell us back our heroin the hell are we my cousin sweaty over in order to bring to this country only to have it stolen look man we can do business or go to war your call in this country they seem to be the same thing you'll specific pieces of show you where the [ __ ] Billy fight me [Applause] you set me up Johnny you set me up now [ __ ] you Johnny you're dead Chucky got their mouth shut [ __ ] is [ __ ] up daddy Cleveland Brian man shit's [ __ ] Billy's been taken down where are you yeah [ __ ] now thanks for you at around the corner we're coming wait there man let's just get back to the bikes what was all that about on the inside why did it bring me into it we got more important things to think about without Billy we got no leader you're gonna have to take charge of the chapter man it's like being made captain of a sinking ship we're gonna do you're gonna stick by your brothers we gotta pull together now you're right about that let's see what the Bryan's got to say for yourself Cleve its BAM what the [ __ ] what happened back there come on move it [Music] man really doesn't have anything amen Brian man what the [ __ ] were you and Billy doing a lot of those triads jump to me a chimp the brothers [Music] where were you what question Brian what happened there Billy said these triads were ready to deal fine okay I'm just hoping my brother's didn't send me into an ambush Presidency Johnny this Jesus that was heavy man [ __ ] it what was Billy's [ __ ] problem nothing wrong with him buddy you two want us to end up all dead man Billy was right about you I knew you were a rat now he's gone man hey God Brian he's gone to prison he's not dead you ratted him out you ratted him out no I didn't he nearly got me [ __ ] killed who set us up you always wanted to be the one the man you're a gift John they give it a [ __ ] tortoise what the [ __ ] are you talking about you ass-kisser little weasel Brian Johnny's not like that Jam you're wrong man I know you're a good guy but this too pretty you [ __ ] us over man she sent us up and he called the cops and you know why because they're putting heat on him they saw him and they've been calling him I know because they did the same to me and they told me who ratted us out you keep talking like that you are dead my little friend [ __ ] you man watch acceptability to jail huh Sasa phone prove you even speaking to the law I don't prove [ __ ] to you and I didn't talk to no one [ __ ] come on stay away from us you hear I guess I gotta take over his chapter president now when people hear about Billy going down there's gonna be more pressure on us than ever we gotta get through it brothers for life man lost forever I'll see you soon just an American I like an American bike yeah I understand you owe the grandpa so you like a more sedate ride some older mature [ __ ] give you a mature [ __ ] mouth hey smoke Shawn Johnny brother of mine all right hey what's up marks got us a connection Jack a good man I don't need one of them hair dryers oh yeah sure they are not serious Mark's got us a connection that ain't got nothing to do with bikes yeah yeah explosives that's right okay with this we could take the angels of death out of business for a long long or you think with that it looks like we can take the whole [ __ ] town out of business right you say are you down oh man you gotta ask a question like that looks like you're going senile or something man what I thought you'd say you know you fools that fun but remember this you get in any trouble you ain't meet me back I don't know where you got that [ __ ] man but one thing's for sure we will have fun hi play nice visa laid him out very later Jonathan job done by man those deadbeat ain't a problem you have a ride Hey here comes the big man gentlemen Johnny hey what's planned we spoke to that fat [ __ ] Brian he wants to sit down call a truce Brian what's a truce yeah [ __ ] that let's go get us what I thought you'd say let's do it maybe you should do the talking man I don't know if I can trust myself here comes Tweedledum and tweedle [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] you Billy was always cooks you and you ratted him out Billy's a one-way sob and he don't give a [ __ ] about the brow ah yeah you think Billy it stick his neck out for you you're dumber than I thought just knew you'd say that you're so predictable whiny little dick oh it's what a baby and your babysitter Billy is on the inside now so it's bedtime for you [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] in toys look out of town Carl - boy you're the one taking a nap but these ass holes in the ground fellas because actually an ass-kissing double-crossing little [ __ ] Brian you little [ __ ] stay here fight look out Clubhouse ain't exactly gonna be crowded up [Music] show your [ __ ] faces deadbeats Johnny boy get your bike these fools are trying to get away it's place sucks let's go nice [ __ ] looks like we're about all that's left of the Albany chapter man we don't need numbers man we need brothers and that's what we got left you me Angus Terry clay brothers do write about that [ __ ] I wish we pinned down Brian that little weasel he'll turn up soon enough yeah maybe see you soon brother gentlemen Johnny you remember ray right yeah how you doing how am i doing I got the feds all over me I got a boss was a paranoid wreck and I got a guy above me in the food chain with a brain like an overcooked artichoke things are great yeah sounds like [ __ ] to me but whatever so uh why are you here I heard you boys having a little internal dispute now where'd you hear that from from Ashley you're friends with Ashley everybody's friends with Ashley tough guy you know she's a good kid no we'll messed up but you know she needed a friend ray told us what Brian yeah oh yeah where and how the hell does he don't go breaking my balls all right I thought the Brian a half an hour ago endless I understand where you guys are coming from and a one-in I don't give a [ __ ] bunch of grease monkeys want to have an all-out gangbang be my guest you're all adults sort of curse but right now I need calm Billy's on the inside I need a steady flow of merchandise so it's in my interest to see that you boys calm things down end this little squabble and get back to work see you later yeah see you later all right bye buddy so what do you think Johnny I think that guy makes my skin crawl but now that you mention it so does Brian right now he's our problem god damn it Brian was my brother yeah he was but so were a lot of people I don't feel like that [ __ ] means too much anymore so so I'm gonna go pay Brian a visit and see just what that fat [ __ ] problem is see you all later I mean I wouldn't want to be in prison or anything but I you know I ain't takin [ __ ] Johnny the rat you you stay strong brothers Johnny's here Billy's not here to protect we asked for any particular reason Jonathan where's Brian halfway to hell my brother we don't need to worry about that little [ __ ] full of nothing good to know I'll stop looking over my shoulder well until Billy gets out of prison at least you know Chico hold on what do you think you're going man you got ahold of me I'm talking to you all right can't you tell the difference between a narc and one of my upstanding business associates I'm sorry about Andres here it's impossible to find good help in this city I'm sorry about yeah what up Johnny do we talk to you girl let's make it happen captain I didn't think you lost bikers got down with people's like Mark here then with a sports bike you with your choppers looking at the two you don't make no sense to me he's a crazy City well this is crazy times Liz there's recession going on and in this troubling economic climate you got to make compromises mal cares my compromise you [ __ ] clown people always gonna want what we got to sell now they're gonna want even more products will they lose their jobs and they got nothing else okay I guess all we got to worry about is the cops are taking us down there true that cat and you'll eat let him know what it is you gotta take some thieving snitching [ __ ] and show them I'm a [ __ ] but I ain't they [ __ ] [ __ ] okay they brought the guard on the east bro bridge to let him through without checking they'll all right you guys is gonna go down there and tear them apart and Sunday okay watch your mouth okay okay but no I'm gonna need some rugs Liz I'm gonna be on it we best use a car here brother come on dude can one of your people bring the bikes around handle this Johnny take it to the branch attaboy what was all this [ __ ] with you dissing me in front of a mr. Bator man I thought you could handle it I can't handle [ __ ] Jesus one throw female and I don't want thinking I'm a [ __ ] then I guess you got to prove yourself no pressure man go [ __ ] yourself John this is one serious gun amigo this what they call a street sweeper that's about accurate for this [ __ ] it'll carve through any [ __ ] dumb enough to stand downwind of us honey you're doing so great I'm gonna take care of this we're gonna get through this okay no problem you're holding traffic oh what's the pain okay they've in a rush here okay listen to me man you gotta gather the way you're holding up traffic what's the problem is okay would you just let us through look you don't got a change you're not going through those are the rules I don't make them when I stick you'll see just turn around with head back it looks old from that with all the exact genes that you need all right just let us through please pay my bills and put food on the table look I got some change right here come on let's get this [ __ ] moving I this was on us now move your ass thanks guys great alright now let's do this what is it about sitting in Little Boots and wearing uniforms that turns guys into [ __ ] these guys ain't gonna know what hit them we got to get that white [ __ ] can't trust nothing naughty can't trust price again can't trust this president too short you know you can't even trust this money but you really waiting in my time like this come on keep it moving okay you gonna make me lose my mind [Music] we gotta lock up on the point man [Applause] [Music] I got a question for you show up dang Jonathan Schoop the Uptown riders I mean we ride bikes we ride apart but the thing is we don't wear fancy dresses or do pinky finger shakes or anything like that sighing sure what that makes us we're adults here Malcolm allegedly Johnny boy the legend so let's not let this descend into an argument about the merits of good American machinery versus water and plastic fantastic crap oh why you guys the black rejects from a bondage club or while you guys dressed like the Republican space Rangers anyway what I'm asking is what's the deal with this music you put out the branded clothing and [ __ ] it's just part of our vibe man rolling yeah man the bar is how we don't like you guys used to be back in about 163 is something completely [ __ ] lost if you ask me we've still got Hardman you're still here we just don't get on me-tv and scream about whatever you say Johnny boy [Music] whoo well now that's a fine little nest egg to get us through a low point and easier global markets baby sure mouth I'm just hoping you me and Liz can stare to jail long enough to enjoy it later on [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I didn't handle like a piece of [ __ ] or dumped it in the lock of convention if you're interested now yes pickup okay what'd you say where's your what second now is 400 momento chica no Ayana don't walk to customs are you home free esta bien are you soon and don't worry about my friend johnny is a he's ugly put your bike on dress undress hey why do I pay you to protect me when you don't do nothing in the kitchen I was doing excuses back in the kitchen Jesus Johnny boy what's up you had a good time the other day with those boys are men in their motorcycles sure why we need to hit that convoy so hard you know all these bodies can't be good for your business you don't think I can survive out here if I wasn't dropping some people I'm gonna be boss okay people gonna love you but they're gonna hate you even more right now you're starting to sound like Billy they gonna hate you because you're a woman in this macho [ __ ] world they're gonna hate you cuz you from the island super people think Latinos they were [ __ ] in this town we put a big boss hey you me these bodies gotta come with it okay I came up from a rough background the man tried to turn me out when I was 14 years old I fed him he's bald I'm just saying you should limit your casualties what I ended that [ __ ] got a reputation in PR no man touched me after that now I ain't sayin all minna bad what a merit three of them if I thought that right all right let's do this okay go get my girl mad though she just came in on the adios flight from be off you think this place look okay it's so hard to get it nice again what's the [ __ ] at they party that's fine yeah [Music] [Music] tell me what donut a nobody but the non-dna just an army no keep never that statue their happiness ha playing laser eye player gonna suck American penis when you get into holding Liberty swingers good team a what ha ha truck me Oh skank st. usually this kid this is gonna be fine come on no I don't know about you but the America I believe in doesn't deport hard-working young girls like this one yeah well the only thing this girl works hard as swallows bags of coke and in a minute knowing me so we're sorry yeah okay pull up your name Marta Dixie come with me keep your head down [Applause] Part III bleep yeah Johnny me you goal is tars place okay you Marta your first time in Liberty City maybe the city swingers baseball I step to it flec de la mujer is best Jose politico's la steve-o's the delinquency our mother lawsuit emergency mr. Vardhan and Windham see Liberty City Liberty City very good use our good I mean very well okay Johnny no hablo mucho Spanish lady necesito una lucha después de esta bien Bonita Tampa estoy embarazada en idea de cuantos Petronas Janos the very co I am I in Testino Delgado espero que nada Sara throat no speaking Spanish Marta I'm sorry let's go [Applause] okay here we are okey bueno gracias Johnny no man huh oh yeah no no no we gotta go shit's gotta get done alright some other time I don't think there's gonna be another time man shit's closing in and all these snitches all over the place if we're gonna hear that on your wiretap on dress you're [ __ ] hearing maybe you guys should I'll get rid of him and so does coke litter you want us to take Mart off your hands look after her until the Heat's gone you in your hands on my baby girl you only gotta worry about yourself and selling that coke you don't got to worry about me and you don't got to worry about her neither okay okay come on let's do this yeah we also are the other amigos today it's gonna be waiting for you that's right I'm gonna be waiting for you and you or anybody else who shows up okay good that's the way I roll dude can you and Terry get over to me I'd like to hear what up kid I got that package for you yeah man overnight express what you been stepping on this [ __ ] [ __ ] you tested it see pure spunk might you go fine listen you put your job and let us do it man oh hey girl they're [ __ ] good yeah it's good so what you gonna do about I'm gonna take it all oh I don't think so well you best change your mindset cuz this right here yeah [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi I think we love the last of the heat boys one more to go huh there was a wild ride Malcolm they should make a room on that [ __ ] pad thai always space for you Johnny boy and maybe we should get us a room together at the Jefferson motel I heard you and your brothers like that hardcore hard rock bondage [ __ ] quickly flirtation I be I gotta take this [ __ ] back live right right y'all got you round Johnny you want kiss you daddy whoa peace out see you boys later john acardo us the bad money a news deal didn't happen buyer got smart pigs got involved our friends are heading back with the product all right baby just don't get freaked out if you see me rollin in a cop car weird times call for weird measures Liz Ashley like you think I need you to meet a friend of mine Pacino that Guinea Jesus what'd you do with him [Music] Robert you're diligent Little Italy [Music] misterx 11 powered things [ __ ] off man you know Johnny you should have thought about being more forthcoming earlier in our relationship as it happens others in your fraternity are not as loyal as you I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about you're about to see a close friend on the witness stand time's up Johnny I'll believe it when I see it you tight-ass prick adios you [Music] hear your old man Johnny what's the matter sugar Oh Johnny I [ __ ] up [ __ ] up real bad what'd you do I messed up baby promise you won't be mad why what'd you do I'm an addict I need help [ __ ] did you do must be Johnny for you my name is not important what is this your woman here owes Dimitri Roskill of a lot of money okay we need you to do a favor what we need you to kidnap someone for us well I'm not in the kidnapping business dude and I'm not in the dude business dude you either do it or junkie gets killed not difficult decision even for a man stuck in 1960 Stockman it's easy you grab him and deliver him to warehouse of Lompoc in bulk on industrial and this will pay off her debts well a pays of interest wonderful the name of the man we want is a roman bellick yeah he runs a cab business but hangs around some backroom gambling place on Dillon Street his shuttle I got it you find him you take now run along Ashley you got to stop [ __ ] things up [ __ ] do you busy we got something and I don't need to get around the clubhouse hello you brother what's your name Johnny I need to snatch some guy named Roman bellick what's the cab down [Applause] [Music] nice rice rocket you got there come with a fortune cookie hahaha as a matter of fact it did told me I was gonna meet some nineteen fifties looking [ __ ] who preferred rusty all jumping jump to high-tech precision machinery rusty oil drippin American jumps minutes please your patriotism is making your evening anyway we're gonna go grab somebody we need four wheels I got that all right man but I'm driving the cage now you sure you know how watch and learn my friend watching [ __ ] learn calculating routes so we got a plan Johnny boy of course we got a plan we snatch this guy deliver him to some other guys then we pat ourselves on the back for doing a great job sounds simple as [ __ ] if you want wicked presentation before every job you do you're running with the wrong crowd who is this guy why you want to snack I don't know I'm doing this as a favor for a friend must be a good friend it's complicated oh it's like that isn't she like a girlfriend or something let's go I'm feeling that things is coming together it's starting to make sense now she ain't my old lady all right sure sure she ain't that's why you running all over town trying to snatch fool love up please she's a friend that she's in trouble I believe in looking out for people you've been close to it you and your boys might ride but you don't know nothin about Brotherhood see I know about brothers but I know about [ __ ] is wet this is John smells like a [ __ ] to me they got [ __ ] stink all over his side thank God I'm hanging out with another two-bit Street philosopher she played you she in trouble I don't know both maybe [ __ ] come out I think you cannot resolve women issues were you close to your mother growing up did she we ain't kidnapping nobody because of my mama John it's your lady friend getting us to do this snake on that side [Music] you have arrived I hope this [ __ ] hurries up loses his money so we can snatch him we're on the clock here hello hey old man how you doing please gentlemen the man that just took my money I can't get threw up twice in one day what do you want the shirt off my back come on we're not robbing you were taking you buddy chips have been cashed should be Badassdom how do you like bow a mr. bellick some pals wait for you there you know this ain't the first grudge here being up recently oh I get it I think the man's trying to give us some money we let him go he'll come back with a bag full of unlock twenties right you mean he's like trying to bribe us get back in the [ __ ] car - burgers get back in the car all right you win I know one to hold my hand move them fat little legs of yours a quick kidnappings good kidnap come on [Music] for future reference malc it might be worth locking your hostages into a car Manolis show them now don't worry about a thing you pull a stunt like that again and it's all for you make it ass this guy's kill you mean like this year or in my whole career ah just this year man we all got time for less it's been a good year you know you should apologize for that smell you shat yourself or something somebody looking for a fat slob with a bladder problem so this is Roman belly not such a tough guy hey what is all this fuss about his cousin listen buddy Ashley square with you now so do me a favor go easy on the fat man I've seen some of the bodies you people drop into homeboy easy Johnny you sort of [ __ ] stains in the back seat he's scared and not what happens to this [ __ ] cut it is none of your concern you come with me [ __ ] Johnny yo I got a bounced be easy those Russians have got their guy you got lucky but you got to control yourself Ashley the ice got you into this mess what's the best thing about me you call me okay [Applause] what's up baby nothing raised it friend he's raised a friend what are you talking about yeah he's a friend you know he's a friend like you baby I mean not like you but but you know we ain't we doing nothing I mean not at the moment but but he's he's a friend and he's been he's been he's did real good to me and and we need you we need you to do this for us all right if I sleep with him you know you and me broke up you was with that Layla girl that's all over now baby you know that yeah and you got to get off them drugs I know I will I need you to do this for me let me talk to Ray first where is he in there somewhere right hey Johnny am I glad to see you huh Ashley says you want something Ashley oh good kid you know I'm an a nice my day was coking down if that was it I've missed the exit she [ __ ] people up yep listen I got a little business proposition for you oh yeah okay I know about some diamonds illegal never in the system easy to move no insurance a couple millions worth what by wise guys from wiseguys four wise guys understand they'll tax me and nothing got our names all over right problem I can't be seen near them then let's just call it a conflict of interests well I imagine that happens quite often with you Ray oh yeah you don't like me too much do you does anyone like you too much I'll tell you what you go do this job you get yourself some real money can buy yourself some real friends yeah I should do that the ice is being held by a guy named Gay Tony you're gonna need a little help on this should be no problem with that good in Spain touch Johnny don't get too clever Jonathan what can I do for you brother James we got a hookup and broker might need some help all right man I'll let the lost Brotherhood over there no you're coming they like getting as dirty as the rest of us appreciate it man [Music] dude can you and Terry get over to me I like here [Music] being held by a man about town called Tony Prince where to take but shouldn't be a good profit in it for the last MC if this comes through so let's [ __ ] do it ya know maybe down the line to be an opportunity to rip up the smug Guido will gave us the job in the first place God brothers for life lost forever hey guys they doing not so oh these are great mmm they're great but two million you had your head in the oven mr. Tony I have what they tell you perfect clarity beautiful clarity well cut it a little shitload of carrots what do you expect Tony they're gorgeous just like you come on can we do a hand over please sing get out of here this is too much Oh ignore him he's probably been up all night with some bimbo honey you're a chef well cook yeah I have a line of some kitchen supplies how can I throw that into the equation what's the price look here's the money we agreed upon that's 10% just give us the ice okay thanks oh [ __ ] Donnie we out of here come on don't [ __ ] about okay Jerry [Music] [Music] right [Music] hey Jesus probably have the wiseguys these goats following you right now you just flip the whole off leave half of the trashcan at Harmon tight Street the other half of the trash on emerald some of my boys are gonna go pick it up all the funnel-like sounds real dumb to me but if that's what you want done I'll do it as long as I get paid [Music] what's going on baby I ditched the ice it said the trash now and rate better hope a garbage truck doesn't come around anytime soon ray got any money for me there ain't no money yet gotta sell this stuff before you get your cuts you'll be in touch sweet not enough Raymundo Joe John Ashley sends a lump yeah you gotta give that girl another chance you know you get the perfect free jump thanks for the advice ray I was thinking the same thing about you and a coffin you got that diamond money you're gonna have to work for it friend Oh peed on my sweating a little handovers happening at the limit Oh Nia just make sure my man Nikki walks away with after bread buddy ciao [Music] clay man I think it's wise for us to stay together round up parents and get over here like you're looking for trouble daddy will be there hey all right man how's it going hey good to see you again yeah likewise ah let's hope this goes a little better than before yeah come on let's get inside gentlemen gentlemen pardon the precautions you know how things are no problem let's do this okay let's see the stuff gentlemen Morrie come over here whoa whoa whoa whoa since we're having a little show-and-tell let's see some money of course no problem there it is beautiful huh unmarked bills no history no need to launder good Nico shown the stuff get in there Morrie Isaac look at them gorgeous huh like condensed money Isaac these are great Oh rested you [ __ ] want to die do something stupid okay [ __ ] you just get the [ __ ] come on [Music] we already [ __ ] take it they tell you to jump me Diddy I don't care if I die [Music] brother Johnny James where are you man we need to give you something Exeter on me what's up wait there hey what do you got get all the money that diamonds can buy I mean all raise money [ __ ] gray man [ __ ] all of ya [ __ ] them I guess we're rich then hold on to a brother you bet your balls on it okay Johnny Nikki tells me you got away with the money bring it to me Niko said that - that's weird [ __ ] was kicking off I don't know what happened to the money I just wanted to get out with my life you better not be pulling nothing Johnny I'll stop on your [ __ ] feet you hear me I like you Ray still keep your sense of humor in the face of an almighty [ __ ] see you around well look who it is hey how you doing tough guy what's your problem I told you not to get too [ __ ] clever what are you gotta be kidding start walking down stairs okay I'm going that's right gentlemen what the [ __ ] is going on here anything yet yeah Burnham again where's my [ __ ] stuff you see genius only he would rather get creme brulee before he dies hopefully you ain't so stupid where's my stuff I don't know what you're talking about [ __ ] you what are you [ __ ] deaf Oh where's my [ __ ] stuff I don't know who do you think you're [ __ ] a bullshitter [Laughter] you're gonna have to cut that [ __ ] out ray it's not [ __ ] cool I [ __ ] Ashley my friend and now I'm gonna [ __ ] you where's my [ __ ] stuff [ __ ] off ray good drop the [ __ ] gun Khun no I'll cut him no go ahead good bye run like a couple of girls Billy was right about both these backstabbing fools glad I got guys at every corner well you want to go I'll see you later I gotta go talk to Ashley I'm gonna go get the [ __ ] brothers calculating route [Music] my damn baby girl your friend ray ate so friendly you're right sorry of course he is baby thanks for the heads up you mean the upside the house cake I'll be there about still walking oh wait baby [Music] [Music] you think you're tough guys come on right there guys are a bunch of [ __ ] you boys better be more dangerous [Music] [ __ ] are a joke [Music] sorry the fridge or you got here mucho gusto my brothers I got a call on Ashley [Music] you have a run what's going on I'm sorry which bit for everything he told me everything me and rain friends no more me and rain either sugar Johnny I got some bad news Jim he oh man not Jim [ __ ] this angus is crippled Billy gone insane now Jim's did I guess that's what they call payback you got me I don't got you crystal got a guy you babe Johnny I'm gonna quit yeah and I'm an idiot believing in your [ __ ] all this time ain't your fault it's my fault I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna go to rehab straighten myself out anyhow he told me you wouldn't get hurt I wouldn't done it otherwise yeah well why shouldn't I kill you why bother I'd be better off dead but Johnny ray need the problem what are you talkin about are you telling me that a backstabbing mob guy who wants to kill me ain't the problem Oh Billy huh see it's Billy Ray it turns out that Billy was trying to poison him against you and now apparently Billy's going States he's gonna he's gonna blame you I'm sorry well what now you gotta get someone to help you maybe that congressman maybe we'll see go on and get out of here I love you Johnny Kay you're speaking a foreign language to me now lady now get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] I'm not in the mood to do any killing for the supposedly today to get your own hands [Music] [Music] nice place you got here Johnny not quite sure I meet the dress code but I think I like the smoking policy what the [ __ ] do you want now is that any way to treat a friend are we friends I think so you've certainly seen me naked you want a cigar do you want to go [ __ ] yourself oh not particularly listen your friend ray don't worry about him why not apparently he and a lot of his associates under some serious observation and in the process of imploding the loud to be dead or inside within a month or so best thing you can do stay away from him what about Billy gray yes well you've got a bit of a problem there's Thor he's been talking inside things that can help pin a major drug-dealing ring on you and your buddy in the chair thinks he's going into the witness protection program and if he collars you you'll do 15 years and he'll live in a condo in Arizona well I doubt that mr. Stubbs but he's on the inside yeah I know and there's currently very large walls and armed guards between me and him yeah well you're a smart guy you'll figure something out if you get into trouble you call me when you get there I might have something to help you good I'll need it hey one more thing Stubbs what are you doing this I told you I was good for a favor you're getting out of here Oh haven't you enjoyed your time in the state's care Terry man we got to pay our friend Billy a visit he's been talking brain clay and bringing all the [ __ ] firepower you got meet me at the elder need state correctional I'm waiting one last job guys thanks for coming tea Johnny my brother Sapna daddy a brother man here she is you're not getting cash for these weapons man blame Billy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you boys ready I'm about I'm about to introduce a pipe bomb to that gate I hope you're all ready use this rocket lunch billy-ray [Music] we gotta get through to Billy [Applause] [Applause] as long as we get Billy my backs against the wall you won't find salvation here my friend it's too late for that you here to kick a brother while he's down checkmate dude come on get it over with I'm doing it what you waiting for us beach or something [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it is here [Applause] Terry play thanks for rolling with me this gang is [ __ ] all al right now but I'll love you brothers until I die son of a [ __ ] best [ __ ] gang ever had Johnny hey hey we had fun here yeah we did but it's over yeah it is how the [ __ ] did that happen you know how it happens it's that [ __ ] up part of people which means good is never good enough I mean it wasn't enough we had to be drug dealers we also had to be outlaws to be maniacs to be psychos and to be greedy you know well that combination of greed and fucked-up stupidity that works well in the government not so good if you're a [ __ ] crook huh ain't that the truth go ahead let's put this place out of its misery yeah do what you gotta do come on man let's get out of here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 235,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, gta 4 all cutscenes, lost and the damned all cutscenes, episodes of liberty city, lost and the damned game movie, lost and the damned, grand theft auto iv lost and the damned, grand theft auto 5 all cutscenes, gta 4 game movie, all cutscenes, gta 4 episodes of liberty city, episodes of liberty city gameplay, the lost and damned all cutscenes
Id: 0JHT0II9aho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 52sec (9052 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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