Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - The Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey so there he is hey it so listen Tony I know you did a good thing first I know you've been lying low for a long time so I want you to take it easy for a while huh Vincenzo will look after you you need some money that's Kim you need a job lucky I'll take care of you what more could a family guy ask for even my son done got it so good mr. Leoni I thought we got history I mean I've done a lot for this family and now you're expecting me to take orders from this this this well it just doesn't seem right Tony I know what you did and no one is more grateful than me honestly but the idea that you walk in here and start to question my leadership right away is quite frankly out of order capiche I understand boss so when you need something give Vincenzo a call down at Atlantic key he'll take care of you won't you lucky of course boss anything you say tell you what we can go there now and got you a nice little place to stay Tony it's got you written all over it we'll head there first you're all hard this is it Tony home sweet home beautiful ain't she this shithole is supposed to be my home oh I think it's very you now you're disrespecting Oh Vincenzo not tough guy get your ass upstairs and go put on some decent clothes I don't got all day so move you now take me to my place hey apartments cost money Tony just you remember who pays the bills around here me daddy Vincenzo over here so from now on you work for me so I'd better see you back here real soon we got a dealer working on North Chinatown Pat's the lazy bastard ain't brought any cash in in face maybe need some encouragement to get off his ass and do some work acting like a bitch it kind of reminds me of you what are you trying to say I ain't trying to say nothing I'm telling you to get over there and make sure this asshole starts bringing in some goddamn money so Vincenzo tells me you're too chickenshit to work your patch Amy I'm gonna fix it up in illis or I'll go back to work tomorrow maybe the day after oh I think you're gonna work today like it it not oh I don't feel too good I think I might have a fever son listenmi i'm totin your baby daddy tells them golfing leone's now mr. Dawkins moving I'll go back there i'ma take me sure sure I'm telling you meant you doctors are dealing you Vinny crying out loud toy but he did any piece I'm already up locked up last thing I need is you on my case but it's just still here you know I'm still not seeing any money coming in from that dealer you know why enlighten me because he's dead idiot some chump lactam Sadako's just started dealing you know Leone Turk - you gotta accept that pony I want you to get over to Chinatown alright boss I'm on it oh god what you've never got their paper here and that back in Taiwan stay off the only tarp asshole saying you want some more ass head who beat you black and blue back off Julio do well in that city nobody else you hear me you send taco fucks watch it pal kill me some mafia take the ears you hey remember JT O'Toole difficult's a forget it's currently running a synth a co control titty bar I mean gentlemen's club the interesting thing is he wants to be a Leone now fuck him he made his choice hello brain cell geez Tony South said you was dumb muscle but I didn't think anyone was that dumb we can use daddy to get the drop on some tacos plans he's gonna be a born inside there's just one thing he's being set on by something taco ape I want you to remove this little obstacle and get JD on our side capiche Forellis you've got to fucking [Applause] dony oh you just gave me some great stuff footage JD you saw that you're filming me I can't wait there we're on the same page don't get too excited you still owe me money take that Sadako chumps card oh it's you yeah how about that it's me what do you know I'll tell you what I know tough guy some of our boys have screwed up a simple no brain fucking job lousy bastards can't even pull up a simple race my own why am i surrounded by so many fucking idiots oh I don't know birds of a feather oh you're fucking comedian well lap this up wise guy you're the one who's gonna clean this shit up for me now they don't fit in Treadwell's morons back here fuck outta here you sure mama I'll call you later yeah Vincenzo yeah yeah of course being a good boy love you hey Sheriff hey sweetie it would rest now oh here no get out of here a little trim petal for you hey who loves you angel you do Vinnie's got your mother on the phone sure you're disgusting where's your respect respect I call it multitasking Antonio what don't you like getting a hot bra to suck you off huh because if it's a problem I can get ready to help you out fuck you I'm just busting your balls relax listen tough guy I need you to do me a favor I got girls crazy for blow I got a car full of it parked in Trenton go pick it up give me a call what am i a driver screw you no listen listen listen listen I do it myself but I'm being watched by the feds you know I look out for you trust me besides remember there's a hierarchy here capisce now be a good kid [Music] please don't move asshole hey Jody how's the car the son-of-a-bitch spinner you set me up set you up set you up when you came back to the city you had nothing nothing I set you up all right you want Grateful bastard with an apartment and a job that's generosity I expected pick up your wrist now and then I hear Terry sound okay now you sugar daddy you're the police for watching a car spoon of police when I tell you to do something you do it capisce oh yeah I understand Vinny I understand that as long as I work for you I got treated like a bitch well look i was making scores while you were looking up girls skirts have your bitch job back boss I quit Tony don't make it a bit you [Music] I ain't got no work for no Leone hey Tony come back when you're less conspicuous hey JD get out here hade a little sicko get the fuck out here before I come in here and break your legs I'm coming hey Cody que pasa give us all your sticky oh it's the UH the strippers stuff they put all over me you know they like it yeah they put it anywhere so how you doing what the fuck are you wearing what this I'm in adventure slower you know I like an experimental sign you know nothing wrong with the hammer hey you kid watch oh you're sick you better shut the fuck up right now hey relax Tony where's my money see that's the problem we are getting ripped off all right now you wait here I got to go change out of this thing you know hey Raymond time to put away the double in there hey Tony lets you and me go for a drive yeah we got some things we gotta check out hey okay okay I'm sure the girls are ripping me off we better 12 the neighborhood to see what's up that's one of my girls hey JD I got your money right here hey I recognize that girl did you think I wasn't gonna bring this to you or something that's one of my girls in that car hi JD I was just about to bring this to you honest one of my girls are you checking up on us girl JD hey that pimp is ripping off one of my girls get them great what about it's all there counting if you want that girl right there hey JD it's been a slow day this is all I got nice work Tony I don't think the girls are gonna give me any more trouble on this shift you [Music] thank god you're here talk I just had a tip-off that the cops are gonna raid us so he's got a license or some shit that goes Salvatore is here and my girls the special visit you know what you gotta get romantically before the cops arrive beat him out front never a dull moment you're gonna get whacked in the head down here hello you you did well today son I like your style I always have Thank You mr. Leone you know I think Vincenza was taking up too much of your time I could use a good fall like you give me a call sometime uncle Sal will take care of you you hey Tony I can't come out right now I'm busy you know why what's going on in there what the hell is that smell look Tony we're catering to some real specialists day there's stuff is in and that gold dust well you should be concerning yourself with is that Leone gaming house up in st. marks listen that goes are going nuts about it I heard they're gonna blow the place off the map Tony it's JD look I just heard there's a bunch of sand on Coco's coming your way and they're packing big-time watch yourself thanks JD appreciate it you so Cody listen doc goes got this place dolls house it's a casino and bordello and one classy so you might lose at the tables but you could Bank on the ass well the place is key to the setup oh if you would put in that business you know blow it up with something I'm telling you will be gold itself oh yeah I don't recognize him you terney if your MA how long have you been back in town how come you don't come and see what's wrong with you I'm your mother for her holy to take come on you we're back holy well now if your bid not one so full all the time you were away they don't have both in your world oh come on boy you know I couldn't pull our mailman but of course his mother you could learn a thing that's so from Giovanni's concepts before his mother every day now he's a good man and here's the billion to athletes equals death Wow gossip of my cause ain't no good man he's a pervert that's not that about Roma what kind of man are you bully all right mom whatever you say maybe I'll go give Giovanni a call see what he's up to I think I'm in the mood for some [Music] [Music] okay ladies give me a minute here will ya I'm gonna change into something that's a little more me okay ladies it's milk time who's gonna be mama oh my oh come on girls get with the program Oh God look at don't look at me hey ma take a look at my photo it's up you're good man Giovanni Casas wearing a goddamn diaper it's fine dicking around in a wood taking pictures of men what is wrong with you Antonio Oh Jaime boots and rifle or no diapers he's still been abused you ah come on mouth speak to me yes not my happy you'll know more you powers you can't fool me I know why you don't make back a bit you're running scared of some turning your father thud that's it so wouldn't let no one run him out of his own home but unlike here's your fryer wasn't yellow until the Troy it showed you some respect you're no son of mine adora maybe but not but try to go look at you you're all so thin but you were still living here with your mother what it's not sure living eating right and look at those cars you drive to shame me and Tommy oh really you do people will think I brought you up Road what can I do well you know I'd do anything for you that simple boys racing downtown today it's the only rule at all I can't be treated mother was really refreshed of course if your partner said he'd win the race and textured smug grin off that's little boy's face yeah it's making me delayed the father was a real man gets old [Music] [Music] I got [Applause] hi there I ain't talking to you no more Tony he'll show you a Sicilian room after you put that photo of cuts and he stopped Amyas protection money and what are you doing about it further would have turned him into meatballs right now custom idea big party but it takes guts to snubber Cipriani I only wish no Larry his guts you wish I had cast his guts okay mom you a squirrel hairstylist 69 Tony how you doing what's up you and me are gonna talk Casa just somewhere more private we still pony I'll get you the money I owe honest it's fine because you monster like a spicy sausage I can get a sub no problem so what do you want to talk about Tony is it the protection money it is isn't it Tony we can talk about this right Tony yeah yeah talking is good people just don't talk enough these days Tony stand there shut your Yap Casa yeah okay Tony but I I don't feel comfortable hey easy with that Tony its it's the on switch for them [Applause] billy the kid' we'd be civilized about this pony [Music] you special sauce no one told me about this whoa which suited we knock on this dialog there's loads of me back here hmm tasty okay I'll take them it's a good thing cos ate here if he finds out about this he'll go crazy they're sorry and get on the phone tory's come to get your mother get hurt you spend all day playing their top guys you never come to see me what we're donating nitro right hose won't kill anyway they're trying to fill me with the same in the words well no more from this point John would help I call them here on you it's really the only place for it's for the best done at least try to die like a real man son stop shaking you hey boss you okay do I look okay No then what are you a fucking moron you're always saying the obvious I can't believe I'm surrounded by people like you sorry listen I'm sorry Tony you're one of my most trusted allies after what you did you're like a son to me better than my son better than any son your mother is a lucky woman so I hear Anthony it's over for guys like us what dinosaurs or Dodos or dildos or something I tell you even in my own family I feel like Jesus surrounded by 12 Judas's I mean listen to this I got a union boss abroad no Lester I need to do me a favor and she asked me for money all I wanted was 24-hour access to the Ducks while the strike was going on strikes that I helped organize so my boys could offload some drugs and now I get this horseshit I mean these are people that I personally fought for people I've killed for honest people and this is how they repay sing-songy it's a disgrace we're finished men of honor like you and me listen Tony I want you to take something to it you're gonna take this crap off a broad for now what choice do I have look go down there pay her off and tell her I'd like to have a word with it go Salvatore wants to talk I'm not playing Salvatore his game thanks for the donation kids here round you know hey strikebreaker is there funny a new doggies back to the old Dhoni come a star I'm glad you showed up I want you to do something for me if I can't get that bitch of a union boss on my side I can sure should get her guys to play along you got a squash you like a turn let's go let's stay out of my way to Salvatori Oh hey good-lookin you wanna have some fun honey you all righty you Tony how are you my boy you look a little thinner than your mama feeding you right I'm good mr. Leone listen these Union guys they get me pissed it looks like some of them are starting to see things my way but we just need to turn up the heat on some of the less than receptive Union Big Shots you know what I'm talking about what are you doing are you crazy Oh [Music] you're crazy man no way trip this strike will continue until I get some assurances from this study mafiosi thinking they can run the Union Ken thanks again listen to this shake they don't scare me I got bigger balls than all of them I should call a hit on this bitch she's taking me for a ride well two can play at that game Tony you're gonna deliver a message for me you Harwood fairy station and step on it sati hey take it easy we're not no race man you're not my regular driver who the hell are you shut up now on you do exactly what Salvatore Leone capiche I refused to be scared by this we'll see please tell us okay okay I've had enough I'll do whatever you want and don't forget our little agreement lady these guys are starting to piss me off hello I know it's Maria Salvatore gave me your number but I found it in his address book but whatever you're a new doggie right well I want to go walk I'll expect you over to you you're late typical man I want to go shopping and you're driving so help me I'm gonna have some fun today even if it kills you I just need to finish getting ready and screw it I'm gorgeous come on Tony lady is sexy I won't people but I just wanted to see what it looked like in the daylight take your goddamn hands off me [Applause] that was fun but I don't need to pick up someone keep the engine running mom Maria no more stealing oh hush Tony baby that was all a misunderstanding bhakti I'm telling you I don't have anything hidden up there get the hell off of me stop Tony honey I had a great time today maybe you can drop by later and we can have some more fun see you later handsome you stop it one of thousands of don't bring me right over oh he's a charmer maybe to Tendo yeah so listen I want a party but the cupboard is bare you got some sugar pure cane huh great ciao come on Tony I got places I need to be I ain't going anywhere with you hotel do you think you all oh shit so uh you want to come up for coffee and something I'll pass you sure call me you excuse me dear Tony I've put myself up as the first prize in a street race if Salvatore finds out about this we're both going to be in big trouble so you better come and save my ass then maybe it'll belong to you forever yours Maria [Music] [Music] [Music] come on Maria let's go well finally mr. tough guy makes his move look Maria just Salvatore's girl I'm my own girl he's such a goddamn square [Music] what have you taken now nothing well what's it this time huh smack Downers ludes a little too much trumpet not enough dies a Pam a little too much sideways now not Bob Cody who did this to you know what who was it this guy I'm seeing Wayne some guy you're seeing you're my boss's girl Shh come on Tony don't be so square besides he gets me this great speed you know what girl needs a lift plus it makes you really wild in bed shut up why'd he do this to you this dead prick Wayne I told him I was in love with somebody else I told him about me and you Tony and that hit there is no you in me Christ you're killing me where is this Wayne he deals at a bar down in Chinatown I love you Tony cipriotti are you Wayne who wants to know I'm a friend of Maria's beating up on women get your motor running huh that bitch had it coming yeah what else so do you get him gonna kick your head you Oh baby Oh I thought you never might get this wrong with you that's nothing baby it's all good get up you crazy bitch what have you taken now thank you nothing much you know a couple a couple of greens a couple of heavy Reds all on these grape fields I'm getting from Holland now pure as hell I feel great no I don't I need a SAP and I'll be fine they're here somewhere what's a SAP SAP you don't know what has happened Tony you are so square come on make sense I need a SAP Tony I'm gonna die I felt like this before I bow deep get me as a pony I left them at the diner in Callahan point I'll just sit there and come on you why have you brought me here visiting here this is where weenies staying out I remember I got some SAP stashed in half a night hey it's that keep it a Maria and that's the fuck who killed way I [Music] you're sure this time what kind of driver are you that took ages I cut an old deed on the mouth I'm gonna need a new wardrobe a little nip and tuck the work honey have you got some money not really have you been coming on to me for I'm Salvatore girl he's loaded don't you ever hit on me again Anthony it's Salvatore have you seen Maria I swear I can only to find that bitch when she needs money come over and see me soon I got some work for you shut up you ungrateful bitch I'll knock you into next week if I hear another word from oh that's right big dick what are you gonna do hit me the only time you touch me these days why the fuck would I want to touch you I don't like yous Goods you revolt me me revolt you what yeah revolt oh please you know what my daddy was right when he said you were nothing but a family yeah yeah hi Tony I want my money old man get out of here you Tramp hey Anthony you're an angel of mercy women what are you gonna do about him huh luckily I can trust someone in my life you Tony you're very important to me did I ever tell you that you can't even get it up you all bet not for you I don't like using public toilets you slut very important so listen it's you and me now we're in charge we got those fools on a run but you know you're more interested in hanging out with Matt and you're only happy when you got your drugs around your ankles and your back against the wall Christ I met rabbits you like the fuck less than you so listen this is your no dick bully and wife-beating piece of it fuck me fuck you in fact everyone has anyway I got a shipment of you-know-what coming in this is gonna put us you and me on the map big time everything should run smooth I just need someone someone I trust to take care of things for me all right Tony I'll talk to you later and another thing I never met a girl with hydraulic underwear it amazes me Christ why did I marry her I was looking for a tramp I married a slut I must have really pissed someone off my best life I'll tell you that much [Music] hey ese you were supposed to be here hours ago quit whining Miguel you got the stuff hey I'm a busy man doing next time I'll find another buyer yeah I doubt you find anybody else who pays what we do ha ha I like you Tony you got big balls like a bull you got our money sure what you pre-spawn fuck hey Tony its Jamie I hear it all over you're headed for big things I just hope you don't go forget your vow JD when you get to the top ready hey come by sometime okay buddy you JDate Tony thank god you're here sweatin like my uncle in a schoolyard My Mind's going crazy what are we gonna do what oh god I can't believe it he's gonna cut my balls off he's gonna put him in a vise not necessarily in that order god I feel like the day the FBI searched my hard drive my heart's racing you got any value around rohypnol what about see I got too many of those going on oh god I can't believe this we might have blame it's not my fault but you know Salvador he's gonna get the vice squad on my ass oh my god it's gonna be like those statutory rape charges have you ever been in prison I'm statutory rape charges man they come in into it the showers okay and she wasn't King oh my god this is gonna be worse listen you babbling cocksucker one God's name is wrong did you Salvatore he was kidnapped on leaving the club well why didn't you say so instead of making me listen to that crap come on now to get a place ready for the shot that's one of the guys that took Salvatore you where is he in a trunk good we're taking him to the crusher the boss wants him flattered and pizza it's big Cody don't worry about it thing I'll get you out of there what kind of driving was that you're trying to kill me mr. Leoni boss I'm sorry what can I tell you sons of bitches they think they can do that to me I'll tear their fucking hearts out this doesn't end here for Christ's sake Tony you saved my ass pull me Sal thank God I know I saw you go in I've been praying you turn up Salvatore's gone apeshit he's coming down here personally to kill every some taco he can find so I took a hike look I put a rifle on the roof across the street make sure no harm comes to Salvatore Hey so we drop the dog walk [Applause] like pussy are you watch them so Salvatore clean house huh and now he's fixing up yours it's all mine now Tony those cocksucking Sadako's all been kicked out listen I hear the Sicilians are trying to broker peace between the families sounds got some heavy up in place right now the thing is smells a rat you want someone to go up there bo this guy see where he goes [Music] Oh Monsieur Murray musty decor though if you do my associates work for them you'll be well rewarded Hepburn heights will belong to the Diablos so keep crate by star detainee only tight down important and when my associates control this city you'll be taking care of chief pain CMO no it's a Leone you it's all happening today I'm gonna be a made man me today they the untouchable god help us all I've waited a long time for this never would have happened in Topsham hey I'm crying over here come on hey Mickey how you doing ceremonies in Hollywood this is great I sleep those bastards you can't meet down just cuz the little I was blood in my veins Salladhor god bless him you don't let a little thing like that get in the way oh you gotta chill out ah Tony I tell you I can't believe this happened wait is so warm finally I thought he'd be a main man hey are we there where's Salvador Tony first drinks on me hey the guy was a fucking rat he screwed over his own boss the scratchy our salvatore could never trusted that motherfucker up the fucking karna River you could drive me off on a way if the cops see the car like this they pull us over for sure hey remember dump the car in the river hey it's me Vincenzo what the hell do you want so I'm gonna pick up your laundry or wipe your ass oh come on no I don't feel like that listen I feel bad about everything come on drop by my place I got come to point yeah what's that a pair of concrete boots nice slice of arsenic pie you got about no come on oh and I feel bad about what went down Salvatore heard about it and call me we both need to grow up this is me growing up I'm sorry come on what is this Tony Romo stop I knew your call listen I'm down at the Portland docks we got a big shipment just come in get yourself down here I'm on boy the big freighter oh I got stuff to do look I know I've been in an audience Tony and for that I'm truly sorry from now all will feel like partners okay better part is brothers so come on 26 it's what Salvador watch okay for Salvatore but if you pull any of that Daddy bullshit you're a dead man [Music] [Music] is that dumbass GIMP that yet hate to disappoint you penny you're sort of a bitch why can't you just die already you should have never come back Tony I worked my fingers to the bone for Salvador and you just come wandering back to town and he saw Tony dancin Tony that this is my territory my town you ain't taking it away from me I'm gonna enjoy this Tony it's Salvatore we got big trouble get your ass over here pronto you Tony we got trouble big trouble what is it Sal what's the world coming to we got the Diablos crawling all over us in hepburn they're kicking our asses we just finished one goddamn war and bang we're right in the middle of another I swear just when things were looking up I'm cursed I'm fucking cursed hey don't worry about a thing boss I'll deal with this [Music] so Tony is it over how'd it go it's not good Sal I saved a few guys but we lost too many before I got here I think we're gonna lose this part of town over my dead body this ain't done yet I ain't losing shit the Leone's don't retreat from nothing you hear me Tony just said itself hey Sal Tony what are you thinking a new car she's a beauty huh fully loaded top-of-the-line oh yeah midlife crisis shut up Tony listen I got a shitload of money that needs to be picked up for my warehouse down at Callaghan point I don't trust anyone else to do this are you girls gonna talk all day are we driving god damn it woman did I tell you you could speak Hey Dude come esta you come on hurry up okay let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] you well well what don't play dumb with me kid I was playing dumb when your mother was still turning tricks your problem I know you've been saying about me you think I'm an idiot huh that what you think boss I ain't been saying nothing about you what the fuck I don't know what's happening to me Jesus I'm getting paranoid Tony really fucking paranoid just because I think everyone hates me doesn't mean they don't know what I mean someone is out to get me it's that fucking mayor he's gonna blame me for all this shit that's been going down in the neighborhood all of it not just the crack that I did but all of it come on let's go take care I chose it very tamanna but the strikes go ah there won't be any berries just drive I'll do the thinking Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] everything oh shit Tony minute I knew I could trust you or I could kiss you if you shaved now listen I know a safe place where we could both lie low for a while come on let's go you [Music] the industrial action that a cut off Portland from the rest of the city has finally come to an end or has it although all the subway and ferry routes are now officially open militant workers are continuing with their blockade in parts of the city the elevator bridge connecting Staten Island and shoreside vale has been shut down the strikers refused to believe assurances made by city officials over the future of the ferries [Music] yeah this is the place I'm gonna take a look around see what's what I might see you here later yep Tony it sound I need to talk but I don't trust these cellphones shit I'll call you on the public phone outside the courthouse yeah it's Tony that bet that mayor's bucket with me I don't take that shit relax I'll take them out of the equation you're a good boy Tony that stuff should be taken daily run in the park make sure he's out of breath permanently oh yes it is default but can see we've been talking you Tony a few of the guys will be calling you later make sure you're around when they arrive ciao Salvatore hey Tony get in come on but go for a ride come on get in you're driving Mickey what what's up fine Cipriani will we become hit or wack you Salvatore's just down there but on a me what are you waiting for Tony my boy today's the day of being made Oh Salvatore I mr. Leone our mom has been waiting for this day [Music] it's al this Morelli that may a hole in their pocket but we're gonna take control of City Hall I know if it shuts businessman who's wanted to get into office he's a complete asshole so he's qualified for the position I told him you'd make sure he wins the election for us - to Antonio how wonderful to see you what's going on we're having a party dear boy a party yes a morte party the first of the season what the fuck you talking about a morgue party we're gonna have quite a night tonight but first we need to go and pick up the guests come before it gets get bored to death no pun intended cousin dead you know our guest of honor is taking a little trip to the pathology labs let's not keep him waiting you the el touni Boston campaign it's down to the wire and every last votes gonna count Oh down events campaigners are working those marginal seats heart what we've got our own waiting so get out there and spread the word Oh Donovan is a junkie Oh Donovan believes in compulsory buggery Oh Donovan the Communists Oh Donovan dresses and his daughters of the wear oh darling gets naked with hogs Oh Donovan hates America Oh tax the wealthy mythology's classes in schools believes in corporate action dhanno love is a war hero vegetarians O'Donovan has three wives Oh [Music] I'm Tony oh okay pasa amigo you do know I'm Italian don't you don not Spanish of course how silly of me I just love all the romance languages mark god this is good it tastes just like chicken but somehow more sentient you want them I already ate dang too bad it's fantastic I have some more delicacies about to be served the liberals would have a field day of course but how little they know of life's real pleasures sophistication and democracy have always been such uneasy bedfellows listen Don we need to win this election okay we need to make sure that there's no skeletons in the closet if you know what I mean right what I mean is how do we take care of this O'Donovan guy who is covered for standing in for the Forellis the guy has a lot of people canvassing for him all kinds of deluded people people if you know what I mean I think we need to have their faith in democracy shaken if you understand me what you mean is that I gotta go beat the crap out of them passion Antonio it's it's magnificent it's so um vogner Ian you know arrivederci Amiga humphreys bring out the offal you antonio good to see you now I'm no Democrat but even I draw the line at vote rigging did you know the Forellis owned a silent share of a company making the new voting machines that's bad right well we certainly can't trust them no it's best if they all have a major malfunction if you my left venture [Applause] how I hate publicity but it's all part of the game right right so the Forellis are gonna try and take me out aren't they don't worry I'm gonna be riding shotgun oh well here goes everything you're messing with a real gangster now pocket doors this won't take okay we're good to go I can't bite an election as a virtual recluse we'll have to think about using different IDs you bad news Tony what the exit polls are neck-and-neck time for Plan B we steal some of the uncounted votes and we replace them with some of our own boys that you said about vote-rigging oh shut up hello Tony Meeks out I can smell those Pirellis shine old me get up man what I want to know is why they get debated come by the flyer in my hand listen meet me down the jetty we're gonna do a little fact-finding you Conny hop in where we going we're gonna have a little chat with the mayor's assistant about Franco Ferelli you and off my ball you're coming with me you can't do this are we in up The Secret Service will be watching you those rocks what's the right my helicopter [Music] hey it wouldn't take a shoot without Franco say-so nobody owned the mail ah wait the right is though Sicilians they push freight going toward the Sicilians why they all freak and they want a war between the Liberty field when it does some they come to take home honey I'll call you later Joe Tony Sal listen head over to the public fumbles and scientists need a talk on the way I want you to see the associate of mine and that's patriot it's gonna help us pile the pressure on us is that code isn't Morelli yeah thank God you picked up what's up sound I'm buying an umbrella just launched snowing when all hell broke loose you descendants of godly waterboy rallies and I'm stuck in the middle of it I'll be right there my limo Tony let's get out of here get me back to the limo hey Tony thanks I'll be in touch yep toning it sound get to the public for fools at the Liberty campus this is important you hey Tony me I got something for you I love it it should be fun what do you want dawn South the band nearby give me a call when you find it okay so I'm in the van good we messed around with police and echoes car so what do you want me to do paulie's gone to a meet with the Forellis he's gonna try to broker a truce use the gear in the van to take control of paulie's car and mess up the meet [Music] [Music] Oh oh yeah Tony Sal here get over to Belleville and find the public local I got something urgent needs doing you hello Tony some wise guys found out that the Sicilian mama behind the Forellis McDonald's use headed over to meet Franco's Farrelly right now it works very much to our advantage that Franco knows something and this war keeps on going take that blabbermouth out got it Sal you so you're the pain-in-the-neck count excuse me got all kinds of important people very pissed off at you Leon McCaffrey LCPD I don't know what you're talking about I'm in the restaurant business whatever you say tough guy you Greaseballs want to put holes in each other I don't give a shit all I care about is my cut oh I love a man of principle well me too I go to all their memorial services in fast cars with hot broads my cut where is it up your ass buddy like don't make me laugh you keep fuckin with me I'll put you your friends your friends families your fucking hometown under the soil go get laid a song this is business a partnership equals I keep the law off your back the feds Rico and you keep me in this shit that I like well how do I know I ain't about to be shaken down by every dirty cop from here to by city I'm gonna help you take over this town in return I want some cash and a few favors now come on Tony take a drive with me we're gonna meet your old friends listen doc owes okay I'll take the wheel you start plastic adapt it survive Cipriani adapted survive oh shit shit this is getting too high-profile I gotta make myself scarce see you around Tony you took your time Tony you say jump I say screw you cute now listen the yardies have their greedy eyes on forelli turf in Newport get over there and lure the forelli soldiers down to the hospital Rockford the yardies will be waiting for it what's in this for you I own catch you later [Music] yeah come on let's take it to him what I did wrong in my past life to deserve you ray you're 40 years old and you have no idea what's really going on I don't know how you've gotten this far I don't know how somebody hasn't put a bullet and you're mother Teresa hey what's your mouth Leon I can't believe what happened this fucking conversation what are you gonna run the mommy are you gonna jump on daddy's knee ask for a wet kiss hey don't freeze oh whoa easy meet my new partner mr. Hibbert he's gonna make sure I do everything by the book toni cipriani Rhema chest he's with us hey we're gonna go fight organized crime now you run along to the precinct fill out a report you're a good kid let's go Tony [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Cipriani we must stop meeting like this fine by me come on lighten up a little where you got from me McCaffrey those yardie boys are having a little trouble holding on to their newly acquired turf in Newport seems now the sindaccos want it back before I would yet cut himself cap I'll get the ambulance you go help my boys do you come the ambulance thanks mr. Cipriani boyo on yeah Cipriani it's me McCaffrey I've got some news that Salvatore might appreciate come and see me up at the usual place you what no flowers I didn't know it was your funeral you're a regular comedian Tony real funny guy barelli's it gets serious they're running arms and taking a cut at a merchandize themselves tooling up for trouble they're moving the guns to Fort Staunton and trucks it's been a guess likewise [Music] yeah a tough guy its McCaffrey the feds have caught up with your boss Salvatore and they're real pissed he's gonna take the heat for every crime in this city so we never met understood you give me Father for I have sinned shit the devil's hit pay dirt with you Antonia now either you can go off and say Hail Mary so you can do the Lord's dirty work the second options for my bag some for Senna confess to fabricating a report on doping our country's finest athletes if you would have stopped him giving this to the FBI innocent careers would be saved considerate Don Farah [Music] Durham hey I don't know you wish Joe no Joe no you couldn't make hey that's Johnno give me that screw this give me Father for I have sinned holy crap Tony what have you done love no language father no hail Mary full of whatever a wayward soul has confessed the Fencing diamonds help this pilgrim on the path to redemption take the loot and I'll see the diamond to return forgive me Father for I have sinned Tony my son compared to the degenerates in this town you're a saint their cars pump the devil's pump gas into our children's lungs they are defiling Eden go and show these sinners the error of their ways you forgive me Father for I have sinned again and you shall be redeemed once more my son the cult of celebrity has gone too far kind of whore gives a radio interview instead of giving a hard-working newspaper journalist and exclusive destroy these false idols help yourself you're only stealing evidence I've done what yes Father great the paper circulation has tripled since you found your soul what thanks again for all your help Tony hey what the fuck who are you Tony it's done I have a rather pressing matter that requires your particular skills please call me at my office as soon as you can Tony you've got to help me Oh Donovan's got evidence linking me to Salvatore we're stuck calm down evidence goes missing every day not to mention judges witnesses jurors I hope you see it that way one of my men has been following the Guardians he'll meet you under the overpass in Newport Tony the evidence is in that van up ahead you have to fight your way in get the bear back to DL good luck hey down took care of that mess for you everything should be cool now really you got no more links to organized crime you're whiter than white you can be the Pope watch this organized crime it seems his friendship with mobsters including toni cipriani have counted heavily against him in voters eyes the past few hours have seen his popularity plummet he is deemed it seems unfit for office hon fit because you owe your fault my fault oh yeah my fault I can't believe the sacrifices I've made for this town and do you know what my weakness has been the entire time humility and now I'm ruined bankrupt 20 million dollars in the hole go bankrupt done Arriva dead G bankrupt Tony sales are you hey shut up thinkin of my lawyer here Tony I mean lion l-listen they got me you believe it I'm up against a creek without a paddle now get your ass over there's stuff I need you to take care of fine you see lawyer mr. Leone I know who the hell he is pal come on give me a break here God can't run along say hello to your mother for me Gabi alright you got five minutes listen man Lionel you're looking good look at me fine member of the community and suddenly I'm banged up it really challenges my philanthropic nature of course mr. Leone we're doing everything we can to get you out of here and back to helping your community as soon as possible of course I hope we can sue someone for this outrage those constant send out those or those cocksuckers the Forellis who was it who ratted me out let's hit them both hard way I see it they both could use a good beating for this outrage motherf going to be my pleasure thank you Tony you really mean a lot to me you know that listen you might need some backup use the hoods okay whatever you think is best mr. Leone I get out of here I know okay cuz I smoke this - got dog guy damn that was intense man [Music] you hey Sal it's me Tony Tony it's good to hear your voice bitch these chumps who wouldn't be seen nobody listen I got plenty of such state there hey Paulie Chikako it's families finish this now but these things just run away like it's got no zoos to face I'm in jail because of that best mates that son of a bitch you ain't got a chance to catch me ladies and gentlemen Paulie Sadako has left the building you Wow how's it going whoa fucking bene just great number one the new mayor is fixing it so I don't get bailed and but sewer suck fight that goddamn triads in Diablo number three I hear is that fucking Yakuza I'm gonna make a play to take over the city other than that everything is just peachy if the early years of mob control finally plucked it all down the crapper boss I can take care of everything Yakuza have got a load of weapons and its Patriot nothing can stop them now we'll see about that [Applause] oh shit I don't fucking believe it [Applause] [Music] yeah Tony its Donald no no wait don't hang up I've got a very exciting proposition for please come by my current residence and I'll fill you it Tony please Tony have a hard time I'm calling you from my life [Music] I know what you're thinking don't he how the mighty have fallen but this is just a temporary blip man okay oh don't be all touchy I know I said some nasty things about this being her fault and all but hubris is a nasty nasty bedfellow almost as nest sister mites and trust me I try both recently wait you and me all right no way back I never went away we're in this together amigo no one not please please please forget about it buddy it's all your fault but that 10% 10% of what this oh you're too kind not of this of something really big come I'll tell you about it on the drive I hope you have your car mine's in the shop head for the airport Tony we don't have a minute to lose oh yes this is one of my better plans for sure I never knew I had a Dimmick even a fruit would be proud Tony my ex mentor Avery Carrington is flying into town today it's come to my attention that he's working for the Penn lanta corporation they'll do anything to get Proctor in the state of his plans to acquire land come on Tony Atlantic must have employed the cocktail that gave Oh this is going to make me a fortune Tony at last a reporter witness us killing Avery he is photos oh god I'm finished calm down will ya where is this reporter Oh Tony you're wonderful apparently he's working on an undercover job at the church on Staunton island get the photos and bury him you got some photos of me where are they I don't know what you're talking about where are they goddamn photo don't hurt where are they no come on you little pussy give them up okay okay I'll get you the photos I stashed the film in my locker here they are taken I didn't get the process yet he's a shit I'm back back from the dead Tony risen in you like a phoenix from the ashes like Lazarus yes Lazarus love I'm gonna be rich again paddle antic we're gonna pay me a fortune to see the tail through we did it Tony whatever it's time for a little soiree with a very exclusive guest list come on we're gonna need some transportation Tony we don't have much time Tony I've been dying for this party just like my guests scroll my friend Hey every how you aged since we've last met you used to feed me such pearls wisdom and soon I shall die again Oh God he's wearing a wig you be sure to get Ned burners corpse here before security discovers US they'll be entering him anytime now you if you prefer dyani who's this how'd you get my number if one puts their mind into it one can achieve much I shouldn't have to tell you that mr. Tippin I need your help in a delicate matter for his help you'll be richly rewarded I will explain when you arrived at my apartment incorrect you so this is the bigot of gangster you don't lose so top Thanks do you know what it is to live without love mr. Tony it is to live with hate I'll take your word for it it is my earnest wish to destroy a man mr. Sahani destroy not me Riku I want him and is a whole organization weakened and humiliated before he dies I want him to suffer okay this man I want you to destroy his my husband Kazuki cathain don't worry for your services you will be handsomely rewarded well what if I say no you won't because why I merely won't indeed you need in truth you have already dealt him a severe blow mr. Siviglia he is taking delivery of more munitions today I want you to steal those weapons from right under he's a ignorant nose [Music] you [Music] bitch damn final artillery you got there for you know I do so much business at these dogs I should have set myself up here not halfway down that goddamn Island well been a blast Tony my husband was greatly infuriated by your actions you have made him and his men look like the fools they are I aim to please what's next princess my husband is moving a great quantity of cash from his casino I want you to destroy all of that money oh I can find a damn good use for that money sweetheart I want his money burning in the streets for all to see okay okay when's this move gonna happen it has already begun they're leaving the casino right now so please you don't have much time anyone home mr. Tony a moment please my husband is furious he wonders how you come to know when and where to attack him so precisely unless he's a fool we'll work it out soon enough perhaps we should help him his men gossip like old women let's give them something to talk about where are we going the Opera the Opera me you Karen don't be ridiculous mr. Tony everyone loves the Opera bring my car around we can collect your tuxedo we don't have long the show starts very soon do you think I'm a bad person mr. Tony princess I ain't exactly a saint no a saint wouldn't be much use to me my husband ephemeral he is very strong but that very bad he only married me to become mato gashira in Liberty City he has never loved he prefers the company of do you understand he finds out what you're doing you know he's gonna kill you I do not care for life or death anymore only reason relaxing worldview and now you put the links with no Chapel good for Little Mix just fine on the slide man David Tony pony you hello I'm bathing Tony son we have little time left my husband knows now who was truly behind his losses he's coming to kill me and you well ain't Wayne here for him where is he even better build gathering his men but soon he will come here sian our sweetheart my prayers go with you Tony son good luck you still but it is fitting that I kill you myself you to leave us I am going to enjoy rusting my sword into you yeah I heard that about you you Toshiko it's over now yes yes I knew that hello mr. Tony hey so um you won you got what you wanted everything worked out great great yes great very great so it's a payment time sweetheart we have both of us fools and killers mr. Tony I guess we are the world takes such a terrible toll on your spinet wouldn't you agree mr. Tony yes but you're free now I mean you can go to Costa Rica or uber some she thought of annuitants which always warning I don't think I'm ready for a beach holiday mr. Tony I've lost everything and I have done so delivered here I've been granted everything I asked for now I just ask to be true free goodbye Tony son you [Music] Tony Donald here if the pan Atlantic Gill is to come to fruition we're going to need to how can I put this delicately clear a small section of land in Port stronger now when you say we you mean me right you see right through me go in see 8-ball I'm sure he can provide us with the necessary Donald sent me to pick up some hardware hi I got what you boys need but it's gonna cost dawn said you'd pay me upfront and he'd reimburse you later yeah Betty dead now where's the hardware shit son hardware like this takes time to put together I'll be in touch my men this 8-ball your hardware is ready to ship out you look man this truck is loaded no I'm saying drive cool yeah it's all good sure I'll put them on Tony where one little job away from being fabulously rich we've scoured plans of forts starting its weakest points are along the old subway that runs underneath the area great done all I gotta do is dodge a hundred wacko Italians just head along the porter tunnel and you'll find your way in just fine Pirellis what are they doing [Music] [Music] get the hell out of here [Music] you [Music] [Music] you caterpillars cat cat cat er I know that's no good Oh damnit it's just so shit if I just that something cold to cuddle up to it'd be so easy anandhi Antonio oh I'm just seeking spiritual enlightenment if you must ass but not today maybe tomorrow your message seemed kinda anxious anxious meditating anxious wha I met one with the universe that's just impossible oh shit that's right umm there is a load of Colombians coming up here to potentially kill me if I don't keep my mouth shut and pay them all off oh I guess that would explain all the Colombians hovering around outside oh shit please I'm Tony you have to get me out of here I don't want it please I don't wanna die I do so much for being at one with the universe huh thank you Joe I'll make you I'll make it worth your while I promise oh my god Tony do something dete come on let's go oh my god it look what you've done to my beautiful garden hey we could do some landscaping or escaping it's up to you get me to the airport let's get to the airport we made it take me day Marie's jetski and men are still on board so I won't be traveling too low I do so hate goodbyes my friend let's just say oh do they it's been in education [Music] Tony this is Sal you did it I can hardly believe it kid we're nearly home free come and see me we just got a few loose ends to tie up Sal you there today I'm taking out my arraignment today great yeah but I got this ocean is pleasing so want me to make it to court with me in here who's stopping them from take it over hey they'd have to get by meat bar Sal yeah Tommy whatever just make sure I get my days course Hey the guards are coming now I'll see you around front [Music] [Music] holy shit [Applause] [Music] you it's good to be a free man again but listen I'm gonna head up to the house and get out of these thinking rags okay I'll meet you up there no I'll talk to you later hey you're back where you belong hey we're both back you and me we did it huh no we we cleaned it up with the Forellis this indicas we sent into the fucking sea now I get to Sicilians on the phone wanting peace we all want peace but my peace not their fucking peace I'm the big man now no chump from the old country is gonna tell me what to do I told to go fuck themselves yeah I'm that wise hey I'm the boss now me now let's go see the mayor about getting my charges dropped step on it Tony if I write the Sicilians will be going after the fan we gotta get anybody [Music] goddamnit - here already burn them down Tony I'm gonna get the mayor lousy bastards have taken him already [Music] come on tell me this way I'll Drive you keep us covered the best truck Donnie how many pastors are on this rock you shoot one venison and another one bite you on the ass torini it figures give him up the mayor is mine this city is mine Salvatore CCD never wanted Christos Peabody cheaper but when tribute to driver what could we do it was nothing personal nothing personal after what you put me through I'm gonna tell you fucking heart out you hey mr. mayor we just saved you from a bunch of crazed Sicilians yeah thanks and that means the city is grateful to you I'll try again that you work for me right oh yeah that I work for you good now don't call us we'll call you get out of here prick Thank You mr. Leone Tony we did it we run things now you and me we're a team huh now I just need you to do one small thing for me I got some problems that I've been dealing with hey uncle how you doing you look good ah Salvatore oh we really wanted was clarity yes uncle I appreciate that so we are at peace now you and the old country of course me and all my people good very good sneaky little bastard I wouldn't trust him a fucking inch yeah but we did it yeah we cleaned up you did good Tony you did real good I always know you was a good kid you saved my ass a few times you know I appreciate that kind of loyalty thank you a good worker I like that respectful so I got you that halfway and I promise there ooh I thought you were set a couple I said 1 million dollars for what you can put a price on friendship the kind of friendship you and me have shame on you come in you're a good kid but shame on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Waldreth
Views: 841,585
Rating: 4.7972369 out of 5
Keywords: GTA, Grand, Theft, Auto, Liberty, City, Stories, Vice, San, Andreas, III, Three, Four, IV, Five, The, Movie, Video, Game, Games, Mission, Missions, All, Cutscenes, Full, Scene, Scenes, Cinematic, WoW, amazing, fast, furious, claude, tony, tommy, CJ, Carl, Johnson, Play, Walk, Playthrough, Walkthrough, through, cut, balls
Id: 2Ap1grbeAPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 48sec (10008 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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