Grubby | WC3 Reforged | Stormrage Brothers

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three days later on the western coast of Lordaeron the night sales venture cautiously into the shifting shadows of silver pine forests our forces will be ready to move out soon although this strange land and the devil's run to this land is called it is the homeland of the Alliance that hated us at the Battle of Mount Hyjal I was told that it's Kingdom's both human and elven were consumed by the undead these forests have suffered grievously with reruns super glue both superior and up I learned to the woods an attempt to commune with the land itself while you're gone we'll set out and try to pick up I expect you both to stay focused on your task you can settle your personal dispute of course shondo we best get moving [Music] well she's very loyal to to Malfurion this was an alliance encampment the attack must have come recently strangers milord they don't appear to be Undead but you are our Night Elves I am Prince Kael'thas I must admit I'm surprised to see your kind here whatever your business I feel and issued Aldi obtain us I am Maiev Shadowsong and this is Tyrande Whisperwind we are hunting a powerful demon that arrived here recently curious I don't know about any demon but something's riled the undead based at dollar on they've been hounding us day and night he has a green mouth abandon this post and seek refuge oh here's a green turn out of us hmm then we should lend you our a long cable wait we have no time for this perhaps once your people are safe you will help us hunt the demon sea - actually it would be an honor milady oh yeah lead the caravan across the river at least two supply wagons must survive Tyrande my Evan Kael'thas must survive to run the Scout spell is not available alright let's do this this way our Mountain Giants are more than capable of handling these wretched cars their stony hives are nearly impervious to their clumsy attacks you're wasting time here Toronto we should be out looking for Imogen these people need our help Maya their brethren aided us against the Legion wait did I just lose no I wouldn't have lost the bear I would have micro very Gil Gil tha's just flame strikes and then cancel it because he was gonna hit me fro-cap us a mercenary camp we could hire some of them to aid us but we'll need to retrieve some of our hidden gold caches in order to pay them Upshaw cyclone we're fighting a losing war here m'lady the undead close in around us daily it's necessary to keep our assets hidden yet accessible we have caches secretive throughout the wilderness and we shall retrieve them for you this is where kale bury his bone let's clean it quickly oh no I had I had one of negation fury on and now it's gone hey give me some Allah give us give me mana skies of bad-mouthed okay lost one ohm zero one they're already not a good sign superior NL I did answer I said sorry I forgot your question oh yeah you said come be your time schedule is quite different you said what is your how do you compensate for people that are in a different time zone and first of all I would say I'm an entertainer as such if I'm asleep I cannot entertain normally right but luckily the technology is there and I said that's what reruns are for dude they're gonna be gunning hard for my ogre so this is a hard mission just kills us dead yes there's a really hard mission everything is dead I should have walked back to get some crates justice I'm gonna restart I lost too much I want to go to the gradesfirst as well as Kirby lost the campaign yet tada campaign is much harder than multiplayer let's go get let's open some crates I didn't do the basic diligence there must be something here to help us impossibly hard mission I also really should have ended my items differently last Hey [Music] hey hey aha okay I discovered this myself which is why there's no actual reward here Oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Dianne's use Turan tyranny owl Giants king do it all right no I don't know how they disable that this this ones we're fine it's not that's strong it you can't pick up another tree if you have full charges that's why I hit this is too big brain are on it well I enjoyed it really they didn't do this on purpose our Mountain Giants are more than capable of handling these wretched curse their stony hides are nearly impervious to their clumsy attacks nearly hey but that was pretty cool idea right like I feel like we were nearly onto something now [Music] thing was cool you were nearly a Bitcoin millionaire okay well we're both almost swingers these people need our help these people are running against the Legion the caravan is under attack no no sorry allies I burned my old alte ping old is on a 3 minute cooldown cake w our time a mercenary camp we could hire some of them to aid us just cancel your olives we've some of our hidden gold caches in order to pay them you've hidden your gold for fighting a losing war here milady the undead close in around us daily it's necessary to keep our assets hidden yet accessible we have caches secretive throughout the wilderness and we shall retrieve them for you this is where Cael buried his gold let's claim it quickly you know they actually muted the sound of battle the priests they mute the sounds of battle during dialogue let the killing begin would you wanna kill I do juda each other it's nice the inner fire [Applause] can you walk into that tunnel no get up I shall like caravan is under attack I thank you okay what part of hidden yet accessible involves an enemy dreadlord sitting on top of them well he didn't know did he it's hidden in plain sight it just proves it was really well hidden no one would expect them in those crates we'll stop here for provisions yes I have only a few warriors left the scourge has pressed us hard these last few months yeah and you flame strikes a couple of them - do they not fight the undead as you do the scourge devoured our ancient homeland of wealth alas the once proud bloodline of my people is nearly spent the few of us that remain now call ourselves blood elves in elevation to our murdered people I agree for people care but you must not allow rage and despair to poison your heart you may yet lead your people to a brighter future Hots advice for everyone okay we need more gold we need four goals [Music] [Music] no fuss we're still in a teamfight forty-five luckily they don't do possession here [Music] Juwan acts still have in her fire let's take it and be gone we don't really need to take this fight but let's do it anyway oops yeah exit this guy when the time comes for it you should clearly choose the shorter bit harder route since you are clearly during a speedrun over here cat double e's medium range in DeForest and Venables Ordonez can stand and deliver stand and deliver okay I got the supplies stand in the liver oh well they got renegade wizard perch lightning Shiv Thanks strike you just keep on coming how many must survive two wagons final pickup trees for drying snow fighting normal attacks damage is actually best here except when you're facing unarmed Azure buildings so against necromancer's yes but those are easy enough to kill anyway also with the also with these assassins smokey check it out but normal attack damage deals bonus to medium which is grip fiends and they do normal two goals against ghouls the club is better but against fiends this is better ghouls are easy to die to fan of knives generally medium armor is the best type like archers fiends so you keep the Giants to kill them that way but you can definitely adapt as necessary we stand in a cross room I always thought you were just lazy there is another one it comes to work Russian but it will take us perilously close to an undead Bastion the other route is safer but it will take us longer to cross the river both routes will be dangerous nonetheless let us choose quickly and be on our way mmm this is one of our last holdouts on this side of the river we will rest here for a spell and gather reinforcements greedy oh now I get it when the time comes for it you should clearly choose the shorter breath harder rice remember this is heart mode it will be hard kick got him he actually did it debated found Gandalf you have chosen two paths of cut other us and if that fails you will you change a more arduous path you need olds for the base I could just wait under 60 seconds contact more of the very gold this will help our cause greatly I still have a scroll of anime dead that I could use the scroll of mana also forgot how good star boys every vegetable combo people always interrupted no one would ever let you cast it certainty of death small chance of success what are we waiting for we can just wait till star falls writer says ring of agility give it to Maya let's see what they got here at this Merc another excellent flame strike kill us elders sasquatch and Joel Trevor rang it was it feels like a mass possessed of multiplayer opponents army greetings friend oh wow that easy I feel like this was an intended routes because it looked the same as another one but I'm not really sure what we're doing here [Music] who read Alisa Sebastian I told you about it must be destroyed if the caravan is to make it through the Orca fire and Fulton's searing arrows stack no searing is counted as an orb effect also the damage stacks but you cannot activate the effects from both of course searing has no effect only damage are they guys here yep I remember a Paris did it all there was no owl Wow whoa they made this really hard oh man I should have not have come here and Tiana hey that's cool they made this one like Dark Souls heart up in the trees right next Easter the Golden Calf true not here what's here Oh Wow cool that the seven strike deal morsing a third Gunderson fun yeah [Music] despite only beating level one Oh should have kept it on bottom standing delivery sell the item for goals I mean it's 25 gold might make my dude [Applause] require my assistance trappers kind of weak but it's fine we have cool nice big army should be fine now well do you anyone god big army great items hey the first time they showed into Ruby and sour the holes of the devas silver dollars interesting no not that plain slave her that is nearly destroyed yeah I saw that I saw that mate now we know what happened to the rest of his army like the undead have Bristow's mercilessly don't give key items to Tyrande okay we're gonna split but I don't need Ovilus on Walden now this shorter path we'll never get to see the other path Oh [Music] Keller says the undead have pressed this troops hard yet all the dead bodies were burned what gives don't DN dead abhor using fire strange very strange come over here kill us wait he's slow as village lies just beyond something doesn't feel right yes perhaps we should keep the caravan moving dad they were waiting for us well let's just give up then limitless by the way how school a little bit of drama on top during number said limitless no what did you said main quest completed stay behind it didn't show up under one yeah it's copy Gilbert but you're no match back [Music] well I'm not happy that that happens cash it's working I know it's working I just heard it that time Tyrande is a soldier hold the door our end of the bargain and help me hunt the demon I seek and then he's gonna hopelessly groupie him I think you love stealing mana too at that moment deep within silver pine forests and then I didn't read the rest did anyone catch that because before we continue I'd like to do a giveaway y'all ready for this I've got three more coats left [Music] keyword Tyrande [Music] [Music] I'll wait a little longer because I know some of y'all may be on mobile and I watch twitch on mobile frequently and chat always kick w's before streamer losses so I know there's a bigger delay but by now I do expect you can at least have seen other people say the word and you just copy them because you know what's gonna happen so there we go slow rabbit congratulations wish for you to code Congrats dude tomato soup this forest has suffered as much as a shemail the vile blight of the scourge has deadened countless acres of trees only the Druids good I didn't know that before here on five son torn apart the pain is excruciating ancient spirits of the forest my employee show me what is hidden from my sight show me what troubles this earth I see the frozen land of northrend the very roof of the world the land itself is being split asunder how can this be what could cause such devastation it's Excalibur it's working nothing can withstand the power of the eye so now my Master's enemies will be undone and I will claim my just reward there was no test this time Crone talents to expedite the process great spirits I know what must be done I promise you this treachery will not go unpunished greetings friend Thank You chrome talents Thank You Thor noobs or said I only subscribe for more laaser cards oh that's nice I shall mine some answers later that evening at the night Elsa Space Camp Malfurion returns to warn my effin Saranda of his brother's dangerous sorcery you know who said sorcery the best ever the caretaker of Merlin in the TV show Merlin loves how he said it sorcery love it terrible ending though that show still not as bad as geo TV but terrible really this weaving of spell for the world we must wait where is Tyrande I'm sorry shondo but the priestess has fallen we added a band of Alliance warriors against the Dexter's ending was worse yeah he's just fought valiantly because what's good wild was being bad oh don't talk to me about Dexter hole in Nepal ever again Tyrande my heart I should have been there you can still avenge what a liar no sir tackle it and together he is the reason we even came to this forsaken place he is the reason for your loss shondo this is Prince Kael'thas the ally I spoke of greetings great druid my scouts have confirmed that this Illidan and his vile snakes are based at the ruined city he's a fan already he's trying to pretend is not gem like artifact to perform some string vile snakes is like using various why would they strike at the roof of the world it doesn't matter they won't live long enough to finish their spell Illidan must be stopped once and for all CID Browncoats some people say Lost's ending is bad too but you're not supposed to have seen that you're supposed to stop after season one like everyone's sane I think I never saw anything else and my life turned out pretty fine okay Mira fairy dragons diam destroy the summoner's before the time runs out spell and magic attack skills summoners this feels like our admission huh yes I mean to give us chimera and fairy dragons for a reason right I need where's my roost ooh oh baby let's see rusty mining pick is like whatever right now I get a TP and the Nagas have captured some human paladin's if we could free them they might aid us against Illidan yes okay yeah cool yeah let's do it are you prepared to go Ozzy wait just set up words in shadow strike I don't know if that's a genius solution or a dirtbag II trap it's hard to you've got your regulars as a twitch streamer but every now and then there are strangers new people and are they helping you are they one of those or are they a kink w schadenfreude enjoyer it's hard to tell Oh still need master training upgrades for as long as we can let's help their spell ripping through the roof of the world we must end this [Music] easy mission just use Furion's and tango and summoners Oh what the hell did they do to fish it to monitor they used to be a white ball law our righteous might will always overcome the forces of dr. McGrath the defending on beasts nice it looks cool watch this this is a great model I shall our allies town that's Luther's voice what the note at least I've got my cameras and we've got the paladin as well there's that and we got Wellspring before we lost three of eternity now you can go pick up some cool items so this undead is not crucial to take out we could do it to alleviate pressure but I suspect it may just make things worse we still have 22 minutes destroy the summoners before time runs out spell and magic there's a gold mine in the southwest that's cool check it out I'll take it out of cool yeah but it's defended yeah but I love what a bleep it's still gold mine kicked over you become bi he's alright believes in the 50 places but it's okay so ma rights and their circuits of mobility feel cold [Music] where's that yeah there is a gold mine but it's protected by a green on that but maybe we can't attack this we are pretty healthy right now one in tango kills Summoner okay we would need to get there first to utterly destroy enemies varicosities it's understandable why they were so afraid of spellcasters and rate of chaos they reign supreme arrows are so strong at this point Oh luckily he didn't go straight for my tree this time flames strike my head of course it's over why doesn't to use aerial shackles and a magic immune don't think so okay we need a lot of mana Joel I don't think killed us will be giving me any based on past experiences cake w this is like another entry point fountain of restoration averse nice restoration this both health and mana are we disap I even get experience should give this to the follow the so you can attack air the eye is fracturing the earth the pain is excruciating my face I love Kim's oh no I love that one too how does he know come here quiz and quilt Oh Oatman oh no oh poor killed us there's attacks everywhere our sacred grove is kind of being desecrated maybe we should deal with this green base so they stop messing with chaos he will remake run away well we sure showed him or justice I will say this that was a tough cookie to crack but if there's one thing I know wait I just animates it dead and I got nothing one fiend he raised the wrists or something I just use to scroll oh yeah well I'm glad for the next three v3 eternal Knollwood I won't be making this mistake once I get bored in level 10 honey my dead scroll [Music] in this base even be taken down seriously bro I think it's gone oh wait the time yes the time the time all right let's remar show our forces well I think we showed him who's the boss he is but did we won't go down without a fight you will need to break our nose first then we'll go down now that was highly educational on the merits of hubris what would you ask of me I need some moon dwells where I rested my moon loss guess I could just guzzle Mountain Pose oh no not quite a quarter not again LaRon I just lost all my kids again I put you in the hole position breath wait that's Ariel shackles that doesn't look very good okay we got 10 minutes left any clarity it looks better than terraria tasted better okay ten minutes to kill some aegis shouldn't be too hard we got chimera coming there you can't deal with that I need to defend one more time now we know where the King kept coming back I added it to contribute one bro can you defend by yourself for one sick how can I make it nice I need shop okay okay seven Kim's let's go we're unbeatable I've kept resurrect that purple israe it doesn't work on Eric ha our warriors last chance we lost our home base we can go one more run item at your cost showers last chance straight for the jugular and this clown fear started I'm making a bit more chimera and that's gonna be it we got this let's go let me face the better protection items on Malfurion we have mana again on the Naga justice all weights at a strike it's physical wait is he allowed to die seems so this I know how I'm gonna speedrun this when I gonna try to break this speedrun record it is posing cheese through your vile schemes and here just in time go ahead long you are horrible actually too much blood has been spilled on your account Illidan I can feel the lands of northrend field from the spell you cast imprisonment will not be enough missed hey that guy needs a lawyer oops can you not see spell we channeled was meant to strike at the undead our common enemy my mission was to destroy the Lich King stronghold of Icecrown I feed to the cost because of you Tyrande is dead but your pardon Lord Stormrage but the priestess may still be alive she was swept downriver but it's premature just simply assume silence kale she was torn apart the betrayers capture was our primary concern Shonda I needed your help I knew you would go to her we would lose our chance I just who was the betrayer now a woman I must go to he's proving her right believe me brother despite all our differences you know that I would never lead her on her to harm let me help you my Naga can scour the river for us let me do this at least Oh what after all he's done you would trust this traitor just like good tangling everyone on cooldown kill faster better start running your next silence blood elf shrieking massive tangle hours later along the banks of the river are vas Malfurion and Illidan worked together to pick up two around this trail moving quickly through the woods their skills and senses start working in unison their twin wheels bent on finding their beloved priestess before it's too late let me see if we can order food food delivery for Logan Prince Kael'thas Aniela saw Tyrande being swept down this river if she is alive my Naga will find her they had best returned with good news brother the very sight of them makes my stomach turn where did you ever find such loathsome creatures sir believe me brother you do not want to know I do underwater oh okay makes sense you know the gills and details standing right there and they can speak English right away the Naga is like excuse me where right here he's like silence and dangling us flying Horus bill the sky it would be folly to send your Flyers against them we cannot depend on them Illidan you must hold the undead here and prevent them from assaulting to Rhonda's encampment I will journey downriver and no brother the Nagas and I can reach her faster I will go what you say is true but I risk much by trusting you Illidan I swear on my life that I will bring her back my brother I believe you a grudging admission under Thoris Sofia brother oh he's just smooth talking am i grow impatient or poof kil jaeden six bonus fire down its range since splash reading misreading the judges I think he'd just lay there it into something - bass macro okay time we can do that whoa damn I'm blind hey Paris thanks for the five keeps up suit dragon turtle oh I love those we do any upgrades Naga siren those are good too hey with this I have an oval thought guys why why three dudes friend cons we have Naga as a race in the multiplayer hardly a challenge is that all we'll be too strong just balance it whoa it's not hard you can walk in water is it this game just balances Snapdragon Myrmidon how do I make the super cool thing coatl I can't make quarter we can't make quarter sadly okay all right yeah that does not say anything that we lost and this kind of scouting the map this wasn't a real it wasn't this was not a real first playthrough yes Prince Gil speedrunning stratify they're demons liamok use illidan's forces to destroy to read base and malfurion's forces to defend the nice out face okay any work a fire knows you should first do a little bit of creepy I don't know what the trigger is for them to cast parasite I think it's from someone jobs love [Music] they're screaming to do in the West as well oh yeah how about a little gratitude Illidan is my which else's where did you discover that she's gone here I forgot to get to item so far yes dragon turtle nice I'm flying up there they're Justin's nearby I stand ready you can find skirts bone gems on this map that's nice can you give yourself would no and I hope your phrasing was accidental they'll not find us easy prey attack where's my H stuff over here praise her resurrection but I didn't lose anything so make let's make sure we do something jobs death just games it's garbage to blame to yourself and everybody else anonymous hope steak anonymous person hope you feel better now Dragons Herzl straighter resurrections nice oops lost the bear already he's even paid five seven right out he only had three four that we could submerge only underwater this is a very strong cop frag gym level 11 holdout if you sit there no luckily we made a whole bunch of sirens defensive towers walk this on title guardian dang this guy is super strong marksmanship punch the wisps kill him oh nice Mosque of death oh that's so strong well that's just fantastic there's dam trolls is it masking or perfect yeah but I think I think it'll work let's go to the eating five cents guards are asleep another cave we must hold out will spring Kent let us break down she's still all right she just startled what for like one unit corabeth's BC maybe get like strength of the moon and hey sailor this is a siren after all or in the restoration nice oh they're cyclone too so we can make people go kick double your points so far this mission doesn't feel that hard did we did the old optional we just need to kill read under base that's all we got some sick items to do it who knows when it ends I gotta pee like a super strong I love dragon Turtles to be honest look at that seed Stefan still gonna be doing pork rattle dings hey this mission is super dota that actually makes us so much stronger that whole thing here's another base to expand temple of tides No by trying to turn off nice is merlocks actually what a Romanian Tyra sighs who's this Jordan Malta's are these mall does our balding this is a pretty strong base no one AUSA huh trigger fail the red bass is very hard to break at this base was hard to break already sky barge see we bring some workers to mine over there red Basehart uh no no I'm wearing items for sure what's malfurion's job again to defend the nice up face I'm supposed to go out and help her or defend our own I supposed to defend our own uh I don't think they meant for us to go out let me send some streams this creeps to do with him as well expansion nice don't think we need it though we might want to return home once with with our demon hunter wow there's an orange base here fountain of health he goes stock creeps okay so he has an expansion and an orange base to deal with hey why did I come back here maybe items no I don't know how that moon Wells City oh these defensive towers are tiny so useful a favor okay I'm gonna save it just in case get the tr4 Naga I don't think I can yet to be honest man there are no buildings to provide that from what I can tell maybe next mission can any of these attack air I don't like this crap we'll wait a little bit longer until we attack sorry for my hovering portrait by the way hey I does not rebuild production buildings if you snapped them no more units hmm yeah I need venom I need the venom tear tear to like the one that I'm making Snapdragon I'll start some new production down here you say there soon we'll get more money maybe I went a little heavy on the turtles oh they do have devoured by the way I should have I remember that I should have been using that so what's the barracks spawning grounds I don't know if they let you make chimera that's nicely done okay so git is a race why is it not plain can I make chimera [Music] it would have been nice if they allowed me car Mira that I could send help by air a building to upgrade with nah everything's 3-3 already you see okay let's make some snapdragons logan never received his scratches he did bless I saved enough anyway we're waiting for snapdragons you can have snare with minima dance yeah that could be alright Mele submerge and snare that's helpful for Dragon Turtles I suppose alright let's make two Mira dos I thank you hey grubby thanks for taking the time to play through these campaign my pleasure really feel like I'm reliving my childhood smiley face easily my favorite streamer Cheers thank you very much Warren zone how did you decide to name Logan Logan hizdahr was caught Logan as well and then there's you know x-man I was like oh I bet he's gotta be like super cool and ferocious alright I think we have enough forces now hey it's Logan jr. I think we should pull over to our defensive base a defensive position Oh Korean buckaroo I'm eating I'm eating you can ensnare heroes law our army is significantly better now I want to see that seen stylish [Music] dragon Turtles baby boy is it the nagas race just balance them just balance them people clap at my life-stealing I feel like I am yeah I am blizzard knew this could never be balanced infinity seeds damage Pizza enemy tier 3 well I'm not married or not they say what's it did you nice just lower the damage law Illidan what trickery is this have you come to finish me off personally rain seats ending can't swim range attack must cease hunter damage come to save you save me where could they be you should have brought her back by now hurry this is our last chance what could they be doing risked your life for me I don't understand whatever I may be whatever I may become in so romantic no that I will always look out for you Tyrande Sharonda knew he would not seek me I thought I'd lost you forever my love if not for your Linton's aid I may well have we have had much strife between us my brother I have known only ages of hate for you but for my part I wish to end that part I don't get at least a forward I get my material would forgiveness I would not be so easy to forgive I have known only aegis of hate for you and you've prejudiced me at every step along the way you won the heart of the only woman I ever cared for you imprisoned me for 10,000 years and you've tried to stop me from saving the worlds and ending the Lich King you were ready to kill me on the word of a stranger Maiev who turned out to be a traitor and never once did you apologize but I just saved her Rhonda and I'm on a sugar high right now for my part I wish it your hands her mouth is like naw entangle silence moments later at the night sales base camp it wouldn't prepare for his departure he forgives him cuz he loves to Rhonda he wants to be on her good side yeah it's cuz she was watching and listening had she not been there that would have ended very very differently with malfurion's manapua at zero that's for sure he got the answer correct man three plus seven he's not you have brought much simply to the word Illidan for that you can never be forgiven however you saved the life of my love for that I will let you go but never threaten my people again I understand brother lordship over this world was never my aim only power only the magic I've lingering here too long I like this far let's go it's this made illusion the most interesting character for me this part of the dialogue careful his wrath will be my end I doubt our paths will cross again in true Falana fools have you no sense of justice my in Illidan has atoned for his crimes he is no longer a threat to no use to Rhonda she has become vengeance itself bound forever to the hunt I only pray that in her zeal she doesn't cause more silence to her she said no unless oh that's it that's the night off campaign then alliance and then is it org next after that [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 33,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, campaign, reforged, illidan, night elf, elves, malfurion, tyrande
Id: AE3mJOWTly0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 56sec (6416 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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