Grubby | WC3 | Casting FLY100% vs 120!

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hey everyone welcome to the march 30th ptr notes amendment on march 29th in our previous patch note video you saw that there were a number of changes to the changes now i present to you the changes to the changes to the changes on the march 30th they made a few updates and your warcraft 3 gameplay video is about to begin but first i want to tell you about these two changes to the changes to the changes here we are rod of necromancy this one was missing from the previous patch notes but now it's back again what used to be a 22 second cooldown between consecutive round of necromancy uses is now 24 seconds this is an amendment from the 26 seconds that had previously been targeted and used for several months it's once again in the patch notes it was missing in march 29th the second thing is the rather heavy-handed change to serpent ward experience bounty i don't know if they changed it after mine and everyone else's reaction or if it was always a numerical clerical error to begin with but as we can see now serpent ward's experience bounty is being increased from 12 and a half 20 30 to 12 and a half 30 42 and a half on march 29th it still said 12 and a half 42 and a half 57 and a half this seems a lot more reasonable and i don't think it's entirely unreasonable to have a serpent ward level two and three that have considerable damage and health to give a little bit more experience while this is a nerf to orc and i main orcs i understand this it's mostly targeting the orc versus night elf matchup which despite what you may have seen from my games sometimes i do think it's a little bit favored for orc against night elf and this may help the night elf it will also incentivize orc players to more often kill their own serpent wards with the last hit like so many other races do for their important kills summons or units or otherwise thanks for watching your workout 3 gameplay video will begin now okay gorgeous wow semi-final really wait i have semi-final lin versus fly i might be looking at the wrong tournament then dreamhack asia open oh i wasn't looking at the tournament okay now i see it yep thanks captain xen thanks for the set okay i haven't seen this before so i'd like to actually proper cast it uh and i actually i do know the result yeah because i remember who was in the finals man couldn't i just remain alzheimer for a second all right but you don't know the result so we have fly versus 120 aka one two zero aka e er ling fly 100 aka rw which is actually his clan it's the only letters that show in game this is his full name i don't know what that means anymore it's going to be blade master opening with one grunt with a peon scout as the author finished he wants to know if it's death knight or criplord we have 20 food he's probably gonna go forward to 21 food so he has seven peons on lumber 120 going with the uh happy build the one cigar attack interfeins gonna grab a rod of necromancy right away pay special attention to the peon movement every part of these guys game plans has been planned out if we look only at fly's vision for a second you can see that he very meticulously checks the hero and turns around immediately why doesn't the death knight kill the field well he knows it's not worth it it messes too much with your creeper out to go after that peon the same reason that fly wouldn't go after any acolyte if it was scouting him which actually it isn't he's using the acolyte to creep fly finds claws of attack plus five sells the town portal gets a double heal solve and speed scroll and goes to the next camp we can see that he opened with critical strike he felt comfortable to creep all the way to level 2 blade without needing to expend any mana for wind walk creeping just a little bit faster the reason you don't always want to do it is because sometimes you don't creep all the way to level two but with the scout he knows it was fine accidental scout skeleton gets intercepted by the creeps a little bit of a big mistake by 120. it's gonna be harder for him to make a good assessment of where the orc will go to next forced to send out another skeleton he's gonna at most be able to cover this green camp but not early enough to know that fly is actually on an intersect course the intercept 120 scraping we see 2.0 xp for the blade master and he's still there so the coil granted 120 the creep defensive coil spamming is quite common nowadays in the undead meta you want to do this as an undead because you can't dust of appearance for every single creep you kill nor can you of course coil for every creep you kill but dust of appearance costs gold and coil will eventually be regenerated just make sure that if you spend several coils that you don't over extend with your grip fiends because you don't have enough coils to save them constant skeleton scouting is good but note that there was still ara effect on the skeleton and if fly paid attention he would have known that arya meant the dk was near recently but i'll do you one better he's still the sentry ward so he was actually able to center here and see the fiends are going to the bottom right quadrant of the map and that leaves only one or two options of where undead is either on this arachnid camp or on his own natural so he sends the grounds to his natural expansion sees nothing solo fiend popping up again and realizes there's a bit of a trickery going on by 120. it's really smart movement but the century wards really remove the deception for fly he knows exactly where 120 went to the really amazing thing is that 120 is aware that the blade might be on him because he is skeleton scouting with the skeleton that just expired and saw the grunts are passive and he knows if grunts are passive that means he isn't played grunts creeping and why would orc deliberately not creep with his grunts oh this was a really sick move i'm just gonna pause for a second just finishing the thought why would you not creep with the grunts if the blade is creeping somewhere you wouldn't so he knows that the ground's being passive means blade is on him and now blade went exactly in between the ogre mage and death knight uses the impossibility of windwalk to displace the ogre away from the death knight so that even though wait a second did he steal the xp a player's forces are under attack as well oh my god he last hit the organ mates didn't he sorry i was talking about the other thing not only did he steal the item because of the displacement but 120 panicked and mistimed his coil which meant he didn't even get the ogre mage and a nice 90 xp i believe it is goes from uh it's more than 90 i think it's like 92 something like that so both the item creates a hillbolt and the xp goes to the blademaster and that's gonna feel sour for 120 grunts are here ready to intercept shadowhunter comes in and the sleeves fly with an option to either pressure with the shadow on the grounds or to creep this kind of out of the way crit camp and it's a really cool camp to creep now because it is in the range of 120 and if you take this away and then you fall back as you don't as or normally want to fight with shadow anything less than level three it's too expensive but by creeping something next to someone you are limiting the amount of options that they have to find creeps on a smooth walking path we actually see that 120 is so stifled in his momentum that he falls back to his base something you never want to do normally he's going to sell an item get another rod and go in a different direction so not very efficient pathing but this is the most defensive safe thing that 120 can do in order to uh still have that rod of necromancy which is super crucial for creeping but also avoiding running a file of a low-level shadow hunter so frost armor first of course would have given a decent skirmish for 120 but he preferred to get some serious creeps purge brock on the ground so that it doesn't purge the blade blade gets the lightning shield which uh is an item that fly found on this spot very smooth creeping by one by fly and he's gone with the the raider approach another peon scout we have three grunts into our raider with uh ensnare already finished i believe and blade is now level three with some lovely items boots of quel's the last plus six he's gonna focus the death knight it does get the frost armor is he still gonna go for it yes or no yes he wants to force the engage he wants to force the town portal and if you don't play it like this as an orc and you actually go for anything else even though it started as a creep jack you're gonna lose that so bad why because shadow isn't level three you don't have lightning orb so frost armor is gonna limit your damage output by i believe it's like 75 or 60 or something he actually drinks greater healing potion steals to troll level six as he knew undead will come back immediately here loses a grunt and of course the greater heal but he does take the ankle reincarnation which has a cell value of 225 that you now have instead of them if you keep it instead of selling it that means you value it even higher than 225 otherwise you would sell it because you have it and they don't that's a gain for you of 450 gold at least more if you value its actual value over the sale value first of all it's a really big steal he knew undead would come back here so he took big risks like losing a grunt and uh and and using that greater healing potion it's a really significant sacrifice for fly but if he didn't take it he would have to fall back creep something less important give this to 120. it's it's a very tough situation and i admire if if fly actually ends up coming out ahead out of this because i didn't really like his position i feel like he did a really good start but i would find it very tough to consider the follow-up so let's see if it works out what he's doing i'm not sure i believe that was a nice creep still by the blademaster immediate pressure into where he suspects fly is going to be and now you see that value of the healing wave level too getting that radar that was half life easily back up a little bit of a question mark for 120 where he's gonna go bad item luck second crystal ball it's gonna be a straight self for 150 gold exchanged with an invo and for fly he's gonna go to the corner and it feels a little bit illegal for fly to get this corner now but evidently 120 prefers to split the map and saying hey you're going for this one rip spot in the corner of the map it is as far away as possible from the other corner as you can be on this map you have one crit camp here and i have to travel away from it and that's inefficient and i'm giving it to you and i'm not script jacking and i'm not fighting you over it but if i go to the other corner i unlock one two and three creep camps so there's a higher implicit value for 120 to trade in this fashion since the other camps were already taken this by fly earlier and this by 120 himself so if 120 is successful to take this camp even without getting the laboratory that's going to be a big win for him but fly is already on the way he's arriving in a congo line he's gonna immediately attack to make his presence known why you would imagine everything isn't there yet but he wants 120 to stop creeping this immediately to imply my army is going to be here any second and it's actually kind of slow but oh look at this he's going to use death knights to block fake death knights the block he's going to try and steal the magnetar who gets the xp oh no plus 12 o'clock orc gets everything a bit of a misplay he could have used the one of illusion death knights to actually block the tc out ah frost armor on the fiend immediately dies anyway good results here for fly he could have used the illusions to block them out oh coil on a one hp walker that's a little bit inefficient but still pretty big turnaround by 120 a lot of kills here gets the walker gets the raider and the skeleton is going to try to block the head onto him but doesn't quite get it he waves saves a head on here meanwhile shop is finished 750 gold in the bank four fly and he has options to make a tiny great hole to remake some of his units his walkers have a depth upgrade no ancestral healing yet for the instant revive is there gonna be a tiny great hall at this time he's got the money but it seems risky meanwhile 120 big loss losing the class of attack plus 12 but does get most of the count despite losing the magnetar which is uh something 145 xp or so i believe so that's a really big momentum flight's favor he gets the rest of the camp what item does he get finally a good one clause of attack plus nine meanwhile blade is gonna trade a healing potion for a statue but dark ranger came too close has access to that silence upgrade and that means no wind walk for blade had this been an involve he could have happily traded and killed that statue and then use invo in the silence but heal pot is not good enough he could coiled nova to smithereens level 332 there's the threat of an expansion but it is not being made yet fly is in fact selling the illusion of a potential soon-to-be expansion but he hasn't got enough money for it even remotely not even close he has the wind walk again yeah he had to wind walk immediately or silence could actually mess him up nice devourer removing the spirit link so look at this economy fly is pretending his expansion will be soon and 120 has zero time pressure but does he know that 120 has 65 food a much bigger army than fly but fly's heroes seem a little bit better his items debatable shadow only has 575 life no invulnerability potion and there's no involved tc or blade either i think 120 has the better army it may not look it right now and it depends on control but a big silence remains to be seen it means to be seen how many curses you gonna spread one curse already on blade that's a miss it's a purge and three hits four hits one crit hitting the curse not doing enough we have a silence but it gets immediately removed lynch drops low so is the dark ranger no items on the dark ranger he has to buy enough time until the next coil comes in but there's a stone dark ranger goes down focus fire on the tc feels at this point not important anymore since he has involved no dodge on the devourer on the kodo beast happy would have done a dodge there for sure blade master goes down nice unk of reincarnation passing destroyers getting more spirited link blades is going to be coming back not enough lumber for an expansion by any means yet as 120 has to get his dark ranger again he's gonna rebuy it from the tavern there it is zerker's doing some good damage on the destroyers no upgrades though as we look at the mana for the orcish heroes no involves no clarities he's got a really good start into that fight but he expended some important things uncle for incarnation mana there's a lot of damage here but if 120 actually i think has the discipline to focus the berserkers instead of just trying to do defensive micro and focusing the blades i think he's got a really good shot here he needs to start making some skeletons blade gets nuked out into orbit coil nova tc stump was pretty good but the coil nova already flew in the air finally nice hero focus after all it seems to be the right approach i thought he's gonna make some skeletons from berserkers but that was the surgical coil nova strike microring for all he can and snare coming out super useful getting a statue getting attacked is there a black arrow to make a skeleton out of it yes is there dark ritual no yes nova level two frost army level one he needs litch level four for that meanwhile lich plus 24 damage absolutely wailing away on the orkish army as tc gets level three kodo digests shadow is level four but sorely lacking in mana meanwhile undead starts an expansion is at 57 food orc at 50. lack of lumber has been cannibalizing his lumber income in order to get more gold from this gold mine he got 240 bonus gold from the long distance mining and it cost him probably 5 600 lumber if not more probably more to be honest he's now at 65 lumber which means he's always had enough for units but never enough for upgrades which wouldn't have been that good anyway and he definitely doesn't have enough for an expansion this walker's super exposed in front he migrates it back a bit dc takes some damage it's a nice heel wave no spirit length on the tc right now he's gonna have to recast that which comes in it's gonna be gonna focus the tc the raider and the tower stands sentinel here walker gets coil coiled there blade coming back gold mine on the way banshee statues coming in finally acolyte production for that corner expansion as well and undead was running out of man a bit but he's got the two statues this one was empty but finally two full mana statues again as full as can be he rallies his uh 63 food army coming here for the next invulnerability and we can see that death knight actually has death pact you can see that right here death pact level one which is the safe thing to do it always feels nice and greedy to get unholy era but you'll always forget regret it against the orc not taking death back sacrificing a fiend feels painful but it's worth keeping your death knight alive one zero attack upgrade fiends uh yeah revealing blade with crystal ball is not that good jaedra because it is a stationary short-term effect it lasts eight seconds in one area if blade runs away he's safe and he knows where the ball reveals him so it's really easy to actually outplay crystal ball with a level three blade dust on the other hand can only get dispelled by mirror image which he does not have doesn't get dispelled by link by disenchant and dust of appearance actually traces blade wherever he goes st clinging on to him as an effect and it lasts 20 seconds which is a lot more reliable so even though you can use crystal ball many times selling the ball gives 150 you get two dust for that with four charges four charges is 80 seconds of reveal that's still a lot better than 32 seconds of stationary unfollowing reveal doesn't have does have dust though at this time so he can reveal the blade but it doesn't think it's worth it to burn a coil nova on a blade that's full life expansion is finished acrylites are on the way i think actually he's not making that fifth acolyte because he's starting to think it's quite likely that if he sends that fifth acolyte the blade may see it and then orc can factor that into his decision making he didn't make that fifth acolyte he's like yeah four is good enough meanwhile we have master training for banshees complete no excuse me it's adept training the first upgrade does have enough for master training if he wants to did he work on his fiend upgrades at all no they're still one zero greetings friend thank you for this up derek schmoe field goes to the corner and finally fly knows hey you've got an expansion so either he can all in or you can use the 1100 gold bank to make a tiny great hall to counter expand and then produce simultaneously a 1200 gold bank is what fly starts producing with and that is also the correct amount in order to both buy a tiny great hall greetings friends while also going over to 60 foot instantly and we can see that 59 out of 61 producing two berserkers a walker and a kodo and he should be getting a tiny great hall any second now but you know what he's not doing that he feels like with how belatedly he discovered the undead expansion he's instead gonna use his next over burrow to pop straight from 61 food to up to 71 and do one final all-in one more time the men of the rohir ring will ride out of the gates for one last fell swoop onto the undead army undead who didn't even make that fifth acolyte maybe not a mistake for that acolyte to pay itself off being made all the way from here it would take quite a long time and the main base is almost running out so it's really not that important right now but yeah finally fly decides he will in fact settle for a tiny great hall just going to 63 food doesn't want to fight on blight into nerubian tower with a bad position and he's gonna defend right here how many berserkers do we have no attack upgrades a lot of berserkers three walkers magic shell will block walker damage and tc stop that's about it dc takes so much damage he's gonna get a decent stomp on six units and a death knight meanwhile berserker is trying to focus the destroyers they're getting a banshee dc getting focused once again uses heal forth gets key wave and gets a spirit link destroyers get a lot of health and mana from devouring away spirit link but that also means it removes curse it's a bit of a dilemma for the undead silence on the tc walkers reviving one another not a lot of walking around on left dk drop low but uses death back blade following a bit in vain one destroyer goes down second one gets micro back really well blade almost takes down the lich 10 15 percent life now he is getting focused he healway heal pot blade still dropping low dust has been used he has to speed scroll away there is enough mana on the dk four more coils oh and not all peons are working maybe not game deciding but far from optimal meanwhile units are being produced head hunter on the way we have a shop here on the bottom side as no doubt undead will try to focus heroes as much as possible blades popped over to the vicinity of the shop but didn't quite make it and he's completely out of mana don't work shadow tc blade all have no mana there's no time for clarity potions so he picks up a hillbots on the blade he picks up a clarity on the shadow blade drop slow gets heal bothered gets heal waved and i believe there was a monopod being consumed by the shadow as well as dc is in a great position to stomp with without the mana for it blade gets coiled nova to smithereens ashes to ashes as another walker goes down berserkers turn on their bonus damage their bonus attack speed but they also take more and the secret expansion by 120 the smart creeping as he prioritized the populated creep corner over the unpopulated corner it paid off for him and the first map on northern isles goes to 120. good game gg four gold difference in mining wow now you see the value of upkeep that 1200 gold accumulation that fly did completely nullified the gold that he lost from 120 having that expansion so early and this is a great comeback mechanic staying on 50 was fine because there were no creeps on the map anyway fly managed to uh pull even in income really cool what do you think went wrong for the most for flying this game grubby i think it was a very big investment to take the troll level 6 for a hill pot to get the ankh and then to lose a ground and have to speed scroll away it was uh it sucks because not only do you lose all that but you also subsequently give away the map control because the next thing you'll do is to run back with your tail between your legs and the next thing undead does is just take an expansion thanks for the sub neely hope you enjoyed hidden cup the army size in the final battle fly had 63 and i think 120 had 70. he also had better upgrades headhunters had none and fiends had at least one so really good game we can go to the next okay what is the next map fly 120 fly 120 5120 the first is northern isles is it true that the concealed is the next he hardly had any involve pots to avoid the nuke snipe statues well first of all undead was buying them and secondly infobots cost money and when you involve against uh is there any way to remove magic shield no there isn't concealed is next okay thanks when you invulnerability potion it blocks some damage but it mostly redirects damage and that's a bit the issue is even if you involve your blades you're just going to focus your tc next and if you involve both then he's going to kill your head hunters and then when the involved finishes there's no link on the hero because intel cleanses link you'll immediately focus your hero again knowing no matter what you can no longer turn invulnerable we're gonna speed up the start of the game a bit we can see that this is a lord opener by 120. we can see that oh never wait never mind i didn't look at the start wait let me let me restart this i thought alter crypt were simultaneous no okay yeah this is standard happy opener again and for fly it is blaze with barracks and we'll see if he makes that food lunch again at 20 food he's at 20 food now it's going to be the lounge uh yeah a bit earlier than that actually because it was outside of his base probably do you think flies should have kept crystal ball to reveal fiends no i don't think so i i think crystal ball is really bad because it has such a short effect eight seconds is usually not enough to kill a fiend he control you too you get one charge of crystal ball and then he can coil that fiend once and then he knows you have no more vision uh whereas if you dust you've got 20 seconds of fission so you have enough time to re-engage on the same or on different burrowed fiends a player's forces are under attack all right we have uh an opener where he takes everything except the troll trapper then he pops over here probably gonna get a circlet and maybe creep the troll for nope he's going to pressure meanwhile 120 went for the entire camp he's now starting the turtle and we have orc coming in i started to just hit the death knight send the death knight away then start working on the skeletons which actually forced recommits the dk because he no longer will have enough damage to put it on hundred life and then speed scroll on the death knight he's gonna windwalk now again he's breaking the sound barrier with his speed and i actually think fly misplayed that oh oh oh yeah [Music] yeah boy dude for a second i was like oh no he turned around i don't think that fly would have actually caught death knight had he kept running in the northern direction i've got a feel for these things right there was a small glitch in fly's movement he didn't chase enough to build up bonus speed while speed scroll wind walk were still active simultaneously he didn't chase him no what the hell what what is he doing okay wait this is a route now under attack what is you can do that all right we'll see that later maybe but uh oh he rebought the death knight from the tavern oh that's very expensive he just wants to keep creeping no matter what he's gonna get a rod again uh but yeah i think uh that knight could have kept running because he didn't chase enough the speed scroll effect had worn off and wind walk is not faster than unholy ara level one but still great result for fly especially turning around instantly when he recognized that 120 is probably gonna tp i've done that before too and it feels so good when it works meanwhile we have acolyte skeleton and theme creeping by the death knight meanwhile there's a question i say meanwhile a lot there's a question from ultim uh does the first year tc meta against pro undead players come down to the orcs early to mid game for the orc to win seems like orc rarely wins once it goes late and the unit comes online yes yes exactly that is a very short-term strat a player i did just uh win with it right oh no i was blade tc against chic on territory yeah first year tc they seem pretty good but they scale quite weakly late game when destroyers come out even if you have a much bigger army nice creeping with the illusion there tanking a lot of the damage gets a greater healing potion blade level three shadow comes out only a single heel solve as blade still has one tier three started ps3 come in um no brute strength yet on grunts acolyte wakes up the overlord special tactics by 120 to deny easy shadow overlord creeping the blade level 3 is here and do they see each other no they pass each other like ships in the night shadow aggressively looking to creep one off undead's camps skeleton scouting is really good though dk level 3 with a nice ring of regeneration and with that skeleton that single skelly orc doesn't commit to the camp death knight level 3 with ring and frost armor looks very safe but don't forget that the tavern rebuy of the dk which costs 425 gold has been a terrible setback for uh for 120. so everything else is late there's no third feed slaughterhouse is slower he actually powers through the older mage because he knew death knight is too far away he doesn't want to get hex blades focused again on his death knight since he has an otp and the shadow goes back now this is a kind of move that i don't know that i would have dared to make as the orc they're actually taking shadowhunter over here on this side of the map and creeping the shop feels really good to uh to play like that and you know he knew that he killed the death knight early that made a big difference not only did he kill the death knight he also forced the gp so he can be a bit more aggressive but i still don't know when to be aggressive with blade shadow because there is this golden rule don't be aggressive with shadow unless you're level 3 shadow but that seems like such a stringent interpretation of how you can play that it would just give undead too much space unless they're somehow not using that space but fly seems to have uh found out some opportunities for that pretty well last map he crept the iraq methods fairly near to the undead and this map he is creeping the goblin shop parts of it in front of the undead he gets the brilliance from the overlord pool trick this time it's head hunter kodo straight away no uh raiders and he's gonna make two bat riders as well is this cued by him having wasted down portal for the undead is that part of it because this is a trick that focus and others have played before more than a year back it's been a trick strat but why now why now at this time interesting the blade comes here and blade shadow and tcr ready to fight shadow is not level three yet kodo doesn't have its upgrade yet because he's been using it for bat riders and liquid fire let's see how effective they're gonna be another time russian starting with this fight over this red drake here also to pull the attention of 120 to this corner of the map so that the bats can be more effective burrow upgrade is being researched nice bounce back to be to be honest by 120 had a very rough start oh nice creep steal by fly that ogre mage was meant to be 120s but he didn't want to waste a coil on it and he put it on one percent which gave it nice steel tc drops so low uses greater heel and the back riders come in liquid fire on the gold mine let's see how much it is going to do they're being attacked by one nerubian tower if if he splits nerubian tower focus on one bat then the other one bat then the other oh involved he could actually slow down the siege damage on those uh that those bats are doing but the liquid fire effect effect no matter what is still active and now he forces a fight without the tp he's just doing a lot of hero focus while certainly there's a big distraction two bats enough against the nerubian tower to take down the gold mines killed the dk killed the dark ranger and took away the gold mine how this would work out had the start been worse for uh for fly i don't know if if he doesn't kill the the death knight if he doesn't force the tp will the double bat strat uh still work yeah i don't know [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 17,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, 120, err0, fly100%, chinese, dreamhack
Id: 6CSF_euJmWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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