Grubby | Warcraft 3 TFT | 1.30 | NE v NE on Twisted Meadows - No Pain No Gain

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but yeah let's not wait five years with keeper but let's just try to observe top players performance and it needs a little more time you know just to name you an example just to name me an example there yeah but yeah our quantity they have way more data in clash Royale in clash Royale they have freaking patches I play that game every day and they're freaking patches and they base that I mean the queue time in clash is always one second always at all trophies except maybe legends or whatever I'd like to talk so they have way more data to base it on in worker three let data doesn't matter it's all about top top level play that's what should define balanced comedy trophies in class right now I haven't really played up too much this season yet I'm 4.5 K but my highest is 4.8 60 I really think Warcraft balance should not be down to even the equivalent of master in other games or diamonds or platinum or silver it should be down to Grand Master only and then if you can't make adjustments for the Masters diamonds platinum and so on without affecting to play then you can or like make to be to and healthier or FFA healthier with a change but not at the cost of top level play because let's face it all of you who are watching right now on this channel you like worker 3 because you get to see things when you watch that you can't do or that you can see are skillful once you take that away then it's not quite as magical anymore and if you just wanted to watch like some random you know luck determining games or something you'd probably be playing something else watching something else I could have phrased that way better if I wasn't trying to think how I'm gonna deal with this freaking demon on it so apologies for the halting speech no come on I was so close to like awesome song it's true I don't know so we must do it increases mana regeneration by 50% when were demon can burn 50% more so I don't have ultra vision yet so there's a chance he's wailing me and yes you see that sick interrupted research in a position your love I didn't get enough in far they're not as much as I need it I only saw three hunts and a shovel alchemist tells me a little bit more I think it's Faris did I really body block all three okay almost its body blocking all three of my own wrists would have been Durand indeed research just trying to find me but isn't finding me is he searching for me here oh my god how many times am I gonna try to use that whistle and one of those two is that is stuck check that up is there danger alchemist melee is like being crits yeah dude it's insanity or is restless what rrragh is not ideal but I'll take it hahaha [Music] is restless I'm awake one of those [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look I can free my you know so he kind of does here doesn't he he kind of does here does he know yeah [Music] are you Friday Wellspring [Music] not surprising his hair since he knows so this is like Victorville right when when they know you know that their next camp is gonna be the yeah you know that's gonna be there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you [Music] [Music] I'm awake I'm awake [Music] now he definitely knows you know fell stalkers don't just drop from the sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] reduce the trash I need all the time [Music] [Music] I really needed to use my right [Music] I'm in my [Music] [Music] what's life without a little excitement yeah [Music] Oh [Music] before you got [Music] - time well I hope he's not checking stream obviously let's not assume anything the great outdoors [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] illidan is freaking insane [Music] nature is restless well I laugh in the face of nature your love what is nature's call I'll get that mixed up sacred grove is being desecrated feature is restless one sec if you have sometimes you have tissue think your girlfriend wife calls you you know like if you don't check she could be in trouble but if you do check and then you're just like you just wasted a few seconds I thought she's like Oh Balto or something we're good she's in a game No oh my god I was so slow - yeah [Music] I start to react on the alchemist wanna blow something gold mine has collapsed nature is is there danger more lumber is required such a big army and three three upgrades no wonder his army is outperforming mine so probably [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll get that mixed up [Music] insufficient gold your building is completely threatens the wild well there it is nature is restless and is there danger transmutes still hits just like in the movies quickly hitching your ride nature is restless come here right feels good now you got it you got is being desecrated [Music] got it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wanna blow something up I'll shake that [Music] [Music] [Music] greetings friend your building is completed what a blow something up you got is there danger naturally blow something up dollar rush me nature is restless friend I'll shake that blow something up is there danger you're doing your love my no recipe [Music] [Music] [Music] they're dangerous a Cremora nurs have engaged are you threatening me are we being in baby wanna blow something up your love is high your love recipe I'll get that our sacred grove is being desecrated wanna blow something up what is nature's call [Music] [Music] don't rush me I'll shake that right up I'll get that mixed up your builder say what robe is being desecrated blow something up your building is complete your building Road is being desecrated Collin nature [Music] our sacred grove is being desecrated is there danger nature is restless are you ready yeah boy [Applause] how's it going YouTube [Music] [Music] you fool he had a lot of money still none wild it's time to bring about our full force I guess I guess we're just double TP the time is now Warriors having days don't rush me I'll shake that right for the tree I'll get readings I had to work hard for that game GG going nuts with econ versus someone going nuts with demons and Alchemist transmute metamorphosis 3/3 upgrades 53 minutes and 29 seconds coups in very well played coop soon [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 83,971
Rating: 4.8875504 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Epic, Funny, NE, Night Elf, Legendary
Id: nIP1bwp2RCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 56sec (3356 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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