Grubby | "The Tiny Great Hall" [EPIC] | Warcraft 3 | ORC vs NE | Terenas Stand

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you should say like debates with or something do you mind if I ask people to join a worker 3-game I don't mind go have fun enjoy the community willfulness you've got an ether party it may may some other custom game feel free to ask just don't spam it ask once or twice very happy to enable that yes I have free sub asks globulin 9595 I guess oh yeah I gave it to you govern here love to see a strand that involves a you'd eat our Russian loads of fiends here preference probably gonna be lit sure death night commie good thank you and we'll be adding it after the game 51% guy that's my skill level if the music sounds drunk refresh the stream and it will be fixed I don't know how this bark happens I have the pleasure of hearing it once myself so I know what you're going through you are not crazy we need more gold something to do I can do that we are against night a player called grief it doesn't happen on the game directly I hope no it I don't hear it and not every Street viewer hears it it generally happens after a little frame so how the hell does it work and why does Tony Pickman get music that's just down to twitch this video and audio encoding us mere mortals would not understand that it's enough to know that's it words that way w-why do you choose to script and settle the once in the middle notes you often do this rise cuz I get to buy circlets from here and and then I still get to go here it's Cabrini it's better flow if I do both then MIT MIT of course its weak against an opponent you'll get away if you just keep walking but it seems more cool to stomp out of sight again it seems more clever so they do it and then they just lose it it does cost me another fifty gold but I don't have to chase him halfway across the map cause they're gonna quit to speed so I'm just people try too hard to how to play and don't do logical things like when I built and canceled a wisp building like ten times to save a wisp and end up losing 400 resources in the process you have no power not a few nuts no this is an RTS actually going protection if this potions aren't carrying one Archer yeah he must be out of jars now I sometimes keep all two jars as well like when I finish a jar of pickles and I you know what someone has never requested go Raiders but don't upgrade and snare it seems like something someone might request at some point request it to myself this game [Music] okay I'm gonna get a snack I can't stand this anymore stupid request how did you know I didn't get it maybe just it still gonna fire so it's not a good time to attack don't bail to challenge [Music] yes g10 something into pasta do you think the green skin of Orcs is a metaphor for them being envious of other races well they were brown what's automatic or far then they turn green and became envious or maybe exotic birds we kind of lost track of meaningful Ruby nation rather quickly than shades Fight Club up in here it's traceless No he walked right past me but I didn't know that is vision yet it's okay we'll just kill his tree this is self-pity greater things what do I do with this tiny if I come TP towards it because I literally have to drop it first maybe I just block him out because I only have one hero I can't build it with one and then TP towards it oh okay I have a plan I guess it'll be a very short-range prime target SiC desk but I still got it endo be absolute jasjeet then I am you need something a little raiders left ah it's so weird to see a slow Blademaster like this like like who's doing that English on a blade oops habit it's a habit that when I have wway presses after seeing that I'm cloaked now I wind walked my inves away [Music] so that works really well thank you for to give some out of stadium micro Jordan thank you for the sub skies welcome we're complete I am yours excellent choice this guy very strange the way he's moving as well it's like did you really not know where walls he went left right left right left right when it looked like I was starting but let's let's not assume anything okay [Music] Thank You dark pygmy I can't do in an FFA request sorry you didn't clear that Expo you got [Music] I must scrape with my blades or I have no damage even though I'm losing ha fix for more haha that wouldn't work in the new system will this ever end if I must [Music] [Music] it's right you think [Music] oops directly [Music] he probably still died I'm glad he didn't go good it's all good good good this is really hard to finish that's very helpful yes that's all I ever wanted to play die acid bomb Finnish value oh-ho-ho-ho-ho bigger than money must there fast enough thanks to this picture still up so they're still trolling my troll how much gold left decent amount this in a man yes or seek me and let's get thirst attack okay yes yes I am yours wise I think my natural is gonna run out okay not too bad can you believe how many creeps that are left on this map after this long it's not normal come on drink some manner of blood get some blood less you make a good dresser she carried looky designs dark pigment thanks everyone we got we get some storm coming up why is he keeping want of the wave does he not have enough cyclin how many more people need to die for your vengeance sorry fly [Music] silence upgrade yes that lasted skeletons Wow the mountain tires right I believe he killed a patient there all right know what we expand oh good so Lancer Giants with two on upgrades demon six alchemist five keeper for and he's mining at I'm gonna lose this game actually get spikes some mountain Giants will die when they attack my towers Omega loss or damage a hit my actually Dave he's out of range with mana burn place our Boston you mean stuff of the law no I was coming upon well what do you mean suboptimal man I'm gonna lose that face again I hope you know I hope I need torrents or something but I think I'm just gonna pump reverence and go for one last bite oh man Bodie okay thank you mom it's good to hear so last Mountain Giants get its counters reverence doesn't it - oh my God he's going for it what is he going it's doctors with tiny Gretel to go ends with the tiny greater Oh think of the bigger picture it has his own personal cyclone oh my god he didn't get resistant skin yes Oh bloodlust imagine giant with a club Oh Jamie and stuff up them all rod no are there enemies of off yes Merry Christmas how can I help you seek me out what no thanks for this UPS guys thank you all personally in a second that's the first time I had left lots of mountain giants as an orc ever with work lots of course if you thought the fun was over yeah I don't care about my great hole I've got something greater [Music] [Music] tonsor and if I'm gonna use the wand of the wind look at this look at this giant lightning shield oh goodness gracious thank you mom thank you Dad thank you length is equal to the last YouTube posted custom game please consider giving it just one chances it will be casual and relaxed and short the creator's put their hearts and souls into this mod get good high profile coverage I will do this for you risk next gen is a thirsty math developed map that's apparently very fun risk next gen but I cannot play it now sorry maybe later thank you dark pygmy let's take a look at the stats of this of this game greetings friend 8 6 heroes vs. 6 5 5 resources about 30 K each with I lost almost nothing to upkeep because we almost never went over 50 minutes over 50 supply we went over 50 minutes but not over 50 supply highest supply 66 but only for a bit I need to figure out how he was tracking my movements I couldn't think of it but to see of the century warts or ultravision and stuff 57 minutes I can ask cookie now also after this replay I'll gift one gift self away for every gift sub that people give stuff to each other thank you very much man hope the map gets some traction every gift stuff that happened since the start of that game I'll be doubling it matching it thank you guys be looking at that in a second for now we're going to see how he saw me your building is completely Fisker with the 20 gift subs thank you dude well we'll be doubling that how about I double that greetings friend thank you very much miss Kier [Music] so we saw this whole part we just keep meeting each other we're kind of thinking about the myth game ok game sounds makes it sound kind of high fee greetings friend okay he saw the towers from over here so next time I should make them here so that they're hidden that's really good info he glimpsed it because this was the first time I was like you dude how did you just move towards it but it's my own new Venus okay then let's look at the mid-game vision greetings friend greetings friend this was the the move old three Raiders I was hoping I would still have like administering 10 Raiders by that time he doesn't admit map vision and clearly he didn't know I was creeping bottom left or he would have gone for me this was the next time I was like yo what's up man how did you know so he crept a camp then went to the left not too weird he sees a skeleton so obviously he knows I'm somewhere on the left he over focused on it I don't know why I and then he just went to the left so it's more of just a mistake his insistence at killing it and then another Skelly so he knows I'm creeping somewhere on the Left greetings friend and then of course he found me and the fact that he moved in like that which was bad talents and Franz was more just sloppiness Ronald and confidence that I was there and of course the confidence was based on the fact that I was scared of sending skeletons from that direction so totally 100% legit we both made a few mistakes though it's really good to know it 100% legit I was this guy 50% he had some good moves for 50% reduced room yeah yeah I mean I think he was really strong at some parts in the game like strategically I think he was strong hero choice unit choice it was just a little slower sometimes to react he's probably over 30 sprint like over 30 has a life has other hobbies has friends really knows Warcraft 3 well but doesn't multitask too well because he's over 30 and he's had children it's done reduce written like BeerBelly whatever you know all that maybe he doesn't care about stats maybe he sees a night off it just leaves I don't know you're over 30 also grub yes but I said ass friends has other hobbies come on hello and hope you enjoyed that video here on the YouTube everything was played on Twitch and speaking of which twitch chat has a message for you here we go please consider subscribing to the channel then you'll know when next we go life with another video on YouTube make sure to turn on your notification settings for this channel as well thank you very much for the support [Music] [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 79,475
Rating: 4.9099803 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Orc, Human, Great Hall, Expo, Tactics, Strategy
Id: 5YNgDc_wcv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 13sec (3853 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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