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Hey naturals What's up? Gabby Wallace your favorite American English teacher here to bring you a go natural English lesson this time talking about Extremely common mistakes that English learners make even at the advanced level Imagine with me for a second a really good-looking Man or a good-looking woman a beautiful woman you smile at her She smiles at you, and yeah She has a big piece of spinach in her teeth and it makes you kind of jump back And you're not sure how to tell her This is what happens when your English is pretty good But you keep making those same Common mistakes and nobody really knows how to tell you because it's awkward they don't want to offend you, and they'd rather just ignore it and keep on going so I want to help you out today and point out the 13 most common mistakes that even advanced English learners are making So let's jump right into it number one has to do with making plans or talking about time So let's say hey, do you want to get coffee with me next week and you say yeah, how about on next Monday? No, no on next Monday is Not correct. We can say on Monday or next Monday but the thing is on Monday means the Monday closest to the present time and Next Monday means the following Monday, so be careful a lot of people even native speakers get confused about Scheduling whether it's this Monday or next Monday, so be sure to clarify, but you only need One or the other you can say on Monday or next Monday Or if you're talking about the past you could say last Monday number two is similar don't say in last year or in next year or in last July or in next July you can pick one or the other in July or Next July so we don't say in And next or in and last plus a month or a year choose one or the other Okay number Three is huge when you guys tell me that you want to speak English like a native That's awesome, but when you tell me you want to speak English like a Native American It leaves me a little confused you see Native Americans are the people who first lived in North America before the European settlers came here so a Native American is not simply someone whose mother tongue or native language is English It's actually a whole nother group of people so be aware that Native American is a group of people who were in North America before European settlers came over here and a native English speaker is What I believe you're trying to say so next time say I'd like to speak English Just like a native speaker or a native English speaker very good Number four this is I believe especially for my Brazilian friends when you ask if there will be Legends at the movies or on a video it leaves me a little confused I know what you're trying to say, but what you really want to say is not Legends a legend is like a hero if it's a person or it could be like The Legend of Zelda which is a video game, but legend is a story or An epic story so you don't mean legends you actually mean Subtitles okay, so be careful It's not the same or similar in English as it is in Portuguese and in case you didn't know subtitles are The words or text at the bottom of the screen But you can read along with if you're not understanding what you're listening really helpful for if you watch foreign movies Now if you're wondering if you should use Subtitles on the next english movie or video that you watch I have another video Talking about that. You can click right up there to watch it Number five I hear English learners skipping words and questions a lot like if you ask where from where from is Not a complete sentence. It's not a complete question. So don't skip those words You might think that native English speakers are saying where from but you're hearing the stressed words we stress the words where From, but those aren't the only words in the sentence we actually are saying Where are you from so don't skip those two words in the middle. Where are you? From where are you from? I know they're very small when we speak quickly but practice saying them with less stress But don't skip them altogether so repeat after me. Where are you from? Where are you from? awesome okay number six Thanks God. I see you writing this all the time. Thanks God for your lesson. Well. Thank you That's really nice, but that's not how we say it in English so English speakers always simply say Thank God or thank goodness so drop the S and you'll be more like a native speaker and more correct Number seven is not really incorrect Grammatically, but it's incorrect societally culturally when you say teacher Can you tell me your teacher? Thank you for the lesson or teacher? Your channel is great or teacher. I subscribe to you on YouTube That's nice, but Native English speakers don't refer to their teachers as teacher. We would simply say Mr.. Smith or mrs. Smith for example if you're in high school, and it's more of a formal situation if you're in a more informal situation like this or like with your English tutor or someone who's closer to your age Maybe if you're an adult student especially Then you can simply say Gabi say your teachers first name if you feel uncomfortable about this You can ask your teacher first is it okay? If I call you Gabi or can I call you Gabi, or do you prefer? Miss Smith if you're Asking your teacher, so we don't call teachers teacher It seems really strange and on this note we also Don't say ma'am when you say ma'am to me It makes me feel really strange because ma'am is very formal It is often used in the American South so that is an exception But even in the South we say ma'am when we are addressing a much older woman Someone who is 60 70 80 years old? So please understand that I am NOT 60 or 70 or 80 years old and you do not need to call me ma'am Although I appreciate your respect you can simply call me Gabi number nine. Let's talk grammar for a second I see a lot of you saying explain me this now you're forgetting a Few words and maybe the order is a bit wrong so instead of saying explain me the past present say explain The past present to me or explain it to me or explain this to me next very similarly Do not say ask To me or ask to him cut out that - we don't need it simply ask Him or ask her or ask Gabi number 11 a lot of us get confused between funny and fun so funny is something, that's Haha, very comical makes you laugh Fun is something like maybe skydiving rock climbing what else could be fun anything that you enjoy it as an activity where you're Enjoying it, but you're not necessarily Laughing because it's not comical number 12. I hear a lot of English learners saying or writing I Haven't plus a noun for example. I haven't the money. I haven't the time but This is super formal and antiquated English so no native English speaker That I know would say I haven't the time in a normal conversation We usually use haven't as a contraction Only with a verb in the past participle so for example. I haven't eaten Yet today Or I haven't studied or I haven't gone to the bank or whatever It is but we only use this with the past participle So have as an auxiliary verb plus not plus the past participle We can actually contract have and nut You can also keep them separate. I have not eaten. That's fine, but it's a little bit more natural I guess to say I haven't eaten so if you want to talk about nouns like money or time It's better to just say I don't have The money I don't have the time that's a much more common way of expressing the same idea number Thirteen we're gonna touch on grammar for our last and final most common mistake is Sometimes we need to change the word order in all questions. I see a lot of you asking for example when you will Start the next go natural English course. That's incorrect. We want to ask when will you? Start the next go natural English course. When will you so don't make the mistake of saying? when you will Subject plus is for a regular statement a sentence we have to invert that for a question like this When will you start the next go natural English course? well That's a great question if you want to find out I would suggest that you join my email Group and I will let you know right now the course is not open But I will let you know when it opens up if you join the email group so click right over there And I will let you know what's going on with the next go natural English course when it's open for registration Thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed This lesson make sure you're subscribed to go natural English you can click right down there to subscribe So you never miss a lesson like this. Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you soon in another lesson bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 295,910
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Keywords: GO NATURAL ENGLISH, english mistakes, advanced english, advanced english lesson, english lessons advanced speaking, english conversation, Learn English, Learn American English, Learn American English Online, English Speaking, English Conversation, Learn English Online, Spoken English, Learn English Grammar, Free English Lessons, Go Natural English, English Speaking Course, How to speak English fluently
Id: dxpjGNOMZyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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