Grown-Up Prayers | Part 4

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody thanks for joining us and if this is your first time with us we certainly hope it is the first of many times two quick reminders before we jump into today's service number one easter is next sunday and we are celebrating easter all weekend long out on the lawn with outdoor services on both saturday and sunday these services will be very family friendly and they will be unlike any other easter services we've had before so i would love to invite you your family your friends and honestly anyone else you would like to invite to spend and celebrate easter with us but we need to know you're coming so if you'll go to easter easter and reserve your circle today we will be ready for you number two sunday april the 11th that's two weeks from today we are reopening our church for everyone that includes adult worship all of our family ministry environments including wombland aren't you happy about that parents anyway to register for a service because again we need to know you're coming just go to sundays and let us know which service you're planning to attend now as always if you want to be one of the first to know what's going on around here make sure we have your current email address and to do that just visit our website once again and scroll down to the bottom where it says stay informed and just fill in the blanks that's it for now i'll be right back in just a minute to wrap up our current series grown-up prayers [Music] [Music] speak to me when the silence steals my [Music] [Applause] voice [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're bigger than i thought you [Applause] were [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i believe [Music] help me [Music] my doubts and fears [Music] with the god of all creations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave the rest [Music] leave the rest [Music] [Applause] the rest [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] bigger than i thought you were [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Applause] [Applause] it's good for us together to put our minds on jesus put our thoughts on him our hearts directed towards him i cast my mind to calvary where jesus bled and died for me i see his wounds his hands his feet my savior his body bound entrenched in team [Music] heavy storms speak his praise oh please [Music] we see [Music] [Music] [Applause] death is [Music] [Applause] his name forever [Music] [Applause] oh we shall return involves of white the blazing sun shall pierce the night [Music] let's start now let's fix our eyes on him praise his name [Music] foreign is oh we praise you [Music] so to set us up for where we're going today i want to begin with an observation about human nature this isn't a religious thing it's just a thing and it's something that you've experienced that perhaps maybe you didn't have words for so here it is it's human nature to resist things we can't control or don't understand it's just human nature it's true of all of us to resist things to naturally you know react to to resist things we can't control or don't understand we want to be open-minded some of us even pride ourselves about our open-mindedness right but at the same time we want to make sense of the world we want to make sense of things and we want the world to make sense and our current worldview or your current worldview whether it's christian non-christian religious non-religious whatever it is your world view actually enables you to make sense of the world as as you experience it as you see it um your world view as you know is your framework and when our framework is challenged we naturally we naturally just pull up the drawbridge cross our arms and become defensive and we kind of retreat to our personal talking points and i'm not pointing fingers i mean this is true of me too because it's just human nature um this explains many of or perhaps most of your conversations with your parents when you were in high school or college you came home with new ideas and what did they do they well they just naturally resisted it explains a significant percentage of your conversations with your own kids if they're in high school or college they came home with some new ideas some new friends a new tattoo and well you had something to say about it we all have paradigms narratives prejudices experiences that kind of lock us into how we see and interpret the world around us all of these and all of these contribute to this resistance our resistance to new things new ideas new ways of thinking and perhaps most problematic new people and let's be honest even as i'm saying all of this perhaps you've already crossed your arms you feel like i'm setting you up to give up something you hold dear and i'm sure i would feel the same way because because it's human nature to resist things we can't control or that we don't understand it's just human nature to resist anything new especially especially if it conflicts with something old something comfortable this is why this is why it is so important to travel and read broadly otherwise you know what happens we get stuck on our little corner of the world and regardless of which corner you grew up on a corner is a corner and it's limiting it limits how we see the world and it limits how we interpret events worst of all it limits how we see and evaluate people but it's not your fault that did i mention that it's well it's human nature to resist things we can't control or don't understand more on that in just a bit today as you may know we're wrapping up our series grown-up prayers many of us or most of us grew up praying and many of us were taught prayers as children and while pretty much everything else about us grew up in some respects our prayers did not grow up what we asked for has changed but how we pray and why we pray is pretty much the same right and if that's the case and this is so important for where we're going today if that's the case how we pray and why we pray if they've stayed pretty much the same then basically our view of god has remained pretty much the same as well because think about it the way we pray what we pray why we pray is shaped by our view of god what we think god is like what we think and assume god likes or to say it another way your prayers reflect your view of god in other words if we were to stop and evaluate our own prayers and ask ourselves what does the way what does the way i pray say about my view of god we may discover as we talked a little bit about this last time we may discover that we've reduced god to a conscience cleanser and a lifeguard a conscience cleanser with a really short memory and a lifeguard who well a lifeguard who rarely sprints into the water to save us the way we want to be saved our prayers are primarily about forgive and give and rescue me or rescue someone i love consequently prayer is reduced to what it's reduced to informing god of our needs wants and wishes or perhaps the needs wants and wishes of somebody we care about that's why we pray that's why we've been taught to pray the point being if you want to know if you want to know how your view of god or if you want to understand your view of god just listen to your prayers if you want to understand how you view god just listen to the way you pray then along comes jesus and he says to his first century followers hey guys you're doing it wrong and as we've discovered in this series perhaps he has said to some of us hey you've been praying your whole life but it's time that your prayers grow up you've been doing it wrong and jesus says this then this then is how you should pray and this is so interesting just as our prayers reflect our view of god in the same way and this is so instructive in the same way jesus prayers reflected his view of god if you want to know what god is like if you want to know what god really likes listen to jesus pray or listen to the way he instructs us to pray so in the first three episodes of this series that's exactly what we did and we discovered that god is not merely a conscience cleaner he's not merely a lifeguard more importantly we discovered the purpose of prayer and the purpose of prayer is to align our wills to the will of our father in heaven so before we get to what we want need and wish for we are to pray your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and as we've pointed out this kind of thinking this kind of language it rarely shows up in our prayers because it stands in such sharp contrast to why most of us pray we don't we don't come to god to surrender we come to god to be forgiven and sometimes we come to god to be rescued forgiven and rescued because we weren't surrendered but to pray as jesus prayed and to pray as jesus has instructed us to pray we have to view god as god is and not as we imagine god to be not as we grew up imagining god to be to pray grown-up prayers we need a grown-up version of god the jesus version of god the god that jesus came to reveal there's a really interesting encounter between jesus and his apostles that illustrates this and it's so powerful because it's so emotional here's what happened philip one of the 12 apostles is sitting with the other apostles with jesus and one evening they're having a discussion and jesus is kind of doing his jesus thing where he's not super clear about what he's talking about and philip gets really frustrated with jesus and he blurts out just show us the father enough with the analogies enough with the parables and the stories just show us the father and do you remember how jesus responded this is so helpful jesus said don't you know me philip what an interesting response show us the father don't you know me philip even after i have been among you such a long time and then these extraordinary words who would say this anyone who has seen me jesus says has seen the father in other words philip you will never get any closer to understanding what god is like than me you want to know what god is like do you want to know what god likes follow jesus jesus would say but when you follow jesus as they discovered when you follow jesus through the gospels and when you follow jesus in this life it will require some change it will require us to give up some assumptions perhaps some things that we've believed our entire lives and that's difficult to do it's difficult to do because well it's human nature to resist things it's human nature to resist things we can't control or just don't understand now this explains this is so important as you understand and as you begin to understand the life of jesus this explains this explains why first century religious leaders resisted jesus in fact it's why pretty much everybody in his first century audience misunderstood jesus even though right up to the very end they were sure they had him figured out it's why at the last minute judas betrayed jesus and the other 11 bailed on jesus they they ran for their lives they they went from followers to fleas in just really a matter of minutes peter denies even knowing him and that's amazing actually it's why we can trust that the gospels are reliable accounts of actual events not only would a first century author not make it up that peter you know denied even knowing jesus he would probably be tempted to even leave it out but there it is because that's what happened they thought this is so amazing they thought i mean they've been with jesus three years they thought they knew what god was up to they thought they knew what jesus was up to they thought they knew what god was about but they had some unlearning to do they had some growing up to do in fact luke tells us that just a day just a day before they entered jerusalem i mean enter jerusalem where jesus has his date with destiny he's going there to die for the sins of the world they're on their way to jerusalem and jesus spells it out for him yet again and here's what he said he said gentlemen i i want you to understand what's about to happen we are going up to jerusalem and everything that is written by the prophets about the son of man is about to be fulfilled you're about to experience the fulfillment of prophecy and they're like well that sounds exciting maybe not he will be talking about himself he will be delivered over to the gentiles the romans and they will mock him and insult him and they're going to spit on him and they're going to flog him and they're going to kill him talking about what's about to happen to him they're going to mock him and insult him and spit on him and then they're going to kill him any questions guys and if they'd been listening carefully here's how they should have responded i tell you what jesus um you go on to jerusalem without us this is not and that is not what we signed up for but they followed him anyway not because they were brave we know they weren't brave they followed jesus anyway because well i'll let luke tell you why they followed him anyway because the disciples did not understand anything that jesus had just said its meaning was hidden from them and they did not know what he was talking about now jesus message was not unintelligible the problem was this the disciples preconceived messianic expectations their assumptions made them unable to hear or really accept what he was saying their assumptions about jesus were so locked in that they had actually well they locked him out they could not hear they could not see because they thought they already knew and this is understandable again the narratives they were raised on a restored kingdom on their experiences growing up under roman rule a limited mostly incorrect ancient understanding of how the world even worked filled with superstition all of these things all of these things made it next to impossible for them to hear what jesus was actually saying or to see the future that he was pointing towards all of these things made it made it difficult for them to accept what god was up to in their world right before their eyes they they thought they knew but they didn't know they thought they knew but they were wrong like me maybe like you i mean imagine this after three years after three years of listening to talking with camping out with jesus they are still arguing about which one of them is gonna be number two or number three in jesus cabinet when he sets up his kingdom in fact a few days this is amazing a few days before that they're on their way to jerusalem and they find out that a samaritan village wasn't willing to host them overnight because they were from galilee um the disciples come to jesus and they actually asked him for permission to call down fire from heaven and devour everybody in the village like what i mean read the gospels and there is no getting around the fact that it wasn't until after the resurrection that the pieces finally started coming together for the men who were eyeball to eyeball with jesus for three years and then and then it would take another 20 years don't miss that 20 years and the conversion of saul and a big church council and hundreds of gentile converts before this group finally understood that jesus came for the entire world that this good news this this good story was for everybody it would take 20 more years before they finally embraced the implications of his new command by this love by this love people know that you're my follower but eventually they got it now if you're a jesus follower okay if you're a christian that should fill you with some concern perhaps some trepidation certainly a big dose of humility it certainly does mean this should this should take the edge off any theological smugness or arrogance any of us have right it should cause all of us to wonder where do we have it wrong where do i have it wrong where where do we have jesus wrong where have we missed him or misunderstood him i mean who am i to think that i have it all figured out when the men and women who were face to face with him so oftentimes did not understand what he was trying to communicate we're we're actually better off waking up every single day and approaching every single day every relationship every decision with our hands and our hearts wide open to the reality that we only know what we know and there's a lot we don't know that we can only see what we see and it's possible that there's more to be seen or to borrow from the old testament prophet micah we should determine every single day to simply just act justly to love mercy and then here's the big one the virtue that every new testament author including jesus highlights and we should walk humbly we should walk humbly with our god according to micah that's pretty much all the lord requires of us and no surprise it's what jesus requires of us as well because it's what he did he walked humbly with his god here's how he said it for i have come down from heaven this is amazing jesus says for i have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me and then there's this and this is why this is why we should all walk in humility when it comes to our understanding of god of jesus and what god is up to in the world throughout the new testament throughout the new testament we are introduced to people honestly mostly men who find themselves in the presence of jesus but they can't see him uh they can't accept him for who he actually is it wasn't just the apostles i mean one day a wealthy young man you've probably heard the story it comes to jesus and he says jesus what must i do to inherit eternal life and jesus extends to him the opportunity of a lifetime he says this he says here's what you need to do you need to sell everything you have and then give the money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven but then here's the real invitation and then i want you to come follow me not not follow me like you and i think about following jesus in the 21st century this was a literal invitation i want you to today to begin following me i want you to join my group in other words young man you want to see eternal life you don't have to wait until you die you follow me now to jerusalem and you will see god's plan unfold before your very eyes but this rich young man could not see beyond his wealth and consequently we don't even know his name then there was the jewish teacher nicodemus that we're all familiar with he almost missed jesus because he couldn't see past his theology uh the theology he was raised on and had built his reputation on which is understandable it takes enormous humility it takes enormous humility to abandon an idea an agenda a political persuasion or perhaps a perspective we built our public reputation on it's it's difficult to see or to recognize the truth when the truth threatens our standing in the community our reputation or our income the pharisees the other pharisees they couldn't see beyond their prejudice toward certain kinds of people we run into this throughout the life of jesus their thought was something like this jesus could not possibly be from god look who he associates with and we know because we understand god that god would never send someone into the world to represent him who would associate with these kinds of people and when they found out he'd gone home with matthew the tax collector you probably know this story too they they just have no category for that they they could not reconcile his claims to be from god and his behavior he claimed to be from god but he associated with sinners he can't possibly be from god because we have god well we have god all figured out on another occasion a pharisee named simon actually invites jesus into his home for a meal and jesus being an equal opportunity offender went to the pharisees home which i'm sure was so confusing to the folks who hated the pharisees and it's like come on jesus you can't have it both ways pick a side you can't stand in the middle you're either hot or cold but you can't be lukewarm which is actually something jesus said anyway so jesus accepts simon the pharisees invitation to his home and while he's there a woman considered a sinner by the temple leaders took the role of a servant and washed his feet with perfume and her tears and it should be noted this is important that she could have been labeled or branded a center in that culture for a variety of reasons silly reasons back to the story so anyway his host simon is sitting across the table from the son of god and his prejudice his preconceived ill-conceived assumptions about who god favors blinds him to who is visiting in his home and when it was clear that jesus wasn't offended by the woman's proximity or her touch simon thought to himself which is always a mistake when you're in the presence of jesus he thought to himself here's what he thought he thought if this man were a prophet translated i know for a fact how this works and anything that doesn't line up with my way of seeing things it just doesn't line up there there is no way he's a prophet because if he were a prophet he would see this woman the way i see her he would know who's touching him and what kind of woman she is that she is a sinner so jesus does his jesus thing he smiles and then he tells simon and everyone at the table a parable and at the end of the parable essentially this is what he says simon this woman sees what you can't see this woman sees what you refuse to see you can't see past your flawed frame of reference your your self-righteousness simon your pride has locked you in and it's locked me out but this woman she sees what you can't see because she recognizes her failure her limitations her sin so she recognizes me and then maybe just to stir things up a bit more jesus turns to the woman and he says the unsavable he says your sins your sins are forgiven and the response of simon and the other guests around the table underscores their inability to see who is sitting at the table with them and so they ask they ask a question i would hope everyone would ask at some point in their life who is this who is this who even forgives sin that is a great question in fact that is the question who is this and they didn't know but she did they didn't recognize him but she did the question is do you and do i i mean the thing is we are so quick to judge all these narrow-minded ancient people but we shouldn't be that's just arrogance that's just that's just arrogance that potentially camouflages our own blindness their inability to see and understand while in the presence of jesus should cause all of us should cause all of us to retreat to a posture of open-handed open-minded humility again if they missed him if if they couldn't recognize who was right in front of them who's to say that we won't i know this for for way too many years while doing ministry i was blinded by by my personal righteousness approach to faith my my personal righteousness approach to faith went something like this fidelity morality honesty a rigid generosity that was my framework somewhere along the way i was convinced that those things were all that was required of me in other words as long as i behaved myself i had no obligation to yourself you were up to you and looking back honestly looking back it is amazing to me how much of the new testament was invisible to me it was right in front of me and i couldn't see it do you know why the way i describe it i had built a temple a temple a temple to my personal version of faith now the problem with temples is this they are very difficult to change temples are very difficult to deconstruct we may rearrange the furniture from time to time but that's about it temples the walls are solid they're high they're impenetrable and our routines become ingrained our assumptions well they're set in stone this is how it's done this is how faith works this is what faith does this is what faith never does what it always does and in my case my temple empowered me to ignore to judge and honestly in some instances mistreat the temple beside me the temple in front of me the temple that didn't look like me act like me worship like me do faith like me and while i don't think i'll ever go back to that i don't think for a moment that i have a corner on the truth market i assume i just assume every single day that i have more to learn more to change more to discover errors to correct more to unearth regarding the gospels or my heavenly father and jesus what he came to do so i have tried so hard not to build a new temple but the problem is this if i stop learning if i stop growing if i put down a foundation in error half truth half-baked insights to put it another way i'm trying not to build another temple to house my current views i've opted instead for what i call the tabernacle because tabernacles are better than temples i don't know if you remembered this but in the old testament the jewish people had a tabernacle the hebrew people had a tabernacle and do you remember what it was made of not stone it was a tent it was a tent that the nation of israel carried with them wherever they went and it was a reminder that god was portable he was not tied down he was not in a box while he didn't change while god never changed he constantly accommodated to the capacity of his followers meaning that his followers always had more to learn as their capacity and as their understanding increased this is why our faith our views of god and our prayers have to grow up because tabernacles are way better than temples they they aren't made of stone they move they require attention maintenance repair and the same is true of my world view my view of god my understanding of jesus and here's the thing the prayer i want to suggest today is just one way i keep my heart and my hands open it's it's like a daily reminder that i still have such a long way to go in my understanding of my infinite yet intimate heavenly father and his son that i that i i dare not stop seeking i dare not stop asking and i dare not stop knocking or as the apostle paul writes i dare not stop renewing my mind every single day so today i want to suggest a short prayer to add to your current prayer routine it's not original with me the psalmist had a version of this the old testament prophets had a version of this and bart had a version of this and honestly i like bart's version best because it's short and it gets right to the point and like jesus disciples bart had a first-hand encounter with jesus now this encounter takes place on jesus final leg of his journey to jerusalem i'm on his way to jerusalem he passes through the city of jericho about 18 miles east of jerusalem and luke who interviewed all the eyewitnesses to all these stories tells us what happened here's what happened as jesus approached jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging and mark tells us that his name was bartimaeus and when he heard when he heard the crowd going by he asked hey what's happening and they told him jesus of nazareth is passing by and this was going to be his once in a lifetime opportunity so he sets aside whatever pride he has left and he called out as loud as he could jesus son of david have mercy on me jesus son of david have mercy on me and those who led the way those who led the way rebuked him and they said be quiet but he shouted all the more and i love what happens next jesus is on his way think about this jesus is on his way to his most important appointment ever to pay for the sin of the world this is his date with destiny but jesus stopped and he ordered that bartimaeus be brought to him that is amazing it's convicting and it's inspiring when we decide to follow jesus from time to time we stop when jesus came near when jesus came near he asked bartimaeus and what he asked him is kind of funny but i think it was intentional he says to bartimaeus what do you want me to do for you what what can i do for you what a strange question to ask what a strange question for a miracle worker to ask a blind man but perhaps jesus asked it for the benefit of those who are standing close by and maybe he asked it for our benefit as well so what follows is bartimaeus prayer it's short it's sweet it's right to the point when you read his answer to jesus question you know what can i do for you it may not strike you as a prayer but it is because what is prayer prayer is talking to god making our request known to god and that's exactly what our friend bartimaeus does and he responds he says lord i want to see what can i do for you bartimaeus lord i want to see let me ask you do you want to see do you want to see do you want to see what you can't currently see even if it requires letting go even if it requires giving up admitting you've been wrong do you want to be right even if it doesn't feel right do you want to see most people don't jesus says to him he says receive your sight your faith has healed you and immediately he received his sight and immediately i love this and immediately bartimaeus did what those who could not see beyond their reputation beyond their wealth beyond their theology but beyond their ideology he did immediately what so many people in the new testament refuse to do the text says and he followed jesus to jerusalem and he saw he saw what we would long to be able to go back and see the events that would unfold to become the salvation of the world this is the prayer lord i want to see lord i want to see seeing is clarifying but the problem is the reason we resist it is sometimes it's terrifying it usually requires something of us compassion an apology forgiveness restoration admitting we're wrong but the alternative is to live and to walk in the dark worse if we're not willing to see we may miss jesus we will certainly misinterpret jesus or worse we might like judas attempt to use jesus as we've discussed throughout this series the purpose of prayer is not to bend or to woo god in our direction the purpose of prayer is to align our wills with god's will and that becomes so much easier when we see the world and the people in the world the way he does it becomes easier when we see ourselves the way he does as well lord i want to see sandra my wife has her own version of this prayer it's longer and perhaps it's better it is certainly more emotional here's how she prays or expresses this same sentiment she prays let the things heavenly father let the things that bring you joy bring me joy in other words i want to see as you see and let the things that break your heart break my heart allow me to see the world the way that you see it and allow me to see the people in the world the way that you see them and then give me the courage to respond appropriately lord help me to see now as you know there are multiple things that keep us in the dark three in particular that i want to make you aware of as we wrap up three in particular number one our past secondly our personality and third our prejudice these three things in particular have a tendency to color and distort our ability to interpret the world around us accurately our past is basically you know it's the sum of all of our experiences our upbringing our religion our joys our sorrows our privilege our pain our personalities right um the way that we the way that we're wired our temperaments our enneagram numbers um just the way that we are it becomes a filter it makes it difficult sometimes to see and then of course our prejudices the things that we prefer if you don't like that word often connected to our past right how we were treated how we saw other people treated acknowledging our prejudice acknowledging our prejudice the things we just naturally like or don't like is imperative for jesus followers because we can't love well until we see clearly these are the lenses these are the lenses through which we see and interpret the world within the context of faith these three things have the potential to create a distorted version of our faith these three things have the potential to create an unchrist-like version of christianity so this week i want to challenge you to pray the bartimaeus prayer or you can pray the sandra prayer either one first thing in the morning throughout the day when you're when you're tempted to close your hands in anger or frustration when somebody just gets on your nerves when you're worried when you're afraid when you're tempted heavenly father heavenly father i want to see i want to see help me to see help me to see as you see help me to see him help me to see her the way that you see them help me to see as you see so that i will respond in a way that honors you and heavenly father enable me enable me to see beyond my past beyond my personality and certainly beyond my prejudice heavenly father i want to see i don't want to walk in the dark i don't want to build a temple to a god who doesn't even exist heavenly father i want to see it's human nature it's human nature to resist things we can't control or don't understand it's human nature to hold on to what's comfortable following jesus requires movement growth change it eventually requires us to let go of comfortable ways of thinking comfortable assumptions prejudices and beliefs but there's a promise attached in fact jesus summarizes the promise in a way that i would imagine you've heard before maybe not the front end of this promise here's what he says he says if you this is jesus speaking if you will hold if you will hold to my teaching if you will cling to my teaching even when it conflicts with what you were raised on what you were raised to assume about the world and the people in the world if you will embrace my teaching here's the promise if you will hold in my teaching you really are my followers and then you'll know the truth and the truth will set you free the truth will set you free to see me as i really am he says the truth will set you free to see the world as it really is the truth will set you free to see the people around you the people that you get along with and the people that you hope you don't run into you will be able to see the people around you clearly and then he says oh and there's one more thing if the son if the son sets you free jesus says if you allow me to set you free if you will cling to my teaching and you know the truth and you're set free if the son sets you free you will be free in deed free to see as your heavenly father sees one more time do you want to see before you go three questions to get the conversation going or maybe keep the conversation going question number one and the answer is yes by the way can you think of an inaccurate or unhealthy view of something or someone that you inherited from your family we all can right that you corrected later in life i hope so and then here's the real part the most important part of the question what enabled you to see clearly in other words if you've kind of been through this metamorphosis before you held firmly to something a belief you realized perhaps you were wrong and now you see the world differently talk a little bit about that transition question number two how do you determine which ideals and beliefs to hold tightly to and which to hold loosely therein is the tension right and then number three jesus said blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god in your opinion what do you think the relationship is between a pure heart and seeing clearly now seeing what we've been unable to see or what we've been unwilling to see requires as we said humility it requires living with an open mind and open hands but as jesus followers we should be so good at this we should never resist this and prayer prayer the way that jesus has invited us to pray actually sets us up for this a a thy will be done posture in our prayer a thy will be done kind of prayer it breaks down our resistance it breaks down our pride and it ultimately breaks down our stubbornness so this week let's all pray heavenly father i want to see i want to see so i can live a thy will be done life and i'd love to close our time together by praying for us heavenly father this is our prayer we want to see as you see so that we will do as you say would you empower us to see beyond our past beyond our prejudice and even beyond the way we're wired in our personalities and specifically give us eyes to see the people around us the way that you see them in jesus name [Music] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] the cross is my beginning the line drawn in the sand the end of all my striving now i am born that jesus was forsaken so i will never be his grace [Music] it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] over death forever [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] over foreign over fears [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
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Rating: 4.860465 out of 5
Keywords: North Point Community Church, North Point, NorthPoint, North Point Atlanta, Andy Stanley, AndyStanley, Andy Stanley church, Andy Stanley message, Andy Stanley sermons, North Point church, NPCC, North Point youtube, Andy Stanley YouTube
Id: fJuo6a3ZjHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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