GROWING OUT RARE MONSTER FISH FOR OUR DISPLAY TANKS which fish did we choose in the entire store?

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[Music] [Music] uh welcome back to predatory fans today we're going to take some fish actually we're going to go shopping that's what you and i are going to do we got our shopping cart right here with our box and we're going to go around the shop and see what fish we want to put in this grow out tank because what's happening is from this tank they'll go to the 800 from the 800 they'll go to the 3000 and either state of the 3000 or go to the 12 000. so right now at least and i are going to have a little bit of fun we're gonna pick how come you didn't laugh what are you not paying all attention so let's see if we have the same flavor on um fish yeah yeah i already have some of the ones i want and i'm going to start with this tank right here if you guys want to follow me i'm going to take the white tiger shuffle nose i'm going to take that phantom because i've been growing him he's perfect no black spots i'm super pink like my son so that's why we're gonna name him ryan for me they're lucistic tumba keys they're pretty rare i literally just want to grow the rest out and put in the 12 000 since we lost our albino paco so these guys and i was also thinking maybe what three albino marijuanas yeah just grow them out so we got the albino arowanas right here we gotta pick three out of that spot and uh i will let you choose the rest what do you think i'll give you some options to put them in there boom will be oscar because the big ones look pretty cool maybe just grow one of them uh let's see how about one of the short body yeah albino sharks maybe put a translucent in there okay uh let's see let's see let's see so i was thinking about these guys because they're pretty rare and i love the the yellow one but i have a feeling that at this size yes at this size they're going to swallow the albino marijuanas so maybe we let the albino water grow a little bit bigger before we put one of them in there but i like that guy right there look and they're all really pretty but the yellow one yeah look how like the whole body is just like super golden really pretty fish for those of you don't know this guy is a korean perch and they're usually brown with a little bit of gray so these are morphs and they look pretty cool i think that's it no i mean i also want to do this guy i want to i want to do two of them and sell two these guys right here oh we lost our giraffe nose can we do draft rounds all right so let's do yep two giraffe noses and then look we have all these loaches right and they all look perfect but this one is from the last batch and he doesn't have the high fin so because he's deformed and we don't kill the form you know we'll just put him in the tank all right and then i wanted two of those guys too the golden cinnadonnas i think they look pretty cool and they look badass on that black tank so that's it oh guys this this week we have a couple shipments coming in but there's one shipment that we're gonna take one of those fish he's probably gonna have to go on the the red tank it's like top notch 52 centimeters where's 52 centimeters does this this doesn't do centimeters right centimeters no just inches i mean centimeters are on there but not counted out i think 52 centimeters is probably like 16 inches so it's a pleco okay it's a pretty cool pleco and he's gonna look insane on that he'll look really cool in this tank but i'll put him in there in this tank with the with the redstone all right let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] you know i actually enjoyed this video because i feel like i'm a shopper you know since we had predatory fins we never really went shopping for fish so it's kind of cool to be like oh let me put this in let me put that in ah exciting i know hey let's take the lid out now i think as we're doing this i'm going to take some of the water out because the temba key is going to be really hard to get let me see if i can get this guy right away oh now it's very important that you use the right type of net for them because their fins will get stuck really easy so he's good to go try getting that phantom he's a fat boy too but between the two fat boys me and him i'm faster oh no he's faster because you're my way bro i'm just kidding come here fat boy look how pretty that is though he's gonna blow up in a tank and then we're going to have to move oh yeah look you don't want to know what he's saying right now but those two together look like a million dollars right there believe it or not guys these guys are pretty rare too they're not albino parkours these are the tamba key like the black big black one and they're pretty much a platinum with the the golden fins or the red fins still but you don't really see them at that collar that's why i want to grow them out to see what they're going to look like when they grow pretty rare fish did i get anything nope come on bro oh yeah so we got two more right there we gotta make sure we don't put too much fish in that tank either a little fatty over here the last one oh no there's one more they do look like little piranhas but they're not they have human teeth just like the pacu's and they're very strong fish as well very hardy fish but they're not really made for for fish tanks they're more for ponds and big aquarium what i mean big i mean big you like that big one everything just sounds so weird when you when you talk about fish all right let's get the bigger one then you got to watch the fish see their reaction and see where they go and go you just got to go like a shark and just watch them and then just last minute you go boom oh never mind oh boom i knew i was a pro i was born for this yeah i know it doesn't look the purple he looked yeah from the side he does though okay so we got that guy in there now we need an albino oh and the arowanas this thing is going to look awesome i'm pretty happy there's a big way there too we got to get another big boy that one uh i like this one right here oh a little fat damn bro you making me look bad bro okay there you go all right so we got that one in there this is actually pretty cool i'm very happy with this it's a stress reliever reliever reliever when you hang out without so much let's do these guys and then we get the albino arrows because they have no oxygen here so i'm gonna go over there and i'll start putting one by one let's do the redesign shark first wait that's the albino no yeah that's albino redesi this is gonna be the purple one i wonder if his colors are going to look darker but you see one has like red eyes and one has black eyes [Music] look at that fish everybody know his name is ryan i'll try getting the whole school of these guys you see how the phantom's already like in the back swimming around checking out his territory all right babe it's probably the rarest guy in this tank right now already let's go dude look at that look at those colors man that's crazy i never seen a tiger shovel nose like that that is definitely one of a kind so what do you think with the background yeah i still i was thinking about getting a couple of like plants um but the problem was you know i had even had somebody ask me like oh how come you don't escape your tanks it's because these types of fish they're so big and they're so powerful that they'll move anything so like right now the the driftwood is set up this way tomorrow it might be moved in a different position happens that's why we don't do any of these things all right so now let's get the two golden cinodanas and the three albino arrows oh and the two giraffes yeah giraffe we're probably not gonna see until they start growing uh you know what i don't want to do the draft it's going to get eaten the the phantom is pretty big the tiger shovel knows pretty big and they're still small i say just leave them here as they grow once we get a bigger one we'll put him in there but i definitely want to grow one of these because we lost ours all right all right you pick out out of the four no he's going to get eaten too this guy yeah the little fatty right there yeah there's two little fatties yeah i thought i was gonna do really good let's do one at a time they're actually really pretty i think we're going to see them better in that tank i'm going to take the big uh try and get them some other side yeah this guy really pretty fish just swimming upside down already yeah they do that all right got the lid back on let's put him in oh wait we gotta get the arrows [Music] which albino era do we want see there's so many cool fish but the problem is they're not big enough to go in there so i think we're gonna that's it for us oh i see this this one right here it's a really pretty one see there's so many of them that you don't want to miss it if you're missing i'm gonna be able to find it the same one one we're gonna get three out of here uh okay two see how yellow they are like that guy yeah see i hope that they stay on top though because the phantom i guess we'll keep them fed yeah they're all the same size all right i think that would do it guys in the comments below and for you what other fish oh there's a little dead oscar over here these guys are doing so good i wonder they started fighting look you see that bumblebee oh we've said we're going to get one of these too no i think they're just aggressive towards the smaller one but but they're all been raised together so i'm trying to get this guy let's see i'm gonna find out he's a really really cool fish yeah i mean he's gonna get it's black in there so you're not gonna see him very much but when it's time to eat he'll come out all right let's put him in we just gotta make sure that the lid is gonna be on because you know the arrows are jumpers see two this guy's so yellow it's insane ready he darted out of the net i think arowanas are by far one of my favorite fish look how yellow this guy is the guy coming towards you all right let's do the two center donnas oh he went nuts they're pretty cool too because they're gonna clean the sand the black sand they're gonna clean the whole bottom and i believe the last one if we were if we're going to a store we would have spent a big buck right now it's the bumblebee oscar as the accommodates his colors will come back out the green yeah yeah really really pretty fish all right so we got our collection i'll grow out i really wish i could add one of those perches in there but they're going to for sure eat some of the smaller fish so we have to grow them out i'm going to go ahead and cut some food and we'll throw it in there for them to see if they start eating already let's go ahead and feed them but before we do i had forgot one fish and i thought about earlier but i totally forgot look at this this is a golden wells it's the asian one because the european one is prohibited now they look almost identical and this guy is amazing we lost our big wells i was in a tank when all the other fish died so growing one out was gonna be pretty cool as well oh growing it well it's gonna be cool as well so let's go ahead and uh let them loose his yellow is just like the ceno donna's yellow okay that i've just said i promise i'm not putting any more fish in there all right where's the shrimp let's just put a handful and see how they do take our shovel knows probably definitely gonna eat oh come on wells wells got one it's like he wants it but he doesn't know yet well you know what i think once we shut off the light they'll eat they'll be fine i just want to make sure there's enough food for everybody we'll put some pellets in there as well but slate i'm gonna go ahead and feed the rest of the fish i hope you guys enjoyed let me know in the comments below what other fish that we have in stock you would add it to this tank i wish i had a little aeroplanet to grow out but we don't have them in stock right now and um stay tuned for the upcoming shipments we should have some really cool stuff coming in [Music]
Channel: Predatory Fins
Views: 62,590
Rating: 4.9633322 out of 5
Keywords: exotic fish, monster fish, monster fish keepers, catch em all fishing, paul cuffaro, the king of diy, aquarium, fish keeping, aquarium co-op, fish store, RIVER MONSTERS, FRESHWATER STINGRAYS, FISH RESCUE, PREDATOR FISH, arapaima gigas, arowana, redtail catfish, viros, rare fish, tropical fish unboxing, stingray biology, coralfish12g, foo the flowerhorn, taylor nicole dean, blacktipH, billschannel, cavy, monster fish tank, freshwater fish, saltwater fish, monster fish feeding
Id: s5wz-auh7cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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