ALL OUR RARE PETS - SHOP TOUR Displaying all the unique, rare hard to find fish.

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[Music] [Music] uh hey guys welcome back to predatory fins today we're going to talk about really really really cool rare fish i'm going to show you guys some of the fish that we have in stock some of our sales some of them went off for sale i think my white beard just made a bubble but uh i want to start with this tank right here behind me to show a lot of people are asking me oh like can you talk about like the rare fish that you have so let's start this way are you uh you okay there bud you need a nice scratch huh you need a nice scratch gotcha all right so i i would say the rarest no no no no hold on the rarest thing that we have here at the shop will definitely be can you stop stop the fella the fly river turtle that's a lucid flight river turtle that guy it's pretty rare i would say the rarest thing that we have what do you think you agree yeah and he's awesome like that turtle i've got some big offers for him and and we denied him but that guy is definitely one of a kind i would say probably my number two spot would be the golden gars these guys were both from florida this is a male but the colors in the eyes everything's perfect on this guy that's why we kept them and the big females back there as well they're very very gold and the idea is one day hopefully we'll have a different setup yes and tried to put them to breed so i say in this tank right here definitely these two i like i said on the prior video i caught that gar for me it's rare just because of the color you know it's like a silver white gar uh it's not fully white it's not fully silver you still see the spots but i think it's such a beautiful fish that ended up keeping it i love gars i wish yeah i think it's very unique just like my beard um but i'm gonna be doing pun jokes on it now um so that those three for me i would say in this tank here are the rarest ones but also this guy which for some reason he hasn't been eating he would eat live but he would not eat anything else besides live so we're gonna have to do in another video get him in there get him out and and take him out of that tank oh he's trying to avoid me yeah right as you can see look at the difference between this one and that one like his stomach is getting a little sunk in compared to this guy he's got a full belly just like me i'm trying to get like him though so in this tank i would say those are my rarest fish or animals we also have a big albino clown over there they're not super rare you can find them smaller for cheap but it's it's rare or hard to get one that size also this tiger shovel nose here i would consider it rare as well because it's not a normal color so you can see the color is really white you got a gold sheen to it so that is our fish none of these guys are for sale i say in the big tank here huh the rarest even though the arapaima is not a rare fish to have one that size it's pretty rare i would as i would say especially this quality so i would put my two error primers in there uh of course sheila right there like if there was a hurricane we had to leave sheila and fella i would definitely bring him with me and another fish here that it's like a must would it be the piraeva i don't know if you guys are gonna be able to see her or him because we did feed him a lot yesterday so the tank is a little bit cloudy but the pyramid especially at that size i say it's pretty rare don't know where he is you know what he was over here when we walked by so he's got to be around this side look at sheila okay we can't find a period but i would say oh there he is right there can you see him try to get it close to the glass so so there's no reflection there he is that guy i say he's got to be at least three feet so to have a pura eba like he's right here babe to have a pure e but that size go down you know it's it's it's uh definitely on on the hard to find including those platinum red tails i say these three planar red tails right here too you know it's hard to get them at that size well basically everything in this tank is hard to get at this side so if you're going to say it then it's just for this whole thing yeah but some of the fish are easier to find they're not on the side yeah i know some people grow it's easier to found you know what i mean so that's what i mean like these guys are gonna be on the harder way to find so for me it makes it rare now let's go to this tanks right here where we still have fisher don't crazy dog stop bro we got so much going on at the shop guys we're trying to get ready for the aquachella show that we have to go in june you got problems ah but as you can see we're bagging our food we got new hats by the way i'll show it to you guys these this is the snapback military version yeah this is the trucker the military camo and i got a new one i had this one back in the day and i totally forgot about it this is a full black oh yeah camel red toy fence i like this hat i'm actually gonna steal one don't tell rod so yeah and we also val val and we also got a lot of shirts that we have to put it on the website but this time we did a lot of like fishing shirts and we did some good sizes as well like this just this looks this looks big what is it it's extra large yeah so we got that this one was my favorite i like the colors you know the orange with the blue so we have a lot of uh new shirts i don't even know what type of shirts is in here let's open it up for t-shirts right oh i like that this is a new oh it's kids oh so now we have kids shirt oh look at a little logo i want that you're not a kid yeah you probably could guys when we were poor i mean we're still poor but when we're more poor or poorer is that how you say it we used to buy alicia's shoes on the kids section [Laughter] no because they're cheaper don't lie oh i like this one too this is a native american fish what do you say native american fish what the hell is so funny native american fish american fish florida i'm brazilian but i speak english okay uh oh look at this one so i guess we got a lot of this uh fishing material long sleeve so if you guys want to go out and this one does match my beard all right i'm sure there's like 1000 t-shirts in there the phantoms i think the phantoms are pretty rare just because you saw the platinums over there you saw how they had like a gray color or some of them started getting black mark these guys would never have that because they're missing the black pigment in their body so they're always going to be full white no matter how old they are they would never have any shade or gray let's take advantage of that guy right there that for me is a rare catfish dorado can you zoom in the reason why it's rare is because it takes forever for them to get to that size and i did import somewhat that size and the problem is the the freight and the fish they cost a lot of money so you know to have one like that that quality in your tank you're a lucky person another one is that guy that's swimming back there right there look at his head poking out right there that's the albino asian red tail so that dude is pretty rare as well there's one sitting over here it's a smaller one on the corner but i don't know if he can zoom into that guy he's he's pretty big i'm amazed how he grew in that tank yeah there's a lot of people in them so guys there is two types of uh asian red tails so it's gonna be a little hard to see but he's all the way back there that guy where is it all the way back there that's a true albino asian red tail okay now there's two types of asian red tails that people sell uh the cheap one which is like 15 20 bucks and they call albino but those guys only get to like six inches and then these are the true albino asian retailers they'll get massive just like a regular asian red tail i think that guy i think we're going to keep him grow him out so they're pretty rare as well because of that they're not a easy to find to find fish some people i saw a couple comments on facebook you know i was gonna have haters and it doesn't bother me but i saw a couple comments saying like oh you know i can buy and i'll buy an asian retail for 20 it's not the same fish but like if you don't know about fish you shouldn't even comment about it it's just common sense you know so this way look how nice that tank looks from here see i want to have the whole front panel looking clean like that i think that's that thing's gonna turn out to be amazing in this tank right here so this is for sale we have the albino lungfish now they're pretty rare they're hard to find so i say these guys are on a rare list hey chill out bro don't don't don't be coming at me like that we're gonna bite you let me bring him over here come on dude there you go i know you're cool so the cool thing about them too is like if another fish picks on their little arms or legs they'll grow back this one has a little bit of like dark spots it's probably because he's a marble albino marble but we also have the other one over here there is an albino albino there's no black spots on that guy but he's all the way back there you can even see his face they're awesome fish they don't bother other fish but if you put two of them in a tank they will fight and i would say oh look we got this little baby phantoms yeah they're pretty cool but not rare not rare i mean they are rare sorry uh down here the short body red tails look at this guy i'm just trying to grab one oh you've been being fat there fast either yeah there you go there you go so he's gunky yeah so some people don't like short body fish you know they say oh you should just kill them but i don't see why i kill a fish just because they're deformed you know true nugget right there you can clearly see they're doing well they're living they're enjoying life but they're not hurting if a fish is hurting okay i totally agree you know take him out of his misery but they're not hurting so why kill them this phantom looks really nice that's probably one of the ones if you want to go up here here that's ones that uh we're growing out for sale so this guy is for sale and i would say to end our video two things these bikes are rare i think this is the first time that they came to the us they're also for sale they're a little bit on the on the pricier side mainly because freight is very expensive right now and also the river where they come from they have to be transported a very long distance to get to sao paulo where they get shipped out of so that makes it more expensive and here i have the white tiger chevron rose that for me it's pretty rare because i haven't seen it yet i was actually using the ladder to move this stuff for me so the white the the lucistic tumba keys which is these guys look like little pacu's i think they're rare too i haven't never seen them before and that dude and i've said he's uh lucistic and a lot of people said oh it's a pie ball because of the black but you see how the black is going away so i think a lot of these fish either they when they have the black on their body either they have like an internal parasite or stress out something's not right with the fish and once they start acclimating and feeling better you can see the true true colors i say that guy right now it's it's just as rare as what babe what do you think yeah i mean money-wise no but uh if we're talking about yeah rarity yeah i would say yeah haven't seen any pop-up year but i'm gonna leave this for the end of the video i might have one more and that guy's gonna be for sale so if you're interested stuck around for the whole video uh and you're interested on that fish you know they're valuable you know they're not cheap let me know like i said we might have one available we're trying to get it right now and hopefully we get it soon um i think that's it do you have any anything you want to say um oh sorry don't say anything i wasn't gonna say anything anyway let's go ahead come over here i don't know if you guys saw the prior video that we did with uh the saltwater tank but i did move all the rocks hold on old man going down here ah i just worked out legs a couple days ago look i like that the way this looks all the rocks are all the way back there it gives the the fish a lot more space to swim in the middle four is swimming pretty good he ate a lot yesterday doc is eating pretty good look at prime time i still haven't been able to get him to look he's going back in the cave there's a lot of cave space now as you can see all the groupers are in there i think this was awesome we're not really going to add any more fish in here i want to add more sharks thor is a beast man he's eating like crazy right now doc don't even talk about it this he's he's a pig i think he's he's coming that way look he's just as much as an arapaima this guy right here is very personable too you come up you take food right out of your hand what is he you know i jus i knew what he was until you just asked me oh emperor snapper emperor snapper i'm pretty sure that's how you call them now guys what i want to do i want to take more time to spend with these fish because i think the more i get in this tank the more i get in that tank the more i can train them for you know videos and also to get them personable to us like those are primers i've been growing for over five years they know me believe it or not when i get in the tank they just they're like two big dogs they're actually nicer than tank yeah sheila will bite you your toes but i think these are the rare fish that we have at the moment um we went through a lot of rare fish here we sold a lot of rare fish but it's tough when it comes to rare fish like it's like it costs a lot of money one and two if anything happens and they die then you're out of a lot of money so right now because of our situation where we are like we don't have a lot of time to sit here and babysit fish you know we're trying to like grow the business we might even go bigger or wholesale we want to start traveling so there's a lot that we want to do it's tough for us to be here i don't want to put like a 20 30 000 fish here if i'm not gonna be sitting here watching it but that's pretty much it on the comments below let me know what is your favorite rare fish the fish that you like your number one fish that you love to have i know where yours is you like the diamond back sturgeons we used to have some really pretty ones back in the day and let me know what you guys think what's your favorite fish that you would do anything to have all right guys thanks for what sorry i scared you thanks for watching i appreciate it really little ryan over here appreciate it as well he's just got his little new hat and uh do i look more like a dead now that i have a white beard he's like what i don't even know who you are now we forgot one fish that we have here that is also super rare is the albino shark that we have in the salt water tank so if you haven't seen him watch the video that i just did but he's looking at the phantoms because he looks like him you like a little phantom let's just say bye to everybody ready give her a little punch go okay say i'll see you guys next time see you next time
Channel: Predatory Fins
Views: 186,575
Rating: 4.9243922 out of 5
Keywords: exotic fish, monster fish, monster fish keepers, catch em all fishing, paul cuffaro, the king of diy, aquarium, fish keeping, aquarium co-op, fish store, RIVER MONSTERS, FRESHWATER STINGRAYS, FISH RESCUE, PREDATOR FISH, arapaima gigas, arowana, redtail catfish, viros, rare fish, tropical fish unboxing, stingray biology, coralfish12g, foo the flowerhorn, taylor nicole dean, blacktipH, billschannel, cavy, monster fish tank, freshwater fish, saltwater fish, monster fish feeding
Id: X3SLEWahvzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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