Grounded Mega Build Stream Reupload! Day 1

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] everyone please welcome [Music] foreign [Music] yo what's up folks welcome in good evening how the heck are we doing tonight welcome to the show uh how the hell how how how how's it going happy Friday Joel finally what's up endless [Music] what's up dude you come to give me crap about carrying my torch hey how's it going what's up orange waffle what's happening how you doing Wally's up in here what's up woolly Deez Nuts okay Kaya dinosaur let's go baby how we doing tonight folks how we doing tonight let's go ahead and get this on the right thing there we go there we go what's up blue bomber how you doing I love the way that says my name I'm good awesome that's great [Music] it was funny to see you running with the torch I'm sorry no you're fine man I'm just giving you crap you're fine man it's all good no it's it's annoying to me that like whenever I'm whenever I'm playing and I don't want my torch to be out and yet it still continues to be out somehow foreign Jessica's such a turd I swear I swear holy smokes so what's up folks what are we doing today we got the weekend off or what so what are goals for today honestly just trying to get the roof of the crane done because I got the majority of it finished uh this afternoon but I got I still got to do the roof which is going to mean red ant hill prop burst clovers and also sap I think too no one is off weekends no one is off weekends you're the only one that works so much like that on the weekends man all right so yeah first thing first uh let's see here do I have I don't have a tuft I want to go get a tuft I need a tough detox tea I get weekends off hey waffle get weeks off let's go I watched your video earlier nice I just want to say thank you both you and Jess for taking some time and talking with me earlier it helped me get through my day hey that's good dude Jessica says hi she's about to do her uh her uh beat saver workout hypnotic jug what's up buddy how you doing man no problem by now I mean you know I'm not I'm not Dr Phil now I tell you what that could be Dr Hank if you want me to I'm not doctor Dr Phil by any means half the time I don't even know what to say to anybody uh that comes at me with some with some personal issues and stuff like that but you know I just I like to let people know that I can that I can at least listen if if I don't know what to say artists you feel me surprisingly not terrible it's better than not having anybody else to talk to uh uh good just grinding out grounded there you go grinding grinding we're about we're about done with the well I don't know if we're about done with them but but we're good we're it's it's taking shape is I guess the correct terminology we can use here uh I'm gonna go ahead and auto deposit all that and take all this and dump that out and we are going to I'm going to make all this in a crude rope so it takes up less space and then from there we are going to go get some rough bursts Noah being able just to talk about it helped and that was enough hey that's good dude that's good if the number two pencil is the best in the world why is it still number two I like that good evening wrench how you doing today welcome in Grizzly bars what's up buddy what's popping man all right intern badge off torch on and now we are going to go to the ant hill and see if we have eggs in there this time hopefully we do hopefully we do do I still have my okay I still got my infected parts and pieces here so let's go to the ant hill and see if we have eggs this time it's actually been like I don't know like 10 days since I've been over here so I probably won't have any more than normal but I'm gonna go look anyway I'm gonna go look anyway oh hey that's a ladybug hello ladybug do you have my gold card do you have my gold card Miss ma'am okay negative negative negative sad face sad face did it just skip back for everyone did it skip back I don't know did it skip back jump oh always falling short typical it's typical of my life always always coming up short that's not how you treat a lady I am so sorry I'll try to do I'll try to do a little nicer next time all right let's go see where the eggs at we got some eggs in here what's up you guys got some eggs for me some eggy wedgies not looking good so far not looking good not looking good dang dude for real for real and then I'm going I'm then I'm going the wrong way which doesn't help either no eggy wedgies that sucks that sucks man it's really hoping there'd be at least two or three more oh dude I just ran right over the top of that whole speed Grease Lightning Grease Lightning all right that's all we get started two then I guess we just get our two and that's all I've definitely mastered running through here though I don't want to kill him again because I don't want another raid that was that would be lame [Music] we get two that's all we get um actually I don't have I don't have uh uh what should I call it back in my base over there a crafting table because I don't have sap so all the way down in the bottom where they at rappers where the heck are you there it is uh that was not enough that was not enough did you know that there was a rock uh blocking a tunnel in each ant hill ant queen ant Queen teaser well there was actually ant Queen in there at one point but they took it out I mean it was around here I'm pretty sure it was I don't know for sure for sure but I thought there was look at that thing dude look at that thing up there I'm having a major deja vu yeah it tends to happen sometimes dude Deja Vu is weird just like dreams are weird Deja Vu and dreams especially when you have a dream about a deja vu what's up Matthew good evening dude dreams suck so weird yeah dude yeah dreams are super strange dreams are strange they'd all be strange and then you mix the both of them together and that's really weird that's really weird all right let's get our snooze on here right quick we got our two brought bursts uh which ain't gonna get us very far I probably should go ahead and kill all the ants off but I'm not too worried about it I wonder what I wonder when they're gonna fix the I don't have a head thing while I'm sleeping best loading screen in the world right there um okay I think there's actually clovers over here I'll just maybe go gather up some from this side maybe it's just Dreaming Dreams can be just as great as they are terrible totally true what's up Sal's good box what's happening what's happening welcome to the fly's point of view on the sea the flash point of view of the ceiling all right let's do this uh uh here hold that for a second boom yeah there we go I didn't actually mean to hit the larva oh no it's going the wrong way ah that works welcome to the flash point of view on the ceiling what the what on Earth this thing is having a Heyday here all right well not enough brought burst to really get us a ton but this is a pretty good chunk I'll take this this is a decent chunk um I do believe maybe I need to go back for some sap though so I don't think there's really anywhere to get sap back here that's gonna be the next thing we work on is uh birdhouse birdhouse is the next big project I got some pretty cool ideas I got some pretty cool ideas but the biggest idea is gonna have to be me making a uh supposed looking tree limb off of the tree because I'm not going to want to build it all the way up in the freaking sky at least I don't think so I want to know a weird fact yeah sure hit me with it hit me with it what upgrade path uh do you think it's best for the tick sword um my Lord Jesus Christ you know I don't really know because I don't like the tick sword so I haven't really dabbled with it much I don't even really know what's weak to slashing honestly like what is weak to slashing oh infected mites are yeah dude like nothing is weak to slashing oh all spiders are but see I always go choppies chopping spicy with the wolf spiders like that's what this that's what this uh termite ax here is for is like the wolf spider annihilator you know that gunpowder is just angry sand oh Lord at least it's clean oh Lord all right let's take this up here take this up here like this let me put my torch away please okay let's do it wait oh yeah I forgot my intern badge isn't turned on holy I'm not Super Hyper motivated today obviously I'm suffering from a little bit of caffeine uh what's the word deficiency caffeine withdrawal I guess is the right word so I'm a little on the low Vibe side but that doesn't mean it can't change here and you know a little bit or whatever oh yes I do need some sappy sappy I do need some sappy sappy sappy but I can feel the effects of it starting to uh take place so this is the part where you all just have to bear with me you know what I'm saying two laps today new record hey there we go sorry I had to leave and rejoin uh to get it to be live oh okay you're fine the term Silly Putty means that there is something called serious putty AKA C4 have you gotten any headaches from no caffeine uh no headaches yet we're only on day two though I mean like as with any addiction I'm sure it's just going to take a couple days you know probably two weeks before I feel totally totally awesome and off of caffeine at least I would say probably two weeks I don't I don't know what it how long it's going to take but I gotta get some sap nope yep look at the size of that shaft we've got any oh I already read that Jesus my bad this thing is so wicked I go to a trampoline park tomorrow uh for a friend's party dude those look fun I'm jealous I'm jealous I can't jump on trampolines my legs would snap in half was it just caffeine that had you stopping the soda what was it just caffeine that had you stopping the soda you mean was the caffeine the reason that I couldn't stop drinking soda it's not that I couldn't stop drinking it it's just that I I really enjoy soda so I drank it all the time it was just what I drink but now that I quit obviously the you know just as nicotine or caffeine or any of those types of things just takes a little bit to get off of it uh we're doing that for my son's birthday next month he loves the trampoline parks here yeah we have trampoline parks I don't believe Rowan has been to one before I don't think he has unless the parents have taken him at some point um I don't think he's been to one I did the carnivore diet and only drank water for three weeks and lost 20 pounds uh now I'm just doing low carb mainly drinking water having a sugar-free soda every now and then and still slowly losing weight that's good dude Gigi's for you man GG's for you we freaking go yeah we're only on day two of this adventure but it's gonna be a long one I ate good today 1600 calories was today's uh food consumption as far as just calorie counting goes I had uh I don't know why that one's broken that's weird I can't wait to make a new sap like a sap Farm where there's not mites biting on my toes every two minutes that'll be nice that will be nice I hope your weight loss journey goes well I think it will I think it will I've got like a thousand friends right now they're rooting for me so I think it's going to be easy peasy easy peasy all right let's get some food nom nom nom there's no shortage of weevils around here that's for sure [Music] all right I'm gonna check up in the pyramid to see if I've got any clovers up here that I might have had left behind from the from the clova thing I was meaning did you stop soda because of the sugar and if you did switching to a regular tea that has Sugar means that it's not really going to help there's no sugar in this tea at least I don't think so no I just I've changed it because of just freaking I mean I don't know I don't know if this tea is any better I don't know if this tea is any better for me obviously it's better than soda [Applause] but yeah it's more of a caffeine thing for me honestly sugar isn't the isn't the big thing green tea is actually good for you I mean I would assume it is I'm drinking water and green tea so I just got a bunch of bottles of things that aren't soda you know what I mean uh I can't believe how spacious the inside of the Hedge is yeah it's crazy huge it's crazy huge like the inside of the actual bush pretty big pretty big I'm looking forward to starting the next project I'm not exactly sure how I want to do it though man I want to do I want to do a treehouse but I don't know I don't know how I want to do it foreign off of like the bottomish because I don't want it to be like all the way up top but I also don't want it I don't know man I don't know I don't know I've been working on my Impressions and I can do a scam call impression pretty well oh my God that sounds funny yeah the video you did was impressive oh the one with uh the the tour the tour build tour with bunny Bunny's bass tour yeah that blew my freaking mind dude I had nothing no idea any of that was in there that was crazy that was totally crazy yeah you're doing a good job thank you I'm trying every stick is back now that's awesome that's awesome so now I get to actually see um you know if I if I get rid of that grass over there like I still want to get rid of some grass here obviously but I don't know I'm pretty excited about this build this bill is going to be super helpful super duper helpful all right let's fill her up I call myself jerson from the jerson and jerson Corporation what the heck you just talk to yourself in the mirror thank you for dialing Dell computers this is Chip that's a reference from The Love Guru movie if anybody's ever seen that oh man I can't okay got it nice perfect yeah we might I would assume we'll be able to finish the top of this I mean it looks like a long way but I think it's Gonna Fill in pretty quickly as long as I can get enough clovers and sap which obviously right now I don't have enough of either one of those but it'll get us close we'll do a little bit at a time so I don't get too burnt out on it you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying chat yo last night was crazy dude good to see you man what's up Marty how you doing man good to see you too good to see you too [Music] after I get this rest of the sticks I'm gonna look back there along this wall I don't know exactly actually what's back there last night was gnarly last night was crazy holy holy crap I feel like I feel like I was a stripper and it was just baller night at the strip club that was insane it was a saint I got off stream and it said like twitch made like 380 bucks or something and then freaking stream loots was like 150. I was like my god dude these people are cracked out of their freaking Minds just got money pouring out their ears so we got a soda can and then there's like a sprinkler back here um really nothing as far as I could tell really nothing all right let's go let's get the rest of this I want to get some more sounds made some funny sounds of things that I do or say or something like that so if you guys catch up if you guys catch on to you know like a funny saying or thing that I say uh that you think would be a good sound to have make sure you let me know let me know and we might even record it on the spot too and just throw it up because it only takes you like a minute or two can the spiders at the Oak Tree be caged like barricading the under tree entry uh when they're sleeping yeah yeah you can block them in yep you sure can same as the two by four one and pretty much all all of them sleep in like some sort of block offable thing on there we are out of clovers again man we're getting close though we're getting really close it's good to see droopy weiner I always love seeing a good droopy wiener in the chat uh what do we have here this is needs to go away all right so we need more clovers and I surely don't want to have to go cut them all down by hand so I guess I might have to go make the I guess I'm about to go make the ants mad huh guess I might go make the ants mad so let's do that let us do that let's go piss the ants off shall we I need to tag you in that waffle oops uh need me to join you to help with resources nah man I don't I don't I don't uh I know I say this like five times a night because everybody wants to play with me but as soon as I join a multiplayer session my FPS goes down to like 20 and that's just not even tolerable for me like I don't even want to play it at that point so uh yeah since multiplayer optimization is doo-doo I just gonna play by myself because then I don't have to worry about it feel me not that I don't want to play with you or all the other 250 people that ask me on a weekly basis but and that just helps to keep it fair too at the end of the day honestly because so many people ask me we've got a soldier ant over here it's a bit late I'm already I'm already running at like uh 60 which is annoying to me I much rather be at 120 but until I get a two PC set up or find some way to do a two PC setup that's just going to be the case I wonder if I can set up an automatic ant killing situation with spike traps I wonder if I just line this whole freaking cave with spike traps like just spike traps just freaking everywhere has anybody done that surely somebody's done that so just to make sure that the ants are like always dead foreign yeah but as soon as someone joins my multiplayer again which is why we don't even because I was doing it with the mods for a little bit there and Rhino was helping out and it was just so unmanageable it's just so hard to play and it makes a really bad stream too because it gets all laggy and choppy on stream look at all these dudes man they're all coming out to see what's up this is ANTM murder is that an egg okay we got an egg too someone brought me an egg out here the mods LOL I was the only mod me rhino and gray oh yeah oh hey look another egg thank you oh look another one holy crap dude they're just bringing them out they're just bringing them out bring them on out bring them out bring them out bring them out bring them out I gotta be careful because it will destroy them uh if I if they drop them and then I shoot them while they're on the ground I'm pretty sure it destroys them Master Tang what's up old buddy old pal foreign dude until I get like a freaking monster red ant raid or something follow the death Spike Road look at this guy coming in from Outer Space over here foreign all of you will die by my hand well I'll sit here and vape and drink coffee and talk to chat hello Chad what's up team Dozer how you doing man what up dude I believe they bring them out to spawn in the fight makes sense right yeah I could tell you something you say all the time that you should never make a sound you feel me oh what's that I don't even know what that could be hey Sandshrew there you go I like sand trees they're pretty cool this is Martyr he's a good boy best pet I've seen and grounded it's you saying you feel me hey you feel me you feel me did I say that all the time I guess I do say it all the time huh you feel me all right let's Go Peep it Time to Go Peep it what you got show me some eggy Eggies you got any eggy Wiggies down here hey there's one the narrator in a world where see-through goes into the dark deep hole and goes the wrong direction once again oh my god dude somebody clipped somebody clipped a narrator sound last night and I and I was watching my clips from the stream and they were so funny dude and somebody clipped one of the narrator little things that I said and I was like all alone in the land of Ding Dong or some and it really I made I laughed so hard about that my stick Tower is built on the hill near the spade and has a bombardier beetle that spawned underneath it he's my good boy oh Jesus Jesus Christ Jesus Christ excuse me sir pardon me coming through excuse me pardon me I believe we have a name annihilated the ant Army except for that guy and that guy I would like to understand the actual science behind this because I'm pretty sure I I almost want to say what happened so they they dragged the eggs from the nest right the eggs only spawn inside of the two nests that are in there the one that's by the fungus and the one that's in the little red carpet room [Music] so let me follow this guy here I'm gonna try and follow this guy see what he does because the little ants worker ants go in there all the way to the nest and then I I legit want to see like if one like spawns where are we going surely you ain't going to sleep right take me to the nest I know you're going to go you're going to the nest right now right foreign I really didn't want him to attack me I want to see what this little guy's doing where's he going yep he's coming over here okay yep he's going to the nest he's literally actually going to the nest let's see here see what happens yeah look at him watch him yo see he did it he did it he just spawned an egg I knew that's how that worked dude I freaking knew it holy crap now let's see if he drops it or if he holds on to it hello powerless and we'll see if he drops it or if he holds on to it so he's gonna bring it he's gonna bring it all the way out to the front of the tunnel right and he's gonna set it up top and it's just gonna sit up here and cook foreign mess up this whole like motion of thing is he just gonna sit there with it is he gonna sit there and hold it until it hatches okay I don't know where he just went where'd he go where'd he go yeah if I can if I can understand these mechanics of these same things a little more I could probably remake a good video so he comes back and he drops it okay so that's weird that's so weird Behavior there but we can probably we could probably watch there's one like trapped in us there he goes let's say there's like one trapped on the wall there all right hold on bear with me Chad we're we're freaking educating ourselves here I'm gonna stand here and wait for the next worker ant to walk by uh Hey see-through what's one game that you want to try in the future um obviously sons of the forest coming out at the end of the month we're definitely gonna be all over that finally made it in how's it going what's up little Gooby oh nope he decided it's not time to spawn an egg yet I think okay we'll wait we'll wait we're ratting it out can't wait until chat is popping sheesh can't wait until Chad's popping okay 8 30 drop off sounds good small land yeah small land is definitely going to happen but that's still that's still so sons of forest comes out into this month small land comes out end of next month so oh we got another culprit what's the news we got another culprit oh where you going is it not time yet it might not be timing everybody says hi Jess also I know if I ask uh you to play subnautica but have you played subnautica below zero no I didn't want to play below zero until I beat the first one which still hasn't happened yet okay he's just coming to take a nap all right so I'm curious I'm curious do they sleep until like another egg is ready to spawn or something I'm learning right now dude I'm learning Emmanuel's been following for a month and 25 days let's go dude let's go you came in at the hype of see-through starting to uh create YouTube content is pretty much what that is all right are we going to sleep are we going all right up nope I thought I thought we were headed for another egg let's see if this guy's heading for an egg nope they're trying to make up their mind oh he's going to sleep okay it's almost like their AI is like is egg spawned no if eggs not spawned sleep six foot what's up buddy good evening man how you doing nine months 29 days in an hour there you go get better I like to kill them all and sleep overnight in the morning there's like 30 eggs yeah but that's not really how it works though I mean sometimes because typically it takes 24 hours for them to fill up but at the same time because see what's happening is there's two nests okay oh he just woke up is it is it egg time are you just stretching oh we got to wake up because there is so there's two nests what are they thinking oh we just stretching I'm Legit like learning this AI right now we're learning big things right here welcome to the stream where I have where I do it so you don't have to I'm trying to figure out this because once I met like I said once I figure this out completely I could make a better video because this was like uh farming bratburst was like one of the first successful videos I actually had uh on my channel honestly I don't have any views of Scott now but it was uh the video is time traveling wait what no no no no no my interwebs is being doo-doo tonight oh we were all waking up is it egg timer we just all stretch it come on man let me know fill me in oh it's egg time is it one egg time no we got we got two Eggers going to see if we grab one from each Nest here all right so he's going this way and let's see which way he's gonna go let's see if they both oh yeah don't change your mind man don't change it don't let me get in the way of production here surely you're not just coming over here to sleep you're just gonna sleep there doesn't make sense uh the stumplab parkour is making me rage yeah dude that stuff the stump lab is so freaking disorienting man I hate it I hate it over there like I'm curious if they make like a specific animation before they actually go to the nest but yeah there's two nests and the eggs spawn there and they can only get one egg at a time I'm not sure like what the actual respawn rate is of them being able to like summon an egg from the nest come on dude come on go there because I want to see I want to see how long it is between between eggs oh so we got an egg spawn here oh wait look let's see if he creates one let's see if he just pulls yep he just pulls one right out of his butt okay so that one's good all right okay so what was that I don't know how long that was I'll have to look back at the time stamps and see exactly see exactly how long that is and I wonder if it increases if there's like multiple ants in here because none of the other ones went to any Nest right yeah That was supposed to be emotes wait what happened it seems like the more content they put out the more jump puzzles they put out way to what game oh you're talking about grounded I'll start flagging the entirety of the ants tunnel to help see where the tunnel goes oh can you actually put can you actually put Flags in here but yeah the stump lab parkour is hella dumb that was part of this game I believe yeah true except for the parkour that you got to do to get to the top of the freaking wheelbarrow what's my favorite YouTube channel um right now it's like it's a History Channel Kyle wants you to wear this Taco hat for three minutes right now my favorite YouTube channel is uh it's like History Channel Australia because they have episodes of Dual Survival on there and I've been watching I've been watching so much survival crap I'm I'm obsessed with the idea of actually doing some legit survival Bushcraft stuff I'm obsessed with the idea of trying to start a fire with sticks I want to do it so bad so I'm like trying to brain myself as much as I can living off the grid not necessarily lifting living off the grid but you know I think like I enjoy survival games so freaking much that I want to actually try it like IRL okay it's nap time again I want one more I want I want one more egg hunt here because I want to be able to tell the people it's exactly this time difference before another egg happens which I probably ought to go craft these couple that I have here dang it dude I don't want to look I don't want to look away hmm hey Aunt that's the news let me just craft what I got me and my family do food concessions at fairs so we had to set up at a Fishing Derby today and we work and we're working tomorrow oh interesting interesting foreign cooler little bratburst station I do think at some point I'm just going to build like a massive freaking ant killing trap over here okay now I got four eggs left and no fungal things uh um how did I only make two any fungus crap down here I could kill foreign where did that thing just go that I just killed fungal growth fungal growth I can't see anything because this hat I gotta like look back like this so I can see my damn screen uh noodle Queen good find yeah it is a good one huh that is a good one foreign I don't know what happened to the first one that I killed just disappeared there we go oh hello stop coming at me on one at a time here foreign also there's a sour candy which seems to be glitched just south of the lab really rough takes there's a glitched sour candy huh leave me alone hello [Music] hello Onyx nice dude that's a freaking that's one of my favorites man honestly like I have so many favorites I have so many favorite like gen 1 Pokemon though honestly I think they're really all my favorites there's just so many good ones good thing I'm hungry so many good ones all right well I've got uh uh 23 fungus now so how much okay I got plenty of dry grass I guess all right let's go see if there's any more eggs that have been transported any more eggs that have been transported yet [Music] two welcome to the glue crew man red Lord one five seven two welcome to the glue crew welcome in dude welcome in oh I still got hold on thank you so much for the follow dude give it all to me I'll give it all to you [Music] there's actually so much dry grass around here now holy too many all right let's Go Peep it let's go see let's go see uh I played Pokemon let's go Pikachu and I reshaping the battle to the Onyx was difficult to beat for sure I've been struggling from mental health lately have you hit up the Discord yet man do you only get so many dream Loops won't let me play any more reactions I don't know I don't I don't know I guess nobody's ever gotten to that point you don't have Discord well you should get it man because we have a huge mental health support group in Discord and it's been working it's been working really well for everybody right now there's a lot of people that are having some some mental health problems all right it looks like nobody has went to grab another egg yet and that one has not respawned but I'm sure the other one has all right well it's very interesting to see you know the eggs actually working the eggs in action I guess I should say um I bet you if I go sleep maybe something will happen Bing Bong I don't know dude played this card bing bong Scrabble along let me go sleep we got a lot of workers in here hey red I like red I like red okay I'll try yeah dude do it easy peasy there's a termite chip the way to unlock stabs yes yes it is yes it is the termite the termite Hill chip you can just literally run past the termite King if you want to but uh the termite King dude look at all these guys holy crap they're hustling right now it's morning time it's hustle time we'll see if anybody's gonna make the trip to the to the eggs oh we got one we got one Contender here all right there's one oh we got another Contender oh we got another one we just had to sleep get them all woke up come on bro I don't want to have to kill you I want you to make eggs I want you to craft me some more eggy Wiggies hey see-through first time uh catching a stream love you YouTube stuff thank you man appreciate it greatly good to have you here glad you made it over to the YouTube or to the twitch to the twitch we're doing some we're doing some testing right now we're doing some testing for the sake of a new brought burst YouTube video wait how are they still coming all right surely that's it right welcome in Clegg good to have you here man how's the crane going it's almost done I needed more clovers so that's why I'm coming for brat burst because obviously farming clovers is best done with brought bursts and I have quite a bit of them on me now I've got three more four more eggs and I've got six brought bursts so that's gonna get us plenty of clovers but it slowly turned into an investigation situation where we are really diving deep into the numbers here as far as ow what the as far as the exact science to how the AI works for ant eggs oh are you going to are you going to get an egg no okay are you guys going to get eggs all right let's watch them let's watch them see where they're headed oh my God you get away from me all right I gotta bring it looks like they're all going to get eggs but I need to get these dudes off of me here oh hey don't bother don't bother the dead guy on the ground hopefully I didn't just interrupt the interrupt the process I think I interrupted the process so more or less there's two eggs there's two egg nests in the red ant hill right there's one right here this is like one of the nests and there's another one that's over here by this uh fungal growth situation uh right here so this is the two this is the two nests and what happens is once you kill all the ants uh random worker ants just like spawn in the yard somewhere and they walk over to the ant hill and they'll sit at the front and what they'll do is they'll they'll eventually like I don't know like once once every once every so often they'll be like okay time to go create an egg and they'll walk over to the nest and they'll literally just make an egg up here and then haul it back up to the main Cavern so like once they start walking up here if they'll if they'll like quit looking at the floor go to the nest come on no you're not gonna do it all right if you're not gonna do it I'm not gonna bother anymore you're just gonna keep stopping right here and they're like smelling the floor of their dead comrade here uh better make the bombs before the eggs hatch oh I got plenty of time this might be a good question to ask obsidian uh when you have them on what the actual science is behind the behind the AI well that would that would have to be like the game developer right because like I'm pretty sure Eric and Steve are both um just like you know support Specialists they might know it and they might not know like the number crunching part of of uh you know all the all the additional things stop teasing me are you gonna go no you're just gonna keep stopping here do they are not happy that I killed that ant right there I swear to God hello powerless ant I swear to God swear to God all right yeah oh no yoink yoink all right I bet you if I come back in a whole day's time that that there'll be a hundred eggs in here guarantee it I'm not gonna sit here and watch it um all right there we go we got all of our bro we know we got ten brought burst ten brought bursts let's go over to let's see here we'll go to the elf dude even though we have to fight a bunch of freaking mosquitoes but whatever him swearing ooh clipped that oh did I say a bad word did I say a bad word I have limits here let's chop this guy with a spicy the spicy ax dude I need a new mouse so bad dude I need a new mouse so bad my right clicky is sticking makes it very hard to perfect block uh better make the balls before the egg satch I already did that let's see if I can snipe these dudes man that'd be sick to just get them out of the game and one smack oh two smacks is good enough for me through the thing of me trying to sit here and fight him over and over and over and over foreign two smacks is enough for me oh that wasn't far enough bro come on then another one bites the dust damn damn Another One Bites the Dust I think there's just one more left and he's like over here wandering I don't I don't imagine I can hit him from here oh Direct Hit all right now that all those guys are out of here wait I still see one more over here I don't know if I can hit them through all the clovers oh sniped them so glad they increased the range on this thing dude the range is so nice and another one gone and another one down and another one bites hey thanks for the lunch thanks for the lunch all right we don't need any of these ant Parts honestly I've got so many amp parts do not need ant Parts all right so we are here for one thing and one thing only and that is you get a grenade you get a grenade you get a grenade oh my God that one just got flung you get a grenade you get a grenade you get a grenade you get a grenade oh my God stop it you get a grenade you'll get a grenade you get a grenade everybody gets a grenade and you get a grenade except for I just kicked it like a soccer ball I'm the grenade Oprah hey you need to go to bed yeah you can have one yeah you can have one snack yeah where did he go dude all hail grenade Oprah dude one of those got like yeeded I don't know if you guys seen that but one of those got like launched so far away and that is the simplest way to collect Clover Leafs obviously there's better Parts in the yard to do the set like over by the uh over by The larva spawn but this will do nicely we got quite a bit here actually eat a stone fetus it's also a good way to clear out grass seeds and or stems and grass and things brought burst are are the best I hate sitting here like trying to like whack down freaking you know like the flippy floppy Clover things so much easier to blow them up um let's see what we can find what this one is this like a is this like a a dynamite that you freaking you like to fuse and it doesn't explode they diffuse in water excuse me yo game physics let's go dude ggs actual game I mean that's that's some real life stuff that's some things you don't expect to see in video games right that is some stuff you don't expect to see in video games I'm just saying what bro there's no way dude there's no oh man we're about 10 seconds too late on that one but ggs that's pretty cool mind blown yeah I know I mean it has absolutely no beneficial uh like anything at all but it's just cool to know that they that they thought about that you know what I'm saying like they thought about that feature they didn't just I mean imagine the code that went into making it to where the bomb does not blow up in the water or it or it not not even that it doesn't blow up that it just freaking doesn't even like where did that go where did the thing go that I didn't need I am very impressed by the brot burst not blowing up in the water I am impressed I've known that one for a long time well GG Junior why do you tell us man bunker Busters go off in the water though firecrackers firecrackers dude I actually so that's like one big pet peeve I have about Kansas Kansas is such a bunch of stiffs when it comes to Fourth of July where's my Kansas city folks at I know we got some Kansas City people in the chat that pisses me off dude like I don't I don't know about you guys but Arkansas and Missouri where I live previous to Kansas um bottle rockets were awesome dude bottle rockets are everywhere you know bottle rocket like bottle rocket guns all my friends we just I would deconstruct bottle rockets and make my own fireworks and bottle rocket this bottle rocket that bottle rockets are illegal in Kansas they're actually illegal you are not allowed to own bottle rockets what kind of freaking piece of crap is that dude you like for Fourth of July like in the city limits you're not allowed to shoot anything over four feet I live in Maine so I just see pine trees bottle rocket Wars I know right Roman Candle Wars for real man yeah I know you're allowed to have Roman candles but you're not allowed to have bottle rockets like what the dude um I need to drink something we thirsty we thirsty out here says the man standing next to a gigantic Pond of water we just get ours across the state line and bring it back yeah but wouldn't that I mean that would that's illegal right like I'm I'm a man of I'm a man of integrity right like I don't want to be because the first time that I do some like that will be the first time that I go to jail for it I'm telling you dude that's my luck that's why I stay honest and faithful that's because I am not about the whole Karma lifestyle I don't give Karma a chance to to mess with me I don't even give it a chance well I'd say we got enough clovers now huh peeps I think so I definitely think we got enough clovers oh man I still need some more sex it's only Justin there coughing up a lung what the heck all right so let's see if we've got enough to complete our ramps now look at the size of that thing it's so sick dude I see so many people build like a singular ramp up to the like infinite foreverness and it just looks so lame and lazy and then you see this like mega ramp literal mega ramp I live on a pond and I thought it'd be cool to play grounded in my pond it's two acres oh you got a freaking you got a pond dude I'm jealous you got a pond I'd love to have a pond uh about caught their ass on fire yeah throw them at yeah we used to do that me and my me and my buddies used to do really dumb stuff come Fourth of July are you good you dropped it you better not be dropping that iPad man you break that thing that's the last one you get you will not get a new one Ramen candles I don't know why I read that as Ramen candles our friend shot a Roman Candle uh up his rear end what I used to stick him Hades in my wrist rocket light diffused with my cigarette and launch them yeah dude we used to I mean me and my buddies used to do some crazy crap with uh with with fireworks man every year we escalated worse and worse and worse it just got worse and worse and worse all right I need more sap apparently so I'm gonna have to go back for that because I don't have any sap um all this other crap I'm just gonna try and see if I can hot deposit back at the crib get out of my freaking inventory yeah what we used to do man is we would make obviously make bottle rocket guns like it'd be like it'd be like uh middle of June right and we'd start playing and like we'd get out the drawings and the blueprints and we'd start I'll start drawing our own bottle rocket gun designs and like in the first year so this is like freshman year right like we just designed them for bottle rockets and that was it so you know we had like PVC pipes and angled pipes and we had ones where we could like tie the fuse on six of them together and it'd be like a Gatling gun it'd just be like like we had some really cool designs but then the next year we incorporated Roman candles and bottle rockets so it was like a gun that shot Roman candles and bottled rockets and then our senior and uh junior year we started shooting mortars at each other and that got real bad we ended up catching a field on fire and uh one of them like bounced off of one of our guys heads too like it was it was bad it was bad but I tell you my favorite thing to do with bottle rockets is to buy like tens ten skews of bottle rockets right and then I would break all the sticks off and I'd lay I'd lay them down I'd start by laying them all down in a circular pattern right like so they're all all the fuses are facing inwards so you just have this like big circle and then all the fuses are on like facing inwards and then I would take more bottle rockets and set those on top and set those on top and eventually you'd end up with uh a half circle like it would fill in like a total a full half circle and I'd make like five or six of these and I always call them flower bombs uh because when you light the fuse every fuse lights in that thing and it just goes like like it goes nuts bro it goes absolutely nuts but it's really cool looking and it's a badass effect you can get out of bottle rockets honestly have you realized that the Canyons in the haze are 90 degree turns no I can't say that I've ever recognized that let's see here we have an ant friend in here hello antfriend but yeah we started shooting mortars at each other and that's when it got a little out of hand man got a little out of hand they're like bottle rockets but I think they were called whistlers whistlers you know my favorite honestly my favorite firework especially as a grown-up dude is just like the ones that look like m80s but they spin like they just go like they spin and like shoot out little Showers of Sparks like little tops I love those things those things are sick those things are super cool and they're cheap too which is great ow I can't wait to have sap collectors I don't have to fight off an Army Red little demons every time and they keep destroying my crap I guess they would destroy it if I just killed him but I have sworn I have taken a vow of celibacy to never hurt another red might ever looks next time to use zip lines wait what when you realize you can't oh the Cannons okay yeah look I think you're so weird why are you so freaking grounded flowers I used to make it freaking weird so they spin for a sec then they went boom yeah ground flowers there you go ground flowers with fireworks anything is explosive quote me on that ding ding ding you win they were like bottle rockets but I think they were called whistlers look at that there's 90 degree angles yep look at that they literally are all 90 degree angles honestly they just kind of zip zip kind of weird kind of weird I tell you I can't look over at that bench now without seeing that big ugly person from Bunny's World sitting on that thing uh we used to take the old round mortars and stick them everywhere mailboxes cars Etc we were terrible children sheesh yeah kids are bad man kids are so bad kids are so terrible kids are so terrible Kappa TV [Music] Kapaa TV welcome to the glue crew what's happening tonight man how you doing anything can be a lighter if you use it wrong enough what the heck hold on let me grab this whole thing uh going to sleep just stop by to say hi what's up Belkin have a good night's sleep man thank you for stopping in that really means a lot I appreciate you I appreciate you good stuff hello buddy what's up Kevin good evening buddy how you doing how you doing all right we gotta wait till 2000. 20 hundred hours before we can sleep again oh crap dude I just remembered I left all my clovers in the Box downstairs I'm good sir how are you I'm pretty good I'm a little on uh you know like on the lower side of motivated just because [Music] I'm on the downside of of coming off of caffeine you know we're gonna be a little on the low side of motivation for a couple days but we're still here we're still living it living it up hey thank you glad to be here let's go dude welcome in a little caffeine withdrawals you know trying to take better care of myself not drinking no more sodas and I can feel it buddy let me tell you I could feel it no one said it was easy you got this I know I got this I know I got this I got y'all in my corner that's why now mortars look like Red Bull cans this is true it was a creepy person what was a creepy person I missed that part uh what's your favorite thing about grounded um you know probably one of my favorite things is is how they did the boss fights like I actually enjoy the boss fights quite a bit to the point to where they're like actually like Technical and mechanical most of them are so you have to do you know the right thing at the right time you have to you can't stand in this or you can't you know they actually take somewhat skill so the boss fights are probably my favorite part about grounded although I do enjoy the building a lot too obviously I couldn't sit here and fight bosses all night long but I could definitely sit here and build all night long so maybe building is my favorite the one on the bench oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the creepy person the creepy person mine's a koi fish uh because I have a pet fish oh your favorite thing about grounded is the koi fish did we had such a good conversation topic this afternoon and I don't remember what the heck it was I do not remember what the heck it was uh with the man I just winged it and beat him on well mode nice just winged it man how upset was everybody whenever you very first beat the Black Widow boss just to turn the corner and then you have to fight another boss and you have no Health left no healing items left a slightly upsetting wasn't it hey what's up Mr Anderson welcome in welcome in Mr Anderson all right I guess I'm gonna go ahead and complete these and then I'm gonna try and see if I can complete the grass yeah it looks like I can come [Music] would you look at that just uh just look at that would you look at it just look at it I wonder if I could sleep yet or just run past the Black Widow yeah it's lame though you want to fight him you want to fight them like a man Matt did you run past the Black Widow boss please tell me you fought the Black Widow boss [Laughter] it's my son's second birthday today let's go Benji saw dudes and do that what up cat or Nick how you doing dude I didn't even fight the black widow I used a strat called run no way you guys ran dude I had a fresh tick weapon and ladybug armor at that point so I destroyed it hey there you go there you go you don't want to fight it you want to fall in the arena because multiplayer is buggy what what arena what precate pre-kate it prick appreciate it is that what that's supposed to say appreciate it I'm like percated wow it's big that's what she said [Music] if you're having an erection lasting longer than six hours you might want to call your doctor foreign I think this crane needs the phone number call your friends and brag I like that one better I like that one better give me the grass blades I just need a couple more I don't think I need this many but I'm gonna take them just in case all right that is one hell of a thing sadly though we're not done because we still have to plan out the counterweight and we still gotta do some other stuff it's all good we're gonna get her planned out though I'm not sure how good the new Pepsi would be wait what looks like it needs a zip code that's pretty funny oh I appreciate it appreciate it that's funny okay all right funny right there all right let's go see if we can put these last two little niblets on here hi see-through we have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty I wonder if I I wonder if I should just go ahead and get the extended warranty I've never noticed the the whole rooster uh thingy up on the welcome to the floor oh dude oh ooh dude I'm barely holding on for dear life there bud oh yeah oh yeah there she blows me tease all right now this is what was probably gonna happen at this point let's see here uh grass floor grass floor brass floor grass floor right right right right right because we want the we want the flat side of the platform to be on the inside of this thing yes yes because I yeah I don't want it out here because then you'll be able to see it and it'll look like a big old sore thumb so but at the same time um this will only allow us to go that way you know what I'm saying so let's see here I have plans for a birdhouse which is going to go on the tree I have plans for a mega drawbridge and a boat so we'll be able to get sticks to there and there um and then obviously you know sticks for the town as well so we have four zip lines up here um let's see here let's get the let's get the patterns laid down at least um because I don't want to do like everybody else does and pile all your freaking zip lines onto one onto one stinking thing dude because that is like annoying I don't like putting multiple zip lines on on a thing can I fit this dude what the what are you snapping to oh my God is it gonna let me put okay come on just oh there we go perfect all right I need another grass blade just seen Jim Carrey on stage with 50 Cent and it's the best thing I've ever seen what the heck yo are you affiliated yet you should be Affiliated where I'm not partnered yet but I've been Affiliated for a very long time but partner will happen once we reach an average of 75 viewers which I'm not you know I'm not like pushing for it or anything right now don't at me when you see it everywhere on tick tock what happened oh hold on Triple Bud hear me out though peeps Pepsi and Skittles rum worst rum and Coke ever or best hmm what oops hold on I pressed the wrong button um how did that complete did I put a piece there I didn't think I put a piece there yet can I fit through here without hit my head do I want to fit through here without it do I hold on let's go here because I'm obviously going to have to have uh places where I stand or where I'm not where I stand but where I'm gonna like be placing uh we might as well just take it all the way to the back honestly might as well take it all the way to the back we gonna come over here we're gonna squeeze this puppy up against the wall as tight as we can get another one right here okay so these are going to be our four zip lines that are going to take us to wherever the heck we gotta go send sticks to wherever the heck we gotta go uh let's get some more grass partner is an accomplishment yeah it'll come with time man I'm not too you know like I do my little day stream so it's an average of 75 years in a in a month okay like in a month's time so like when I do my little Apex stream my little decompression Apex daytime thing that I'm doing right now it hurts me a lot more than helps me so it's like I should just play by myself and just not even worry about streaming it but um um where should I get grass from back over here in this corner I think but I'm not like I said I'm not too concerned about it I'm you I I'm YouTube partnered I'm partnering on YouTube I'm partnering on stream loots those are the two ones that that really mattered the most to me you know platform being held by the crane yeah that would be dope that would actually be super dope like actually super super dope I love that idea that sounds like a pain in the ass I have no idea how I'm gonna do that but that does sound cool you should play a relaxing game no I I enjoy the hell out of Apex dude like if it was my choice I would be an apex streamer honestly every like through and through but it's just such a terrible game to stream nobody wants to nobody wants to watch it simply because I can't communicate like I can on this game because I'm so Mega focused and I'm I'm stuck in the mindset of what I would rather like you know show off and flex than I would actually talk to chat which is why I quit streaming it originally anyway I I used to stream it a lot a long time ago but 100 the words I don't want to hear wait what what are you talking about Matt what's the best thing to research after the Rock and Twig thing and grass I feel like I got floors readily late readily late the best thing to research after the rocks and twigs things and grass I mean everything dude absolutely everything really late I mean have you have you actually so like once you get plant fibers right so like you get your plant fibers from the little picking up little leaves on the ground you craft those plant fibers into some crude rope scan your crude rope I mean you just scan everything dude you just collect pick up everything scan it all scan it all thanks for thinking about your viewers hey man I'm just thinking about my viewers thinking about my future thinking about my family thinking about everything thinking about everything man all of it all of it I need to eat something amp Parts yeah ant Parts is a good one ant Parts is a good one foreign I need more grass man but I also need food I don't know what to do right now I'm excited to get this build done and we're so close well we're close to the point to where we can actually start working on like the finer details like the actual initial part of the of the build is done right the actual crane part is completed as of right now like it could just be done and that's it and it's over with but I need to I want to make these pillars maybe a little bit taller on all four sides you know just do like a little fine tuning situation I love learning a ladybug to the red ant hill I just love blasting them with my freaking uh my my spicy staff that's that's a lot of fun for me uh if you stream to Apex it would be my mission to buy 365 crash game cards I just stream it in the morning dude I'll never I'll never go back to streaming it full time like I said I would love to I would love to do that all the time just because I really enjoy it but at the same time I really hate it it's just a very addicting game it's addicting but it's a great way to take out you know stress anger depression as long as you're good at the game if you suck at it then it's just going to cause more stress anger and depression which happens to be quite sometimes when I'm not doing too great but I don't know I don't know I I love survival games and I'm just at this point I'm just waiting for the new ones to come out which is small lands and and the other one sons of the forest and then hopefully by the time that all happens grounded will have some huge mega giant update because I'm still gonna even if I if even if I so here's what's gonna happen right I'm gonna play Sons of the forest I'm gonna make YouTube content for it but I'm gonna continue making grounded content because obviously I'd be stupid not to and same with small lands I'll continue to I'll probably stream small ends but I'll probably still do daily videos for for uh grounded I feel like grounded is gonna be a forever thing for me getting mad at Apex because I'm bad probably a lot of people have a hard time accepting that the Crane's looking sweet yeah it's practically done at this point um just a lot of fine tuning now getting me some platforms up here so I can just bring some sticks up you know I can bring some stick pallets up and just snap them up underneath from like the underside I can snap them up here um just like this more or less like I'll bring the pallets up and then I'll just snap them like that run back down and grab more I'll just bring the pallets up snap them run back down grab more and then I'll probably from the top I'll just probably take them all apart like disassemble them all and uh go from there so we need we need clay rope and weed stems to finish these things off so I think we'll go ahead and get the weed stems up here I need to eat something because uh my guy's about to die uh did you check out Conan Exiles not yet not yet it's on my list of things to do for sure for sure I will check it out someday I've watched some streamers stream it here recently um I did just get a notification today that another game on my wish list went on sale after I just oh here's the thing guys how many of you in chat have heard of have have heard from the game or heard of the game return from Enon return for me and it's been on my wish list for a long time I've been wanting to check it out for quite some time it looked really cool so it was on sale for 12 bucks right and I don't know how I feel about it I don't know how I feel about it I played it I downloaded it I played it it's a survival game it's cool it is very not done in my opinion very very not done need the pulley wheel at the top of the crane I think we're going to do a drop down I think we're gonna do a platform maybe and here's what I here's what I want to do I don't really know how to do this to make it look legit but what I would like to do is well maybe we attached the platform to the ground like it's just like a you know I don't really know if I could look up like a reference photo or something god dude I don't know how you could do that I don't know how I would do that because it'd be cool to have a platform like floating in the sky but obviously it needs to be attached at some point by an actual block hey everyone what's up Andrew how you doing tonight buddy have you played papers please what the heck is that so yeah if anybody was wondering uh the survival game called return from Enon I wouldn't I wouldn't get it I don't I think it's absolute garbage I recorded two episodes like first first view check it out episodes and I know it's from like a single person developer like it's from just a one individual one individual guy that's making this game yo Greyhound with the gift itself thank you dude there you go now waffler's got one I'm gonna head good night hey take it easy brother get your gifted sub on the way out let's go I'm in a weird mood LOL I might go collect myself and come back did you did you spill all over the floor yeah I wouldn't recommend it it's it's I don't know it feels clunky like you craft a spear and you swing it and rather than just like your Crosshair not moving like your Crosshair does a sting where it's like you go to swing and it's like your Crosshair goes like uh and then it like doesn't even hit what you're aiming at it's so clunky dude 127 come at me people that's a lot of that's a lot of Subs dude Jesus Christ Jesus Christ thank you for the sub yesterday glad to see you back yep yep you stick columns to hang under the top of the crane and build from there yeah that's what I was thinking right like maybe just like but God it's gonna be it's such a pain in the what am I doing here what do I need I need something I need sticks I need sticks up to the top like 10 different versions of sticks I want to at least finish the things that I have blueprinted up there first before I start thinking of other cool ideas hold on I got a solid zero bro my record's Untouchable maybe someday maybe someday or just Graham can hold the record forever the record all right let's do this let's complete at least the stick parts of these things and we'll go get the what do I need string and clay string and Clay we'll have to go back to the main base for that okay there's all those sticks and all those okay so now we got us a boom stick pallet there I wish I could just zip from here dude I wish I could just zip from here I will be able to is once I get back once I get back oops wrong button start around six blocks back from the top destroy one block of floor and build straight out from there oh I see what you're saying I see what you're saying build out from the floor that's not a bad idea that's not a bad idea at all and it is a five block Center so we might be able to make it look a little bit legit what would be really cool is someone said something about like wrap it in a cage right like do like a cage around the whole outside of it so it looks like an actual crane arm but that would just be my God that would be a a nightmare all right we need string and clay silk and Clay I guess I'm feeling bad cause I want to show support but uh be broke hey don't feel bad man don't feel bad I'm good okay I'm fine I don't need nobody's money for nothing I'm good people just I tell everybody that too and people just keep sending me crap all the time [Music] such an interesting build I feel like I feel like the platform should have been so much bigger though because it just doesn't seem big enough right like compared to the size of the arm it just doesn't seem big enough throw that ass in a circle uh just keep being an active participant yeah that's enough for me dude enjoy the content hang out if it's if you're hanging out nightly that's even better that's cool man we'll get there here I mean we we went from like 30 average viewers to about 50 average viewers in the past two weeks so [Music] I really need to change that I really need to change that to to say three packs and not ten thank you Mr hillbilly for the freaking three packs dude what the heck hot sauce packs too damn it unlucky oh man right off the bat oh the Phoenix the cantaloupe one the Phoenix by angry goat pepper company is a 39 000 Scoville unit hot sauce this sauce tastes really weird with cantaloupe and ginger as the main flavoring ingredients enjoy your best pal Mr hillbilly uh the cantaloupe one man I guess it could have been worse could be the angry scorpions huh sounds horrible it's pretty nasty dude pretty nasty [Music] I just learned about these little emote things there you go emotes are the best huh I have to say that was sad I seen you playing 007 the other day I have to say that was sad why was that sad why was it sad oh dude you played you played Zoom at a bad time Belk I'm sorry buddy someone played the card there was a there is a super troll card and that super troll card says I have to play N64 for 15 minutes there's all kinds of super troll cards there's a super troll card that makes us play marbles for 15 minutes that was played last night uh Nintendo 64 Super Nintendo wait who made you eat hot slash Mr Nick did I have a sword all right here we go dude this is the cantaloupe this is the cantaloupe crap uh big old freaking dollop on there marbles I missed it dude marbles was nuts last night we had like 50 people we played like 10 games of marbles this is the cantaloupe Ginger freaking hot sauce it's so nasty dude oh God oh God yeah I need to get the zoom working on this matter matter of fact remind me once I'm done dying from this freaking hop oh I don't have anything to drink either my coffee's empty I don't have any water or anything we're just gonna have to suffer this one out oh my God pick them up I got some credit god dude that stuff is so nasty Mr Hellbilly stuff is so nasty two packs two more hot sauce packs dude why don't do that stop doing that I played double seven when it first came out and me and my friends got so good at the game and you was getting your ass handed to you on easy bro chill Mr Anderson I'm not I'm not Neo in this thing like you are okay not all of us can be blessed with freaking being plugged into the Matrix and just learning 007 like it was yesterday oh remind me once I'm done dying I have the wacky wavy inflatable Tube Man see I don't know how to get people to make custom Marbles and stuff but yeah I've had a couple people in in the games that have had custom marbles [Music] yeah dude just because and be like download 007 god mode doesn't mean that everybody else can do that you know what I'm saying that's crazy bro this God man this that hot sauce is so gross cantaloupe and Ginger and sweet onions and peaches you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of the crap that they drink on the holes movie oh laughing at me because I'm dying on easy sheesh 171 says did that make you poop yourself [Music] just a little bit what's that about War Thunder I must have missed something so yesterday I accepted a promotional sponsorship um we do this occasionally with games like whenever it's game stuff I always get the hellofresh offers and I did it once and it didn't work out so I had to decide not to do it again but what up Casper oh yeah that's a funny freaking Emoji right there that's hilarious uh but more or less I accepted this thing uh you guys can click the affiliate link that pops up in the chat or you can type exclamation War Thunder or you can go to my About Me section and the links are there too but more or less you can download the game play it that's what this flaming thing is on the bottom of the screen if you guys download the game and play it that's all you have to do it's free just download it and play it I will make 300 bucks up to 300 bucks off of you guys playing that game so exclamation War Thunder if you want to support me and you don't have the money but you do have a PC I'm not sure if it works for I know War Thunder is on Xbox and Playstation but I'm not sure if the this promotion is for Xbox and Playstation I think it's just for um I think it's just for PC it is only on PC or mobile also oh is it on mobile because I know the link pops up and it says download War Thunder now on your PC finish your fifth battle make sure to hit at least one enemy and win seven battles to support this channel the bonus is only on PC there it is welcome in by the way cast for first time chatter what's happening dude welcome in uh I gotta do my War Thunder match yeah I still need to try it I just still need to try and figure it out I was asking oh asking I got you all right so now this is the thing so now we can go from the crane arm to the top of the pyramid which the top of the pyramid is not our final destination uh you know thing over here I'm gonna build baskets some type of shipping and receiving baskets uh uh that is gonna you know be able to catch all the sticks and things for all my different builds all right so I'm gonna get rid of this and then we're gonna enjoy the ability to like all right let's recycle that all right let's go see how Billy you bought one pack a troll pack too Mr Nick what the heck dude it's a freaking payday or something what are you doing it must be payday dude what the heck chill out man I already got I already got like rent money yesterday you guys freaking went nutty on me yesterday I'll download it just for you bb I gotta download I gotta download and do it too man I don't know what even what it's about it sounds cool I mean airplanes are awesome I like tanks and airplanes and all that good stuff so it might be worth checking it out I do have to stream it for four hours I have to stream it for two hours on two separate days I have to stream for two out two hours on this day Skip a day and then stream for two hours again on another day what is happening up here like an aphid debacle going on all right let's go ahead and take this temporary zip line up there and let's see what this rides like here let's see what this ride looks like the other what's up Bell King how you doing tonight man how many days uh do you have on the save uh let's see here 605 that's it wow that's it 605. dude I totally thought we had more than that Mr help you with the 500 bits well I missed yesterday's stream Shenanigans oh you're getting caught up is that what it is thank you for the 500 bits dude we broke our hype train record last night that's how lit it was in here it was I didn't think we were ever gonna break that record and we beat it and made a new record thank you so much dude and and 420 apparently thank you man appreciate you uh uh let's see here anna 69 okay uh how do you get those spikes uh that's around your pyramid um they are pine cones I think you have to analyze pine cones to unlock them hype train incoming oh no not again dude we can't have two knights like that y'all need to chill out y'all need to chill out all right this is sick this is very very cool I like this a lot so typically or not typically but we will be having um so we're gonna need a zip line that goes over in that direction we're gonna need one that probably goes like over here I don't know we're not gonna these are gonna be placeholders for now holy crap dude what the heck are we doing hell Bill is another 42 and another 999. I get excited when people spend their money apparently oh my Lord yelling great with five different Subs holy sheesh [Music] bro stop and triple bud with a hundred okay I guess we I guess we starting a hype train there it goes 7 20. what what just all these random numbers going ham with the random numbers Grizzly with the 10. I believe you got to do at least 100 bits to get on the hype to get on the train I'm not sure I believe another week and I might be ready for a base tour let's go Mr Anderson that would be sweet dude that would be so wheat dude um all right let's do this this should be close enough to to be able to complete these a little bit oh my God hypnotic jug with a handy what are you guys doing not again man I want to get grounded just so I can uh do a base tour I just want to be on a YouTube video okay I'm broke Gotta Buy Farm stuff tomorrow Christ dick he's like okay I'm all out of money now thanks see-through for for taking it all oh my Lord dude Master tank with 100 bits too thank you man thank you man everybody's on the hype train where's the train at all right the train ain't showed up yet level three complete HP right now where's the train at where you at hype train [Music] with another five distance it's like I can't keep up or something dude there it is right hand with a five Andrew with a 245. thank you guys holy crap man dude wait there it is where's everybody at why ain't nobody on the train looks like it's getting hype and here it is dude where's everybody at ain't nobody on the train what the hell is this dude what a ripoff we don't broke the train the train is broken oh that's not that's not the down I did not take the down oh God get up okay ow okay let's Jesus Christ thank you guys for the support man I appreciate you very much you don't have to freaking do that um God I really need more grass I don't want a chocolate grass man I gotta make shelves and stuff down there all right let's get all these wood pallets out of here uh the train worked hard enough last night and did it like straight up uh what grounded Window mode not work what carrying all them beautiful in the front I guess I guess so um why grounded Window mode not work why did you why'd you say like a caveman what up game hog good evening dude welcome in thank you guys for the hype train dude level five two dude let's go I'm trying to get all these empty pallets out of here man I need to get them down here so I can fill them up with sticks and then bring them up top that's the plan but I need shells I need shelves I got enough freaking stick pallets down here I got enough stick pallets short-handed it Matt is now caveman I know right me talking about caveman where's JLo by the way he's at uh he is at a uh he's doing a Mardi Gras thing he's doing a Mardi Gras thing Busch Gardens there you go get Granger [Laughter] what the heck um you guys are awesome should I turn some music on it seems a little quiet in here tonight and I think it's because I don't have any music on I think three tall on these outside walls is probably good right three tall is probably good I'm actually gonna have to go get some sticks now yay I like collecting sticks uh I like these sticks I typed so smart in the Anon Channel today I need to relax I know right you're going ham with the with the good advice today brother I appreciate you doing that you and Graham as well man you guys I appreciate y'all freaking you know helping out helping out the people when you can you know like like I say you know like I am not Dr Phil I don't always know what to say but you know as long as we got someone that knows the right thing to say that's all that matters to me Sweet Caroline Caroline I totally called him I totally called Outcast Black Eyed Peas today because I couldn't remember what the heck the name of the band was it was like I knew it wasn't black eyed pea I knew it wasn't Black Eyed Peas but I could not remember for the life of me they sound so identical to be I don't know why Magmar and no it's not because they're a freaking black somebody commented that on my video today they're like did you think that Outcast and and who said that is it one of you guys in chat that said that tried calling me a freaking racist because I couldn't remember the name of the damn people that sung the song bastards young kids with a way in life really scares me huh that's messed up I know right I can't remember who did it I can't remember who said it I was like really come on man don't be trolling me like that I need this normally don't be trolling me like that bye bye hi pipe there it is rotate those pallets I will right yeah we kind of need to huh we kind of need to OCD purposes right now here we go this isn't even their permanent permanent hanging out ground here but we got to get it we got to get it right they're all snapped to the grid so they might as well be the right direction hey there we go that's satisfying I need to get shelves in here dang it bro I just I need so much I need so much let's manufacture outrage right let's just spin the wheel why don't we spin the wheel of hate music Timmy I need music I do need some music we need some zuzic up in here where's my zuzic oops wrong button music does seem to help especially when I'm not my normal hype self but hey I'm in caffeine withdrawal so that's a good excuse that is a great excuse not moods think genres genre genre uh metal I'm gonna turn on this metal music I'm gonna crank it up a little bit and I'm gonna go get another uh bottle of water I'm gonna go get a bottle of water out of my garage because I need me something to drink all right BRB at least you're not a grump ass I'm not Grump go get some coffee and I already drank my cup of coffee I'm allowed one cup of coffee a night I'm Diamond one are you really diving one let's go I just got to uh I got the Platte today [Music] I know you like to thank your don't stink oh [Music] welcome back thank you I had to go get some water why would you do that Celsius my jam I just had I had the one Celsius that was all I bought but I'm definitely gonna be buying some more all right I need to be I need to build some grass shelves up in here man yo left you shook 94. thank you so much for the follow welcome to the blue crew dude you have much wisdom to share and I genuinely appreciate your perspective Matt can be a really nice dude when he wants when he can be you know he's a hell of a guy he's a hell of a guy hell of a guy hell of a guy hell of a guy you look at Matt getting all the compliments today hey he's turning a new Leaf he's turning a new Leaf as am I though as am I as am I I'm starting to be nicer to Matt and in turn he is being nicer to chat I'd be nice to Matt Matt B's nice to chat left us hooker left you shocked wait what left us hooker how does one get into this glue crew you're in the glue crew the glue crew is you guys the glue crew is everybody if you're following the stream you are part of the glue crew which is the community of mental health awesomeness because we stick together we got each other's freaking backs man so if you're ever feeling down and out and like talk to one of us glue crew people we'll freaking we'll talk you out of it man that's what the glue crew is we are the glue crew the adhesive army yes Hey look it's that six foot ten giraffe guy he's back again Assuming he's a guy I always assume everybody's male or female I probably shouldn't do that and then I say that literally every time oh that's why you're being nice got all the assholeness out already I want thousand percent cussed the out of people who built my house today 15 emails of cussing to be exact geez what happened dude you got to tell us what happened is there something wrong with it please don't tell me there's something wrong with the house dude please don't tell me there's something wrong with the house young Benji really likes the twirly cat butts really into the twirly cat butts foreign was supposed to be hooked up today and surprised it wasn't oh man okay well it's I guess it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be I thought there was like something wrong with the house the way that you said that some of the glue crew are married in real life it's up to you to figure this that part out all guesses welcome some of the glue crew are married in real life what the heck I like coming in for the relaxed Vibes hey man I'm glad you enjoy it I'm glad you enjoy it I'll leave it up to anyone's interpretation [Music] hold on what do do there's plenty of wrong I'm married to Benjamin Franklin sheesh I'm married to the bag to the bag of money all right y'all are like starting to freaking confuse me now I don't know what the hell y'all are talking about it don't take much to get Old Timmy confused now all right I think this is about all the sticks I really want from this side of the map I like evil Matt better don't say that I really I recently got three pet budgies what's a budgie holy crap dude that thing spit out so many sticks Jesus foreign how much bigger the freaking dandelion sticks are than the other ones hold up wait a minute it's a burp what the heck is a verb all right 11 ovens complete 39 39 more to go how many do you need I thought the original was 36. how many freaking ovens do you have now good Lord holy smokes bro hopefully you got enough mushrooms growing to allocate for the difference there minus 36 I must need more now oh you got 36 but you need more this progressively gets smaller weed to burrs this is true this is true I have 17 none though oh I thought you had more hold on wait a minute pick them up here what wait a minute check all right um let me take this upstairs gee if you're playing grounded right now G's in the chat if you're playing grounded right now let's go over lord good idea uh weird how tier three is like a like a twig I know right it's like really small and then spits out like a hell of a lot of them very weird very very weird okay there's that one this one that one and this one okay apparently I can actually reach the ones on the bottom unless it's like grabbing from somewhere else I don't know where else I'd be grabbing from oh now it's not grabbing from somewhere else okay so it takes about a hundred roughly to do this oh bro I'm not gonna be able to get that one nope it's not gonna let me have that one I'm sad about it I just need one more freaking stick well technically I need four oh there's one right there there that's fine that'll that'll do donkey that'll do g-n-g wife and I building o x z g q c k working on my next Mega build base nice Timber let's go dude let's go and here I here I was thinking that you were done with grounded after that talk me and you had he said I think I'm gonna take a break from grounded I'm glad I can motivate you to keep on keeping on keep on keeping on Life's a garden dig it that reference that that almost makes more sense like when you're playing this game okay more stick Saya more sticks my Lord H's for homework H wrestling my daughter to get her in bed OverWatch grind is real I want to hit Platt solo grind the OverWatch grind huh it's a game I wish I didn't have and wasted money for no refund for that game oh homework homework thank you I wanted to play Hogwarts Legacy but I'm an idiot and didn't realize that the switch version doesn't come out till July so I'm back to my ground until tears of kingdom comes out in May I think I'll always keep building and grounded it's too much fun it's just a great it's a great woosah thing man it's just a grind and you're just like oh what can I do now like you want to challenge yourself constantly like what could it what can I do next what crazy thing will I come up with next what are we gonna do today Pinky I don't know brain try and take over the world and we're out of sticks she's under me little little I really hate how oh wait it actually let me do it wow it's actually let me snap them together imagine oh it's a see this is what I hate about this is this is like a big pet peeve of mine about grounded why the hell is it gonna let me do that over there for those two but it's not gonna let me do it here for that one or that one or that one or that one oh but this one you know what I'm saying like why what the heck I turn him around and does the same thing it's like okay no yes hey there we go we got another one we got another contender that's frustrating to me man uh anyone else playing Hogwarts Legacy some people are [Music] I imagine seeing the entire yard build out giant bases I know right uh you should throw in some random ass weapons on strong bugs I mean if you really want to see that I'm busy though but if you really want to see me hope kill some bugs I can go kill some bugs did they already have sticks in them uh only one has a stick in it only one stick uh what are the poor saps who are working hit I don't know what you're talking about beard fill me in for the people that have finished the game do they reference the other kids that went missing at the end of the game that's a good question I don't know I haven't completed the game yet not just whenever you feel bored oh okay I got you I see what you're saying you're just trying to help out brother playing on PC right now Hogwarts game's very popular at the moment very popular at the moment enjoyed watching it like the little bit here and there that I've watched it from all my different uh either the glue crew people that's been streaming it I know we rated sweet skills last night he was I think he was a little shocked that we rated him with like 30 something people you think he was a little shocked I think he was a little bit shocked dude we're about to have some sticks in this thing we are about to have some look at oh my God bro bro I'm gonna see how many sticks like yield from this whole side being like completely full like all the sticks actually being respawned our poor palette's like hidden in the middle of this I'd be shocked yeah I mean I would be too uh um might wait until it goes on sale wait for the hype to die down a little bit no it looks really fun I mean I'm not I'm not gonna get it because I've just recently bought like way too many freaking games this month already I bought way too many games this month on my core keeper I'm uh return to Enon I bought uh oh what else did I buy Soul Survivor um and then I planned on buying you know sons of the forest too thank you I think it's actually funny as long as we've been waiting for Sons of the forest it's still releasing an early access like this still didn't get done with it on time but they're just releasing it because they're tired of putting it off and I don't blame them 130 still no gold card oh man I thought you was about to tell me you got one finally my bad had to take a call and last I seen we were hitting keys for Grounded homework oh yeah you're good you're good man no worries HP is pretty damn good but uh I can't play it while watching stream because you should really pay attention to the story ah yes story games see that's another thing we're still really not my really not my thing trans Community made it the worst ever stream to watch single player Story game oh yeah I mean it is what it is right it is what it is that's the internet for you how's it going tonight sir what up Arc zombie how you doing buddy what you've been playing recently Arc I know you do a lot of bouncing around what you playing you know my hot sauce lips really look at this pile bro this freaking pile holy crap tried out some demos oh nice Apex and Russ lately oh okay Ash is playing some Apex and rusts nothing wrong with that how you doing tonight buddy I was gonna get HP for my fiance but she uh she wants to play switch more than anything then I'll come out till June or July yeah we just heard that from someone else said that someone else said that going back to seven days to die next week are you seven days to die is a lot of fun it is a lot of fun I would like to try some out and try out some of the modded stuff I've only ever played like just vanilla seven days and vanilla seven days was a blast but everybody tells me that modded modded seven days is so much cooler I enjoyed just the finale aspect though I think it'd be fun to have a server for seven days maybe maybe once everybody gets bored with the ark server we'll start a seven days to die server but I don't know I just gave the I just gave the arc server info to two new to two new people so people are still interested in it obviously wants to play core keeper with me dude Corky core Keeper's fun I need to play it some more I haven't played it any uh since the last time I streamed it what his tummy's hurting they'll sit on the potty to go sit on the party what is it hold on are you gonna tell me why you're coming you need to throw up do you need to poop or are you hungry which one hungry he's lucky it's a weekend seems like you need to stop the arc server I'm gonna play Four keyboard with me all in niceness of course keeper is a lot of fun I managed to maintain my survival rate of 100 of bad days so trying to count that as my small win is that on rest do you play PVP on rest Dash I can't do that man I can't I can't do that on Rust man it's got to be PVE only for me uh I don't know what core keeper is core Keepers like uh top down Minecraft almost style but Survival game it's a lot of fun I streamed it a couple days ago I streamed it a couple days ago I remember what day it was but it was pretty cool I think we'll switch it up Saturdays wasn't it I think it was on switch it up Saturday I don't know what I'm gonna play tomorrow for switch it up Saturday I'm enjoying the Hogwarts hype I mean it looks like a really good game honestly it really it looks like a very good game it makes me happy to see like a full game release I'm assuming it is a full game release and not like an early X I don't think it is an early access thing but it's nice to actually see like a full game come out crack keepers are a cool top down Terraria type game yep it's so far out of my comfort zone because it's one it's pixely two it's top down but it's actually really really good I've I've enjoyed it for the little bit that I've played it so far [Applause] all right just so many sticks over here I still have that big wad back there we still got all this up here I mean you can honestly get so many sticks out of this this place is freaking you get rich with sticks rich with sticks OverWatch with viewers tomorrow brother tomorrow is switch it up Saturday Community Day is not till Sunday but I don't think enough people play OverWatch to do like a full community OverWatch day bro you're so weird why are you so freaking weird you weirdo if we get a weirdo if we do Community Day games I try and keep it to things that are free right things that are free that everyone has access to whether it's like mobile or PC or console or any of that stuff in a world where where styx's wife I don't know I got nothing I would much rather play Monopoly dude Monopoly would be sick I really think my chair is about to go chat I really think it is I'm not looking forward to it this will be the freaking second time I've had this chair well this is the second time I've had this chair and I love this chair that's another reason I want to lose weight so I stopped freaking breaking my damn chairs all right I don't think there's gonna be anything in these towers um but I do think there is going to be floor in these towers um excuse me oh man now it's too high what on Earth is that noise I love you I have a couple of tabletop simulators I can give to three other people on Steam tabletop simulators I found a stuck guy that regen's Health just far enough away so I'm standing in one spot leveling my range attack and cheese mode interesting OverWatch with Benji tomorrow are also overnight as overnight is free oh OverWatch is free oh okay cool I didn't know that I thought I paid for it [Music] finish those up for board games card games D whatever you want to play that involves sitting around a table interesting interesting yeah I like to I like to have games for Community Day that are that are available on mobile and PC like among us or just the chat games that we play as well like Marbles and all that other all that other kind of stuff fine boo I'm bored you're bored nobody wants to play core keeper with Kaya I forgot switch switch it up Saturday and Community Sunday and different things or what I said playing on Sunday oh it's all good I mean these are kind of new these are kind of new things to the stream honestly we're just kind of I'm just kind of coming up with catchy things to call each day you know what I mean trying to be creative and you know when you come up with a name for something like that people tend to remember it a little oh bro how the heck am I gonna get that now hi uh oh my God oh my God I don't even want to play OverWatch I want to play something chill and laugh with someone she needs a she needs a battle buddy why have you not played grounded yet Kyle [Applause] you have to buy it how much is it I forget how much it is we can start a GoFundMe trampoline hey that's a good idea I think I got one of those laying around here somewhere what did I do with it did not don't have a trampoline around here somewhere bro I didn't destroy it or I would have flower petals in my inventory what did I do with that thing ah there it is would you look at that just look at it [Applause] and that's how I can complete these tops duh thank you race I appreciate you is it really 40 bucks holy crap I didn't know that damn ground of this 40 bucks imagine how much money they made off of they got 15 million people that have played this game 15 million people is 40 bucks God damn how did that hurt me come on now I paid 29 I paid 20. oh did y'all get it on is it is it just like not on sale right now is that the thing it's free on Game Pass and it is free with Game Pass it's 39 right now all right I know we need some water I thought I heard aphids I thought I heard a snack running around [Music] um honestly I really should find sips from the tree because my canteen is about to break I need some sip drips from the tree man there we go all right we're good oh that's this Weevil that's still trapped inside this rock they should come up with a way to get the bug start unstuck from the rocks all right guys give me two seconds Rowan was saying his stomach was hurting I'm just gonna go check on him make sure that he's okay now and uh yeah I'll be right back two seconds [Music] yeah I think he's been eating too much sliced cheese this kid eats sliced cheese like it's freaking air dude his child light on Game Pass I'm not sure I think first month of Game Pass only one dollar sheesh one dollar all right what am I doing what was I doing uh uh I'm out of rope right is that the problem yep we're out of rope um okay we're on a rope [Music] travel light seems fun what's the other there's like another side scroller like RPG game it's like a side scroller type game where you can pick between like a wizard a fighter or like a acrobat or something like that if I remember right is it Torchlight is that what I'm thinking about there's a torch light they made like one and two that was a pretty fun game it was almost like a puzzle game RPG type thing about the Game Pass like one time eight months ago and still have it oh that's wild [Applause] does anybody have any idea what game I'm talking about the best part about having 50 people in here is I can usually ask a question like that at least one person will know what I'm talking about what is Torchlight I don't know if that's it's like a side scroller and you could switch back and forth between different characters and you had a like each different character like it was like a wizard a warrior and like an Archer I think I can't recall what the heck the name of it was though oops that's not what I meant to do I have a promo code for two months of free game pass ultimate I can DM you the code on Discord hey there you go yeah then you can play grounded you can play all that cool stuff and it most of that stuff does work on PC too I think most of the Xbox games do obviously Game Pass is a lot more janky because it's Xbox stuff instead of PC stuff I can't wait for some of the forests I know right I'm so excited for it it's gonna be such a different gaming experience they added so much more like new stuff that that we've never seen in games really looks like they're using chat GPT to control the freaking AI on that game [Applause] it's gonna be interesting we're gonna have a companion it's gonna be like the first one like the first game we've ever had a companion no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what do I have do I have a stick I don't remember picking up a stick I'm gonna kill Kevin straight up right off the bat really right off the bat he doesn't stand a chance I'm old my attention Spain uh only registers work one game and personal profile multiple games get complicated yep I I understand that I play grounded on Game Pass not bad oh wait got a palette forgot a pallet well I'm excited to have the actual crane portion of this thing done which was my main goal for tonight but I think it's just gonna be a late stream maybe I don't know I'm not super tired I'm chilling hanging out having a good time having a good time it's a great time [Music] and it's Saturday well I guess I have to wake up early I probably shouldn't stay up too late freaking Jessica has to work on the weekend eight o'clock in the morning bro for 12 freaking weeks straight [Applause] golly so I've been thinking you know you know how I got how I did those like Speed Run days we were doing that on like a Saturday right that that was the one that wasn't that the days I was trying to like beat the game in six hours or whatever Jessica slice has to work Slice on the weekend slice slice uh what is the axi you have it is the Scythe the Mantis scythe momentous scythe what are you doing I'll just see you in the peripheral like shaking your hands in the sky tomorrow's my anniversary no gaming or work hey there you go are you talking probably shouldn't do that aren't you supposed to be playing Beat saber or something when he slices up the grass foreign happy anniversary Valentine's Day is coming up on the 14th guys don't forget to buy your wife a microwave me and Jess have like a running a running joke for the rest of forever because uh was it your birthday like yep yep yep I want a microwave yep yep yep this is that I want a microwave yep yep yep yep I need a microwave I can't eat food because I don't have a microwave so her birthday comes around I got her freaking back I got her damn microwave and apparently that was a bad thing apparently that was a bad thing so now I gotta live it down every time she's like she's like I swear to God if you give me a microwave for Valentine's Day I swear to God if you give me a microwave for my birthday I swear to God if you give me a microwave for Christmas and now she's just gonna get a new color microwave for every freaking holiday for the rest of forever coming up man get her a mop oh my God shut up that's what see that's just messed up see a microwave has been official it feeds the belly you got the dishwasher a matching microwave oh my God that's not bad Matt says I get my wife Adam and Eve really it must be nice all right I'm about to go buy everything from Adam and Eve and you're still gonna find a way to complain about it stack of microwaves blown fuses hella microwaves [Laughter] now man dies via microwave projectile microwaves a beard says no vacuums yeah that's probably a good idea trust me sheesh yeah dumb wasted uh uh uh I bought you and Jess Adam and Eve how much does it got how much use has it gotten freaking zero bro what the hell what am I gonna do with a 13 inch double-sided dildo bro like foreign use it just sits on the Shelf in its little case [Laughter] I don't know can you guys hear her in the background yapping will you shut up no no the decoration oh my God don't even start that crap Jessica Tibbett oh whatever she beats me on a daily basis I ain't rude to her one bit shut up you hear the boss yeah she is the boss 100 I'm just a little I'm just a little freaking simp over here is all I am to beat you with it wait what don't be come on man don't be turning the words around okay I get enough of word turning around crap from her I don't even from y'all too y'all supposed to have my back man we're supposed to have my back [Music] don't worry I'm not actually dead it's a metaphor [Music] [Music] all right time to go oh my god dude how all this get way over here foreign spot apparently hey man married life is simple do what she asked and you live yeah that's pretty much it that's pretty much true drive wherever where she wants to go and do it yeah do what she asks easy peasy that is a big ass Dorito emoji change the tortilla slap to a dildo slap no do the things like 90 pounds why would I do that things like it's like a hundred pounds bro I've been married for eight years took me eight years what to figure that out do it no it's not gonna happen what I will do is I'll show I'll show a video of me throwing it in the trash because it's freaking ridiculous it's massive though like it's it's absolutely massive it's like the size of a pop can 13 inches from tip to tip cock-a-doodle-doo oh my Lord man sometimes this chat just gets derailed this gets derailed and then I don't know and then I don't know what to do I chopped grass it's my replica it's not your replica ain't even close to your replica you packing you packing two tips Maddie I am the one with the dildo you should have been there whenever I had to open it on bro I open he sent it to me in my P.O box I'm like oh I Gotta Give oh it's mail day I finally got something in my P.O box and I opened it up and boom there it was oh my God yeah it was on stream it was fair it was fan mail day dude back when everybody used to actually send me stuff best purchase of my life yep that happened it did happen my wife's Aunt bought an anal plug for her for Christmas so I thought it was a hair tie what the heck dude I didn't realize how much grass I cut down over here I think the biggest issue with the grass over here is it's just so spread out dude it's so all over the place what country do I live in the United States what country do you think I live in I'm definitely not German or Russian or Spanish or African or any of those things [Music] definitely not Australian Japanese Chinese I am as white as they get smack dab in the middle of the U.S you got two snakes that day yeah I did get I got yeah yeah I got a gigantic gummy worms uh snake as well that was actually pretty cool but could fit that thing in my mouth it was so big [Music] [Laughter] [Music] triple Bud said he was gonna send me a bag of dicks to you through your P.O box so you would send it to me what [Laughter] that's strange I think you live in Bangkok oh my God I've had it with you guys today Chad you guys are off you guys are off the rail you guys are off the beaten path here you guys are scaring away all my viewers with this conversation come on now what the heck is I don't want to talk about penises anymore I don't even how did we even get to this point how did this even come up I don't want to be here anymore emotional damage I feel like I'm a victim right now don't don't I am a victim [Music] what happened to my grass pallet okay and it's dark I need to be like inside quick get inside I just start talking about dildos Matt brought it up Matt started this thing he started the whole thing I just carried it on he got me started and then and then it's like he got me started I got y'all started and y'all just don't know when to stop Mr Hellbilly played this card [Music] I opened up I bought the dildo you used to no I didn't what I didn't use it I didn't use nothing another spicy one what [Music] okay let's try to saucy I guess oh man Grizzly if you were here I'd punch you right now as well this is exactly what would happen is a 49 000 Scoville hot sauce in this kicked up edition of Las Calientes Applewood smoked red jalapenos lent sweetness while added Citrus and an extra handful of habanero to up the heat Factor hope you enjoy your best pouch Mr hillbilly my best pal my best pal Mr hillbilly I love this chat so weird oh wait it's still on my desk wait where is it yeah it's still on my desk I love this Spacey this is how y'all treat me man you get me all triggered all fired up and then even freaking made me eat hot sauce [Music] oh that's way too much chill killer chill killer all right bottomed up oh Mr hell Billy says did that make you poop yourself that one was terrifying I haven't heard that one before that's the highlight of my day I was waiting on the Saucy oh it's hot dude oh man my poor throat my poor freaking throat JLo what's up buddy ah how was your how was your family time brother wait how am I I'm not out of sticks they're installed on the other side right there's no way I'm out of sticks I haven't even used them okay I was about to say uh yeah there we go that was Busch Gardens what up y'all what up [Music] look alive these the wifey's here that's pretty funny it was nice rode some coasters watched a movie there you go [Music] uh uh let's see here where was I at over here no over here boing [Music] oh no I didn't mean to fall in there oh crap crap I wonder if I don't know what happens if I put like a little just a little thing in the middle or if that would look kind of cool or not I don't know block myself in here [Music] Irma gerd my answers to things tonight are sus I need to not I need to not [Music] hey Han hey Han [Music] oh man that one's giving me some major Mega heartburn first time I ever drank water with hot sauce [Music] [Music] one bottle of water down makes it makes it easier to drink water honestly my mind just weigh in the gutter after that Saucy conversation well I would apologize but I don't feel like I have to [Music] do your name now that little addition might be kind of cool looking I guess maybe this we'll see Knight see Andrew take it easy my friend mmm that's so hot man still burning like down inside of me down inside of me bring Aaron and arrow BRB okay no worries I'll be right here I'll be right here waiting [Music] okay that's a w we take those W's all right so you come with me over here ooh I almost completed that that'd have been nasty that'd have been gross I probably need to get rid of these little stair pieces no that I don't need them anymore oh man almost used all the sticks almost used them all whoa whoa whoa don't worry about what wait hold on what [Music] okay anyway I'm confused which does not take much what do you guys think about my little leg nipples what did the toaster say to the slice of bread uh I don't know leg nipples I'm not terrible all right I'm out of wood again sad day I'd love to see your nipples I mean what I mean hello oh man this stuff is like still burning my insides like no other it's like a whole nother feeling I've never felt before probably because I just chucked a bottle of water and it's all just in my tummy just like intensifying I probably should not have chugged a bottle of water it will dang like nibbles right there you don't have any wood I don't have any wood or leg nipples [Applause] I think I'm dying dude I think I'm dying let me chat we'll see you on the next one might be in another lifetime Bean or sauce it was sauce man it was last Calientes which isn't bad but I think drinking it with water just made it so much worse and then I chugged a bottle of water because my stomach was hurting and it made it worse honestly like it's not a good idea to drink water without sauce maybe juggling that's not a good thing I feel I missed an important turn of events hot sauce to leg nipples wait wait yeah I don't know man sometimes chat goes off the rails and uh you know what happens it happens tonight's just one of those nights where we're off the rails wait that's not what I want to do dude dude sad face sad face wrong way how do you make a pool table that how do you make a pool table laugh what the heck I have no idea I feel like I missed an important tournament I already read that oh damn hey see-through called them leg nipples not us I did call them leg nipples I did call them leg nipples that was all me that was all my own fault we get another fluffy dandelion tough here hey we did dude look at that another one yo I'll be getting all the fluffy dandelion tops let's go dude mom's supposed to keep chat moving the right way uh but when we are the ones messing with it but when we are the ones messing with it wait what right sometimes I mess it up too I joined in on the hype of of the weird conversation sometimes and then it's my own damn fault at that point and another one those ones last forever the best yeah I know right I just get rid of the crappy ones but since I since I've been messing around with so many dandelions over here um I've been finding quite a bit of them come here no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] is there another one give me another one hey hey thank you uh you still working on the mega Warehouse yes sir yep yep we pretty much got it done at this point but now it's uh now it's making it look nice and fancy nice and fancy schmancy with the leg nipples and all that good stuff thing is looking massive yeah it is looking cool it does look cool now now it's time for all the fine details the actual the actual thing is is done right the actual thing is done now I'm just trying to add a little bit of details a little bit of deets adding in the Deets I'm gonna put shelving everywhere for pallets and all that good stuff there we go there's that that freeze frames everything it's so cool so yeah we got a lot of details to add to make it look a little bit more legit but so far it's looking pretty cool I haven't decided if I want to put the grass walls in this middle section here uh I feel like that would fit I feel like it wouldn't look bad to do that but then again I don't know if I really want to obviously that ramp back there is temporary all these stairs was temporary I need to go through and fix that get the stairs out of there I'm coming along though coming along nicely Let's Go destroy the the previous house real fast I need to make a damn spinning wheel building that was my answer you need to make a spinning wheel building proof I have cams on see-through one he's playing grounded two he's sitting down three he's inside hey don't be weird man I don't even know what that means that's weird though you better not have my cameras can you catch me fapping in the freaking middle of the night bro what the heck all right let's tear this place down let's turn this place down why is diarrhea hereditary what the heck all right man she's gonna come crumbling down here we go all right 93 supporting items whoo Crash and Burn explosions explosion bang boom bang boom explosions I'm crying and see-through backs back to dicks no I didn't I didn't say nothing about penises I said it's fapping we don't have to carry on the conversation we don't have to notice that I stayed it we just said it and we move on and that's it next subject oh my Lord Jesus Christ Dozer you're gonna make me have to buy a VPN man I ain't got money for a VPN right now creeping on my camera this is the easy free grass and sticks right here buddy yes sir we got lots of stuff to pick up making the rounds hope you're doing well what's up Grant I am doing pretty well man thanks for stopping in buddy doing pretty good pretty good pretty good my chest is on fire right now here comes the beat drop anyone trying to keep this them PG because I got better ones but they aren't PG what wait what isn't PG we got jokes you got jokes or one butt cheek say to the other yeah let's keep it PG if we can that would be great I only got like eight minutes left before I'm getting off here I wasn't gonna stream late but then I forgot that I have to wake up early so we'll stream late tomorrow night maybe maybe I don't know we'll see foreign success you deserve it thanks gran I appreciate you buddy dedication hard work and dedication is paying off can I get can I get the there we go I see the curse words I'm sad I'm having fun don't be sad foreign have you ever seen an invisible plane take off no I have not we're gonna come up I'm gonna come up here pretty soon with the exclamation joke command at some point oh dude I was having fun picking up the stuff to the music you're leaving us well I'm just getting off of my regular regularly scheduled time I look up to you and you inspire me to keep grinding hard let's go dude I'm glad I can do that I'm happy that I do that I hope I do that for a lot of people actually if I could just get I always say this but if I could just get one person freaking excited about creating content or excited about you know helping other people or excited about this or that or anything at all if I can motivate anybody to do anything that makes me happy that's all I want it's all I want out of life be a positive influence on the on the world I met Michael Jackson he was a Lego what he was a Lego I don't get that let's try and refrain from the letter spamming thing too ugly for streaming bro who are you telling who are you telling have you seen me this isn't actually me this is a Snapchat filter holy crap this is the first time this stick has grown before thing I read was Matt's comment your motivating me to Fab oh my God why you gotta continuing on Mana you ain't got to continue that on all right peeps I gotta dip out y'all have a good night take it easy Nick I had an only fans and they paid me to delete it what the heck she is all the stuff despawning or am I actually getting it all picked up for some reason thought there was a lot more sure didn't read my what up big Pat I would ask for an extra 30 minutes but last time that turned into an extra two hours did it really foreign I got a lot of comments to read man I I miss them occasionally I'm sorry especially here lately I've been missing a lot more than normal try not to man I try to get them all try to get them all but I'm actually trying to play the game at the same time too I haven't tried yet start I started trolling chat I'll never try now and it's getting closer yeah it did it was a great stream that day I think it was valheim was it really valheim holy smokes long stream on the old Valentine oh man I'm telling you guys man this whatever for whatever reason that hot sauce and that water it just put me out of my misery here tonight I don't know what the heck I will never be doing that again I will not be chasing hot sauce with water that is my stomach is like and it's not like uh I gotta go poop pain it's like an ouch like my stomach is burning pain and it is not pleasant at all two hours extra on valheim right really really oh what the heck this is a remaining a remaining situation here it's a meaning uh um how many Spinners and what shape do I go for Timmy how many Spinners wait what are we talking about my religion is blizzies that's weird [Music] I was over on Facebook oh you don't have to say the blue man I don't care you can say Facebook doesn't matter to me over on the Facebook man that was 11 that's been a long time ago then huh valheim on Facebook that was a while ago Albany just for that word what Facebook that's weird oh for glizzies yeah Matt doesn't like the word glizzies I'd watch out I'd watch out with that one dinner see look at that you don't got him cursing and everything you got them tilted sheesh seven comments from Matt in like a minute and like 30 seconds there that was crazy he's so emotional about that word almost got everything where did this piece of clay come from oh it's probably from the zipline anchor I guess did I bring a pallet in no almost got it all pick up oh God oh God here they go now they're triggering him yep yep here comes the mutes oh Lord you're all about to get muted probably probably I can't stop them I can't stop him I'll stand back to back with these and fight you on this one uh oh it's funny it's connected [Laughter] you guys are silly man thank you the nice that you guys take over chat is just so funny man like I'm just sitting back here like so confused like like the night before last night y'all did the same thing and then like last night was like totally me but like the night before last night and then tonight I just I keep I I wind up in these like completely just brain dead moments where I'm just like what is even happening I don't even understand what's happening right now it's either a hot dog or a wiener you should try eating uranium it has 18 billion calories that sounds that sounds deadly that sounds deadly from from having a good conversation and now I think you're like 12 years old how did you manage to do that spamming random letters talking about glizzies you're giving me you're giving me uh conflicting conflicting messages right now I'm an impressionist but are you a 12 year old impressionist because if your mom finds out you're 12 years old and your mom finds out you've been hanging out in a stream talking about freaking 13 inch double-sided dildos I don't want to get in trouble for you watching my stream because of that you're 17 that's weird 17 year olds don't randomly spam spam uh uh you know letters in the chat I have a breakdown list of what all the different age groups do and that one's in more of the 12 to 13 range is that all the sticks give me a stick Dirk mcgurks Dirk rig gerk rig what I'm so confused Leroy Leroy all right I got all the things picked up I got the whole I got the whole freaking other thing picked up now now we actually have like a legitimate transportation from here to there and everywhere um I got all the tower nipples done those are all good uh um yep I have gray hair leaving it there hmm what to do now as far as the Decora goes now sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn't sleep ready to slam the hammer it's all good we'll give them a second chance to to act like a a normal person man I really want a good view of this shaft that was weird how the heck did I just get inside of the I was inside of the crab arm and now when I get back inside of it again how the heck did I do that where's my body at oh there we go yeah I'm inside I can see all the trippy whippies now [Music] I'm in the underside dang bro this pipe goes forever [Music] I can see all the secrets that the grounded world has to offer all the secrets oh now I can't get out of the ground that's hilarious I can't get out of it now that I'm inside of it there we go you know look at the Solace of that definitely needs more of something I think I know what I need to do I think I know what I need to do I think right here on all three of these corners I need to have like posts come down I'm like attached to the ground or something see through he doesn't know Leroy yeah they are slightly off yep which is actually kind of strange because I I really wasn't expecting that I thought it was going to be pretty pretty identical but at the same time we're putting a crane on top of an oil rig looking thing so yeah I think I honestly think coming from the side there and the side here just bringing like some singular ramp shaped doohickeys just like that but just in sticks except I can't do stick ramps so I have to do freaking Clover ramps so that's kind of annoying but just from the tip down just one singular you know hallway or whatever all the way from the top down to the bottom on the sides Maybe kind of likes the extra supports exactly that's kind of what I'm thinking like the stabilizing legs I'm just not sure how the hell I'm gonna get up there to do something like that unless unless I start from the bottom and I can use this as a reference and then I can count let's see here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so then it would be one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so we cut it off right there [Music] so 10 10 right 1-1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 all the way up and start from the bottom have fun bearded sins all right ladies and gents officially anniversary day gonna go prep breakfast in bed for the wife see you on the Sunday hey take it easy buddy have a good day man that should be fun should be funsies oh get over there get over there [Music] [Music] um where's it at here so if my calculations are correct which they're probably not and I might have to do this and then undo this I should be able to I believe go from here [Music] just like that and end up connecting I wish I could freaking reach I can kind of reach if I do that oh no that one didn't reach damn um that actually looks like it's gonna be one too low right yeah it's definitely gonna be one too low so we would have to go like um um we'd have to go one back like this and that would be probably the right situation there [Music] yeah it looks a lot better foreign like this and that would be the bottom of it more or less carry that all the way up like that oh crap I didn't mean to do that I thought that was connected to the floor all right so like that and then we would take uh possibly these and come in here like this [Music] on both sides [Music] like that have like brace supports uh where are you going am I going somewhere I'm starting to learn Genji on Al and he's actually disgusting uh when you learn him oh Genji on OverWatch yeah Genji's crazy good huh Indy's crazy good all right so I need my sap and my clovers and then some stems and let's see if we can't match this thing together and see what it looks like at least do one arm at least do one arm here Herrero I'm here I'm still here um I don't know if any of this is actually connected say it's supporting anything no okay cool oh my Lord Jesus Christ oh no that's not what I want to do all right that's perfect that one comes up one shy just like this [Music] [Music] no get get there we go he was peeing wait what hello hello I asked a question wait they let you cover your eyes to look up well no it's just to look anywhere it's like a tele like a telescope or yeah uh which you can see how many of one blocks you've placed I guess I don't need to answer waiting on question VIP one months up and give cookie wait they give you covers he was peeping I wasn't sure what that was that's badass I got excited ooh that's cool like really cool I'm a nerd leave me alone I think she's spamming I think she's spamming chat mods no I'm kidding okay my palette is empty let's go grab another palette I honestly think this might look kind of cool really mm-hmm [Music] your face is spam that's funny oh no I can't reach bruh awesome another really cool addition to this build that is going to freaking take forever to get done um excuse me I do think that's gonna actually look pretty cool really on all four corners yeah it's gonna look cool damn it it's gonna look cool now I'm gonna do that dude I gotta do some more of those hello probably what bottled water is I just wanna take you home you can find her in your local spam folder you can make the base of each one a large pedestal also to make it look bigger yeah I like that idea too I like that idea too just little little pedestal looking thingamajiggers come up with kind of a unique little design for that what's up brother you back here hiding these yeah that's actually gonna look really cool that'll that'll make the base of it look a lot bigger it'll make the crane part look a lot less uh a lot less weird one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen uh uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen um excuse me let's see what we can find oh that's too high that's the one right there right how the hell is this a thing why is that floating yeah there we go that's more that's perfect that's perfect right there so that's the top so we do the same thing that we did over there that's the top for that okay so that's the top for that wait this is still up here too no I didn't want to delete that one okay well I guess we're just gonna have a floater for a second there uh then do this same thing I did here and do that there yeah cool all right well I gotta get rid of this floater I gotta take off my intern badge first to do that so I can get the Zoomies yeah got it all right cool cool cool cool cool cool the poor floater uh what do you get when you cross a dick with a potato sorry last one a dictator [Laughter] wait I didn't mean to do that [Music] [Laughter] that's funny I don't care you're all ready right there [Music] perfect literally Out Of Reach of my one stick one stick dude we're zooming what's up this is gonna be pretty cool looking I think too bad I can't connect this to that in like a angular form maybe I can I don't know um why is it not doing what I wanted to do here foreign [Music] experimenting with angles in this build man let me tell you really doing some angle spearmintation here foreign focused and then I fall off my wife in the bed yes um you want to fight wait what you know now who you got for SB SB what's SB oh this is gonna look Wicked I'm kind of game with it I'm kind of down with it I really want to get this last piece done but I'm out of sticks uh let's go ahead and get some sticks I guess damn it let's just finish this one more arm it's gonna look too good for a thumbnail tomorrow Super Bowl oh I don't watch football man I don't even know what the hell the Super Bowl is I know Super Bowl commercials are but that's about it uh no I'm not I'm laughing because they are hilarious holy crap dude like a tornado just came through here you spent 500 more comments than me and I'm spamming you know foreign nope can't do any more of those jumps those hurt too much [Music] what up see-through [Music] how you doing I want Casey to win didn't they win last year did they win Super Bowl last year Chiefs I mean that's my team I guess since I'm in Kansas but I could care less ultimately the Rams did Oh I thought I know they had like a big hype up about the Mahomes thing maybe that was like the year before or something a couple years back yeah oh yeah you know what I think that was like crazy covered year wasn't it first person to announce my name right really I didn't even do it I thought I butchered the hell out of it what the heck well come in buddy dude almost there oh Jesus Christ meow they see one four years ago I don't know I kind of want the Eagles to win so it's the Eagles and the Chiefs then huh [Music] all right there we go now ramps are the cheap part yo I think I might actually be able to connect them at a triangular oh my God because I forgot about triangle floors might actually be able to mess around with that idea this really hasn't taken as long as I thought it would works out really well being able to do it from the bottom up after doing a little bit of math there ow I'm dead oh god that hurt not a big fan of either one but yeah the Eagles if I had to choose uh what if as a football fan I still don't care who the hell wins I don't want Eagles to win because they are in our division what does that mean what does NR division mean I wonder if this ends up adding upright which it should I would think it would as long as I do it correctly here which I think is like that oh my God oh no [Music] foreign [Music] if you can't tell I'm super tired I just keep coming up with these freaking ideas for some reason why these look so like weird and lopsided [Music] anything boys and girls definitely makes it look a little bigger right [Music] obviously remove the ramp and this area thing do another level below it okay I see what you're saying almost make it look identical to this I like that idea dude I like that idea keep going see-through I just woke up and started watching you all right well let me go pee real quick let me go pee we'll go for a little bit longer maybe I have to wake up really early though so uh not a whole lot later not a whole lot later all right so if we come down I am curious how far I need to come down though let's try there first try there first and then maybe connect that one and then let's just see um because it's gonna have to be it's gonna have to be the weird roof right [Music] um that's gonna have to be roofs like that yep yep okay yep I'm sold I'm sold buddy you got me I'm sold yep yep yep yep yep sick oh it's gonna look so sick now oh my god dude oh yeah it's like a big A-frame literally that's exactly what it is let me take a leak real quick Timber you're so freaking smart with your little architecture can't wait for the day that chair breaks I'll feel bad but of course when it breaks on stream just for that you should buy me a new one grizzly all right let's go okay this is crazy what am I eating marquito keto cookies don't worry I ain't cheating I got my keto cookies it's called a Rap Dash too um foreign here we go wait do I have oh my god dude I got a crew rope in here what am I thinking what are you jamming to um it's just uh some of my free metal music that I got a subscription for no band specifically just uh some random royalty-free metal stuff oh man come on dude what a sick freaking idea everything jives so well together here too all the angles oh man we're gonna run out of sap damn dude on the last one for real for real though if I can convince my wife tomorrow let your world be on multiplayer and I'll come Farm Sticks no no negative negative negative dude that is so cool the more days till obsidian stream dude can't wait for that dude I gotta get this thing done by then this whole build is pretty much for them I think I'll get it done just a matter of time just a matter of time all right I think I need to go back for more sap okay yeah I don't want to I don't want the lag man I say like a hundred times the stream at this point I don't want the lag [Music] I don't like the lag it's too unenjoyable you'll be done in the morning no I won't be done in no morning man what do you mean I still got a lot of work to do oh my God that's actually going to look crazy now I feel like I need to connect the nipples I don't know [Music] you couldn't close your existing sap catches yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna worry about it because the next the next thing is going to be a massive a massive sap farm with like thousands of sap catchers so I'm not too concerned about enclosing them right now we're going to be moving the sap collection to the tree I'm doing a base that is going to take up the entire sandbox nice that'll be dope seeing an empty lumber mill drives me nuts that's understandable but playing a game that I enjoy playing and then not enjoying it drives me nuts all right you little yeah Splat how do you think of that now I can't move this is why I never attack them because now I can't move because natural Explorer is ridiculous if you variegate in the spiders in there aren't many other killer bugs around the tree no not really well it's gonna be a birdhouse so it's not gonna be on the base of the tree it's going to be up in the tree foreign but I don't just want it to be you know I have such a pet peeve with like people building things on the tree and it just looks like something is a like wrapped all the way around I don't know I just want to make it look like really good really really really good why barricade them and just kill them I mean I'm totally gonna barricade them for sure I don't like I mean I need to lock them up especially the infected one wait you gotta get water Ah that's gonna hurt some watering some food while we're here post a picture on the Discord while building in sandbox I figured out how to trap all the ant lines and the moat too slowly getting them all there oh wow stupid torch off okay my buckets are refilling okay that's good to know some of them aren't that one is uh that one's halfway full thank you thank you there you go thank you I heard you can build on top of the tree where it Clips out of the physical it's like a stump really I have no interest in going away the hell up there I'm gonna I think I'm gonna turn the lantern into a birdhouse but then again I can't because I want to make it a sap collector I don't know how I want to do that I could just do it super lame and just put a platform all the way around the tree and just put sap collectors all over the place but I don't want to do that foreign like ruse I do wish I could slide down this that'd be so sick I gotten three wins on War Thunder today I wonder why they're not showing up on the why are they not showing up on the on the wins then did you not use my link again didn't you do that with raid still says we have zero wins it starts at five I think I did do that with raid you did played the out of raid and you didn't even use my affiliate link you freaking bastard huh oh look another pile of sticks zero out of 20 people have five match wins oh I got you so 20 people have to have five match wins I'm such a huge letdown shut up shut up pick a mobile game next time I just picked the only one that I've been able to pick trust me if a mobile game pops up I will I honestly thought it was a mobile game unbeknownst to me now what hmm like four people did it he did raid JLo pick a mobile game next time like four people didn't know like 30 people did it I was one of them though I can't do this game the crane is insane it's really cool huh it's really cool it's only gonna get cooler right like that was just this is just the the crane and that it was just like the original skeleton idea now it's like now we're doing the detail work right I guess we might as well just get started on the arms back here might as well all right one two three four five six seven eight nine so let's go one two three four five six seven eight q-q-t-z or z z zztq wow I'm dyslexic as hell thank you so much for the follow come in all right this should line up at the bottom if not I gotta scoot back one um yeah that looks like that'll work cool that'll work welcome man welcome man welcome in shut up bye [Laughter] that was a quick one joking no I don't do that I don't do that man joking or not bye foreign messed up tell me to shut up hell no I don't blame man it's like all I did was laugh and just wave bye bye ain't nobody got time for them or dumb like that tell me to shut up rude why is this not working what am I not getting here what the hell [Music] uh maybe I need to do the roofie thingy the roof trick it is so hard to find things in this menu I swear I'm not a fan of the radio menu though so I can't complain I guess to the dock inside see you tomorrow getting out of here are you have a good one uh Hey just wanted to say keep up with me is the amazing build great content and thank you for liking my birdhouse sap Farm idea for your tree hey thank you man I appreciate that yeah heck yeah awesome thank you for coming over to the twitch dude I appreciate you The Birdhouse It's a grand idea love that idea love that idea I'm like so excited to get all these little arms done now I'm gonna be sick this build is actually crazy all just to send sticks bro like this is what I like to do I like to build builds that just make people ask why why would you why would you do that would you could just build a stupid like Tower and put a zip line at the top I really questioned myself sometimes [Music] because you can I know right it's because I'm a content creator and I have to go above and beyond so if I just did it normal and lame then I wouldn't have any content to do it's only so many tutorials and how to's I can do before you know you run out feeds off your life this is so freaking convenient just coming over here and picking up all these sticks by the time I've used them all they've all respawned again already like it's just so convenient this is the best place to get sticks in this game I swear to God stems whatever they're called that's also have the fun of this game right it really is I'm just happy you're trying to complete this one I really am dude I know that's a hard thing for me to for me to do actually complete a build I mean I completed the pyramid the pyramid's done we did we did complete the pyramid the wall is just like a huge one man we'll get the wall done at some point just the verticality of the wall is what really makes it unenjoyable to paint to like build like luckily I found this kind of trick that we're doing here with the whole counting the walls and all that thing to make to make this not so difficult to make all right this is gonna be one more situation here all done deed hopefully have enough clovers to complete the whole thing ow wow that's crazy wow I'm building a very tall Castle right now and it's horrible if you fall off oh yeah that's pretty much how the wall works if you fall off it's like how the hell do I get back up there man and it all lines up It lines up like perfectly I love this I love the symmetry I'm glad I've taken my time and done this like totally right you know what I mean all right now this is gonna be this one's gonna be weird because it's gonna go right into the side of this rock and I hope that doesn't like screw anything up here um um this is gonna be weird to try and finagle how the heck I'm gonna do this here I'm gonna have to build some weird funky thing just to try and find the The Sweet Spot here there [Music] looks about right that looks right [Music] hmm oh crap oh crap all right all right all right all right come on get up there oh it's not gonna let me get up there oh cool at least it's counting the rock as a solid object I have a full chest of bomb Beetle parts you're grounded please add more bomb beetles to the game he really wants those 500 ovens doesn't he foreign oh man sad day am I completely out of clovers now do I still have some more left my 10 brought burst worth of clovers already finally finally going oh no dude oh no we're out it's already 12. yeah I guess that's a good place to call it then it's like half the chest about how many glands two glands that's all I got two glands all right well I like where this is going this is a cool this is a cool addition here and then it's just another way for me to the top also which is cool uh they need to make it easier to get brought burst or whatever they're called that would be nice huh that would be nice but then again you know just add it on to the Grind right foreign the grind is honestly what makes the game so good so taken away from that could potentially hurt the player base because they won't be grinding as hard this is gonna be dope I really feel like there needs to be more green here though so I might end up putting like walls like these walls but in between that as well do bomb arrows work with the the same with covers yeah but I wouldn't I wouldn't worry about making bone marrows yeah go for gold cards you'll never run out of things to do oh man this is so crazy so crazy and you know what also Timber that this made me realize this like uh sideways thing here isn't now you can make like uh like an eight-sided pyramid like now that now that we've messed with that idea you can almost make like an eight-sided pyramid rather than just a four-sided pyramid a month to bed early morning gotta get the wife to work y'all have a good night hey that's the same thing that same excuse I got put a couple roofs around your Towers uh holding up the green roofs to look multi-floored I like that idea too we're just gonna keep adding to it it's gonna look super super dope get crazy with it get crazy with it I can even probably connect honestly I could probably do the same thing connecting the the bars together you know what I mean carry this middle support beam all the way across I don't know dude either way whatever we add to it's going to continue to look cooler and cooler and more complex and creative imagine building on all pillars imagine building on all pillars I mean I want to build on all of them now you're talking It's Gonna Be Wild and then the part I'm not looking forward to is we probably ought to try and make the crane arm look a little bit more interesting but I don't know how we could do that but we'll figure that out we'll figure that out I'm still thinking that grass looked cooler under looks cool under yeah it does look cool under we just need more color on the sticks somehow some way we need more color I think I don't know we'll see I don't know guys I'm gonna get all up here I'm freaking I've been tired for so long now I've been tired for so long now do pillars go into the side of the crane arm you could break some of the grass angles on the crane arm and it would look more transparent like a crane like grid yeah this is true love the stick look badams but um wanted to see what ZZ has to say he is still in here or she I don't know probably not got the mute got out go troll somebody else you better mean me I would have just banned him all right y'all have a good night we'll talk to you tomorrow tomorrow is switch it up Saturday so we probably won't be playing grounded we'll probably be switching it up to something so you guys suggest is dropping the Discord and I'll probably put a poll on the Discord so keep a lookout for that in the announcement section if you're not in a disc board exclamation Discord and join and make sure that you mute the fishing channels please for the love of God mute the fishing channels but I'll see you guys have a good night everybody peace out [Music] [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Seethrew
Views: 9,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Grounded, MegaBuilds, Survival, Building, Gaming, Tutorial, Tips, Strategy, Adventure, Exploration, grounded, grounded gameplay, grounded tips and tricks, grounded tips, grounded tricks, grounded tips and tricks 1.0, grounded playthrough, grounded update, grounded 1.0, grounded letsplay, grounded mega build, grounded castle, grounded game, grounded lets play, grounded tips and tricks 2022, grounded tips and tricks for beginners, 1.1 update, grounded 1.1 update
Id: ohI0wGfmFqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 43sec (14203 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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