Grounded Full Release Gameplay - It's Time To Explore New Areas!

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well hello there you wonderful humans and welcome back to grounded I hope everybody's having a fantastic day I can't tell if we're actually like oh okay OBS unfroze I hope everybody's having a fantastic day we're starting off exactly where we left off in the last live stream we just explored the underwater lab and we got a bunch of stuff in our inventory and I slept through the nights one unfortunate part is we gotta go through wolf spider territory and I think they're still awake so it's a little bit of a problem but I hope everyone's having a great day and thank you for coming to hang out for some more grounded today's goals ladies and gentle people of the interwebs we have been playing it safe in this game for far too long have we played it safe oh my God for good reason because we're playing on a harder difficulty which lo and behold has not been the easiest thing to do because you recover less health and you get murdered easier and you're thirstier and everything is terrible I need water bad that's what I'm trying to say right now Preston thank you for the 26 months you wonderful human I hope you're doing well and we're just gonna go I think we're gonna stay up high although you know let's see if we can grab some Drank in here some cool drink may apple not get lucky okay uh cool drink there we go make up by Marie how are you this fine day how is that soda giving such little drank God they nerfed that too now A Bug's Life pretty much it's like a Honey I Shrunk the Kids In A Bug's Life had a baby and that baby wanted to murder you slurp up that you should find the Black Widow which y'all didn't tell me about that because it would have been fun to run into it on my own although not like I necessarily know where it is Miss cloudberry thank you for the 26 months I hope you're doing great too thank you have I been getting any space photography done with the weather no no I have not I'm gonna be honest I uh I have not partook in the Astro stuff in a while I've really just been trying to focus oh my God I fell in a hole um honestly just the past couple months I've been trying to just focus on getting healthy and trying to sleep more and recover from my sleep deprivation that I put myself through hey hey Jessie what'd it do how are you this fine day we feeling better Shania I am I'm feeling better every day it's good it's good well this must be good for a few weeks so you got time yeah exactly like the moon is out right now and I'm like you know the weather is nice but the moon is out and I need sleep so I've been trying to be good I have been running my telescope out in Texas I actually have a lot of data that I gotta go through and process and make all pretty I've been working on a a couple of large projects but those are large projects takes months sometimes years to complete so it's been good though it's been good but it is getting darker sooner I've got my telescope set up in the yard now and I'm just trying to work on getting everything wired to my computer in the house and I gotta dig some lines and stuff like that and I have a bunch of plans for things coming up soon which will be fun squirt demander all right man I picked up all of this algae because you all told me to and full of regrets I need to analyze some stuff too did you do okay last night without oh you almost got me ma'am [Music] almost out there okay more continue saying what'd it do I talked myself into getting this game and it's lagging really bad oh no oh no you gotta lower that quality actually need to turn on vsync [Music] so we'll make it some Astro stream soonish yeah it's getting darker I mean it's dark around eight o'clock now which well it's still dark around nine but it's getting better I wish is there like uh why what does actions do oh I just want to like sort this you know it's a hot freaking mess foreign we need to get more fish scales if we're gonna be doing underwater stuff we don't need the arrows oh we'll keep them just in case what is going on why can't Mouse wasn't working what's going on with my mouse there we go Lindsay thank you for becoming a bean welcome back to the commuter oh my God zero I literally just watched that video that's funny I yeah I had literally just watched it and so we need a new chest piece we gotta recover we gotta repair that bad boy and we'll put that back on we need the Gill tube still we need the flippers Emily thank you for becoming a Super Bean there's a lot of stuff that we left in that zone two that I would like to uh recover we need the bones we need more bones we've got eelgrass put that in here Emily am I saying that right glad to have you back in the community that in there we're gonna upgrade our weapons a little bit more we've got some snacks I don't think we need the gas mask right now I'll put that in here we need to come up with a better storage system for our armor and things too that stuff can get dropped let's see I want to make the crossbow yeah I'm a double e Emily thanks for the content thank you wouldn't be able to make it without each and every one of you so larval blade insect crossbow I just need oh I just need more Acorn shells now sweet [Music] oh yeah I can make armor racks too ah the bone dagger oh I do have stuff for the bone dagger now the bone Trident um so in other words we just need to go farm Up Bones right now and I think once we get the bones farmed up then we'll be good to good to go oh my God I thought that was a spider down there about peed myself all right let's go here I'm gonna finally put a pin here hey that's not a pen uh uh remove Waypoint how do I add a pin oh you know what I just got to build one of those markers that's what it is what is this oh a pillar there we go so we got a trail marker build one of these bad boys [Applause] sprigs plant fiber and Clover Leaf am I finding the game I love the game when it first came out and I love the game now especially now that everything's you know there's so much to do now which is great I'm actually really glad that I took such a long break from the game because now I can really appreciate all of the stuff [Music] which I think is really nice so in other words I'm not going to build this now because I'm feeling lazy we need more storage let's just go before it's night time [Music] I was glad it's hot weather's finally cooling down so I can use my blanket and Hoodie hell yeah more scary and more fun tonight um yeah that video Even though I had streamer mode on for the the game last night it still got copyright claimed so I'm a little butt hurt about that from being honest so I'm not sure if uh we'll keep up with that we'll see I don't know what did you all think about the uh the game we played last night I'm I think and maybe tonight we'll try bendy and the ink machine because I feel like it's gonna be a little bit more involved the Quarry was annoying to me yeah like I I both liked the Quarry but it's not like the type of game that I typically stream I like being able to play the game you know and I also like not getting copyrights [Music] until dawn is better yep yeah you can't interact enough that was the main problem I feel like that'll change like as we get further into the game [Music] but I could be wrong I don't know so we need to find more bones that's the moral of today's story [Music] now the question is where are we gonna find more bones oh God there's a humongous fish right there I think you would love bendy and the ink machine I did buy it and I have it and I think maybe tonight we'll give that a shot [Music] going down down in a death zone so I'm hoping one of them [Music] I respectfully decline [Music] is this still coming for me yep oh shoot and I gotta deal with trying to get freaking air oh my body [Music] come on air bubble [Music] come on air bubble [Applause] [Music] oh piss off it went through my butthole [Music] all right what the hell is going on here oh I'm gonna stab you so good you're pissing me off now you stupid freaking spider all right I'll kill you kill your family and kill your sister [Music] a diving bell spider terrifying by the way oh shoot I forgot to make one of those lanterns but we're gonna go back to the area where the lantern lives for a free one so that should be good oh my God there's another freaking spider you can see the shadow God dang it herbo Turbo burbo would it do looking for phones baby sweet sweet bones shoot oh my God big old fish boy come on Bubble me up baby bubble me up put it inside of me are you kidding me right now oh come on wow okay something's going on with the game today it should not take that long God dang it where are all the bones thank you I think there's supposed to be some back here there's one there's another one oh I think we're about to get all the ones we need oh boy oh we're getting greedy worth it so greedy but so worth it [Music] go go go no no oh underwater levels are the worst oh God yeah I mean I very much wanted to get these fish scales God you're telling me Jesse telling me way too close no gonna stab your face got him after that massive headache of dealing with this uh getting this computer together I do got to say I'm loving it now though like hopefully the streams will get ever smoother as we get it kind of honed in you see how big the 490 is yeah I watched uh Jay's two cents video on it earlier the thing is massive so the regular one is is already redonkulous but really big but the Asus uh strix is ridiculous I'm super glad I bought like the biggest freaking computer case you can get because oh my God oh my God I thought it was gonna trap me so I want to go pick up those meat things because we dropped a lot of stuff in here when we were here the first time did I order a 49 yet it doesn't come out until the 12th so I cannot hmm I don't know if the bone Trident is worth it over the stabber we're currently using which is the Stinger spear I think it is due to the fact that it has the stun potential I don't know all right what's the way to the meat make the bubble helmet first Sarah rice I just pooped myself a little bit I wasn't trying to tell you that specifically Sarah thank you for becoming a bean Buble helmet I need eelgrass strands and silk a rope I know there's more bones down here that we can get so more bones and fish scales and then there was also something in here that we can acquire don't have to die to get it probably [Music] I don't know if the uh the bubble helmet is a good long-term investment I don't know how much time we'll actually be spending in the water with all the other stuff that we gotta get now the bone dagger oh yeah the bone dagger will be a good one oh thank you Sarah and color mutations so glad to finally become one now love this community my daughters love watching the streams with me oh Sarah that's awesome I hope you and the little ones are having a great day so I wanted to go there's anything stuck down here other than spiders freaking underwater spiders who ever thought of that idea is literally the worst just want to be on the record saying that the fact that I'm thirsty underwater is a crime can I drink underwater dumb I thought there was another bone out here we'll have to come back when they respawn foreign Evolution for the water spider ain't that the freaking truth we do need to kill more of those diving bell spiders though some more bandol gears all right so this was the area that had all the meat those little meaty chunks which apparently they regrow too and this will make better food how does the stream look for everybody today is everything good I'm getting a lot of screen tearing on my side but y'all shouldn't be able to even see that oh meaty Sprouts disgusting oh God the spider Shadows looks great looks Gucci oh yeah it's this way so back here and down here was the room full of all the resources that we need oh I left my camera on all night last night like an idiot uh that's why I don't have face cam on today although in some of these bad boys there's also a lantern down here that we wanted very leather if you scale raw tadpole meat I don't know if we necessarily need that I can also eat the green algae as a food source true so somebody said that there was a torch here somewhere how did the Aragon plushy sail go uh really good actually I forget how many we sold but it was a number of them it was a number of them kind of so stupid um but it went really really well I was super happy it got fully funded which is great um it was like 730 I think is where we ended up at I wanted to buy like seven oh kind was it down here that there was something funky going on I think it was okay that does not work underwater why the hell can I equip it can probably be used as a light source maybe I can just craft one slime mold torch plant fiber it's the globe thing on the Shelf in that same room where I was swimming oh there it is oh it's a rotten slime Lantern oh all right Shadows what you got now so bright um foreign from that I don't like that the lantern can become rotten yeah a little odd foreign remember going through this completely blind the first time terrible experience oh that's how I got lost and ran through this the first time good Lord oh of course there's a bunch of clay in the way of that scab unit yep Hey Little Porky bear how are you oh that's not a research table that's fine at least you can see the spider this time yeah God not seeing that spider that one time baby nopasaurus Rex DH where are you going what you doing uh slight problemo um low on energy because I'm low on food God those freaking spiders man I hate them looking for more koi fish scales and more bones oh oh that's not good Jay Lee thank you for coming to Bean hello fish friend please be kind to little otago just trying to live my life very far away from things shoot where am I right now I gotta go that way [Music] I kind of want to slap a tadpole I know it's mean and all they do is just like float around and purr but I want to slap it [Music] we're gonna stay out here to get more bones I think they respawn every day tadpole is food bruh but you wanna know what the messed up thing is that I can't that the freaking candy bar restores a large amount of hunger candy bar when I eat it that is not a large amount of hunger don't forget to smack the like button like it owes you all the spooter kills so I hope you remember oh thank you Kai far too kind far too kind what time is it hello little friends oh sorry friend it must be done can I eat it raw make yourself get eaten raw but it can be cooked of course Belle how are you oh my God frogs would be unbelievably terrifying in my size pure nightmare fuel just getting sucked up like a tasty little treat no huh [Laughter] can I make a little grill out here a little cooking spot a little campfire there it is Pebbles sprigs and dry grass chunks huh ah God I hate how quick your inventory fills up are you playing the Quarry later tonight uh it's a toss-up between trying to play the Quarry again or potentially playing something like uh bendy and the ink machine which became highly recommended so to answer your question I'm not 100 sure honestly right now we're just trying to figure out if these bones respawn every day or not does the Corey let you turn the music off entirely yeah but I feel like so like horror games aren't scary without the audio and you know like having music and stuff is supposed to build anticipation I don't know don't know what life is anymore honestly you know really it's gonna make two bubbles right in front of my face and then nothing after isn't it what a dick move oh you're gonna screw me don't you dare oh really oh oh wow oh the butt screw you bubble this game can suck a giant pile up I'm so mad oh I'm so mad I am so displeased such a dick move I actually don't know if I have enough air to get back there oh that would suck oh it's a giant freaking treasure chest down here what that's cool just burn the whole game attack I feel like that's what I want to do the quarries along in Slow Burn sometimes inku will be intense and crazy I feel like that's what we need I'm not gonna lie I felt like I was gonna fall asleep at times playing the Quarry wait wait oh God baby all right so we gotta find other spots for sh scales and stuff there's a little hole right here it's interesting [Music] your boyfriend fell asleep during the Quarry stream that's all right you need the bubbly helmet I've got everything I needed for the bubbly helmet My Hope was to get all of the bones that I needed why is there a spider web up here oh oh Christ is there a freaking spider in here [Music] [Music] God dang it [Music] you [Music] oh you suck [Music] screw it I don't need raw signs that bad oh look at that funk oh Vixen happy birthday to your little one both have a great day I say a different game tonight so you hopefully don't get screwed again yeah I just want to get taken out to dinner before I get screwed you know some sushi steak something foreign [Music] I do need more diving dolls chunks let's go you want some of this oh who's your daddy me okay come on [Music] thank you I'm gonna kill your family [Applause] give me your air [Music] [Applause] [Music] I do not see any more chunks or anything unfortunately anywhere around here so it would seem like that cave is the main area to get said chunks so I think we're just gonna go [Music] make the stuff that we wanted to make we should be good unless there's other areas in there that we need to explore uh which if there is feel free to let me know if you want I just need spider silk rope huh it's all back at the house [Music] [Music] I'm gonna stock up on food and stuff too uh we already explored the underwater base so that's good [Music] I would like to go to maybe the picnic table today I know there's a Sandbox as well there's actually a lot of places that we got to go explore and I think we're aside from like having to level up our armor and stuff which we're gonna do once we get back it's part of the reason I was farming up all those brittle shards we're gonna fully upgrade our ladybug armor and then we'll head out [Music] [Music] I just want that grubby slouch [Music] I wish we could make like a grub Farm [Music] have I given the pond chip to burgle oh no I forgot to do that shoot or did we I actually don't remember now I know it's spooked over but do you plan to play any uh members game nights this month yes yes I do uh we're gonna get back into doing them I think on a bi-weekly basis would be good and I definitely um we're gonna do them on Fridays Thursdays we're gonna do them on third that's tonight it's today wow there's something you might want out of that Treasure Chest key is also underwater wait that's a thing ooh hi Retta do you know where the the key is the key is in the pipe near the shovel oh snap okay that was refreshing foreign [Music] key is in the pipe near the shovel [Music] all right so let's make our bubble helmet now we can make the koi armor does the koi armor trying to figure out what I want to upgrade so we have defense I think we'll keep the ladybug armor foreign guilty we don't need anymore the very back right at the bottom of that tunnel leading to the underwater base there's a long cave that is full of spiders key is there oh God [Music] does not sound like a pleasant experience whatsoever we're playing ladybug helmet go around you it's like where did it go I'm not picky you know what that stuff's actually a decent snack it's actually a really good snack wow okay so one of the things we've got liquid rage that sounds fun attack plus and heels we have Boost juice Max stamina and heels gas guard moist and Fuller oh I can use the the muscle Sprouts as a base instead [Music] interesting so it's a beefy hedge Lord [Music] and then we can have beefy Green Machine if we had sprigs beefy fuzz on the rocks [Music] an extra meaty Health bonus um yes please crafted I want to make more of those so we need more Pebbles and clay [Music] [Music] those things didn't used to grow back not sure if they do now oh somebody said they do I don't know if I was lied to though [Music] they grow back every three days that's not bad [Music] so if the beefy heals every three days or 33 percent uh do we know what the Boost juice heals like the beefy boost juice [Music] [Music] foreign so I guess the question is do we want to find that key now or do we want to explore a new area don't hurt my women bugs ladybugs you're the best hug hope you're well sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do [Applause] I don't know where my ladybug helmet went and I'm a little bit sad about it because I don't see it anywhere [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I guess I'll just upgrade the what I have foreign [Music] we need a bunch of that boom foreign level 5 stylish baby I don't know how to get sturdy plating yet I wonder what it does for the helmet so we get extra defense [Music] nice foreign spooky game tonight that is the plan [Music] and then the question is do I upgrade the flippy floppies too I feel like that's a waste smart fast lucky or just wear some armor foreign [Applause] another weapon we wanted to craft the the bone dagger first which we have enough for the bone dagger oh shoot we have enough for the bone dagger and the bone Trident hell yeah oh yeah let's go baby nailed it that's perfect then we can get rid of the B1 now does the bone dagger replace the pebble dagger right so we won't need the pebble dagger and we want to make the crossbow too [Music] which we need oh I need one more Acorn shell shoot I knew I forgot something foreign Lantern [Music] there we go now we're stonking up on stuff [Music] been using the crossbow for a while now you love it yeah the crossbow looks super good it's just a matter of you know oh it is not filling up with water [Music] [Music] all right that should keep us good for a while [Music] oh is no women crying but it's better than nothing [Music] there we go all right feeling good about this feeling good now I want to upgrade our stabbers the bone Trident absolutely I think I'm gonna upgrade first Place water catchers under the juice Juke uh the juice box straw that's such a freaking big brain move my Lord who gave you such big brains dang those are those wow I need one more Whetstone dang that might be the odd one on this but I wouldn't mind an animal crossing Halloween decorating stream ma'am ma'am Maybe so let's go pick up our acorns because now that I want to put ones under the straws such a big brain move [Music] is that hot dog bits it's rotten food [Music] foreign on Halloween this year voice [Music] so to reiterate there's a treasure chest that we saw the key to this Treasure Chest you're saying is also in the same Pond right a couple people said different things so now I'm like I don't know what to believe you want a Halloween wedding when you get married Halloween wedding sounds metal [Laughter] and it is in the same Pond okay cool foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think we're getting enough Acorn stuff the key to the punches is nearby and a small cave covered with algae all right I think we can find it then he won't forget me when he's the number one streamer and YouTuber with trillions of followers hey I still remember uh whenever we do have people from like the original like when I first started the channel when they come around I feel like I've done a pretty good job until everybody starts changing names and faces and they're like God remember me I'm like what no I forgot what else I came down here for I think it was to go to bed oh I want to stab something so hard foreign foreign these these things are the things that I need to murder that I've never murdered before gotta murder everything baby name of the game Dem legs [Laughter] oh let's see here and I guess we got time before it gets dark I do have a lantern as it turns out so we've got a cave entrance that we gotta find which I'm assuming is a long one of the walls here is it in the ground or is it along the wall my butt [Music] [Applause] oh oh big fish no oh no no no no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] oh my God dang in the under oh it's in the cave where the ground was okay uh let's re-equip our fins the Big Brand human what else might we need one of these bad boys I think we got enough stuff I forgot to bring freaking water all right gotta poop ourselves to survive I don't want to understate this but this is bad now we'll be okay then we'll just eat a bunch of uh of them tasty little treats down here come on baby swimming in third person is a bit of a pain sweet they didn't respond foreign some tasty little treats that aren't tasty little treats so is it in the big room we'll find out locating cave with a key to open this big beautiful chest that is the mission that we are on currently after getting some snacks [Music] you can find some some more treats down here love when two of those scales pop out skirt skirt oh God I didn't know you could crash your face into that whoops all right all right food so somebody said it was near the dinosaur which means we are nowhere near it right now to the right of the third button open the trap door wait what people are saying it's near the dinosaur not near the dinosaur I don't feel like anybody knows where it is and we all said it's near two lights let me get some air I think I know where it is I saw it before I'm 90 sure I know where it is it's over here so there's that one and then there's this one and I think it's like behind here so I remember looking in here and I was like oh I bet there's stuff in here somewhere foreign for anybody looking for the key we're gonna go we'll start over and we got 116 seconds we should be okay just in case every time I say we should be okay we were decidedly not okay foreign ERS behind me back through here I'm gonna Venture a guess that you absolutely need the bubble helmet for oh god oh Christ oh how many spiders are in here [Music] oh my my God oh my God how deep does this cave go oh look there's another entrance [Music] come on [Music] no [Applause] [Music] there was another entrance the double scooter action it's not in the dark area okay [Music] so it's got to be right in here somewhere then this isn't the dark area see anything anywhere though foreign blowing air oh let me let me get a refresher of energy or of uh air first mm-hmm oh that was weird so we're gonna go behind the big jet I explored down here before I don't see anything here this managed to just behind this Grace I don't see anything it's right there with all the algae oh my God y'all weren't kidding that it's uh sneaky oh okay let's get a refresher of air got it now go deep inside that's what Chase said sorry I had to y'all aren't kidding that that was hard to see okay so from this spot we go to this big old fan right here Zion down into the abyss through here God somebody said there's gonna be spiders in here yep the spiders do rejuvenate your health though or your your air though too oh God hello friend [Applause] oh God I hate this oh there's so many no die I can hear more but I don't see them there it is for a weapon that's supposed to stun I feel like they nerfed the stun on this a little bit okay so we came in from that way right is this where all right we came in from this way ah ah the mossy key beautiful that's not so bad so if you come in you can just kind of Squirt your way right through here and wham bam thank you ma'am the mossy key now we got to get the hell out of here [Music] hello Rose oh my Lantern died dang it some people like their butts being poked that is true that King shaman it's National Noodle Day make sure you get them spicy nudes oh yes spicy nudes one Mossy key so we got a mega milk molar and a sunken Outpost burgle chip interesting ah Andy how are ya [Music] give me air you stupid piece of garbage you know this hose has been doing me dirty all day do not appreciate it somebody said there was another key near the dinosaur but I've been all up in this joint also attack Newt noodles Rome not nudes noodles God you should know better by now foreign okay so we got everything that we wanted out of here which means we can explore oh that's my butt we gotta go to burgle too [Music] I'm all geared up old burginator and look at that thing over there I'm hoping that this bad boy oh it's like Gone Gone dang that's rude [Music] I kind of want to slap that fish though hey Haley foreign that regulates inter-atomic energy transfer during these facing expansion phase of the spacer put simply it controls the rate of growth of the subject and prevents over expansion which can be quite messy there is both good news and the bad news surprise me natural flavoring is not strictly speaking natural now you know is that good news or bad news is that here the values it is empty great but they say when life gives you lemons close your eyes and imagine it's a Delicious lemon crime but I can provide you with instructions the cell must be filled with a special mixture a cocktail if you will another breakthrough invention by Dr Tully hold please while I push the recipe for the in beginning cocktail to your scabby processing errors missing directory the directory you attempted to copy does not existed it appears of course burgle dick in his yard hold on to the empty cell for me and when you feel ready retrieve um [Music] much better I'm afraid dark was it perhaps about why don't you aha he had it all but oh my God oh my God holy guacamole Batman he had a hunch that it all computers have to keep things clean there's experimentation to be done [Laughter] God dang it burgle [Music] Pebble pebblet Foundation ah ah buff lungs into unlocking a new mutation that increases Max stamina oh zip lines there we go cookbook hedge well-fed meal plus fall defense Daredevil a buoyant Foundation curved bases cookbook pond oh dang Tad poloka pudding dude turret pollen for the endless dialogue therapy session thank you Matt Finn flops upgrade diving Lantern upgrade oh my God there's so many things now I definitely want to unlock zip lines a ladder seems like maybe not a bad idea but it's really expensive canteen upgrade probably not a bad idea cookbook hedge I don't know if I'm ever gonna cook those curved bases sounds cool Pond one Boatman fin soup so that's well-fed meal and swim speed oh man that turret sounds pretty freaking awesome a bomb that covers oh yeah I definitely want to learn bombs turrets are useless at the moment oh great learn that curved bases sounds kind of cool we'll get a ladder oh we're broke [Music] they see him burgling trying to catch him Berg and dirty trowel Gulch complete Trail marker at trowel Gulch [Music] wait for the pebble turret at least all right foreign zip lines do sound fun though like that's like I don't know how far zip lines can go I just had a heart rate of zero for a second probably just uh died for a moment I don't know I just poked myself in the eye though ah zippines can literally grow across the map as long as you have the spider webs for them sweet I do have a metric buttload of spider webs and you just need spider webs and not silk foreign because that would be sweet to be able to get around a lot faster I'll tell you what Christ because if I can get like a zipline to end from that'd be sweet I need silk I know I've got like 45 uh spider webs to uh use still all right so y'all are saying to put the thingy my boob right under this for the water catcher what do we think like right here so we need two crude rope foreign [Applause] do we think that's in the right spot no I guess we'll find out right [Music] ah is there anything new that I gotta scan yes the boat's been fin Ally [Music] all right foreign need to murder one of these poor guys I'm so sorry I feel so bad every time [Music] tastes good hip hip and so we need to make one more storage box so we need four sap and clever one of these days we'll start organizing all this stuff too not today but one day we will I swore I farmed up a butt load of clover foreign we do need to get um ant eggs I went into the one spot to get them the other day and there was like none there so I've got stuff for Green Machine hyper stamina does do we know if Green Machine heals more than fuzz on the rocks [Music] I was on the Rocks heals more all right oh Cassie oh no oh that's terrible [Music] it's rough [Music] there we go so now at least we got a bunch of that between those two things I think we should be good we can take off I mean we can leave the bubble helmet on it still has high defense what's the set bonus for the ladybug armor does anybody know the fact that I don't know where my ladybug helmet went I'm a little upset about I won't lie [Music] [Music] foreign you can be smart fast lucky or just wear some armor boost ceiling Perfect all right I'm feeling pretty good about this now that was refreshing now I'm just gonna figure out where we want to go next [Music] so we can go out that way we need to find stuff for our tier 3 weapons is what we need to do so we got tools uh the bow I'm gonna leave on four dagger did I lose arrows too how what oh it's because I can stack more now that's why nice all right so what time is it 318 shoot let's see is there anything in here that we plant slurry requires a grinder oh my god I've not even made a grinder yet [Music] so I think we need to go back that way back this this area which means we need our honky boy helmet because we gotta go into the poison area [Music] I forgot to make the crossbow ah thank you I'd still way better damage already quite a bit slower but and then I need to get stuff to upgrade it too tag if you go back to the pond you can get the toxicology badge and become immune to the haze oh snap if you get a pet F it'll give you extra inventory plays space plus a stamina perk how do you how do you do that didn't know that was a thing how does one make a zip line so we have zipline Wall anchor and a zipline anchor so that Silk rope clay and weed stems assuming I don't want to put it here but I could probably make something from the tree to this base foreign so where's the uh where's the haze Gene oh shoot to go for one more time body mass readout is an acceptable range the skinfold degradation is minimal specimen vitals are stable in holding it looks like we've done it great job everyone let's set up three more trials for replication uh sorry to crush your party the defense department has arrived early to discuss project org the director needs you to be present at the meeting sure what's worse our director or a three-hour meeting with the military not another crazy dream what the heck they were experimenting on me and they're working on something called project orc s full name and I need to start just doing better in general with food foreign grab some mushrooms on the way I'm not picky all right so I don't know if I got I want to make sure that I didn't already get the mutation for that so we got Chopper Barbarian grass Rock and Annihilator meat Shield sharpshooter cardio Martine swim speed quickness we got poison resistance all right so shoot somebody mentioned that in the water area we can acquire a mutation that allows us to be immune to the haze which would be nice because then I could keep my good gear on and not have to wear The Honky boy mask seems like a pretty good idea not gonna lie [Music] okay I know where that is I didn't oh God you know what I just forgot oh oh shoot freaking wolf spider [Music] see if this bad boy filled up oh yeah foreign [Music] [Music] it's interesting that sometimes they turn into Crow feathers but sometimes they just turn into bags [Music] [Music] one of these days we're going to invest into building out that massive uh [Music] zipline stuff oh God I forgot I don't have a thing also makes you immune to dust under the shed later game okay that's pretty cool my cat just realized tag was on and left the window to come listen nice Hello Kitty Cat [Music] foreign [Music] that makes sense [Music] all right so you know for some reason there's a Wolfie glitched and roaming instead of sleeping although I guess it's pretty early still maybe it was just going home regardless we know it exists [Music] oh Georgia glad to see you here I hope you've been well welcome back [Music] I need to farm up more marble I gotta find a good spot to farm that up since apparently the stuff doesn't respawn although I feel like there was one play one area that we were in where I left a bunch of stuff [Music] so didn't have inventory space nice and safe and bring my flippy floppies this is going to be a little bit sketchier [Music] thank you you know what I'm not even gonna play the games with that oh boy God you do swim so much lower without them though Lord have mercy foreign a lantern either it's all right we don't need it I saw that body when I was in there but I was running out of air so I didn't stop to get it now we got the bubble helmet we should be fine go up and then I I remember right back here with the skeleton so we got oh a journal and a suspicious snapshot and a toxicology badge perfect didn't realize there was a shortcut right there foreign dust guard and poison resistance nice sweet that body was probably a researcher sure looked like it there are quite a few bodies you can find in the game the game there's a whole area of them I remember finding that back in the olden times pick up some of this algae to eat too now we can go to the poison area explore that without needing honky boy mask that means we can also fight stink bugs a lot easier too right not that we actually need to now but we could if we wanted to come on baby let's go oh son of a H oh my God it's ridiculous skirt foreign [Music] [Music] and so I want to make actually no we already explored that one area didn't we shoot probably make a couple of actual torches [Music] [Music] and then we get to go explore a whole stinky bug area actually I think I know where I need to go for the next well I don't really know where I need to go but I think I'd in other words I don't know what I don't know you know I'm filming my canteen while we're out though stonk up on some snacks see if this bad boy filled up or not I don't think that's working I remember this Juice Box used to produce like tons of drank all the time and it's just does not anymore [Applause] what you think they do I think they only do twice daily now and I think hasn't dropped anything in a while [Music] oh sweet [Music] cardio fan level up [Music] thank you okay we got food oh we don't really have we don't have food but we got snacks we had okay what did y'all not just see me pick a bunch of mushrooms and I have zero mushrooms I'm not losing my mind right y'all did see that that was a thing that I totally did I'm all geared up [Music] okay oh I put him in the chest you're right you're right you're right you're right okay we're good we Gucci [Music] still can't believe I didn't buy that canteen upgrade that would have been so smart [Music] tastes good whoops all right let's go lit excuse actually I believe there is a mutation for stabifying this Sharpshooter so range wait range is your greatest allies you reach out and stab your foes from afar ing exposes their weakness Spears have a chance to lower enemy armor I think I want that over a chopper because that's we're going to be using now [Music] [Applause] got that area down there sucked [Music] foreign [Applause] how do I get out of here ah shoot [Music] it's going to go up above the rake I'm back did I get the badge yeah I got the badge which is going to be nice nothing dead oh it sure is [Music] poor ladybug oh no [Music] you're so gonna die in here I can just feel it [Music] oh god oh Lord oh no oh baby am I supposed to get across that gap of death you hate the haze area I can tell I'm not gonna enjoy it [Music] shoot a little leap of faith yeah something tells me that's not gonna quite but oh please don't piss off the thing down there that I want to get but I don't want to go all the way down there [Music] [Music] man I need to slap a dandelion feel really unsafe running around at these Heights with no way to stop my imminent demise oh what's this [Music] yeah let's let's be smart for a moment pretend like we have even an ounce of intelligence oh but I can't wear a trinket and do that foreign s over there Christ all right so how the hell how the hell am I supposed to get down there [Music] oh food all right let's go the long way well I can't use the dandelion to get over there because then I'll be in the hole because then I'll be in the haze and I'll die screw that place oh my God foreign there's a way to get around it at the edge of this we'll just have to go the long way around where all that stuff is exploding thank you [Music] oh it's so sad oh my God like this area and oh thank you yes the sad stab [Music] one thing that I do like about the haze area if you have this accessory and you live in the haze area if you get raided it literally doesn't matter because everything that comes will die even spiders right except for the mutated spiders [Music] hey cryptic how you doing [Music] so I bet there's lots of resources for us to gather down here resources and death that's right who's your daddy remember my name hey dorina how are you today madame [Music] I would very like to level up that trident even more mint huh yeah [Music] so many creepy sounds in here I freaking hate it [Music] [Music] oh Christ equip the weapon oh my God oh screw that my freaking inventory is full I'm not picky just eating poison normal day is it almost night time too all right so we found the Quick Way in here we can go make outfit jerky came here because I saw another meme about you on the grams and I was like oh I wonder how he's doing anyways what's cooking y'all I'm tired but can't sleep ah darina hope you're doing well though foreign I wish they could give you like a larger backpack upgrade or something like good Lord something oh there's another molar down there next to an explodey thing [Music] curiosity killed otago [Music] what can I say oh yes oh Supreme Courts [Music] oh God [Music] that's the Supreme marble if only chemistry class was this easy [Music] oh it is the way out noise I don't even know where I am anymore you know it's good to know where those upgrades are though we got a bunch of stuff to upgrade our armor more and our weapons [Music] [Music] so what I don't get is I have the sturdy marble stuff like I have quite a few of it but I can't craft it into the the sturdy stuff to upgrade the weapons further which is weird oh nice Drina [Music] I'm guessing I need the forge which I also don't have unlocked [Music] foreign oh God my stupid inventory Mighty Globs [Music] [Music] um not bad not bad [Music] [Applause] and then we're gonna upgrade our arrows to feather arrows um I don't know if that's worth it does that one mean it's failed Arena [Music] [Music] so it's still too early uh let's see let's see let's see let's see so I got a decent amount of Defense now we've got this toxicology badge which is freaking phenomenal it's been a good day so far oh my God it's been two hours um I really want to go explore that area more and then I don't think we can make we have the Smithy we can't make a forage yet I'm gonna go explore that area more that's good keep the hammer and the chopper with us just in case I never thought about actually upgrading our Weevil oh you can't upgrade your Weevil Shield that's rude [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] oh wow that's actually a really good snack dang fresh defenser [Music] actually you know what I'll take these with me and I'll eat them as snacks so we can eat all 10 of those I haven't seen any spicy nuggets yet but once I do I'll make sure to do with them too see there's stuff over there that I need to break or upgrades oh and there's raw signs too oh God raw science oh God dang it I forgot that we're all there you actually don't mutate until you enable the mutation you can only have a certain amount on at a time right so if I'm eating the mints without having the mutation equipped then it doesn't actually do anything is what you're saying it's a bit of a bummer foreign music changing is a bit disconcerting I'm not gonna lie [Music] where are you off to win oh God oh Jesus Christ I thought I was dead you told me that it's gonna be this exciting [Music] what the hell is that let's see what's remark in a location oh it's gum okay [Music] so there's definitely a spider over there [Music] so this just goes to the other side is that marble foreign [Music] looks wrong type never seen a ceiling Brain before can't say that it's a a typical thing one Witnesses at in the wild there's got to be more stuff around here this feels surprisingly empty [Music] God I thought it was a giant freaking snake not gonna lie I was uh not happy there for a moment oh shoot here we go what are you black ant s oh look at that party house oh it's locked so that's the first black ant that we've murdered I suppose we'll just keep murdering those for now I'm gonna bunk you so good the great balkaning I guess it's the stabbing really at this point [Music] all right Shadows what you got now yeah I'm not going over there [Music] oh what the hell is that God dang it I'm looking right at it oh a sickly roly-poly it's roly-poly Oly it's small and squirt and round I found mostly in the western grasslands we can bind their surroundings can drop tough Gunk and roll the pulley part hmm I do have a hammer [Music] do I dare my friend oh oh there's no damage ah God dang oh God that's so mean oh Christ oh Christ oh Christ foreign oh my God no no no no no no no God dang you're so mean foreign God I'm not picky sorry can we be friends all right so I need better stuff before I go slapping that dude foreign ly not a good idea mutation fresh defense nice oh bombs against that thing would be pretty cool honky boy it feels like it's going to be a bad idea [Music] oh I need literally nothing back here [Music] there's no lemon crime but it's better than nothing foreign [Music] and I usually like to wear scratch and sniff smells the weird scratch and snuff smells huh oh milky boy [Music] happy hey [Music] I don't know if there's anything else back here but we'll keep looking so that's back where we were hanging out [Music] foreign just going to want to murder my face isn't there [Music] oh this is Pleasant a rotten apple huh just a mint on a stab unit [Music] Garbo nice oh I just realized all that stuff was garbage dang that's one moldy hot dog right there oh and there's an ant hill I don't know if I want to get into the Ant Hill yet what's this there's all sorts of stuff out here man [Music] foreign juices yeah I was thanks for the reminder I thought about stabbing it I'm not gonna lie I thought about it real hard for like five seconds two seconds tipping over trash cans is the height of entertainment and comedy [Music] oh my Lord I don't want to drink any of this water but I'm tempted to I'm real tempted Butt Stab I didn't realize how almost dead I still was should fix that almost slurp it up [Music] [Music] [Music] should I chop up the rotten apple is that like good oh my God these things hit my butt right what oh my God stuck under the ground looks like it's gonna be a bad idea spotted you um meeting that chased a little treat foreign [Music] something oh look at that that's one of them peppers I never seen one before this exciting foreign [Music] stinky but cool oh sweet yeah Nimble quick oh supplemental log ominant practical Technologies Tully go whatever I'll sort it later the important thing is I have done it yes the spacer has worked its magic I have successfully shrunk a set of basic plastic polyhedral dice from the size of standard dice to no bigger than the size of well much oh my God purple make a note to come up with a better comparison you did it nonetheless this is a complete exoneration however it occurs to me that I have a new problem the dice were intended to be young full Christmas present he will be pointed but perhaps I can convince him that they were miniature dice tiny instructions might be a bit of a giveaway and may be required to the fun bit toy Mark before they close well I didn't actually think I needed to go up here but it's very clear to me now that this is in fact where we were supposed to go foreign I was wondering what this trash Heap was all about I don't know where it goes or what we get at the end of it but we're gonna find out oh my God look at that freaking sandbox and then oh oh you suck oh you suck oh you suck I'm alive [Music] there are five peppers in the trash [Music] well that's that's and I only saw one of the peppers I need a zip line down to the sandbox from there maybe I'm sure there's a lot of little other things that we missed in this area though so I want to get that pepper I don't know how to uh we gotta fall through the hole to get it [Music] sweets oh a spicy shard and we gotta eat one of these [Music] talk I'm supposed to baby up oh no I'm so sorry I'm literally the worst there is no way we're gonna find anything good at the top of that how do you unlock more mutagen slots uh with the mega milk molars gone foreign but it did not bring one with me [Applause] oh okay we're good I was like you with the gas mask on well I don't have a gas mask on I have the anti-gasmax protection thing for the end what the hell is going on over here [Music] did I literally come up here for a couple of raw science foreign oh there's rust up here okay well butter my butt and call me a biscuit there's still a lot we got to explore but ladies and gentlemen I feel like this is a pretty good uh spot to stop for meow I do really hope you all enjoyed today's live stream thank you so much for hanging out with me you wonderful wonderful humans I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 20,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grounded, grounded gameplay, grounded full release gameplay, tagbacktv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 31sec (9031 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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