GROUNDED: 25 Tips and Tricks for GROUNDED update 1.1

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what's up Gamers welcome into the weirdest probably tip video that you'll ever watch in your life because guess what I'm not breaking it down like one two ten number ten tip number seven no we're just gonna literally play the game for about 20 minutes I'm gonna give you every tip I possibly know about the game you might know some you might not know others hopefully you learned something I've got some lists down here I'm gonna try and spit as much tips and tricks as I possibly can into this whole video make sure you like make sure you comment down below if I missed something uh to help out and you know other people that might be looking for more tips and subscribe for more we're almost to 2500 Subs guys Jesus Christ but we're gonna go ahead and get into it man make sure as well real quick I'll go ahead and plug it you know I'm gonna plug it uh twitch every night in the description literally playing this game if you got questions concerns or you just want to hang out with us and have a good time and have some fun come down to the description on this video and check out the link and come give us a follow on Twitch man let's go alright so tips and tricks here we go here we go all right so uh um tip number one if you don't know um let's see here I'm gonna chop down a bunch of graphs here real quick this is a bit this is a big one honestly people may or may not know this uh but we are going to chop down a bunch of stuff uh first tip if you don't know a lot of people ask me how the heck do you carry so much stuff because I can carry 22 items right now which is you know normally a lot more than than you can carry on the regular um okay I don't have my other badge on but more or less what you're gonna want is You're Gonna Want the intern badge I'm going to leave a link in the description for how to get all six badges in the game if you don't know how to get them you're gonna need the fluffy poo poo hat which is the proper way to pronounce it it is the fluffy poo poo hat okay and you're gonna need the two-piece set of red ant armor and that's going to give you the ability to carry 22 brass blades right 22 okay there we are 22. all right next tip uh we're gonna go drop all these real fast and the next tip is and this tip comes from a recent subscriber of ours um these stocks right you know you go through you chop them all up for some plant fiber guess what you don't have to chop them up if you got a spicy stuff wow I mean that'll save you some time right there baby you need crude rope you need a lot of crude rope really quick you want to chop down a forest freaking just get it do that do that okay uh also if you don't know uh another quick tip you'll get a whole lot more crude rope if you peel your plant fiber inside of a spinning wheel rather than crafting it in your inventory same thing goes with Pupa pupu leather and Berry leather if you make them on the jerky rack again a whole lot you're gonna get one for one rather than three for one or whatever it is so make sure you make a jerky rack for those these tips are gonna be all over the board guys for like I said for beginners brand new people intermediate expert whatever next tip here we're going to head over this direction I'm actually going to go ahead and take off my intern badge that's going to drop 12 Stacks but the intern badge allows you to carry an additional 10 pieces we're gonna head over here to my little Tower spot now I highly suggest everybody do this right here build some sort of goofy looking Tower make sure it's goofy looking because if it looks legit it's just you're faking it bro you're Faking It make you a zipline Tower over here literally because this next tip is going to change the way you play the game put the zip to wherever your house is at you can reach anywhere from up here and you look at the zip line and you press the drop button and you could send sticks and grass from here to anywhere and the reason I say here is if you don't know this place is heavily and I mean heavily populated with over a thousand sticks you could literally get like I don't even know 200 stick pallets and not fill them up over here I mean that's they're everywhere so if you need sticks for your builds you want to use stem walls like these or you want to use like you know the the sturdy grass walls or whatever whatever you need six for build yourself a tower over here so we're gonna go up we're actually going to take this actually no I'm not um let's see here let's see here um going through my list here if you don't know um you know for either shoveling clay or hammering rocks uh you can block after you do this and it makes it a little bit faster so if you're if you're farming a ton of them punch block punch block you get the Rhythm down you can do that with clay with a shovel or um you know rocks with hammers and stuff as well um also if you don't know just for the completely new new people uh make sure you peep everything in the game that's the that's a really big tip make sure you peep everything in the game because you're going to learn their strengths their weaknesses uh and that is you know as you progress through the game is is extremely important okay so like uh for instance and they've actually just added this new feature you might not be able to see it because my camera might be in the way uh but it actually pops up on the screen now uh if you you know look at a creature like this you can see some of it popping up over there I've killed 133 of these and it tells us all the resistances weaknesses all that stuff so that's a good tip for for absolute beginner people um if you're trying to figure out you know like you got your all your cards and you're missing a few uh one that I missed was over at the trash pile there is actually a gnat over there called the midi Nat so make sure you've got the midi net scanned you might be missing that one you might be missing that one um all right so we're gonna go up here on top of the gas thing and let you guys know that uh we can in fact at least it's clean plug the haze to where there is no gas over here so you can actually come and explore and walk around and look around uh all you're going to need is a piece of bubble gum uh uh skirt gonna need a piece of bubble gum to get up there you know I'm not gonna go all the way up there but you go up to the top of that you put a piece of bubble gum down take a gas mask with you and uh plug that thing up another thing we're gonna do here is real quick is these things right here so for those of you that don't know you can get trinkets in the game the trinkets go on your accessory slot over here there's all kinds of them there's one for each piece of candy so salt spicy uh sour and mint there's four trinkets that you can actually get potentially from farming those items they'll randomly drop but one that's very useful is the one you get from these Haze funguses right here so every time you see one of these use your tier two ax chop them up and there's a chance and you will see it it'll look like a little bag instead of one of these it'll look like an actual like bag and the shadow from this bird is freaking me out man uh but yeah you can chop those in you can chop the exploding ones too if you end up having to come buy one uh the ones that I like explode don't forget that you can chop them with your ax you know I always ran from them whenever uh prior to me learning that I would just run from them another thing is that that gum is dumb I don't know why that gum's even up there but it's kind of lame um let's see here running around let's think of some other tips here uh if you need a ton of web this cave specifically right here where this wolf spider's in the entrance uh that is a very good place to go farm a bunch of silk if you need a bunch of silk there's tons in there kill all the web sacks uh take out all the all the spiders you'll come out you'll come out feeling pretty nice after that um so another couple tips here uh one if you have a charcoal canteen and you don't know uh you can literally get water from any source of water at all uh you just scoop it up and the way the charcoal canteen works is it filters out you know the stinky water and turns it into good solid drinkable water so if you're ever out and about and you have a charcoal canteen you're like God I need water where's the drip I can't find a drip just scoop up some uh regular old water off the ground easy collapse and if you guys don't know with the recent update uh let's see here I don't have any food in my inventory with recent update you can use a spicy weapon of any sort against uh you know Weevil aphid Nat or whatever and it will turn them into cooked meat it doesn't have to be the spicy doesn't have to be the spicy stuff it could be any spicy weapon period uh same goes for salt as well if you have a salty weapon and you need and you want some jerky if you're weird and want jerky other than instead of like regular meat then then this the spicy or the salty weapons are gonna get you that 100 so uh let's see here there's a couple more really good ones here I'm gonna try and make my way over past all these Orcs uh let's see here come on I've got uh I've got a thing over here for mosquitoes if you don't know this trick and I'm pretty sure it's probably going to be patched out at some point if they end up finding out maybe we'll get lucky and they'll watch this video and take it out but until they do um more or less you can cheese mosquitoes very easily with this next trick as soon as I get here uh gotta be getting close getting around getting close here trying to get to the milk carton is where I'm headed headed for the milk carton now there is a spot over here it doesn't have to be over here but I have a blueprints set up and if you do not know this this little brick right here this this square right here mosquitoes cannot pass blueprints check it out it's crazy this is nuts all right let's go get some aggrove a couple of them here all right we got a couple three or something now let's just go right over here and stand here and laugh at him they can't come in they literally can't come in and they don't move you can literally just sit here and attack them so if you really need some Hill bosses that's the way to go dude that is the way to go that is the way to go so also if you don't know uh you know this is another one for the new people that don't know what a pinchwacker even is uh there is a hidden secret weapon uh that you can actually get pretty early on in the game uh it's right up here if I can freaking get my chunky butt up here uh huh okay I can't apparently but uh right over here in that hole in the wall there is the location of the pinchwacker now what you're going to want to do is something along these lines build some sort of cheap uh ramp to get you up here I use the two high walls because it seems to be about the cheapest way to do this uh you're gonna need a brot burst to punch through this wall if you don't know how to get brought first you have to go to the red ant hill and get ant eggs and that will give you brought burst but uh more or less you're gonna come down in here and your pinchwacker is going to be located in this trash can super fun weapon to use and make sure while you're in here you grab the rotten Berry leather charm that's going to be right here so that's another huge one if you don't know where it's at that is a great weapon to have uh just make sure and this is another tip to go along with the pinchwacker uh make sure that if you're using it and it goes to break don't upgrade it until it's broken once it breaks then go upgrade it to repair if you did not know when you upgrade something from level one to two or so on uh it will repair it will Full Repair that thing for you so if you're having issues getting to the portion where you can unlock repair glue then because you need repair glue to fix the pinchwacker sadly but uh yeah that that would be my biggest tip right there for that is just just completely if it if it breaks upgrade it one time it doesn't matter if you've got shards to upgrade it all the way up to five if you don't have Super Glue yet or repair Glue yet then I would highly suggest you know upgrading it whenever it needs a repair um let's see here what else do we got oh I'll take you to the sprig area if you guys don't know how to get a ton of sprigs you know you actually need a lot of sprigs when you're starting out building so it's right on the other side of this log here uh there is what I call the sprig Forest and the Spring Forest you can roughly get about 200 sprigs from over here and this is it right here right by this Leaf you know there's tons of sprigs all gathered up right here this is definitely the highest concentration of sprigs in the yard and like I said you can get roughly about 200 right here you just got to watch out you know for all the things around here that can kill you uh let's see here so we got that we got that oh yeah resource scanner if you don't know about the resource scanner and a lot of times you might forget actually you're like God man I need to go get some scarabs so you you getting ready to go get some scarabs you know for your tier three uh level like unlocks and stuff on your weapons or your armor or whatnot um well I guess you don't need it for your arm or just weapons but uh yeah you're like man I need some scarabs and I don't know what's the best farming route for scarabs you could honestly come up with it yourself you just type in twinkling shells scan it and you come over here and this is typically the route I take I start from this guy and I go over here get these dudes come up here and then I go into the undershed but uh you know that that falls for anything like if you need Pebbles I wouldn't recommend doing this but if you need Pebbles I mean there you go I can't find no Pebbles baloney go scan it I bet you can find all kinds of Pebbles you know what I'm saying so there's that I don't know what that is walking okay as an orb weaver that's an orb weaver all right um so we talked about pretty much all the all the tips that I had written down guys if you can think of something else that might help some people out uh you know perfect blocking is a is a thing a big thing especially for you new guys that want to get good at the game or just have no issues with the game perfect blocking is going to be a huge benefit um and also a big tip is you know don't build your house small you know put some size to it because it's fun this game has so much building and so much capability to build awesome stuff just build man and join up on the Discord in the description if you have some sort of crazy huge build I'm thinking about doing like bass tours here pretty soon shout outs on the YouTubes and all that good stuff but I think that's all I got right now off the top with tips if any of this stuff helped you guys make sure you hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't already and uh like I said come join us on the twitch live every night baby let's go thanks for hanging out with me I hope this helped you and uh we'll see on the next one everybody peace
Channel: Seethrew
Views: 51,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grounded, grounded gameplay, grounded tips and tricks, grounded tips, grounded tricks, grounded tips and tricks 1.0, grounded playthrough, grounded update, grounded 1.0, grounded letsplay, grounded mega build, grounded castle, grounded castle build, grounded mushroom blocks, grounded zipline tower, grounded zip line, grounded game, grounded lets play, grounded tips and tricks 2022, grounded tips and tricks for beginners, 1.1 update, grounded 1.1 update
Id: Wt6cKvPklNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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