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next morning we got up early to go grocery shopping I guess I'll just show you what I bought because why not I got this watermelon quarter because I bought a whole watermelon I feel like I'd waste it so I bought a quarter of watermelon to eat because I love watermelon then I got some blueberries and then I got these Oreo State Fair cookie things I just wanted to try them they're frozen and I think you microwave I bought a cookie jar more like just a random jar down with cookies in it some Sun Chips I bought a whisk and a ladle thing pasta server I think it's what's called his last time I made fettuccine and it was really hard to stir it without this plus no spoon so I got that and I got this little thing to put the spoon on after you mix because I had to use a paper plate last night I got two sets of 15 hangers some golden crispy crowns because I really like these and then my favorite frozen fries are the Arby's brand so I got the Arby's curly fries and I got some frozen chicken tenders I like to make chicken wraps with these then I got two of these like fake glass jars to put in the bathroom to put like q-tips and cotton balls in a set of four mason jars so I can make the overnight oats that I'm wanting to make I bought back clips my tall leave excedrin a big thing of soap so I can refill the soap thing that I bought for my bathroom I got triple and double a battery I do have rechargeable batteries from Amazon but I can't find my double A's so I've been told I'll buy more of those and then I got a napkin holder this was like a dollar so that's why I got this one I couldn't find any other ones that were cute and then I got a plunger because I'll probably need that eventually and that's my Walmart haul all of that was like 130 dollars which is what oh one more thing I got a fan because there's not a fan in my living room and I'm not really sure why there's not a fan in here and it's just super hot so I just got this like cheap twenty dollar fan got a $2 protection plan in case it messes up I can get it replaced so it's just like a small fan that I'm gonna put in here when it's hot and or put in my bedroom at night so yeah all of that was 130 dollars so today you my sister are going to a kpop concert we're actually like meeting the k-pop group which is like Gary's head I'm gonna build this fan and after that I think we're just gonna start getting ready has to be ready by 3:00 it's almost 12:00 right now though I'll start getting ready in the next hour too but I'm gonna go ahead and build this fan I guess 219 at me and mr. just finished getting ready for the concert so I just curled my hair I did blue makeup this time I haven't done my makeup blue in a while and then I guess I'll show you my outfit in my big mirror I have now sorry if you can hear the toilet it's like super loud when you flush it but here's my outfit I'm just wearing this like crop top run zap oh these pants are from zap Oh as well they're just like high-waisted blue hi was it called like high water pants and then be wearing my white vans and that's it that's why outfit nothing too exciting starting to panic because like I said me and my sister are like meeting the members able to talk to them and give them high-fives and hold their hands and stuff like that so I'm getting very nervous they'll smell my vinegar breath so I got my tickets ready I got my bag ready oh and I built me to lay out the lamp that's all and I built the fan it took like 10 minutes and it works pretty well so I'm happy with the purchase it was like twenty dollars and I don't think I ever updated you guys last night or yesterday but it got my couch in I think it looks so good and then I put up the pictures that I got from Amazon and I think it just tied everything together super well and then yesterday I put up the light curtain lights there behind these white curtains and I think I showed it last night I also showed it all my Instagram story but it looks really pretty at night and then I just have like posters and everything sitting on the ground because I don't know what I want to do with them yet oh and in this corner I pretty much finished everything over here I hung out an ace poster the banner from the Monsta X concert and all that I had a poster up here and then it fell when I walked into the room this morning I fell right there so I'm gonna have to try to hang it back up I like walked in here this morning I heard three and then the poster just went weak so my dad's actually taking us to the concert because it's in Atlanta and me and my sister are terrified to drive through Atlanta if you've ever driven through Atlanta you know it's crazy people don't know how to freaking drive and it's just I just don't wanna deal with it oh my dad is driving us and he's picking us up at three I guess I'll just maybe during the concert I know you can't film during like the fan sign in the high-touch and everything but I believe were able to film during the concert so I'll get some footage for you guys to see that and then the vlog will probably end after that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I just got back from the in fact concert and honestly that was the best kpop concert I've ever been to it's the second kpop concert that I've ever been to but like all the concerts in general it was probably my favorite if you like kpop stayin in fact guys they are amazing unfortunately the girl in front of me was filming the entire concert so I could barely see the stage because she had her phone up high exactly where my like point of view would be there's a lot of things I could not see and when I did film like just a little bit of a couple different songs I couldn't really get good footage for you guys so I apologize about that she literally film like the entire concert like I feel like she wasn't even watching it all whatever I want to show you guys my little fall I didn't get VIP and fan sign all of them I was so awkward all of the members were so nice and so pretty in person I was shaking so hard I didn't even know what to say all I could say was thank you hi and thank you is the only things I was able to even say because I could not even like put words like just words would not come out of my mouth so the ultimate VIP the ultimate VIP gets a lanyard and they write your name in Korean so there's my name in Korean then you get the CD in the little book on the inside it was signed by the members the way the fan sign work is that they gave you the booklet on this in the inside and then the members would sign that and then at the very end they would give you the actual CD you can put the booklet in and then I was able to pre-order the light stick and the slogan which is stunning I can't wait to hang this up on my wall then they give you like even though you bought like a QR code they give you like a real ticket so that's gonna be fun I'm gonna like to put all this stuff together and there was so many people passing out free stuff and it made me so happy so we got this in fact in Atlanta has all of their names and it has them on the back then someone made this one in fact in Atlanta we love you then people were like passing out like different member photo cards so here's MJ some stickers all of the members then J up because that's my bias and then this is actually like a drawing like this girl was passing them out and I don't know if it was her but here's the here's her information if anybody is interested because this is like a straight up drawing this is not a selfie like this is like a digital digital art and it's beautiful and then I got this one this is just perfect everything is perfect tonight was literally perfect and now it's midnight and it's about to start Thunder storming like hardcore and I am NOT a huge fan of storms and this is the one of the like the second night by myself so that's just gonna suck and maybe I'll turn on my fans so it'll kind of like I won't be able to hear the storm is loud because of the fan but I'm gonna go ahead and in the vlog here oh I also wanted to say that while we were waiting in line for the fan sign I looked over at Tejo because he wasn't talking to a person and I waved at him from far and he winked at me he winked at me like jf is my bias but tonight hey-ho just straight whipped me like he he's when my bias is now like j up and Tejo all my life just wanted to say that anyway I'm gonna in the vlog here I don't know how much footage was in this vlog hopefully it was like interesting enough but most of the things are I mean almost all the things are done in my apartment so I guess the next couple vlogs maybe just like random stuff I don't know if there's like recommendations of what you guys would want then just comment down below and I'll do them but I don't know what any other like I don't know any other apartment related videos to make because everything's pretty much unboxed eventually I'll do like a furnished apartment tour but I want to get I have glitter in my hair but I want to get more like I feel like it's not completed yet I still have like a lot of empty space which is fine but I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you guys in my next one bye [Music]
Channel: Alyssa Nicole
Views: 11,492
Rating: 4.9744411 out of 5
Keywords: moving vlog, apartment vlog, imfact atlanta concert vlog, imfact, kpop, grocery haul, new couch, unpacking, vlogging, clog, moving
Id: hLFcrOcDPA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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