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guys it is the next day from the last vlog it is August 11th and we have made some progress to the living room so I'm going to show you that at least my dad set up my desk this morning and I got on my computer stuff up so this is what it looks like in the corner and it looks so good so I have my streaming set up right here with my TV and computer I'm going to do my live streams over here and then I got my Mac computer which I do my video editing on and then on this side I'm gonna have it where I do like my Etsy crafts and planners and drawing and stuff right here and then in my sisters in the chair that's going to be there but that's all set up and then I'm gonna keep the bookshelves right here and I want to buy another bookshelves to put here but I'm gonna start putting all of these stuff on the bookshelves and then we're gonna try to tackle all of this and mount the TV up on to the wall you [Music] it's midnight I am officially in my apartment alone for the first night really weird because like I said Taylor spent the night with me last night so this is gonna be like the first official night that I am by myself my friends just left as you guys saw my two best friends Michael Ronnie came and visited me and we went to eat and stuff so that was nice to have them here but I guess I'll show you guys the updates from today I'm sorry I didn't film very much we did what I'm about to show you and then we went grocery shopping all day I spent $300 on groceries and I still don't feel like I even really got that much stuff which is just like crazy but here's the update of the living room it's really dark so sorry if the lighting is not amazing like I said it's midnight but here's a little entertainment system it's not perfectly centered onto this wall because where the light studies in the wall or something the TV had two people right there so I'm gonna get like a plant or something to put right here just to kind of distract all of this extra wall space but there's here we got all those boxes out of the way and here's what the living room looks like the couch is coming in the next two days or so coffee tables built all of my books are on the shelf barstools over here and I've just got to start putting these in places but my books are on the shelves I got some light bulbs for my lamps now that I'm alone I can hear people walking upstairs which is like doesn't bother me but it's just kind of weird I put some of magnets that one of my subscribers gave me in my p.o box up here so I'm going to fill this fridge with magnets the only update from this corner is I actually bought some pods so I can drink coffee in the morning and then I got some creamer and some cool stuff to make a caramel frappuccinos which I'll try in the next couple days and then the big thing which I just felt like was needed I got a pantry to go in here because literally there's not much amazing cabinet space like that's just for my plates and I'm gonna put my plastic bowls that I bought up there because I went to the Dollar Tree and bought some plastic ones today and then I got some cups and stuff I still can put stuff here which is very small things and then bags and stuff up there so I felt like I needed a pantry and this is all the food that I bought and it's just honestly just hunt feel like that much it's enough for right now obviously but got my breakfast stuff I got three boxes of ramen spaghetti fettuccine some chips some macaroni and just like that's it and I just oh and I could show you the fridge I just feel like it's just not that much here's the fridge just a little bit fuller and honestly the fridge does not feel very cold but I think it is cold enough like everything's cold it just doesn't feel very cold I don't know and I got pickles and cookies and oh my drinks back there some fruit things like that I don't know I may go grocery shopping again in the next couple days cuz I just feel like I really did not get that much stuff I made some sweet tea so I'm just waiting for that to cool off to drink in the morning but that's pretty much it oh I got bathroom stuff too the broom from the Dollar Tree so I'll be able to sweep the kitchen floor tomorrow and Swiffer and that's what I'm planning on doing tomorrow the bathroom is a mess all of this stuff from the Dollar Tree q-tips band-aids bobby pins I got all of that from Walmart obviously rubbing alcohol and then my makeup from earlier so yeah I feel disgusting so that is the update for today I'm not sure if this is going to be the end of this vlog or if I'll film more tomorrow and put two days together yet I am exhausted and I'm going to brush my teeth put on my pajamas and head to bed my parents are still gonna come over tomorrow and help me hang up curtains and things like that so I still have a lot of things to do and my parents are still gonna be here tomorrow but this is my first night by myself yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow maybe it's the next day it is now Monday quick update on how the first night went it was I slept really good actually it was super quiet the only thing I could hear was the person above me walking but in my house well in my parents house that I did live in you could hear that too so I'm kind of used to that anyway as long as they're not like jumping around and stuff doesn't bother me one it's about 11:00 in the morning right now I woke up at around like 9:30 but I've just been laying in bed but I still feel very very tired so there's a lot I need to do today though so first I'm going to make breakfast because I actually am pretty hungry so I think I'm gonna make my first cup of coffee I'm using my dad's old Keurig so it was super dirty so at Walmart last night I bought like this Keurig cleaning thing so I ran that last night and it cleaned it out really well so I'm going to make my first cup of coffee and probably make a bagel and then I also lit just let my pumpkin pecan waffles candle and I literally just let it like two minutes ago and it's already making the place smell so good that's the first thing I want to do is actually eat and then I'm going to tackle the mess of my bedroom probably and then after the bedroom I'll just do the rest of the living room which really isn't that much stuff I don't have too much to do but I want to like sweep the floors and vacuum Swiffer last night I made my first jug of tea and I haven't tasted it yet so sometime today I'm going to be tasting it and see if it's sweet enough because I love very sweet tea [Music] accidentally made the six out cup so I didn't fill the cup all the way so next time I'm gonna do the eight ounce cup but the caramel Starbucks pods taste amazing so next I'm going to put a bagel in my toaster oven never use a toaster oven before I think it's pretty self-explanatory so I'm just gonna go for it [Music] you you it's five o'clock in the afternoon and I have officially finished opening every single box - this one right here because I have stuff in there that I don't want to get rid of but I don't want to put out so I'm just trying to figure out what I want to do with it yet waiting for my couch my grandfather finished I don't like saying grandfather but my grandma's husband finished my couch today in about an hour so he and my dad will be here with my couch so I'll pretty much have all my furniture I will have all my furniture and I'm either planning on going tomorrow again tonight or tomorrow I'm not sure yet I'm gonna show you guys the progress my bedroom is completely clean now it looks amazing I went ahead and put my beanbag in the corner and my coffee table here they'll probably have to move the coffee table to get the couch but the couch is gonna go here and totally forgot that I've been trying to upload I have been importing like 10 hours of footage since 10:00 this morning yeah this has just been taking forever have my side table I have my Harry Potter lamp but I also have this lamp and I don't want to put a lamp right beside each other so I don't know what to do with all my lamps yet haven't decided if I want to keep my barstools on this side or if I should put them over here I feel like I should put them over here because it looks empty but still not sure yet office corner it's a little messy but it's done I hung up my play button my bulletin board and that and I just used like the command strips I didn't use any holes in the wall or anything like that still got to hook up my printers hang up my lights this corner he's all done and then my bedroom my bedroom is completely clean I'm just waiting for my side table my parents bring my side table that was in storage so it'll be a table right here I can put my lamp on but yep my bed's made I think I want to put posters up here I don't even care about making this place look adulty more like I was trying to make it look aesthetically nicer but I would just really prefer to have my kpop posters up here so that's what I'm gonna do I look like a psycho person but I got my mirror all my makeup stuff eventually I think I want to put a vanity here but that's just what it looks like right now i sweared the floor in my bathroom so the bathroom is completely clean I'm gonna get some like glass jars to put here to organize things because right now I just have like everything in these little drawer which is fine but I think it would just look cuter if everything was kind of in glass doors or something or if I had one big glass jar for like bath bombs so that's the bathroom and then yesterday I got a shower caddy all my shampoos are there and then I have my other stuff over there so that worked out really well that's what I've been doing all day today and I'm very proud of the way it looks I didn't eat lunch because I wasn't hungry and for dinner I'm gonna make my whole family's in fettuccine because they are coming over like I said in the next hour so to bring my couch and to help me hang up my curtains my curtain rod oh I will update you guys when the couch comes [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Alyssa Nicole
Views: 19,856
Rating: 4.975831 out of 5
Keywords: Moving vlog, moving into my first apartment, unpacking into apartment, grocery shopping, vlogging, vlogs, 20 year old
Id: J59BKiK8A6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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