Come Christmas Shopping with Me! | Vlogmas Day 19 | 2017 |

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good morning everyone and welcome to vlogmas day 19 today is a day full of shopping though basically I'm picking my sister up from school it's just me and my sister shopping and we are going out and Christmas shopping for our parents we've already bought presents but me and her are doing their stockings I'm doing my mom stocking and my sister's doing my dad stocking so we're gonna go to a couple different stores take you guys with us show you what we're buying for stockings and then and maybe we'll find other Christmas presents as well and maybe it'll give you some ideas of things to put in your parents talking or your sisters brothers boyfriend/girlfriend okay I'm on my way to get Taylor now a couple people who are asking me if these glasses were real and they're totally not real I have 20/20 vision I have like three pairs of fake glasses that I wear but I recently just bought these at ising so if any of you guys want some cute like fake glasses icing is definitely a good place so I think me and Taylor are gonna go to five below first after the girl because five below is probably the best place to get cheap Christmas presents and I'll show you the stuff in there the stuffs amazing and everything's $5 and below it's a really nice place this is kind of cute nobody would use that dog a three-foot stalking it's pointless oh she has her way if you see any Star Wars stuff oh look it's a little hatch nice hours oh he could put that in a store you of Hemery yeah which is a $5 this is hard yeah yo the ornaments get like okay I don't get ornaments get like a couple $5 things and then we can just get a bunch of $1 Thanks Oh a Harry Potter looks so qu what is this I don't know like that velvet leggings socks and so we're talking till we can get socks there's like tights there's boot cuffs [Music] okay here's a bunch of little thing so there's hand sanitizers oh no one has a lot of them are out well yeah I know that disgusting all of them are going I know okay how about baked caramel apple pie so I can't slow it here daddy likes chopsticks get him chopstick I don't know which one give him whatever us and that's for Wham do he doesn't like coconut though [Music] moisturize that one's $5.99 the ring oh is that $5.99 yeah 399 here's a bunch of socks shoot chokers keychains look at all the jewelry jury she doesn't read jewelry though see this ok nail polish here's some good stuff for mommy okay so red she always wears red honey there's first paint 3 4 5 okay I'm gonna get these three so that's five for me already and there's more over here here's some makeup go let's keep going [Applause] let's go right here do a rug I buy this for myself it's nice okay these I feel like should be a lot more expensive than $5 okay these ruts are actually really nice just one in Buffalo from the wall [Applause] well pictures their shirts oh we can get lumina something [Music] a pets car oh that's kind of cool there's clothes look there's tiny clothes max - oh it's like a little crispy space oh yeah you know mommy sure signature please I can't think of anything they were Rick and Morty okay I like that one Holly put that Fitness stocking we're gonna put it in there yeah yeah this was bent okay so that's $8 for you right now mine dollars how much for this 390 no there you know what all there's $5 on yeah yeah okay here's some into little stuff oh look at Star Wars pin Taylor look right there that's nice okay so that's my $12 yes nothing a Marvel heli wow this is really cool though I know [Music] Oh what I mean let's get her that and she'll totally know what that is look at this who's Bobby Brown when he took those about me I'll thank God here like that were either the Star Wars figured oh look I got the Star Wars stuff do you look at this one crap this one's huge always for more young customer yeah it's pretty cool who's that just the head there's more there's a little one sir he likes everything I mean that would be cool I think one of these would be like good though because it would fill up this talking to $5 okay this is $5 my poster yeah suppose 10 10 is $3 towns at 13-13 and that was poured on so you're close to 20 already well you could save the rest for um candy when we go to Walmart so you got that Easter great yeah well it depends on how much it is here's some gloves it's probably five dollars be about 20 to get gloves less he was also complaining about his other balls yeah sexy these are nice but they fit his hands I don't know are they where they're pretty big those are nice okay so how much is five okay whatever I mean it's not gonna be more than five that's all she gave her some work what it's fart [Music] squishy coming because it's cheaper at Walmart they've docked their $1 at Walmart I don't think so but we're gonna get the big one no we were gonna get the big ones remember yeah hey look what's a mystery poster the Star Wars yeah is that actually a thing you know I'm gonna kill myself I can't let you go past it look it's a Star Wars mystery booster hey it's the one direction moving yes pay a little this is really nice look this is a book just full of the just asleep posters oh look how beautiful it is I want it so bad I wanna investor how those in the new Foreman I mean this whole Connors there's gonna be a Voltron group there and they don't have a page I was like hey I could be your Pig she likes kisses right or Eminem's peanut M&Ms okay and then let's get her a box candy it's not that good ones starbursts so hunterson goobers okay just give her guys it's so crowded there's so many people we have all the stuff that we got at Walmart we're gonna show you when we get home what we got we're gonna show like us putting it and stalking and everything but there's so many people it's so hard to record because I'm just trying to like push past people and not get run over by a buggy basically I can't wait to the holidays to be over because there's it's really stressful going places when there's like crazy people everywhere trying to get presents here's the bags of stuff so we have the huge back from five below that Ziggy has claimed go-go stuff in it then we have two walmart bags one full of candy and one with a Christmas gift and one yellow one with a Christmas gift and then another stocking stuffer so we'll just go ahead and start taking out this stuff from the five below bag okay so my sister got these things so far from my dad from five below so this is a Star Wars Captain phasma yeah I don't watch Star Wars I don't know who these people are and we need to take the price tags off too then we got this Pez machine and I forgot I don't even know what this thing is called do you remember what this thing is called little creature porn porn porn porn porn that's a cool so we got that the Pez dispensers were 2 for $3 so I got one too and then we got him the Star Wars pin then a Justice League poster some chapstick because he goes through chapstick and then we got him these or Taylor got him these Falcons gloves that he can actually use when he's on his phone too and then from five below I only got a couple of things cuz it's kind of hard to shop for my mom she's really like picky about certain things and my dad just likes anything Star Wars so it was easy for her but I got this relaxation shower burst and basically you just put it in the shower and it just smells good and it relaxes you it's not like a bath bomb or anything like that but I thought that was kind of cool then rubber bands cuz we're always running out of rubber bands I got her a Princess Peach Pez machine which I think I'll like more than her but that was the only one that looked like something she'd like then I got her this kit of nail polishes I don't know which color she'll like but I know she likes the bright and we're then from Walmart I got this scratch-and-sniff hand soap and hand lotion and it's in berry Jubilee but it smells really good and then the candy I got word this peanut M&M candy cane looking thing some goobers tootsie rolls and then these Hershey's snack bites I've never had these before but they look good and my mom likes her she's so that's everything I got ferger's talking it's really not that much but hopefully it takes a lot of space and then we got this for my dad we're gonna wrap it and Taylor's gonna say it's from her bean what are you doing no what are you doing hey this is a Star Wars mug if you guys watched my video of me wrapping presents I got him the Darth Vader one so she's gonna give him the r2d2 one and this one's really cool they had a bunch of different ones and my sister got a bag of coal but it's actually just milk chocolate if she smells it and then some Reese's Pieces so now we're just going to fill the stocking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what guys I freaking tore the stocking no tailors look so normal and mine look so derpy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I ordered pizza because we were hungry and there's no food so I got Papa John's I always uh I always get up Roni pineapple and extra cheese and that's the best pizza Hey I can't open the plate food porn say cheese [Music] [Applause] [Music] order up all right so I'm gonna go ahead and read the youtube comment of the day for my video uploaded this morning which was the learning Japanese at home video so this comment is from Jessie barwick and they said I know this sounds cheesy and you must hear this a lot but I love your videos and every morning getting my passing period and watching your videos so thank you so much and it's definitely not cheesy it was a very sweet comment and then the Instagram question of the day if you guys would like to ask me a question on Instagram go to my page click on the picture of the Christmas tree ask me a question and your question might end up on one of these vlogs so this question is from I'm that guy 195 which is Rey and he's one of my biggest supporters on this channel so thank you so much and he asked what's one thing that happened in your life that you would say has defined who you are today that is a really deep question but obviously you guys have seen my well most people have seen my video from I think July of me sitting in my room crying over a boy that I was dating that we broke up and it's called heartbreak that's kind of like the saddest thing that's ever happened in my life so far which is like good for me considering it was just a breakup but it's kind of defined Who I am today because I'm a lot more independent I don't take crap from anybody like I'm just a really strong and independent person right now and I was not that a whole year ago because of who I was with and who I was hanging out with and everything like that so I think that's definitely one thing that has kind of made me grow up a little bit this year I'm a completely different person now than I was like six months ago when I graduated high school so I've grown up a lot in these past couple months and I'm I'm happy about it I'm gonna go ahead and in this vlog here I hope you guys enjoyed today I'm sorry I didn't record too much like I said there was so many people we couldn't even move I could barely move my arms without knocking into somebody there was this one lady at five below that pushed my sister with her cart trying to get by us like it's not that serious you're gonna get what you want to get it was just ridiculous and I it stresses me out so much because I don't like large crowds of people but we got what I needed for their stockings hopefully they like what's in their stocking and you guys will see their reactions on Christmas day of them opening their stocking so I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog if you would like to check out my merch I will have the link down below and I will see you guys tomorrow bye [Music]
Channel: Alyssa Nicole
Views: 6,322
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: Christmas Shopping Vlog, Come Christmas Shopping with me, Christmas, Vlogmas, Presents, Buying Presents, Wrapping Presents, Day 19
Id: ps3VEWStdGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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