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[Music] hey buddy it's Lissa welcome back to my channel today I am officially starting up my moving out vlogs this is the first one I think where I am getting rid and emptying out my old bedroom in my parents house I moved next Saturday it's currently Sunday so two full weeks away but I only work Monday and Friday this week but I work all next week so I want to try to get like the big stuff done this week so I'm gonna tackle the bookshelves today I'm gonna be living like a minimalist for like two weeks I don't know if I'll be able to handle not having my books beside me because honestly my books give me so much happiness inside my bedroom today we are tackling the bookshelves both of them and I'm just going to be packing up on my book and all of my kpop albums and then my video games and I'm packing up all that stuff and then probably closer to the end of this week or next week I'll be packing up like everything else but I wanted to tackle like the biggest part of my room right now so this video is going to be in multiple parts so I'm going to show you what my room looks like right now it's a absolute mess so coming from the hallway this is what you can see walking in I know it's so bad guys but like my life is just like kind of crazy right now so here is what everything looks like but my bookshelves are neat like always here's my bed here's a lot of stuff I've already packed up all of this is already ready to go to the apartment so in this video I'll probably be taking all of that downstairs with all of my other stuff and then I may be cleaning out some of my closet tonight I'm not sure though it's already eight o'clock and I work in the morning so I maybe just be tackling the bookshelves and then eventually I need to clean out all of my my dresser because there's a lot of clothes in there that I don't wear anymore in this video is basically just cleaning out my entire bedroom so by the end of this video this entire room will be empty and all you will see literally probably nothing will be in here we're keeping the wallpaper I may keep a one one or two books out like I'm currently reading toilet right now I make You Twilight out I am gonna keep toilet out and maybe like one other book just in case I want to read in the next two weeks [Music] a couple hours later and I've gotten my bookshelves free of but I still have my albums I have to pack but look how many boxes I have free I did not think that it would take ten boxes for my books to be in but we have ten boxes of books and I have a problem so now I just have to pack all of my kpop albums and my video games couple days later like a week later I move in a week and I've done a little bit more packing off-screen because I kind of just forgot to film but I emptied that whole bookcase right there all of my kpop albums and video games are in boxes and then I just have like random stuff on my bookcase that I just have not packed up yet don't know how I'm going to pack them or I'm just going to kind of put them in my car and drive because there's things that I just care about too much to put in like a storage unit like my photo car binder in my cameras and stuff like that so I think I'm gonna put those in my car on Saturday when I go so my next task is I close it my closet is always been super crazy I've started taking stuff out of it here's what the bottom of it looks like and then the corner I've started taking stuff out of it there was like this storage thing right here the disgust like electronic box is my camera Polaroid camera their pod stuff like that that I had out like Christmas hats and beanie and then I have some posers and stuff I'm gonna toss and then all my fish stuff is in there so I'm just gonna try to clean all this out I think I'm gonna throw away this shoe rack because the this shoe rack has been broken for years I don't know if you can tell but it's falling apart so I'm probably just gonna throw away the shoe rack because I have a walk-in closet so I feel like I'll be able to have enough room for my shoes not going to bag up any of my clothes yet I'm just I'm gonna do that like a day or two beforehand and all this stuff up there I'm going to box up to the things that I am taking I'm not taking those like dolls with me because those aren't really mine obviously going to take the crested gecko enclosure my fish stuff and then my builder bears just cuz like memories for builder bears and that's a reindeer right there so Christmas decoration right there I get my keys next Thursday signed my lease and y'all will be seeing an empty apartment tour and everything so that's fun but I'm just gonna go ahead and start you know taking things out of the closet [Music] all right so a little update on how my room look I haven't filmed a lot of it just because it's like just tedious stuff but I have emptied out most of my closet so here's what my closet looks like I kept five pairs of shoes and then I kept a couple shirts just in case I want to wear them throughout the week and outfits that I may be wearing and stuff like that so I just kept a couple probably way more than I actually need and then in my drawers I kept the bras that I wear everyday my scrubs and then I also have just some t-shirts and pajamas to wear for the rest of the week and that's it for clothes the rest is packed away already I do have all of this like random miscellaneous stuff all over my dresser I don't have another box to put them in I'm gonna see if I can get a smaller box tomorrow at work or something with all these little perfumes and stuff in because I don't have anywhere to put those and then with my bookcases I just have like little random stuff that I don't know what to do with yet or I'm not packing away like my schoolbooks because they're super heavy I don't want to put them in a box be t21 fan my in fact concert tickets my kpop binder just little things so here is an overview of the room I still have all of my makeup down there don't know how I'm gonna even do all that yeah I don't want to pack away my makeup so I don't know and then this is just a box that I just finished putting things away in closet dresser took all the things off my walls so my little pin board is gone play button all of that is gone bookcase is completely clean literally look how many holes are in my walls so bad bookcases of course so it looks really messy to me even though I don't really have that much stuff in here but I don't really have any other things to pack until you know Thursday and Saturday and everything comes along so everything else is just gonna kind of stay the way it is I think other than the little stuff on my dresser that I'm gonna find a little box for but other than that it's just the furniture have to move out on Saturdays it's moving day and I look like a but I stayed up till 2:00 in the morning editing my empty apartment tour which is already up if you guys want to check it out I have like six hours of sleep it's not too bad but now I'm up bright and early my parents are on the way to get a u-haul right now and I'm just trying to clean out the rest of my stuff in my room this is what my room looks like so far took all the sheets off of my bed just have my gecko stuff and then my dressers empty this is just going in my car the way it is so I'm just gonna drag that out my makeups just gonna go in my car and then this is what the closet looks like so I mean he hasn't changed too much since you've last seen it but when the u-haul gets here is when all the big stuff is going to start getting out of here so it's gonna make a big difference so I'll check in back with you guys when the uhaah gets here [Music] you you [Music] so we just did the first trip of emptying the house there's still a lot of stuff at the house so we're currently at the apartment we've backed the u-haul in and now we're just going to start bringing stuff in I don't know if I'm gonna be recording most of it just because I want to get done faster but then I'll update you guys with how everything's looking so far [Music] you I'm getting roasted just got back to my parents house to get just the rest of the stuff that's laying in my room but my rooms empty pretty much here's what it looks like it's super echoey if you can hear got LUMO sitting over there and then just like all this little stuff and then it'll be done got to get my dreamcatcher in my claw - I forgot about that those two things keeping the mirror here keeping the lamp those aren't my dolls and they're creepy so and then yeah it's literally empty it's crazy so here's what the living room looks like you can't even see the floor or see hardly see anything because there's so many freaking boxes and here's it's a little bit empty you're over here this is where we were eating and then it's a mess over here we got the washer and dryers the washer and dryer in yesterday and then here's my bedroom it looks like we're working on my bed we did my dresser already I put Luminess back in his home and then my mom's cleaning my bathroom for me so we're gonna set up all my bathroom stuff next it's 5:30 in the afternoon my parents have left for the night they have they're very very tired which is understandable it's probably going to stay the night tonight just to help me do some more stuff and yeah might as well so she's staying the night tonight probably and this is what the living room looks like we've gotten some progress done not much but some and this is all garbage right here we my dad built the two barstools the gaming chair has already been built we put my bookshelves over here my dad built a lamp don't have a light bulb so I can't even turn it on the most I've done I would say is in the kitchen almost done putting the contact paper on there's still tons of stuff but I finished the contact paper over here and now I just have to finish putting it up here and on the bar but I put my microwave over here looks nice I think and still need to grocery shopping I'll do that tomorrow I put in my water purifier and it worked great so the water tastes good and I am currently washing laundry gone through two loads did all my dishes so I need to put those up but yeah I'm just gonna work on finishing the kitchen and cleaning all of this up tonight oh and then we finished my bedroom pretty much I mean there's still boxes but my dad set up my bed and did my boxspring and everything so my bed's done dressers done haven't hooked up the TV but the TV's there Lumos is in there I've still got all these bags and boxes in here all of this we did some of the bathroom we put up my shower curtain here's what the bathroom looks like I was not expecting the bathroom to be as big as it is so the mat is very tiny I'll probably need to buy a bigger one eventually but I love the shower curtain from Target it's so pretty I still have all of this stuff but that's the update at 5:30 at night I'll probably update you guys again maybe just one more time and show you guys a little bit later tonight what it looks like and then in the video just because I'm tired but I'm gonna be filming the entire process so this will be multiple videos like you guys asked a lot of you guys have really been enjoying the empty apartment tour so I am glad that you guys liked it there is a fly that has been in my apartment for the past two days and it won't freaking fly out the door no matter how many times I open it so that's annoying but yeah I'm just gonna go ahead and just start opening more boxes and stuff and I'll update you guys a little bit later it's 10:30 at night and I'm done and boxing stuff I am so tired so I'm going to take a shower and go to bed my sister's spending the night and then we're doing all of more of this tomorrow so that's fun but I wanted to show you guys what my kitchen looks like I am very very proud of it right now it may change in the next couple days so starting from over here I got my toaster oven my blender tea maker the cute little things from Target that I got my Keurig which is missing a lot of pieces it's really old eventually I think for my birthday I'm gonna ask for the new one but yeah my Keurig my little pod holder coffee press back there and my little mugs got my drawing mat all of that the the paper that we put on the countertops are not perfect obviously but from far away they look really good so I'm happy with it then over here I got my knives my utensils salt and pepper I just put a little skillet right here because I think it's just cute for decoration my little cat towels from Ross and then like I said my microwave towels have my plates and things I don't have a lot of space which really stinks so when I get all my groceries tomorrow I have no idea where I'm gonna put them and like I said I think I want to buy like a little pantry thing to put in here yeah that is the progress of the kitchen that's the most progress I've made today there's a lot of pots and pans under here too I've cleaned all of them in the dishwasher I've done two loads of laundry my bedroom is a little bit messier than the last time you saw it because I'm unpacking the last box of clothes so here is what my closet looks like I have so many long sleeves and so little of short sleeves like it's crazy I don't know why I have so many long sleeves I don't really wear them that much anyway then all my dresses and shoes so that's what my closet looks like and yeah I got my mirror right here it may change places I feel like this would be a really really good area to put a vanity because I've always wanted to have like my own sit-down vanity to do my makeup and everything so eventually I think it'll go here and then I'll move the mirror over here with my nightstand but for right now it's just gonna go right here and we've put a dent in a little bit of the living room stuff this is all empty boxes I moved my little entertainment stand right here the thing I got from five below holds my vinyl perfectly I love it so much and then tomorrow my TV's gonna be mounted on the wall and taking things out all of the things that are over here are things that are going to go in this general area so I just kept them over here but I still have all these boxes I have to go through tomorrow and I will be going grocery shopping tomorrow yeah I'm gonna go ahead and in this log here I feel like this is a very long vlog I hope you guys have been enjoying it I'm going to be vlogging the entire experience and a lot of you guys told me like vlog literally you decorating every single room so I'll probably do it just for the content and it's fun I love filming yeah I'm going to do that but I'm gonna end the vlog here and the next vlog is just going to be me the next day it'll probably be a couple more days for you guys but next vlog is gonna be me setting up more stuff going grocery shopping and just basic stuff like this so for the next couple weeks all you're going to be seeing is vlogs so if you don't like vlogs I apologize but I will go back to normal stuff after a little but but my life has been changing drastically so yes we have this but I hope you guys enjoy this video and I will see you guys in my next one I [Music]
Channel: Alyssa Nicole
Views: 22,347
Rating: 4.9796782 out of 5
Keywords: moving day vlog, packing up my room, cleaning my old bedroom, deep cleaning my room, cleaning, cleaning vlog, moving vlog, movnig into apartment, apartment vlog
Id: WRfC3Fiyy1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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