Grinding For RANK #1 In Rocket League! | Playing With The 4 Time WORLD CHAMPION... | PRO 3V3

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able to place a good shot there good pass from gyro as well yeah in general in threes you always want to be looking for the best case scenario for your team for the next touch try to think one or two touches ahead if you can if you make a hit somewhere will it be good for your team won't be bad if it's bad definitely don't do it if it's good obviously make the touch but try to look ahead a little bit don't try to be like super auto pilot with your touches try to be like thoughtful about where the ball is going to end up if you do a certain thing good start though good play so far good fake i had to pass the middle but i noticed that the guy last back in net creeped out a little bit too far so he's gonna be in a bad position to follow that one up so we were able to take advantage of that i'm gonna fake this i can't actually have the wall in time it's gonna be better for gyro looks like he's leaving it as well i follow that up my first touch here i'll go again here good blocks maybe back 30 boost got some pads in a good position here trying to think about how we could challenge this next ball good put a fake challenge here because oh my game's lagging i don't know if you guys saw that my game just straight up uh froze for a second right there probably shut up for you guys try to go for the boost it's a good boost still i can go back now playing third man when i'm 30 i'm gonna play a little bit deeper that way if they do bang this ball away i'll be in a pretty good spot to deal with it fake this one past middle now is leaving it for gyro looks like should be able to get back uh i wanted to go for a 50 50 on them i actually played that really well and behind full boost here block again my first touch pass off the wall of gyro nice really good play there from jared to hit off the wall for me again i'll play my plane good patience so far overall like when we had the chance to be patient this game we've been patient and waited for the right opportunities to actually take our chances on that went a little bit late to that i should have waited that's one of the ones that i should wait on for sure because they're in a much better position nice good kill there good play all around three men play the pass from turbo to find gyro there and gyro with the shot i just secured it i didn't need to touch it probably but why not touch this back down it's fine effectively does the same thing i'm going to fake this so i save my boost and jack get a good hit forward i'll probably have this on the back wall so my left side on that side of the ball so i can only really go to the left side pass it over to turbo he pre-jumped it the pre-jump good touchdown it's just the goal passing turbo shot nothing crazy nothing too fast just gets it on target it makes some panic enough that it goes in i'll definitely take it hopefully it'll play it almost dropped a thousand points that's a pretty good game from us for sure there all right good first game let's get to the next one see if we can keep it up get back to back dubs for today definitely saw it all around though let's see the next one goes all right for the last team we got us against alex flexmo and slep keeping another solid game here my left side on turbo i can't really beat him to this i'll just wait should be gyro's ball here your teammates like back and ready to get positioned for the ball the shorts are behind them it's almost always the better play here we go for the shirt off so just wait put a position back wall here the patient defense all right i'm going to be next up for this ball most likely let's try a challenge let's get beat over one i should have got that more right to gyro i would have been best case scenario on that play i think can't challenge this straight off the bat so i'm just gonna wait and then i'm missing so it actually gives you an opportunity to challenge now that's how being patient there is good because if you keep your position on the ground most times you'll be able to react to what happens in the best way possible my bad turbo he probably thinks he should in the way i think i should know when cause he probably has a better angle but either way it's not too bad we still have pressure let him hit it back turbo i can't really win the challenge there so i don't want to take a bad challenge i also won his boost which is good even though i died it's a pretty good thing because he's stuck here still and roughly you got to look at like what one thing does in the next 10 seconds in my opinion that's the crazy part about this game is one decision one little thing you do makes a big difference for the remainder of the game the next 20 seconds are very heavily impacted by one decision you make so i won't touch some turbo right here and missing affects everything that's going to happen right so like every single thing leads up to everything else you got to be very smart about how you make your choices in this game and if you overthink a little bit too hard you know it's it's not going to be good because you can you can look at anything as a mistake in this game right that's something i had a really hard time trying to stop doing for a long time was when i watched my own replays i would see little things i would point them out and i would uh be there for hours being able to point out little things that caused issues in the next 20 seconds of play even though i might not have been the one back missing a ball and net i was the person that left that person in a 1v1 in a very tough spot that made them have to miss right so you can look at things like that forever so that's something that you definitely have to be careful of when you're trying to analyze your own play and trying to improve don't overthink everything but just look at the bad habits that do consistently cause issues in in the the game that's the big thing that you have to try to do and that's something that i i've been able to learn to do over uh these last few years for sure as a big issue of mine was looking too deep into every little mistake instead of looking at the big ones that are bad habits that happen a lot because you can very easily over analyze very little things something as little as i fake challenge when i should have went for the bowl 20 seconds ago led to them having sustained pressure on our side which eventually lets it i'm getting a goal right something as little as that you can look at as a mistake and think of it as your fault and it's good to be at fault for your mistakes but it's also good to realize that you know you can't play perfect as well there's no one that can play perfect and everything if you look hard enough can be a mistake it can be a bad thing it's gonna fake here should be easy for turbo i shot a focus up here in two minutes tied up way back here i'm lost back for a bit so i try to kill time here try to get two touches one to myself take the big hit here makes him back off a little bit and i have full control of this ball get over another one fake this on the wall fake again make up touches you're gonna have to backflip in a second almost got the flick middle would have been really good actually might have been a goal potentially behind jar right here i'll go first let's get over me it's actually fine honestly a little bit awkward because i gotta touch on that ball i'll try to pass it down to turbo i thought he was back becomes a little awkward should be fine should be fine as well very very weird oh my he was trying to pitch it as well very weird touches this game let's get fake back there though make the big hit take my time go up the wall here can't go anymore let them touch that away to gyro something i actually don't mind doing at all giving your team a free ball in a situation even if you hit the ball away first it's actually almost always a better thing that's why i don't mind that as well losing a 50 like that actually winning it really because we get the ball end result most teams actually try to lose 50's on purpose now in rlcs because it just goes back to your team so a lot of players will just drive into the ball let the other player challenge it and it goes straight back to your team over and over again you just keep pressure like that so actually right there was a good example a sequence of losing a lot of 5050s but it just goes straight back to our team regardless if you have someone back and your rotations are there no issue with the ball going over your head or losing a 50. drop from the arrow nice term i have a double here take my time on this let him hit it we have a goal lead so we don't need to force anything crazy here let turbo have this now gonna be behind me i bumped up it should be okay for daryl he's backfall backboard is the best place to defend that nice well played well played i almost had to give it up but i'll play they played well they actually put up a really good fight but you guys gonna be on for this one i wanted to get a little bit in depth about the negative aspect of reviewing your replays and criticizing yourself you do need to be critical of yourself to improve you need to look at your replays you need to realize where you're making your mistakes but at the same time don't be too critical don't be too harsh on yourself don't overthink things so much to the extent where every little thing you do can be looked at as a mistake look at the major things you're doing wrong and try to cut those out one by one look at the bad habits that you consistently make and just try to take those out of your game as slowly but as surely as you can and don't be too hard on yourself when you're making those mistakes because everybody make mistakes man every single pro player that's currently playing right now for professional team makes hundreds of mistakes a game still still to this day i watch a lot of pro play players that you consider the best players in the world all make hundreds of mistakes a game seriously i can literally open up replay now show you 100 mistakes in a single game that make their team in a bad spot or put their next teammate up in a bad situation right there's so many little things you can point out as mistakes but you gotta look at the big picture and look at the big things to put your team in a good position that you should start doing more and look at the things that put your team in a bad position that you should just start cutting those bad habits out right that's all you gotta do when you're looking at your replays because i do mention that a lot look your replays critical for yourself but you also look at things in a positive way as well yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video have yourself a wonderful day or night whatever happens when you guys are watching this like comment and subscribe and i'll see you guys all in the next one i love you peace silent in the dark waiting
Channel: SquishyMuffinz
Views: 448,561
Rating: 4.9624343 out of 5
Keywords: Professional Rocket League, Squishy, Rocket League Analysis, Mechanical Player, SquishyMuffinz, Smart Game Play, RLCS World Champion, Rocket League Training, Professional Game Play Analysis, NRG Esports, NRG Squishy, Free rocket league coaching, free rocket league tips, professional rocket league coaching, gaming tips and tricks, improve rocket league game play, supersonic legend, ssl, rlcsx, epic gaming, turbopolsa, nv turbo, 4 time world winner
Id: nU0n27bRdGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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